Tales Of

>Lloyd was the last bad Tales protagonist before they started getting decent.

>In his own game everyone else in the series besides the half-elf mages were more interesting representatives of the series.

Be honest. Does anyone really care about Lloyd that much other than muh Gamecube?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Two swords, bro

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gonna be honest, I started on Tales of Symphonia and found Luke to be a better character than Lloyd.

The problem with Lloyd is that he doesn't really change. He never liked the idea of a chosen one solving his problems and when he finds out it was a bunk system he spends the rest of the game philosophically cutting corners into the round hole for his square peg. The most he changes is just going "oh, guess my way isn't going to be easy" and that's about it.

While Luke goes from dickish, but ultimately naive pampered prince to a genuine person.

Is Xilliabro as based as he looks?

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Tales of Syphonia is a story with an ensemble cast, with a plot that focuses on Colette's Journey and it's intersections with Mithos' and Kratos' and Journeys.

It isn't about Lloyd. He's not meant to change through the story, or grow - he's a stand in for the player, basically just a narrative device.

The reason so many people like him (or know him, rather) is that he's the one fixture through the game, so he's basically synonymous with it. But he wasn't the focus of the game or it's plot, like most other Tale's games have done with their protagonists.

Jude is okay I guess. His whole thing is that he really really wants to fuck Milla. His actual personality is the typical nice kind sort. He does do some cool things though, like literally punching his world's God in the face

People who like Luke over Lloyd aren't humans also kill yourselves cunts

Compelling debate you got going there.

he's robin
also his outfit is cool so he wins


Isn't it interesting how the people who hate Luke the most are also the ones who act the most like him?

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Milla is my favourite.

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>Lloyd was the last bad Tales protagonist before they started getting decent.


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Lloyd is a bro. I've liked him far more than every other Tales protag, like Luke or Yuri.

Luke brings out the worst in all of us.

Jude is a pathetic beta male toadie.

In game play though he's a god tier Monk character. His movement and combos endgame are absolutely fantastic and he becomes the most fun character in the game to play as.

Emil is a much better character that Lloyd. He actually has, you know, character development instead of just parroting the same lines over and over again, unchanged despite the events and people that sound him.
Emil was a properly executed character, even if you found him annoying.

Lloyd has shit character development and is a 7/10 protagonist.

Luke is fine and actually grows in the story as a character, he is simply far superior in comparison as an actual protagonist and far more woven into the plot of the story.

Lloyd is literally just some beta male kid Kratos had some time hovering around Colette and her story.

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He is pretty okay as a character, not too bad yet not too good, his side is better than Milla's and it's one of my favorites Tales characters gameplay wise

Lloyd was just an avatar for the player. Most other protagonists, even Emil, are better characters, since they're actual characters.

I thought he was cool in Radiant Mythology.

He's a manwhore.
He direct tether with anyone just because he can.

I bet Emil actually knows how to make sandwiches too unlike some people.

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>Lloyd better than Luke
>Lloyd a better character than Luke
Get smugged on Lloydfag

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You meant to write "the last GOOD" Tales protagonist.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

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As a character, no, he's a pussywhipped annoying faggot, though Millia's pussy game is pretty strong so you don't blame him too much for that by the end of the game, he's still a dumbass though.
As a playable character though, he's incredibly based, up there with Stahn, Asbel, Shing and Ludger as most fun MC to play as.

Lloyd can fuck multiple girls, he is fucking based

>New Muzet pic for the collection
You're one of the (few) good tripfags aceman

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Only in Xillia 2 I found him interesting

>This protag's life was so shit that the true end of literally retconing him completely out of existence is more of a mercy at that point.

Is Ludger allowed ANY happiness?

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Lloyd is pretty fucking good, what are you talking about
>b-but he doesn't change or grow!
Yuri hasn't grown either lmao

>Hating Lloyd

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Yeah, direct tethering with Aska.

He seems pretty happy in some if the doujins.

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>Emil is a much better character that Lloyd
This is a profoundly disgusting opinion.

And multiple men, too. Lloyd jives with everyone in his party.

>Not one person can confess their love to Lloyd.
Nice try.

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Not every confession has to be explicit dumbass

Well that explains why you're here.

Lloyd will always be my favorite because he was just a hard working guy that wanted to make a difference in the world. He admits his weaknesses and knows when to take a supportive stance to other characters when something is better suited to them or they're in some form of crisis. He was a protagonist where it made sense for all of the party members to want to follow him for once while still believing in their cause. It's also one of the few games where a protagonist can end up with any of the girls and there's plausible reason for each of them. Even though he doesn't develop much, Lloyd at least had steady motivations throughout the game. People praise Yuri like the second coming when he undergoes no development and has barely any set goals besides "what does Estelle want to do". Still, I would say Graces/Symphonia 2 marked the downfall of the series in almost every category, especially in terms of protagonists. Since then, Ludger stands out but that's mainly due to the circumstances around him, his design, and his gameplay.

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Velvet raised the bar again

A confession is literally a formal statement.

Everyone is shit compared to Yuri.

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Why won’t anybody give phantasia any love?
All I see nowadays is symphonia or berseria shitposting

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You're gonna tell me you like this fuck face over Lloyd?

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Because zoomers don't play old games. The game is 25 years old and older than 95% of Yea Forums.

>muh character development

There does exist BAD character development, which is worse than a flat character.

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Phantasia has the best story, setting, and characters, but the worst gameplay (even on the psx remake)

Lloyd's alpha aura intimidates them. They wouldn't be able to handle a rejection.

Going off the dialogue Lloyd has with Emil when you choose a character, they clearly do by the time the sequel takes place.

I enjoy Phantasia a lot but it somewhat hard to get into nowadays

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I still want a complete remaster, updated to the standard gameplay mechanics and visuals. I wish they'd do that for all the older titles, but it's a pipe dream.

>Emilfags actually exist

is this some weird ironic shitposting thread cause american hours just woke up?

Tales of Symphonia is literally the only good Tales game. Hideo Baba ran this franchise into the dirt. Even they were aware how popular it was when they tried to cash in on a direct sequel, but unfortunately it was fucking retarded cause it was a hideo baba game.

But you already got one haha :(

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Everything after Van is trash
Dirty fucking weebs

Sadly, this.

I love Symphonia, but it's not the best. Why do so many Symphoniababbies say this exact opinion?

Because we think it's the best?

Yo who the fuck is that beauty?

My wife

Dhaos' daughteru from Phantasia and Narikiri Dungeon X NEVER EVER

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SHIT she's hot. Dammit Bamco, give us back this beauty.



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A guest party member who got shoved into a half assed remake
At least it removed spell pause

She's in Rays :^)

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the combat in every tales game after symphonia seems like such an undeveloped unsatisfying frustrating afterthought that the games shouldn't have even been shipped. i remember playing some psp tales game and thinking "wow this is fucking garbage" and dropped it almost immediately, chocking it up to thinking that 90% of psp games were fucking garbage. but no, that shit carried on regardless of how powerful the platform they were developing for. enemies falling out of combos, enemies not taking hitstun or reacting to attacks, absolutely shit combat mechanics, questionable storytelling decisions, like damn everything went to the garbage dump after symphonia. the only saving grace of Tales of Abyss was Guy, and playing as Guy rather than luke even though luke was the mc, cause Guy actually had Tales MC moves and combo mechanics. Like something got fucked up there definitely.

its posts like this that make me think tales of games are profound in a way other games aren't
who the fuck could ever like Emil or Asbel even a little bit?

Lloyd is alpha as fuck

luke is a retarded zelos in every imaginable way.

Was it hot or cold?

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Yggdrasil was right. Not everyone has a super powered stone granting them the power to fight back against oppressors. The half elves were unjustly discriminated against for their mere existence. Hell Lloyd saying that they could go anywhere they wanted is proof enough of his ignorance of their powerlessness st their situation.


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I feel like we didn’t play the same game, Lloyd gets the most development of the main cast, changing from a bullheaded idiot to a naive optimist.

>character development
>hurr durr all of that matters of a character is development
stock shit tier development is far far worse than a character that has most of his values figures out by the beginning

What's the best way to play Phantasia?

play the Phantasian Productions fan translation
If you know moonrunes you can play X on PSP

Been playing through a bunch of the Tales of games and most of them are pretty bad to be honest. I unironically enjoyed Zestiria the most out of what I've played. I'm still going through Berseria so I don't have an opinion but seriously fuck Vesperia. Vesperia is a game about nothing that goes on for 50 hours. Yuri was interesting but it doesn't help that the rest of the game was a boring slog to get through.

Tales of arise is gonna suck, isn't it.

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The PS1 version is overall the best. You know japanese you can also play the PSP version instead. The PS1 version has a more fleshed out battle system and some of things you come to expect from Tales. Like skits.

SNES version isn't bad mind you. Just different.

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Oh boy, here we go.

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It looks like more grimdark edgy shit like the last 2. Tales has gone 100% chuuni now.

What are your thoughts on him?

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Based, he was the first jrpg protag I ever played as.

Chad, fun to play as even in the original PSX version

I have a soft spot for his classic hotblood archetype. Good voice, good moveset, nice MA's (Or BC's if you wanna call them that), I like how he's just a simple country boy who seeing the world but not portrayed super dumb or something.

zelos is a retarded zelos
which is why i like him

he should have married philia instead of rutee

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I wanted to replay it in english but this is never gonna happen now because the faggot fan translator bail out.

I've only played the PS1 version as I dislike the PS2 art style, How does the PS2 version compare?

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ninja milk

Which Tales MCs are chads?

>he should have married philia instead of rutee
I agree
Because I want Rutee for myself

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Other than Colette and Sheena I don't see how he could be with any of the girls

Persona romances are horribly done. There's no plausible reason as to why the girls might like the MC.


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Why is the semen demon relegated to mobile only my dick can't take it

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i agree, but even so i'd like to pick presea someday just for a giggle
>cucks colette
>cucks sheena
>cucks genis
>cucks regal maybe

Cress, Stahn, Reid, Julio and Caro, Senel, Luke
not Yuri, his game is lame

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Luke is Zelos without any of the charm.

flynn is the chad of vesperia, yuri just eats his dust
>young qt 3.14 rising star among the knights who has a hot girl so crazy over him she's willing to kill

You fags have deceived me for the last time

Am I the only person who played as Presea during multiplayer?

It's pretty obvious Presea respects him and feels like he's all she's got if you pursue her. It also confirms they hooked up in the sequel.
The only matchup Lloyd doesn't really work with is Raine.

Is this what Colette would look like if she became a hooker?

Presea is unironically the best choice. The dialogue they have together is great. Lloyd works with just about everyone, but Presea only works with Lloyd and he realizes that.

She's fun to play as, hits like a truck, and does the second highest amount of damage after Lloyd, so no.

that's clearly marta

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>tfw it took 25 years for best boy to finally get (1) 3D model in a mobage of all games
Like others said, it's old now and people these days don't like going back to play old games most of the time unfortunately. It was my first Tales though and one of my rip favs if favorite though so I'll never forget it.

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Based and Summonerpilled

I still need to finish his game but he's one of my fav protags in the series along with a high fav in general. I'm glad that out of all the protags he was the one to get canonically married.

I like Lloyd. His character development just happens to be testing and confirming his beliefs rather than changing them.

>Lloyd: We should strive to save everyone! No one should be sacrificed!
>Everyone else: That's dumb and naive, Lloyd. You can't save everyone. In going against society and trying to save those people you're going to rock the boat and cause even more casualties. You're being a child.
>Lloyd: Maybe you guys are right, a lot of people are getting killed when I try to change things.
>Lloyd:Wait a minute, no, fuck you guys. I'm being a child because I want a world where we don't have human sacrifice, human slaughterhouses, slavery, race wars, and artificial scarcity? Being an adult is just "keep your head down and hope you're not the one who gets fucked over"? No, this is all super worth it.

It's pretty much "guy gets booed for saying the truth, keeps saying it until everyone agrees with him."

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Why do Tales games still change names of characters and items and even skills in localizations still. They aren't gels but why the hell do they keep it?

>rip favs
I meant *top favs, feel free to shame my phoneposting.

I've always hated Lloyd, but then I've never cared much for any of symphonia's characters or the game in general.
Everyone spooged their pants over the 3d battle system, but as someone that played phantasia, destiny and eternia before it came out, compared to eternia symphonia felt fucking slow and clunky.
And don't even get me started on summons aka that thing sheena only did once in my entire playthrough.

Symphonia hasn't aged well at all and its mostly nostalgia on why people like the game. Old tales games are super stiff and uncomfortable to play.

>Everyone spooged their pants over the 3d battle system
Are you sure you're talking about Symphonia? Combat is probably one of the things people don't really praise it for. It was serviceable then, and has definitely shown its age now.

thoughts on her?

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Worst character in Symphonia. I hate the airheaded goody-goody archetype.

But is the coffee hot or cold...?

We'll never know because she spilled it! She spilled Lloyd's delicious coffee! All his hard work all over the ground! Then she had the AUDACITY to start whining about not being able to taste or feel! Like, who cares?! I would be groveling at Lloyd's feet lapping that coffee up out of the DIRT!

According to the producer they specifically wanted him to suffer to have the player invest in his character's arc.

For a lot of people, it actually worked well because nobody else is more sympathetic in that game, not even the original cast of Xillia.

Of the girls the only one that doesnt really work is raine, those convos just feel forced compared to the rest

I love my daughter.

Terrible char, only made worse since shes driving the plot for most of the game


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Will Alphen deliver as a MC?


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Soon I hope

Can be surprisingly cute given her achetype

Wake me up when Symphonia gets a remaster.

What are you talking about?
But it already got one bro


>This scene was voted to make into the image for Mithos MA in rays

Not happening user, all you get is a port
Bet theyll remake symphonia 2 though, just for kicks


What is this hell

when are we getting graces and xilia hd ports? was vespy even popular enough to warrant one outside of the exclusive content that Japan got?

Some basic gameplay footage and release date at TGS probably. If we're lucky we'll get a demo at some point too.

chronicles was only, what, 5 years ago? so you probably won't be getting any new symphonia stuff for a while

and for good reason, the entire sequence at altessa's is the most (unintentionally) funny part of the game

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>was vespy even popular enough to warrant one outside of the exclusive content that Japan got?
Overseas Tales fans bitched at Bamco over ten years for it user. They had to break down at some point.

I do think we'll eventually get ports of Graces and Xilla however

second one was meant for , obviously

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This is the most overrated Tales, I played almost all of them and, at the moment, Syphonia is the one I liked the least.

>sheena in judith's outfit

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might as well post the rest

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why does guy wear a dog collar anyway

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It's symbolic and shit.


graces protagonist was worse though

I wanted to punch asbel

I forgot everything about that game except the r63 asbel porn

only decent thing to come out of graces was the combat

Magic is the courage that turns reality into dreams.

Abyss Remakes/HD ports when?

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Not that one

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never ever, enjoy your 3ds port

I didnt really like the combat, I always ended up spamming 1 combo every fight.
I think X2 did the combos with weaknesses better. I mean there are even combo videos for X2 so that has to say something about the combo system.

Who the fuck is that. Muh

Graces was the reason I started trying out non protagonist characters in Tales games. Pascal and Hubert were the sickest characters in Tales history. Laphicet from Tales of Beseria had some really cool stuff too, I used him for almost the entire game.

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>I mean there are even combo videos for X2
There are combo videos for just about every game in the series though

Tales of the Abyss 3DS or PS2?

X2's combat wasnt bad though i always felt stuck with ludger due to how much the game pushes him on you and how broken he is compard to the rest of the cast. Graces just seemed to nail that 2d/3d mix and the dodge system was great and promoted doing something other than combo hell due to limited points

yeah think every char in graces felt pretty good to play actually liked using cheria though hubert was my go to aswell, wasnt very fond of the mage guy thoguh

The chick from Tales of Crestoria

Did anyone notice how Luke's eyes became less slanted once he cut his hair? Is Bamco trying to send a message?

Pre haircut Luke was cool for me

Abyss has the best opening in the series.

I forgot all about that. Did it release yet?

Flynn admits multiple times that at least half of his accomplishments are secretly Yuri's, and asks him to take credit for them. Yuri refusing to do so is the ultimate chad move

>worst gameplay
Well...it is the first game.

This user speaks the truth, there's a reason why Karma has over 33 million views on YT

Everyone always says that Vesperia is the best Tales game, but honestly I was kind of underwhelmed. The characters were really great, but the overall story was pretty mediocre, and the game can be a slog at times. Is it really the best, or have I been memed?

OG innocence said hi.

Abyss is a very high second though

she's used as a plot device so hard she doesn't have much outside of it

people will usually shill symphonia/abyss/vesperia over any other tales, vesperia got a 2nd high since the re-release came out. All 3 are pretty strong games though symphonias likely aged the worst in its mechanics. Far as story goes, thats vesperias low point since not really much happens, granted tales plots are pretty middle tier at best

Vesperia's story is okayish, but it goes full retard on the last act

He's only slightly less emasculated and annoying than Emil at the outset. There's really nothing remarkable about his character--he's just an unnaturally nice guy with a thick coating of that stupid fucking oblivious harem master trope Nips love.
He's better in the second game, I think, because for whatever reason the entire returning cast turned into a pack of sociopaths.

Holy milkers

Follow the Nightingale is also incredibly underrated, the shot of Spada's swords clashing always makes my peepee hard

I hated her when I was younger, but now she's my #2 after Raine.
Also, I wish they kept her gloved design in the game for more than a single cutscene. Gloves are cute.

Its drawn by NDC who does mostly hyper thicc milf types. You can find a bunch of his stuff on the “Venus body type” thread on /d/

Kind of a surprise he drew Tear randomly out of the blue. I hope he draws her again but lewd like his main art.

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and then he kills Mithos, his friend

colette and lloyd are cute fuck the haters they probably never had a childhood relationship

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God I fucking hate Jude so much.

Lloyd looks so fucking good in that outfit. Always annoyed me that they didn't make the scabbards brown, though.

its the most polished. lots of side quests secret items, fun random stuff but overall i think games like abyss, phantasia, eternia were more powerful because of story

>TFW your game is so bad you get kicked out of Mothership status

At least people remember most of the other protagonists.

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>last bad

you mean last good.

>had to deal with racism
>had to deal with losing a friend
>had to deal with growing up
>stupid in the beginning but smart at the end
>good with the ladies he could date anyone of them he liked
>two fucking swords
>had to deal with growing up without a father
>had to fight said father
>learned to trust
>two fucking swords
>got to marry a cute blonde angel


Stupid Sexy Teenage Werewolf

It's the most polished and recent 3D Tales before Baba came along. Everything afterwards just has some incredible flaws like no world map, every area being practically the same, gimped multiplayer and battle system more and more going towards special artes fests.

At least he's pretty good in the Radiant Mythology games

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Is there a 60fps mod for symphonia pc?


The only thing I didn’t like about ToA was that Luke spends the entire time blaming everyone else for everything, but the moment that actually changes him is when he gets blamed for something that unironically wasn’t his fault

He's foolish to think I WOULDN'T play through the game like this

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But really. It doesn't exist. That's because the PC is based off the PS3 version which is also based off the PS2 port. Which was 30fps. The whole thing is fucked.


bought Vesperia and played it up to where you meet Flynn and then stopped because Shadowbringers.
I'm liking it but it feels like there's no techs to string together at the moment, and I've read that it's kinda linear and doesn't have all that much happening in it. Is there a specific point in which i should get to before passing some judgment on it?

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I-It's an acquired taste.

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Luke would've been fine if he wasn't a 100% faggot and then 0% faggot immediately after he cut his hair. There was 0 growth he literally changed into a different character after he got "no u'd"

Lloyd is one-dimensional but at least he stayed true to his character.

Then they dropped his remake.

He also doubted himself more than once on his journey. The OVA has a lot of great character moments.

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>and then 0% faggot immediately after he cut his hair.
After he cut his hair he was still a faggot but also a doormat.

>there's no techs to string together at the moment
That's because Vesperia takes its sweet ass time when it comes to giving you combat options. You can make things better by learning how to manual cancel, which gives you some decent combo options almost from the get go at least.
Also, Zagi's a cunt.

OVA Colette is precious.

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Thoughts on her?

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Laura Bailey/10

>need to exploit canceling to have fun early game
REEE Fine I'll learn it.

Awful, but thats ToS2 in general

Annoying girl in a crummy escort title.

Really? ToS2 has problems but I don't count her as one of them. She doesn't feel like she belongs in Symphonia though.. but that's mostly the weird contrast of ToS2's modern anime style and characters colliding with ToS1's 90's style anime style and characters.

DESU I wish they would have just made ToS2 it's own game instead of piggybacking off the original. The Pokemon mechanic was fun but any time ToS1 stuff is involved it typically makes it worse.

Why is she on her knees?

It's not even an exploit, it just pops up on the battle book at some point in the game when it should've been there from the start.

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>you can see every single one of kratos' muscles through his costume

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her constant clinging/jealousy was as bad as emils doormat status, and theyre the only 2 real pt members since everyone else is gimped/doesnt stay in pt til the very end

The dwarven vows should tell you if he was as good character or not. He believed in kindness and love! Isnt that what everyone needs? I think that considering the scenario of symphonia he was the only way his character could have been. Lloyd is good protag

>Why is she on her knees
She's proposing to Emil.

>last game I played was Vesperia
>try Berseria
>battle system consisting of spamming you character's gimmick, walking simulator with skits
I like the cast but what the fuck happened?

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This guy happened

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Cute design wasted on a shit game

Good think he gone for good

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Cute flat. Probably fucks like a tiger.

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>Baba "leaves" Bamco to join Squeenix after Zestiria
>gets a new studio for himself
>nothing to show for it 2 years later, studio gets closed
>Baba "leaves" Square not too long after
I wonder what's the next step of his master plan

Will there ever be another 2D fully fledged title?


Maybe a PS1 Destiny "remaster" on mobile if you're lucky

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never ever

She's nice.

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Not sure who I wanna wish him upon. It's not like he can just go back to SE, so maybe Konami. Dunno if Capcom deserves him.

So he's Kirito of Tales?

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His snarky, kinda dickish friend's friend, to be precise.
Losing Mithos is acceptable and boy did he get a fate better than he deserved for instigating and supporting 4000 years of fucking BULLSHITTERY, slavery and racism he himself suffered under. Fffffuck Mithos.

I'm playing Vesperia finally after not having an xbox to play it for years. Only thing is I am a bit disappointed in the towns. I mean they are pretty but I expected them to be closer to Abyss and Symphonia where there were more places to enter. I mean it's expected cause it's a newer gen. I'll have to get further to see how much I like it. My favorite tales game is Abyss.

he was also like "i did nothing wrong i regret nothing" until the very end.
It was just sad that lloyd decided he was the only friend he had to sacrifice in order for peace to occur
he also kills Mithos himself

Which character from Vesperia / Berseria Edna is closest to in terms of personality?
I picked up Zestiria because I like her design and I don't really care about the rest of the characters just by looking at their design and I need to know how badly I fucked up since everyone keeps saying how the game is bad etc.

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What's the point of comparing her to any other character? She's her own character. She's a sort of moody, snarky girl. She likes to tease and argue with Mikleo. She loves and misses her brother, although she's somewhat tsun about it, iirc.
Zestiria is just mediocre as far as Tales go. If you like the series in general, you can probably finish Zestiria without trouble.

here's you're main heroine bro

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10 days

>waits hundreds of years for his husbando to return to him
Good heroine.

I just returned to sylvarant in Symphonia, how do I make sure I date Prescea?

>"i did nothing wrong I regret nothing"
He played the long con desu. He and Lloyd believed in what they were doing.

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kill genis

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You do all her skits and choose the right things to say. If there's every a dialog situation where it allows you to choose someone to do something then you always pick Presea.

Presea is the hardest because she doesn't gain affection from any cooking, so it's really just a matter of dumping on everyone else. Be sure to talk to Janet and Horace in Meltokio and Sybak in that sidequest and comfort her

Favor her and turn down the other bitches.

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hit all the field points, pick her for curry, do the janet side quest in meltokio, and pray with thme at alicia's grave rest is just dialogue choices, shes the 2nd hardest next to raine just cause raine means picking every choice lloyd wouldnt make if you want the most points

childish and immature Luke >> Lloyd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest-of-the-game Luke

My wife. I love her.

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>decent protag
Pick one

That wasn't so hard

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Legend of Heroes fan, I presume.
Fags like you should go fuck themselves.

I think Lloyd is great!

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How likely is Lloyd going to be playable in Smash Ultimate? The Mii Swordfighter glitch potentially leaked him.

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Presea gets tons of events and a lot of the dialogue choices for her give way more than the Sylvarant cast, Zelos is probably the hardest by far since he gets very little in way of events/choices that really bump him up any

is that guy outside doing the team skull dance?
Also, genis's casting animation is fucking gold

He's a goody two-shoes nerd. He's inoffensive but kinda forgettable. His design in Xillia 2 is also way cooler than it has any right to be.

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>tfw Scott never voiced him again
shame desu
he's making big bucks off teen titans being forever

Be nice since i think thats still the only tales that went to nintendo? Doubtful though, sooner see the new tales mc if any at all for promo purposes

These are your best girls for the night

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Way better than Luke, on par with Yuri, better then everyone who followed.

Anyone else here watch the Rays anime?
I thought it was pretty enjoyable in a pure fanservice kind of way.

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>Lloyd was the last bad Tales protagonist
Sure user, sure.

It was good. Im more upset that i got baited hard with the Duke banner and then they announce Summer having bikini Judith

That was good, though. The system was bunk and he wasn't going to back down just because things got tough for him. That's not really the kind of situation that necessitates a change in character.

He does mature in the sequel.

I just got judith in vesperia. how do I get yuri some of this sweet elf pussy?

Start by learning how to pull off more than a 15-hit combo

Have fun

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worst tales game

Go back to the room where she punched Yuri after you beat the game and the new postgame dungeon super boss for the hidden sex scene.

I very distinctly remember getting to Mizhuho the first time I played Symphonia 10-some years ago, hearing Lloyd and Tiga's exchange and thinking "Lloyd, you're a dump sweet mountain boy who was rightfully mad his friends lives suck; when did you become this grand altruist?" And then suddenly he is the moral truth north for every subsequent conflict in the game (as befitting of a silly game for kids/teens, admittedly). Aside from Dorr's rebuke and Regal's outright saying "So we're killing people WE don't like, then?", Alice in Dawn of the New World was a greater challenge to him than anything in the original game. He's a good boy, the story just kind of bent to him, literally in how he moves Kratos and Zelos to his optimism.

>A game about nothing that somehow goes on for 50 hours.

That is probably the Tales series foundational faux-paw, yes. At least for a number of games.

I still haven't played more than hour of it :/ Still have 3 of them in the backlog.

I'm imagining redubbing Lloyd's swearing and other applicable lines over Robin and now I'm chuckling.

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If i remember right he was on the saving both worlds thing once he learned about the whole mana conflict. It gets a bit sidetracked cause of collette becoming a robot but once thats taken care of hes onto wanting to solve the main issue, though you could say an underlying motivation there was that collette was still being targetted, and solving that would fix that problem too.

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Reminder that Ludger's dick is for Alt!Milla only.

>not made by ufotable

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I bet Arche fucks like a tiger.

People have these kinds of thoughts? Let me tell you something there are no differences in characters in any of these kind of jap adventure games.

She's so cute it's kind of annoying

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Can't go to the beach with that bullet wound.


Alvin please.

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She deserved much better
It's not fair

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Have you actually played these games?

>shes the 2nd hardest next to raine just cause raine means picking every choice lloyd wouldnt make if you want the most points
You say that, but in Triet, the lady tells me that Raine is my soulmate. All I did was pick the lines that made Lloyd not be a total idiot and always have her in my party as a dedicated healer.

> Im more upset that i got baited hard with the Duke banner and then they announce Summer having bikini Judith
I thought it was obvious that Vesperia would be part of this years summer event. Then again, I try to analyze and predict who's coming up, maybe it's not obvious to someone that doesn't think about it.
I mean, Symphonia, Abyss, Zestiria, Legendia, and Xillia 1&2 were the previous summer events so I doubt they'd redo those. Graces has seasonals for all its characters, so they're not getting anything until Malik comes (which will likely within the next 2 months). Rebirth just had an event last month and Destiny 2 has had content for the past 3 months. Berseria only has Phi and Rokurou without seasonals and I doubt they'd do a summer banner without girls.
So by process of elimination that leaves Phantasia, Eternia, Destiny, the DS trio, and Vesperia for summer. Vesperia being the most popular among those makes it an obvious decision to include it.
Most of all, adding the pirates in summer and giving Judith a swimsuit seemed the natural thing to do.
What disappointed me is that Eternia is part of the event, but they didn't give Celsius a swimsuit.
Also, I'm betting summer part 2 will either be Destiny and/or Innocence. Personally, I'd really like Ange added in. They could make it a holy woman event if they added her with Philia.

>You will never be as unlucky as Lela

To be honest I do feel bad for the girl. The Xillaverse just loves to shit on her. But hey. She's not Ludger at least

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>Bikini Judith
Guess it's time to install that shit

>Not animated by Ufotable
what a waste of Victor

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Shitstation cucks on suicide watch

Another Tales game in the Aselia universe when?

Post-Baba games sure do love shitting on their cute girls

I anticipate abject "eternity of torment"-level suffering for Shionne

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raine is easy, you just have to pick the cunt answers

does any other character come close to being as entertaining as him?

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>muh "character development"
People dont even know what they're talking about when they say this. The same people who say Lloyd has no character development are the same people who think Goku has no character in Dragon Ball and Z. AKA brainlets. Being a good character doesnt have to mean "durr he an asshole who become a nice guy XD". There are subtle ways of developing characters too, and there are great protagonists who dont actually develop much themselves but instead are the catalyst by which others and the world around them develop.

>kharlan war game never ever

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f-arc Richard.

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Sheena was such a babe.

Too bad she had the worst combat game of the melee group, really wish those summons had given her some actual moves instead of OL summons and a element enchant

How many times did he kick Yuan?

A true jewel box compared to his main story self

>beta male
He was kind of a dumbass but he wasn't a beta.

>bad Tales protagonist
>considered the best game in the series and the mascot of Tales
Really makes you think.

Has there been any english patch for pic related? I searched for it and all it showed is a website that last updated in 2013 and still has fucking nothing.
>Both this game and Destiny Director's cut had fan translators then they stop
>Absolute Zero team removed all of their previous translations
Were they threatened by fucking Bandai Namco?

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>that art

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Sorry user if you want to enjoy this game you have to learn Japanese like the big boys

Have fun playing with a script off to the side, also you should never ever trust a translation group that takes on multiple games at once really you shouldn't trust them at all because usually the reason someone with competent Japanese literacy isn't doing professional work is because they're batshit crazy or chronically lazy

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What's with the shoujo art?

Serious question, how long does it take to learn enough moonrunes to enjoy these games?

that's inomata's artstyle for you

I was half joking, there is a full translation guide on gamefaqs
Assuming you have a functioning brain, you'll be able to play the game at a semi competent level and catch up on the story between sessions with the subbed youtube videos

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What a precious little racist

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>not even twitter image search can find the artist
Wow I hate twitter.

Are Graces/Hearts the most underrated Tales games? Everyone seems to fucking hate Graces but honestly it's probably my favorite after Abyss.

Also Hearts has best girl Beryl

Me no unironically should have been a girl.


Does going to the amusement park raise affection? And can I farm it?


The cutest.


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Graces could have been good if it werent for that awful story/chars, the after story bit was pretty neat but the main portion of it was just miserable to get through if you paid any attention to it

think you can only raise it once via the amusement park

>hardcore fujo
I should have expected this

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the best way of raising/lowering affection (besides choosing the correct dialogue options, that is) is through cooking, you'll have to look it up because i don't remember the specifics

oh boy I cannot wait for sgMA farm tonight , I hope scamco didn't make it a pain in the ass like the first batch with Ix and Mileena

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Glad that I waited for the PV

Lloyd was the last good Tales protagonist, though. Luke remains the worst one to this day and Yaoi is blandness personified and a literal homo.

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Cute tummy

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He has a good arc and grows into a leader just in time for Milla to come back and invalidate all of it, and he only gets worse in the sequel.

She's racist for like, 10 minutes, shame, because I think she would've been a much more interesting character if the tensions between her and Eugene carried out for the majority of the game


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>Tales thread reached 300+ posts with very civil discussion
You guys are alright

Even if it was roughly 1/3 waifufagging

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That's most pseudo-generals on Yea Forums and Yea Forums anyway.

Symphonia only got big because of lack of competition

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I see you are also a fellow of culture. My favourite.

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Which Rays anime are we referring to?

Yeah... its good for preservation bumps.

Paper Mario Thousand Year Door is probably better when you think about it. Greatest sin is probably backtracking, and well...

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>He's a good boy, the story just kind of bent to him, literally in how he moves Kratos and Zelos to his optimism.
i think it's funny how he goes from being "some guy i'm not interested in" to "funny little country bumpkin i like to banter with" to finally "(second?) most important person in my life" in zelos' eyes

Tags: [Kunoichi] [Big Breasts] [Leg Lock] [Tights]

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Why do so many people hate on Emil? All I hear is because he was "whiny" but I don't think anyone who thinks that actually payed any attention. The vast majority of his complaining is often played off as a gag and is generally more grumbling than outright whining. Hell, he's played by Johnny Young Bosche of all people who is known for roles like that. You're meant to laugh at his bitching, not take it seriously. That's why the game throws so many shit situations at him in the first place. It's meant to be humorous. Maybe it's different in the original Japanese but if that's the case, then the localization actually changed him for the better and JYB put a pretty good spin on his character with his acting.

Thanks. Adding that one to the collection, although I'm not sure why the artist chose to make Hubert cosplay as a Canadian.

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>Which Rays anime are we referring to?
Ray's only has one anime.

based Chester

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>Has no special powers
>Doesn't have a sword literally capable of bending time and space
>Despite joining late he trained all by himself until he was around the rest of the parties level
>Get half-elf tiger pussy
>He just uses a bow

What a chad

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"If a part of the body is infected, you remove the offending limb"

>Estelle is a poison to the world, a blighted limb that must be removed


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But in all seriousness: literally nobody called him out on his retarded double standard. It's the main problem I have with Vespy. Yuri gets away with too much.

The best part is Phaeroh was overreacting, Alexei was the real poison to the world and there's like a hundred other children of the full moon just below Zaude.

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>Which Rays anime are we referring to?
The new one, Everlasting Destiny. The post bringing it up is using a pic of it, that should have made it obvious.

He could be counting Gekijou, in which case Rays has 2 anime.

Emil is popular in japan, so if any dub is to blame, it's the eng one. Same with Asbel.

Very sexy

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>Emil is popular in japan
If anything, that seems more likely that he's genuinely whiny in the original since Japan fucking LOVES shitty little bitch protagonists.

is the pirate loli going to join my party in vesperia? I like her nanoja.


Emil is 100% based, and one of the best examples of an actual zero to hero in all of Vidya.
I hated him more than Luke, and he grew to be a much better person than him too.

She gets there eventually.

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That’s because his true love is Zelos.

Read the last Producer Letter, they said they reduced the amount needed for each updrade, and there will be a daily mission with limited tries that will give you spirit shards for characters that have a spirit gear. Im not sure if the latter will be implented after tonights update. They've also made it abit easier for the meter to fill up.

Emil's not nearly as whiny in japanese. JYB did such a good job at being a whiny bitch in the dub it's just fucking unbearable.

The Duke raid event just ends tonight, but the banner stays up for the rest of the month.
Bikini Judith (and Flynn) and the Patty/Chat Summer event wont go live until the end of the month. We're getting Stahn/Leon/Veigues event to get their Spirit Gear after tonights update.

You would be surprised, Lloyd.

"God, how do you people have any fun? Where are the casinos, the parties, the showgirls?"

"I mean, I grew up without any of that my life and look how I turned out."

"You hick, you know can't enjoy wholesome stuff like that."

Zelos just desperately needed someone to be real with him and Lloyd was the right kinds of real.

There is an air of "Why does this shit always happen to me?" humor. Even got to make the "I would question this, but it's Colette, my argument is invalid" joke. His story was more about self-affirming than a huge upward swing, and that he started from a very low place and had Ratatosk do all his fighting until the very end of the game makes that a hard sell. Though leaving Richter half-dead on the ground after the last boss fight is a moment

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Who was going to stop him exactly?

>Im not sure if the latter will be implented after tonights update.
The letter says you can do the quests after the event so it sounds like it'll be implemented when the event ends.

I think that the real problem came from Lloyd being basically a self insert so naturally western hated Emil for not kissing Lloyd's ass.

Nips don't don't self insert as Lloyd and didn't self insert so they didn't mind Emil.

To the Rays players, how many points did you end with in the Duke raid?
I ended with 1.1 million, that was with a constant 194% bonus thanks to a friend who had a Yuri with 73% bonus.

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Estelle was the only one who was really a threat. It was Alexi using Estelle as a weapon that made her bad.

In all honesty the solution that Yuri's group found in Vesperia fucked over the world.

I got to 1.4 mil. Got to 1.25 with natural ap and used a few refills at the end cuz I wanted those extra tickets.

Because Duke's solution was so much better right?

Not really because now they can harness then power of the spirits and use that, Rita even got scientists to start research on using spirit energy around the end of the game, and they were already fast enough to make a small fireworks spell with it.

didn't even realize it was a raid, might uninstall cuz I dont understand shit.

i never took lloyd as a self-insert though, you could alter his choices some but on the whole he was his own character

>rita built her own flying machine just so she could visit estelle
I love these cute dorks so fucking much

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But how. Yeah people can't use blastia anymore and that sucks but it's better than everyone dying because of furry fucker.

A surprising number of westerners did though.

Lloyd was literally just the Tidus of Tales.

And this scene was the HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

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When its a raid, its always against an actual villain from the games, or a collab, and its just point collecting. The other event is just currency collecting and trading in for things. Theres a youtube channel dedicated to translating cutscenes if you want to follow story

But then how long would it take to harness that power when they lost even the protections that the towns used to have against monsters.



The Seventh Fonon.

They still had soldiers and mercenaries, the whole point of having both the Guild Union and the Empire come together at the end of the game was to make sure they understand that they need their manpower to come together to protect and set up walls. Soldiers were still trained for combat, hell, most of them never had blastia to begin with since they were only given out to certain ranks.

Fon fon fon and more fons.

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What's the best party comp for Vesperia? Also should i use literally anything in the "free DLC item" kit stuff?

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the qliphoth

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Sheena's Sheenas!

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Something something I love Tear.

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I mean the key item pack just has stuff you can synthesis anyway, unless you want early access to running faster on the map or switching party members in battle. Everything else is just basic items you buy or get.

Shut up Luke.

Shut up Asch, your replica was better than you.

Yuri, Flynn, Estelle, Rita

Get the important items pack for early Winged Boots/Moon Selector and bonus DLC-exclusive titles

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this triggers and confuses asch

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>Also should i use literally anything in the "free DLC item" kit stuff?
Use it only if you want, otherwise you don't really need it.

Dont listen to Estelle, she's dumb. Put Patty in and make RNG your bitch, and put Raven in for healing, time stopping, and tornadoes everywhere. Keep Rita.

Make me.

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Drink concrete cunt

I think I had something like this but with Judy instead.

Im suddenly reminded of KH3 where Roxas and Ventus look at eachother after Axel makes the plotline joke.

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>put Raven in for healing, time stopping, and tornadoes everywhere. Keep Rita.
shit, tidal wave and havoc gale pretty much carried me through the labyrinth of memories

Yuri, Estelle, Raven and Rita for Plebian
Flynn, Patty, Raven and Rita for patrician


Ion best

Did somebody say replica?

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Patty needs a shitload of skill grinding to be useful, and Raven needs to use Time Stop literally hundreds of times before you can even have a chance of abusing it

Also Critical Moment is fucking obnoxious even if you have Safe Bet on(were you having fun? too bad, pow hammers)

Estelle and Flynn are the most scrub-friendly characters, and if someone is asking what the best party comp is, they probably don't have much experience, and it's an extremely reliable party comp

You definitely need Rita's Meteor spam for the labyrinths super boss. I needed Patty to keep spamming Critical Moment to constantly heal and give Overlimit.

does the item pack have titles too? I only installed the costumes one.

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I wish Emil got to be in a mothership title. ToS2 could've been so much bigger than it turned out to be.

Kek, thats a keeper

You could also cheese him with Repede Gale Dog and Shining Fang spam, Raven's Azure Heavens, or even have Karol spam Havoc Break for about 10 minutes straight on the central head to keep him from getting up ever again

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Then she whispers in your ear "I can pin your fat ass down whenever I want~"

"...no you can't."
"Sh-Shut up!"

Ahhhhhh now I want someone to make a stupid music video. With or without the accordion.


What would you have considered?

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>Winged Boots/Moon Selector
What are these and what do I make them out of


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I set Yuri's Desctruction Field, Ritas Meteor, and Pattys Critical moment on my analogue shortcuts and just spun it around. If Pattys Overlimit ever ran out, i would switch and pop it again. With Estelle on full heal, i managed to beat him with a level 140 team.

Moon lets you switch the character you're controlling mid-battle with the start button. Boots let you walk faster in the overworld. You can synth these after you've synthesized enough stuff, they'll show up and tell you what you need.

Rays' sgMA previews are out.

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ToS2 shouldnt have been a thing to begin with honestly. 1 ended itself off well, prequel game setting mighta been nice but there really wasnt much left to be done to make a sequel of it.

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Leon's is underwhelming. Stahn floating in the explosion and Veigue ripping the enemy apart are great though.

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Stahns and Veigs looks really nice, Leons is really plain though imo. And Leon is the only one i have an MA for.

She fucks dogs.

i'm sad there are no rays model rips

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>Spend four millennia trying to revive your dead sister.
>Finally succeed, she calls you a fag and peaces back out.

Is there a bigger loser in the franchise than Mithos?

I'd be concerned about the girls' models falling into the wrong hands if I were you

But I'm not you so gimme gimme

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168b looks like the SAO bitch but I know she's from Symphonia 2.

so I just pirated Tales of Vesperia on switch and begun playing it, I just reached the town with the big tree
does the combat get any better? this is my first tales game and the combat is kind of underwhelming, I'm used to stuff like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta and the likes, or fallout new vegas and BOTW if you're talk RPGs, but the combat so far has been really repetitive and has a really weird difficulty where sometimes it feels stupidely easy and sometimes I get out of random battles with really low HP
also the dog is really cool

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No that is the bitch from SAO, there was a collab

Ninja girlfriend problems: "Are her instincts kicking in or is that just foreplay?"

Stahn's looks great, I always thought Leon's original looked odd in 3D so this one works.

>Trying to "save the world"
>Realize my comatose sister was actually my world
>"Little bro, you make me wish we never born."

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Alright I'm 4 hrs into Vesperia but I'm told Symphonia is a better start for the series, what do I go for?

that's the sao bitch
marta is in the IMAGINE row

It'll get better after the next two dungeons, when you reach Ehmead Hill you're almost at the good part so just blaze through it, don't even bother saving for the boss he's really easy

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>Leon is 159
No wonder he said fuck friendship

>The Mii Swordfighter glitch


I want to see a Tales fighting game that looks like DBFZ/Granblue fighter

>he's really easy
The first time I died was to the boss at Ehmead Hill, am I just shit at rpgs? He was the first enemy that didn't just stagger so I got fucked hard.

>am I just shit at rpgs?
Nah, That boss is literally a casual filter

ssshhhh don't tell him/spoiler]

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Lloyd was the best. He went againts the grain. Collete knew she was a sacrificial lamb for a cycle that would only repeat. He questioned what it was for, and even if it started out of navietty, he eventually grew to find out the truth about the real world and how all of this is caused by a demigod's obsession with his dead sister.

look at all the sacrifices here, when they enter the Tower of Salvation for the first time to see all of the failed attempts at actually restoring the world's mana shortage.
Sheena and Raine found a way to solve the problem of the mana shortage by uniting the worlds.

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Don't feel bad. That boss fucks up a lot of new players

Delicious thought. I only wonder which swordsmen you'd chose.

The juicy question: what would he have done had Sheena never showed up?

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Mithos said as he was dying, if he were given a second chance at everything, he would do it all again.
Zero regrets, I liked Mithos as an antagonist, he had to be stoped

To this day, I believe Lloyd has the strongest intuition of all Tales protagonists. He's dumb as hell, but his ability to connect the dots is second to none.

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Every other survivor of the original war has inherent longetivity and access to extreme skill and powerful magic as a racial trait, as well as bonuses like being able to bargain to spirits. Kratos was a completely regular human who taught himself magic that not even the average elf mage could learn with assistance, and also became strong enough to outlive his natural death. It was only after he naturally outlived the human lifespan while maintaining his current looks that mythos decided to make him an angel.


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"If other characters die, my popularity will go up."

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>Lenneth Valkyrie

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This years Festival art was cute

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Crossover collab. Rays has gotten Star Ocean, IdolM@ster, and Valkyrie Profile characters

There was a Tales of the Rays crossover.

What a genuinely cute theme.

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Reminder Beryl. The actual painter isn't a part of this.

That's wack.

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>what would he have done had Sheena never showed up?

he was an idealist (literally a title he gets in the game) who was in the right party in the right time, in the right world cycle to help figure out a way to restore the world. He was not the sole hero. Sheena played a crucial part to uniting the world's.

If Sheena was not there then there would still need to be a summoner to make a pact with the spirits and Origin in place of her. Lloyd in a hopeless scenario would fight until his last breath which would result in A) Mithos killing him and restoting his sister only to later start another sacrificial cycle OR Lloyd kills Mithos and the worlds eventually dies out due to a mana shortage. (sounds like a Nier ending)

But if the world is in the middle of ending, with no obsticles, I feel as though someone like Raine or Kratos would hypothesize a plan to either salvage what they got or find a summoner to do what Sheena was going to do. But this is just thinking of a best case scenario without Sheena.

The boss was originally balanced for the demo release and they forgot to change the numbers back. Nothing else in the game is that hard except for a few of the 1v1s.

Sheena was more important to the plot than Colette, sadly. Colette's existence drove the plot here and there, but she herself wasn't important. Thankfully, she did grow as a character over time. Sheena's ability served the group multiple times over.

Too bad she'll never be main girl, but at least her huge crush on Lloyd is hella fucking canon.

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None of the Hearts cast is on it. Yeah these are mostly comprised of whose doing well popularity wise. Graces gets extra spots since its their 10th anniversary this year and they're holding a party for it soon.

>Lloyd was literally just the Tidus of Tales.

I never thought of it like that
Makes too much sense.

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Good god Sheena's tits are huge

I may just go to Symphonia instead, I've been told to start there and move into Vesperia, I don't really want to fight this thing again tonight, maybe in the morning.

where do I get doggo ears for smelly lesbian?

i never noticed that she's bigger than Judith AND Tear.

I dont know if anyone remembers this, but after you beat Vesperia DE and the game asks you to save your clear game data right after the credits, the background is like dark with black silhouettes

What the fuck are the silhouettes? I assumed it was the party together, but the more i looked at it, the less it looked like any of the characters. I wish i had a screen of it

Win at the casino a whole lot at the end of the game and buy them

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At NamCo Island, get enough poker chips and redeem it as a prize at the counter


i want those big pits
gimme gimme

>her huge crush on Lloyd is hella fucking canon.
gee user, i have no idea what you're talking about

do it, vesperia takes too long to get anywhere

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I found it. Cant tell what it is

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I suppose that's not bad either.

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She's also a bit of a tsundere for Lloyd Though she's more dere than tsun unlike with Zelos where she's exclusively tsun.. And acts like a big nerd when they are alone togehter.

Cute Sheena tummy

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I wish Rebirth would get a fantranslation or remaster.

She looks fucking goofy.

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I'm pretty glad I bought vesperia. It's been a lot more fun than I thought it'd be. The only complaint I've had thus far is that rita seemed absolutely required for the alexei fight.

well, she IS goofy

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does Sheena have measurements?

Sadly I don't actually know user, sorry. But I never seen an official statement of them or really of any Tales girl.

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Heh heh.

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Is the only source we have for comparisons? She's like in the top 3 or 5 for biggest if so.

no one knows, just like with her real name

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>we will never get an official breast chart
>we will never know who's bigger, Ine or Grune

Life is pain.

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I suppose if you went by the Rays model she WOULD be rather big, really

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But her real name is raging demonic banshee though

get off Yea Forums, zelos


>You earnestly think you can defeat me?

Isn't the wolf casual filter?

I got to where you're in the Iceberg zone, and you had to fight some fish thing with Caroll? How much of the game was even left at that point.

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I want Dhaos to be the hypothetical Tales of rep in Smash.

>Mario equips Cless sticker

"Maaaaaaario, you know what you must dooooooo."

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Why is this big tiddy ninja such a good wholesome girl?

Nah it's fine you were on your way to kill Estelle anyway better to just leave it at that, right

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This thread is still up, nice. Quick question: is there anything you can't do in your first playthrough of Vesperia after you beat Duke and reload the save with the star? I've finished the Labyrinth, arena; need to do the figment dungeon to get the last two fell arms and then fight Duke again for his 'final form'. That's everything right?

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She just is, user.

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I wish I still had all those screenshot from Hearts of Kunzite going over how massive Ines is compared to everythng else in his database

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Xillia 1+2 collection and Graces F for modern systems/PC fucking WHEN?

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When I was a tyke I played Symphonia for a while, got pretty far but didn't beat it, and I don't remember that much from it. Which one would be the best to play if I wanted to get back in? I heard that Abyss and Berseria are good, and that Zestiria is bad, but I have no real idea. Not trying to start anything I swear.