What kind of people hate this game?

What kind of people hate this game?

Attached: hollow-knight-logo.jpg (1920x1080, 617K)

Something about it seems bland to me. Unspecial.

nu-Yea Forums

Attached: eevee.png (123x122, 30K)

People who are bad at video games but too much of a pussy to admit it.

wrong ones and contrarians so far down the hole they pretend to dislike mario

lmao your life literally revolves around this random ass game, get a life

Mostly people who require instant gratification or have short attention spans.

I bet you come to each of the ten identical threads every day only to post the same things over and over again, haha losers

Now post the image. We know it's you.

what? I'm not in your loser club

This game has one of the most autistic following I've seen, I guess metroidvania is an autist genre

go back to the discord.

Because they're NIGGERS.

these fags definitely have a discord

> pretend to dislike mario
Hollow Knight is a masterpiece but Mario is mediocre. Celeste made his entire existence irrelevant.

mario maker is good because the point of a platformer is to overcome platforming challenges and it delivers because the level creators aren't constrained to make the levels for kids

The kind that enjoy FIFA


The game is a lovely work of art. But it's just not fun to move around and play. Everything feels kinda slow and floaty, even after the dash and wall jump. It's the Smash Bros Brawl of Metroidvanias.

I dont hate it, I just didnt enjoy it

Contrarians who hate things simply because they are popular
Or people who hate fun

.... Maybe both

Fuck them though this game fucking rocks and I can't wait for the sequel