How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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gg ez

fuck off bot

You reply by inquiring on the poster's mental understanding of the universe, whether they are aware of the fact that the ethereal is only out of outcome of our own flawed human perception (which is why now we are unable to perceive the creatures that the human's of the past could perceive). Ouytline the fact that human emotion is folly and that it is all poitnless in the face of the eternal cosmic being that inhabits that universe

I have autism


This might be hard for nu-Yea Forums but have you tried not losing?

>acknowledging chat at all


I just report them and they get banned later :)

seeya next game :^)

Act like the biggest faggot alive. You'll either make them uncomfortable or you'll gain a erp friend.

>reading chat at all

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Cyкa блядь, пидapac eбaный, хyй cocи мpaзь


I wasn't even trying

I know good game but what does EZ stand for?

Yeah I usually don't respond and just report them. At least be creative enough to think of something better than the same thing said by literally every other brainlet.

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block communication, report for being toxic

i always say gg

even if bg

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I write "Niggers get rekt" first.

You don't.



it works in every game that isn't TF2 or CSGO

GGs. Do you have any advice for how I can get better?
I’m not shitposting.

tru fax

there is literally nothing wrong with being an incel gamer who donates thousands of dollars to his eceleb gamer gf


Sound it out friend

>send nice message saying it was a good game
>get utter shitposting from other guy microseconds afterwards followed by awkward silence

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>use 'you' twice, but once as Y and once as U

If you aren't mad why would you respond?

could someone put OPs post into a food analogy please? (tia)thanks in advance

Have sex.

Being a tattletale is the easiest way to dab on someone online.

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How do you post on Yea Forums without your thread being yet another fucking template post?

"ye for me lmao"


There is one thing Blizzard and Ubisoft did right. They made it so easy to spot onions manchildren who play their shitty games for forever 6 y old degenerates. Easy as that.
Imagine being such a loser that you can't handle some harmless text on the screen and go cry for mods to help.

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>being so petrified at the thought of sounding mad, even when you are actually mad

it's very easy to tell when someone's trying not to sound mad, and infinitely more pathetic, who's the real cuck here

>ez like ur MUM lmao gotem

poor littlenbaby gets mad at video games lol

>implying there's anything wrong with burning OW to the ground
give me one good reason not to, no the characters don't count while fan pics exist.

>gets mad
>says a guy who gets so triggered by chat that he goes and wastes his time reporting someone who will never even be punished
I'm alright.

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>burning OW to the ground
>by playing it
Doing it wrong son.

dont respond

>play OW
>play like shit on purpose
>wait for teammates to get mad and bitch at me
>report them for toxicity

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Jesus Christ that sounds so much fucking fun. I'm going to do that right now in Dota 2.

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>in dota 2
>play bad expecting to report people for trashtalk
>they trashtalk
>you have only 2 reports and can give one per player
>4 players on your team give you 4 reports for poor performance
>your reports do nothing, their combined reports send you straight to low prio after the game
Nice strat pal.

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Ummm...sweety? That wasn't a good game or easy for you at all?????? (: (: ???

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>poor performance
The fuck. Couldn't you just say that the opponent was too good?

this is exactly what would happen

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this, reading chat is a one-way ticket for ngmi land

Too busy gibbering at friends to notice.

Whats stopping you from making a group of 4 and reporting random person from a match to get them low priority?

*cracks knuckles*

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>I don't even play this game/ character/ weapon

"Yeah but in 5 minutes I won't be but you will still be retarded."

"I consider your challenge a mere SNIFFLE in the might of my supreme intellect."


Cringe > Cope > U mad?

either remain silent or begin singing alabama nigger, assuming there is cross-team voice chat after the round is over
also fuck off with this same thread every day

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>"lol it's just a game bro"

>echo zulu
sorry fren I dont get it