It needs to hurry the fuck up. I have to get through gayballs work tomorrow to get to sit down with it, but I am hyped.

I can't wait for an Air Raider where I don't have to take a web for self defense and my bro is playing a fencer. I haven't been hyped for a game in a really long time.

Attached: 1562600691289.png (1000x667, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is it not buyable on steam yet


Attached: 1562741678874.jpg (720x405, 36K)

honestly, probably between 9AM-12PM PST tomorrow. I'm just bitching because I can't bring myself to play anything else right now because I want to play EDF.

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apparently its at the end of the month not the 11th.

How is 5 I hear it’s shit but I hear a lot of things that are wrong. I really like 4.1 is it a downgrade or something are the weapons ass?

I heard it was an upgrade on everything (?), the only bad things i've seen where about the other game, Iron Rain.

OP, you don't need to falseflag-bait anons into responding to you to keep your EDF thread alive.

wasn't me, but thanks for the bump, dipshit

>Aiming cues
Eh? You'd have the gunners use the aiming cues.

IT'S FUCKING OUT, downloading right now

Attached: a569cc4fdc3a502c966f0dad1530b9f9.png (964x328, 438K)


Its out

40 eurobucks. Not that bad, good thing Namco Bandai isn't the publisher.

Any EDFnigger that can tell me how many of those DLCs are useless? From the looks of it, if it works like 4.1, all of them.

>Any EDFnigger that can tell me how many of those DLCs are useless?

Every single one, unless you want anime girls on your tanks. Only the new missions are worthwhile, and they're apparently not out yet.

>60FPS lock
>no ultrawide support
We were their top selling platform by far and we still get a shitty port. Sad!

Attached: 1555556678160.jpg (395x401, 62K)

Time to listen to Sarge all over again.

>b-but they're japanese
This pisses me off. Just because they're chinks doesn't excuse bad PC ports. Japs have been porting their games for almost a decade now.

Is Iron Rain an EDF game or is it some cinematic western bullshit?

It's just cosmetics, the only DLC that one would seriously consider is mission packs as that translates to more content. EDF 4.1 had a shitload of DLC too and no one gives a fuck about it since it's just weapons or skins

any of the dlc worth it, or is it like 4.1 where the dlc gets outclassed after 30 minutes

oh I should have read the thread, but it was about to die so I wanted to get the bump out fast


wtf it's 67 dollarsaud. KILL ME BROS.

all with anime girls


You're welcome, mates.

Attached: 1554652137194.png (800x600, 398K)

is this worth buying if you have no friends that like these type of games together?
how solo friendly is EDF?

5 is exctremely more solo friendly than 4.1, Air Raider is basically independed now.

Imagine living in an age where people need to get pointed to torrents and not already knowing where they are.

I look forward to playing with fellow pirates. That's if I can figure out how the multiplayer works without using steam.

Isn't bullet girls that borderline hentai game? I might have to buy that truck later

Some kind user said steamworks is included in the Codex torrent.

But I'm confused since the readme says
>General Notes:
>Block the games exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..

Oh well, I'll see how it turns out.

>16 fps

waiting to see online population steamcharts, if it's sub-10k players then it's not worth buying

For those who wondering, you'll get 1000% item collecting radius as ranger without any dlc, it's about 60-70 lvl drop, also others will be avaiable too
don't buy dlcs
for user from dead thread

I love being a support airchad!





Attached: 1556856225642.png (1000x432, 165K)

can't play the game because it says i'm missing D3dcompiler_47.dll wat

It turns out this game is cheaper for humble monthly bottoms (subs)

same here, it's happening to a lot of people

Attached: 1561193197019.jpg (906x936, 849K)

It turns out this game is cheaper for pirates.

rent free

thats good so im not the only one so they might do something about it thats reassuring

I chuckled. Alter the 2nd line to "the same old shitty game" and you'll have your 2 extra syllables to make it match the syllable count.

when will Yea Forums squad deploy?

oh hey, the store page updated with the 1st mission pack DLC
25 July

It came out two hours ago.

How good of a computer do I need to run this?

You need to get one made by whatever god you pray too to even get past the title screen.

7 years old pc raped with a 970, constant 60fps for the first 15 missions
You can read the time of the posts you know

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Which class gets sniper rifle/ railgun like weapons? This is important.

Ranger. Both snipers and railguns.


download the latest windows .net framework if the game won't launch, fixed it for me

Attached: 1374173882094.jpg (437x437, 66K)

works on my machine :^)

post specs


>That price
>DLC isn't even included
I loved EDF 4.1 but I'm not spending all that money on it. Greedy cunts.
What a fucking disappointment.

We just had a spot open in our squad
Server is party Yea Forumsan 1, pass is rage

Real answer: They all get something like that. Air Raider gets railgun tanks, Wingdiver has massive snipers that instantly overheat their energy core, Ranger has traditional rifles. The closest Fencer gets is carrying a tank cannon around.

So you didn't love EDF 4.1, got it.

Is EDF playable with lag? Is it Ausfriendly?

Attached: ceccf7cb3242ddcfa56c54613d5152c7a170e218.png (512x512, 17K)

Party Yea Forumsan 1
Pass: rage

you bought the joke DLC for 4.1?

I5 3.9 ghz

Air Raider doesn't get Railgun tanks, those are now Ranger ones.
Air Raider gets tanks without explosion blast which work similarly but a bit worse.
It doesn't matter cause Air Raider now way better and doesn't need to rely on railguns to be useful

Air Raider gets a fucking space laser, who needs a rail gun?
He even gets a high powered single shot version.

Fullscreen goes anywhere from 30-60 fps, while windowed mode keeps a steady 60. Seems something's weird.

>If you love something you'd blindly spend money on it!
You are everything wrong with gaming today.

Never said I bought the DLC did I? I'm saying at that price the DLC should have been included even as shit as it is.

Air Raider gets tons of good stuff, the best upgrade out of all classes. Vehicles are not made from paper anymore too.

Guess the other games I wanted to play will have to wait.

>You are everything wrong with gaming today.
Paying good money for a good game is perfectly reasonable.

Why? Its all joke bullshit for pre-orders.
They should have given us the option to pre-order for it but otherwise who cares?

From what I played, Air Raiders best vehicles are his mechs, but god damn they are fucking slow on normal

That was damn fun, even if I'd never really played the WD before. Shame I had to leave, but stuff calls.

>From what I played, Air Raiders best vehicles are his mechs, but god damn they are fucking slow on normal
Yea, Nixes are great. They get better controls wise only in 50 lvls and above, and not always, so you have to get used to it.
Mission pack 2 white Nix is probably the fastest thing out there tho. While Mission pack 1 Nix is fucking horrible to control, but his lasers murder fucking everything

Party Yea Forumsan 1
Pass is rage
Join or your mother will get eaten by giant bugs in her sleep tonight


I'm too broke to buy the game and my mother is already dead : c

Holy fuck I was not ready to defend mother earth this fast.

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anyone got fix for fullscreen stutter?
seems to be the same as in 4.1 from googling around, still haven't found a fix.

I am legit buying and pirating the game to play with my poorfag friends.

I don't get the stutter. 3570k ddr 3 1866 1060 6gb win7 here. Played the first 3 missions fine so far.

Mfw Australia
12mbs if I'm lucky and the planets align

Attached: 1546541953181.jpg (501x501, 14K)

pretty sure it's not a problem with specs, runs absolutely great at fullscreen resolution, just not with fullscreen option ticked.

Get the torrent, even if very slow.

I feel you. I bought it but my friends couldn't afford it yet, so I got a refund and we're all pirating it. Forgive me gaben.

Sure but I just don't think it#s worth that price tag. If it was a little bit lower, like rounded down then I'd have bought it in a heartbeat but this is a pass for me for now.

Well sales exist for a reason, not like game will go anywhere.

Is the probe for ranger a passive boost? It doesn't feel like my collection radius has improved one bit.

You say that but you can't buy Deadpool on steam anymore
and various other games

Good fight EDF squad, no new recruits and I'm tired. I will probably make another lobby when I wake up in 6 hours, but by that time I'm sure plenty of other Yea Forums lobbies will pop up as anons wake up and buy the game.

Attached: 20190711011621_1.jpg (1920x1080, 372K)

same minus refund. I'll just juggle save data between them

Its when you're sprinting, you get a big circle

E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F! E D F!

That usually related to franchise licenses and stuff, I doubt 5 will go anywhere.
Just wait for sale, maybe in a few months.

>they release mission pack DLC in 2 weeks to give people time to beat the game

cause if they release it now, people would try to play and then go cry on forums about game being too hard or something

didn't fixed it for me

>60 fps patch
were the other games like this? any chance it could get fixed?

>your uniform changes a few missions in
cool, does it change again later in the game or just this once from civilian to EDF gear?

How is the optimization?

Just civilian to EDF.





Seems to be decent, but fullscreen has some weird stuttering that is completely absent when played in windowed mode. Hopefully that'll be patched.

Seem it either runs at 60 fps straight away or your stuck at anywhere from 12 to 30 fps


Attached: 1528748732974.png (538x538, 322K)

when you beat the game you get the option to change to civ or edf

mfw friend calls me at 3:30 am to tell me that EDF is available,

Attached: 1502462088434.png (900x729, 336K)

where do you go to get the torrent?
i'm retarded when pirating things so be patient with me

off of steam

google has it.

is there friendly fire in this game? i just want to spam grenades all day into a cluster of ants


as another user said, silky smooth in windowed but stutters at fullscreen for same resolution.

depends on difficulty

Anyone else mouse just randomly input direction in random directions when moving around? Like I'll move my mouse right, it goes right but then shoots upwards. Happens in fullscreen and windowed, having to play with a controller for now

thanks anons
time to see if the gameplay is fun as the webms look like

I signed up today! I can't wait to be part of a team and make history!

made me want to play it again. anyone on PS4?

Redpill me on this game bros. I downloaded it and read it's vastly better than 4.1 in many areas. I played like 30 min and my first impressions aren't that good.

There are no subtitles to use japanese voices and the english dub is AWFUL, the voices have literally no soul. It's not like I was expecting something great, I liked 4.1 dub.

The combat feels slower. The ranger's rocket launcher is so unsatisfying.

Attached: 1551364989324.jpg (597x768, 92K)

I'm sorry for your shit taste.

Can you join a game that has already started?
I went into the online lounge but it doesn't allow me to join any game.

You couldn't in 4.1

how do i chat?

Is the game even present a threat? I don't want to spend hours shooting at bullet sponges that just stand there. I want to feel DAMAGE, no pain, no gain, you anons understand?

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you can see how long people have been in the game from the lobby browser. if the game hasn't started yet it will say "Room" instead of a game time, and those you can join.

The voices are epic in my game. You're just expecting a 1:1 voice port or something I guess.

very much so that every from hundred enemies can one shot you

>There are no subtitles to use japanese voices

Is there any anime where mechas duel it out but then one of the pilots need to eject and the winner violently picks up and tears him apart?

>mfw you sticky teammates with singing decoys just to annoy them
They can't get rid of them either.

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no, because that would be dumb

It looks like the fight will get violent.


It's not shitty, just barebones like 4.1. Sandlot are a tiny ass company.

Look at the button config menu.

This is my first EDF. When do my guys stop looking like scrubs and become the cool dudes?

in like 5 missions or so

mission 12 or 13

Shotguns are fucking amazing since they all pierce enemies now.

How do swtich armour to not be the filthy police scrub

Keep fighting

Gimmie on xbox pls thnx

>pirate it
>both mission packs unlocked

Attached: 124124.jpg (125x103, 1K)

>niche Japanese games on the Xbox

EDF 1 is on gamepass

user if the windows .net didn't helped you need to copy past the D3dcompiler_47.dll form 4.1 in edf5 folder that maybe will fix it

I think you mean 2017 one

Attached: [EG]Char's_Counterattack_BD(1080p_10bit)[23C71E13].mkv_snapshot_01.18.41_[2019.01.20_11.45.07]. (1830x988, 940K)

It's the same deal as it was on PS4 (at least for the English release): the content is there, you just can't access it. On PS4 you could get the missions and weapons by save editing, on Steam you can get them by using any of the billion DLC-unlocking methods out there.

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Whatever that one is

From no to yes to very yes to fuck you to dead
I always call down spritefall on wing divers when they're being swamped, their death is worth the death of everything else

>not launching spitefall on yourself when you are surrounded and then rolling away dodging the beams

its the 3rd one

60fps lock is basically expected from console ports. So many inept console devs tie game speed directly to framerate because it's easy and they've never had to deal with PCfags before

well sure I do that too, I generally call down all of the things on myself and try to doge out of the way
Its just funnier to keep chasing Wing Divers around with it cause they're so squishy

>years later still cant turn off mic in new pc port, uses your default system mic

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You'd assume they/d be doing atleast a patch on it

I want to make sweet love to the spritefall operator
Both eng and jap

I wouldn't
they never fixed it in EDF4.1
it ended up with lots of people using lobbys with communications turned off, meaning no text chat either, only emotes

Absolutely fucking not, EDF 4.1 port had this and they bother for 5 on release tells me they either dont see it as an issue or dont give a fuck at this point.

> communications turned off
Meaning text chat is turned off is such retarded shit

Can you stick Air Raider turrets on teammates?

God damn D3 Publisher are a bunch of jews. Anyone feel like uploading any DLC they bought so I don't have to pay for fucking weapons and vehicles?

Sometimes it's the kindest thing to do

Attached: ar.jpg (667x441, 348K)

oh god my sides

Global top seller

Attached: global.jpg (713x582, 113K)

>super gunship
I approve

Attached: 1552001374392.jpg (1280x1279, 276K)

those dlc are useless

explain cunt

must be a laptop

>3000 dollar

Does anyone want to play multilayer?

Attached: Dv8JUi-UYAAUzQ6.jpeg.jpg (680x667, 45K)

Yes its a laptop but it can run practically anything at 60fps

I saw God today

Attached: 84F40C27-79ED-4021-85FD-F3E3D82C5377.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

I dunno man that card while cheap for its desktop counterpart is kind of bad specially if you paid 3,000 for it overall.

I drunkenly bought a gayman laptop for around 1500 but with overall better specs and I still feel like it's stupid and overpriced.

I only paid a 1000 on it since it was a replacement to my last. straight upgrade

>practically anything at 60fps
at 720p?

70% pira- I mean downloaded.

Holy shit its so cheap in argentinian rupees its the equivalent of 12 dollars

>start playing
>voice acting doesnt sound so bad
>suddenly half the cast is paki sounding brits

That's because your economy is crashing. Thank regional pricing.

Can you play online with a pirated copy?

So you basically paid original price for it. maybe more

>68 dollarydoos
>right after a sale

Attached: 1527672356068.gif (480x351, 1.06M)

not with a phoneposter

only with other pirates

So proud of my president giving us cheap games in exchange for all our economy


How does the missle lock work, I cant get it to fire

55 dollaridoos for me. fuck it i only bought two games and spent 40 bux in the sale

you aim at things with the big red square, when it finishes beeping you can shoot
some weapons can only be shot with the use of a guide kit from an air raider, those weapons will say that in BIG LETTERS in its description
Also don't use the air tortoise, it takes forever to lock on and flies so slow that the target can lead it around till the missile runs out of fuel and despawns

If you mean the beacon then don't bother at all unless you're playing with a friend.

They actually buffed limpets
Now their AoE is worth a shit and can hit entire groups now, still not sure if its worth using

>mfw the game is $12 or so here
God bless those clueless about regional prices japs. Too bad the friends won't play it with me anyway.

Limpets are still shit though, when you can call down gunship shots all the time on a timed reload, doing either large persistent area damage or mad single strike damage.
Only ever use Limpets in caves and even then a turret is probably better.

why did they make the wingdivers so much more distracting than the last game

Attached: 483od8[1].jpg (1920x1080, 461K)

Is that a... sheen of sweat on their lower body? Could they get that same sheen of sweat on their upper body too?

Mod that replaces frogs with pepe, when? If we cant get rid of those fucks on Yea Forums. I want to kill them en masse in vidya.

And turn the greys into wojaks.

Oh thats a good one.

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Yeah I know, airstrikes are too good now but I still found it interesting

Imagine being this obsessed with a cartoon frog

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/k/ here. You're somewhat correct, irl the gunners have a limited swivel per gun ofcourse, so the pilot needs to know where to orientate the aircraft to give them proper field of fire

Dash cancel is gone. How to be fast with Fencer now? I dunno if it's my keyboard, but I can't seem to jump and dash at the same time.

Someone never played 2 or 2017 vita...

where is mouse sensitivity option? I can't play with this fucking fast as fuck shit. Also, anyone having stutters problem?

they are still the fastest thing in the game with that big fucking air dash


Agh I want to buy this but paid full for the original on PS4 and already bought a ton of games in the Summer Sale.

So conflicted...but then who else will protect our mother Earth from any alien attack?

Attached: arrrgh.gif (508x270, 452K)

if the EDF wanted to save earth, they'd blow up israel

Equip a weapon set that lets you dash and jump
You can dash into a jump for a huge boost jump, or jump after a dash
either way, the jump resets your dash, letting you dash again
You also get gear which makes you have more dashes and jumps, letting you do multiple dashes before one jump to reset all the dashes again, which you can loop till you run out of jumps

That looks like a dash cancel to me.

I'm gonna pirate it first. Do I need a Steamworks fix or does it just connect to other pirates right out of the gate?

Is it like 4.1 where you wanna just get stuck in to HARD to begin with because all the NORMAL weapons are boring?

oy vey

>fuck all armor
Is this the best level to farm inferno weapons on so far?

No, that person just knows how to play the game. That DLC stage itself is pretty hard. Only reason he is doing so well is because he knows where everything spawns and how enemy behaves.

Can you play this game on 4K? 4.1 still has a memory leak on the menus 4k which makes it unplayable

Can anyone whip up a creamapi to unlock the dlc for the game easily? I would be eternally grateful.

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god doesn't bleed like a little pig

The dash cancel is still there, just the javelin is gone so it not sanic anymore.
I tend to use a spine driver for dash as that works to dash cancel/attack by itself. Then paired with nc100 cannons as they still dash cancel and are incredibly powerful and penetrative now.
Other good set is using the arm hound for the dash.
Best one is the high altitude missiles have the jump to combine with arm hound or spine driver dashes.
Don't think I've ever used a melee weapon as a fencer, missiles and cannons are where its at.

Can I have any issues trying to (((buy))) it this way? I don't want to use a vpn or do questionable shit that might get me banned.

Attached: 1538142574821.png (611x168, 12K)

How exactly are you getting borderless windowed mode again? What tool do I need to set this at least until they fix the framerate issue with fullscreen?

do it yourself you lazy cunt

Attached: copy and paste this.png (1366x768, 83K)

This is suspicious, steam gifts from Russia usually can only be activated in former USSR countries.

Whats the most based class?

There's also a turkey key. Thanks to regional pricing it's dirt cheap in some countries.


>turkey key has no region restriction
What the FUCK? This is a massive exploit. Thanks user.

Boy I sure am glad I can go home early today, and the scenic view is amazing!

Attached: you will never guess what happened.jpg (549x647, 134K)

Wait a second
That beach..

Yeah.. How many maps are re-used again..?

Attached: 1452454201548.jpg (542x670, 28K)

Not many, that's actually on purpose.

Rest assured civilian, I will get you back home safe!

borderless gaming isnt working for me, it works for a second then the game goes back to window
sometimes it just keeps repeatably going back and forth on that shit

Anyone else with controller sometimes get a mouse cursor stuck in the middle of your screen?
Can't even move it to get it at least out of the way


>playing a shooting game with a controller
Why do you drag the team?

>buying a 'gaming' laptop
>playing games on a laptop
Maybe you'll learn after this one dies in a year or something.

>the voices have literally no soul
Couldn't be further from the truth. I'd give my life for that commander.

>oh man he's just like me

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Doesn't every single CODEX release say that though?

Lmao that only matters when shots need to be precise, you shoot literal watermelons with most guns in this game and the enemies are huge.
I cleared Inferno in 2025 on PS3 with Fencer, I dont need to hear that shit.

if you're still here try turning off fullscreen in-game.

Anyone have a link to all the spritefall voice lines? I need them
for reasons


Attached: 1562853331137.png (388x511, 188K)

So fun fighting them. Blow off their legs and they prop themselves up on an arm and shoot you. Limpet snipers will blow off their heads easily. Hit them with the napalm launcher and all their skin burns off. Love it.

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Attached: 1536180171240.jpg (441x437, 21K)

>lot of cash in wallet because I refunded nearly everything I bought on sale

Attached: 30079523_1629023623813057_4690783081043329024_n.png (419x446, 224K)

>game has a backup folder of saves by default

Attached: 1560492765074.jpg (540x884, 203K)

Air Raider is pure fun in physical form
Unfortunately that makes me a bit scared of how many shitty air raiders there are gonna be online

Attached: 1544930817168.png (1080x1821, 2.94M)

I have played in groups of 3 air raiders and me as wing diver. It's a like a porn setup but with trying to dodge air support.

>red ants look yellowish when you blow their carapace off
>have already gotten spooked thinking there was a gold ant running around in the early levels

Attached: 1416802169861.jpg (840x700, 96K)

>Playing with randoms
>Air raider bring a limpet gun, a sg and a power beacon
>We're not in a cave level
: |

Don't worry user, golden ants start running on hardest

Green ants show up in normal
They're hilarious because they're basically small red ants and when they grab you they can't hold onto you because of the size difference and they just launch you

So many ways to fight them
>shoot weapon arm off and they can't shoot
>shoot legs off and they're sitting ducks

Does the EDF 4.1 dlc have an effect on the completion percentage?

I think it's a separate one.



Depth crawler is not made out of paper now, you have great arrange of turrets, buffs and borders.
explore your arsenal, faggot

wait for bug fixes or check the steam forums

Depth crawler is absolutely made out of paper as soon as anything with a projectile shows up. ZE guns are trash

wow, just how bad you are.
ZE guns have napalm variant, those are literally MVP on each cave mission. Also Beetles and even Roombas can be decent if you are not shit at the game.
But who I am kidding, you are shit at this.

Support your teammates so they pick up your slack

>lmao ur bad use shit weapon or ur bad

You are tho. Depth Crawlers now literally take no skill to use and you are still complaining about them like a little faggot you are.

ants, frogs ,and spiders chew through depth crawls as soon as they shoot their projectiles. they are garbage and spouting "git gud" like a retard won't make them any better

>get kicked out of public rooms
If you want to play with your faggot """friends"" put a fucking passcode on it ffs.

I agree with you but they're great for short bursts of large damage and surviving as Air Raider in cave missions

it takes time to chew, while before it was instant explosion. And if you properly aware of your surroundings - they'll never damage your depthcrawler in the first place.
So no, you are just bad.

I wish there was a timer to show how long ago the match has started so I won't have to spend 20 minutes waiting for people to finish mission 1.

this was a problem in 4.1 right till this games release. you can also set player slots to invite only instead of setting a password

Says the frog poster

Can I run this on a toaster like EDF 4.1?

borderless gaming works for me until i alt tab
once i do that it just goes to windowed mode

>mission 5
why Jesus

oh wow new release on PC?
is it good?

that's when i switched to easy. starting out as air raider is suffering

so far so good
the video options are still very bare bones just like 4.1 but its not bad

>first 11 missions you're a "civilian" then mission 12 your suit changes to proper EDF uniform

>Not always playing on hard

wing diver loses her pants for extra mobility
its a great feature

its funny that it took the people in the story 5 months to try to shoot into the dropships

Maybe? I can run this on a laptop with a 1050 at 60 fps, but someone earlier in the thread couldn't, so i'm not sure.


that's because its suicidal

Any way to switch back to the civvie uniforms? Air raider and wing diver were better as civilians, air raider especially

Ripping them yourself is easy. Download VGMToolbox, drag and drop TIKYUU5_VOICE.[LANG].AWB onto the .hca extractor, and get VGMStream for Foobar.

The difficult part is finding what you want in 35,000 loose audio files.

i think after you beat the game you can switch between them

thats coward talk

Its in the customization options after clearing the game

I tried ripping the models with Ninja Ripper, but it doesn't seem to save the UV Maps for some reason so I can't apply the textures to the models. I'll try a Criware extactor next, but even then the models are probably stored in another format that might not have a converter.

Attached: ss (2019-07-11 at 12.47.13).png (573x380, 34K)

>Security guard
>Construction worker
wtf is wing diver supposed to be a cosplay?

I thought it was like a flying welder or something. Who is the mechanic? Air raider? I thought he was like an air traffic controller or something.

She's supposed to do aerial stunts in the base

Installing now bros...

I'm so excited, I'll see you all in there!

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Does the pirated version show lobbies at all, even if just other pirates? Or is it invite only? Does it need an external program?
Is a 20% sale probably the lowest its going to be for the next couple of months?

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wing dancer
shes basically just a jet pack user at an air show

>early mission
>go from "ants of ease" to literally hundreds of UFOS
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I have sinned and picked Air Raider first. My shitty turrets miss everything even when the sky is blotted out with them

Does spamming messages in game still cause that memory leak in the menus like in 4.1?

i'm also wondering about this

lobby when

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I'm still waiting for it to be listed on g2a or other key seller sites. It's too expensive for a broke neet like me.

Anyone got any info if this is actually true? I'd like to play with my poorfag friends.

Fuck you weeaboo.

As soon as you make one

Can anyone confirm if pirated online works?

I just launched my pirated copy, i don't see any lobbies, maybe it needs something like hamachi or tunggle?

>mission 5
>suddenly red ants

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If this is my first EDF game is it worth getting into? Is any of the dlc worth it?

Attached: 4_kings_entrance.gif (222x400, 2.93M)

Read the thread retard

I want to get this but its overpriced just like 4.1 on steam.

4.1 only worked by inviting people I heard.

>pirating good games
That shit surprised me more than anything else, red ants are a bitch usually, but they're actually easier to kill.
yes, no

It's a reboot so you aren't missing anything. And most of the DLC are just PS4 pre order shit.

If you liked the game then there's a mission pack filled coming. That's probably the only DLC I'd buy.

Yes its worth getting into
No all the DLC is pre-order bonus trash
If you enjoy the game then MAYBE get the mission packs when they come out

Did anyone successfully buy after setting their country to Russia? Can you actually get it for like $13?

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I thought steam bans you if you do that

It does
you should try it

Hmm, i can't invite seem to invite people, maybe i need to add the game through steam.

Fuck you nigger.
Thanks guys, downloading now.

m8 just fire all the artillery. I just spammed 150mm, 105mm and autocannon. Wasn't particularly hard, at least on normal.

Will I get my steam account ding dong banned if I use the DLC unlocker?

>20 gb
>a million paid dlc
so uhh i am pirating this, there is already a multiplayer crack fix

>set my location to Canada years ago as a joke
>never changed it back
>now I know why I've been paying like 30% tax on fucking vidya

Holy shit Canada is a fucking wasteland.

What's so bad about the spinoffs?


the focus on obtaining the western audience bleeds the actual fun out of the games

canada doesn't have to pay taxes on steam at least not in ontario
we still have to deal with new game releases being $80 though

We don't pay tax on steam

Any draw requests related to EDF? Not promising anything great quality.

Games on Steam are slightly cheaper in Canada after currency conversion, burgers-for-brains. That "30% tax" is just a result of the exchange rate.

I can't actually select the send an invite option in the menu, so i guess they fixed it with this release?

Ranger punching an ant into space

Frogs freaking about how they can't fight humans, since they look JUST LIKE THEM.

Is there multi-player for pirate version?
Want to play with someone who can't afford edf 5.

I was getting taxed 1.37 on a 4.99 purchase
Nigger i still had to pay the price it showed for the US, it just also makes me pay 30% tax instead of 7%.

Ranger being suplexed by a Green Ant

okay I need some Yea Forumsros to play this shit with. drop discord or tag or whatever, or u can add me


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Seconding this

at 1366x768

fucked up spoiler oops. whatever, don't be a retard and you can still use it

Canadians don't pay tax on Steam. Are you sure that 30% isn't due to American laws? Like a duty free or whatever.

Not sure if I should buy the game, I've never tried this series before.
Kind of worried it's something I'll end up being bored of it quick.

How do I play with other pirates?

Anyone with a pirated copy, can you test out joining a room called RAGE and see if it works? If somebody with a legit copy would like to try that would be great too.

>have an average pc
>expect to drop frames as soon I get out the base with the huge horde of ants and shit happening on my screen
>60 stable
First time playing but I like these kind of games of crazy fuck all happening.

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Depends on how much you like games where all you do is blow up bugs and monsters while collecting weapons. Story and dialogue are more B-movie and supposed to be ridiculous.

How do you play with other pirates?

>hey guys im too fucking stupid to press shift + s so you little fags can fix my link and then carry me while I attention whore
Fuck you, kill yourself.

Can i solo everything? I don't if buy it because i have no friends to play with it.

I'm trying to figure that out, in 4.1 you could invite people, but that doesn't seem to work in 5.

>being rude AND wrong
calm down and enjoy EDF you loser

i'll be your friend user

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angry incel have sex :)
oh wait, you can't. that's why you're so angry

You're gonna need to be in the same steam download region for it to work. Or use SSE

Can somebody with a pirated copy help me test to see if we can get online working?

what site user

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game has a single player mode, it actually expects you to play that first
Online with randoms is mostly fine, but back up your save file, should be in mydocuments\mygames\edf in case of hackers

creamapi is the most effective method

The game actually keeps ten backups for you, they're in the same folder. Convenient.

Use a script dumbass

i'm not him but how would one do this? this is the first time I've ever heard of any of this

think it's g2a but it says it's temporarily unavailable

Attached: edf5.png (931x186, 13K)

Can anyone upload the steam_api64.dll from a Steam copy? I'm gonna test it out before buying if online works.

Attached: ss (2019-07-11 at 01.58.42).png (833x109, 44K)

Is creamapi safe from steam ban?

steam_api.dll too I suppose.

There's no difference between a pirated copy and a steam copy. Did you download it precracked from some shitty website?

I just grabbed the Codex release. SSE says it needs the original files, and the lobby is empty otherwise.

How the fuck do you move around like this?

>piratefags begging buyfags to let them play for free
How about you faggots be actual pirates and figure it the fuck out yourself?

.cdx are original steam files just rename them to .dll

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Why is Yea Forums the only board that cries about piracy?

high level gear, gives you more dashes and jumps letting you chain them for mad mobility
Looks like end game stuff

and instantly cracked too

go to r/crackwatch
at least it's more useful than these idiots

>pirating EDF

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>half the thread is people asking how they play online with pirated copies rather than actual discussion
It's a real mystery why

doing lineart now!

It's pretty much the exact same game as before buddy, let's not pretend otherwise.

Enjoyed it on PS4 and would buy it again but you PC fags don't even play games. It'll be tough for me to find a room in what, 3-4 weeks?

Not having to bring a shitty javelin to go at maximum speed with a fencer is great. It does make it a bit harder to bring a reflector shield, you'll be sitting there vulnerable a lot because you can't chain into dashes infinitely. Maybe regular shields are worth using with a support item now. I really like comboing a spear with a dispersal mortar.

>Base Game
>DLC Unlock

tear gas

>minimum 760
>recommended 970
What are the odds this is going to run on a 670?

Attached: 1416559138504.png (494x462, 261K)

Hold the fuck up, this is happening and it's today or tomorrow? Unbelievable. This is fantastic news!
5 had massive QoL improvements on most characters however it had more filler missions and not as clean a progression of them, I felt.
Air Raider doesn't need to have stuff out to reload them, has more equipment options.
Wing Diver has greater maneuvrability in the air and lances are so energy efficient that full on aerial combat is feasible.
Fencer has top end mobility with the right setup and an incredibly powerful arsenal in the right hands, as ever.
Ranger... Ranger gets shafted. You can either have decent mobility or a vehicle. Not both. Is a sub-par all rounder but worse so than usual.


Dont pretend the game was incredibly popular on PS4, it really really isnt and never was, sadly. Play these at launch, its the best time to play them. 4.1 on PC was active for months user, when I played a few weeks back there was still lobbies, it wasnt unplayable in mutliplayer, it was the same as on PS4.

How do I change my resolution?

Ranger, Wing Diver and Fencer after being grabbed by red ants and waved around in the background while Air Raider in foreground is shrugging and pulling out his artillery smoke canister, saying "Oh well, cant be helped..."

System Settings > Display Settings

It's been out all day. I'm already on mission 25. New Fencer is so much fun, I can't wait to move on to Hard and unlock stronger dash/jump modules.

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Nevermind, thought you could do it right on startup.

>auto cannons do not do friendly fire
>laser is baller as fuck now
Whelp, had no more issues with those two spaceship levels.

Should I go on hard from the get-go? I seem to get hit 0-1 time a level.

Ranger is better than 4.1 for sure
You can make an argument he's weaker than the other guys, but I don't think so outside of a top tier Fencer. Shotguns are baller as fuck.

how is the music in these games
is there any cool lyrical pieces?

Ranger is GOOD because of their simplicity. Just shoot, plain and simple, theres no gimmick, just you and your gun. They are all fun though, its good to bounce between classes rather than stick to one.

start with hard.
overall the music is great... but the song they sing is not nearly as good as the 4.1 one


Tested it out myself, it works. Found it on cs rin ru. re uploaded it to mega myself.

Its the kind of music you expect in a no budget title. Make a playlist and turn it down so you can hear the characters singing and shit.

I'll try to get to this after work if possible but if another drawanon wants to do it please do so.

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When does fencer get good? So far I have the first upgrades that give an extra dash each but it still feels underwhelming...

sasuga PC playerbase

Hosting a fresh cute and funny pirate server.


Should I play the singleplayer campaign first or go straight into multi?

Good job

Multi is harder alone by far vs single player, so multi if you're going to play with other peeps

Have you entertained the possibility that fencer is not the class for you? Because I have no clue what the fuck you're on about, I'm already doing great and feeling great with dash + hop.

Actually I don't feel like doing the first few missions since they're boring so I'm joining a pub lobby.

Play till you have some weapons and progress a bit then go into multiplayer. You dont want to be that guy who keeps dying because they have no armour.

If you have the dash and hop boosters
make sure you equip a set of weapons that lets you do both
dash dash hop dash dash hop dash dash reset

I really enjoy using the lance with Fencer, its surprisingly good

Man, the weapon level up system is genius. It means every weapon is both the joke version of itself and the real version.

What are the best weapon for wing diver?
Feels like it take forever to kill one froggie.

Please tell me there a high level version of laser chainsaw this time around.

So single player weapons carry over to multiplayer now? I don't recall 4.1 working like that

how can i even tell how my weapon is leveled up? the star symbol next to the specs? and a filled out star means its maxxed?

Is it just me or does aiming become slower when you charge a weapon with wing diver?

the level up system is explained in more depth in the manual in the options

It always worked like that. Difference being that there's no weapon level limit in single player.

then you never played 4.1 for any lengthen period

It should when you first encounter them
Always and forever, the close range weapons are your go to FUCK YOU weapons with Wing Diver
The one that shits out 1000 lasers a second does so much damage its mental, meanwhile the lance laser thingies do large pinpoint damage
Pick the one you have the most ease using and then take a secondary that can be used against big groups, like a palsma canon
With Wing Divers new air dash its is possible to dash over things with minimal energy usage and rain death on them

>literally just bought 4.1 during the steam sale
>5 comes out mere days later


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If your game time is low and you wanna skip ahead, get a refund. Other than that you could enjoy it, it's a fun game.

That didn't rhyme at all you failure

doesn't look it. now it you spam it'll combine and be like user: EDF! x6

Attached: EDF5 2019-07-11 11-49-56-30.jpg (1920x1080, 448K)

>oh no
>there are two good games on PC now
what a tragedy.
pc faggots don't deserve nice things cause of retards like you

Personally I recommend playing the Muv Luv Alternative soundtrack

Never heard of a refund?

I mean... you could play it? It's a good game!

>you have been disconnected form the session
Does that mean you're getting kicked?

pirated copy detected nerve gas emission commenced

The pc netcode is garbage

Why did you join the EDF?

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>pirating EDF
Who would do such a thing?

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It's the best job in the world! [As long as there are no monsters!/spoiler]

judging by the languages in the torrent clients, 3rd worlders and eastern Eurofags. I'm not going to begrudge anyone pirating a game when they need a wheelbarrow of rubles to buy a loaf of bread.

i want to buy it but i already spent like $58 during the steam summer sale

it happened before i knew it!

They really phoned in the dub for this one.

????????? It's EDF

Is this game more technically demanding than EDf4.1? I can run that game fine bar a few instances, so I'm worried about this one.

It just seems that way

You shut your whore mouth

>can't get stable 60FPS even with a 980
>bloom looks all kinds of fucked on these interiors
>animations go down to 15 FPS if they're more than five feet away from you
>this game will still most likely give me the most fun out of all games this year

Attached: 20190711152156_1.jpg (1920x1080, 489K)

because you can't measure fun in perfomance and graphics

>frame rate issues no matter what I do or what others recommend
The one time I'd buy a game on release and one I know I'll love.
Hurts so much I'm just gonna have to refund it now and hope in time they fix the problems with this port. Time to get back to my game backlog I suppose.

Attached: fse.png (513x457, 386K)

It's fucking EDF

Nah, it's great. I don't want to hear anything about XSEED when the lines they added in 4.1 were the worst.

4.1 was way better. The soldiers sound like ESLs.

>can't get stable 60FPS even with a 980
Post your specs 980 should have no problems running the game at 60fps

Air Raider or Fencer?


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>tfw no more GIANT INSECTS CAN'T FLY every two minutes

Attached: skipping brain day.webm (202x360, 736K)

>mid 10's missions are kinda hard as air raider solo on hard
>try ranger
>easy as fuck holy shit
I mostly played AR in 4.1 but I might try other guys here for sure

That webm makes me incredibly sick

Also, I'll miss the camp lines from 4.1
Are the lines in 5 just as campy? Anything quotable?

>tfw used up all my cash this summer sale.
>mfw see all the anons having fun playing the game on the thread
H-have fun guys...

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The EDF song in this is so garbage that no one feels like singing lol. I wonder if you can mod the original back in

I can't do it, they look just like us!
If you don't kill them, you'll be killed!

Just join a pirate lobby. We can all play EDF.

That's the EDF way. Ranger is EZ mode

So when do I start going fast as a fencer? It feels clunkier in the beginning than in 4.1

Waiting on the steam version

If I make a lobby are there 3 other people in this thread to play? I got to mission 13 with some anons last night when the game released/

It came out like 12 hours ago

god i wish
this new song is beyond fucking terrible

I'm around from that lobby

Brainlet here, if I bought the base game off steam can I still use the codex dlc unlocker, or is it incompatible if you didn't download the codex base game, too?

If it is, then I just won't bother. I love EDF, but that dlc is just egregious.

im down
just post the server name when its up

That's not that much money all things considered the military industrial complex is pretty shit in this universe

Attached: Earth Defense Force 5 Screenshot 2019.07.11 - (1920x1080, 1.45M)

>tfw already own the PS4 version
>but still want to play the MP with the PCfriends
>Yet also need to recollect all my armor and shit

Attached: EDF! EDF!.jpg (1037x1100, 363K)

Do the cannon strikes have to stick to an enemy? I used it on a pylon and it didn't drop.

They work on anything. Make sure you're close enough.

ok made a lobby.
name: Party Yea Forumsan 1
pass: rage

>I love air raider!!!
>Literally none of the vehicles are fun except maybe spider tank

Do the inferno air raider vehicles turn quickly or are all of you memeing?

Attached: Capture.png (973x233, 405K)

DLC is pointless. You will replace everything 1 hour in and never use it again
>t. retard who bought the Nix and got a better one on Mission 5

Are there lots of Normal mode online rooms?

Dude, Brah, when the economy has been crippled for a year or more due to alien invasion, mass production of anything becomes difficult

1 more recruit needed to fumigate

Looking at it gave me the same feeling, it was all joke weapons, more or less.

Hard is the normal mode, normal is easy, easy is retard mode

The translation has some mistakes in the unit and weapon names. They're all myth references and such but you get stuff like "Nix" which should be Nyx, for the basic mistakes.

Listen senpai, I know shit is easier with mice and what not but you're not going to 1 shot Hard Mode with 4 randos when you get past the babby missions.

Yea Forums is the only board that smugly pretends that piracy is some sort of social and political statement.
Like, They unironically believe that they're George Washington because they download a torrent.

Unless you learn to take it to the skies
Play wing diver today

at which point I swap my outfit?

You tried using a PS4 controller didn't you?

What's the problem with hackers and saves?

Play more
It automatically changes around mission 10 or 12

Needs some visual effects for the hit

why is the helicopter control such cancer

mission 12

in 4.1, hackers would make the loot dropped from ammo and weapon crates be max
Picking up one of either would basically give you max health and all the weapons.
Some people actually want to play the game, so this is mad dicks, and the only way to fix it is to roll back to an older save
So back up your saves

new to EDF lads, it's pretty fun obviously but can some one explain to me why anyone would pick ranger over the others? he seems to be pretty boring.

>I'll take you to a safe place now civillian

Not as flashy, but effective. Grenades, rocket launchers, shotguns, assault rifles. They all work quite well, and rangers have the second-most health, iirc.

Mediocre as always. His shotguns are the best thing about him now so he has his place. Vehicles are ok.

>that first drone level
What the fuck

His guns just work instead of being a bunch of gimmicky bullshit

I was a bit annoyed that the first missions were more toned down than ones in 4.1, but that mission was alright

Oh no

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can pirated copies play with each other?

Ranger is the all purpose powerhouse with no gimmicks. Just run and gun. Sometimes hes the best to use for missions because you just need a guy that can blow shit up without any hassle.

The first few tutorial levels are absolute wank