Pic related is my favorite game of all time. what do you recommend i play next?

pic related is my favorite game of all time. what do you recommend i play next?

Attached: B5C90975-BD83-4669-96F2-AB63F798317D.jpg (1190x1500, 213K)

the last of us

An actual video game instead of a movie

LIsa The Painful
Last Of Us
Bioshock Infinite
Basically any other dad simulator.

Find any other "game" that says Only on Playstation at the top right. That'll be perfect for someone with your specific tastes.

Why do nintendo kids get so hostile when someone brings up a Sony exclusive?

Ape Escape 4

Attached: 1532905188194.png (1280x679, 1.78M)

They feel threatened by "the other side" having games such as this

Attached: GOW bossfight.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: wpid-2-months-free-rent.gif (420x336, 25K)

This fight was such a good take on the dual character boss fight that I was quite disappointed when DMC5 did not have anything similar to Agni and Rudra in it.

Russian roulette in singleplayer

Nice try gayboi. I hate Nintendo shit just as much as this Sony trash.

You're right bro. I too enjoyed the part where the axe completely missed but still hit him. And the slow mo, gotta have that slow mo bro.

The axe did hit, he's just using the pommel that makes the light axe throw fly in a straight line and pierce targets. The slowmo dodge is the effect of a specific talisman that augments Kratos' dodges to slow enemies down, like in Bayonetta.

I think you should play games before attempting to poop on them.

Is this how you cope with GoW winning GOTY?

Slowmo is only ok if Nintendo does it, amrite?

Attached: 1499778137082.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

Why would you lie like this? A piece of software has to actually be a video game to even be eligible for GotY.

Get over it.

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netflix. plenty of movies on there.

Nobody mentioned Nintenthough

Pretty much, yeah.

Based and biaspilled

No one mentioned Nintendo chief. You can stop trying to straw man.

Look ign gave it a 10 that means it's good right?

Keep coping over GOTY 2018

Finally, a game where the combat feels like you're controlling a Zack Snyder battle scene

Attached: GOW.webm (800x450, 3M)


Serious reply: Darksiders 2. GoW4 is a watered down version of da2

how many buttons were pressed during this entire video? im guessing maybe like 12

Fortnite, Persona 5, Uncharted 4 etc.

Basically noob games and bad movie games.

It's pcfags that bait consolewar faggotry never anyone else

So this is the artistic quality of God of Boi's world?

Attached: 1562249303186.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

one manually-aimed axe throw headshot is worth 10 of your leet gaymer command-inputs (which are really just simple shit like back-forward square anyway)

10 if I counted right, that's a bit more than 1 button per second. More than enough gameplay for people who aren't biased console warriors.

Yeah, GoW has some horrible looking environments and immersion breaking side challenges. It's such a juxtaposition going from the storyline to the exploration. All that world building ruined by gamey garbage.

Back to your Smash thread, Nincel.

SNEED, tastless-kun

>gamey garbage
Well it is a videogame, what did you expect? Don't tell me you actually believed the retards here who always try to say it's a movie

>it's muh video game
Don't respond to me if you're lacking brain cells. My argument is that it clashes with the rest of the game which is trying to paint a believable fantasy world. Having a talking sword in some shitty looking magma Korean MMO world is pretty immersion breaking. And GoW does this all the time with those poison, moving block challenges for example. Basically the game only looks good in cutscenes, the rest looks like they threw random shit on screen. It legitimately has less artistic integrity than the original GoW games, despite advertising itself as the opposite.

It's one of those games that made me feel like a kid again, bigass levels, great combat, no day one DLC, you pay for everything and it's worth $60. However my favorite is still GoW 2. While this game is great it just screams sequel bait and the lack of unique bosses disappointed me. Also it is best played with all HUD elements and auto-lock off except health bar and I think it was a mistake to have them on by default or even in the game at all. The crafting is also dogshit and you cannot really make your own build during the story because new pieces have much more stats in something else than what you want to get.

I wont understand why people like this infantile shit. How do you get immersed in something this cartoony? Guess you have to be a fatass permavirgin who watches 12yr old cartoons to get it, because im literally incapable of comprehending. It's something i would give my daughter to play

Fucking cringe dude. Dont put that image in my head

Get on my level.

Attached: god of war elven gameplay.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

All they have to do for the sequel is make runic attacks operate off of a super meter rather than free cooldowns and they have a 10/10

>It's something i would give my daughter to play

Attached: 1549417225166.gif (160x160, 811K)

Witch's house looks bad, but the lava world looks great, IDK what you're on about there. And you never hear the sword talk, that's the boy. Also how is that even immersion breaking? Is there some reason why you think that shouldn't be possible in the GOW world? Or why the GOW world shouldn't be allowed to be colorful?

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I hated this wind sphere puzzle shit, it felt straight outta the PS2 games in the bad way since they were both nonsense and made for not fun puzzle solving

Why is it a bad puzzle? How is it "nonsense"?
And what would be a good puzzle to replace it?

it was just 1) look around level for all the spheres, 2) make a route, 3) repeat the route until you get it
it felt mundane.

>attack attack
>attack attack
people think this is fun?

Many of those attacks are manually aimed ranged ones. And you can block, parry, use runic attacks and use the boy as well. Also Spartan Rage and talisman / pommel abilities

Persona 5

that's how I played every single platinum game and people keep telling me they're fun

Why do you like that game, op? Honest question. I think it's the worst GoW and ruined a series I love. Fucking walky talky simulators are ruining gaming.

Persona 5

There is way more to the game than walking and talking

Attached: whirlwind of axe.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

The boomerang combos feel kinda useless. I wish they were on demand ala DMC rather than part of a pause dial.

They are some of the most useful and damaging normal moves in the game, you just don't know how to use them. You can always do them immediately after a parry for example, or after a spinning axe-recall move. Some moves flow into them faster than others, but they all flow into them if you pause long enough.
You shouldn't just be able to start off a combo with one on-demand because they are too damaging and can instantly hit an enemy with the equivalent of like four regular R2 axe swings.

Attached: back save.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

okay but what's the function of the intial light axe boomerang combos? the ones you get from holding R1 from neutral.

You talking about dark souls?

>what do you recommend i play next?
An actual game.

you hit an enemy in the head with a light axe throw to make them spin around, then run up to them and do that hold-R1 attack you're talking about into their back and it fills their stun meter to 100% in like one second.

also it's good for effects that trigger on-hit because it hits the enemy so many times. And for applying status effects like cold, once you get your axe to freeze from your uninterrupted combos

Bloodborne, a game with around 100 times more content and deeper combat.

Why? It's so boring. Tried to play through it like 3 times and always gave up. Kid is fucking annoying as shit, too, like an ellie copy paste except it's a boy. Couldn't they have at least given him a fucking Scandinavian accent? It's so distracting that he sounds like a fucking zoomer American kid.

russian roulette with a semi automatic

It won GOTY, keep coping.

I have a PS4, lots of disposable income and I like hack'n'slash and character action games. I didn't pick up nuGoW because it doesn't look appealing.

>willingly defending a corporate brand for free
mama mia

Where can I subscribe to your blog

Actual God of War

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What's the most underrated enchantment in the game?

probably some NG+ exclusive

If you want to try something really different, I reccomend you Sunless Sea. It's slow, and sometimes tedious, but the great story and setting makes up for it a lot.
If you want combat and action, try Bayonetta for the combos, Nier Automata for the smoothness and story.
And if you want a healthy dose of cool graphics/setting and combat, try Horizon zero dawn on ultrahard, makes it really fun.
Hope you find some good games here.

Why did zoomers hate Ascension?

Attached: God-of-War-Ascension-PS3-DUPLEX__50962_zoom.jpg (640x736, 89K)

Because Ascension is the worst game in the main series

Is this a reboot or a sequel?

The one you get from freeing Fafnir the dragon, I forget what it's called. It's only level 4 but it gives you like a 70% chance of getting Blessing of Runic on every Runic attack, meaning most runic attacks you do do like 2x damage

Crash Team Racing is Multiplat, how about you play that? that's a real game.

No, that is nu-GoW. Anything is better than cinematic trash.

>Your opinion > Everyone's
Ascension is objectively the worst game regardless of your taste

try the older games, 1,2,3 are all good but they're pretty different and mostly focused on combos unlike this one, which is focused on strategy

Attached: god-of-war.jpg (3840x2160, 1.95M)

>kratos has to fight a doppleganger of his old self in the sequel
>old theme starts playing
>enemy uses his old gow2 quotes (I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER/NONE SHALL DEFY ME/I AM THE GOD OF WAR) and the old blades attacks
>all while the little kid watches
would be pretty based

Retard tries to make OP commit suicide

god the camera in this game is ATROCIOUS


This fight gives me anxiety and I got through something's breaking through the wall bullshit on GMGOW.

Attached: gow draugr gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

The best one my negro but Ghost of Sparta is up there.

Another prequel with shit story and the worst combat system in the franchise with very short singleplayer because they decided to tackle on a multiplayer mode.

>Is this a reboot or a sequel?

Attached: memer.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

Final boss is a woman and you beat the shit out of her

>dad of war
Doesn't show the beheading because ay it's too much gory!