What did you buy in the Steam Summer sale?

What did you buy in the Steam Summer sale?

I did not buy this game but the picture is cute so I thought I'd use it as the OP. Also, why do Chinese games always have Japanese voice acting? Shouldn't they have Chinese voice acting instead?

Attached: 1562756938348.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

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Disney Afternoon Collection

Though retro games are hard as hell, I can't even get far in Ducktales

didn't buy anything this year because there are no good games. halo mcc & halo infinite soon though so i'll probably pick those up.

Only Subahibi

Attached: OUR GUY.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Holy shit, Subahibi is finally out? Fucking Herkz, I wanted to play it years ago but then they just never fucking released it. Fuck Herkz.

I actually bought Muse Dash during the sale (despite it not being discounted) and it's actually really good
the only game I bought on sale was Steep which is a good chill time killer

I just figure there's no reason not to pirate it since it's single player only and has no cheevos. I'm sure enough people are buying it that my lost sale won't matter.

Finding Paradise, loved To The Moon but never got around to its sequels.

>use ash


true but there is the $30 "Just as Planned" DLC which is essentially a permanent season pass that gets you a constant stream of content every month while you own it
I pirated it at first as well but decided to buy it anyways

>why do Chinese games always have Japanese voice acting?
I figure this is possibly because of a few reasons
>easier to market their game in japan which is probably the first foreign market they go for
>bigger / more well known talent pool to work with
>grew up with japanese media translated but not dubbed into chinese, so they turned into weebs and want the voices in japanese

how do I pirate it?

I did see that and it seems like a pretty decent concept but I can pirate that too, is the thing.

Wolfenstein New Order. I feel like I need something really violent after playing Shantae and Spiderman.

>Paying for roms

>I can pirate that too, is the thing
I was wondering about that like say you pirate the game and DLC and they release a song pack that's free to owners of the DLC, how would someone who pirated both get it?
I didn't give it a whole lot of thought so maybe it's simpler than I think it is

Well, there's something called Goldberg Steam Emu that makes pirating DLC, even free DLC, very intuitive so it is indeed simpler than it is. Plus the good pirate sites pack in all DLC even if it's free anyway.

Muse Dash is great, especially the soundtrack:


Attached: 20147528-buddha-do-ok-sign-in-side-view.jpg (866x1300, 212K)



I bought it since it was 3bux. I also found out I'm physically incapable of S-ranking any 9* songs and some 8* ones.

So far I've only made it onto the leaderboard for 6 songs. Leaderboard is 999 people per song/difficulty.

A Hat in Time bundle

Nothing, I had a cart but didn't pull the trigger. I knew I wouldn't play any of it.

Absolutely fucking impeccable taste good sir, I love you.