>no gyro
Why aren't more people talking about this? I guess have fun with your forced dual analogue (despite all shooters supporting gyro), and don't even bother trying splatoon online, since you'll get your shit pushed in.
No gyro
Other urls found in this thread:
It have gyro
splatoon gyro is a meme crutch for bad players
>no hd rumble senran rubbing simulator
gyro is shit for shooting games. I'd rather use sticks than flailing the whole console around.
Fug you
Nope lol.
The Joycons provided the Gyro effect in the normal 3DS. This doesn't have Gyro.
Literally who gives a shit, it's a good thing if anything
>gyro on a handheld
enjoy your glare
It has gyro, but no IR.
>better control is a crutch
>stickfags actually believe this
Switch Mini confirmed for having no vibration, and only two buttons then, since the controllers aren't joycons and that technology totally doesn't exist outside of them.
>slight tweaks with your wrist = flailing the whole console
Why does this meme still exist?
Good if you want to stick with the worst control scheme for shooters, sure. Gyro isn't perfect but it's a nice middle-ground for controls/M&KB
Op is a faggot
get good
If you don't use gyro in shooting games you're absolute TRASH enjoy playing with inferior controls cause you can't adapt to new technology.
>playing shooters on a console in the first place
get better at using the sticks.
the problem isn't the controls, it's you.
>can't adapt to newer and better input methods
>tells others to get good
They already confirmed that any game requiring motion controls will not be compatible with the Switch Mini, and that the HD rumble feature is not included.
Why the fuck would I play a shooter on the switch?
do people not know that the Switch itself has motion sensors?
Splatoon is one of the switch's big exclusives, dawg.
Try saying this while using Dual analogue playing CS:GO. You'll see eventually there's a very real ceiling you hit while playing with an inferior control scheme to everyone else.
Wrong. Only games that use the IR camera.
ooooh nooo i can't "competitively" play my babby's first shooter game
Yes, games can't be played as well on the switch mini. Thanks for agreeing.
Nintendo's words, bro, not mine. Here, I'll even spoonfeed you the part of the video:
If the game requires motion controls it won't work without separate Joy Cons.
Too bad the Japanese simply says "you'll need extra Joy-cons to play games that can only be played with Joycons, like 1-2-Switch" with no mention of motion controls. Face it, this only means you need Joycons to play games that require separate Joycons.
The hell is with those subs? He doesn't say anything about motion controls.
Someone's getting fired.
English also says specifies they are talkig about IR camera and HD rumble with no mention of gyro. user accidentally started the video a few seconds late so you don't get to see what they are talking about without going back a bit.
>no brightness control
>no gyro
>no headphone port
>charger not included
holy shit nintendo is finished
It says on the fucking Nintendo site that it has gyro you mong, go to the detailed specs sections, into the "sensors" category.
It literally has all of these things though. Two of these can be fact checked by looking at the design of the fucking console.
"That means you'll need additional Joy Con controllers to play games like 1-2 Switch, which require motion controls."
Not much different in the dubbed version to be honest.
I don't get it
how are you gonna use picrel to play games?
>IR port
Which is used for?
is gyro delicious bros?
I've never tried it
here in NY it was pretty good far better than some burger joints I tried at least
then me and my family took a vacation to Greece and tried the gyros there
I don't think I have ever tried better fast food that that
to this day I still crave it but I have not seen a single shop that does it like that
>"That means...
You accidentally forgot to finish the quote again. What is "That" referring to?
Very good if you’re eating at the right place. Like an exotic pita burrito, except not greasy.
At least the Urkelnomics look pretty good!
Gyro blows, good.
>legs blow, get a wheelchair
Splatoon's gyro controls are horrendous because you can't use the stick to adjust both axes and are left with a clunky fucking garbage control scheme where the only way to look up and down is gyro. It's flat out bad.
This, Zelda is confirmed working and that heavily uses gyro
What dumbfuck expects them to drop gyro when even the 2ds has it?
>What dumbfuck expects them to drop gyro when even the 2ds has it?
I wonder...
You are a dumb faggot
How does it feel having literally 2 brain cells?
Have a free Gyro then, since you all want him so bad.
You should probably be the one answering that question considering anyone with a functioning nervous system could have spotted that bait a mile away.
It has gyro.
Receiving a (You) from a post like this feels extremely shallow, please don't quote me in a mass reply again.
feels dirty doesn't it
like you've been violated
Each switch game is still playable
Games that doesnt support handheldmode lik mario party, labo vr, 1-2 switch, fitness boxing can still be played in tabletop mode, which requires you to buy a stand and additional joycons.
It can basicly run every game the same way the switch does, only tv mode excluded
It does have gyro you moron.
How is Nintendo so based but so fucking stupid at the same time?