Games with this feel?
Games with this feel?
Okami, not visually but insanely japanese and has themes of evil corruption/infection that you have to cleanse
it also deals with japanese dieties so that's something
Heart of Darkness
His best film is still Spirited Away.
shadow of the colossus
that's a weird way to spell Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
monster hunter
Reminds of that one video with that dog
This is the Ghibli film I always come back to.
that's a weird way to spell Kiki's Delivery Service
Laputa>Porco Rosso>Nausicaa>Kiki>>>Spirited>Howl>Cat Returns>Totoro>>>Arrietty>>>>>>>>>Ponyo
>Riding the giant boar mounts in Twilight Prrincess while Link is barely holding on
I needed more of that shit
Cat returns and arietty aren't miazaki's
he wrote Arietty and conceptualized Car Returns, whatever just ignore them then.
>no Whisper of the Heart
forgot it, I'd put it equal to Totoro.
I liked Ponyo :
I don't get people who like Nausicaa it's just a worst version of the panga.
Literally Jade Cocoon. Ghibli studio touched it as well.
Where's Mononoke?
ugh forgot... I'd put it on the same level as Spirited.
Laputa>Porco Rosso>Nausicaa>Kiki>>>Spirited=Mononokehime>Howl>Cat Returns>Totoro=Whisper of the Heart>>>Arrietty>>>>>>>>>Ponyo
>botw plagiarizes princess mononoke
>post picture of princess mononoke
>"games with this feel?"
I love his films for being romantic and sutff, but that one about soviet communist school club is my favourite, something something kokuriko i think it's called. Reminds me of a mix of soviet romance movies and japanese.
Where's Tales from Earthsea?
It's garbage.
>saw Porco Rosso a few times
>never paid attention to it because it was either a late catch on TV during an hangover or with my little sister when she was 8 and I had to baby sit her
All I remember is that it had pigs flying on planes lol
Where's Cagliostro?
I don't think you know what plagiarizing means, but I look forward to your half-assed reply to justify the misuse of the word, anyway.
Where's Dark Souls
I haven't seen the first three so I can't comment on them, but how the hell is Kiki better than Mononoke and Spirited Away?
Where's paprika?
From Up on Poppy Hill? That bicycle segment was comfy as hell.
Kiki is less fantastical and makes for a more relatable story while still being magical.
yeah. but i probably like other stuff more than that actually, this one just feels much more realistic. Nausicaa is very good, i like other stuff as well
Retarded redditjak poster.
back to whatever retarded hole you crawled out of, faggot.
>Howl's Moving Castle
My life
i know of some games but they're all pretty boaring in the way of gameplay.
Shit son, I just got a copy of the Switch version in the mail. I haven't played the original PS2 version in years but the game itself is still solid as fuck, and absolutely gorgeous. The fact that Capcom didn't give the Switch version a physical release in the US is bullshit but luckily the JP cart has the English localization built in.
Still not fixing cutscenes to let you advance dialogue more quickly is fucking ass though.
Only Digibros will care but I really want Boarmon in a digimon game.
Emulate and enjoy in crazy good quality GRAFIX
No no Kuni 1?
Dragon quest 11 kind of made me this way
it's super charming without wasted periods of nothingness or eye candy.
in my urethra of course
It's not out yet, but Breath of the Wild 2
Breath of the Wild had tons of Mononoke influence and seems like they're being even more overt with it in the sequel.
From Up on Poppy Hill was actually directed by Miyazaki's son, Goro. The man had probably the roughest entry into the business you could imagine, having to live up to his dad and Ghibli's reputation, and didn't even want to be involved initially. His first film was Tales of Earthsea which was a major disappointment.
>cinematic trailer released 3 years before the actual game somehow means that Breath of the Wild plagiarizes Mononoke even though guardian fights are nothing like that sequence from the trailer in the game and is vastly different
back to whatever retarded hole you crawled out of, faggot
Goro redeemed himself.
>botw trailer was full of bullshots and made the game look significantly better than it turned out to be
>retard thinks this unrelated fact dismisses all obvious similarities between botw and princess mononoke
protip: do not reply
>two works have shinto themes