Finding it though, that's not the hard part

Finding it though, that's not the hard part.

It's New Vegas thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is TTW so based Yea Forums?

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You don't seriously use those mods do you?

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until I can as Enclave from start to finish I don't give a damn

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>Excuse me a moment while Chris Avellone uses me to call you, personally, a faggot for using the map markers in his DLC

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Daily reminder athiest cucks cant understand Honest hearts.

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But an atheist wrote it

Dead Money > Old World Blues >> Lonesome Road >> Honest Hearts

He's also anti-gun, yet somehow made one of the most /k/ WRPGs in recent memory

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Let the christfag wallow in its stupidity.

Joshua Graham, Daniel, the Survivalist, and the weird vision quest you go on were awesome.

Everything else about Honest Hearts kinda sucked.

While I understand he's more nuanced than the whiny cunt he appears to be, I wouldn't call him a good part of Honest Hearts

My lvl 50 energy weapons courier just moved to CW

>every supermutant is an overlord or a master
>you encounter an albino radscorpion every 200 meters
>1 out of 3 ghouls is a reaver now
>1 out of 3 robots is a sentry bot now
>still 2 shot everything with plasma caster

Oh Todd, you are such a hack

still based, tho

Joshua's the real star of Honest Hearts but Daniel is a necessary foil for his actions, methods, and views. Daniel doesn't carry as much weight as Joshua, but one of the reasons Joshua works so well as a character is because he has Daniel to play off of. So yes, I would call him good, or at least important.

I played the DLC for the first time this year after Yea Forums talking up Joshua Graham for the longest time, and yeah, Joshua was cool...but my post was more that most of the rest of Honest Hearts was meh.


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What a cuck.

>Yea Forums used to like this fucking cuck

Avellone also axed the companion romances and butted heads with Sawyer about a lot of things post-release. I don't trust that man as far as you can throw him

What? You could fuck all of them except the ogre and the dog.

>companion romances
The only thing like that was being able to get drunk and find yourself getting the King to marry you and Cass, which was cut because they couldn't possibly afford the rights to an Elvis song. And Cass was Avellone's main contribution to base NV, so he "axed" his own content

what are some obscure mods you guys like to use? I'm about to start my 4th or 5th playthrough and I surprisingly keep finding interesting stuff I somehow always missed until now

Kino dlc

Avellone can be cringe or based

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I decided to replay Fallout 3 since I only completed it once on my shitty PS3 without any DLCs a ton of years ago.
And damn it isn't as good as I thought.
The main storyline is mediocre at best with all the typical good vs evil shit and for some reason most of the characters act like complete assholes to the MC.
Still, I really like the city map and the fact that you can be cartoonishly evil with some of the dialogue options.
I heard that the DLCs are actually pretty decent, is that true?

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>based because simple truth offends idiots

mothership zeta and operation anchorage are abysmal, point lookout and the pitt are alright

The JIP improved crafting mod.

>He's also anti-gun
Man considering Vault 34 exists in this game I find that highly improbable.

shit thank you, I saw that one all over the place but forgot to throw it in

The Pitt is at its best if your first time doing it is at the start of a new playthrough. I can't stress how much it sucks when you get all your gear back halfway through the DLC. It's better if you have nothing at all and work with only what you can get in the DLC.

yeah I was kind of disappointed when they just went "oh ok you beat some trog retards in the arena, here's your power armor and your plasma rifle my man"
I was expecting to get it back at the very end

Name one (1) thing wrong with my melee 'Outdoorsman' build

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Any writer worth their salt can write effectively from a differing/opposing viewpoint than their own. It's when they don't bother to try you know you're dealing with lazy writing and/or low-end propaganda.

>the way people operated all throughout history save the last hundred years is unrelateable muh soggy knee

These people are beyond pathetic

No Slayer

Too much Intelligence, not enough Endurance.

Friggin retard.

He went out of his way to research guns so he could make a more interesting and varied game. Ended up buying a 1911 and some other guns because he appreciated their aesthetic and mechanical value so much

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Make sure you get a mod to improve the Novac motel room. I this fancy one

But there's many lightweight ones that simply add a workbench, reloading bench and campfire stove. Makes Novac a much better player home.

Really any of the Mini mods Jokerine puts out.
His Swiss Army Knife mod has been in my load order since early 2015.

Do you really need Perception for anything? EDE already effectively gives you 10 perception with its perk.

That just makes grabbing them all much more satisfying. I've never been able to do it without cheats, though.

Gonna be soon 9 years since this came out.

already got that one, never used it before so I'm looking forward to it
there's a lot of goofy shit in there but some of them actually look interesting, thanks

>Brings it into work
>Meeting time!
>Why is he late?
>Walks in, whips out the 1911
>Starts cleaning it at the table
>Now put this exact animation into the game

Six is needed for better critical. Guess you could get by with 5.

You stop giving about the gold when you realize that the chips are far more valuable

6 Per has a perk that makes crits hurt a whole lot more.

does putting them in a body and carrying the body part count as cheating?

The Legion's misogyny is even dumber if you compare it to history. Most (though not all) societies we'd view as sexist today at least maintained a cultural narrative that validated women in specific contexts or roles: the wife of a warrior is duty-bound to produce more warrior children, for example; that is her pride. And that's also how you get those women pumping out lots of children who will become warriors, which your warrior state needs to survive.

The Legion tell women they're worthless to their face and then use them as fucking pack mules. It's idiotic. Caesar reinvented Rome to give his men something to dedicate themselves to, he couldn't cook up some koolaide for the girls to drink too? Or at least not use them for hard, back-breaking manual labor?

I took four bars: one for me, one for each of my companions.

You don't meet up with your companions again though so I ended up keeping them.

i just finished this game like 20 mins ago. This was my first fallout game(3 is too unstable to play/didnt try 4). I went over all the dlc with a 70 hour playtime. Elder Scrolls seems better tb h

It's been a while since ive played but isnt thar an over simplification? I dont remember the legion being like that to women.

There's some good weapons as well like the .45 auto guns, the Compliance Regulator and best of all; the Survivalist's Rifle.

Priestesses of the Cult of Mars didn't make the cut

Maybe you want to use Rex. Or not use companions at all

It is possible, and pretty easy depending on your stealth skill. You have to convince Elijah to come down to the vault, sneak past him, and when he is right in front of the Vault door, you get up and walk towards the direct entry to the elevator.

It doesn't even work, last I tried.

you don't even have to do that, I'm pretty sure you can take them and just slowly sneak your way out

did you break the body and stuff it in the smallest piece?

Doesn't work.

Yeah but you can only move at walking pace while carrying it anyway. It's a hilarious sounding method, but I've never had it work. I even tried the turbo + Implant GRX method and still couldn't make it to the end fast enough.

I think there was one time when I managed to get all the bars, where I set down 50 demolition charges at the spot where Elijah comes through. It insta gibbed him and sent some of his body parts to the other side of the force field, which let me put the bars into him from one side, then run around and grab them from the other side.

Thinking of doing a shotgun character this time bros.
Any mods or advice I should look out for?

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it does you just have to be quick noob

>take gold
>crouch by side door
>use stealth boy
>walk out as Elijah walks in

Attached: Getting to it, that's not the hard part. It's letting go..jpg (2272x1704, 913K)

not really, you'll shred anything that doesn't have armor and you'll send armored enemies flying with And Stay Back so most of the fights will probably be a joke

Post your couriers.

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What's the trick to sneaking by Elijah?

I snuck by him once, then the game crashed right as I was about to save so I had to do it again. Then I kept getting caught with the force fields going up like 10 times before I finally slipped past him again.

And I was like way back in the corner too, I wasn't one of those guys trying to sneak around the main platform with 37 gold bars.

can't remember exactly but I just watched a youtube video of a guy doing it and did the exact same thing

In my playthrough I had to position myself away from the door because Dean blew up the turret right above it, which alerts Elijah if you're too near. I think? It's been a while since I did it

Yep did it before. Every single bar. That was a slog home because I was doing a no-fast travel run

You can't fast travel while overencumbered without a perk anyway

So the whole the game will just be like this?

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There's only 2 perks for shotguns specifically, and you don't get either for quite a while. What you can do is understand their ammo types well. Slugs are your best friend 90% of the time. Even an enemy with 5DT with make buckshot feel weak, but slugs will always have reliable damage. Bean bags are sort of useful against deathclaws if you don't have And Stay Back, but even with slugs you will have a hard time killing a deathclaw with a shotgun if you don't have that perk.

Other than that, have a plan to get a hold of the better shotguns early. You can get the hunting shotgun from the nuclear test sight near the Legion safehouse, but you need to fight high level ghouls. The riot shotgun can be acquired at level one if you rush to the Strip and grab it from the Gommorah guard.

yeah except you'll do it at mach 10 with the riot shotgun

The fact that Vault 34 was more successful than basically every other vault in the Mojave is an indicator he wasn’t anti-gun. Very big lesson in Vault 3 getting shredded to pieces upon opening and vault 34, though facing the same challenges, was able to persevere and establish themselves. And the story of their perseverance is painted on their history wall, too.

If you want Elijahs stuff
>Kill him as close to the entrence door as possible
>Escape normally
>Before you leave, try interacting with his body through the door, it should work
>you will have barely enough time to make it out alive
Honestly the gold Is just a trophy, as no one can actually afford the entire thing. But make sure you have the perk that let's you fast travel while over encumbered, or you are in for a long walk.
That's basically how I cheesed the DLC
>Enter in far too low level
>Can't really progress, can't kill anything
>find the snowglobe, free 2k chips
>spend it all on stimpacks
>just friggin book it

The free chips you get after the DLC is great as well, you should never run out of supplies, and you can just sell the things you get.

Vault 34 went to absolute shit, what are you talking about? A bunch of gun nuts left to found an isolationist commune of gun fetishists who rely on artillery for diplomacy, one guy went to live in a junkyard and the rest had a pointless civil war over a perceived injustice and killed themselves in the exact way the VaultTec experiment hoped they would

What a faggot

My build from my most recent playthrough.

Attached: NV.png (732x1252, 734K)

>implying that's not what it takes today to offend anyone but retards here

I played the DLC out of order the first time and did Old World Blues first. It was pretty neat actually finding all the Dead Money backstory and lore there then actually going there.

I feel like you don't need a [X] after every perk you took. Also use tabs, Jesus

I used the Jsawyer ultimate mod on very hard/hardcore mode because I find the game is much too easy otherwise. That mod really nerfs the DM rewards in order to preserve the economy. It makes pre war money have weight and reduces its value to nearly nothing, plus you get less coins from the voucher after the DLC. Also nerfs the gold value, on top of making you able to carry less because your carry weight is reduced.

This is pretty comprehensive, but I found I could still break the game super fast by going to Lonesom Road early and combing the enemy free first area for all the absurdly overvalued Bowie knives and marked men armors. The Jsawyer mod really should have changed the values to LR items if it was going to do the same to DM. That, or at least put a couple deathclaws infront of the LR entrance to filter out low level players from the first area.

>Also use tabs, Jesus

What do you mean?

I used the "X" to keep track of which perks I had. Initially there was only a "[ ]". Obviously it was all laid out prior to my playthrough.

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Sierra Madre chips also double up as infinite supplies from the Vending Machine, which is worse than hauling ass around the Mojave finding the vendors who sell the crap you want

4channel has banned my IP range. This will have to do.

>vault 34 was more successful than vault 3
>the completely irradiated vault with ghouls that had survivors because they quit had a better fate than the good vault that got massacred because of being completely unlucky

>"Most character defining perks"

>not taking 10% damage on the most numerous enemy type in the game
What're you, some kind of straight?

Could have brought a pack character back and did it in 20 minutes

Vault 3 had no survivors. Vault 34 had numerous who inevitably thrived and prospered.

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How are you boosting some of your SPECIAL by 2 points despite only taking intense training once? How are you not increasing your END and CHA at all when everyone can afford to get a special upgrade implant for each SPECIAL at the medical clinic?

>The fact that Vault 34 was more successful than basically every other vault in the Mojave
>Vault 21 didn't exist

story is great but the whole thing is pretty much a massive fetch quest.

How is the mod overall? I tried counting my skills/perks to make the best jack of all trades character I could

Only because they were salty that their overseer didn't want them to have guns and left early before the vault descended into chaos.

Why is it only Yea Forums that likes this game over the other Fallouts? Is it because of the politics?

Fuck yeah
>10 luck build
>Play the casino untill it breaks
>Spend all the chips on stimpaks

Who needs money when you are effectively immortal

I like the setting and the characters.

Because Fallout 3 and 4 are

>only Yea Forums
New Vegas is a very loved game. The issue is that in normie circles, people will prefer Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 because muh explosions and (completely unfitting for the Fallout series) atmosphere.

Has soul, attention to details, a driving story with subplots, fun alternative playstyles

Male humans that you need to fight are more numerous than hostile female NPCs, so I think going for the man fucker perk has a higher priority than the woman fucker perk.

- Strength was raised by 3 via the Reinforced Spine perk and the strength implant.
- Perception was raised by 3 via the Desperado Hat and the perception implant
- Intelligence raised by 1 via implant.
- Agility raised by 2 via Intense Training and implant.
- Luck raised by 2 via the Lonesome Road SPECIAL perk and implant.

Now that you mention it I believe I did raise both charisma and endurance by one. Either that or I didn't based on some roleplaying aspect. This was a while ago.

Get a point of intense training instead

>Tfw you cant spread the teachings of Daniel and Joshua and save the mojave by teaming up the Followers and teaching the people to be self sufficient and dropping trade posts all the while spreading the good word around the Mojave
this sucks

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fairly certain most people here like 1 and 2 as much if not more than NV

They're still alive and those fuckers in Vault 3 are dead. At the end of the day that's all that matters.

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>minor bandits like viper etc
Always felt weird they were never a faction/quest objective dealing with them

>How is the mod overall?

Essential. I can't play without it because there's no fun if I know I cannot lose. It's meant to be played on Hardcore mode (where you must drink and stuff). I played it on just Very Hard at first, but even that was still too easy for me because stimpacks heal you instantly outside of Hardcore mode. When even stimpacks have a delayed effect, there's no *stop time and heal yourself to full health* panic button to save you if you really fuck up.


They're just raiders with a tiny bit of lore behind them. Not every degenerate in the waste deserves their own sidequest. You can join the fiends, though.


Shotguns don't work well with VATS IIRC, so they are an ideal weapon to use on a drug based character that relies heavily on Turbo and Implant GRX slowdowns instead.

That was a bit of a brainfart of mine when making the character, as what I tried to imply with the chart is that she is attracted to shy characters (hence Michelangelo, Ringo, that one poetry-loving Khan). I probably picked the Perk because the idea of the icon is that she "kills women", when in reality the Perk is about something else entirely (and doesn't make any sense, why would "being attracted to women" give you a damage bonus against them?).

Did you mistake Cherchez-la-femme for Black Widow?

2>NV>1>3 in my opinion, New Vegas is almost as good as 2 but it has worse gameplay and fighting mechanic
whereas 1 lacks content and it's short, same for 3, this is my 100% non nostalgia-based opinion as I recently played all of em
didn't play 4 because I have better games to play

That's pretty based if true.

You know, I quite liked Elijah's voice acting and writing. He's just as good as Joshua in some ways.

>a tiny bit of lore
They have more lore than the Fiends and could easily have had a more prominent place in the game

>no Crimelord Independent ending where you rally the various raider factions to become the Don of Vegas

I don't know, sometimes I swear I'm aiming point-blank at a dude's head on the floor and it barely does anything but when I switch to VATS his health bar melts in an instant

>You can join the fiends, though.
Only thing you can do is give Motor-Runner his package

Did I miss something? Are the Vipers a gang from Fallout 1 and 2?

Go into the files and replace the Fiend skins with Viper skins

Is it compatible with Project Nevada?

The true dt was very interesting, as was the reduced weight limit. Made strongback and pack rat a requirement so barter isn't completely neglected.

can you join any of the factions though?
because even if you're helping a faction, you're not one of them, you're just helping them

I was just implying that if you want to roleplay as a insane raider type, you can "join" the fiends and have them be neutral towards you. I didn't mean to imply they had any value in terms of lore or worldbuilding.

Vipers could run a bar, scorpions a hostel/motel where everyone is drugged up constantly. Great Khan's a full on chemistry plant.

The game could've been a lot more had the game not been rushed. The concept art was very ambitious.


>can you join any of the factions though?
There's only one quest involving Motor-Runner and doing jobs for the fiends.
On the other hand, when you do quests for House, the NCR or Caesar's Legion, it is implicit that you are taking sides with them, because this goes beyond "deliver a package". By doing tasks for them you are fortifying their hold on the Mojave.

And officially, when the game ends it shows you keep working for them or have been rewarded for your services lent to said major factions.
> The Courier, fair and even-handed in his/her dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for his/her support of the military at Hoover Dam. He/she was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic.
> Though the Courier himself/herself was just and forthright in his/her dealings throughout the Wasteland, he/she helped the Legion achieve victory. Caesar honored him/her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his/her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland.
> The Courier, fair and kind-hearted to those in the Wasteland, ensured that Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable and secure for future generations. Mr. House afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants.

You can join the BOS officially. Pretty sure the powder gangers consider you one of them if you side with them.

You're House's right hand man but NCR and Legion give you a fancy award and do their own thing without you

I love how God calls you a dumbass as well for relying on your pipboy

You can become a BOS Paladin, Follower of the Apocalypse, and a King

I do too but I hate his affixiation with wanting to tear off my arm and wear it arpund his neck.

You can also become a Follower.

God is cool though. For a guy who's openly hostile all the time anyway

Does he say that randomly, or is it directly tied to when you use the pip boy?

I never let Dog live because he eats Goodsprings if you do. Picking God is fine, even if putting Dog to sleep sounds sad. I reckon God was closer to the original personality of the guy who became the Dog/God supermutant, anyway.

>NCR give you a medal
>Caesar gives you a coin
>House givs you everything

Attached: The House always wins.png (797x615, 344K)

Is there a good whether mod with dark nights that doesn't completely gimp cateye? I don't want to use any night-vision goggle/etc mods - I just wanna use cateye, but most whether mods I use completely fucking neuter the cateye affect from brightening up the night to being very dim.

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Why would night time be dark in Nevada? There's no clouds so the moon is always there.

You can convince the two to merge, and the result is very stable. But yeah, God may be an asshole but he doesn't have any interest in terrorising people, so letting him live is the best choice outherwise

I like Fallouts 1, 2, and New Vegas. There are a few reasons for this but the biggest one I think is the way the games convey a sense of history moving forward. Time passes in Fallout, in a way it doesn't in a lot of other RPGs that get sequels. Stuff that happened in Fallout 1 is ancient history by New Vegas, but still impacts certain people and places. The games build off themselves and move forward.

Probably one of the most iconic things in the original Fallout was the Brotherhood of Steel. They're a powerful faction, but they're also very reclusive and don't like to meddle in the affairs of the outside world. By Fallout 2 they're almost irrelevant, drowned out by the expanding city-states and fledgling nations around them. Then you reach New Vegas where they're actively seen as a terrorist threat by most of the inhabitants of the Mojave, and one of their (former) leaders goes off the deep-end and actually becomes an outright villain. It's a long way for a cherished faction to fall, but it follows a strain of believable history. They were powerful but misguided, then they didn't matter, now they're lashing out as they're almost gone. I could see a hypothetical future Fallout game without the Brotherhood of Steel at all. They could be wiped out by then. I can't think of too many games that would be willing to let such an iconic aspect of their franchise wither and die in full view of the player for narrative reasons.

Although the new guy seems like an okay person, I am of the opinion that it is effectively killing both Dog and God. Dog has to go, but sometimes I think God is an okay person, even if he is an asshole.

Also in Fallout 1 you have the Unity, lead by the Master. He thinks super-mutants are better equipped to survive the end of the world, and besides which stuff like differing opinions and individuality lead to the apocalypse in the first place. So just get rid of them! You defeat the Master and destroy the Unity, but...just because you destroy the seat of power doesn't mean they all go away. In Fallout 2 you meet super-mutants who're recovering from the loss of their group, some still rallying against civilization, some trying to fit in. There's a history there though and it's not comfortable, and often leads to tensions. But now there's a new bad guy on the block: the Enclave. Remnants of the Old World trying to reassert some kind of authority over the new one. Although they're quite powerful, their views and motives are appropriately petty. Nothing like the Master's grand designs. They were in charge before and now that the radiation has settled they want to be in charge again, like they have a right to all the new communities that have spread in their absence. So you destroy them, but they're only human too. Some of their survivors make their way to the Mojave, where new nations (the NCR, the Legion, the Vegas city-state) are clashing to decide the future. Time is moving forward. We're in the post-post apocalypse now.

Unless you play Fallout 3. Back in the Vault with you. It's like the bombs just dropped yesterday. No real development on the East Coast, nope, though we decided it was a good idea to build a city around an undetonated bomb for some reason, with no arable farmland. But that's not what you want. You know what you want? The Brotherhood of Steel! They're back and powerful and the good guys! And the Enclave! They downloaded another president and they're still evil and still powerful somehow, and not human or sympathetic like the wash-ups you meet in New Vegas! What do you mean this stuff is literally old already?

When they revealed Fallout 4 would cast you as someone before the war who was frozen and pulled out of a Vault to plop down in the wasteland again, I gave up all hope for this franchise in Bethesda's hands. That was before they revealed all the dialogue stuff, before Fallout 76. Bethesda acquired an IP in which moving forward is implicitly a key aspect of the franchise and they refuse to move forward with it. 76 technically moved us backwards. I can't wait to wake up in a vault again in Fallout 5 to explore more freshly-destroyed American countryside alongside the Brotherhood of Steel (TM).

>Reading comprehension

How are Fallout of Nevada and Oblivion Lost?

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>House finally found the chip
>Initially pick Ulysses to deliver it since he can give a wager to the Legion since they're at Fortification Hill
>Suddenly hear rumors of a courier that build a micronation that got his legacy destroyed because of NCR incompetence
>Ulysses was scared shitless when he saw Courier 6 on the list
>Could've made Victor escorted Courier 6 but instead made sure Courier 6 was familiar to the wasteland before he reaches the Strip
House knew he won from the very start

Had to do some digging on the wiki and finally found it. It's not that VATS is bad, it's just they they are better out of VATS if building for criticals. Outside of VATS, if one pellet crits, damage is calculated as if all pellets crit. Inside VATS, the pellets are calculated individually.

Hey wait are you trying say something about my reading comprehension?

Name 1 thing that is good about honest hearts that isn't Joshua Graham or the Survivalist.

That's literally not the lesson, letting go is you not cutting corners and back stabbing your companions to get to the gold faster or easier.

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i spent like 1h installing mods for FN:V then stopped playing after 3 hours. I already did a recent playthrough in which i explored 95% of NV, guess I'm tired.

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The .45 auto pistol is pure sex.
Really, misogyny is the FIRST reason he falls on as to why people wouldn't want to join the Legion? Fucking MISOGYNY?

That low agility, holy shit.

>he didn't take them all and japed elijah at the end

You just hide behind the machine on the right side as you exit the vault and once elijah is inside the vault you make a break for the door. A stealth boy will make your life 10x easier as well.

oh i am laffin

my nigga

Its kinda a fun survivalism experience.

No, legion uses them as partly crippled slaves carrying gigantic packs around. Still, for some reason women and trannies seem to all absolutely love the legion.

>Really, misogyny is the FIRST reason he falls on as to why people wouldn't want to join the Legion? Fucking MISOGYNY?
Yes, got a problem with that?

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>this is what legionoids actually believe

Well I mean someone has to be the bottom.

What if The Noid was in the Legion?

It probably is that simple.

So satisfying to hear after everything he had done.
I only wish there were some way my Courier could taunt him via radio and tell him to get fucked.

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NV is the most popular of the 3d games in a lot of circles.

>a bunch of gun nuts left to found an isolationist commune that’s still operating and doesn’t have any blatant signs of weakness, meanwhile everyone else keeps getting raped by gangs or local wildlife

Having a central point (The strip) really adds a lot to the sandbox game.

It's a lot better then "Here is an open world, find some fun".
Fallout 3 you go help some town in the middle of nowhere then never think about them again.

New Vegas you always think about how it will effect the factions and the strip.

Need some advice, RP-ing as a badass gunslinger cowboy (because I'm original like that).
What should I do here? Gun all the legionaries down or let them go?
Is the game less fun without Vulpes? Don't think I've ever killed him here

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>5 strength
>6 perception
>7 endurance
>6 int
>4 Cha
>6 agi
>6 luck
Look into your heart, you know this is the best general specialist build that's not melee. If you wanted to max your luck innately you could dump Cha for it. With power armour and implant your strength is 8, and if you want 10 solar powered provides it.

>doesn’t have any blatant signs of weakness
Fire Ants invaded their ammunition stockpile and isolationism is itself a weakness. Pearl admits as much to you.

Light in shining darkness.

What went wrong?

Builds like these are ideal. Use iconic weaponry and armor and follow the general theming of the game without straying too far into DeviantArt-tier OC LARP territory,

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Well, what cowboy are you? The good, the bad or the ugly?

I really hope you guys are running Ceasar's new regime or Legion overhaul

No thanks

They're a bunch of šȍý munchers

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Clint Eastwood type, leans good but mostly in it for himself

Do you think Boomer girls are size queens?

In my anti-Legion playthroughs I usually save the Nipton fight for when I've leveled up a bit.

I think they fuck Missiles, yes

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Well then, let them be. Clint Eastwood type isn't that careless to get in a fight with a squad of armed man he just met for the first time.

Well I can take them with Lucky, it's such an op gun early-game and I am a bit leveled. My hesitation is more about whether I want Lupes to be dead or not

Whoever thought that DLC was a good idea should have got stabbed, literally ruined a perfect game with one DLC alone.

Dead Money is the best DLC by a long shot.

The game progresses normally whether or not Vulpes is alive, he simply gets replaced by another Legionary. You're gonna kill him eventually when you take on Caesar so the only question is whether or not you want to be able to hear his voice again between now and then.

>The game progresses normally whether or not Vulpes is alive, he simply gets replaced by another Legionary
hmmm, alright he dies then. Thanks user

>have to stick missile up their bum
>if you survive you are now considered an adult

But wait user

In order to show how badass you are wait untill you meet Cesar and blow everyone in the tent away with lucky and some JFP ammunition

outdoorsman who stomps around like an ent


Kinky but sounds medically dangerous
Think they use grenades as ballgags?

Fuck I got rekt, Killed Vulpes in 2 headshots though (based Lucky)

should've listened

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if only there had been a way to get a fuckload of dynamite and land mines early on to make booby traps

Told you you should level up first. At least you got a couple of them.

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>not fighting vulpes but letting him escape for a rematch later on.

is that possible? What do I have to do, run away from him?

>not just following Vulpes until he runs into the NCR patrol near Searchlight and gets slaughtered

this quote kills me
like he forgets all about the slavery and genocide because (misogyny)
what a fucking chump lmao

Alright what do I do now? Run away from him?

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I want to play Van Buren so goddam much

Just imagine it's Elijah at the end of Lonesome Road and there's no ED-E to stop the nukes. That's basically Van Buren

Get him stuck somewhere and run away maybe? I would assume his AI turns off at a certain range

When it first came out you could manually carry them. All 35 or whatever. And just pick them up right before the end.

But I really like the setting
Fuck we'll never get a west coast game ever again

about to install TTW
anything I should know before playing?

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>Van Buren

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no bully you know what I meant

Going in at low level with no gear is tons of fun

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That one is definitely meant for low levels for stupid tribal shit running around like bear gryls

yes, this

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That's looks surprisingly unique and appropriate.

Post yfw Vault 11's sacrifice chamber

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>we're with the vipers

Honestly there's no fucking point, You get legion hit squads after you at a far too low level which are a nuisance until you reach the strip and caesar clears your name for story reasons.
Even RP wise, a bad ass gunslinger doesn't have to kill em all if he knows he's out gunned.

Boy, am I glad for 40mm pulse grenades

>tfw no ghoul wife to impregnate

>the sacrifice wasn't a quick and dignified death with maybe a single turret
>it's an entire robot death squad to butcher a lone, unarmed person and stick their rotting corpse behind the wall

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>visor mod
>still using hud

so much for immersion

Or you could just hoard big horner steaks and whiskey like a true cowboy. Survival is a useful enough skill to justify dumping points in it to 100 to get +4 STR from the steaks. Add that with the chem duration boosting perks and you don't need a lot of strength at all, but 5 is a good benchmark.

>implying that isn't built-in power armor displays

It could have been worse.

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>Misogony is why someone should be disgusted by the Legion and not its genocidal policies or the fact that it's just a bunch of roman larpers in football gear thinking they can build a sustainable society when they don't even have no clear line of succession despite their leader suffering from a brain tumor that can only be cured by modern medicine that they also refuse to use because it supposedly makes them weak

I think I dropped them on the ground as one bar and manually carried them out

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The Pitt and point lookout are still the best dlcs of any fallout

>empty the vault's contents
>buy everything in the mojave

Correct. One vault produced survivors who were able to survive in the wasteland. One produced corpses.

I think the closest thing that exists is part of the Raider alliance faction for New California, but your mileage may vary.

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Even at their full value of over 300k caps I'm pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to buyout the entire Vendortron stock

>best of all; the Survivalist's Rifle.

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Is new california any good? The few videos I saw of it looked pretty jank

It's a F:NV unofficial expansion that should have been done in FO4 considering how many enemies it throws at you. Fuckers don't even know how brittle the engine is

BASED CHADshua graham

Yikes, can it at least run on a toaster? Cause that's all im working with here

A toaster is the last thing you want to run F:NV on. You have a better chance at running Crysis

What about the writing tho?

What did he mean by this? And not in the "it's the theme of the story lmao" way.


You're joking right? NV is a quintessential toaster game, I'm running it on one right now

In the name of Randall Clark, I will have justice for the people of vault 11.

Even though they're all actually pieces of shit that never once considered it was a test and didn't mind sacrificing SOMEONE, so long as it wasn't their loved ones. I mean I get it and the vault tec engineers are scum, but come the fuck on. Those people had no limit to who they would have sacrificed.

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FO2-tier garbage

>"I'm going a pure build guys!
>still puts 9 fucking points into INT so he can max all the skills out while neglecting his agi which is one of, if not the most important attributes for a melee pure

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>user files: 244
Holy shit thanks for the stash.

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You'd take that chance, would you? Doubtful. You would likely fold like most anyone else

it's funny how people view past societies as sexist when in reality a man's entire life was dedicated to defending and providing for his family.

They're both psychos, one is retarded and one is smart
The new guy is more balanced

Oh hell naw, I'm speaking as someone outside the vault obviously. If I had nothing to live for and no family, then yeah, probably. It's weird because you'd have to be a sizeable piece of shit to be willing to sacrifice EVERYONE by saying "We won't sacrifice ANYONE," but on the flipside continually sacrificing ANYONE when you don't have to is also fucked. Especially when you later found out all those people you sent to their deaths didn't need to die.

But even if I would, there's still the majority of other vault dwellers that wouldn't. They'd riot, although I don't remember if it was up to the Overseer to tell the machine if there'd be a sacrifice. It's been a while since I played Vault 11.

Doesn't God talk to Christine about killing her? He seems very insidious

It's okay. Still technically beta, but in a playable state. The last update fixed most bug and script issues, and implemented vanilla game integration so you can keep playing after the main quest.

It's fine if you don't take it too seriously. General consensus is it's like a couple fanboys of 2 made a mod for New Vegas, but not that bad considering it's mostly just two guys.

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any mods that make FO4's guns as good as F:NV or are they all trash?

Got it cause people keep saying it has the best gunplay, but holy fuck the guns and animations are garbage

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my last character that I made

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Is that an actual character or is it just a mod

I’m actually a writer for a Van Buren remake. Progress is going very well.


you better not fuck up like New California. References are fine, but don't make it full of it

What does the character truly look like

There are options to reset your level when you move wastelands. In fact, the devs even said the ideal TTW experience is to do this.

>Playing NV before 3
You disgust me

No worries, our team is following the lore of Van Buren to a T. Originally I thought we were going to reestablish the lore to fit with NV, but due to the many inconsistencies between Van Buren and NV we decided to leave Van Buren as it was. Still, might sneak in a reference or two to the Mojave.

Fallout is a series where it doesn't matter what game you start with

that's alright, good luck boyo

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thats her default appearance

That's alright, pretty sure NV takes place 30 years after it.

So she is just a mod, not both

on my most recent playthrough i was actually using a mod that removes map markers so this actually stood out a lot more

there's some paths through the villa in dead money that are stupidly complex if you use map markers but pretty striaghtforward if you look around and "plan your route"

NV is popular and becoming to be even more popular when people realized how good it actually was. Literally what people expected with FO4 was to be more like NV.

>5 endurance
That's when you get the OG jsawyer and Vicious wastes

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>1 Charisma

ah, self inserting i see