Okay we've all heard the tireless argument about these two I would rather ask which one of these two would you root for?
If both of these cunts showed up and said they need to defeat the other to protect earth, who would you trust more?
Goku vs Superman
I'd root for Superman because he's American
Superman. Goku, even if he is a good guy, has serious temperament issues and lets his rage influence him a ton. That's not particularly heroic if you ask me.
Superman, because Goku would let his opponent either do some dumb shit like let them get stronger so he can have a better fight or let them retreat in his own world.
I wouldn't want to deal with that bullshit here.
What if they both just spit roasted Supergirl?
it's weird at this point
Ultra Instinct's main purpose was a statement that infinite power meant nothing
Goku would probably win imo but Supes is my nigga so him
Goku because he doesn't have a bug up his all like Supes.
Is this fucking phineas and ferb animation?
Goku is a vastly better fighter than superman for sure, and stronger than a lot of them so it would have to depend on which superman.
I believe Superman could win some, though. But the fighting experience matters, even wonder woman outperforms superman, at least in that aspect.
goku, especially now that he can tap into ultra instinct. cope and seethe capeshitters.
>Goku vs Superman
>video game
okay retard
have sex
He Literally gave up his American citizenship so that he could protect everyone in the world and not be bother by dumb government policies.
i have more sex than capeshits ever will and im a virgin
Gokul would win eventually due to Zenkai boosts assuming Supes never actually finished him off
Goku's much more trained but Superman is the biggest Gary Stu in fiction, the entire point of Superman is that he's perfect.
batman wins with prep time
As long there's no other outer entity that could destroy earth, Goku. He's more down to earth. Superman sounds like that dude who starts good but then gets obsessed with justice and turns into a villain.
If there's some menace instead, Superman, because Goku is bound to provoke it because "lol I like fighting".
It's CN cheaps out on the budget animation.
is there any images like that?
or supergirl femdom?
I would trust Goku more because one of his gimmicks is being pure hearted.
I like Goku more as a character, Superman is pure of heart but in an obnoxious kind of way
That one dark Supergirl would probably be into that.
Given Goku's tendency to endanger the whole of the human race I guess Superman. Though I think he's gone rogue a few times too.
I vote for democratic bureaucracy.
does she have a name? for research purposes
Suck my dick at least I'm posting something to discuss for once and not some bait waifuposting thread.
Can someone explain ultra instinct to me?
Is it a plot device that's supposed to make characters relevant again who have fallen too far behind in terms of power level?
Superman is literally an immigrant alien
Yeah you're right it was just some bullshit power they gave to goku so he could beat the new bad guy.
It's basically what it sounds like he goes into zen mode and dodges everything.