Choose your house, best boy, and best girl.
Fire Emblem Three Houses Thread:
I choose my lovely wife Edelgard!
Black eagles: 0, 1, 2
Blue lions: 3, 4, 5
Golden deer: 6, 7, 8
9 = reroll
>Blue Psychos
>dont know
>dont know
I will steal magic users such as Linhardt
Been out of the loop lately, can you take people of other houses for your teams? Or are you just limited to the one you choose?
I've never been this hype about a Fire Emblem game before, bros.
I hope it's a good one!
Yes, you can outside of a few characters.
Golden Queers, I can't wait for Claude to be shown as a backstabbing piece of shit
>Blue Lions
>Bernadetta after I kidnap her
choosing House Varley of course, and I'll be stealing Leonie and Raphael
God there is really just nobody worth a shit in blue lions, god damn.
Black Eagles, Bernadetta.
She is best boy, too, because this one time she experimented with a spell from a really old book and gave herself a dick by accident and Dorothea had to milk her cock for like three hours in order for it to disappear. Bernadetta was really embarrassed the entire time. Ever since then, she has accidentally called Dorothea mommy every now and then. This is why she is best boy as well as best girl, she is cuter than all of the other boys.
Blue lions
Shamir is my wife.
Are you me?
Felix is kinda cute.
Lysithea's ass.
I will be waifuing Ingrid.
Do we know how battalions actually function yet? From what I can tell, battalions come in different categories (Magic, melee, support etc) and level up seperately from the unit they are assigned to. You can freely assign a battalion to any unit. Having a battalion assigned to a unit can boost stats and unlock specific skills. Is that the gist of it or do they function differently?
That's it for the most part. They're stat modifiers and give you Gambits.
>entire armies of no face mooks are new stat modifiers
This idea is too bullshit to be true. Do they fight at all?
They "fight" other battalions and lose health as the player character takes damage
What is a gambit again?
>Blue Lions are Blue
>Golden Deer are Gold
>Black Eagles are Red
Literally Langrisser.
Limited use attacks or support moves with a variety of effects like lightiing parts of the map on fire for a turn or AoE heals or boosting ally movement for a turn.
Golden Deer
I just this game to be out already.
Here's the higher-res pic of your wife
Which house will give me a blowjob under the table as I mark their tests?
Gib me blacked eagles
Blue lions pls
Oh shit
Give me the one with the tomboy
>Golden Deer
Today I will remind them.
Rollin for edgelord
So who is the trap and in what house is he ?
Ignace, Golden Deers.
buried underground
Henry R-
do a barrel roll
From Serenes:
One of the striking new features of this game are the Battalions–the groups of soldiers–that accompany units in battle. These Battalions can improve the stats of units and can allow them to trigger Gambits. Battalions can be hired (with Gold) from the Knights’ Guild. There are a variety of different Battalions available, each with different stat boosts or available Gambits. The Battalions a unit can equip depends on their Authority skill level.
During battles, when a unit takes damage, their Battalion will lose stamina. The number of triangles next to a character indicates their Battalion’s stamina. Three triangles means higher than two thirds, two triangles means less than two thirds and one triangle is less than one third. Once a Battalion reaches zero stamina, their supportive effects will disappear and their Gambit cannot be used. Stamina can be replenished from the Knights’ Guild, by paying a small fee. Last but not least, Battalions can Level Up similar to normal units. When they Level Up, the stat boosts they provide may increase.
Basically Langrisser.
Better be blue lions.
No traps. Best you can get is a twink.
I want blue lions but this could decide my second playthrough
gimme edgelord
please Golden Deer
>No traps
>Linhardt exists.
I already leaned to Blue Lions from the start, and the time skip did nothing to change my mind, and neither will a simple post number.
Gimme edelgard or gimme death
>unfortunately, Sylvain became a bit of a skirt chaser
>......we're still working on it
Roll for blue lions
Since we can poach, can I poach ALL the girls ?
It's currently suspected that Hilda can't be take from her class but that's still unconfirmed.
Raphael joins you no matter what and he fucks all your waifus
Cuck fag get out
Edelgard will make you sit on the table and mark your tests without support, while she sits on your chair and gives you a blowjob in plain view of all.
Give it to me straight, guys. Can I marry the teachers or not?
Who is going to be the fake abs of this one?
Just saw the massive futa cock, why are faggots the worst kind of people?
> Talking shit about the Prez
Now that's a low blow user.
Roll for whatever i start at
BE - Dorothea
BL - Ingrid and Mercedes
GD - Lys
I get that there will be more characters across the all the factions, but are these really all the students?
I still can't choose.
Black Eagles all the way
double okay
Does Petra have a weird tribal tattoo or does she suck at putting on makeup?
Joining: Blue Lions
Impregnating: Mercedes/Ingrid/Manuela/Lysithea. Hard to decide who I'm marrying, I suppose it's a good thing you can't marry until after the time skip, wouldn't wanna be in a situation like Bernadetta coming out for worse in the time skip. F for her time skip design.
Saving: Bernadetta and Lysithea
No sub-human has been shown yet.
They see me rollin
Fuck it, can't choose so I'll let the roll decide
rollin for eagle
>lioncels pretending they aren't the gay faction.
rolling for my black eagles/blue lions please
*dabs in blue chad*
Rolling star
Black Eagles
Casper looks like a chad, im all in.
Stealing Mercades or Leonie.
So hyped my dreams have trailer footage in them. Send help.
Rolling in the deep
Fine with whoever
Give me something good.
Blue Lions
lets find out
Are there limits to who and how many from the different houses you can bring over to yours?
Ya Bismillah
How many times do you think she fucked that wyvern?
No, you can recruit as many as you possibly can, but it would be pretty hard to recruit a lot since you would have to have a high level in pretty much every weapon and magic.
Okay, so a harem is possible.
The 5 year skip better not fuck up my plans for this.
I assume on the easiest difficulty you'll be able to do a recruit all playthrough if that's how that's decided. On harder difficulty, you gotta plan everything out on who can be snatched.
ah jeez
Fact: Deer have best girls
>cringe thread on a shit-cringe low effort game.
have sex
Why is Edelgard Red Lucina? She doesn't even use a sword
Game's actually looking realluly good now. Animations were improved, we're getting a Genealogy style time skip, game is supposed to be massive, mechanics looks pretty great, only downside is the shitty otome art style.
Timeskip lad
The otome artist fucking sucks and Nintendo should never hire her again. The gameplay looks compelling and the time skip war mongering setting at least alleviates the gay ass reliving Japanese high school life fetish a lot of Japanese people have.
Game should have a quality graphical setting that sets it to 30FPS and at least turns on anti aliasing. A lot of Dynasty Warriors games have those two options these days.
Are you gonna plays a Male or Female anons?
I haven't been keeping up much with the news for this game. Are these all the characters per house, or just notable ones?
Please wake me up if Catherine is playable and not some kind of random npc crap or die later anyway and never see her again
Literally she's only character with chocolate skin woman
I would play deer if the boys were not fucking awful. Bara fatass, bland four-eyes guy, Mediterranean fag, or literal incel.
Black Eagles : Best Boys
Blue Lions: Middle Ground
Golden Deer; Best Girls
I was going Blue Lions but Golden Deer seems interesting, Leonie help me choose Yea Forums
Male because I'm not gay.
its gonna like sword and shield isn't it.
Male. I want to romance dudes too, but I can't stand typical otome/yumejoshit.
I think you mean how many times do you think that Wyvern fucked her?
Male, but I want to play the female, but I'm not a faggot and don't want to be forced to romance dudes.
Blue Lions by the way
A reminder that she turns evil and murders a qt student.
Born in Leicester. So I will choose the Golden Lads
Blue Lions
Shes going to be a camus, screenshot this
This board either has too many faggots or way too many women hiding out on the board. There CAN'T be that many golden queer faggots joining the loser Hufflepuff tier house.
I mean, I've been Black Eagles since the first trailer
Fucking disappoint me
Better not be deers
>He says, as he posts his husbando
So what's blue lions deal? All nobles or something? I haven't paid attention to anything about this game.
>women hiding
They're in plain sight and not trying to hide it. It's retarded how many people act like there aren't a ton of women in threads for games like this which have huge female fanbases and playable female characters that can romance male characters.
>Implying girls exist
Please don’t falseflag with Punished Dimitri, user. Lions and Deers are bros.
why hire an otome artist and then not have her draw gays
Is this just a meme now, or are you retarded?
I see this board still can't read.
Every otome has a fujo trapped inside them
Let's see how I play this game shall we
BTFO Falseflagging BLACKED eagles
Otome and fujoshi are the slowly becoming the same thing as an insult being thrown around rather than separate genres and pandering. And that's a good thing.
Every waifufag has a yurifag trapped inside them.
I choose black eagles since they’re the best student wise and Edelgard seems fun but also plot relevant
So, "retarded" was the answer.
>Deers get a glasses twink husbando
>Nobody has a glasses waifu
My sadness is palpable. Oh well, let’s see which of the inferiors I won’t betray and butcher. At least not first if the story has enough flexibility.
lets do this
Honestly why would you choose any team other than Blue Lions? 4 cute boys and the coolest leader. Steal Raphael and you've got your bara needs covered, too.
The only question is, do I steal Hubert to maximize my harem, or Dorothea because she's kinda hot for a girl, and Black Eagle boys are trash.
as much of a chad as Dimitri is goign by waifu selection I think Edelgard is the only choice, between her, petra, and dorothea. Each of those three is better than any other girl
why only delay the inevitable
Im rolling
Annette or Mercedes if I can /u/ her
Let's see
Ironic considering in this very thread Lions are picked up by faggots and women, mainly for Dimitri.
>like edelgard the most of the leaders
>like the idea of dimitri's chaosfag story
>like claude's team the most
How am I supposed to decide?
Gain taste.
Nice lie, but the majority want that pure MGS5 fallen hero story out of Dimitri's house or the full edgelord treatment seen in Nier Automata Scenario C.
>Blue Lions
>Marianne or Hilda
First playthrough will have to be female, for a Sylvain, Ashe, Dimitri, and Felix orgy.
So, i don't see this anywhere but, to steal a unit, you have to tutore them? And then Byleth also gains experience in the agsinature that you're tutoring them?
most of the girls from the other houses look really boring though, except like, lysithea
Why don't the DracoKnights ever get swords as a secondary?
Joining Obelisk Blue, but I won't lie Claude's house got more interesting as time went on and he's definitely my next pick.
It's more surprising to me that people still wanna join the Slifer Slackers.
More like a retarded thing
Unless i'm mistaken, you can use any weapon with any class this time, just the listed ones get experience with it.
They did on the gba games zoom zoom
All of them look like shit.
They hatin'
Lions are Chad's
Dimitri for best boy and Mercedes for best girl.
Golden Deer are also pretty cool. Eaglefags can fuck off with their evil empress.
here we go
Black eagles have best girls
Blue lions have best boys.
Stop false flagging to get more people on your side Eagleshiter. Lions and Deers are bros, you can't change that.
Why is only time skip Dmitri posted? Have we not seen the other two yet
>It's more surprising to me that people still wanna join the Slifer Slackers.
Because cute girl with axe and anime Snape
Oh shit here we go
the blue niggas
They aren't as interesting or fun as punished Dimitri. He is made of memes and bullying.
Which group is pro church
Because his change is the best and most drastic. He goes from dorky looking, noodle-haired nice kid to an actual great design and "kill them all!"
Edel and Claude just look like older versions of themselves naturally but Dimitri looks like he went full OVER THE EDGE so it's more fun to guess about him
Is that really all the units?
eagles i think
>people actually fighting over who to choose like it fucking matters
Halfway through the game all three sides are going to come together, put aside differences and fight the big bad manipulator because this kind of shit is devoid of creativity and original ideas.
Their kingdom is built around a Knighthood. They used to be part of the Adrestian Empire but fought for independence and won and became their own nation. Most of Lions are nobles but some commoners have circumstances around them. Ashe was adopted by the head knight, Dedue is an outsider who has been in Demitri's service for years, and Mercedes was a noble from the Empire but is now living in the Kingdom as a commoner for some reason and is relatively older than the rest of her house. The others barring Annette are all childhood friends with Dimitri.
He’s easier to meme with.
Le punished kill them all lad.
Blue or Red. Blue has holy knights and forced the church to recognize them as a separate nation when they said fuck you empire 400 years ago. Red kinda started it and the others broke away. All the nations follow the church though.
Damn why would they be so fucking boring with the other two. Dmitri looks like the split actually took a toll. I can barely tell there was a time skip or any kind of hardship from the other two.
Golden Kangz
Blue Lions, dunno yet since the game isn't out.
Let's go Deer
The review that got put out today proved that wrong though? I mean, they all probably join up but apparently it is all different stories.
There's something about Eldegard that pisses me off but I can't put my finger on it
Edelgard changed a lot as well , she went from good righteous little girl to tyranical despot
I actually like that, their changes are story related. Why would Claude change as much when he doesn’t go through the same shit Dimitri does? Claude hasn’t the weight of a whole kingdom on his shoulders. Edelgard becomes an empress, as she should, and her design screams lawful neutral to me at least.
>tyranical despot
You take that back, you shitter.
Gold team rules!
Which house do I pick if I'm a lolichad?
Is it gay if I want to fuck Dimitri and Claude?
Let's go
Law bois
Not at all.
Where do I get the run down on story and characters. I'm still on the fence about buying
What harry potter houses will they be like, i'm thinking
Black Eagles = Ravenclaw
Blue lions = Gryffindore
Golden deer = hufflepuff
Maybe a bit of syltherin in eagles and deer depending on eddy and Claude's ambitions.
So the Church is bad right
Blue lions or deers pls
Only a part of them
Rolling for my second game run.
But I'm not going to buy the game.
You can't tutor a student you don't own. To steal a unit, Byleth's stats and weapon ranks have to be high enough to impress them. Each student, outside of a few that won't be recruited no matter what, have a favored stat and a weapon rank. While increasing stats is a matter of leveling up, Byleth needs to spend their weekend time undertaking Seminars or Faculty Training with the senior teachers in order to increase their weapon ranks (or grind them out on the free training map you get in Normal Mode). Some events can also increase Byleth's stats, like how preforming successful tea ceremonies will improve their Charisma.
Once you recruited them, they are yours to mold as you see fit. There doesn't seem to be a hard limit on the number of students you can snag, but you may struggle to recruit more than 1 or 2 on your first playthrough.
>color + animal
Why are japanese so uncreative when coming up with names for houses, clans and guilds?
At the very least they could use some other adjectives like "Thorny" or "Shining" etc and mythological beings instead of regular ass animals
I fucking hate Harry Potter but I'll use it as an example because it has decent unique names for houses.
Rolling desu
Serenes probably and some of the trailers/overview videos. I know the Japanese twitter has profiles of the characters. The gist of it is
>Some goddess blesses some chump names Seiros
>Seiros and 10 heroes go to war against some edgy sounding guy named Nemesis and win
>Establish a church in the center of the continent and form an empire
>Eventually some guy decides he wants to form his own country and splits off from the empire and they go to war. He wins and forms a kingdom of knights
>Later on the jews decide they wanna do the same and exodus out of the empire and form the free markets
>They eventually all go to war against each other
>The church is like "cut that shit out" and they do
>The church also opens an officer house that the countries send kids to to learn how to lead and fight
>Now everyone is happy and the totally not evil church manages the peace but that's all gonna go to shit during the game
I mean you see that naming convention throughout history and up to today in military units.
Rolling for my tomodachi desu nee
I probably will just pick black eagles anyway but rolling
Black Eagles
that doesn't make it any less boring and more memorable
even fucking sports teams get more creative names
Who is she talking about?
So i have to train the favored stat and weapon of the student to impress them. Okay, thanks.
Would I enjoy this game if I never played any FE and won't catch on all the references?
Yes. You will be just fine. For the most part FE is just self contained stories and such.
Claud knows a lot more than he appears. I have the interests for him honestly
That masked guy probably.
Fire Emblem is similar to Final Fantasy in how it has different continuities.
Basically every Wyvern with a name is based off of a former Wyvern Rider iirc
Majority of the fire emblem games their own thing and aren't connected to each other unless it's a direct sequel or small references. You can jump into this one fine.
They see me rollin~
> Didn’t watch any trailer past E3
>engadget posts their review up
>forgot to make it private for a couple of minutes
rip intern
obvious spoilers
The bottom one is trans, right?
That was only one time, newFE moron.
1-5 all take place in the same universe.
3 is a sequel to 1, 2 is stand alone but references 1, 5 is a midquel to 4 which is mostly stand alone aside from minor references.
6-7 are a different univers, 7 is a prequel to 6.
8 is stand alone.
9 is stand alone, 10 is its sequel
11 is a remake of 1
12 is a remake to 2
13 takes place generations after 3, and contains references to 1-5 and 9/10
14 is stand alone for the most part, but contains references to 13
15 is a remake of 2
16 looks to be stand alone
That art is actually souless.
Do any of these houses have a big titty mommy like Camilla?
Goddamn, this woman is so pretty.
Which houses did he play?
Based Empress first
Then slightly more based edgey prince
Then gay fag
Best boy is Dimitri
Best girl is Mercedes
Blue Lions is the only way
Rollan for mah boy
Here we
>12 is a remake of 2
Fuck me I'm retarded, I meant 3
I don't want to shit up the fun for people who are excited. But as a fan of the GBA games who also really dug Awakening but was a little disappointed at some things like the map design and dropped Fates, is this the one to bring me back? I've heard good things here and there but then I've also just heard it's more Fates.
Me too. Played every single game, FE5 is my fave, was cool with Awakening, fucking hated Fates. This looks like the series is finally returning to form.
Let's see. Give me Lions or Deer.
Gimmie muh loli wife's house.
Please not Golden deer.
I want edge.
Here we go
Rerolling. Please be Edge.
I'm ready to accept my fate
Rollin. You all better not bitch out.
fuck you
blue lions for me
rollin rollin rollin
Nice try, Ive already resolved to teach the Blue Lions.
Im fated, it seems
>Game warns you when an upcoming choice majorly affects the story
>Supposedly multiple times this happens and it was only their first playthrough
This sound pretty neat. I just wonder how drastic the changes are.
rolling for edel
>They involved talking about a person who, I'm pretty sure, dies no matter what you do, as though they were still alive.
Any homos listed? I want some sweet degeneracy.
Maybe you should you spend more time with them.
If anything it doesn't even look like the reviewer bothered pairing up the characters not with his Byleth, even if that's possible(which we still don't know).
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the game Fates should have been.
Kagakino is back on the menu
I pick the Blue Lions, but only because I'm going straight for Mommy Mercedes like a fucking bullet.
these look like very limited recruitment options. Usually you're rocking what, 20 guys or so by endgame?
Roll c
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the game Fates should have been.
I even liked Fates too, so hearing that is incredibly nice.
Give me the bluest lions
>NG+ confirmed
>Only house with 5 dudes desperately trying to pretend they aren't the gayest.
Sad. Blue Lions are so closeted.
It’s unbelievable to me that people are shitting on Sword and Shield but this is totally OK. Both look like shit, for the record.
No one is saying Three Houses looks great graphically, but IS actually put a lot of effort behind this game while GF half assed theirs.
You’ll get to recruit teachers, a shota and a young girl unaffiliated with the academy. Probably some more. I’m expecting 25 characters overall.
Can I fuck Mercedes as a woman or is she only straight?
Depends on the game, but it's usually somewhere between 30-45 Units. To give you some perspective, the last console FE was Radiant Dawn and that had a whopping 73 Units (Although some of those are locked to NG+ and the structure of the game sort of necessitates it). Anyways, I can't imagine what we've been shown so far is all there is. There'll probably still be a handful of unrevealed units.
The leaker who has been right so far said she’s bi.
But the leaker also said she put in some false info to keep the nintendo ninjas away.
Supposedly she’s bi.
Rollin'. I know the Deers aren't going to fail me.
FE is only adding more content and while not looking amazing, does look like it belongs on Switch. Pokemon is removing content and it looks like a 3DS game
Fuck, Burn ALL OF THEM
>off by one
So close.
Fucking yes. I get to fuck her twice!
Gotta Roll em
Absolutely supreme taste
Please help me decide.
rate my taste
I only like 2d men.
I hate the name Byleth. it is so stupid I think I'm using a different name for the first time ever in FE.
Because IS thought that wyvern riders weren't different from Pegasus knights so they made them use axes and lances instead of lances and swords like in the gba games
You guys think the leak is bs? The girl that is suppose to die has an adult portrait.
When will someone update this shit? We have official portraits for all this characters and it's missing half of the monastery characters
>bad backgrounds for battle animations make a game bad
big if true
Sorry lads, it looks like I might have to ghost all my Dominions PBEMs
You decide my fate.
Have you considered the possibility she dies after the timeskip?
What if she "dies" like Emmeryn but just comes back as a retard you can impregnate.
I mean it's evident that most of the leak is on-point, and the leaked review claimed there was a character who dies 'no matter what you do' which is either going to be dear old dad or her, I'd imagine. Her only chance is if that was one of the bits of false-information the leaker put in there to stop Ninty from chasing after whoever their source is.
Thanks to the review we know there's a character that always dies
Part of it is bullshit. However most of it is true so far.
Goddammit, I want to fuck Hilda, the elf loli, Ingrid, Lysithea and Annette.
Rhea already filled that spot
let go
love these so rollerino
Lets do this
Whoever has the most paladins, because mov is always busted
that picture's old as fuck
this one just needs cyril's portrait to be up to date
ask about what? source?
So Yea Forums likes this game now?
She's forever retarded after falling from a cliff and she doesn't become a plot point even though she was one before?
We finally got to see more of the game starting at E3, and it turns out graphics are literally the only thing it's severely lacking in. Everything else about it looks promising.
The leak said she dies before the timeskip part begins, so it'd still be wrong.
You can make anyone any class so make as many cavs as you want
roll bby
I don't even have a Switch yet, I'm not buying the Lite and I'm not forking shekels for a console from 2017.
Switch Pro or bust.
Coming soon next decade
>When basic match will do it for you
>BE = 5 fuckable targets, and that includes the leader
>BL = 3 fuckable targets
>GD = 4 fuckable targets
BE is the only choice
Dimitri. I want to become the Demons.
I think the rumors about the Pro might have been just about the new internal chipset and internal memory that future Switches are getting.
[Spoiler]user, next year IS next decade
>In March, a Wall St Journal report stated two new Nintendo Switch consoles - one cheaper option, and one with "enhanced features targeted at avid videogamers" but not as powerful as the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X - would launch as soon as this summer.
WSJ is spot on, Switch Pro during Christmas season?
Edelgard and Fem!Byleth forever!
Oh shit it is 2019.
So, what's the verdict looking like?
ps2 graphics with persona elements in a 5000 hour game about politics and incest.
>Marianne may be the character who dies no matter what
Bros, what the fuck are we gonna do?
Graphics aren't great, but that's not a huge issue. Gameplay seems good. No 100% unlikable characters, but that's because a lot of them seem bland from a distance.
>5000 hours
Are you worse at game the journalists?
Can't have a worse plot than Fates Conquest and the gameplay looks good so far.
>Blue Lions
>Can’t pick between Jeritza/Dimitri/Felix
Dunno who to steal, it’ll probably depend on how I feel in the moment
Fuck Mercedes instead if she dies.
Yellow team looks the least bland.
Best boy is Claude and Best Girl is Lysithea (Aoi Yuuki).
Yeah, but he is a literal neckbeard. I'm trying to insert as Byleth, not Claude.
At least this all seems to be in one game and not 1 game for each house with the true ending being paid dlc.
Here we go
Golden chad rise up
Rooollllllll my user
Lets go
What if pic related is the second and last gay romance option?
>golden queers have all the best characters but worst leader
its not fair
Has the game leaked already?
What's taking so long, piratefags?
>Hubert is a reverse trap
could blow up hard but it might be interesting
Fuck Mercedes no matter what
user, homosexuality is considered a mental illness in grorius nipp land and thus there won't be any gay relationships.
Someone fucked up and posted their review
How can I choose just one?
By murdering the others
I am going to SEXUAL my youngest student!
There won't be any gay romance options.
Why is snuff so hot
No leak. At the earliest probably next week. Game comes out universally so no jap leaks either.
I wish she'd been a boy.
blue chads rise up
After Fates, I wouldn't be so sure.
oh shit here we go
can i kill the leader of the house?
Rhea is a draft, bro
>tightening support bonds and improving your students' motivation.
Either with your dick if you picked them, or with your sword if you didn't.
Black Eagles and stealing Marianne is the only right choice
Shamir is for me
>straight butch
Why would you do this?
give me my empress
What the fuck?
Claude, for Hilda and Lysithea.
For the empire!!
Look what she is wearing compared to the other girls.
That leaked review makes the game sound pretty promising. The guy couldn't really talk much about the plot but he'd probably have called it out if it was nonesense like the Conquest story in Fates.
Where is the review?
>not short hair, not long but definitely not short
>knee high high heeled boots
>tight denim jeans
>a corset that pushes up her boobs and shows off a lot of cleavage
Is anything short of a sunflower dress manly to you or something
fuck me
I would honestly much rather have this guy be a tremendous prancing lala homo man than be yet another retard that can't let go of their unrequited love for a lord character
yes pretty much a tomboy compared to the other girls.
Sure, why not. Rollan.
>Fun fact: Golden Deer is 金鹿, when you mash those kanji together you get 鏖 (みなごろし - massacre/kill everyone/everyone dies).
Are you forgetting Leonie exists?
Golden deer has best girls, but edelgard is best house
tfw can't decide and probably won't buy the game just because I can't decide.
you don't even own a switch
Im going golden deer either way
Black Eagles get
She kinda looks like Felix. Could they be related?
>Shadow the Edgehog
>best anything
He has degraded to a sick animal that needs to be put out of it's misery.
>9 = reroll
psshhh, if 9 I skip the game
That emmeryn is from a different timeline. She dies in the main one when she jumps.
Doubt it. Her last name is Nevlant and she used to be a mercenary, Felix is a proper noble and his last name is Fraldarius
I know, that is the best part. That and the spinning.
Why have the bust cut around the boobs in weird arches like that?
>one has a white haired qt in red pantyhose
>the others don't have a white haired qt in red pantyhose
There was never a choice.
This fucker doesn't even have a dog.
It's cutoff where her clothes would be
rollan for blue
Whatever one I get she will be coming with me
>He has degraded to a sick animal
and that's a good thing
Aren't the characters in the Golden Deers named after a tragedy written by Shakespeare or something like that? It thematically makes a lot of sense.
She looks pretty man-ish thanks to this art style desu
That makes no sense to me. Why is she retarded?
ok retared
ok retrad
It was a small clip in a switch add. I forgot the video it was posted like two days ago.
I will wring your fucking neck
Golden memes
Yes,all the 3hs girls are so boring that someone from fates is best girl by default.
Is Ingrid a /u/ option? She seems like she'd be the type.
Bruh one of the post e3 gameplay videos (I think the one with the youtuber they invited) confirmed the students you don't recruit are fucked, and that recruiting someone "saves them from their fate" or something like that.
There are no homo options.
Confirmed bi girls are Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes, and Sothis
Ho boy!
Confirmed might be a strong word. The leaker did say she threw in some bullshit.
The same source as this faggot's "confirmations" .
Cabt wait Yea Forumsros
I don't know what to play while waiting
>All those best girls in a single house
pls gib cute girl house
Holy fuck Dimitri looks sick
if i get golden deer ill buy the game
Lemme get uhhh one Blue Lion please.
You are just now noticing this?
Already my favorite male.
If I played as female, I'd be romancing him.
Too bad I self-insert as MU, so ill pick male.
Still, ill give him the 2nd best girl.
here we go
>tfw keep thinking Ignace is a girl
Thanks I don't know what to choose
Is it true Walmart sold the game early yet again?