Name a greater disappointment
Protip: you can't
All that hype about being Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape rolled into one for none of what made any of those games good.
Name a greater disappointment
Protip: you can't
All that hype about being Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape rolled into one for none of what made any of those games good.
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I mean, I'd say 2 was more of a disappointed, the first one sold well mainly due to the fact that the genre was lacking in games, but by the time 2 came out a few more indie Devs released old school crpgs and 2 got cucked
>All that hype about being Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape rolled into one
hyped by over excited fans and backers, Devs never promised any of that
> by the time 2 came out a few more indie Devs released old school crpgs and 2 got cucked
The real reason was bad PR on their own part combined with chris avellone dropping accusations against obsidian in their launch window.
Pillars of Eternity was alright. There are worse letdowns
>Halo 4
>Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
>Bioshock Infinite
>Fallout 4
>Apex Legends instead of a new Titanfall
>Metroid Zero Mission
>Twilight Princess
>The decline of THPS
>Diablo III on release
>Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda
>Dragon Age 2 and 3
>Elder Scrolls Online, TOR
The fact that Pillars was only a 7/10 is far from a tragedy. Unless you bought into the review hype and worked yourself up expecting a masterpiece
>a greater disappointment
fallout 3
diablo 2
warcraft 3
battlefront by EA
(you) to your parents
Not Zero Mission, other M. Woops.
Those aren't letdowns, they're just shitty games nobody expected anything from in the first place.
D2 and WC3 were both great games though.
I might prefer D1 at times, but WC3 was a much better game than WC2
>be tall
>be white
>be not ugly
date black goblina
Can confirm, downloaded this garbage last week. Uninstalled after 30 mins. The maps are too small, the story just doesn't catch my attention enough, the choices are actually a bit limited. The fighting system is horrendous. The environments burn my eyes due to them being so high res. The classes are ultra gay, character creation is laborious and ugly. Character design is poorly done and feels lazy and or generic
>what made any of those games good
well it's not like they promised a time machine to bring you back to your childhood
grow the fuck up. PoE is an alright game on the same level as BG1/IWD or at least not far behind
shit I missed that, what were the drama about?
>Name a greater disappointment
The sequel
Wonder why it flopped? Must have been the gay fish
>Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
LMFAO fucking retard kill yourself
ruby and sapphire are great
It's such an ugly game. I don't know why they didn't use the same art style they used for tyranny. It looked significantly better.
hi zoom zoom
Did you also post that comment on youtube? The dude filming this is gonna get his ask kicked eventually and it'll be justice.
according to it were twitter drama, dunno what the reason is exactly.
fact is, normies make a huge part of video game consumption these days, even games like PoE, I doubt they care about the fish as much as autists on Yea Forums do.
>fun memorable companions
I mean it's pretty subjective, but I think this was definitely delivered above and beyond expectations Kana and Sagani are soulful as fuck
>intense combat and ungeon diving of Icewind Dale
no fucking way
Besides the Endless Paths, nothing in Pillars could even compare to Vale of Shadows and that's only the first dungeon in IWD
>mature thematic exploration of Planescape
hurrrrr the gods aren't real only the are in the artificial sense durrrrrr
I don't need this reminder, yet again. Fucking science team vs. cute team bullshit.
No, it's not. There are a metric fuckton of useless spells, the character creation screen is one of the most confusing of all time, the stats aren't explained in any real depth, few items or spells are special due to overbalance, the beginning is a fucking slog, the plot is contrived, the ending is unsatisfying, and there is no agency whatsoever.
I did like the endless dungeon beneath the castle hub, though.
>Slow, poorly balanced, way too much water,
I played them when they came out, and even child me could see the writing on the wall when Gen 3 dropped. Ruby and Sapphire are terrible, and spelled out the decline of the series clearly.
>I mean it's pretty subjective, but I think this was definitely delivered above and beyond expectations Kana and Sagani are soulful as fuck
Eh, few of them had real depth. Avellone did good with the priest and Grieving Mother though.
This really ruined spellcasting classes. Every spell was just worthless to the point of making you wonder why even bother bringing a magic class when you could just have another fighter.
Well, with the exception of the cypher, of course, for whom every single spell was not only significantly more powerful than all other spellcasters but also could be cast multiple times without rest.
But that's because cypher was their special canon protag class.
They've tried to make it great, but in the end forgot to add fun into it
What the fuck was even the difference between a cipher and a watcher
I just finished both, and totally agree. Shitty endings, shit quests and factions(VTC quests are all right) +poe2's insane loading times are just fucking disgusting
One can't go to sleep or some shit. It's that fucking retarded. Other than that, apparently they're demigods with soul powers so they're hopped up ciphers.
What was the second one about? I didn't bother reading up on it because the first one was so eh and heard you got sent back to level one because of some soul shredding bullshit. How did it end?
Ciphers felt like the only unique class, desu.
>VTC quests are all right
It's amazing how much better the Royal Chadfire is compared to the other factions.
Eothas got into the big adra statue at your castle, kills you and destroys Caed Nua. Your bros are going after him, however Berath (the god of death?) revives you and tasks to hunt down Eothas. And the big revelation is that he's destroying the wheel so there will be no reincarnation which also kills the gods.
Nothing is more satisfying than telling all 4 factions to fuck off and sailing into the storm yourself
The plot wouldn't change at all if your character never existed. You can literally get turned in to a chipmunk at the beginning and nothing changes. Sawyer keeps talking about not wanting the player to be masturbatory but he lets his writers do it with their OCs. Try reading anything about Tekehu's big fish dick and forbidden Naruto water techniques without vomiting.
Not necessarily no reincarnation, souls used to reincarnate naturally without the gods. The Engwithans hijacked the natural process and reworked how reincarnation worked so that it powered their fake gods. Eothas wants to return the world to the natural order where mortals can reincarnate normally without their souls being melted down into soup and messed around with by Rymrgand and the wheel.
Tekehu is a blatant creator's pet, holy shit, he has the most overpowered magic in the game.
He hasn't even unlocked his final form. This is literally a thing.
However you can convince Eothas to end cycle and destroy everything.
Fishfag is the clear #1 pick to sacrifice to Skaen
So deciding what to do with his soul at the end of the first game didn't matter?
What the fuck?
You're pushed around the whole fucking game. Every so often you're pulled to a skype call where the retarded gods talk at you. You have no agency and no purpose. Your character is meaningless. Why is Sawyer so stupid? He honestly thinks players would be invested in this story? In their "character" that does fuck all?
I agree with Kana but when does Sagani get better?
It's a pity Obsidian lost all their talent and PoE1 was the last decently written game they made, the teasing for PoE3 sounds cool as fuck.
>Actual gods from Yezuha are coming, not manmade Engwithan toys but actual gods
Nothing you do in the first game matters. Nothing you do in the second game matters. Nothing you do matters. I've never seen a more ineffectual rpg protagonist than the Watcher.
Honestly, the idea of "you are just part of a larger world and not important as an individual" can be a cool concept, but Pillars 2 was written by clowns so it ended up bad.
So gods are real just not the continents....
What was the point of the fucking games then?
Exactly. Maybe the gods add some comments that you crossed them, but thats it.
Kenshi did that well despite its lack of depth
The theme of the endings was Pillars 1's "are gods real if they were created by mortals" and Pillars 2 was "should mortals be allowed to flourish on their own or should the gods be allowed to live at the expense of mortals"
That doesn't work when actual important characters the writers are clearly enamored with are paraded around you. Obsidian's obvious loathing for their player base is expressed through the Watcher's lack of presence.
Those are incredibly simple and shitty themes to design your story around.
Imagine Kenshi but with Californian writer self-inserts running around talking about their dick size and pussy depth.
Do you actually believe that you absolute idiot? Avellone's posts were read by maybe 1000 people. They didn't get any reproduction in the media aside from one literal who blog.
Poe2 sold poorly because it was a shit game and people didn't like poe1.
Those are more of the endings of the game but yeah, they aren't great.
They'd be eaten by Beak Things because neither of those things matter in the cruel world of Kenshi
So i was trying to get into the crpg genre with poe. Any recommendations what should i play next? Baldurs gate?
Expeditions: Viking.
It's a perfect example of what a CRPG should and could be and it's modern. The Shadowrun trilogy by HBS is pretty great too. Skip the first, thought, it sucks.
Underrail is a pretty good change of pace if you want something harder and more complex.
Thanks anons
Pillars 2's development was an absolute disaster from start to finish, Sawyer himself went through some of the things they did wrong.
>used Fig instead of Kickstarter to crowdfund when no one cares or uses Fig
>ignored the feedback from hardcore CRPGfags and RTwPfags and prioritized feedback from bandwagoners and casuals who might not have even bought the game in the end
>ignored all the story complaints while listening to the companion-related complaints
>voice acting was added because e-celebs and streamers complained the game being boring to steam on twitch
>the Ship Combat minigame used up a shit ton of resources, more than anything else in development - even voice acting, and was scrapped anyway, never even made it into the final game
>companions were written late into the game rather than earlier
>companion system wasn't tested until it was implemented into the game, at that point it was too late to fix it
>"to their shock" the most wanted thing by fans who did actually buy the game was sidekicks to be made into full companions so the most popular ones (Ydwin and Rekke) were given the treatment in the DLC
Dragon Age: Origins and Kotors are probably the easiest ways to get into genre.
Ydwin wasn't given that treatment in DLC. They promised to add Ydwin romance. They never did. They added ONE epilogue where she gets disintegrated. No alternate epilogue. No romance. No content. Because she's an attractive and popular female character and that would be ummmm a little bit, like, male gazey. Then they added a Rekke romance out of nowhere because of that fat menopausal danger hair female writer. Which one? Good question there's at least three of them.
It's funny how the world map and sailing was supposed to be the selling point but the best part of the game is Nekataka and the underground ruins, which involves no sailing and no open world.
one can fully commune with a soul and see its memories while the other is just simply good at destroying souls.
Watchers have prophetic powers and can see things others can't, Ciphers basically use magic powered by souls.
So a Watcher can use a soul to look into the past and uncover hidden secrets, a Cipher can use that soul to fuel a spell.
They spent majority of the budget on a ship combat feature that never made it in. They couldn't add companion content post launch because Sawyer is a autistic retard and shoved in a broken reputation system that all dialogue is dependent on. They are simply incompetent.
But that one orlan cipher in Dunryd Row talks about his powers as being useful to solve crimes
Basically he can examine a soul and know the truth of the crime, which is... basically what a watcher can do
>Watcher meets Maia
>Pallegina meets Xoti
God the companion interaction system was such a joke.
half of the writters don't know themselves and the game isn't consistent about this so don't think too much about it
>save import had Aloth taking Thaos' place which makes me assume he'd be a sick cunt now
>Aloth lectures me like a fucking child when I do cruel shit
bravo Sawyer
The writers don't even know what the fuck a Darcozzi Paladin is. They have no fucking idea. The conversation options in the 1st game referred to them as Vailian Republic when their whole point is they're not. The 2nd game they had fewer lines than a subclass that was cut from release.
>Darcozzi Paladini has 1 event
>Steel Garrote has 2 and was cut content
Fucking perfect.
Torment: Tides of Numenera was worse
2 couldn't have disappointed anybody because everyone already knew how bad 1 was
>Tell me about your pronouns and mating habits
I liked 1, and 2 disappointed me.
I gave Wael's titan body to Concelhaut
>colored endings
>colors meanings stolen from mtg
>shallowest mechanics i've ever seen
>1 good zone
>1.5 good companions
>2-3 good quests
>purple prose everywhere
>le planescape torment references
>giant anuses massage exercises
Pillars is really good at PRETENDING to be Baldur's Gate. I got nostalgiabaited so hard that I had to spend 107 hours in this game to fully realize what a garbage it is.
>boring generic "totally not forgotten realms!!" setting
>absolutely retarded RPG system with every stat giving buff to fucking everything but only 0.0000001% at a time
>story and quests are generic as fuck but it takes more text than in fucking Planescape: Torment to deliver it
>garbage combat consisting mostly of bottlenecking enemies at doorways because that's the only way to have some sensible positioning with supersonic movement speed everyone has
>most of spells (except ciphers') are boring clustefuck of minuscule buffs
>boring loot, every "unique" item is just basic one + some upgrades already applies to it, you can literally just fucking replicate it
All these things seem insignificant at first glance and you think to yourself "I just haven't played this kind of games for a long time, I need to get more familiar with its lore and mechanics" but over time you realize how much of a fucking garbage on all levels this game is.
It was the worse game but not the absolute worst disappointment. It was a cash grab through and through.
>>most of spells (except ciphers') are boring clustefuck of minuscule buffs
God, I fucking hated that. It made sorcerers absolutely irrelevant and priests nigh useless.
For me personally it was worse disappointment. Maybe I just expected too much and was lulled by promises of "planescape torment spiritual successor" and didn't expect as much from PoE.
It was obviously a cash grab from the synopsis alone, man. "What does one life matter?" is just repeating the same thing Torment did but for no reason other than to get some cash. There was no subtlety, permanence, or impact in the story or its theme. When the question is first asked of you, it is nothing more than a cheap barely relevant introspective moment with nowhere near the amount of answers the original Planescape had.
How the hell did you not see through it?
>people bought poe2 and tyranny after poe1 disaster
What made those games good?
What is POE missing?
Interesting companions, good gameplay, well designed dungeons, good worldbuilding, a decent story, and originality.
Pillars fucking amazing tho
1 & 2
christ, when did he say this?
I enjoyed PoE and most modern CRPGS. not being as good as the GOATS doesn't make it bad.
>All that hype about being Baldur's Gate
This. It was Baldur's Gate 2013, not Torment or Icewind Dale. Pillars were okay, since you can't make a game worse than Baldur's Gate.
i liked it
You sound like a backer
Ppl are entitled to their own opinions, so I will state mine. I personally do not believe BioShock: Inf, Poke R/S, Zelda: TP, Spore, and DA 2 were letdowns. Well, maybe Spore but it was still fun for a handful of play-throughs. Apex was cool upon release and still is an alright game, but it's just another BR game in a sea of them. Better than fortnite tho, lol.
I'll also say that I will take your last statement and apply them to these games meaning that if you did hype yourself up expecting a masterpiece and a pre-order'd or payed full price then they might have been letdowns.
You sound like someone who just recently got into CRPGs. Like last 5 years.
>kill yourself
>ruby and sapphire are great
My heracross and scyther died last year. The new battery on my cartridge died and I forgot to transfer them over in time.
All of the babies thinking their complaints about SWSH are legitimate deserve to rot in hell.
Ciphers got nerfed to shit and presently only like 4 first tiers of spells are worth using.
I played bg2 on release you faglord. PoE 1 is irredeemable trash
I'm almost 30, but I could never get into older CRPGs despite recently playing both Pillars and Numenera. Is there any chance I could go back now to Iceland Dale and Baldur's Gate now and still enjoy them? It's not clear if I need to get the enhanced editions or the originals, I see people disagreeing.
If you say so. I liked it. Divinity 2 was better though. Pathfinder is quite good, play it if you're not too jaded to enjoy anything friend.
He gave a talk a while back at a game convention, it's on youtube somewhere.
Wish we could fuck The Grieving Mother. PoE1 companions are more fuckable in general
Duke Nukem Forever
Not that user, but I remember him also sperging out in the forums how he thinks romance is bad and how he's reluctantly putting romances in Pillars 2 because people are insisting. And now recently he made that video where he's talking about how he wants to make a historical RPG but explains why some people (probably his trashy co-workers) don't want that because they had bad experiences with history teachers in school, lmao. It's safe to say Sawyer is not a happy man.
>tfw all Sawyer wanted was a Historical-themed medieval turn-based RPG with cool ass armor
>got forced to make a Baldur's Gate clone with RTwP combat and the high fantasy aesthetics
Sounds like they fixed his plan. Lucky him.
I liked it. Did people not play on PotD for the true experience or something, where no fights were trash mobs? Oh right only 5-10% did.
You will never get to enjoy them because they arent very good
this one right here
I think I am, I'm not done though. Long hiatus.
>Divinity 2 was better though.
Why are we reddit now. Why do so many like this kiddie trash. Div2 was worse than 1, had terrible difficulty and leveling, item scaling, and armor system. Not to mention character building was pointless. I don't get it.
It was pretty great. Calling things you dislike reddit and making half assed arguments doesn't make you smart friend. 1 was pretty good, but it was too easy to break wide open.
If I only have the time to play ONE of those new isometric RPGs, which one do I play? I'm thinking of Pathfinder because it seems to have more freedom than the others
Just because they're difficult, doesn't mean their not trash mobs.
I didn't think it was so bad
I feel like it's more bullshit sometimes than baldur's gate 2, that's my only complaint. But you can pretty much become unkillable anyway if you have the right items and scrolls
>calling others reddit
It's like wizard vs sorcerer.
watcher's invite inwards and ciphers project outwards
There was a lot to be liked about it. Dungeons was cool the story time rpg moments were cool i like the godlike race and druids were fun. Caed Nua was fun as hell and the extra text missions to get gear was neat too.
Ai was stupid combat felt jenky in real time and the stat attributes and damage stacking from weapons was fucked and on top of that the companions and main story were very meh.
Enjoyed overall but it only emulated the dnd 90s games failing to surpass them
Infinite was a flop if you compare it to the original idea. All sorts of spacetime fuckery that screwed over everything involved (That one concept art of the dude fusing with his alternate self is nightmare fuel)
I remember reading in a >gaming magazine years ago that the morality system for it would be tied to Elizabeth through her powers; Make her use them a lot, she gets fucked up and you are a dick for it. Try just muscle and you are a pretty okay dude
Are you joking reddit? I beat pathfinder kingmaker on hard. If you think divos2 is difficult on tactician you are a fucking child.
Even I'm playing on hard or maybe challenging I forget desu. and I'm no CRPG god. Beat unfair and get back to me.
>chris avellone
As amusing and harash as those were to read I don't think Chris going on a ramapage on codex is to blame for PoE2's downfall.