New iceborne trailer n shit for those interested
Dev dairy:
Tldr; new communal hot spring, 2 new subspecies (black dragon odo and fulgar Anja), glavenus confirmed, and brachydios teased. All in all, looking good so far.
New iceborne trailer n shit for those interested
Dev dairy:
Tldr; new communal hot spring, 2 new subspecies (black dragon odo and fulgar Anja), glavenus confirmed, and brachydios teased. All in all, looking good so far.
I showed my gf the scene where the character is holding their palico over the hot spring while splashing its feet in the water and she immediately promised to buy both of us copies.
so when does it come to PC
>Worldfags celebrating recolors, something we stopped accepting ten years ago
This franchise is regressing so fast I'm sure it will be 8-bit come 2026
>talking about a game for gay babies
This fucking expansion better have at least 75% more monsters with how fucking long we've been waiting for it.
>GU theme sounds extremely weak
It's really heart breaking at this point to hear no impact of the music themes performed previously.
Brachy is going to sound so sad, may as well mod in the official disco remix when he comes out on PC.
Don't make this into console wars again, you could clearly see new attacks from those subspecies. Besides, if it's easier to redo an existing monster then I'm all up for more variety. Just look at the 3ds ones and how good the subs in those were at keeping old monsters fresh.
>console wars
You're paranoid and delusional.
>Besides, if it's easier to redo an existing monster
If they're not going to put in effort then why should we pay them?
was that who i thought it was at the end?
I kind of like the different key for Glavenus's theme, but yeah, the instrumentation is incredibly unfitting. It should be much more bombastic.
he looks dope the scratching marks on the ground after his tailswipe are pretty nice looking too
>literally only adding monsters with skeletons already in the game
>only generic dinos and wyverns
Never Rajang, Zinogre, Mizu, Lagi, Gore or the other interesting monsters. Let alone a good new monsters. All they generate hype with is old monsters, that's how pathetic they have become.
This is embarrassing.
I just want my boy back.
Indeed it was, my friend.
Uragaan is fucking back, baby!
Doesn't look like they toned down his colours anywhere near as much as they did for other monsters. I like it.
>Left has a solo hunter using a mid tier weapon and fashionable armor for immersion to perfect the art of hunting and test his mettle against a foe which he respects
>Right is just 4 random fuckheads dogpiling on a helpless animal for loot
I'll never understand you faggots.
This is bait right?
>perfectly factual and truthful
>hurr this is bait le animu girl
Has it really been so long? How does this line up with the usual base game->G rank wait?
>World was made to introduce newcomers
>Complains about minor nerfs
Seriously just play 4u or Gu if youre going to complain so badly
>Same monsters with lack of variety
Literally made the game from scratch and is getting new monster skeletons and variants with new expansion
No but "muh soul"
It's very rushed honestly. 3U took 4 years to come out and FU came out 3 years after Dos.
which faggots?
And here I thought you might have actual good arguments but all it boils down to is omg stop having standards
Tfw every monster hunter thread is people telling me why I shouldn’t be excited and how my fun is fake fun
>still thinking they "made the game from scratch"
Lagiacrus is a Leviathan and was included in World's initial development. There was too little time before World's release for the skeleton's neck to be fixed. Of course it will be in Iceborne. We've already seen its finished model; along with the finished model of 1 flagship monster for every Monster Hunter game so far. We've seen Fatalis. Go look at the "15th Anniversary" image if you really wanna see Brachydios's new weird head. Oddly enough, this was the only of 3 Monster Hunter Anniversary images to not include a respective anniversary stamp on the image itself. I am amazed that only after the reveal of so many Flagship monsters (that just happened to also be present in this image) that the majority of Monster Hunter fans can come to the conclusion that maybe this image has less in common with the 15th Anniversary and more in common with the Iceborne DLC. Mizutsune, Gammoth, and Astalos weren't included in this image as inclusions for Iceborne (the whole image is covered in ice how did you miss this) as even for a game as successful as Monster Hunter World, fitting in all those flagships into one DLC is too time consuming - especially as this DLC also features new monsters and subspecies to the series. If you're really upset by this then at least look towards possible free content updates post release for these iconic monsters. I will not promise that Massacre Demon Diablos would get similar treatment. You might also notice that this artwork of all returning flagships for Iceborne (that was released all the way back in March how did you miss this) includes the Gore Magala as the flagship representation of MH4 (Japan only) but doesn't show Shagaru Magala. It is easy to assume Shagaru Magala will be added as a free content Special Assignment post-release.
And yes, Fatalis WILL be in Iceborne. It is a staple addition to all expansions now for Monster Hunter; and you can also gawk at its texture mapping on its new 3D model on the Monster Hunter website. Fatalis is the only monster included in this "15th Anniversary" image that isn't a Flagship monster for a respective single game. This is clearly because Fatalis is the Flagship monster for the entire series of games.
"no rathios is the flaghsip for the series i never include and reason for wat i believe cuz i dont have tge brainpower to spew wat i believe as well as y i believe it".
Rathalos is the poster boy for the series.
go get 'em champ
can someone post the 15 anniversary pic where half of it is already dlc in iceborne?
>complains about the most basic of changes
Yea i knew it was pointless to argue anything when all thats ever said is "monster no do thing as good"
Sex have
Welcome to Yea Forums and /vg/
Tolerating casuals will hurt us all in the end y'know
nitpicking aside are you going to ignore the actual issues like poor level design, cheap gimmicks like turf wars that get old fast and the god awful multiplayer system?
You’re both ignoring re-used assets since MH3 too.
Thanks man, so tell me Yea Forums who do you think is the next one?
Been here for a decade plus, but rarely seen so many fans get so buttblasted over a new entry into the series when it isn’t dogshit
>poor level design
Improved from 4th gen which has the worst level design in the franchise.
>cheap gimmicks like turf wars that get old fast
>god awful multiplayer system
Tri is the only monhun that ever had a good system for multiplayer.
Im not saying there arent actual issues, its more things like "narga got nerfed dead game" that drive the attention away from actual issues
>It's really heart breaking at this point to hear no impact of the music themes performed previously.
Narga says hello.
You clearly havent listened to the new soundtrack for hoarfrost
>no impact
>performed previously
All the portable music was done via digital synths and relied on high notes in order to get around the PSP and 3DS having mediocre sound capabilities. That's why horns, guitars, high tops, and bells were more prominent in old tracks as opposed to things like strings, the lower end of percussion, and bass.
The music sounds the same as when they do the orchestral renditions for their big concert every year. You actually get a deeper breadth of sounds used.
But then again considering you're talking about the disco remix it shows you have literally no ear for sound. You probably would've shit on the Tri soundtrack too for not being as brass and ringing as P2nd and 2G.
>this desperate cry for attention
Cant say whos next but i feel like valstrax will be last or dlc
Brand new arrangements don't suffer as much because they're new and there's no old version to compare them to. They are automatically the best versions of that theme.
If you listen hard enough you can hear the soft wimper of a nintendie being eternally BTFO.
Monster Hunter's back on the menu boys!!!!!!!!
He looks good actually
I like the idea that these borderline mythical monsters are being brought to the more realistic setting of World.
Also, I'm assuming that electric Anjanath we saw is a variant and not a new monster
Same with that Dragon/Shadow element Odagaron
The composition rarely changes. The only difference the majority of the time is that you can hear notes that were either nearly muted in the old versions, or couldn't be processed and were left out for the game.
>tfw already know I'm going to double dip because fuck PS4 and buying PS+ in general
>tfw already kinda regret not buying the game during the Steam sale
>tfw really don't want to play through the story and everything again
Fucking MH. I thought I was out.
Is that new Odogogaron a berzerk reference?
>fated four
user, what? It's literally just a t-rex that wears metal and heats it up.
Well, duh. Although the new variants/subspecies/whatever they call them now, seem to be vastly more different from the base monsters, compared to the previous games. They're more like the deviants, but not as retardedly overtuned.
I'm loving what i'm seeing but I want to castrate the fucker who butchered the weapons.
please bring back the invizo boi
>all in a game together
>Chameleos left out
>the Dos family will never be reunited
As a monster that first appeared in the 3rd Gen, Brachydios and its Raging variant has come to the New World to teach the Second Fleet how to craft a weapon that looks good. CAPCOM wouldn't have the gall to redesign its weapons to fit that horrible metal slap-on Walmart style.
feels funking bad man
More of the mentally ill listposter's shitposting spam.
It's ironic that gaijin "punches his wife until she drops scales" hunter called World walmart style considering he praises weapons that look like they belong in the 7-9 year old toy aisle.
can't wait to see how hard they butcher these
>Actually defending New World weapon designs and talking shit about old weapons
Fuck of falseflagger, nobody thinks they're good.
>Ebony Odo is Dragon element.
Zinogre is probably in but rip Stygian.
I'm hype boys.
Remember guys: no merit in uniqueness.
Good. FUCK Styggy Ziggy homing dragon balls.
The fact that you think anything after second gen looks good shows how shitty your tastes are. I bet you unironically enjoy neon yellow electric blue sparkle fizzle long swords that streak purple anime lights.
I'm amazed that he'd have said that at all considering how hard he spent the last 2 years shilling World and trashing every other MH game.
yeah i do
Your tastes are shit and you like Power Rangers. Go get pulled over by cops in the toy aisle you pedo.
He went back to shilling XX/GU when no one cared about his World content at all. Nigga is a fraud.
He flip flops constantly, it's embarrassing
>Your tastes are shit
>You like Power Rangers
Pick one, homo.
>burns bridges with vets by trashing older games
>then turns around and burns bridges with new players by saying he preferred older games
What a dunce
Someone that likes Power Rangers is in no position to call anyone else a fag lmao
Is Iceborne going to fix the hack and slash gameplay of world?
He's a newfag who ONLY started with the 4th gen games. He made a few actually good weapon videos showcasing their full movesets, which got linked to by major vidya news outlets, bloggers, etc. And then the fame got to his head and he imagined himself to be some sort of expert on all things MH and a pillar of the community.
No one ever liked him. He just lived in Japan and had some level of access to MonHun stuff so he was one of the few English sources for MonHun content. Once Capcom started bringing in a whole bunch of people, and the Japanese outlets themselves started producing more English content, there was literally no reason to even pay attention to him.
I really don't fucking care that looks really fun to play.
Joke's on you, my gf had it pre-ordered on PS4 within the first week and I just upgraded her PC yesterday so we can play together properly.
Where is the Brachy tease in the Dev Diary? I don't have time to watch the whole thing.
I have a feeling it will be Gore Magala. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ebony Odogaron is a hint
It's at the end of the new trailer. The trailer has been uploaded separately from the dev diary too.
just like all teased monsters, they will not acknowledge it until the next update.
Ebony Odo has nothing to do with Magalas. Frenzy virus doesn't give you Dragon element affinity.
Just watch the Glav trailer. Uragaan gets bullied by exploding slime and then Brachy purrs. Next update is in August.
Frenzy is a 4 only thing anyways. Gore has been in more games without frenzy than with it.
>Lagiacrus is a Leviathan and was included in World's initial development. There was too little time before World's release for the skeleton's neck to be fixed. Of course it will be in Iceborne.
Lagi without underwater combat would be retarded.
Looks Stygian to me.
It's in MHGU and thank god there is no water combat.
which weapon will survive the world meatgrinder?
Do we know yet if PC is delayed?
All of them.
>implying Gore didn't pumped his big black frenzy inside a Zinogre
January/Feb 2020.
December or next year.
user, crossbreeding is lewd.
Then we should go back to bashing easy as piss 4th gen games? Or was that your entry game so you consider it the hardest?
You're the reason I made those 2 big posts.
Greatsword and Longsword. You know it to be true.
>Piss easy 4th gen
4th gen was more challenging then third gen, P3rd being probably the easiest of the mainline games unless we count world
Second Gen was hard, but once you got online with a bunch of hammer users or heavy bowgunners it was a cake walk for most monsters.
What's the Odo like in XX?
None of them, they're just going to slap the slime texture on each of the generic weapon lines and call it a day.
Those are Glavenus, not Brachydios, you turd.
>stopped accepting
Yet 4U and Gen are full of recolored sub species.
GU's whole selling point was recolors.
4th Gen was only harder than P3rd. Tri and 3U were still harder. 4th Gen didn't even approach Tri's HR until halfway through 4G's G rank and all the third gen monsters in 4th gen are the nerfed variants that also have no changes made to compensate for the added verticality and mounting, just like how 1st and 2nd gen were made pitifully easy because they never adapted them to compensate for the changes.
Literally Kush, Chameleos, and Teo were the only pre-4th gen monsters that got changes. Anything that got updates only had them on subspecies. Even then nothing in 4th gen ever made up for how much of a power up the hunters got.
In fact 4th gen suffered from the exact same problems as World with regards to Hunter versus Monster balance.
>10 years ago
Tri was missing half the game. Then Portable 3rd and 3U came in with a bunch of recolors. Then 4th gen was nothing but recolors and asset dumps.
Stop pretending to be an oldfag.
Sure thing, that's why XX had instead those deviants that just upped their gamma bit
What a game changer
The bow is confirmed in the new Dev diary video.
Also tigrex LS
>Tri was still harder
Did you play with the wiimote like a mongoloid?
There was nothing hard about Tri except the patience element, the health pools were insanely bloated but the monsters were fucking easy
3U was also easy as fuck except for the uber monsters, or are we going to just ignore the overpowered slime element, and the kelbi bow meme.
Capcom, where's my friend Chameleos?
Nigga if we're pulling out memes about overpowered weapons and abilities then there isn't a single game in the franchise other than 1 and Dos that's difficult.
I have faith in Iceborne, the fact that they've redesigned the Gathering Hub and are bringing back so many fan favorite monsters shows that they must be aware of the primary criticisms of MHW
I refuse to believe that they would do all this work just to continue to drop the ball with the weapon designs. I think their planis just to have every intermediate stage of weapons be the base iron/bone model with monster parts, and then have it become a unique design for the last stage
Are you going to fix your shit taste ?
>changes to gathering hall
Such as?
watch the fucking dev video
they moved everything closer together due to feedback from players who wanted a gathering hub with all the facilities at hand. some things they still couldn’t quite do properly like the smithy, but they managed to cut access to that down to a black screen with no loading screen
If this is supposed to be a hint, next has has to be lagi, or everything is still up in the air
You're defending the Ukanlos GS and the Epitath, you don't have any right to tell anyone else they have shit taste.
I have all the right, considering how tame those are compared to the absolute putrid garbage from Portable 3rd on.
If we get lagi and shigeru this will be perfect
MH6 should seriously just get rid of gathering hall. Just make the whole base able to connect online so you'll have other players running around filling the place.
hammerfags are cancer
have sex
SnS, LS ,DB and Bow are in
Theory that only last upgrades will gain full models