Should I lose weight?

Should I lose weight?

I met 3 girls once, and I asked to kiss any of them, and they said that I'm "chubby" and that they would kiss me when I get an athletic body. But my mother says girls don't care for men's appearance, so I think I can kiss any girl the way I am now. Who is telling the truth? My mother or these girls?

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You shouldn't be losing weight to impress some slut but to improve and be happy with yourself.

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This. Improve yourself for yourself. And not just physically, but grow as a person. The girls will come naturally in time.

if that's you definitely. and yeah what said

Don't take advice from women about women. The advice they give you is to make them seem less shallow as a gender.

If you couldn't tell already, this is bait and his story never happened. I don't blame you for believing it if this is your first year on Yea Forums.

Make sure your beard is off your neck bro. Get some subtle anime and vidya wear too. Like the others say do it for yourself before anyone else. Good luck.

>should i lose weight
stop being fucking fat

put down the fork

They are not sluts. They are normal girls.
The girls will come in what time after this?

They are shallow, but I like women. I just never had a gf

women do care, but if you got turned down you're lacking game. Lift for yourself, girls don't matter.

This is MY first year in Yea Forums
I'm a neckbeard when I don't shave it
I'm trying Bro
I eat with my bare hands, mostly burgers and pasta

>They are not sluts. They are normal girls.
every girl is a slut Cochise, all that separates a Catholic nun from a sorority slob is the right man in the right place. The sooner you learn this the better.

If you want a gf do what every successful guy does. Look attractive. Don't try to get away with personality or dumb shit like that. You're not special. You won't win some bitch's heart with your intelligence and humor. Take a shower. Work out. Stop fucking eating.

let's put it this way, there are no downsides and a ton of upsides to not being fat

>I asked to kiss any of them
That's not creepy

This. That's why I did it. Despite that though I really liked it when girls in my class would look at me and comment on how much greater I look

>women do care
How do you know, dude?

You should kiss your mother

This isn't true. I know a podgy little manlet who went bald and had false teeth before he was 30 and still gets 7/10 girls regularly just because he's fucking hilarious.

first i got into the water to get weighed... but then after my sister got in the water to get weighed...... she was in her bathing suit to get weighed in the water.....

stop eating

I know. I just wanted any of them, just to french kiss. And they refused and I accepted. That's nothing creepy in all of that.

>this delusion

one of my friends is like 5'7" and not that fit, but he's pretty charismatic
he hooks chicks all the time, I think they don't take him seriously at first but he plays the game right

No, just be yourself.

Good idea

>women do care
Are you female? To know that

>Catholic nun from a sorority slob is the right man in the right place.

So you are saying priests fuck nuns. And I agree with you.