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But he's Jewish and raised two lesbians.



hoes mad

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id totally have 6'5" super children with the daughter on the left

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Blazco is a God's chosen Hebrew siqariy, sent to kill the white Shaitan.

Spray tanned to fuck and they're holding toy babies.

Well you've got a 50/50 chance of your grandkid becoming Doomguy if you seal the deal.

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You white ass fascist nazi pigs!

But he's not Indo Iranian!

Go suck on a niggers dick you cuck

so fuckin what....... who the fuck care if he's jew...
how the fuck is this game breaker
and how dafuq do you know he's a girl are lesbians...
people here stupid af

Instead of getting into r/kotakuinaction cross posting, what are they actually doing with this franchise? Is the new game a true sequel or is it just an extended DLC thing? Are they time-skipping and moving on from BJ or will he get another game?

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if this line actually upset you, you need help.

That's not how you spell American.


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I condemn racism in all forms. Including that against white people.

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if you actually viewed that line as a racist one and not as a really lame bit of trash talk from BJ, you need help.

As do I, brother.

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Sorry bigot but singling out someone's race when talking trash is racism.

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Scout & Heavy?

Why yes, I too hate women and minorities. How did you know?

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i like how its not just bad design, but its good design. Like, they tried their best to make ugly characters, so you cannot have any attraction to them. Its insane.


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>so fuckin what....... who the fuck care if he's jew...
>how the fuck is this game breaker
>and how dafuq do you know he's a girl are lesbians...
>people here stupid af

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>who the fuck care if he's jew...
top kek

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>suddenly Idsoft decides that the DOOMSLAYER is actually the girl
>finds power diversity after she takes hormones
>grows a pair and slays demons
aaah yeah i do love the gaming industry

they will rewrite the storys just like they did with BJ
>blue eyed, blond hair
LMAO sure

Never been refuted.

stupid niggers, back in the pit

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Lefties are not to be trusted with anything. Not with power,money,art etc they ruin everything they touch eventually.

Given he's a Slav he very much is an Aryan in every sense of the word since Slavs have inhabited the Scythian regions and have been in direct contact with the Northern Indian people for millennia.

sorry bro, not quite

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back to bed sweetie, you have summer school tomorrow :)

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back at you bro ;)

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