*kills all the competition*

*kills all the competition*
Sorry lads

Attached: 3558509-switch-lite-01.jpg (1280x720, 246K)

Other urls found in this thread:




>left stick drifts
>299$+ tip wasted


It's not a soicon so it should be fine

I'm worried that it has the same shiity quality sticks.

rip 3ds

>call it a switch
>can't switch
Its ok when Nintendo does it.

You can switch it on and off.

Attached: sit a while and listen to my tale oh traveller.jpg (359x400, 50K)

Heh nintendo more like pretendo

Don’t forget it you goy fuck.

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If it gets a cfw I'm grabbing one. That way I get portable retroarch machine and get to play the one or two Switch games I actually kind of want to play.

They're white so they're probably leftover gamepad joysticks so they'll be great

>has to be handheld 100% of the time now
>they didn’t make it any more ergonomic than regular switch
It’s going to be a cheap piece of shit

literally vita

bravo, nintendo

feel like this should have been the original switch, then release a TV out, bigger switch later and they would have sold more overall

But with games

>Non white
>"so they're probably leftover gamepad joysticks so they'll be great"

Attached: Fucking Saved.jpg (400x397, 34K)

$200 outdated hardware kek

>there were 15+ threads for the first couple hours
>still 7-8 Switch lite threads up
And they say this board isn’t NintendoGAF

Someone must fill that void, and Nintendo has games.

Exactly the opposite of what I wanted. More powerful tv only version fucking when

it's basically for poorfag kids who want to play pokemon
>It’s going to be a cheap piece of shit
You get what you pay for I suppose

Is this finally the Vita successor?


>Nintendo has games
Not on switch it doesn't

It's $200 though

Is there literally any reason why they won't allow you to put it in the fucking dock and play it on your fucking tv?!

I'll buy the joycons, you Jews! Fuck!

Attached: 20604169_257715811410555_8740634324632948293_n.jpg (214x259, 10K)

Stay poor. The Switch has a huge library.


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it's probably a gimped gpu like the wii which couldn't output 720p despite the gpu having the capability by dev unit.

Technical reasons, it may overheat when docked. Marketing reasons? So people still buy normal Switch

more like switch it off and go buy ps5

>Can Switch my PS4 on and off too
>It’s a Switch


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I already bought two pro controllers because of drifting. They really need to fix this. But now we get a console with the shitty sticks build in. To fix their chinkshit we need to open the complete device.

thermal issues while docked would kill the poor thing

why the fuck would you dock a switch tho?

>why the fuck would you dock a switch tho?
I do it all the time, so the Lite is not for me

>buys switch for 200$
>sticks start drifting literally after 6 months
>needs to buy a new one

nintendo is literally the apple of console manufacturer and all those nintendo fankiddies still defend it.

its cheaper for them to remove active cooling and also reduce the needed airflow space to reduce the overall size of the switch.

Why does it look so plastic and siliconey? It looks like one of those ultra cheap Chinese bootleg consoles.

It's competition? The 3ds? yea, great job Nintendo

Don't you have some games to play? Oh wait, no, your system is dead. My bad.

the 3ds is ded

Well with the small difference:
>Better resolution
>More and better games
>No bullshit memory cards

>why the fuck would you dock a switch tho?

Because that's one of its fucking selling points and I actually have friends that want to play vidya with me, numbnuts!

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"The PS4 has sold 94.70 million units lifetime, the Xbox One 42.20 million units, and the Switch 32.94 million units"

>no tv support
>until cfw
It's going to happen. Screenshot this.

There's anons saying that it's gonna overheat if it's docked, honestly that sounds likely

It's 199$

Hey guys, Nintendo finally fixed the dock screen scratching and stuck joycons issues once and for all!

Attached: Sure.png (455x406, 261K)

needs some updating

Attached: lite.png (770x1020, 172K)

>docking is mandatory
>with cfw

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it, sailor?

Attached: VIHDEEOHGAME.jpg (644x705, 124K)

The Switch came out over three years later

....what competition


Enjoy replacing the whole thing when the sticks start to drift after a few months!

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Honestly, I wasn't upset when I had this issue. It gave me the opportunity to try a new color of joycons with my switch and I was able to support Nintendo even more

>he buys new shit instead of fixing what he already owns
The ultimate cuck

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No rails to trip the cpu up, so no currently no way to get crw on it, the normal switch is alao getting a new cpu so that exploit is also going away.


>the normal switch is alao getting a new cpu so that exploit is also going away
The exploit was already fixed a year ago. All Switches manufactured from June 2018 onwards have their RCM mode patched.
Now the only thing left is to wait for warmboot, which is already out for Switches on firmware 4.1.0 or lower.

Oh, okay. Let's combine Wii U and Switch sales then
Oh wait

Let's recap what happened.
>cfw will add tv support
>but it will overheat when docked
>cfw won't require docking
Oh I get it. You think if you look autistic enough, people won't bother arguing with you.

They're already finding new exploits for patched consoles on older fw.

I'd be more up for it the colors weren't so ugly. I'd really just prefer a snow white or a pitch black version. Looks too much like chink-shit now.

looks like shit

You can get a PS4 for $200, so not really.

Why would you get a dying console?

well excuse me for pricing your childs toy wrong virgins

/toy/ is that way ->

>well excuse me for pricing your childs toy wrong virgins

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Wow they're just straight up killing off DS this time.

Attached: january-2019-sales-1-2.png (640x451, 122K)

>its gonna over heat if it's docked
>IF it's docked
Nigga, where did I say that docking is mandatory?

Gravity Rush 2

You sure showed him

Its easy

>call it a switch
>doesn't switch
>logo is two joycons
>it doesn't have joycons
>main feature advertised was hd rumble
>doesn't rumble
>can't even output 1080 in early Xbox 360 looking gamee

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Fucking hell, the Switch is getting completely annihilated, PS5 is going to completely fucking destroy anything Switch related, makes me wonder if there will even be a Nintendo in a few years.

>no rumble
>fuck! I forgot about this! Even the gbc all the way to the ds had (limited) rumble support

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No HD rumble.

What competition, phones?

My penis weenis of course

There is no competition. There has been no competition. It's a massacre.

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>implying anybody else even has a fighting chance

Then buy a switch, I don't understand.

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>I didn't even pull out some esoteric chart only a handful of people have seen
Fuck me right?


Just call it the TranE. pretty much the same thing.

>thermal issues

are you fucking retarded? a simply 720p output wouldn't kill anything, the OG switch fan starts spinning like hell when docked because the console was stupidly designed to overclock itself for meme resolutions (900p) instead of staying 720p like it's SUPPOSED TO

even a fucking psp 1000 can output to a fucking TV, there is no power required

Because the Dock and making a home console, in general, was always a stupid idea, Switch should have been this in 2017, not what we got in 2017

Exactly. They should stop pretending adults want to play this shit and make it only for children.


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>a psp is comparable to this

>Wanted a Switch Lite for ages since I was looking to upgrade my current handheld and the current Switch was uncomfortable as hell in-terms of portability.
>DOesn't care about another mediocre Pokemon Game, Fire Emblem Tumblr edition, Smash, Breath of the Wild and Mario Oddysey and honestly prefer the options on the 3DS.
>Still extremely limited on Homebrew options, and I lose out on 3DS and DS games while gaining nothing in return as it currently seems.
Should I skip this console out? I used to be the guy who purchased every single Nintendo console but I think I might be skipping this one out unfortunately. I don't think this console is for me but my inner Nintendo faggot is screeching.

>after import tax will probably cost the same as the base PS4
whats the point? It's still fucking expensive and now they're even removing hardware/functionality