I'll be back bitches

I'll be back bitches

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Other urls found in this thread:


Your soul got eaten by our loli, you're fukken done

*tops the parses*

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On a scale of 0-10, how mad would you be if some later drama makes Ryne collapse and be taken over by Minfilia? You know it's coming, right?

>just ran Il Mheg for the first time on BLM
>didn't realize you had to actually be standing inside the circle thing to damage the boss after crossing the floor

Well shit, I got across the thing then just stood there attacking uselessly for a few seconds looking like a retard. Had only been playing tanks so far so hitting the thing already required me standing inside the circle anyway. Whoops.

We dont need ya anymore

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I want the Exarch's Crystal Tower

holy based

I would like that

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>minfilia takes over ryne
>thancred loses it and kills her
>then himself
>then ran'jit

she's old and busted, Ryne is new hotness.

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This Pa'jeet slaps your little elezen waifu on the ass. What do?

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Get Thancred to beat him up for me


>ywn force Minfillia’s ghost to sit there and watch you defile Ryne

You mean his gigaenormous crystal cock?

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I hope so. Pedobait minfilia is the worst.

I want to get crushed by those thunder thighs.

>not having her join in
where's your sense of imagination.

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Hey, Ran'jit. I'm gonna go up this elevator.

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I wonder if that Japanese person on twitter has put her in any other outfits.

God I wish Thancred joined you.

user.... why the fuck would Thancred of all people "lose it" over Minfilia returning? He was a dick to minifilia all that time because he was thirsty for minfilia to take over.

>not fucking Minfilia and Ryne while Thancred watches

>while ardbert watches and monologues


Bitch, please. In the course of one story, Ryne was better fleshed out and is more likeable than Minfillia ever was since ARR.


No. Not yet.
Our great protector has yet to grace this thread with his presence.

Redditors really need to hang.

How does Samurai compare to Monk in terms of playstyle? I'm new and just got Monk to 50.

Oh right, I should finish that.

>No my friend, my story is over. But your's is still being written.

What do you call a Lalafel prostitute? Lali-ho!

Now that XIV has more players than ever it's time for me to bring this back. Now, trade cards with me.

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>Implying redditors aren't the ones constantly going UGH PRAY RETURN OMG I JUST WANNA HEADPAT MINIFILIA SO CUUUTE

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More about building and spending special moves instead of hammering through your 123 at breakneck speeds to maintain buffs

>Tired of dungeons and potd/hoh
>Want to level up GNB through PVP
>Keep getting stomped by premades
>Only won 3 times because premade were in my alliance
This is not fun...

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Is it intimidating to pick up a job that starts at level 50 instead of working your way up to it?

No way man, Tataru is no prostitute She's a janny

To those who play in English with Japanese voice and can understand Japanese, has anyone else noticed the major differences between the English and Japanese dialogues in Shadowbringers? There has always been some differences but this time around, as I'm playing through the MSQ, it just feels very strange as what the Japanese voice is saying and the English dialogue is completely different.

While there are many instances of this throughout the MSQ, one is when the Exarch meets Vauthry; In the Japanese version, the Exarch says something along the lines of, you've gotten really big since I last saw you. Where as the English version is something like your as "enormous as ever". Differences like this are all over the MSQ this time, especially during CS of past events or when a character is explaining something deep, it feels like they are saying/implying two completely different things.

This doesn't really matter unless you are someone who plays the English Version with Japanese voice and can understand Japanese but just think for a game where the story is so deep and hints in dialogues play a important role in foreshadowing, they should make the dialogues more similar.

>spend the last 5 years watching over your adopted daughter and teaching her to fight
>the second WoL shows up on the planet, her panties immediately drop and she fucks off to be by his side without a word
Bilbo Baggins was right.


>implying 4channers aren't going C-C-C-CUNNY
And pretty sure redditors are going ccccunny too but they can't say it so they say headpats and hugs.

Who? I need to know, user.

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switch to mael if you want to win

t. Old and busted Alisaie

Fuck off hag

I agree. And considering that the Japanese don't even like the Japanese dub, they should unironically make the script more like the English one.

Tataru takes cocks for free because she loves getting fucked, she's a slut not a whore.

it doesn't matter what they mask cccunny with but pedobait is either a resetgender or reddit insult.

Not really if you have a decemt grasp on the game at all. Just be sure to read your tooltips.

She loves money too much to not get paid for it

>In the Japanese version, the Exarch says something along the lines of, you've gotten really big since I last saw you. Where as the English version is something like your as "enormous as ever"
The point of that line is simply to call him fat and it succeeds in both languages you autistic faggot.

If you switch from mnk to sam, not really. They actually do a good job of easing you into it by introducing new elements of your rotation every few levels.

It's only an insult if you feel insulted by it. Resetgenders, as you call them, use it as a deflection.

Why does Hancock keep calling Tataru a whore?

>I'm almost level 80 on my second job and still using Scaevan gear because not a single weapon has dropped for it


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>Her love for money isn't because she needs money to buy sex.

>tfw been fapping to Lalafell porn while waiting for this FATE to spawn

What if, instead of "don't forget that the people of Amaurot were a thing", emet selch actually meant "remember us, specifically, the people you used to know when you were whole" as in getting ancient memories of a past life back?

What twitter person?

Because Hancock refuses to pay for an oft-used onahole.

Hancock is /ourguy/

>yfw hades extreme

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Sadly I do not know the name, all I know is the GPOSERS twitter usually retweets their stuff.

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*Exchange when Y'shtola asked Urianger to describe the night sky after the first lightwarden*

Urianger: A sea of shimmering stars. Diamonds strewn across a raven gown, boundless and beautiful.
Urianger: 'Tis an exquisite sight not unlike that of the Source. Calm and gentle...and forgiving...
Y'shtola: I can see it...

Holy shit this was beautifully written, I choked up hearing it the first time.

It'd be very cheesy but now that you say it I believe it will happen before Ryne goes to the source. Though I still think Ryne might stay for good. I just know Minfilia isn't 100% gone. She'll be the voice of Hydaelyn now and I don't expect she's gone for good. To be frank because of the thancred and yshtola asspull I am convinced none of the Ascians will ever leave now. I meant to write scions but that slip is too good to erase.

Though user, if you are here who realized the rule of X7 you were right. 57 and Haurchefaunt dies, 67 and Goesetsu/Yugiri "Die", 77 and Minfilia dies(?).

No, because he speaks several more lines that make it rather hard to surmise what you do there.

Also there's nothing for you to remember, you share a soul, not a being. Same as how you're not Ardbert.

Hot damn, he's really going to town

>Shtola proceeds to spank Urianger on the ass
Beautifully written indeed

He’s on thot patrol.

anyone else really hate this animation? looks dumb as shit

Then she slaps his ass.

Its a different person. This is some guy from /vg/


Ok does this actually happen??? I don't remember that....


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>Y'shtola gets the barb and suddenly she's happy and playful

i hate the lack of fortnite dances. perfect chance to add in a dab for your level 80 ability

there are too many hrothgar around, please remove some of them

>Same as how you're not Ardbert
But you literally are. You're the same person just split

I wrapped up Shadowbringers today... did I miss the explanation on why Y'shtola went by Matoya?

She pats his lower back, but the height difference and camera angle make it look like an ass smack.

Reminder that Estinien got EMPLOYED by two Lalas.

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Yes stop skipping cutscenes

bunnies all look like old hags i want all the cute cargirls back

Either I've gotten used to Urianger or they've gotten his ye old english into a reasonable level because it doesn't bother me now, nor feel forced. I swear in his earlier form he spoke fucking Chaucer's Middle English while now he's Shakespearian or slightly ahead of it.


Really enjoy the boss fight though. Wonder why they made the Knights of the Round so easy compared to Shinryuu and Hades. Would you guys feel Shinryuu or Hades is harder?

Best way to go from 60 to 61 without roulettes?
Spam the 59 dungeon?

Yes, the English script is generally fucked. It's either too verbose OR too simple when you look at the same line in the other languages. It's like Koji couldn't resist being different just for the sake of being different. If your client language is English, you have to also set the voices to Bong or you'll be buttfucked with audible disparities all day.
In the Seiryu fight there's a line that goes HOW IT BURNS but it makes little sense because nigger you're shitting water out of every hole, what burns? Then I heard "aramitama" from the french dub I set at the time.
I don't see any problem with the Vauthry dialogue though. Clearly both of them were making fun of him being fat

>you share a soul, not a being. Same as how you're not Ardbert.
You and Ardbert are literally fragments of that original Amaurotine soul.

The Dark Niggas she was hanging out with don't tell anyone but family their real names

Can you explain please

>Want to play BRD
>Can't because I turn off all damage numbers and floating text so I won't be able to see my procs

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I thought you were referencing when you call her mom and she threatens you with a spanking session.

>HOW IT BURNS but it makes little sense because nigger you're shitting water out of every hole, what burns?
Are you actually fucking stupid? Jesus fucking christ.

Who’s the best cunnyfu, Arya or Ryne?

>even estinien can't escape Krile's sensor

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And then walked him home gently.

>but it makes little sense because nigger you're shitting water out of every hole, what burns?
Now I get it. You faggots are legitimately autistic and take everything too literally. That's why you prefer the nip dialogue written for autistic nip bug people who can't into language.

that monk in the lower left is based

i want krile to sniff my aether

>In the Seiryu fight there's a line that goes HOW IT BURNS but it makes little sense because nigger you're shitting water out of every hole, what burns?
I'm pretty sure you're just a stupid fuck or an ESL. Maybe both.

Yshtola “Barb Queen” will take care of them

It's actually getting real irritating watching you post the same fucking shit every thread

He's been doing this since Stormblood, so don't expect him to stop any time soon. At least his obsession isn't Fordola and Alma anymore.


No, you're not. You're the same soul, not the same person, the story goes to great lengths to drive this point home, how the fuck did you miss this?

They do it for the attention. What they don't know is Ryne was flavour of the week.

Wait, aren't they the same guy, I recognize that lizard.

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>Stalked the WoL throughout Stormblood
>Saved him from Elidibus
>Probably continued to stalk him after that
>Suddenly the WoL disappears and has no idea where he went
>2 Lalas hunted him down and are forcing him to do shit
>tfw Estinien wants to go back to finding his friend

Are you that "Ystola for WoL Only! Kill Runar! REEEE" faggot?

At least he’s acquired great taste now.

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>waah waaaaaaaah someone said bad things about my corner cutting script better call him a nip supporter!
My game has been in English since ARR, insecure retard nigger.

Is DRG questing mandatory to be his friend?

Epperson the Mexican pedophile

Yes? How is that any different from what I said you drooling cretin.

Soul reflections tend to look similar or take on likewise vocations, but they aren't the same people.

Bro you got to let it go...

Autism is not understanding the subtle hints that perhaps the Exarch has seen him recently. You know, some clue to the mystery of the Exarch which was played as a possible betrayal. Faggot.

How can you possibly justify an ending where the WoL doesnt retire to fuck his fairy king all day every day?

breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts breast breasts

Anyone else trying the new ass mod?

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>Calling anyone an insecure retard nigger
>Doesn't understand basic English

DRG got spoiled rotten with Estinien and I could not be happier for it. But it makes me sad for all the other great job characters who didn't get any kind of recognition in the MSQ. There's probably too many jobs to have all of them show up in a major capacity but it would have been nice to see them appear in their respective expansions.

Good lord cat has cake.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

More proof female WoL is not canon

>tfw the Crystal Exarch saved his virginity for the WoL for 300 years
>too busy spilling his spaghetti to try to bait the WoL into taking it

When will we rescue this cute nerd from his chastity?

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Where did you hear that from, your reddit echo chamber? Jap players typically are ambivalent about it


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Those things probably don’t even have holes

See kids, this is why using the proper words and not being autistic is important. Here we have an argument because one people is conflating soul and person as the same thing, while the other person is too autistic to realise that.

That would be Epperson, one of the most reviled xivg avatarfags ever

Besides Gerolt Blackthorn who else did we see who was a dead ringer for someone in the source?

Waiting to find out First Rowena has Jewed Gerolt here too

>tfw no possessive Krile girlfriend who regularly sniffs your aether to make sure she doesn't smell that Tataru harlot's scent on you

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Lets see how you explain the difference then buddy, and none of that "autism" either.

Someone post Alphinaud in slutty outfits


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You're still pretty close friends with him without being a DRG, but it does enhance the experience

30-50 leveling is centered around Estinien and when you get to HW, he's a bit more chummy with you seeing as you're both Azure Dragoons.

At the end of your SB job quests, Estinien returns and is the one to personally hand you your AF3 gear. There's even a short story from na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/tales_from_the_storm/sidestory_06/#sidestory_06 that shows how Estinien got his new armor and your AF3 gear as well.

>he ran away to the sea thanks to her

>started playing a couple of months ago and dropped the game in the pre-heavensward msq
>shadowbringers adds trusts

So can I pretty much play everything as a singeplayer game now to avoid having to learn several expansions worth of content to play dark knight

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your job as a translator isn't to allow users to hear the differences between text and speech.

not!Rowena is in Eulmore, and the Wandering Minstrel is in the Crystarium.

Why are all the best waifus men?

Minstreling Wanderer. The dude from the first cutscene in the First.

I guess we had good threads for a while but thanks to the retarded faggot Ryneposter and a flood of /xivg/ rejects, that time is over

Have sex

And women who dress like men.

One side wants to erase the future so they can bring back the past. The other side wants to erase the future so they can bring back the past. Who is the bad guy?

Is there any other big meaty axe like the AF4 Axe in the game?

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Have sex

>tfw you will never bang this 'old man' so hard that Lyna hears the tinkling reverb of his crystallized knee hitting the floor of the Ocular over and over again as he's getting pounded

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Here's mine

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Oh fuck user I thought he was free from Rowena say it aint' so.

no because trusts are only for Shadowbringers dungeons (level 71-80). Also DRK isn't hard to learn especially now that they made it braindead easy.


Bravura is the only axe you should ever need.

Can't you just look them up yourself?

> dailystar.co.uk/tech/reviews/791039/Final-Fantasy-XIV-Shadowbringers-Review-A-step-above-anything-that-has-come-before
well Yea Forums? Apologize to Yoshida.

Quite a few, the Thordan one is pretty good

I really love Bravura, I really do, but it looks puny on a Roe...

pretty sure the faggot is samefagging
really pathetic

Alexandrian Metal

I can hear goodbye horses in the background.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of them found the flowery fedora tippy vocabulary appealing just like ESLs and burgers do.

Also leveling trusts fucking sucks
>Need to do 6 dungeons as DPS and 6 as Tank just to level all of the characters to 72
>Then you need to probably do 9-10 more as each to get them to 73
>Then repeat the cycle for the next dungeon

You're fine. Unless it's HQ, Augmented Scaeven is better than any 70 - 78 gear.

>Kirito Yeager needs no words

Male xaela are the cringiest of cards

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1.0 was better

No. Fix Scholar first.


How do I get my game to look like this?

It definitively looks good but the fact that you can't dye it make it lose a lot of points for me.

Oh good idea actually, thanks!

That pic reminds me that every classic JRPG party has a big muscle guy and the MC is the average dude.
Also the healer girlfriend, the token annoying loli, the sexy party member whose purpose is only for fanservice, the older guy the party members go for advice and the obligatory party member nobody ever picks.

For example.
Tidus MC
Yuna Healer girlfriend
Wakka Muscle dude
Rikku Token annoying loli
Auron the old guy
Lulu fanservice
Kihmari the guy nobody ever picks

For XIV we have
WoL is the MC
Ryne is the healer girlfriend
Thancred is the muscle dude
Alisaie is the annoying loli
urianger is the knowledge guy
Y'shtola is the fanservice
And alphinaud is the guy nobody picks
This time we even have a guest appearance of g'raha tia which is the guy who joins the party as a guest and is never seen again.

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Only retards think that, thanks for outing yourself

t. never played 1.0

Literal cuck job you lose a woman to Curious Gorge LOL

No. In fact you fucking kill him at the end of the ARR DRG questline. You can actually call bullshit when he shows up in HW if you did that questline and he just basically shrugs and tells you he got better, and that he's totally different from that ASSHOLE you impaled.

I'd fuck you too

But Darth Arthars says the JP dub is amazing and the EN dub is shit, just like their party finders!

>Thancred muscle dude
Ain't he a midlander? That's kind of a stretch to make him the muscled chad.

>Wonder why they made the Knights of the Round so easy compared to Shinryuu and Hades
Hades is piss easy though. Thordan ex though is nuts and also fun as fuck

I'm sure there are a few westaboos who like the novelty of it and are the kind who are wowed by English just because it's foreign, but by and large most japs wouldn't consider using typical English dubs, especially bad ones like XIV's. Although when talking about the script there are aspects of it that the japs prefer the English version of, for example the levequest descriptions which didn't originally exist in 1.0 until Koji added them.

Fuckin Urianger has more muscle than Thancred

Zurvan axe is BIG

remember when every UI action was server side


Shinryu aint even hard.

Thancred is one of those muscled manlets. I bet he posts on /fit/.

fuck off furfag

I just want to wake up with Alisaie's pale elflet thighs around my head desu

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Same, but with Alphinaud

>Oboro, Tsubame, Karasu, and Yuki didn't get to be part of the MSQ during Stormblood

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>just like their party finders
This is very true.

>Elezen don't get a muscle slider
I don't understand this


1.0 wasn't on console

Urianger's a Blue Mage, so it'd make sense he's surprisingly fit.

It is amazing how shitty the game was despite looking absolutely amazing

How do people put minfilia in cute outfits?

1.0 was PC exclusive, the menus were just shit.

>ran out of leves at 48 MIN/BTN

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Oboro was. He helps Alphinaud and Alisaie take down the barrier on the moon gates during the assault on Doma Castle. He's there in the background for less than a second.

>The BG music when you first wake up in the first

You will never experience it for the first time again.

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Remember when Stormblood was supposed to be the MNK expansion?

Shinryu is definitely harder than Hades, Hades has fairly forgiving/obvious mechanics with the sole exception of the falling layer cakes not being immediately obvious what they would do or how large the blasts are. But even that is forgiving in that it doesn't kill you.

Shinryu will shove you off the side for not heeding faster tells like ice floor or tsunami, or outright kill you for other mistakes.

The most muscled man in existence, Hamon fucking Holyfist, is a midlander.

you're almost to collectables, you can do it lil snowman

it was fun while it lasted.

made about 30 million. Gil isn't coming in as fast anymore.

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In fairness, in Final Fantasy (in general), Shinryu's usually a superboss while Hades is just a measley summon. It makes sense that Shinryu's harder.



So I bought the lv70 boost for one of my alt jobs, but where do you get the lv70 AF gear since the lv70 job quest is automatically completed?

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>not being immediately obvious what they would do or how large the blasts are
desu at first I thought you had to stand under them or they'd vuln the whole room, after I got hit anyway I knew how big the effect generally is because of the pattern on the floor

probably the calamity salvager

Calamity Salvager for a couple thousand gil. Also just use poetics and buy Scaeven.

>old man
I know he is supposed to be, but then why does he have that sweet voice, DSL, and twink haircut

1.0 looked like shit

I think Shinryu's a more fun fight since it's harder and I had fun trying to pull DF shitshows through it, even if presentation wise Hades blows it the fuck out of the water. I look forward to the EX version.

That's what I thought too, luckily someone else had the same idea and got hit first so I dodged out. Since I was early on we cleared it first pull, with the proper amount of small challenge of not knowing the tells at first.

Even then, 1.0 was so poorly optimized that even higher end PCs could not fucking start in Limsa Lominsa without out-and-out crashing.

He went into stasis at age 24, and then fusing with the Crystal Tower halted his aging again.

Shinryuu by far. Community got so asshurt by it's difficulty on release they were calling for nerfs.

>STILL no horsecock mod for the grani mount

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This was the only upside of 1.0.

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Froze his aging at the point he merged himself with the Crystal Tower, so how he's an eternal catslut for (You)

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Weirdly, Oboro shows up during the Doma assault...and it's not really explained why he's there. Even the Ninja questline doesn't really touch on it. Though, I suppose him being the area means he'd come help.

I assume Cheat Engine.
Since the game has like no client side anti-cheat stuff you can use it for basic shit like model swaps and such.

Which is harder

Titania extreme or Innocence extreme?

>caring about the casualized crafting in shad
i want to go back to the old days where i hit flawless synthesis 500 times and then it still didn't work sometimes
also in all seriousness the new skills are pretty fucking busted so if you're wanting to get into leveling a single crafting class instead of omnicrafting it's probably actually viable now

Could anyone share what is BiS for WAR compared to the other tanks?
Yes I know it's now the least damaging tank but it's still my favorite tank.

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I don't understand why they removed this. It's just an animation difference, it's functionally the same.

Are there actually nostalgiafags that are so delusional and retarded to believe this? Because the only good thing about 1.0 was the graphics and it was so unoptimized that a fucking plant pot had the same amount of polys as a player character

Innocence is more punishing for mistakes but doesn't require the coordination Titania does.

Titania, just because it has mechanics that aren't just dodge AoE

You can fuck up a lot of mechanics and still pass

Titania has actual mechanics people have to do to not wipe. Innocence is literally just don't get hit by shit.

didn't they say they removed these because it had acceleration and thus would make dodging aoes harder? that seems pretty instant to me

Here's your tank bro.

Attached: average tank main.png (446x230, 44K)

Because the battle system is completely different, you want to stop precisely in this game, not have a small delay on thing such as movement.

You say that, but you didn't play 1.0. You had momentum and it felt like a bad western action game when you tried changing directions rapidly like that. They wouldn't be able to design fights like Innocence or UWU if you weren't able to turn on a dime like you can now.

Stop playing the canon cuck tank

I find Titania EX harder because it requires group coordination, while Innocence only has two points where it's easy for a lack of planning to wipe you, and the rest is just adjusting to shit happening. I imagine healers and BLMs may find Innocence's lack of structure a bit more annoying though.

Wait how the fuck isnt DRK unlocked at 50

Jump potion

you need every job at 70 to be a good tank?

>Only job they have is boosted
Jesus christ how horrifying

Titania is harder if you're not a monk, black mage, or ninja.

Thanks, I hate it.

>Skipping literally everything
For what purpose?

Players really do this?

You need to at least not be a jump potioning shitter.


I find Titania more.... technical? for a lack of better word.
She require more coordination with the team.

Meanwhile Innocence is a lot more err...reactive?
You need to dodge and move a lot more than Titania, but I find him less punishing than her, his enrage is a lot slower too I feel.

All I need is my Wind up Succubus, shitty lizards can go away for all I care.

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Animation lock for attacks is fine and the sooner MMO devs realize this the sooner the genre can actually evolve instead of everyone sliding around like they're on ice skates all the fucking time

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Yes. They're also usually the ones that complain that the story makes no sense.

That person has never touched the game because you literally need to finish ARR and start HW to unlock DRK

>tfw she's next up to get HROTH'D

>graphics whore
opinion discarded

They really are, especially the one that lets you sometimes save a material when you max the quality. Only reason why I cared about crafting this expansion was for the snazzy AF gear.

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>You had momentum and it felt like a bad western action game
>play nuGTA
>your character moves like it has cerebral palsy
>zoomer response to this is BASED ITS REALISTIC AND NOT ARCADEY
Fuck western action games and fuck inertia

En avant icon already looks like a dab


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ummm, this new expansion is very fat shaming and I don't like it. bros, my hands are seriously shaking right now

wtf is a dailystar
there are actual video games websites that gave it perfect score if that's what you were looking for

Fuck you, graphics are a meme and MMO's should be runnable on a toaster. Nice strawman.

But they actually made Dulia a nice character.

what's a good amount of gil to buy at a time to not get banned?

Is it bad to go into extremes without watching a video beforehand? I like learning new mechanics first-hand, but I don’t want to be a detriment to the party if it’s too hard for first timers.

>the cuck is a incel too
How can WAR shitters take that Curious Gorge shit lying down

Yet you're complaining about how the game doesn't make the gameplay worse for the sake of visuals.

>fat enabling
even worse desu

what chestpiece is that, even

Innocence is only difficult because of the random elements of his some of his abilities and the fact that even thinking about greeding a GCD will kill you. It has no DPS check and very few mechanics that will wipe the party.
Titania has actual mechanics that require learning but allows good players to do consistently when they understand how they work. She also has a real DPS check that most groups won't beat on their first try.
There's a reason most Innocence groups will clear in under 5 pulls while Titania parties can wipe for hours.

I'm not the guy bitching that they want 1.0 back you doofus, I never even played 1.0

no one wins anymore it's always the same preform that just crushes everything

It's okay if the group you're joining/creating specifically says they/you want to go into it blind. You might not find many takers though.

She's only nice because she wants to keep Alphinaud as her personal fuckdoll. The Chais are as scummy as anyone else in Eulmore.

What if they're just hell bent on being a good DRK?

Limsa Lominsa... home...at least it was before Miqoslut ERPers fucked everything up.

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My group beat Titania's DPS check on the first try with 5 people dead going in and using healer LB and two of those had double weakness. Then we almost beat her enrage in spite of having in total, over 20 deaths throughout the fight. Not that Innocence is easier but the DPS checks in both fights are literal jokes.

the only way they could introduce animation lock in this game is by making stuff have cast times like Midare/Higanbana, can't ask for more from this wretched engine, you can't even attack moving targets as melee if you have 3 digit latency, their solution to that in pvp was to just make melee range bigger


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Then they wouldn't have bought a skip potion

I was more referring to PF learning groups.

Any guesses where the deep dungeon will be this time.
I think everyone pretty much guessed the one in Stormblood was going to be that massive jenga tower.

Yeah yeah your static of good players had an easy time with an ex primal, we're very proud. Go join a random pf clear party.

I'd rather shit in my hands and clap

>the only way they could introduce animation lock in this game is by making stuff have cast times
what is loldrg

the big bad is really fat

>Any guesses where the deep dungeon will be this time

Rak'Tika, in one of the Ronkan ruins

New 80 weaver AF, 250 white scrips

I do this, only with SAM instead.
It's a raiding alt.

Residency ended with Limsa Lominsa, now Amaurot is my home.

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It's going to be some Ronkan shit in the greatwood

Don't miqosluts stay in Quicksand?

>brand new RPG
>your MC just their village in order to explore the world and all it's wonders


>what is loldrg
a mistake

But he turned out to be hot in the end.


where are they

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As someone who actually played 1.0, there are some things I'd like to see come back.
>mocap'd cutscenes, at least for important ones
>path of the twelve companion
>one-handed wands/shields for blm/whm
>open cities
1.0 was a trainwreck but it did have some nice bits to it.

in Eulmore

Got Cutter's Cry via leveling roulette for the first time in like 3+ years, partied with my partner and two sprouts (though one was a BLM in Scaevan gear with a bunch of classes at 60+ so I don't know how they were still a sprout). They seemed really eager to run ahead of me despite both being DPS, and at one point the sproutiest sprout ran right into enemies and started zig-zagging back to me. I let them learn from their mistake for a moment while I typed "don't run ahead of me" and then I took aggro from them. They then said in /say that they were just pulling enemies to me because I kept stopping randomly, but I kept stopping because they kept running ahead. I have a pretty strict policy about hasty DPS running in front of me, so I'll stop if they keep running in front of me so they either wait or realize why they shouldn't do that because they pulled something. I especially have zero patience for DPS that decide to pull enemies to me because I'm not going fast enough for them.

Additionally, then my partner died on the last boss (he lagged so he couldn't dodge the ice) and the sproutiest sprout and I managed to live for the last ~30% of its health. I've never seen someone leave a duty as fast as they did, though.

Did WoL stand around like a mouthbreather there too?

Friend, that's toadally uncalled for

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Alright, thanks. I’ll probably make a pf for it and hopefully pull my weight and not get carried.

They didn't want to be a WAR though. They wanted to be a DRK. So what if they're just insanely dedicated to one class exclusively.

but there are only 2 fatcats in eulmore


None of that is happening.
You are getting level 60 BLU and you're going to fucking enjoy it.

Next time this happens shirk them.

I wish we saw more fat cats, i didn't really get the feeling that these people were living in extreme decadence like i did in the snippet in the trailer.

just being the best dungeon ost


What is next for our wol story?

>They didn't want to be a WAR though. They wanted to be a DRK.

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More cucking and jobbing if they keep Ishikawa

That's not The Twinning

Is this game better than Classic?

If a DPS is capable of running in front of you, you are moving too slow.

Then again I'm fairly certain this is copypasta.

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Less a mouthbreather, more constant "they don't pay me enough for this shit" expression. But yeah they did have some pretty fucking dumb moments.

Urianger was also a bigger prick. He'd just show up and throw monsters at you before fucking off.


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Sounds like you're a garbage tank that thinks they're hot shit in a level 3X dungeon despite being unable to keep up with the group.

whoever said this the first time is garbage

Imagine being an Ascian.

>Stand in Balmung Quicksands
>Everyone thanks my search info will say rp
>It actually shills my art blog
Heh nothin personal

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Go do the rest of the role quests to find out. They pretty much tell you exactly what's gonna happen.

Run away to the moon all you want, still coming to get you.

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what is a Firaga?

>Idiots still think he fled because of a sword and not because Zenos has been magiteking his fake echo into the perfect anti-ascian weapon.

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I hate Lalas. I hate those potato fucks. Yoshida's fucking lazy but Lalas are part of the problem. WoL's a fucking mannequin.

I hate you, is that close enough?

>Gives me commendation after the run regardless
Deal w it, schitzo.

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haha what if you drew yshtola getting barbed by runar haha


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He actually left because he sensed Emet's death so he decided that fucking with the garleans weren't worth his time anymore.

it's nipspeak for fire girl

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It's the way it's presented really. The last we see of Elidibus before the moon scene where he's all "God Emet-Selch is such a super dum-dum, I am smartest and best Ascian" is Zenos walking aggressively towards him with a katana.

>insult healers
>expect more healers
I don't understand.

You fucks ruin the WoL for every body you little shit we can't have animations

they like it

I've never given a lala a commendation.
I'd give it to the dps who spent half the fight on the floor before I give it to one of those vile little bastards.

Why does dancer have two different aoe combos?

it has absolutely nothing in common with classic
if you try it expecting WoW you'll hate it

I can't I'm only 79

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They didn't removed it entirely. The start running animation is still kind of there but they simplified the stopping one.


>I don't understand.

I have literally insulted random DF heal sluts I have gotten in expert roulettes and stuff and then ERP'd with them after the run was over. They like it.

post Titania

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desu just design cutscenes around Hyur interaction heights and damn the rest
Hyurchads can headpat their NPC of choice while Lalas can only tap their shins and Barafags tousel the air


>Bigger is better~!

Tell that to Yoshi-P



Can you guess which one~?

That won't fly, Yoshi's a femlala fag.

He's a big fish

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the funny thing is yshtola already has porn with a futa cat a roe a horse and alphinaud


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To atone for this crime, I ordered that he reply to this post, or his mother would die in her sleep.

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>inb4 comedy questline about dulia wanting to help her husband and working so hard she becomes a miqo'thin again


You only just realized this. 99% of the time anyone complaining about Square translations is a moron.

>ywn get a hug from any character because they have to account for potatoes

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You were banned from my board for a particular post. What was it?

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Except that was also clear.

>Blizzard spends millions trying to perfect asia-focused cute mascot icon
>Gets BTFO in a single quest chain

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>that one fate in kholusia where you can kill lalas by the dozens
My favorite part of shadowbringers.

fuck SMN honestly, it's so shit to play now

Khloe posting.

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Speak to a lot of Japanese players about the dub, do you?

At what point do people expect others to full autist with their classes?

Source went through seven Rejoinings, right? We're super powerful because we're a 8/14 Ascian, doesn't that mean everyone else on the Source is a 7/14 Ascian? So aren't Scions like seven times as strong as the average person on First? Why did they even need us, couldn't like Alisaile alone solo all the weakling shitters there?


tanked another 2 times

god DAMN was fun and got rated mvp again

community seems way friendlier than wows honestly

You are fucking stupid

>no u

>be lala
>spent half the fight on the floor in twinning
>commendations from all 3 players
cope, catranny

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>do leveling roulette, leveling my WHM
>Gubal library
>3 sprouts and me
>notice tank isn't using arm's length
>give him some advice, tell him to use it and that's basically another rampart
>tell him to also use his CDs for pulling 2-3 stacks of mobs
>he actually listens and thanks me for the advice after the dungeon is done

what the fuck
dps were trash though, I stopped bothering rezzing one of them because they would not fucking move out of aoes

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it's plays the exact same except ruin 4 isn't tied to rng. EA is pretty clunky at times, but it feels fine.

/ac "Tactician"

If Thordan killed and ate Lahabrea shouldn't he be by far the most powerful of all the Primals we encountered since he absorbed the full powers of a real Ascian?

What’s gonna happen to garlemald now since zenos does not seem like he wants to be emperor.
Pretty dumb end for the next plot line. I hope gaius somehow saves varis.

I just fought Archaeotania for the first time and its actually really good. By far the best special boss fate in the game, it actually feels like a fight with mechanics

will you post it in the same thread as the unfinished version?


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By all means.

I don't mean that to be edgy. She's in the endgame for Lewy body dementia and it's absolutely soul crushing to see her like this.

Not full autist but I expect you to at least be confident on your job the moment you try to enter savage. At least doing 80% of the dps you should be doing for the first floor.

Elidibus? Nay, I've not seen him.

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>Lala calling others trannies
the irony!

Lahabrea severely weakened himself by constantly swapping bodies.

it can get pretty hectic and overly confusing if youre standing in an aoe but all the pretty effects and huge UI is blocking your line of sight

I don't mean to burst your bubble but a lot of people commend tanks/healers just for existing.
Glad you are having fun though.

Old post to respond to but I just want to say this: Japanese and European languages are too far removed from each other to get across the meaning of what is meant by just translating "what is said". Japanese regularly throws emphasis in the complete opposite direction.

There's plenty of times where a Japanese person would hear something and go "what comes next, tell me!" where if you put it into English the emphasis by virtue of how the language works would be cast at what's already been said.

>arm's length is basically another rampart
are you stupid?

>Still hasn't cucked any of the WoL's waifus

Doujin artists are slow

Oho! A degenerate! Then you shall commission a doujin for me. Of Khloe.
If I find your smut pleasing, then I may excuse this display of insolence.

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>shitter doesn't know how powerful slow status is
Enjoying that Gunbreaker, faggot?

How does DRK's job quest tell you anything? The quest is called Closure and its all about tying up loose ends, not future plot threads.

The only utility they bring is devotion and even than their DPS requires you to John fucking madden 24-7 for lower dps than a bard. It's not worth the trouble so I went for Nippon steel.

If there is missing/altered information between the spoken line and the text, it's no longer a translation. Yes, everyone understands the ~implications~, but you should do your job thoroughly.
and Argath Scatter was a 100% legitimate criticism. Get that Square cock out of your mouth.

Technically Elidibus is the strongest, since he fucks you up at the end of Stormblood, and you've beaten both Laha and Emet.

The quest after you have completed all the role quests retard :)

>Already half way through SB

For some reason it feels shorter than HW

Tell me about your waifu.

I can hear his voice perfectly. How was Vauthry's English VA so fucking good bros?

Are you trying to be convincing or just cruising for a ban?

they do? oh well i'll ride that fun slide as long as i can user right now my experience with FF 14 has been stellar honestly

But Jannie, I can't post that much! I'll get banned!

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>NA ryne: i'm useless, i just want to die
>JP ryne: i just want to be strong like everyone else!

Hello! Did someone say Lalafell?

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Need a dnc and ast for titania clear party. Me being your dance party is mandatory and all ast cards should also go to me.

I miss old Ys.

>wtf he said cock without censoring it modsssssss
You have to be over 18 to post on this site.

The main reason for players being bad is good players staying silent when they see one.

everyone laugh at this guy

You get fucked up by a random pajeet in SHB then Thancred solos him

No he doesn't, it was the Exarch who knocked us out with him informing us that our Ebay package is at the Crystal Tower.

We beat him, we only lost because the idiot cat distracted us with pinging.

So it's the latter. Thanks for putting in writing that you're deliberately breaking global 3.

any worthwile side quests to do? i skipped like 99% of them

No shit, the GMs are retarded in this game so if the bad players report you, you get banned.

This is in no way me defending Lalafel, but isn't there already an /embrace emote in the game that accounts for player size difference that you get from EBing someone?
They could literally just use that and tweak it a little in cutscenes.

Ok drawing her as hung futa tomorrow

Lalas are trash they fucking ruined WoL

where are my sam chads at? I thought this was going to be your expansion? hello?

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That's because there is less fat. HW dicked around for 3 levels undoing every major plot development at the end of ARR. Everything before you meet Hraesvelgr felt like a giant waste of time and 5.0 didn't even end with a proper conclusion so it felt like all the patches were part of the same long story to finally kill Nidhogg for good. Contrast that with Shadowbringers that cuts out all the fat and goes in hard from the first moment and have very few menial MSQ quests compared to the other expansions. The ending is also longer than you'd expect.

>SMN ShB rotation is called "Tokyo drift"
>you clip everything
Finally SMN has memes. That balance discord tranny probably killing himself now

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>everyone fucking hates G'raha for interrupting the fight
>now everyone fucking adores him

It doesn't work on bosses you morons.

You can give people advice without sperging out and calling them names, retard.

His lines as innocence are great

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The strongest Ascian is the 14th member of the Convocation You____

we fuck up the pajeet at the end though

Don't fucking lie SHB had shit ton of trash look at the fucking pajeet story line

most people skip them, you're supposed to use them for exp on alt jobs

there's a few that give emotes or minions though

Her name is Alisaie Leveilleur!

She is cute!

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All of them. They're full of lore. Some very sad or funny. And there is "hidden" quest in Tomra.

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>exp on alt jobs
so it'ss literally grinding your way through al tjobs : the game? ugh


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>everyone hating him is canon because he thinks we all still hate him, which is one of the reasons he wanted to sacrifice himself for us
they did that pretty good honestly

After Thancred weaken him solo we got fucked up with a team it was fucking bullshit


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"Wooow, you did all this amazing stuff again?! You're the bestest friend a kitten could have, like, ever! I'll be able to make so many super fun stories, Kebbe will be so happy!" Khloe Aliapoh exclaimed with much excitement, the kitten bounding around her stall to gather and arrange items for your reward while ou stand before the stall smiling at her cute display.

"An amazing, bestest friend like you deserves something extra special like...like...hmmm." Khloe started rummaging around in her bag, her tongue sticking out as she focused on rummaging. "Hmmm..." Khloe furrowed her small brow and repeatedly took out and put items back in, unable to decide.

"How about a kiss?" You joke, not particularly impressed by what was on offer this week. Naturally it wasn't the litte catgirl's fault, that was down to Rowena. You always seemed to get the crappy rewards when you got all three lines...

Khloe stopped and placed a small hand on her chin, seriously giving it some thought. "Ok, but only because you're Khloe's super special friend!"

"Really? Really really?" You're taken aback as your attempt to fluster the kitten backfires, not expecting her to even seriously consider, let alone agree. Though you'd gladly take the opportunity.

"Ok, close your eyes." Khloe commanded and you duly obliged, shutting your eyes and leaning your head down.

Expecting only a small kiss on the cheek or head, you find yourself freezing stiff as you felt her tiny, soft lips touch yours for a few seconds before she pulls back, a blush and mischievous look on her cute face.

You can feel the eyes of a number of people nearby burning into you. You sheepishly look up and place a hand on the back of your head, trying to laugh it off. Looking around, you see a combination of raised eyebrows, looks of disgust and even a few glares of jealousy.

"Khloe, you can't do that!"

"That's not how you kiss?" Khloe looked at you in puzzled, genuine innocence.

>you need to level up Trusts
This is pure garbage.

Very wrong Lalafell are precious and should be adored.

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Not him but no, the GMs are super fucking retarded. I play on one of the roleplay servers and got Gaol'd for having my character be pro-Garlean in their character info until I removed.

It is literally a jailable offense to actually play your character as pro-Garlean.

Mob pulls are worthless, I didn't forget about them! Stop looking at me like that!

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this pasta isn't even that good and only redditors would get flustered at such a tame story.

>you're supposed to use them for exp on alt jobs
Is this comparable to spamming dungeons?

you're supposed to enjoy the lore and stories from them too

it's just that the main story gives more than enough for your main, but that gets used up eventually

I kinda felt sorry for Ranj'it he had to watch the other Minfillas that he thought of as his daughters die countless times

Even worse when you kill him he sees his precious little girls again as he fades away

He shouldn't have let them die, he should have protected them. He's a complete loser.

>you need
you don't? why would you care about trusts

then write a better one faggot

English Ryne constantly talks about wanting to be stronger and help everyone, what are you talking about?

Unless you're engaging in the linguistic fallacy possible and trying to equate 2 lines of dialogue at "the same place", without paying due to the overall and wider context, both within the text and within their cultural spheres. But you wouldn't do that would you?


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Level up alts.

>Asashi is specifically animated to interact with each race when he reveals his intentions
>meanwhile other races of similar size and gesturing /handover to each other in cutscenes to this day

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It really is garbage.
It wouldn't be *So* bad if there was
A) Some tangible reward at the end for doing so
B) Actual, meaningful XP gain for the trusts.

But all you get for doing it are their SB outfits, and who wants that, and the XP gain is abysmal. Assuming you wanted to level all of them to 73 for the next dungeon alone, it would take 24 total runs of the first dungeon. And each one taking roughly 30 minutes because the trusts can't DPS for shit.

That is horse shit.

not quite, the exp is comparable to finishing a fate. as in decent but not amazing

>first pull on LoA and WoD are still the deadliest in the entire 24-man

Linguistic fallacy of*

I wrote something else then edited it and forgot to change that bit, not sleeping all night was a mistake.

You could condense everything that happens before Amaurot in Shadowbringers to like 8 quests. There was plenty of "fat", it was just more enjoyable than normal because they put effort into the character writing. In terms of plot progression, once the lightwarden stuff is set up, the story doesn't feel like it goes anywhere until you get to Amaurot.


>from side quests
kill x collect x how is that "Lore" or enjoyable?

That's honestly the part I hate about him the most, like there was clearly a good angle for storytelling there with him.
A man who's spent decades of nonstop war against sin eaters, who's trained and protected and watched countless girls die, so of course he's loyal to Vauthry who makes it so there's no need for the violence and loss of life anymore.
If they played up the fatherly figure angle more, like trying to convince Ryne its better to come back and be safe than fighting, it would have been better storytelling.

You don't need

Pretty sure he's attempting to push his narrative as though nobody has played the game. A typical strategy amongst Yea Forums's retard swarm.

dumb cutscene skipper

tanks have to stay in melee range, as mobs follow the tank.
ranged players can run ahead, while the tank has the mobs.

the only way to prevent this, is pulling wall to wall.

Why the fuck was G’raha so infatuated with WoL anyways? Didn’t they interact for like, a month at maximum and then he sealed hisself in the tower? Did we really leave that strong of an impression on him that he’d willingly link his life to the tower, trap himself in another dimension possibly for good, spend a century and some change learning how to be the most knowledgeable mage in the galaxy all because “WoL must live at any cost”?
I mean, I’m not arguing with the results because it 300% redeemed the character for me and then some, but I don’t seem to remember him caring nearly this much in 2.X

Khloe for Trust when?

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>XP gain is abysmal
Yeah this is fucking bullshit. You will outlevel them very fast.
>need to level up EVERY character
I need.

He was a fucking piece of shit made the WoL fucking job then lost to fucking Thancred he was fucking SHIT. FUCKING WORST PART OF SHB.

khloe is for trusting you blindly while you guide her to your bedroom

The stories of the WoL's greatness and the hope they could save him were basically the only thing keeping everyone going after the 8th calamity.


I wondered whether you disappeared. Unless you're a different user taking up the mantle.

>that bit with sitting with the Exarch at that cliff in Kholusia
This is the gayest shit, but goddamn is it so well written gay shit I can't help but love it.

you forgot the time after g'raha wakes up and learns about all the adventures (You) went on

stop trying to push this fucking meme its not even funny

When will we get new Hildibrand quests bros? I miss him

bigger is better

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well said

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Fuck you bitch you haven't fucking played the game you think it's a meme. This shit happened in fucking game stupid bitch.

The WoL is pretty much Jesus. He's like Shirou from FSN.
>Ardbert voiced by redman
>all those similarities between them

>anyone who attempts to reason with him gets consumed in the madness and become what he is
So just like sineaters. He's a fucking sineater.

Least Shirou got his fucking dick wet Ishikawa writing WoL like a pathetic fucking virgin


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Damn I need to learn how to art hair like that

>live in a future where 99% of female love interests are dead
>too impoverished to even know what love is
>get infatuated with the hero of a fairy tale
>meet him
The tragedy is the man don't even know pussy exists.

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Urianger EXPLICTLY tells you why RIGHT before you go to meet her, you fucking scene skipper.

Where can I get this jacket?

Don't be a retard and you'll be fine


canonically a male, yes

You mean lost it. Fordola is the best character in 14.

can we ignore this screaming pajeet clown and talk about the lore?

You’ll punks asked for this gay shit when you decided to play as a dude. G’raha is 100% straight in my machine.

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The only problem with Ran'jit is that he's introduced too suddenly. We should have seen him once as an ally to ground us that he's a big deal first imo.

WoL is canonically a female keeper of the moon.

Based and eternally bropilled.

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Lore is WoL a fucking virgin because of Square Enix bullshit

queue for pvp its only 3am

How can you take the story seriously when your toon is a female/lalafell

>gets sent to another world
>expects to know how powerful everyone is

Or at the very least, make him the First's current Warrior of Light so there's at least a reason he's able to take you on.

WoL is above your waifufaggatory.

Anyone here know how long it takes to farm an entire armor set from an instance?

Last fucking thing we need was more of pajeet all we fucking needed was to NOT FUCKING JOB TO HIM AND LOOK WEAKER THAN FUCKING THANCRED

Thank god, my cute WoL isn't some roastie.

Canonically a catgirl.
t. viera

No thanks I don't want the shitty 24 person pvp.

Somewhere between 20 minutes and 20 hours.

still the most based primal

Attached: ravana.png (1232x1085, 872K)

Except Thancred used hacks.
>powerlevel fag takes powerlevels literally like Omega


God I want someone to do something like this but for Minfilla/Ryne.

There's no fucking reason he can beat us but fucking Thancred can solo him it was fucking bullshit Ishikawa a fucking stupid whore how many dick she suck for writing job


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>Canonically a catgirl
>Can't look at y'shtola naked

That's some bullshit

>barry in thread again

Why do people pretend that Ran`jit is dead?
When you talk to the NPC that gives you the quest to unlock those training rocks, he says that Ran`jit has gone missing.

I hope we job to new npcs more often, just so that user bursts a blood vessel in rage one day.


Nothing heroic about virgins you fucking virgins when will WoL get some fucking pussy

>alphy's obvious crush on estinien
>alisaie getting jealous when someone else shows interest in you
>that gay shit you talked about.
very gay expansion

>exarch probably looked at alisaie and shitola naked when he server transferred them over
oh nonononoNONONON

More like when will we get some dick.

>you will never awaken your brothers from their dark slumber
>you will never restore the world the way it once was
>you will never discuss hypothesis of creation with your brothers in an eternal city

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god yes

Fuck that bullshit WoL fucking job again that's fucking bullshit fucking piece of shit pajeet

That's the point, I think that it felt a little cheap to have the WoL lose to someone we've never met before, in the same way you did with Zenos. But at least we'd SEEN Zenos before.

They just needed to mix it up sliiightly, as I said, maybe give us a mission or two with him as an ally before we realise how fucked up Eulmore is. Or at least get to see him.

I'm not the one losing his shit, but if we job more, all I ask is that there's a reason given as to why we job.

>"WoL is catgirl" poster again
>virgin poster
oh god
we're shizo central again

>exarch found out Alisaie has a male midlander body before WoL did
is it part of his master plan to not tell the WoL this as well?

if it was eternal why did they blow it up? checkmate amaurothiests


>can literally solo all of tier 2 dungeons with GUN



they're all me, all the people responding to them are also me




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>by using up a valuable resource he was able to make him back off, in the process nearly killing himself.

the exarch doesn't care about them

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>skipping cutscenes

remove yourself clown



so PLD can do it better then

Fuck that bullshit WoL already fucking lost to pajeet don't try to justify that shit Thancred shouldn't fucking soloed pajeet after pajeet fucking beat WoL with a team that's fucking bullshit

I think its pretty obvious we are gonna get more Ran'jit and explanation for his dragon scarf buddy later on in the patch content.

>don't worry emet i'll collect the all the super draonballs, summon shenron, resurrect our world and brethren
t. elidibus


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Louisoix relinquished most of his power before Bahamut tempered him.


>new job based around Ran'jit fighting style

who the fuck thought oh lets make the gunblade class a dps class in disguise?

Its in the game files. It will be out soon.

dragon knight

Okay this one I will give. You don't give Thancred a send-off like that and then cheap out at the last second. They had the balls to actually go through with killing Haurchefant, they could've done the same with Thancred when they made it far, far, far more dramatic in his case. I like Thancred but let's not go giving him retard plot armor like that. If you set him up to die, let him die.

the people who actually took the time to learn the job instead of bitching about it

Are there any anti-solo mechanics in the first raid?

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So how many layers of metaphysics are we on right now?

Attached: 250px-Time_Squad_Logo.jpg (250x188, 18K)

It's worse considering people actually liked Haurchefant

considering raid isn't out yet we don't know.

Did Ravana EVEN temper any of the Gnath? I'm pretty sure he didn't bother. He didn't need to. He viewed those motherfuckers as his children and answered their call for conquest.

None? metaphysics is just "dude, what even is time?" and the like.

t. being kinda reductionist.

The translation is basically at Phoenix Wright levels when it comes to making shit up. Enjoy your burgers.

>anti-solo mechanics
Not if you're Chad Thancred

>first raid
Which one, exactly?

That wasn't set up as a death for Thancred dude. It was set up as a death for Minfilia. Thancred was just finally accepting it and saying his goodbyes.

Which version? Better monk or literally CT Magus complete with a red cape, scythe, and the same elemental spells.

binding coil of bahamut I think?

Chaos Thrust
Blizzard III

Thancred is by far the most popular male scion. He has a fuckton of fangirls who would get very mad if he died. It'd be like The Walking Dead actually killing Daryl.

He didn't because gnath are bugs under the hivemind control.

Did pajeet beat WoL in Jap

Is thancred the worst part of the expansion? Yes
Did we need all the reyn , minifillia , and thancred shit? No
Did emet-selch do anything wrong? Also no

Great Serpent of Ronka: Scree!

Nah raped her with the dragon.

So Varis is still alive and Gaius will rescue him, right?

Thancred fucking trash pajeet fucking trash this expansion worse than fucking SB

>spent half the fight on the floor in twinning
>in twinning
>dying in a dungeon
how the fuck

Naw this is the best expansion just cause it was saved by 3 things.
1. Emet-selch
2. Ardbert
3. WOL himself
I felt like we actually had a personality and now more than ever really felt like a hero and now just some shmuck with a sword surrounded by heroes.


It's been a long time
Twintania in turn 5 maybe?

if you're talking coil, then everything up to 7 is soloable. Avatar likely cant be soloed, depends solely on if you can dps him to death before he shoots the missiles.

Hes a lala player, did you really need to ask?

What if Zenos tries to make Gaius emperor? he did specifically say that he was killing Varis just because Varis' wars of conquest and subjugations were stealing all the good fights.

>Did emet-selch do anything wrong? Also no
That turns into an actual debate. Because I'm pretty sure no matter how magnanimous any of the scions are, they would have done what emet-selch is doing if they were convinced the world is in a worse state because of an action.

We don't feel like hero tho we're a fucking loser we keep jobbing to shit our waifus get stolen. We still don't have fucking animations because of lala shitters. Every expansion the WoL turns more loser cuck. No fucking waifus no fucking victories WoL a fucking cuckold loser now.

Its absolutely reasonable to put as many speed materia into my monk as possible, correct?

>spent 45 minutes in que for titania normal
This game is fucking dead jesus fuck

You can solo Twintania. Second coils turn 3+ is where you can't.

Twintania can be soloed by healer or tank, his soft enrage stops all mechanics except for the big 7k ae. not sure on the DPS jobs and their sustainability for that fight

Not his wars. He killed Varis because blackrose had a reasonably high chance of killing WoL and he found that risk unacceptable.

>no waifus
I mean
We've got Alisae. And now we have G'raha Tia as well

stop queuing at 3 in the morning as a gunbreaker

I just beat turn 13 solo as PLD without any problems today. Nothing that can outright kill you in that fight.

I'm pretty sure he specifically namedrops Doma and the method of subjugation of it.

I killed her as SMN in SB. Your bahamut just instant kill her before she summon mob in final phase

>12-3am in NA
Hmmmm yes, it truly is a wonder.

>implying I am a gnb
I'm the best tank and only true tank a pld.

I know but look at the shit we had with Yshtola before the Runar shit. They gonna steal Alisaie too just you wait no one left to push back because everyone accepted and defended cuck shit.

Pretty much, zenos killed varis because of his cowardly weapons.

I'm pretty sure you should go fuck yourself pal how bout that

No. He said the emptires limited faculties were spent waging petty wars and using cowardly weapons. He doesn't mention Doma at all. Inside SB Zenos hated even being in Doma and wasting his time until we became his bestie.

Well that's rude.

>zenos is going to absorb Zodiark while we absorb Hydalen at the end of SHB in our final fight

They probably won't take Alisaie. Her entire developmental arc depends solely on our continued existence as something to aspire to. They're probably going to need to friendzone her because I imagine leading up to 6.0 is going to be ridiculous just like SB's ramp up.

Yshtola was never into you.

What if player don't want to friendzone her that's what I mean it's kinda bullshit.

Then you'd be playing a game made by bioware.

Look at the fucking valentine day video ffs

So every character get pussy but WoL that's fucking trash