Pic related is my favorite game of all time. what do you recommend i play next?

pic related is my favorite game of all time. what do you recommend i play next?

Attached: B5C90975-BD83-4669-96F2-AB63F798317D.jpg (1190x1500, 213K)

the last of us

An actual video game instead of a movie

LIsa The Painful
Last Of Us
Bioshock Infinite
Basically any other dad simulator.

Find any other "game" that says Only on Playstation at the top right. That'll be perfect for someone with your specific tastes.

Why do nintendo kids get so hostile when someone brings up a Sony exclusive?

Ape Escape 4

Attached: 1532905188194.png (1280x679, 1.78M)

They feel threatened by "the other side" having games such as this

Attached: GOW bossfight.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: wpid-2-months-free-rent.gif (420x336, 25K)