A Tale of Two Wastelands is the best Fallout game. It mashes together Fallout 3 and New Vegas using the Fallout: NV engine, and as a result you get Fallout 3 with many of New Vegas' improvements. Plus you can travel between Fallout 3 and New Vegas on a train. There's basically zero reason to play vanilla Fallout 3 anymore, especially since vanilla Fallout 3 tends to shit itself on modern hardware/OSes.
It's crazy that Bethesda haven't taken the project and turned it into some kind of official re-release. I guess they're too busy turning Fallout into a fucking MMO.
>install this mod >bunch of missing audio >voice modulation for power armour helmets/PA's didnt work, audio sounded horrible and hurt my ears TTW is a nice idea but the way it turned out is fucking trash. Just play original F3 with an ironsights mod instead of having a cluttered savefile spanning 2 differently balanced games.
Jonathan Hernandez
Joseph Nguyen
When exactly did you last use TTW? Because the installer spends 2+ hours converting the Fallout 3 audio files to a format New Vegas finds agreeable. This is optional of course because it only really affects modulated voices with power armour. If audio was missing you fucked up somewhere.
Cameron Miller
Most of the mods for FO3 doesn't work
Elijah Harris
To its credit, at least Fallout 3 isn't as bad as New Vegas. But ultimately there's a reason Fallout was unpopular before Fallout 4. Fallout 4 was the first Fallout that felt like a real place with real characters.
Joseph Evans
>Most of the mods for FO3 doesn't work Most mods for FO3 are bloated nonsense designed for people who got bored of Fallout years ago. People chain together dozens of mods and then wonder why the game is unstable.