
Attached: ikumi.webm (1920x1080, 1.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/yellow fever incel/
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/akemi troid/

do you think Mikami is upset that he isn't in the spotlight or happy that the game got more attention?

why is Yea Forums obsessed with her?

who's the trap?

yellow fever unironically

I dont even remember what she announced

She does things with her hands and is of a healthy weight

Think about the majority of other female game devs who are in the public eye:

>0 Personality
>Uses her social media to bitch about politics all day
>Games usually filled with propaganda for above mentioned political bitching
>Games often look like absolute shit and aren't fun

Then you got this cute genki girl coming out to show off a really cool looking game and everyone takes notice.


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is it really yellow fever if half of Yea Forums is asian?

>amerimutts are asian

>shitposting just for the sake of wanting to be retarded


Attached: Tak-Fujii-Leaves-Konami.jpg.optimal[1].jpg (700x350, 27K)

There is nothing wrong with yellow fever that means you are straight a man and white.
The only people that matter

This is the real answer

So many actual female game devs are fugly bitches with a massive chip on their collective shoulders, this girl was a breath of fresh air


To the heroes, kanpai!

Is she mentally retarded?

To be completely fair, I'd take a fugly bitch who wasn't a massive cunt and at least TRIED to have an actual personality than a good looking one who is.

which girl isn't?

well if ha;f of Yea Forums is asian then most of them must be chinks and lower level asians that don't get the same spotlight of attention as korean and japanese do. so think of it this way, chinks are like the biggest asian weeb you find in the west and they fetishize japs and gooks.


You type like a chink or a kike and your grammar is ESL tier. Which is it?

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ofc she is woman and japanese.


it's over, white woman
accept your defeat

Female dev with a cute personality and who doesn't blog about politics and muh toxic gamers

It's nice
And she's honestly charismatic

Pretty much+ she seems really likeable.
Honestly, if you want to get rid of yellow fever, just go to a place with tons of asians.
I spent 4 days in London (ironically, primarily to see a japanese band) and at the end of the trip, I was sick and tired of chinese (tourist) women and their samefaces.
It´s not like you stop liking asians, you just get more picky and don´t oogle every slightly above average broad.

Attached: tenor (2).gif (220x215, 575K)

This unironically

More like kowai amirite?

why does this cute homely asian girl trigger you so much fammo?

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She was awkward on stage and people sympathize with that because none of us would have done half as good still.
>hurr yellow fever, hurr reverse the gend-
Yarny dude in 2015

I went to Taiwan and came back with it. it's not that they're all cuter than white girls, it's that the ones that are cute are so cute it makes my heart stop.

This is how I felt when I went to Tokyo for winter. Cutest girls on the planet by far. No competition.

Mikami's been a hack for years. Fuck him.


Because she's a cute girl acting all girly and cute in a world of fucking whores and dykes.

>lower level asians
Is that like when you have palette-swapped enemies in an rpg?

>Are you triggered by my autistic spam xD
no one is triggered by you, autist

show us where the asian girl hurt you user

>she's cute because she stuttered and wasn't verbal due to mental retardation and because she made retarded and sudden moves for two seconds
Did you just admit you're a pedo and sexually attracted to mentally handicapped people?

I went to Tokyo this summer and I didn't find shit.

Seethe more, roastie. You're not getting any D.

Attached: 1562854496901.jpg (4552x4328, 3.53M)

user who are you quoting? Thats not what he said at all.

Seethe and cope more, weebcel. You won't give your d to anyone except for Asians or gullible children.

>go to a club
>be white
>be at least a 3/10
>drown in average girls with absolutely no effort

>tries to make a bait pic to put blame on someone else
>still uses reddit and resetera buzzwords like incel unironically.

Nobody's falling for it you fucking idiot.

Attached: 1560644983437.jpg (3604x3183, 1.98M)

It's funny how weebcels hate white women and autistically spam yellow fever threads on multiple boards on a daily basis.

holy shit

Interesting. You seem to be in every yellow fever thread on each board with this autistic collage of pictures that makes no sense.

Have you considered killing yourself uet, schizo weebcel?

the real question is why can't women be normal

hard mode: no mcdonalds or daddy issues

Why the fuck would I ever want to do anything with a club whore?

It's because he is the yellow fever incel spamming yellow fever threads. His posting history got exposed and he's been taking pictures of Yea Forums posts making fun of him in his yellow fever threads because he is autistic as fuck.

Yeah, that´s what I´m saying. I kinda think "yellow fever" is being overly attracted to asians, even to those that aren´t even that good-looking.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 338K)

Sounds good to me.

He probably doesn't care. He's had years of spotlight on him.
Because Yea Forums doesn't care about video games.
>interesting new IP from the creator of the most influential horror franchise in gaming
>Yea Forums only talks about the asian girl that presented it

Why are white roasties like this?

Attached: 1548089782981.jpg (1000x2876, 408K)

where are you anons?

Attached: naka-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

>I hate white women because they never paid attention to me. Asia master race btw! Don't make me upset because I will post BBC and Asian threads on your board every day!

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Maybe half of the people on Yea Forums who go out of the way to announce there race. I guarantee that Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general is overwhelming white man from the ages of 14 to 26

Why are yellow roasties and yellow knights so afraid of white women that you have to fake comments?

Attached: 1562855024867.jpg (304x375, 29K)

Imagine seething so much you post this straw pasta everytime you see an asian woman

It's because Asians and beta incels with yellow fever are ugly as fuck.

They will never stop seething.

Attached: 1561483552857.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Her make-up is falling off after ten minutes. Asians are so ugly, they literally have to make themselves look like clowns to make themselves look less ugly.

>asian guy in the back wearing an autism hat

every fucking time

Attached: squids.png (420x420, 251K)

Stay mad roastie

Attached: 1550165359106.jpg (801x876, 244K)

Your pic is a bait pic though. I'm seeing randomized filenames and posts making fun of you in your off-topic threads. What exactly are you trying to prove with this (other than the fact that you are super autietic)?

Why do r/asianmasculinity faggots think
>liking asian women means he hates women of every other race!

Are you retarded or something?


Attached: 450x299_0_90.jpg (450x299, 28K)

>fallout shirt

westaboo nips are based

Only beta incels have yellow fever because they've been rejected by women from other races. There's also the fact that you weebcels sperg about white women on a daily basis. Try using your brain next time, autist.

Also what the fuck is /r/asianmasculinity? Why do you have an obsession with it? I despise yellow fever incels because you're all mentally ill and obnoxious.

Attached: 1562855359996.png (2244x2024, 3.5M)

>half of Yea Forums is asian
Majority of Yea Forums are americans, the vast majority of the rest are europeans, so, /int/ & /pol/ memes aside, most of us are of course white.
So yes, obviously is yellow fever.

Thanks for reposting that graphic for the 200th time, Tenda. Does your mum still have blonde hair?

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Weebceo is really obnoxious. He is more obnoxious than actual furries. I wouldn't be surprised if he is/was a furry.

Why do yellow fever incels think
>if you don't appreciate my yellow fever threads and bug fetish, then you must be an asian from reddit!!!one!!oneone!!

Are you retarded or something?

>The fact that David happens to be white didn’t bother me ... at least, not until I started receiving comments whenever I mentioned that David’s previous girlfriend was also Korean American.
>“Oh, I see. He’s got yellow fever,” one friend remarked. Another friend said, “Well, he’s obviously got a type.”
>Yet another acquaintance said, “Yeah, you’re the type white boys will go for.” These reactions all came from fellow Asian folks.

so i guess the fortune tellers right

Attached: 4e63fbc24d039b6e5f03d31cc33a6180.jpg (649x366, 38K)

/pol/ is always open for slime like yourself.

possibly but remember she is a Bethesda employee

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Fucking retard.

You should know because you go there and flood it with yellow fever threads every day.

Yeah, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the places where mature wasted women come to spend their time, everyone knows that, specially because most of them love vidya.
Cope harder, race traitor.

Attached: 1436082357090.jpg (500x321, 69K)

>still doesn’t believe Yea Forums has been diversify

OH NONONO we got too cocky asian bros

I'm surprised WCK haven't posted his other copypasta yet.

Attached: 1562855708990.png (4680x3584, 2.59M)

Can´t you at least produce some new insults or OC? You´ve been at it for months now and it´s getting boring. Maybe if you produce some really elaborate and supremly autistic infographic I will no longer be attracted to asian women and you can have them for yourself.

Attached: 1459477069095.gif (500x340, 1.4M)

Me so beutifur

Me wan surgery

U pay? Prease

Attached: 1562855776114.jpg (1299x908, 257K)

Holy shit, you actually bought the /int/ and /pol/ memes.
I seriously hope you are a teen.

Attached: QBxVc.jpg (803x501, 167K)

I've liked her since I saw this interview youtu.be/t0yOgw6LTlI?t=123
I'm a big Mikami fan so I'm naturally looking forward to what his student is doing, and the way she acted on stage just comes off as having confidence in the game to me, which is rare when developers are presenting their own stuff.

sauce for this goddess?

Can´t you at least produce some new insults or OC? You´ve been at it for years now and it´s getting boring. Maybe if you produce some really elaborate and supremly autistic infographic we will stop making fun of your bug fetish and you can flood every board with yellow fever shit every day in peace..

Attached: 1562855871642.png (424x463, 374K)

cute !

Holy shit, you're autistic. Who'd guessed.

American is not a race, you fucking retard. European whites barely make 40% of the American population. Shoot yourself in the head for being retarded and wrong every time.

>replying to your own post with "cute" for the nth time

We can't tell if the guy she's staring it is white, he might be swarthy or something.

>my own post

fucking what nigger

yellow fever + no life + inceldom + brain damage = OP

Attached: 1562856028607.png (1205x4411, 1.07M)

is kojima really that hot for womans?

Already seen that picture. Altering what I said is also one of your go-tos (and kinda what elementary-schoolers do), please try again, with a little more effort this time.

Attached: 76158465-sleepy-asian-beautiful-woman-is-yawning-on-the-bad-in-the-morning.jpg (1300x866, 73K)

>thread about asian women on /int/ of all places is a problem to you


Hapas and asians hate WMAF

>you're autistic
and you're completely sane

Don´t even question why he does things. There´s something seriously wrong with that boy's brain. Not even memeing here

Old and busted

>asians hate WMAF
You're talking about asian americans. Nobody fuking cares in Japan.

Those aren't threads about yellow roasties. Those are yellow fever posts in random /int/ threads. What is wrong with your brain?

Hapas and Asians hate whites*

>filename says "beautiful"
>looks like my dog's shit

She's a grown woman, incel

Can I walk your dog for you, user?

Why do jap girls have such good cosplay? They're like real life anime girls.

Attached: 1562439496102.jpg (625x435, 105K)

Yellow fever is definitely a candidate fot becoming a mental illnees.

He's not wrong. If shitskins and retards killed themselves, the world would become a better place. You should definitely kill yourself. Don't you want to make the world become a better place? Oh wait, you're a braindead chink and you don't give a shit about that.

>the mere precense of Asian women triggering /polddit/cels this hard
you have to go back

young man,be careful with that edge.

Attached: 1558528786136.jpg (1080x789, 128K)

No you.

only people obsessed are the jealous trannies who start most of her threads hoping to make her look bad. other anons just like her and her work

I had sex wth an asian woman to night AMA

fuck off chad

Furries and yellow fever incels brains work on the same frequency range.

Are you gay?

Fuck off to /jp/ and don't crawl out of it again.

>it's ANOTHER fighting over the skin color of women thread

wow great you guys 10/10 i love this

>why is Yea Forums obsessed with her?
There was a longstanding rumour that she was fired from Tango Gameworks due to creative disputes, specifically, that she was very unhappy with the series being steered away from supernatural horror and becoming more grounded with TEW2, TEW2 was actually meant to be her directorial debut before she was replaced by John Johanas.

At E3 we learned that not only was she still working there, she had been given her own baby to build from the ground up just the way she wants it.

It's the ultimate feel good success story which we can see reflected in her excitement on-stage.

>Don't you want to make the world become a better place?
>*shitposts wildly on an anonymous board for another 20 hours*

lmao please

>you're Chad if you fuck insectoids
>implying it takes any effort to fuck them
Hahahahaha the fucking cope and mental gymnastics by you yellow fever incels are laughable and cringeworthy

aren't you trannies supposed to be tolerant? How do you expect to age gracefully if you're just hating on cute asian girls all day?

Attached: 1559248578499.jpg (429x343, 26K)

hang yourself loser

>azncel schizophrenia again
I hate this episode.

Unironically have sex, or at least go outside you dumb kid.

>*shitposts wildly on an anonymous board for another 20 hours*
Sounds like what you've been doing for the last 10 years every day according to archives. You really should consider killing yourself instead of spamming yellow fever threads to postpone your inevitable suicide.

She's the reason Mikami quit Platinum so honestly I have a long-standing resentment of her. Her game better be fucking amazing to justify Mikami's career being fucking dead and the remnants of it forever tied to fucking Zenimax. He's wanted her to direct for years so all this sacrifice better have been worth it.

>calling anyone a tranny when you're attracted to insectoids
LMAO your slit-eyed yellow goblins look like Asian guys, get a fucking ropd and hang yourself already

Attached: 1562857978477.jpg (369x421, 38K)

you're a worthless layabout with nothing to offer the world

no one of any real importance has any concern for your puerile arguments over women you couldn't even sleep with if you tried

i'm not the one, kid

you took a shot but you missed, now you're just standing their with your arguments about women in one hand and your dick in the other

time to drown yourself loser

Says the yellow fever incel spamming yellow fever threads on Yea Forums every hour.

unironically go outside and have real conversations with women

you're a loser and it's obvious by the kind of shit oyu waste your time arguing about

Notice how everytime these threads appear not only is there one fag ranting about yellow fever but anti-white threads start getting made.

Attached: 1560602818427.webm (500x282, 1.11M)

Says the yellow fever incel spamming yellow fever threads on Yea Forums every hour.

Stop projecting yourself unto others and kill yourself. Seriously, you'll be doing everyone a favor.

western women will never understand this

Imagine if he put even a 1/10th of the effort into looking for a job

Attached: 1561785257525.jpg (2048x1446, 430K)

>weebcel is still going at it
Can he get rangebanned already? What is the fucking issue in not doing it already?

Don't even reply to the weebcel. He is arguably more schizophrenic and autistic than ACK.

autism is a boon as well as a curse

like this guy, you get so entrenched in the idea that you're actually participating in some culture war that any and all opposition HAS to be those damn other guys and you're not ready to stop fighting for yellow women

the worst trait of autists is they don't know how ot read the cue that its over

retard listen closely: i don't care what you think about women stupid I'm here to remind you that no amount of fighting over women is ever going to change the reality that being on this board is the most interaction you'll have for weeks



>Stop projecting yourself unto others and kill yourself. Seriously, you'll be doing everyone a favor.

isn't the tranny suicide rate something like 90%? You're going to kill yourself long before anyone who likes asian girls is lol.

Attached: uwa.jpg (3104x2862, 1.87M)

Notice how everytime these yellow fever threads appear not only is there one beta incel defending yellow roasties but anti-white threads start getting made.

Attached: 1562858305233.jpg (225x252, 19K)

Damn. Japan sure loves white people, huh.


Calm down bugman I just like winding up r/asianmasculinity

Attached: seethe.png (1210x749, 90K)

>Just go outside and talk to people on the street.

You're obviously trolling but I don't understand how this advice is genuinely given. No one fucking initiates conversations with strangers.

isn't the asian suicide rate something like 90%? You're going to kill yourself long before anyone else.

Attached: 1562858370098.png (736x1576, 672K)


nobody cares about your faggot waifu wars retard go outside and talk to women

Cant wait to you sad fucks scare her to obscurity by being a bunch of creepy stalkers

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Let the schizos hit the floor
Let the schizos hit the floor
shuuuut up






>you're obviously trolling


Insectoids are mostly psychopaths and attention whores and they enjoy and crave it.

the left cant meme

>Being this obsessed with one poster
Unironically have sex, this is why Yea Forums is called Yea Forumsirgins because you represent the virgin community.

Have sex
With Asian women

Attached: 1560600431738.jpg (1114x720, 81K)

> They're like real life anime girls.

Attached: 1562858552556.jpg (597x1067, 204K)

>Thought I was into asians
>Visit Japan, China and South Korea

I'm not into asians, per se. I'm just into Koreans. They're happier, hotter (Plastic fantastic), can actually hold a conversation without being a mumbling boring white canvas that agrees with everyone you say and they're cool with going down a few hours after meeting them. Westernized Asians, not to confuse with Asian-Americans, are the best kind of asians. Visit Seul, people.

Japanese are okay but most of the hot ones are working as a maid/model/whore/escort/JAV and you need to swim through a lake of bland goop and crooked teeth until you find a genuinely cute one. Japanese men are such cucks that they will literally stay put when you take them away from them, it's fucking surreal.

>You're obsessed if you don't like my off-topic threads !!!!!!
Kill yourself obsessive freak

Based buzzword poster

Nice meme

You seem to care

Attached: 1556744312920.jpg (400x340, 30K)

god I want to breed fertile asian women

cherry picking

Attached: howaito.jpg (1024x1024, 165K)

Unironically have sex /pol/ teenage white boy :)

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Mikami didn't even want to direct Evil Within. He's been on that "teach the next generation" thing ever since Vanquish came out.

I'd fuck her jigglypuffs

god white women are so ugly



Attached: 1553708500591.jpg (480x640, 27K)

My race is in fact american.
My blood is coca cola
My muscles are hamburger
And my dick is a hotdog

>be WCK
>have videos and pictures of white beta males being with slit-eyed shitskins and living your life through it
>spam yellow fever threads on multiple boards on a daily basis
>accuse everyone of being an asian when they make fun of your insect fetish

Attached: 1562858841533.jpg (632x469, 83K)


Attached: 1562858869549.jpg (944x1066, 270K)

Bros wtf is this ugly insect whitoid ewww

Attached: 1560773149989.jpg (720x720, 50K)

This is what pure schizophrenia looks like. Magical.

Why didn't you change the white women too? Oh right, cherrypicking lmao.

>accusing anyone of cherry picking when the insectoid in your cherrypicked picture is a photoshopped gook with surgeries and makeup

Attached: 1562858952722.jpg (1024x1024, 182K)

How is it that this anti-asian shitposting cunt isn't rangebanned yet? I keep seeing him fucking everywhere always trying to derail every goddamn thread even vaguely related to asians.

Can we all agree on this?

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It's pretty fun watching an obsessed white boy frothing with pure unadulterated RAGE on Yea Forums of all places

Attached: 1527655876848.jpg (640x640, 79K)

>Oh right, cherrypicking lmao.
Why should he? Most white women look like that.

Why do you hate white women? Show me where they hurt you.

Attached: 1562859039125.jpg (321x336, 20K)

kek he's called WCK because he's as autistic and paranoid as ACK

>most white women are supermodels and famous singers.


Attached: roasties.jpg (1668x2280, 1.04M)

Because they’re all Yea Forumsirgins


Attached: f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Yellow fever incels are so insecure. Post a normal non-photoshopped picture of any Asian without surgeries and they will froth with pure unadulterated autistic rage. Actually, you don't even need to do that. Just make fun of them for having bug fever and they'll screech at you.

It's some elliot rodger wacko from reddit thats simultaneously bashing asians and whites.

Attached: 1561484866577.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Drunk British whores represent all white women according to you huh.

You are so fucking autistic and you have the audacity to scream "cherrypicking" LOL

Attached: 1562859283739.jpg (1290x853, 267K)

White women are ugly and degenerate garbage at least we can all agree on that.

Anything else is subjective

Attached: 1562354318281.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

That's a good thing. Chinks are soulless bugs that deserves death.
>every goddamn thread
Your threads are off-topic and deserves to be derailed.

Elliot Rodger hated white women and most of his handpicked targets were white women. Your post makes no sense.

galaxybrain has a brick footpath fetish? is that like bathroom tiles?

Ever since she went on stage there's been a constant barrage of incels and roasties spouting shit like "yellow fever"

He murdered three asians you dipshit and killed no white women.

There was a niggeress thread last week and there were too many hapas, asians and yellow fever incels shitposting in it because niggeresses with surgeries look better than insectoids with surgeries.

As a true southern White gentleman i'd defend her honour from this disgusting degenerates.

Go back to r/donald then you fucking neo nazi nigger.

Suck my fat dick while you frothe with anger in 3 :)

Attached: finger_in_mouth.jpg (1108x1477, 102K)

>If shitskins and retards killed themselves, the world would become a better place.
i'd argue that it'd stay exactly the same the rich would get richer violence would still happen and wars would go on for the end of eternity human nature fuels on conflict otherwise there'd be none

Nice. The janny with yellow fever has arrived to defend his previous yellow roastie and his yellow fever friend's off-topic thread.

The rich can't get richer because most of their workforce are shitskins.

don't find her that attractive

woman are just inherently more sexy than men

Literally any asian with makeup.

Yellow pussy belongs to the White man. To be colonised.

If I had to guess it's because she's a cute chink gamer girl that acts like a retarded child on stage.

???? I don't talk in buzzwords, your entire argument makes no sense. Sounds like you're just obsessed with others posting what you would do on an anonymous board.

Asians are good mostly but they have the worst feet.

all right you just wanna be racist. Forget I ever posted anything

The yellow fever incel is frothing with unadulterated autistic rage. Him and his beta incels sit in a Discord group and report posts that makes fun of them. They even have a janny.

Children and fools shouldn't play with sharp edged tools.


There are no buzzwords and there's no argument in that post because it's merely an observation. Good to know that your reading comprehension is on the same level as a two digit IQ retard. It checks out with your yellow fever after all.

>being this obsessed


If you like Asian girls chances are you are likely a pedophile.

Attached: Bedroom Y.jpg (1236x888, 181K)

>wahh u racist
Hahahahaha that's funny coming from a chink who is notorious for being racist and constantly spergs about whites

What's with the anti Asian sentiment? Not cool!

Attached: 1558738495125.jpg (720x1440, 120K)

yellow fever incels are obsessed and water is wet #woah

thank you based janny
clean 'em up


Attached: 1549974385000.png (276x254, 107K)

Oh fuck.
Fuck it.


Sorry bro, can you repeat your sentence that doesn't involve spouting what other people have echoed in /pol/?

>Calling others IQ when he parrots what redditors tell him

(Lol. I'm laughing . Go on bro.

>dumb chink think she's elf
I didn't know elves are short, yellow, soulless, have black eyes and black hair with flat and wide noses and flat faces.

>a bunch of pure british white women out partying fully decked in makeup

you're right, the truth is actually much uglier.

Attached: 1539741571371.jpg (600x398, 207K)

>yelow fever
Nothing but buzzwords.

video games

Attached: 1561063232030.jpg (469x753, 125K)

Of course you're a chink. Why are you bringing up /pol/? Is it because you make the same yellow fever threads on /pol/ on a daily basis.

I love asian women i'm sorry!

It's the /pol/ teens edging out by being 'superior' on Yea Forums episode again

Attached: 6BCFD87046564B6BAC1A10C79EF49D2E.jpg (470x739, 53K)

based. Even japs know wm/af is god tier.

Attached: 1561482167516.gif (244x156, 616K)

hey wuts your favorite vidyo game

mine's donkiy korng

Attached: 1556761513385.png (519x512, 241K)

It's really funny seeing "yellow fever incels" being thrown around constantly when the threads are fine until you show up

Fire the braindead janny and find a less autistic janny that doesn't have yellow fever and maybe, just maybe, these off-topic threads will fuck off.

Mikami is too cool for resentment like that.

I want to date you sakura maiden.

>implying you give a single shit about off topic
It's obvious that asians just make you seethe, incel.

Says the autist spamming yellow fever threads on /pol/ every day.

Why am I not bringing up /pol/? Why are you bringing up racial slurs against an ethnicity if you're not some /pol/tard in the first place?

Now tell me your IQ is room temperature because it sure is cold here.

Theres nothing wrong with loving asians.

I want to stick my face in that brapper

Attached: 1558748806138.jpg (540x415, 180K)

Only incels are attracted to asians.

Her name in Junghwa, ex member of EXID

I just wanted to talk about human nature I don't know who the fuck the lady is.This is clearly a non vidya thread and I just wanted to talk to a Yea Forumsro

Case in point.

I like asians but I can't fucking see why is/v/ so obsessed with her, she isn't even cute

Yeah, that's true, as far as Western men go. What's your point? Do you think incels can just stop being incels because you mock them? Do you think they're better off for no longer liking the things they like, such as Asian girls, and just wallowing in their misery instead (which is all that will happen, since they're incels)?

her game is cool. Wow its like gamers value the important things.


>her game is cool
You haven't seen it and you don't know what it is. Wow it's almost like you're lying

>Yeah, that's true, as far as Western men go
Yes all those western men banging asian girls are incels.

Attached: wdwk.png (540x360, 138K)

she looks like a low budget anime character

I saw the trailer and it looked great. Deal with it.

Go read a book you fucking underage

Incel aka at the bottom rung of the social ladder in the West.

I think they should man up and get a girl. 350,000 years of men fucking women (and each other) and these pussies start going "OH WOE IS ME I NEED SEX" maybe if they'd take a shower hit the gym and start packing on inches they'd get a girl

What the fuck is this weeaboo shit? It's cheers for fucks sake, you're using english subs.
This is why nobody take you lardasses serious.

>I think guys who can't man up / tried and utterly failed to man up in your sense should man up
Makes sense.

>has sex = involuntary celibate
Making up definitions now? Are you a tranny? That would explain a lot.

>He says while shit post on Yea Forums

Yi kers. Have some self awareness whitey

>her game is cool
There's literally 0 threads about the game and 100,000 threads about that ugly flat girl

who's the worst schizo on Yea Forums?
>guy on Yea Forums who rages against yellow fever
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/yellow fever incel/
>guy on Yea Forums who rages against yuri crack shipping
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/akemi troid/
>guy on /his/ who spams doxx of some redditor he's obsessed with
any other examples?

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Ikumi is Mikami's disciple. He's probably happy for her.

What does the game play like?? I don't think I saw that trailer

dude these guys are complaining about not having sex this isn't even about manning up I was wrong in my last post this shit is just human nature girls have sex men have sex thousands of fictional beings have sex having sex is so normal our made up stories have sex in them. These incels are inhuman freaks of nature that got spit out of entropy to suck up all of us normal peoples despair

I thought ACK rages against straight ships. Either way he's definitely the worst, the tranny incel in this thread is smalltime.

Incredible, this thread is the result by a cute girl

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>projecting this hard
Cringe and yikespilled.

>mfw im a rangebanned from posting images
>i dont even spam or beak the rules
lel and the board is still shit. Good job.

if they don't change their attitude they ain't getting no pussy even if they hit the gym and take showers, remember that they have to talk to the girls before they jump on their dicks and I haven't met the first girl that likes to talk about weeb stuff with boys

>She's the reason Mikami quit Platinum

/his/ guy is by far the worst, he's absolutely relentless and it's impossible to tell what he's even talking about. The guy he's "doxxing" might even be himself with alt accounts/split personalities.

ACK has been missing in action for a while but when he is around he is bar none the most destructive force on all of Yea Forums, he has both the know-how and lucidity(if you can call it that) to keep his identity hidden and millionaire parents to supply him with as many SIM cards and passes as he needs just so he can keep ban evading

If the mods gave enough of a shit to give this ridiculous yellow fever spammer the same treatment as ACK he would be gone by dinner

Its just some lady. For some reason asians make this ome guy/roastie/tranny go schizophrenic in everythread with multiple sockpuppets

>who's the worst schizo on Yea Forums?
The autist who believe it's one person shtiting on yellow fever incels, aka you.

There's a reason why people compare you with barneyfag and ACK, it's because you're just as autistically obsessed and persistent as they are, and you are all equally paranoid.

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The Yea Forums aka /pol/ faggot is the most annoying shit I've seen. Fuck that nigger. Autism at it's finest.
>Inb4 yellow f*ver hurr incel again

>everyone who posts ikumi or asian girls is one guy

>If the mods gave enough of a shit to give this ridiculous yellow fever spammer the same treatment as ACK he would be gone by dinner
Not gonna happen. WCK has been doing shit for ten years and he's still spamming yellow fever threads every day. ACK has been around for five years or something and nothing has happened to him.

projecting what buddy that all throughout human nature men has had sex with girls GTFO tranny go back to retardera

lmao the schizo is at it again.

projecting your abject failure at having sex

Incels are omegas. There is a difference in definition but for this discussion it's irrelevant. We're talking about omegas.

What's your point? All I've gathered is that you're an incel yourself who got BTFO by /pol/ and can no longer like the things you used to like, so now you have to mock other incels on other boards to feel good about yourself. If that's not the case then explain what is.

we know its you because you only just recently made up this weebcel shit.
Right about when this lady was first posted.
You use a fake image of the guy ffs you schizoid cretin.

>WCK and ACK are both autistic, persistent and paranoid
>they both think everyone on Yea Forums is one person
>they both lack awareness due to their terminal autism
>they are both equally obsessed
>they both take pictures of Yea Forums posts and claim it's one person
The only difference is their sexuality. WCK is obsessed with insectoids, while ACK is obsessed with yuri in cartoons.

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>tfw WCK will never call you an incel or schizo
I want his projections on me too

wck doesn't even exist you made him up this year the archives prove it.

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I don't know who ACK is, but WCK is definitely a mod psyop or something. These yellow fever are off-topic trash but they never get purged.

I refuse to believe a real person is WCK. No one can be so autistic and pathetic to flood Yea Forums with yellow fever threads on a daily basis.


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>when you make a post talking about some crazy person and that person replies to you thinking you're talking about their boogeyman

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no one wants to fuck you tranny thanks for the offer but I have real women waiting for me to please them

I am all the boogeymans.

Sorry but WCK is real. I thought Barneyfag was a script until it became apparent it was a human all along.

>I refuse to believe a real person is WCK
Then why did you make him up after E3? This is not a cure for your schizophrenia user.

asian girls have always been a thing on Yea Forums and the entire board for that matter, this started as an anime board afterall. The only thing that changed is starting this year some autist started spamming anti asian woman crap whenever one is brought up in any kind of positive light. Notice it never happens when a white girl is posted for some reason.

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I literally remember the exact post he made it up he did it in reply to someone calling out his azncel bs.

Weebcels always enter threads and spam photoshopped pictures of insects with surgeries if they see a picture of white women or if anyone is making fun of their yellow fetish. It's fucking hilarious to poke at their autism.

god i want to mate with 2d

i'm not so sure about barneyfag. for a long time, his replies were instantaneous, almost too fast. then he fell off the map for a while, and people started asking where he was. then, recently, he came back, but now he's slower, doesn't just go after ponyshit, and his replies are just... off from how they used to be. i think someone else has taken up his role in his stead

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What does slit-eyed yellow goblins have to do with anime? I don't actually expect you to answer that question because you have actual brain damage.

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But she's ugly too. Like 99% of female game devs are butt fucking ugly. Otherwise they wouldn't be in game development kek. But if course, Yea Forumsincels start shaking as soon as they see an oriental.

Yes but you see, all those years it was literally the same guy known as weebcel/WCK
>WCK has been doing shit for ten years

>I literally remember my yellow fever threads
you don't say, wck.

You forgot
>not actually female

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>I'm not mentally ill

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The schizophrenia in this thread is beautiful..
I like the guy who actually has two seperate identities everythread.

Hahaha wck thinks he's white when he's a spic

Why is it only weebs and trannies seem to use the term "cute" to describe a woman? A normal person would say a woman's pretty, or sexy.

Attached: red.webm (640x428, 1.73M)

Keep telling yourself that.

Yellow fever incels also say "girl" instead of "woman". Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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>cope: the thread

Why do Asians look like Asian guys? Yea Forums is really into trannies.

Nobody likes old ladies, roastie.

One day this insane motherfucker is going to come across
a River City Girls thread. That'll be the day, I think, Yea Forums finally implodes for good.

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The anti asian poster is doing gods work. So tired of getting called a roastie/asian/tenda just because I don't like asian girls. They're legit 3/10 irl everytime.

Attached: hightest.jpg (683x1024, 67K)

good fucking lord

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Shit taste

stop being autistic and post cute girls you fucking faggots

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Many small bird drive away a hawk.

you're a prime example of what he's talking about.

Women of every other race always look similar to the men. The reason why is because women are just weak men

>So tired of getting called a roastie
Then stop acting like one.

why RCG exactly?

Kenichi Smith?

Lol she's breaking her back just to show that "ass".
I'd rather fuck a nigress than even speak to a flat asian doormat.

Attached: 12.webm (640x800, 987K)

Have you SEEN the threads for that game?

there's a guy on Yea Forums who obsesses over certain female writers' feet, to the point of writing essays and poetry and shit
he's nice and funny and harmless though

sort of nothing bad. Just a couple of cute girls beating baddies up?

This OBLITERATES the crab.
Jesus fuck.

Attached: OH SHIT SON DRAGON BALL.png (720x540, 418K)

i think most people given the choice of fucking or talking would choose the fucking

>says the energy drink chugger

Why are you so defensive? It's my opinion. You won't be awarded with sex just because you post your buzzwords at me. It's like some sort of nu-whiteknighting.

You know that those “cute girls” were actually guys, don’t you?

Nobody cares if you don't like asian women, it's just sperges like the guy in this thread that spams ugly asian women and infographs that are annoying.

You realise the guy spamming the anti-asian stuff IS asian right?
Hes playing both sides. He is attacking whites for yellow fever while spamming insectoid.
Hes a few spring rolls short of a banquet.

rebuilds are just a continuation of the end of evangelion.

>tfw say I hate asians and think they're ugly in one post while posting white women
>then reply to myself with "go away roasties" while posting more asian girls
These threads are (You) goldmines.

Attached: nypd.jpg (499x238, 23K)

>Why are you so defensive?
Why are you?

will she be that cute at 20+ yo?
a cute girl at 16 is the same as a fat girl with big tits. cheating

this deals the massive damage

Looks like a man.

choose and be judged

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money gets you both

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Both. Who fuckin cares user?

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Yea Forums is fapping to Kojima in a dress right now!!!

>an oriental
Aging boomer election tourist detected

They all wear bangs when they have the weird protruding gook forehead.

How old is she by the way?
'Cause if she's over 30 her attitude towards life is absolutely pathetical.


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I'm not?

>asians dont wear make up
I'm all for asian girls but if you think the asian girls you're seeing are natural then you're pretty much retarded