You can only post ITT if you're an idort and don't care about brand loyalty

You can only post ITT if you're an idort and don't care about brand loyalty

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where's your PC bro, don't forget to post specs

I went rgb because the LEDs make it go faster

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idort here.
My One X and 4 Pro are gathering dust. Switch constantly gets play from BOTW, Mario Kart, Smash, and Mario Maker 2.
PC is a Razer Blade 2018, GTX 1060

Only red makes it go faster retard.

Thats only for Orks, cars and anime robots.

PCs always involve LEDs to make them faster


Another man of culture I see

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My PS4 has been collecting dust since I beat RDR2, what now?
Currently playing SMM2 and waiting for DQB2.
My interest are becoming smaller every year...

and thats where you lost credibility champ

breaking your fag rule for a question
so im brand loyal to nintendo because they have always made good shit, but i go back and forth between sony and microsoft. xbox 360 last gen, ps4, this gen, project scarlett next gen.
and of course i own a computer capable of playing indies and shit because fuck playing anything AAA on a pc. graphicsfags begone
what does that make me