What does your mom think about your video game hobby/obsession?
Does she think you have good taste?
What does your mom think about your video game hobby/obsession?
Does she think you have good taste?
She wishes I'd come out of my room more often, but I'm hoping to move out after I finish up college, so i'll have all my free time to play vidya :)
Dad semi-regularly asks me about friends I used to have that I haven't talked to in years.
>Oh, what about Jeff, remember him? Ever keep up with him?
He knows the answer is always going to be no
>all these literal whos
My mum bought me the Fallout New Vegas Collectors edition game and strategy guide the day it came out. I forgot to pre-order it and she spotted some still in stock so she got it for me.
Was out with my dad one time and he grabbed me the Doom collectors edition. I was getting the game anyway but he spotted the collectors edition with the statue going for like an extra £5 and grabbed it for me.
Love you mum and dad
My living room basically looks like the room in your pic. She thinks I'm weird but she still loves me enough to come and help clean the house from time to time. It's a good thing she can't read Japanese or she'd know about my imouto fetish from all the titles on my manga, LNs and eroge (I do have a blood related imouto).
>literal whos
Dumb EOP.
As long as I'm happy and take care of myself she's fine with me doing whatever. I remember when I still lived at home and used to raid in wow, she used to come knocking with a cup of tea, saying she thinks it's so cool I'm speaking English to other people, sometimes she'd stay and watch. I miss those times.
I'm a neet who lives with his mom and she said she doesn't want me to ever move out.
My family gave up on me a long time ago. I got a job and am independent, so they don't care. I think what finally broke them was me buying a centaur dakimakura.
People who buy merchandise to display their hobby for others to see are not actually interested in the hobby for its own self, but for its social trendiness. This is called "conspicuous consumption" and it is prime normalfaggot behavior.
You're supposed to break the horse, not your family.
I wish I had a loving mother so fucking much
To those of you with sane parents, even if they have flaws, don't take them for granted
>for others to see
Most people aren't like that, they never have people over if they even have friends at all.
same, except i actually do hope to move out some day
I'm sorry user, I hope you managed okay.
>Most people aren't like that, they never have people over if they even have friends at all.
If you're buying anime merchandise and hanging it on your walls, you're doing it to be noticed. You aren't fooling anyone. Taking pictures of all your shit and posting it in "buyfag threads" is another classic symptom.
Love you too, Son. -- mum and dad
>hurr I like these waifus because it’s not good enough to be weeb I have to like waifus that no knows about and multiple of them because I have no taste
I don't know since I haven't seen or spoken to her in years. But going by past experiences I would assume she would call it stupid like every TV show, movie, song, or anything else I enjoyed as a kid, and then get drunk and shout at me until passing out.
>too dumb to learn a simple language
>can only experience 5% of the culture but considers himself knowledgeable on the subject
>popularity = quality
She keeps saying that I need to grow out of them
She thinks they are just toys for toddlers
Definitely would enjoy having a beer with that guy.
No but when every single girl in the pic has no relevance than there must be something wrong with the guy.
My parent's don't care that much. My mom personally thinks computer games are the anti-christ because it can't be a hobby like other things.
But as long as i'm working she's not really that much of a pain. My dad likes to ask me what the games are about now and then, but he also loved playing RTS like C&C in his younger days.
I barely even talk to friends online anymore. Why the hell do they expect me to keep in contact with people? I don't talk to them and they don't talk to me, simple.
She’s right you know.
What an alpha
>but actually yes
>learning jap for vidya and vns
I know 4 languages and at least they're useful to me in real life, what's the point of learning jap for untranslated fiction that will get translated anyway
Then why are you on the video games board?
My mom doesn't really seem to care, my dad sometimes makes fun of me, but in a cheeky way.
They know I'm doing good in uni, so they don't really care about what hobbies I have if they don't mess with my education.
Also fuck dad, he makes fun of my bing bing wahoos when he fucking made videogames back on the C64.
She is wrong.
How does that relate to what I just said, no wonder your mom hates you.
>whats the point
to flex on eops and have waifus no one knows about
Agreed. Learning moon runes is fucking worthless unless you intend to use for a career purpose. Far to much effort for something that would end up completely useless.
Why are you on Yea Forums if you don't play video games since you think they are for toddlers?
Stop projecting yourself onto him.
Nobody on Yea Forums actually plays vidya remember?
Yes good goy, used your free time to learn skills to earn more money for Israel.
She thinks I'm wasting my life and I should grow up and get married, have kids etc. Dad doesn't mind me playing vidya but thinks I should play a lot less than I do
I know games are for children.
You think they aren’t.
Not him, but i'm mostly here for the clever shitpost threads that become off topic threads. Also waifu threads.
Sounds like you are insecure about your hobbies user. Do you pretend you don't play? Do you get nervous when your "friends" ask you what your hobbies are? hehe.
How off topic?
And how much waifu?
my parents never speak to me apart from a pity call once in a while to ease their conscience
Well, maybe you can make an effort. If they are not willing to put effort in there too, then just dip. At least try a bit before giving up, you stupid nigger.
I only went to Mcdonalds once in my life, if you went there twice you already gave more money to israel than me
Too bad, I've never given them a cent.
my mom is obsessed with pokemon go these days
great. your mom is helping ruin pokemon. thanks.
You're lucky it lasted as long as it did before ninty turned it into a cash cow hack job. It ain't her fault that mobile games make a shitton of money, she's f2p.
So, just jump into a convo with someone that probably hates me or has forgotten about me at this point and just "Sup, man! Been forever since we last spoke! Oh you haved moved on and no longer wish to associate with people like me, all right than. Buy."
Happens far too often, why bother. Give me a solid reason.
Mom died 3 years ago
I still have troubles with it.
I feel the same way user, I'm just trying to finish my degree and secure a nice stable job eventually. You do need some friends though, if they ever ask to do stuff don't deny them - outside of family you need other people to rely on too.
Still living with my prents at 25, could already buy an apartment but have not found suitable one yet.
I spend most of my freetime with games but they dont mind, I have job with rotating shifts so they probably cut me some slack because it is somewhat exhausting.
I pay my own bills, gas up the car when needed and help with chores, sometimes I cook and bake, treat them with something, help financially if needed (I'm the family jew) etc.
I dont mind this situation really. Got some friends who moved out as soon as possible and/or burned all the bridges behind with him and they seem somewhat miserable.
I'm sorry user, I can't imagine your pain. Just know that you're not alone.
Cheer up fren, just think of all the happy times you had, and don't make her sad by dwelling on her loss for too long. She'd want you to be happy.
I agree that going out and being social is what's needed. Especially not just family. But I had to move far away from my home a while back, and now i have no one close anymore. Its just me...
And those translations are utter trash.
Considering how my parents actually play videogames themselves, I guess they're pretty cool with it. However when I do visit them me mum wish I would come out of my room and spend some time with me family.
She is a great mum
She doesn't give a shit. So long as my studies are doing well.
This so much, just look at one of the recent translations, Suki to Suki. Fucking Yea Forums memes everywhere.
>Doesn't even know what "waifu" means
You are a newfag.