Patrolling the catalog almost makes you wish for a Fallout New Vegas thread

Patrolling the catalog almost makes you wish for a Fallout New Vegas thread

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Would you guys have liked FO:NV more if the NCR were nerfed so that only the most elite members of their society had access to guns?
Even for a society as advanced as they are, I cannot imagine that even they'd have the industrial capabilities to supply that many guns to that many soldiers.

iirc they not only have access to gun manufacturing back towards the HUB but they also have gun runner support. One of the only reasons the NCR have such a big foothold is their availability of weapons

It's America, there are limitless amounts of guns


The best part of that game was coercing the NCR, BoS and Enclave remnants into joining forces to fight the Legion. Gives me chills.

what is your character this playthrough? Currently i'm an enclave infiltrator who starts out doing recon and learning info on the wasteland and will be shooting for yes man in order to giftwrap the strip, the dam, and the securitrons for his superiors as a forward operating base to launch the new war of reclamation of america

not old enough dumbshit

I will never refer a video game thread on Yea Forums to /vg/. This place needs all the bideo discussion it can get

>most elite members of their society had access to guns?
That's gonna be a /k/ringe from me, dude. Tandi would never allow that.

I literally can't play four for long stretches without falling asleep
Even after extensive modding

the Gun Runners supply the guns and the NCR has a lot of money. and even then they do have supply issues.

Now that's just unfair.

I finished replaying nv last week (legion betrayal into yes man run) and started playing 3 this week.

I have to say, 3 is better then NV in a bunch of ways. If it had ironsights and a completely different main story it would be a vastly superior game. Point lookout and the Pitt are still the best dlcs by far, especially as they actually have replay-ability unlike dead money and lonesome road

Seethe more obsidrones, F4 will ALWAYS be the better game

there are more guns then people in america my dood

Put some effort into it, you boring fuck

>If it had the two worst largest parts removed it would be better

>you will never see the war where the NCR and BoS team up against the Enclave
>you will never see the NCR kick the Brotherhood's ass out of Helios I
>you will never see where Jason Bright flew to
why live

Also, on a side note: I always avoid killing the feral ghouls in the Fly Me To The Moon quest because the ones who survive get to board the rockets with the sentient ghouls.

Sup, Todd.
Got anymore dragons to shove into your next dumbed-down pile of shit?

>then people

>400 hours in-game
>still haven't helped the legion to victory at hoover dam
why the fuck they gotta be so flat
why the fuck did they only have a year and a half god damn it

Fact: if Caesars Legion was comprised of cute girls doing cute things, no one would side against them.

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hours in-game
>>still haven't helped the legion to victory at hoover dam
I did it after 120~ and it's really not worth it.

It's not the largest part though. The world is, and 3 has a far better more thought out world then new Vegas.

Also you could actually do things that change the world at the moment,
>take over Lincoln monument with slaves, like megaton, change ten penny tower, outcast expansion, vault 101 opening etc
New Vegas has a painfully static world where everything you do is relegated to the slide show at the end

Also there's far less evil shit you can do in new Vegas. There's beyond the beef and killing the boomers love interest, but after that it's pretty much just murdering people. Should have kept slavers tbqh

>thought out world then

Obsidian are hacks
Just wait for outer worlds and you'll see

Fallout 3 feels like it's written by the most mediocre of writers that Bethesda coukd possibly get. It's all just a bunch of caricatures and far out scenarios that are just surface level. It just feels so fucking bland every time I talk to someone, and I can't quite pin what it is that makes it so banal

fallout 4 writing is worse

I genuinely believe NV only turned out okay because it was heavily based on a years-old project that much of the team was familiar with. They knew what they wanted already and just had to wrestle with an unfamiliar engine to get it.
If they were doing an entirely new thing without roots in Van Buren it would've been just as shit as 3 and 4.

The writing in new Vegas is no better really outside of ceasar, the king, and house. I just played them back to back and the absolute worst dialogue period was from veronica and just about every member of the ncr

>I'll take retarded opinions not backed up by evidence for $500

>roots in Van Buren
Besides a couple of ideas that were heavily altered, there's basically nothing of Van Buren in the game

Veronica first fucking line is painfully cringey you retarded fanboy

Maybe it's the fact that it's an open world with absolutely no sandbox qualities whatsoever. No matter what you do, you will not make the wasteland look or feel any different besides maybe nuking Megaton. Every quest is so obviously a video game quest that there's no immersion. There's no consequences to anything you do besides who's hostile. The world is so mechanical and artificial. Characters get out of bed, walk somewhere and engage in an idle animation, then go back to their bed.

It's all just so hollow and empty.

And yet she's still way better written than the most well-written FO3 companion, Fawkes.

Off yourself, bugthesdrone.

>Hi, I'm looking for my dad. He's an average looking guy. You've seen him?

This is considered stellar storytelling and writing by bugthesdrones.

(user hated that)

... FandomTribal? Is that you?

Everyone in Fallout 3 are just "people" with a defnining trait that dominates their character. LIke Burke, who is just the most sterotypical evil business man imagninable. Or Gob, who's just there to be a pitiful ghoul that you either have to call disgusting, or talk to like you're a polite gentleman completely unaware of his. He just exists to be a ghoul. Moira is also the absolute best example of this tendency to just make a character be a caricature - She is cartoonishly annoying with her voice, and absolutely stupidly "naive" in a manner where it's clear the writer just wanted to make her so, not because it makes sense

I like FO4

Post and rate your couriers.

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0/10 doesn't even have a name

Sounds more like new Vegas then 3
The world changes a lot more in 3, and the random encounters help it feel more alive on top of it
>nuking megaton
>changing residents at tenpenny tower
>republic of Dave leadership
>outcasts showing up and helping you if you get good enough reputation with them
>depending on your choices in the opening the quest on the homefront is different, also quest can end with vault dwellers going out and you can find them in the world

There's tons of smaller other ones like the marriage at river city or the council seat, I can't think of anything like this in new Vegas. I guess the camp the legion and ncr are fighting over? But it literally effects nothing in the long or short term

>not jerhrico
You've never played the game, have you?

Would you fucking stop

That image is hard to handle once you consider all the rape

>new Vegas fanboy has autism
Many such cases. Sad!

See it as an opportunity to learn, buddy

Burke wasn't evil at all

Whenever I come into these threads, I'm fucking disgusted. You secondaries don't know shit, yet you have the gall to say how your shit is written well? Mother fucker, characters in Fallout have ALWAYS been a fucking caricature. What the fuck do you think Gizmo was, some complex fuck? No, he was a fat fuck who was corrupt and evil. That's it. WHAT AMAZING COMPLEX FUCKING WRITING. Who's the master? Oh, Richard Grey turned into a monster who immediately gives up on his goals when you give proof that it's all pointless? Such a complex, super in depth character with 3 paragraphs worth of development. Stop sniffing your fucking assholes and acting like your shit doesn't stink, because it always has.


Boy, the dlcs for new Vegas really sucked.

Tenpenny wanted him to get the people to move out before setting off the bomb. Burke doesn't bother

settle down, okay

>random encounters help it feel more alive on top of it
Spotted the zoomer.

>nuking megaton
All it does is turn Moira into a ghoul and she fucks off to the underworld. No bearing on the greater world or politics.

>changing resident at tenpenny tower
A self-contained change. Doesn't affect the greater world and has no bearing on the geopolitics. It's a superficial difference at best.

>republic of dave

>outcasts showing up to help you
New Vegas does the same thing, but with multiple factions, not just one.

>depending on your choices the opeining quest of homefromt is different
Cool. New Vegas does the same as well and yet you conveniently forget to give the game praise where it deserves.

>vault dwellers in the world
How does this affect the other settlements and towns in the world of FO3? A sudden influx vault dwellers into the wastes has to drastically change the geopolitics of the world, right?
And how does it not break immersion to see these inexperience faggot vault dwellers just wandering around in the wastes in groups of 1 and not being torn to pieces or getting scared shitless?

These defense of FO3 are flaccid, and you're kind of retarded.

No, you settle the fuck down you shit spewing mongrel fuck. Don't act like you give a shit about anything but your golden fucking cow when you don't know shit about what you're talking about.

Shhhhh you'll upset the fags who think boones 2edgy4u emo routine was the deepest thing ever

calm down

What's your point?
I put over 250 hours into FO3, so go fuck a duck.

Then what exactly does New Vegas offer then, you fuck? What the fuck does nuking both the NCR and Legion do? Fuck all. Last I checked, Fallout 1 and 2 didn't have that shit either, so I guess they suck dick.

I'd actually like a post apocaliptic game that takes place in UK or something, so guns are more rare than purified water. And you mostly have to improvise and craft. Maybe not UK tho, would rather not be asked if I have a permit for that pointy stick.

When you bother to actually look at the horseshit you spew, I will. Until then, you can fuck off.

settle down

Get better fucking speech skills and I will, dumbass. Tag it in your next fucking life.

I'm playing New Vegas for the first time, and I was wondering what is a good SPECIAL to have?
I've only played 1 and 2 before and with both games I went with a sniper crit build, is that possible in NV?

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>Last I checked, Fallout 1 and 2 didn't have that shit either,
You'd know how wrong you are if you actually played the god damn games, you little zoomer shit.
Just shut the fuck up and stop talking about shit you don't know anything about.

Hey, calm down, okay?

Intelligence and luck



Since you're not a disgusting secondary faggot, I will give you a legitimate answer; yes, it is. I'm pretty there are several perks, much like in 1 and 2, that are conductive to sniping and critical hits.


>preferring random encounters to always knowing the exact enemy position between any two points on the map that never change with every replay makes you a zoomer

>All it does is turn Moira into a ghoul and she fucks off to the underworld. No bearing on the greater world or politics.
theres a radioactive crater where the town used to be. On top of that you miss multiple quest lines, a bobblehead, a companion, and (if its your first playthrough) any direction in the main quest to actually finding where you dad went.

>a self contained change
does that mean its not a change? The entire freeside quest with the kind is self contained, its never mentioned again or relevant till the end credits.

>new vegas does the same thing
If im not mistaken you need to call for help, which is still buggy like 10 years later. And the hit squads that come after you are literally on an ingame timer, which makes them predictable

>new vegas does the same thing as well
Do you mean powdergangers? im not sure what you are referring to here actually

>How does this affect the other settlements and towns in the world of FO3?
Some of the vault dwellers make it to towns, you will find others dead in the wastes, and if you are a bit lucky you will eventually find amata being interregated by the enclave about the location of the vault (something that was set up in advance on her fathers terminal but never mentioned in dialogue)

I noticed you failed to actually give any instances of Nvs dynamic world and just repeated GEOPOLITICS autistically.

Do you want to give it another shot sport? Because if being self contained is an issue for you then you've got a problem, as literally everthing you do in the world is self contained and/or never mentioned again till the end of the game.

>myaaaah i played the games i swear

More like, you played them each for a grand total of 15 minutes and got fed up with the """"""outdated""""""" controls so you gave up and started pouting about how you got ""tricked""" into playing classic titles, right?
Stay mad, bugthesdrone.

Okay nigger, tell me what the fuck you need to do to obtain the Vault City Captain of the Guard title, if you have noting else.

>I want to play stealth archer
Why even bother

I'm still waiting, you fucking faggot.

>asking someone how to do something that can easily be looked up on the wiki and thinking you somehow backed them into a corner or won

wew lad


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is there a pill i can take to become this based?

yeah imagine getting captured by a couple of female legionaries during their pillaging of a city, haha

>teleports to quest marker
>skill check activates
>[Survival 25] "Mhmm....giant bite marks all over the victim....a Gecko™, gotta be"
>"Come on, ED-E"
>follows Pip-Boy compass
>guys in Gecko™ costumes appear
>"Can't run from me" TUDUDUUUDUUUDUUU *freezes time and does a cinematic slowmo kill"
>"Mhmm....Raiders™ pretending to be Geckos™......better tell the town sheriff about this"
>"Come on, ED-E"
>teleports back to town
>"Howdy partner, what about that little somethin'-somethin' we asked you to do?"
>"Just some ne'er-do-wells posing as Geckos™, here's proof" *shows pelt*
>"Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit, here's your reward, the whole town chipped in"
>Quest completed "Reptile Dysfunction" TUUUUUN DINGDINGDINGDING
>100 Bottle Cap(s) added



>Reptile Dysfunction

Stealth sniper is the only viable build

Reminder to install sex mods, fuck Jacklyn into submission and then use mods to make her a companion.

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What is Yea Forums's favorite FO:NV DLC?

>What is Yea Forums's favorite FO:NV DLC?
The Task Manager

Also, is Christine Royce is our lesbo waifu? I feel bad that she got fucked up that bad.
Old World Blues.

user great idea

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even the shitiest of countries have gun workshops my dude

Only played New Vegas and 4 and I liked them both.

I played Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 and only like New Vegas. It's not that I even find Fallout 3 that bad, it's just doesn't grip the same way.

No, that would be dumb. Guns aren't that hard to make. NCR has fucking vertibirds and trains and shit.

>Reptile Dysfunction

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I love you guys

based hahaposter

>He doesn't want complex loicence forging mechanics in his post-apocalyptic RPG
Get on my level.