Super Mario Maker 2 Level Sharing

Other thread just hit the bump limit. Post your level codes, I'm going to play them all.

Also, don't forget to leave a comment, user.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Anchor post, shill your shit.

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>dilapidated mountain pass

From what i can tell its a pretty difficult level from the responses i get. I revised it twice. I think its still easy but maybe im just not seeing something. I dont want it to be bullshit difficulty.

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>Desert Factory
My first level. Is rough around the edges but people told me the secrets were fun.

>Hammer Airship
This one should be better. Very straightforward, no bullshit.

Trash them, boo them, but give me feedback.

>desert factory
The fact you have to make it through a bunch of enemies and keep fire mario for the bowser boss that requires fire is a boo from me.

Can anyone play mine?

>Mysterious Ice Cave

I'm sorry if I acted like an ass a few days ago, hope you give me feedback

It doesn't require fire user.

No one has beaten my remake of Super Meat Boy's most iconic level. It's not ridiculously hard, give it a shot!


Here's the level as reference:

Attached: download.png (245x206, 9K)

Out of the Woods - Wario Land 3 (5CK-HMH-JBG)
Indiana Toad: Pyramid of Doom (5MY-P62-PBG)
Indiana Toad 2: Mechanical Mines (HDT-6LH-VPG)
Marioware Inc (Twisted is better but here it is anyways) RSM-PSK-X3G
The Sorrowful Tale of Skipsqueak (9YR-80K-0RF)
Toadette & The Time Pipe Machien (9FF-KWN-NSF)
Luigi's Inferno (GY6-DX8-41G)
Indiana Toad 3: The Last Crusade (02X-NVL-8NG)
Marioware: Twisted (The better of the two) 40J-TKM-WLG

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All of the stages under hottest and popular are fucking terrible, and everyone in multiplayer co-op is a jackass.

Give me your fucking SHIT LEVELS. I'll play it and beat it, then give it a like to boost that low self esteem you guys have.

The best stages I've seen have less than 20 likes and weren't under trending. The system for distributing good levels is shit.

>Throws player into a pit
its so fun knowing the person I threw can't say anything because there's no voice chat

See It's faithful to the original but many would say super meat boy is shit in the first place
Alternatively, an even harder one:

Been playing these levels , some good stuff, try mine it’s a little hard but allows you to take on the obstacles with some freedom.

Attached: 8120E3A4-6311-4788-9302-6103D78EB0C2.jpg (4032x3024, 3.27M)

if the solution isnt obvious in the first 5 seconds and its not a puzzle level your level is bad.

Two speedrun levels; LYP-Q7H-MFF and 6R9-Q4S-2VG. First is a fairly standard speedrun, second is an upside down level. Feedback is appreciated.

Well in that case play any of my levels because they're all shit

user, are you retarded?
The way to beat bowser is the exact same way than in the original games.

Played his level.

You are a moron. Do you seriously not know that bowser can be beaten without any power up?

Do enlighten me.

Pipe dream level
Metroidvania level
Nostalgia level

I prioritize easy to medium difficulty, hopefully I'm doing it right.

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People are 1000% more likely to heart a level if they finish it. Hardly anyone hearts a level they can't beat. Not to mention, the game penalizes your maker score every time someone doesn't finish one of your levels. The system is heavily biased towards people who make piss-easy levels. Hell, Nintendo even removed kaizo tech like grabbing items while spin-jumping even though it was in the original SMW.

If you're concerned about flow, you might as well remove the pipe entirely so you don't have to wait for the P-switch to fall out.

>Dry Bones' Wild Ride
Based on a meme, mostly a standard level with a unique gimmick. The troll part is that the exit is well hidden.

>Competitive Mountain Climbing
A symmetrical vertical VS. stage where you kill your opponents with well timed use of the ON-OFF blocks and koopa shells.
Not much point in doing this one solo except to admire the scenery.

A fellow desert connoisseur. Gave it a clear and a like. Try out my desert levels and feel free to steal a thing or two:

than what is this

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Posting my shit again.

1st stage: MQ1-XNY-BXG
pretty unfair and only one person has beaten it.
2nd stage: B32-LCC-1GF
A lot shorter and way easier than my last level. Still has an embarrassing low clear rate

I'm working on my 3rd stage right now and I'm expecting similar lukewarm reception.

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I've got two levels so far. The first is meant to be very hard and the second is meant to make you laugh.

No jump challenge: WX8-95Y-0QF

The seven deadly sins: 0NK-SC9-2QF

I hope you have fun with them.

user, Mario is a game made for literal children. I'm sure you can figure out how to beat bowser. without power-ups in SMB3.

>super meat boy is shit
I liked that game though...

The same way than in the original games user.
For fuck's sake I fucking hate zoomers.

He smashes through the blocks and dies, just like I'm the original game.

He breaks blocks with one of his moves you fucking mongoloid.

Bit Crusade 3 is the sequel to the two full games (1-1 to 8-4) I created within Mario Maker 1, reminiscent of traditional Mario levels, and (eventually) utilizing all 5 game styles. Meant to be played in sequence as an adventure game, starting at the 1-1. There's secrets to find, alternative pathways and other goodies as well. Try to find all 5 Power Pepperonis hidden in each stage to access the super secret bonus room at the end of each level.

You can either start here:
1-1: Start of a New Journey V61-WT5-DPG

Or if you've been keeping up:
World 2
2-1: DoubleJump Dunes 5HF-BVH-2JF
2-2: Cloud Town GT6-3MG-SYG
2-3: Pipe Mill Plaza 4VM-N1M-83G

Give em a go, I'm usually pretty good about leaving feedback here and on the game itself. Reply to this with some stages you want played and I'll prioritize those, otherwise I pick through the thread at random. If you complete the entire first world reply to this with what you thought or anything you find that's busted and I'll play all your levels, and if I find one I really like I'll make a webm of part of it to showcase it.

Time to play some thread shit.

I'll try it

Attached: Freezeezy Peak.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

wtf they added that? i have never seen it in any level i have played yet

>Beat it on my first try
I'm so proud of myself right now. I'm going to try out your other meat boy recreations.

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Mountain Madness
SMW Comfy snow level

Factory Fortress
SMB3 night time factory themed level

Ran into this level in super expert, how the fuck do you beat this? Is it possible to jump off the p switch quick enough to get through or am I missing something?


Smash Bros gauntlet
>X6K F00 5CG

Hill top zone act 1 (sonic 2)

The great Gianna sisters (commodore 64)

Bowsers castle themed stage I like
>N48 B9Q 9GF

Kittens adventure (semi speed Run stage)
>L59 XQ1 9RG

VERSUS stage Walk in the park (only good with 4 people)
>4J2 0VR 3QG

I've got a few more but I'd consider them more theme than fun or just too easy for anyone able to type a website into the url bar of their browser.

General questions for this thread for making
Preferred style?
Preferred themes?
Preferred stage tags?
Preferred gizmos and enemies?

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Ignorance as b8 will only go so far user, don't overdo it.

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Toxin Trouble in Pipe World: VPF-5Y6-KKF
Short level using Dry Bones Shells and Parabeetles to get over a toxic swamp. This is new and I'd like feedback on it most of all. I feel like I made it too easy but I don't know if it's just me.

Superball Sky Assault: BFH-V1W-KQF
autoscroller shmup stage where you use the Superball to progress

Fright Factory: YKN-X05-G6G
Puzzle challenge stage using on-off blocks and conveyor belts

A Matter of Life and Death
simple sidescroller stage about switching between a normal world and a dead world

Frozen Ruins in the Dry Desert: KPF-NHH_FFG
Basic sidescroller stage with an expert route

Gonna play other folks' as I am a bit bored and not in a building mood, I need inspiration

Any recommendations for the second segment? I don't think it is as good as the first one (before the door)

Not only was it in the original SMB3, it was also in SMM1, so fuck off and stop being an ignorant bitch.

Great levels, very well made, but too easy for me to be much fun other than admiring the course itself. Still very good.

I mostly rely on Following good creators to get good maps, Popular is often just a snowballing effect after a gay streamer popularizes some random shit that is visually dazzling.

Honestly, the Hammer Airship stage kind of falls apart after the checkpoint, It's okay, it just feels less like there's a theme at that point.

anybody who had friends did not own a wiiu you spaz mm2 is alot of peoples first

You'd better beat my recreation then :^)

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thank you
any recommendations for ways to make my airship more "airshippy"?

Silent you're a madman. I've got a few more in the works

>Dry Bones' Wild Ride
Based on a meme, mostly a standard level with a unique gimmick. The troll part is that the exit is well hidden.

>Competitive Mountain Climbing
A symmetrical vertical VS. stage where you kill your opponents with well timed use of the ON-OFF blocks and koopa shells.
Not much point in doing this one solo except to admire the scenery.

Luigi's Awakening.

(Play as luigi please)


Adventurous Journey

If you like coin hunting, there's some big coins tucked away for you to find, or if you like speedrunning then there's a number of timings/tricks to getting around obstacles quickly, with a few spots bypassable altogether.

it's my first stage, but i made some people i know playtest it first so this is the 2nd revision

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Go play SMB3.

Easy puzzle level revolving around Bob-ombs and springs. I really like the SMB3 pipe aesthetic so that's what I went for with the level.

Honestly, all you'd really need to do is switch out the Saw and Thwomp areas for a few areas with stuff like, say, the flame jets. And then add a more proper boss arena, with the door leading to the pipe back to the exit and you should be fine in my opinion

beaten it like 20+ times. That move from bowser is utterly forgettable and the final fight with him. how am i suppose to remember he body flops after not playing smb3 is years. My instinct at every bowser encounter is too throw shells, throw fire, or hit the axe at all other bowser encounters unless its some gimmick level.

>pixel perfect jumps on icy slopes


Are you a bad enough dude to cross a war-torn battlefield, stealthily infiltrate the enemy base and take out the Spiny menace from the inside, all for the glory of the Buzzy Motherland?
Are you truly loyal to your cause? There's two endings!
It's not a long level and has a relatively high clear rate, I recommend playing once "normally" and then then again to find the real ending, unless you're high IQ enough to get the good end on your first go. No invisible block pixel hunt autism involved to get the good end. Auf Wiedershen!


Feedback and comments appreciated! I played most of the levels of the people who commented on it previously, will get the rest of them right now. I draw ripped Mario doodles if I like your level.

If you liked this level, check out my level that's thematically based on Stardust Crusaders! Defeat different Stand users on your journey to the desert to defeat the evil that made your friend fall ill!

This is the last I'll be shilling for a bit. I don't put out a lot of levels but when I do I've really sunk a lot of time into it and will be shilling the same stuff for a while.

Attached: Badenoughdude.jpg (600x525, 32K)

noted, thanks

>That move from bowser is utterly forgettable and the final fight with him.
It's one of the most unique Bowser fights in the series as far as 2D games are concerned. How is it forgettable?

>Preferred style?
World or 3D World for the aesthetics
>Preferred themes?
Anything besides ground
>Preferred stage tags
>Preferred gizmos and enemies?
Anything as long as it's consistent and made well

Okay, but if you just waited around in confusion for like 15 seconds you'd see it happen, so there was no need for you to get so instantly upset.

Those of you who played it last thread would you mind playing the new upload and letting me know what you think of it now?
Bob-omb Airship v1.1- 8BN-WG1-D3G
Feed back from others is also welcome.

Shilling my three traditional, short platformers with light puzzle solving. Comfy stuff. Hope you like:

0VX-22Y-V4G (new)

I hate kaizo-esque levels, so fuck you. Regardless, it's a decent challenge course. The swimming part is nice. The part immediately following it (the thwomp hitting the on/off switch before the checkpoint) is bullshit, though. Try to be a little fair for non-expert players.

becaue the fight can be over in like 10 seconds if you know what your doing is and there is far more memerable shit in smb than that one fight. 2-2 comes to mind, 1-3, 4-1, 7-3 all come in my head before that fight does. Even the fucking pointless cavern transitions are more memorable than the fight.

Ancient Aliens
It's not that bad, I promise! I think the boss fight is cool!

15 seconds is a long time in a mario game. Flow is key and thats what seperates nintendo levels from basement dweller levels.

Adventure platformer. Less like SMB1 and SMB3, more like SMB2 and Yoshi's Island. In those games they felt like real places that you had to traverse to get to and they were more vertical in their level design which helped to convey that. SMB3 had some good vertical stages too I will admit.

SMW, even though I haven't made any in that style yet, that's what world 3 will be. Last time I did a Yoshi themed world and part of me wants to do it again. Bit Crusade 1 was a bit more generic but it had a cool boss stage. I really fucking want more upload slots like holy shit I cannot convey this hard enough what the fuck nintendo.

>Stage tags
Tbh I don't even look at these half the time, I look at the title and the thumbnail then just play it, I'm not really picky I guess. I like traditional stages the most but some of the multiplayer ones that I've tried look like they could be lot of fun with buddies. I'd like to try making some too but then BC3 would go incomplete and my OCD and autism won't allow it.

>favorite gizmos and enemies
Claw is surprisingly fun and versatile out of the new ones. The red coins for making optional collectables a thing. Favorite enemy would be shoe goombas, though I like Bill Busters and water wigglers too.

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>Desert Factory
The boss fights were tough, but a nice throwback to classic SMB3 which helped me get WR without even trying to.

I'm having trouble coming up with anything clever using blinking blocks but I REALLY want to use them in an expansive airship stage

Anyone with good use or tricky use of blinking blocks reply to this post and I'll give your blinking block stage a like

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Beat em. At least your clears aren't 0 anymore. :)

this is clever and i like it.

some of the puzzles feel more like traps that you have no realistic way of surviving your first seeing them, which means you end up playing through the beginning stuff a lot and getting kind of tired of it. i think if you could better signal what the player should be paying attention to then it would make it feel less like a trial-and-error level and more like a puzzle level.

You know
making levels is a process
Here's the final product of my level "Koopa the Quick"
you'll see care was made into each choice made in the placement, to make Koopa the Quick the hardest boss possible

Attached: eM8-Ce-9V9IEJcAf.webm (640x360, 1.96M)

I think we could all learn something from this, thank you.

>be eceleb
>make shitty troll level
>get away with it

>be eceleb
>turn every level into a speed run
>accelerate cancer

You keep getting WR on my levels so I returned the favor on your newest course. You're a mario god my man

But what fans don't know is that this level was of course changed after days of play testing.
in the beta version of this stage, we had many challenges to making it what we saw as the final product.

even the name was different! in "Koopa the Real Gamer" gamers were given a mild challenge to deal with Koopa the Quick.

of course massive balance changes were made to nerf Mario and buff Koopa, simply look how slow he is

sorry user, i was still typing my second post

Attached: media.io_cnJz6jIl9WvvG1cp.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

My critique:
Feels weird like 2 levels glued together. The ON/OFF thwomp section is isolated from the rest of the level.

The enemies at the end of the Thwomp section also had no rhyme or reason. The rest of the stage was goombas and koopas, why that collection of random enemies?

Finally trail of coins >>>>> arrow signs for guiding the player where to go. I had to make a couple jumps of faith with arrows point the general direction. Coins tell the player exactly where to go.

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>MR Boo's Wild Ride

Gimmick around wall jumping and keeping up with the carts.

>Escape from Bowser's Castle

A series of challenge rooms with some bosses before a bootleg Meowser fight.

7-20 Dark admittedly gave me much more trouble. I probably lost 100+ lives on that one. Anyways, I'll follow you so I can play your next recreations. I've always liked Mario's physics better than Meat Boy's physics, so I think this'll be a great series.

>Bowser's Elite 4

It's hard to balance difficulty...It's some sort of boss rush.
I like more difficult than average levels so maybe it ended being too difficult. I don't know.

>Escort the lost goomba

Like the title says.
It's not a long level...when you realize what you need to do to escort the goomba.

>The treasure of the sunken ships

I wanted to do something using the airship night gimmick and this is the result.

I guess I'll be checking other levels while I'm here.

>average difficulty, verging on easy

postan one last time

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Quick question anons. I just got the game. When I play your courses am I able to go back to them to replay them or comment? 3 threads ago I played a bunch of courses but didn't reply [got pulled away for irl stuff]

>making a series of levels for 8+ worlds I don't plan on uploading, they're just for my friends to play through, like I did in the first game
>now get stupid notification telling me that the level hasn't had a clear check yet every time it's played
>try to clear check it
>they fucking make checkpoints do nothing, and you have to play through your own levels perfectly in order to clear check it
Wow, what absolute dogshit that rips away any motivation I had for uploading literally anything in the future. Creators now have to suffer for any difficulty they dare put in their level, because they aren't allowed the same relief that they were giving to players with check points. Might as well just remove checkpoints from the game, they won't benefit you at all, only others, what's the fucking point?
Wasn't clearing from each checkpoint in the first game enough? Why make uploading levels even more of a chore?
This fucking just about kills everything for me, fuck all the new shit, fuck the story mode, fuck the shitty multiplayer, this is a downgrade from the first game. God damn, at least give me an option to turn off the stupid notifications about doing a clear check, when I'm not even trying to upload the fucking levels.

Alright I claimed a few world records in here, but someone show me their literal garbage level. That has 0 likes and you're ashamed of it.


yeah, there are menus that lets you play your liked or previously played levels

quit making dumb kaizo levels and frame perfect jumping levels you squid

I feel like the stage is a little bit of a clusterfuck and never sticks to one idea but that might just be my autism making me angry that it doesn’t stick to a few enemies. There’s some novel ideas in there you should expand on in future levels.

haven't finished it yet, but just curious, is getting pushed to the right by the on/off blocks right after the checkpoint intended, or is there something you're supposed to do instead?

If your level is that much of a slog for the creator who knows all the tricks to get through, then it's better the level doesn't get posted to the unknowing masses.

which ideas come in mind? i want to make a gimmik level now. That level i admit was just me adding a bunch of shit to one level and going with the flow as i made it.

I tried to make a challenging and fun but not bullshit snake level. Please let me know if I managed to accomplish the "not bullshit" part.

Attached: mm2_snek.jpg (1200x675, 198K)

I don't think you understand the point of checkpoints.

thanks, user. these all make sense, especially the coins vs arrows comment. i'll take all of these into consideration. maybe a version 3 of the level will be in the cards.

one thing i wish the game had is some more fine-tune camera controls, so instead of it always keeping Mario centered i could have the camera shift up or down a few blocks when the player enters a certain area. i was trying to see if i could emulate this with custom autoscrolling but i couldn't get it to work the way i wanted.

both look fun for different reasons, post codes

Has anyone gone through the painstaking task of remaking a stage you made in the first game? Is it as much of a pain in the ass as I expect it to be?

>Attack of the Skeleton Pirates

A "Defeat All Enemies" level

Threadly shill post time.

>Newest level:
Swinging in the Sky: V9K-QM2-MFF
NSMBU style level based on swinging claws. I tried to make it somewhat challenging, but it's very forgiving if you fall, so the clear rate is high.

>Best levels (in my opinion):
Shell Island Temple: JQD-KXR-YFG
SMB style linear puzzle level based on koopa shells and dry bones shells. SMB style so you can't grab them. Also, don't forget that you can ground pound while wearing a dry bones shell.

March of the Ant Trooper: M6T-BWT-X1H
3D World style level decorated to look like you're inside an ant kill. Bounce on ants, make a path for them, climb up walls, etc. Webm related.

Stepping Stones: P90-Y5C-KTF
3D World style linear puzzle level based on repositioning thwomps to jump on or clear paths. It has an assload of plays because the algorithm favors it apparently.

Attached: March of the Ant Trooper.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

>hammer airship
Gave it a like for having a checkpoint alone.

Its not even near Kaizo, I literally tried to get a level into Super Expert in MM1 and never could, highest I could get was just Expert, even when I recreated the entirely of the first two Kaizo levels.
I've been starting off fairly easy with my levels in MM2, and I've been putting checkpoints before difficult areas where its easy to die. Too bad as the creator, I get fucked for trying to make a level more fair on the player.

The point is to be a breather and give you a chance to relax. When you hit a checkpoint, you don't have to worry about losing all your progress in the level anymore. What else would the point be? To purposely make shit more tedious for yourself in uploading?

Any and all feedback is appreciated, don’t hold back if there’s something wrong with a level.


Ancient Whirlpool Temple
>This isn’t too long a level since water levels in Mario tend to drag if they go on for too long. It’s all about using the whirlpools to dodge enemies in some cases, and avoiding them to avoid getting pushed into enemies or spikes in others.
Wigglerbush Garden Trek
>This is a much more simple and casual stage than the past few stages I’ve created, and is the 1-2 of the campaign I’m cobbling together. I tried to use the NSMBU ground theme in a way that somewhat detracts from the generic feel of this theme in particular, so I went for a garden theme instead of a regular ground stage.
Bowser’s Sky Thwomp Fortress!
>This is my longest level so far, and I definitely think I went a little bit overboard. I tried to make it feel like you were exploring a smaller scale version of the castle on the outside portion, with inside portions that were much bigger, making it almost feel like a world map. I tried my best but I’d love some criticisms for this one.


>Desert Chomplex
>Overgrown Mushroom Cloudtops
>Dry Fish Sewers
>Bounce and Swing Jungle
>Dreamy Sandship Dunes

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The point is the level shouldn't be tedious to play without the checkpoint in the first place. A good player should expect to finish the level in one go, and if you can't do that as the creator then why the fuck would you want to release that bloated slog of a level?

how the fuck can you check what difficulty your level is at?

I got the WR at the memetime of 00.21.069 and was going to leave it at that, but decided to go back and play it through proper so I could actually review something. The boss fight was indeed the best part and something unique, though the rest of the level seemed to focus more on aesthetics than gameplay. It needed more meat to it, maybe a few challenge rooms to collect pink coins to progress, each room being an ‘alien ship’ you enter into?

>Switch Claw Platform
A level based around on/off switches and claws.

>Crazy Crain
A level based around claws.

>One Room Rush
A short one screen speedrun level

>Ice Slide
A level based around sliding down slopes and collecting coins.

Who played Castlevania 3? First level remake: 6CT-P64-GOG

Also have a decently challenging level: M4J-VPP-9PG

>Mario Maker 2
>Go into multiplayer versus
>Level is selected where you get stuck between two blocks, a fire block and a one way wall
>The only way to go through is to wait for the P Switch to end its cycle so that you can enter the pipe. However Thwomps keep hitting unlimited P-Switches once you are under them
>Once everyone is in their place waiting for the P-Switch to end, I stay behind and make the Thwomps continuously hit the P-Blocks
>Everyone suffers and starts manically spinning, crouching etc saying "Oh no"
>Toad restarts and throws me into the fire. He goes in and on the last second, I start another P-Switch
>Toad throws me in the lava again and they just manage to escape with one faggot exclaiming "Nice work!"

From that day forward it's become my duty to troll Multiplayer Co-Op matches in Mario Maker 2 with levels that have keys (I just run away with the keys and everyone chases me (fucking great fun)) or On/Off blocks (Levels that include waiting for Koopas to get on blocks never get to the key cause I always stop them by rapids hitting the On/Off blocks while everyone else tries to grab me)

That was a neato boss fight. I think you should make the secret at the start of the level give just an early power-up or something though. It's a shame to just skip the entire level.

I think its alright as a challenge course for the most part, some not so great obstacle placement though, the thwomp right before the check point is a big no-no, you can't see it at all so you've got no idea when or how its gonna trigger unless you just wing it and hope for the best, and its a lengthy section before you actually get that checkpoint too. The water zone was a little better, it looked awesome and that BG has totally given me an idea for a stage I'll make later down the road. Those arrows should be used for pointing the way you actually need to go in a section like that instead of dead end rewards, especially when you got 10000 degree spaghetti sauce coming up on your ass. I'll try a few more from ya before I move on.


Swag, new water stage always gets me rock hard.

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It's time to just admit that it's not the level. It's you. Take the L and walk, bro.

I have no idea what to do once I get to the donut blocks in your pic.

You know the fuckin rules, user.

I like it, not too hard but definitely still challenging jumps.

You're supposed to wall jump off the snake blocks after dropping down. Are you waiting on the doughnut blocks or are you jumping around looking for another route? Or is it not clear that you have to walljump the snakes? Maybe I should have put another one-way door above the doughnuts, and some more arrows or coins.

No, a godly player should expect to finish the level in one go, unless its literal baby tier easy or normal difficulty.
Fuck having to play perfectly in my level just to clear check it. Why am I not allowed to make a mistake and die in my levels? Could you imagine if game developers were forced to do a no death run of their entire game in order to release it? We'd get another market crash because either games release at a million times slower rate, or devs no longer make anything challenging so they can actually release it, so everything is piss easy. Didn't Miyamoto go on record somewhere saying he never beat a single one of his games? Fucking ironic that this issue is in a Mario game.

It tells you the difficulty of your uploaded levels on the Mario Maker website for the first game.

Nearly finished with a SMB desert level. Have to finish the last stretch, the ending and a bonus area, plus fix up the beginning and check the difficulty.
Pic not related

Attached: D-M7gvxVAAAXSgm.jpeg.jpg (680x383, 45K)

instead of adding 3d world they should have just added the penguins from nsmb

I want to make a 3D World troll level. Anyone have any good ideas for trolls? I'm struggling to come up with ideas since the toolset is so different.

Fine jeez

Attached: I am that Great.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

That goomba escort level was real creative.

I respect the CHAD descision to go with 300 secs. A succesfull goomba run takes about 150 seconds. So you're allowed about 2-3 mess ups if they happen before the snakeblocks.

try being a developer for dark souls

>Fuck having to play perfectly in my level just to clear check it.
It's to prevent someone from making a level that REQUIRES you touch the checkpoint and die to respawn where the flag is in order to proceed.

Actually, I just skipped that whole section by jumping straight to the blue platform and then to the next blue platform. Sorry user.
To answer your question, it's not very clear where to go at the part. I was expecting a snake block to come beneath me to act as a floor. I also tried wall jumping off of the blue snake blocks once, but the green snake blocks hadn't come down far enough yet and I died on the spikes.

>Why am I not allowed to make a mistake and die in my levels?
Because they're trying to make sure the level can be beaten without touching the checkpoint and that you're not putting in some kind of weird forced death that can only be avoided after loading the checkpoint.

>Play endless mode
>Expert and super expert levels are mostly shitty troll levels

Fuck this

I wish a plague upon the house of any man who posts this webm and thinks it counts.

the lives system was a mistake. should have just kept the 100 mario challenge

>Deep Sea Dive

A level about facing your fears in the depths of the ocean.

Attached: shark.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

trash x2
trash x4
trash x2
trash x6
trash x4
trash x2
trash x2
trash x3
trash x2
trash x8
trash x4

It's not bad, but it's not much fun to wait around for the bullet bill to shoot the dry bones. The hammer seems fun to use underwater, though.


>King Bowser's Airship Armada: 08R-G10-J6G
Chase king bowser right into the atmosphere! Use bob-ombs to solve simple "puzzles" to blow up ship after ship untill you find the king himself! (Normal)
Just uploaded this level right now and world love some feedback

Attached: tugizOrA4lGTkhMl.webm (640x360, 2.45M)

>Stay Frosty
>Mario Crawls Inside Dead Turtles
>Basically The Plot Of Space Jam

Working on a level very loosely based on the first level of Gimmick, almost done. Give me some comfy levels to play and I will go through them as soon as I get the chance.

Attached: gimmick.gif (500x500, 90K)

Too hard for my taste. I guess I'm a lot worse at Mario than I thought.
Tides of the Great Turtle War was really cool! Excellent idea with the two different endings! Keep improving your level design and you'll have a real magnum opus someday. Not that your level design is bad by any means, I just felt it could use some more challenge.

I really wanted to like Stardust Crusaders, but the second fight was a bit much for me. I got one of the shells stuck in the little maze area on the right and then the pipe stopped giving me any more shells. I know I'm not the best player, so part of it is on me, but maybe just tone down the difficulty a bit? I liked everything else I saw in that level very much.
Thank you very much for the feedback! I planted that goomba at the beginning as a sort of teaser for what was to come, but now I certainly regret it. I did want to plant some secret in the upper area, but I made it way too easy. I would like to remove the goomba at the beginning at place him at the end instead, just before the finish line. Is that better? I feel like some poor kid is gonna run into that last goomba and die, meaning he'll have to do the boss fight all over again. Should I just take the goomba out all together? I also completely agree about the rest of the level. I'm still getting a grasp on Mario Maker's toolset and understanding how to make more interesting gameplay.
I completely agree and will make the right changes! Thank you!

The Shellenger: B57-LJX-CKG
Level built around the Dry Bones Shell mechanic. Suit up until you're a tank and climb your way back to the top! Did my best to create a difficulty curve. Medium difficulty.

Under the Bridge: 8J5-47C-NSG
Exploration focused level. Fun things lurk above and below the bridge! Easy-Medium difficulty.

They really need to overhaul the endless mode, Make it a set number of one ups per clear and give a free attempt at each level to prevent people from skipping because an obstacle looks difficult
I'm fucking tired of skipping cool stages because the rising lava is about to get me or whatever
Weird single jump trick level
Standard SMB castle
Cape based SMW level

1-1: Launch and Attack
Intergalactic space travel asteroid mining aesthetic. 26 likes and 62 plays.

Secret of the Mole People
Has like 900 attempts and only 5 beats. No idea why -- only 3 sections have deaths, they're not particularly hard, and I'm generous with checkpoints. No babies allowed, I guess.

>make the first half of my level a cohesive, beautiful, and challenging section
>make the second half look like little jimmy just got this game for his birthday and it was his first level he didn't playtest more than once

You mean you made the jump between the snake blocks onto the lift next to the 10 coins? I noticed such a thing was possible sometimes, but I thought I timed it so the blue snake would block the path first. Even if that happens, I think it should still be possible to jump to the 10 coin and land safely like normal, Getting the timing for these snake blocks is pretty difficult, it's hard to tell where the blocks will be if the player does something slightly differently. Maybe if I make the doughnut blocks higher and have the blue lift waste some more time somewhere it'll line up better. Some arrows and coin lines are probably in order as well.

The timer never crosses my mind before uploading anything.
I really should keep it in mind for any future level.

Are you trying to imply that DaS devs beat their whole game flawlessly before releasing it? Yeah right.

God that's fucking retarded. Both their decision in "fixing" the issue and that kind of design itself.
They should have just fucking left the checkpoint system as it was from the first game, and ban any levels that abused it in a retarded way. Its not like they didn't have time to sift through levels, they went through and banned every level they could find that abused glitches in MM1, and they literally give you a warning flat out here that your levels will get banned if they "use the tools in a way the developers didn't intend for" or some shit like that.
I liked making hard levels (I think almost every single level I uploading in MM1 was expert) but with checkpoints used to prevent them from being tedious, but now I'm just going be forced to either make shit easier or deal with massive tedium for upwards of several hours to upload any levels If I dare to make something challenging.

God dammit this fucking sucks, I'm feeling some buyer's remorse.

>endless expert run going pretty well this morning
>pick it up again
>all levels are suddenly shitty trolls/pick a deatg path/babies first level/ enemy spam/instant thwomp deaths
>last life after skipping a fuck ton
>"The worst level in mario maker 2"
>die instantly to thwomp
How do people stomach this shit beyond normal mode? Normal has so many decent levels compared to the 1 or 2 you get here
Also did the entire site die for a moment

>make first level something interesting with a neat gimmick
>0 plays despite it being normal difficulty at best
>make what seems to be the first level in a mario game
>get several hundred plays and a ton of likes

Attached: 1561849035767.jpg (182x250, 7K)

i mean if you know where everything is at and enemy placement in DaS the game is piss easy

Sure, theoretically, but I guarantee you not a single one of the devs has done a no death run of the entire game.

It's a far better solution to prevent people ever playing or uploading levels with broken mechanics like that than it is to allow them up and ban them after the fact.

This is the problem with this game. The least interesting and appealing design you can think of will probably be more successful then your best well thought out level

>it's a switch block level where a shell activates the switch block on a rhythm

Attached: file.png (647x740, 170K)

>They should have just fucking left the checkpoint system as it was from the first game

But this is how it was in the first game

You won't beat this


No, in the first game if you hit a checkpoint on your "clear from beginning" run, you'd start from that checkpoint, you wouldn't be sent back to square one. Same thing for if you hit the 2nd checkpoint on a "clear from 1st checkpoint" run.

To clarify, even though you'd start from those checkpoints, it'd still count as part of the current run. It doesn't skip you ahead to the next run.

>its a level with ground

Attached: image_2.jpg (434x524, 127K)

What an absolutley gorgeous level. Really good looking airships, and platforming between them is great.

My critique is the boss fights themselves. Fireflower pipe vs bowser is pretty bad desu. Idk, could have had bowser in the cockpit of a ship and you have to hurl the bob bombs at him.

The mole fight was meh too. I'm not smart enough to think of way to improve it. Different enemy all together? Boom boom while dodging burners and bob bombs? Shoe goomba mech? Idk.

Attached: 1562731040864.jpg (720x615, 42K)

Good uses for on/off switch
>Easy/hard mode
>forcing a minor detour
>forcing the player to reach a certain spot while dodging enemies
>jumping to a rhythm
>doing the same obstacle again but with a twist
>making a bonus room for players who didn't die after the checkpoint
>bossfight where platforms appear
Shit uses
>hit the block in mid air so a platform spawns beneath you
>guessing whether you need to leave the switch on on/off
>platforms that appear and disappear based on a shell bouncing back and forth (could be good with other obstacles in place)
>guiding an enemy/shell through a small room to get a key

do you have zero clears?

I don't remember that at all, and googling is showing that my memory is right.

I have revamped two of my stages, one being very popular before (Trees 'n Bees) but having a bit of a gameplay blemish at the end. The other (Lost in the Well) was a bit sketchy in general, so I improved it a good bit, less hitting your head into random spikes (but it's still a scary descent though, so watch out), more polish overall, and added a checkpoint. Please check them out, I'll be playing some of your guys' stages in the thread and giving feedback as per usual.

>Trees ‘n Bees
6R3 - YP6 - NNG
A vertical 3DW level featuring BEES. And trees. Low/medium on the difficulty scale I think. Friend said it reminded him of a DKC level, so take that as you will.

>Lost in the Well
XBH - 72S - QFF
A very short themed level where Mario has to retrieve his house keys that he accidentally dropped in the well. He needs to get them back before his favorite TV show starts or else he’ll be upset.

Here are my other two newest stages:
>The Yoshi Ski Resort
JQJ - H0Q - 3YF
Hop on your favorite dino and slide the slopes! Medium difficulty, nothing too difficult hopefully.

>The Rat Suburbia
Downtown Ratville - Home. At least it was before I jumped everything up. Short and sweet 3DW underground level.

Attached: anonymous b92fae7380a5b25fb3e763921db85cb9 1boy 3 ass black hair dark skin eyebrows highres hood hoo (1389x1474, 127K)

Course not found.

I'm certain that's how it was, otherwise I don't see how I managed to upload shit like legitimate Kaizo levels in the first game.

>>jumping to a rhythm

you're wrong
you probably never uploaded them, you have a small brain

What do you guys think of this trash level from /vg/?
Only one clear so far

Trials of power.

Definitely wasn't. Otherwise I wouldn't have remembered the satisfaction of those no checkpoint runs going into MM2.

I'm going to make a difficult vertical scrolling SMW sky-theme level where you have to hit on/off switches to progress. Just thought you guys should know. Its going to be really hard.

For Bizarre Adventure, I think you should try the level again if you like the series it's a homage to. There's only three "fights" and there's a checkpoint before each, and the second boss is definitely the hardest but dies in three thrown shells, i.e. 20 seconds tops. Just watch the ground for an empty spot to jump between sides, and duck with the shell to protect your head from above. With respawning powerups you're always within reach of safety if you get hit.
Sorry the shell got stuck, I playtested a lot and never had that happen.

I liked your level, it's pretty clever. Boss fight was cool. Left a doodle. I tried to beat the WR but I don't know how he has two seconds on me, I think you have to go in the pipe and back out to have the goomba walk right for you to climb up right? Tried otherwise and it didn't work

how original

Bruh your levels are so comfy. Especially liked the dry bones level. I made a level around that mechanic too. Give it a go? I'm

>you probably never uploaded them
I did.
Apparently they did manage to reach super expert, must have happened after I stopped playing/creating.

I don't see why I'm having such an issue with an average level that barely qualifies as expert then. My skills must have deteriorated faster than MN9's kickstarter campaign.

Attached: Untitled.png (974x872, 278K)

sorry, it's

Thanks alot for the advice and criticisms my dude.
I really wanted to make the boss fights harder but I think I learned I shouldn't make hard levels if I want people to actually play them.
My most popular level has a 61% clear rate and 444 plays, while my least popular level has a 3% clear rate and 32 plays

For the ancient aliens course I would just add a clear condition that you have to collect something or another to beat the level, that way the player can feel good about getting the goodies up top, but when they get to the goal they find it’s blanked out and there’s a pipe just to the right of it that sends them to the start of the underground section as if they’d went down the pipe at the beginning as normal.

My first level, starts with koopa car (I think it's fun) and has a short underground bit which I could've done better.
I'm travelling atm but as soon as I'm somewhere with wifi I'll play some of your levels, user-kun.

I wanted to raise this point: On/Off Switches: overused meme, or crucial level building staple? Whayddya think vros?

The most overused mechanic. Genius when implemented intelligently, awful when used for no reason.

>prevent people from skipping because an obstacle looks difficult
If your level design is making people so anxious that they want to skip the level you might have a problem. Anyways, castle level was pretty fun, might've been a good idea to place coins over those thwomps to hint that the player needs to jump over them, otherwise pretty solid.

overused meme. springs are the pinnacle of level design

Attached: spring.gif (600x338, 657K)

The biggest addition to MM2. Adds so much potential to levels. Everything is garbage in the hands of retards.

so to make a popular level i have to make the level 90% easy 10% hard? so basicly make a 1-1 level with like 1 maybe 2 tricky jumps? boring

why are japanese levels so incomprehensible?

they're the only levels I consistently encounter where I legitimately cannot figure out what to do at points

this. i asked this very question a coupld of threads ago and i was told they lack creativity and variance. The difference between a jap kaizo level and an american kaizo level is that teh american level has fun gimmicks and varied obstacles.

I have zero creative energy


Attached: 1544738702287.png (211x310, 95K)

Take a break.

Why is the multiplayer so garbage

Pick a block or item and test random shit

no see the problem is I haven't made anything

I beat story mode, and I like playing endless mode and seeing these amazing designs and concepts. But then I just go to the level designer and my mind goes blank

are you trans?

>Course ID: 2KW-2P0-1DG

>Secret of the Village Underside

I wanted to recreate the secret shine from Mario Sunshine but just that made the level feel very empty, so I made it so you have to cross Delfino Plaza and Pianta Village, then travel underneath the village to where the secret shine and finish that level.

Just find the key in the plaza to reach Pianta Village then the 3 coins to Move onto the secret shine (and the end of the level)

It's my first time making a level like this so please be brutally honest with the criticism

Attached: images (17).jpg (640x480, 51K)

I mean, a lot of people are bad at 2D Mario games, so ya want people to clear your levels and leave likes or what? Just put well-placed checkpoints if you really wanna up the difficulty so much. You get two.

Don't let that stop you from making kaizo levels tho, just warn people ahead of time.

>start with a theme
>think of a gimmick
>test gimmick
>expand gimmick
>add/steal things from other levels between your gimmicks

>you can move mario while testing the level in course maker by dragging him
Holy shit

@Zayuri you shouldn't have deleted your level.

throw shit at the wall, see what sticks
no seriously even the in game guides tell you to do that. eventually something will be bound to click

>it's a snake block section where it's 3 blocks wide, moves slow as molasses, you have to dodge enemies and obstacles the entire time, and doesn't have a checkpoint afterward so if you die you have to do it all over again
Either the level creator does it on their first try or is a masochist.

Attached: 28E25D2E-E371-438F-8093-B64718BBD154.png (720x933, 505K)

I have a knock off controller so I cant tell. But is the right stick supposed to do anything in the course maker.
Cant tell if its my controller or not.

This could have been pretty cool if there was some platforming to it, instead of just a bunch of enemies dumped onto a flat surface.

So far I have made 3 levels. any form of feedback is welcomed.

>Boweser's mole armada
The first stage I made. I was going for something that was somewhat multiplayer friendly.

>4 challenges of Neo sky carnival
First time fucking around with the 3DW style. While creating this level I wished that we had the option of more than one checkpoint in both main and sub areas. Not my best work, but take your time and you'll be fine.

>Forest stroll with Yoshi.
An easy laid back level with a few small secrets here and there. At least that is what I was going for. I also wanted the player to use Yoshi here.

EXTREMELY overused

regular Mario games barely even use them at all

Bowser's Elite 4 is an excellent idea for a level. I love the first half. Koopa was scary, and Boo was terrifying. I don't know if you intended this, but with the first Boo fight, I figured out that I could spawn all the other Boos and then leave out the pipe that I came in with. When I returned, the Boos were gone but the hidden blocks were all activated. Again, I'm not sure if this was the intended solution, but it pretty much trivialized the fight. Now, I have to talk about the second round. On the second goomba fight, I managed to get his turret stuck on top of the pipe and I couldn't leave. I had to die and start back at the checkpoint. On the second Koopa fight, the obstacles are too unpredictable. The Koopa managed to get stuck in place and wake himself up. I quit the level at that point. Keep working on it, you've got something really cool here. I would love to see this concept realized into the amazing level that it can be.
>Under the Bridge
I'll admit that I'm a brainlet. I have almost no idea what to do. I'm not saying your level is bad, I think I simply lack the proper IQ to talk about it.
Holy fuck this is bullshit.
I'll give it another shot. I really enjoy JoJo. On my level, if you go all the way to the right in the first pyramid and then walk back to the left, the goomba sort of respawns and starts walking to the right rather than the left. Try it soon, that guy's not gonna be around much longer!
That's a good idea! Smart. I'll mess around with the clear conditions/toolset and see what sticks. Thanks!

an attempt was made but post what you want if an update ever comes

Attached: update wishlist.png (1000x1670, 24K)

It was good overall, but the snake block section was a little slow and obnoxious. The level progression went from fast to normal to slow and then ended, so maybe next time you could add another fast section after the slow one so the level ends on a more exciting note?

Awesome addition but super overused despite that. On-Off Block speedruns are auto-levels in disguise.

>Under the Bridge

There are some simple On/Off switch puzzles as you move forward in order to progress, but I also tried to lay the stage out so that you're encouraged to veer off the course to get a reward or even a power up. For instance, you'd see coins overhead and see the P Block and think "okay, I can use the P Block to get to higher ground where a reward might be". Is that maybe what you were missing? Otherwise it's a fairly simple course of move forward, solve the puzzle (usually of hitting the switch).

on/off levels are more like rythm levels than auto levels

>Holy fuck this is bullshit.
Yeah its horseshit. Im 90% sure there is probably some hidden dev block somewhere that he used. troll blocks, softlocks, enemy spam, dead end pathways. level has it all. also bullshit spike jumps and bowser with no checkpoint 85% through the level.

Yeah I you're right if you're appealing to the endless crowd. Could have made a puzzle bosses that impossible to die to as well if your afraid of rage quitting players.

Endless players are soulless bugmen imo

followed you, excited to see what you come up with next.


give it a shot and leave some thoughts, hopefully ill get better at making levels in the future

No, why?

you really give off that vibe

>Under the Bridge
Great, but getting to the switch for the "puzzle" was annoying when big since you have to bounce into a 2 block gap.

I want to say I like this user, but it is way, way too claustrophobic. I feel tanking hits with the mushrooms was necessary rather than optional. Well put together, but damn some breathing room and places to do some big jumps would be nice.

Very cute level for your first! I advise adding more coins so jumps feel less blind though, sometimes I jumped just past a platform over a pit because there were no coin guides. The first bit did feel a bit pointless and empty, consider sprinkling some sort of threat there.
The last section felt... misplaced. That first jump after cp 3 sucks, but everything after is extremely easy in comparison. Consider revising that section entirely, as it feels unlike the rest of the stage.
Otherwise, very pretty, fairly fun, and not too unfair aside from a couple blind jumps.

>Forest stroll with Yoshi
Quite easy and short, but honestly refreshing because of that. Fun and well made though besides that.

i can see your theme of multiple routes. the cape at the beginning let me skip a good majority of the challenges.

Alright, I re-uploaded the level based on feedback. I've eliminated all timing and direction issues I could find, and it should be a silky smooth ride this time:

Attached: mm2_snek2.jpg (1200x675, 203K)

I hope you enjoy this, I had a lot of fun replaying this one for uploading

Attached: IMG_20190710_221702.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

>Bowser's Elite 4
The goomba problem is big, I see, and I was aware of cheesing boo's fight, but I was out of ideas to prevent that. Now I have something in mind though.
Koopa and hammer bro can be damage boosted with mushroom, and I don't mind if the player get's lucky with koopa sometimes since there are 3 other fights too.
Anyways, thanks for the info. I'll tweak some stuff.

It just feels like most of them use coins so you know exactly when to jump and all.

Who Toadette player here?

I just want everything from Mario 3. and also a customizable overworld sounds nice especially since Tezuka said that sounds like a good idea.
also we absolutely NEED the frog suit for water levels.

Attached: nintendo please.png (1000x1670, 477K)

Pipe Mill Plaza is my favorite level of yours yet, keep up the great work.

Wish ninty let us edit levels we uploaded.
It's a shame to see maker points go down the toilet just because you want to make your stage better.

>It's a shame to see maker points go down the toilet just because you want to make your stage better.
wait if you edit levels you already uploaded you lose points? also what does maker points do anyways? make so that you're levels are more likely to be seen in endless mode?

Attached: file.png (1000x1670, 193K)

Does item loading work in the same way in vertical levels? In normal levels, things are loaded considering only the horizontal distance of them to Mario. If the same thing goes for vertical levels, it would be pretty easy to make a level that is totally loaded all the time. I can't test this right now, but I have an idea for a level that could use this.

Y'know you could've just said the buzzword flat out instead of doing it in a roundabout way to make me think it was a genuine question for a minute. I had thought it was because of the way my Mii looked or something, if you were unfamiliar with the Final Fantasy character.

the points you accumulate exist only if your level exists. If you delete your level you also delete the points you accumulate from it.

nice, im glad to see the effort in putting in alternate routes being noticed
thanks for giving it a shot

>Bowser's Mole Armada
In the starting screen, the bottom path seems to be objectively easier than the top path cuz it's less littered with enemies, projectiles are easier to dodge and "jump" on and there are less enemies in general. I do wanna try it out with friends, definitely seems more suited to that.

>Forest Stroll with Yoshi
I'm probably bad at Mario, but I kept losing Yoshi to the Cheep Cheeps. They did get a little annoying towards the end, and after the checkpoint, I just booked it straight for the finish even after losing my Yoshi. Like someone else said, it's otherwise a very refreshing stroll thanks to its simplicity. Fire flowers were a neat addition.

Neat designs over all.

You have to delete your level and upload it fresh if you want to actually make changes. Maker points are mostly placebo I think, but its basically a quality/popularity meter for creators.

It was the way your mii looked and the name
it really gives off a tranny vibe, i legitimately thought you were, that's why i said trans and not tranny

Please check out my new course. Zero plays so far.

Attached: Super_mario_buzzy_beetle_2d_by_joshuat1306_dcxiit5-fullview.png (1024x903, 266K)

Speaking of Miis, does anyone else save screenshots of ones that have particularly cute or interesting designs, or am I just being weird?

I mean yeah, that's kinda weird, but hey, any notable ones from users here?

Is it okay to make a babby casual level for my first one? Something simple and sweet. I feel pressured to make a techy or lengthy level

Attached: 1524624317934.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Shilling levels old and new

>The Haunted Armada
Airship level at night. Cannon platforming. Optional red coin secret (difficult to find, even harder to get).

>Mushroom Kingdom Tournament
Arena-themed boss rush. I tried to make the boss arenas interesting and the fights fun.

Old levels:
>Galoomba Infestation
Defeat 40 galoombas around the level by using ON/OFF blocks. Fluctuating water level makes things interesting. Puzzle elements.

>Raiding Drybones Keep
Difficult desert night platform level. Winds, bones, and tricky jumps. Remember to use the wind to your advantage as much as possible.

>In a Hurry
Silly speedrun with hills, short timer, and nonlethal obstacles.

Thoughts, feedback, critiques, etc. appreciated on both the individual levels and my overall designs.

Attached: Super-Mario-Maker-2.jpg (1024x683, 82K)

Wow this is a really fun level. The platforming is fun. The rail rides are kind of boring, there's not much going on, but they're also short. So it's fine. The second time when you like save his babies or whatever and they're all there too is a great addition. The boss was unique, I was a little confused of what to do but only for a minute.
This is a great level.

Busta Beetles when?

Attached: 0ACD98BB-F118-41AC-97CF-925BF4BACADF.png (300x300, 49K)

Most people try to make fairly normal levels with gimmicks sprinkled in here and there, that's perfectly fine.

babby casual levels will get the most plays if it lands in easy
dont be afraid to add a little challenge though

I think the entire Shill n Chill playerbase will thank you for making a babby casual level. And so will Endless Mode Runners.

I think the general directive should be that unless you absolutely want to make a hard level, you should gun for a 20-30% clear rate with little precision platforming. It's okay to go above 30% into 40-50% territory. Less than 10% and casuals such as myself will get turned off.

You mind turning down the projectile spam a bit? It's kinda bullshit to have to deal with both enemies and the level floating up and down while dodging a gorrilian RNG bones, magic zaps, and hammers with only a two tile standing space.

Thanks a lot, man.

You ever play so many shit levels in a row that you're liking levels that aren't very good but are substantially better than the shit you just waded through?

this makes me relieved, thanks user

Honestly speaking making simple levels are more fun than trying to think of advanced gimmicks. At least for me

You typically make levels that you personally find fun.
So you just have fun with the types of things a huge chunk of the playerbase does.

I have a friend who almost only plays puzzle levels. He loves them. I fucking hate them. But he's into it, and he's starting to make puzzle levels.

Everyone has their own things that they prefer.

I vote a like to pretty much any level on Expert endless challenge which isn't massive enemy spam or pick-a-dick.

Of course. Many of the courses I played in the new tab or easy endless are just really short test courses. Not like anyone is expecting anything.

X8B-KDJ-JTG Why hate platforms
Tried to make a hard/simple platform with rising lava

6CF-MQ3-QQF Bowser's Gauntlet
Simple speedrun.

Would like some feedback, first time building and had fun building them!

>The Haunted Armada
way to aggressive with the cannons

Tips on designing a good kaizo level?


Attached: update wishlist.png (1000x1670, 352K)

pick things you like doing and try to build around that

dont spam enemies or objects
think methodically about what kind of stupid shit you want the player to do
kaizo is about being a difficult course full of crazy shit that pushes the players limits with 0 rng involved

put an invisible block at the spot where they should jump

Yes, I'm pretty generous I think. If I feel like the creator tried to make a good level I usually give them a like.

I would really, really appreciate feedback on my level. Thank you!

Goomba Pound Factory:
Goomba's are being manufactured into goomtein powder! Help save them from this nightmare. Try to find the secret path with Goombalina's assistance.

>(NEW) SMB1.5: 2-1 Spiny Sands

>Super Shmup Bros. 1 & 2

arguably my best:
>SMB1.5 1-4 Floaty Fortress

Dude your checkpoints are always spot on, and your bosses are always so neat. Really great level! Theme seems to have flown a little over my head but it came together in the final act tho!

what if it was some crazy kaizo level you couldn't get past the first jump of?

This was pretty damn awesome.

Gotta say guys, you folks are far more competent at designing levels that are meant to be cleared and enjoyed than the fucking SMM2 subreddit. They make some real hot garbage over there that's just genuinely a pain to play.

That first hallway is rough, but they lighten up considerably after that and the checkpoint is close by. The cannons are the challenge there; later, they become almost exclusively beneficial.


I packed as much shit that I loved about SMB3 into one level. Plenty of secrets that give powerups, and if you get them all you can basically speedrun the level because I made everything line up so you never have to stop like some of the levels in Tropical Freeze.

No fucking clue how you guys shit out so many levels because this thing took me forever. Probably ran through the "speedrun" path about 100 times just to get it right and not fuck up a casual play.

Well I usually try to avoid playing super hard levels like kaizo but I do like some levels even if they're too hard for me. I guess if I really couldn't do the first part I'd probably just not rate it and move on, I don't think people lose points for that.

SMB2 USA theme when?

Also I would love to see someone figure out the path and beat my upload time of 1'06"457. There's definitely room to beat it.

Kaizo doesn't equal bad
Most kaizo in Mario Maker is honestly just an extension of the Super Meat Boy type of indie platformer, except you respawn slower so it feels more frustrating

It's leddit, they probably gush over 20 second run levels and give up after dying to the first obstacle

>put a gap in my level where you die if you full jump
Hehehe, delightfully devilish.

Attached: keycleaner.jpg (768x1024, 206K)

Thwomp Gardens
uses entire vertical sub for dumb vine and cloud shit

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x720, 504K)

>Preferred style?
Used to be SMB1 but SMB3 has grown on me
>Preferred themes?
SMB3 Night Forest is perfection.
>Preferred stage tags?
>Preferred gizmos and enemies?
Spamming moles everywhere is the key to good level design.

SMB3 is my favorite style, but world is nice too for being able to spin-jump and throw items upwards

SMB1 feels just too limiting not being able to ever hold anything

I agree. I was just curious about what someone who's liberal with likes would do if they came across one.
If you're not a huge streamer your kaizo level will just get boo'd into the ground generally.

Hue Heights
color themed mushroom & land segments with a dumb 'puzzle' at the end


Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

SMW is by far the best style.
I think I like every single theme in every single style.
Standard is the only tag I care about. The things that I prefer playing aren't tags.
I like unique interactions. Like putting things on the side of a stack of tracks and pushing a switch to make it go up/down. Retrieving items in twisters. Bouncing/spinning on sprites. The sprite interactions are the thing that mario maker does better than smw romhacks.

SMW by far, followed by SMB
I like some other themes but those three seem to offer the most flexibility which I like, when building a castle or an airship or a forest it feels like you have to do certain things
I can't even name the tags other than Standard, Themed, Speedrun, and Short and Sweet
They should add more tags
>Gizmos and enemies
Red paratroopas
Aerial Bloopers

SMB3, or World

I'm fucking tired of the levels where you just hit the on/off block while jumping between alternating red/blue platforms.

What the fuck, man? There's no point. It's the same shit as just putting a low ceiling there that you have to bonk into.

>Preferred style?
SMB1 or SMB3
>Preferred themes?
>Preferred stage tags?
>Preferred gizmos and enemies?
bullet blasters, koopas troopers (generic, but there's so many uses for them), boom boom is surprisingly cool in every style too and great as a base for custom bosses.

>play levels in the new tab
>don't like any
>free world records

Hey man, I managed to beat your JoJo level! I figured out a way to make the second fight a lot easier. If you just stand on top of the red turret, you can pick up shells really easy and have the turret carry you right where you need to throw them. I don't know if you intended that or not, but definitely keep it in. Somehow it feels more like a JoJo fight when you discover a loophole in the opponent's ability. The ending was amazing, great job!!

Yeah I think they really nailed Boom Boom's sprites for the other games.

Even better
>boo each level, so that no one else is likely to ever play it
>free world records for life

That was my original plan, but I'm not that evil.
I struggle to get anyone to like my levels.

Desert, Snow and Forest Night
>Gizmos and Enemies
Claws and Boom Boom have been pretty great so far. But I usually try different gimmicks with each level. Mentally I try to link all my levels together as one game so I tend not to stick with one style or set of stuff.

What's other gizmos or enemies could be added to 3D world? I like the power ups and look of that the most but it doesn't seem to have as much as the other styles.

I'm making a course where you kill lots of Goombuds. What should the final stretch be?
I had an idea where you throw a Goombud up somewhere, causing it to get up and walk, which activates munchers in noteblocks to kill other Goombuds below it.

Why do I so rarely see these guys used properly? They are great.

Attached: RockyWrenchNSMBW.png (690x284, 115K)

>pick the right path or die lol
Japan sucks

japanese people are addicted to gambling

They're also addicted to shit.

>random trajectory projectile
>can't bounce or spin jump on it either
>can retreat under manhole, making it invincible
>can be easily ran past when not attacking
>most players won't bother defeating it unless required to
Gee I wonder why

>Prison Break with Big Koopa (story level, you will laugh, you will cry, you will nominate me for a golden globe)

>GBA Minigames (aesthetic mini stages that take place in a GBA)

>And two more regular, average Mario levels you may enjoy (no kaizo, no bullshit):

New level coming soon...after I play test it more... anyway you'll know if I play your levels if you get a crude Mario drawing from Zero.

I keep picking levels with like 10k attempts.
Please if you're struggling for plays hit me up.

80% of this stuff is very unlikely but might as well just put it out there, I was also going to write how I think Wario could be added into the game with his shoulder bash and some other moves, but its late and i'll probably do it later

Attached: Wishlist.png (1000x1670, 1.7M)

Up and under
classic mario level. Fun

Bowser's treasure
Bowser's castle with hidden treasure and boss fights

First level I've made. SM3 snow music is great

All characters are visually cosmetic and all play the same, so unless there's a Super Crown-tier powerup that turns you into Wario it isn't happening, unless you're fine with cosmetic Wario.
Adding Waluigi would make sense seeing it would be odd with an odd number of characters.

I liked it but the difficulty was kind of all over the place throughout the level

>text box
never ever

I was thinking that Wario would be completely different from the other characters with him being a bit bigger and his different abilities, which would mean that courses would have to be cleared with Wario separately if you want to allow players to use him in your course, something like that. I would explain in more detail but I probably should sleep

Attached: Wario_Land II_(GB)_03.gif (640x576, 17K)

i made 6 easy/medium vanilla themed SMW level you should be able to do those have fun

>easy opener with a secret shortcut

>smw vanilla themed underground level with 1checkpoint

>realy short underwater section to enter a castle with 2 checkpoints and a little boss fight

>starting in a desert level and entering a small ghost house in the hills with 1 checkpoint

>desert night time gimmick use the wind to win

(2-2) bonus stage
>just a short section to train a shelljump

Also i made a very well pollished up SMW night-time Airship level to show of the physics while night on airship in SMW (it's hard but not kaizo hard or unfair, ppl can clear it in under 2 minutes
if you know what you have to do, its currently at 0,5% clear rate but should be deffenetly higher)

if youre good at SMW and wanna give it a try
>Z indicates to spin jump
>the open rail sqaures are lineup points to throw the item (you can stand there)
>Arrows are indicatore to jump

the level code is:

>thanks for giving me any feedback to the levels, the airship one took me by far the longest, if you like one i check out a level of yours

Attached: 123.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

missed the 2-2 bonus level code kill me

Attached: 1510000073049.gif (400x279, 1.78M)


bully that took me so long to chill

Attached: 1562788040439.jpg (409x427, 36K)

This is a fun level, unique. Kind of puzzley to figure out but not really.
I don't know why nobody has beaten it when it had so many plays.

Any levels made by trans people?


You spam that shit over and over, I don't play spammers.

Just a bad 1-1 don't bother with it

Attached: 20190711_034025-1.jpg (2714x1842, 3.77M)

I prefer SMB cause it's the simplest. All about runnin and jumpin. Any theme dressed up well and with a good sense of progression grabs me, in particular night/desert and day/forest. Same goes for gizmos, if you think of somethin clever with em, I'm all about it.

I got an underdeveloped idea right now where I'm usin inaccessible stars along very tight pathways that border the wider path the player's on. Hope this sketch makes it clear. This would be the ghost house/ night theme.

Attached: Starlit Pathway.png (770x453, 67K)

A few more themes, at the very least for SMB since sprites are probably the least demanding to do for that game. Not sayin this is professional, but I did a quick mockup to show what a beach theme could be like.

Attached: 06 Bigger.png (768x720, 8K)

>Up and under
Pretty good bro, some of the jumps were probably a little harsh for the average Mario player though. And by average I don't mean here on this thread I mean the thousands of retarded Japanese kids who don't know what the jump button is. But yeah solid level man enjoyed it

Don't tell me what to do, kid. I'm gonna play it and I'm gonna LIKE it.

that wasnt even me and no im not a trap
fuck you anyway

>Dusty Desert Dash

>Under and Over

nigga you gay as hell
>all those anime girl pictures
>hrt addled brain typing things like deffenetly
>spamming the same thing over and over in every thread


Is Ruby Ravine an acceptable name for a level?

Ur cursed now good job noob

I hate seeing really good levels with 0 clears

Attached: futureasweknowit.jpg (836x960, 99K)

>someone else remembers that weird level with the floating bubbles
What's with the half door on your list though??

Your nightship level is fun, but it's way too confusing.
And every pipe is blue, I HATE waiting.

I don't understand at all where to go. I ended up above everything on a platform, and had to drop down to the normal place which I don't know where to get correctly. And then I climbed up some suspicious claws and suddenly there was a hidden skytree which led to a boss.

I have no idea where I was supposed to go.

Air Race
>speedrun flying with cape

Mario visits silent hill
>silent hill inspired, has jumpscares and requires investigation

Castillo 1
>hard castle, actually only the first part

Plz give feedback

Attached: serveimage.png (1200x1215, 1.59M)

Yes. Why wouldn't it be? Sounds good to me.

lock and saw torture: D4V-JBR-YQG

Attached: COLLARD GREENS.png (835x688, 56K)

>try hard to make a good course
>Maker Score goes down

Attached: 1549729796238.png (1366x768, 535K)

Toad's Discount Ski Resort


Super Skull Highway

Daily shill coming in. Any anons got levels for me to play in the morning?

Is there anything more disgusting than a Jap's level? Genuinely curious what made them like this. Two nukes weren't enough.

they wanna torment US players out of spite, we have laws against fucking 10 yearolds, after all.

>Genuinely curious what made them like this.
probably SMB2 JP. I mean think about it, a lot of the troll shit in jap levels SMB2 JP also had.

>use arrows and imply in the description how to solve areas that aren't difficult, they just require players to think a little bit

Attached: 1543076913700.jpg (752x527, 55K)

I just played every one of your levels.
They're pretty good, pretty vanilla. The very first thing I tried to do in 1-1 was spinjump on all the koopas and get a 1 up. But obviously I hit the first one and went flying in the sky and realized oh, this is mario maker.

They're pretty decent, pretty fun. I still have no fucking clue where to go in the air ship. It's kind of a mess.

>puzzle level

>iMpossibly haRd: epiC troll level!
>it's invisible blocks everywhere with a dev door
based seven year olds making super expert ezpz

Not even. It was a section with a dry bones shell, after a conveyer belt where all players had to do was not move, since bouncing would make them lose their shell.

>it's an upside down claw jumping level
give me all of your shitty versions of this, i think they're fun as fuck

Attached: 1471903774577.gif (200x200, 6K)

sounds horrible

I dunno how to improve making levels. They keep getting booed out of visibility, I'm assuming, because my score goes down and they no longer get plays unless I manually post them somewhere. Nobody leaves feedback so I don't know what to do. All my levels have less than 20 plays.

Give me your codes and I'll play them and leave comments for you.

bitch made nigga right here


It's not all upside-down claws, but they do make up parts of the level.

Spooky Woods. Super Mario Bros 1 themed forest with rising and falling water. Filled with spooky ghosts and hungry skellies

Stardust Castle. Night themed Super Mario World castle with Rising lava. It has a horizontal section with no Rising lava and a vertical section with Rising lava.

The Angry Sun's Lair. Rising lava level with an angry sun.

Piranha creeper creek after Dark. Remake of the piranha creeper creek level from Super Mario 3D World

Sunny Skies. Flight based Super Mario World level

Carnival Night. Carnival themed 3D World level. 5MC-GH2-9SF

The Fire Rises. Rising lava level, requires some Mastery of the feather and spin jump

I've only played one upside down level, and it had a section where you had to do a max length jump (when your sprite ducks down a little bit while falling off the edge but you can still jump) while dodging rng bowser fire.
So mad, no. But I definitely am not a fan of upside down.

I have no ideas for level building.
I'm all tapped out. I want to work on another but it's just not there.

I made another short speed run esque level that I actually enjoy image related

You inspire me : v)

Attached: 20190711_045250-1.jpg (2988x1465, 2.7M)

I'd hate that too, a shitty thing in a level is still a shitty thingl. I just love the change of perspective. It's not hard, just confusing in a fun way.

the only way to get your level natural plays is to make an extremely boring piss-easy level

if you try to introduce any slight element of challenge, it gets booed and disappears forever

Yeah you definitely feel it in your brain.

Pretty cool idea here.

Hey, here
I liked Hammer Airship. First half was really fun. Second was interesting, and I do like the premise, but there were a lot of points where I felt like I was going through a power up toll booth. Particularly the section with the thwomps.

Also I liked that you hid the key in one of them mooks, rather than the boss itself, was not expecting that

Yeah I'm gonna def reuse it in a longer level but I think the idea of short levels that aren't too hard are cool too I'm really scared of making things too hard so I nerf them a lot but thank you.

Yeah, I'm playing your other levels now and so far they're pretty short but I like short levels.
Don't be afraid of difficulty.

playing it now, pretty fantastic

play my first level please


not true. just make good levels

Snowman Valley:
This was my first level and I mainly wanted to test out my most wanted features: Snow levels, slopes, and 3D World. It's pretty easy and has 3 secrets (one is just a hidden block, though).

Super Smash Bros. Maker:
Just made this recently and I spent way too long on it. Main gimmick is recreating Smash Bros levels and fights. I'm really interested in feedback because it seems to be falling on the more difficult side and it's not getting many people playing it as a result. I'm not sure if people aren't understanding what to do without me telling them or if they just think it's too hard.

Attached: Mario, what are you doing. You can't play with yourself at work.jpg (1237x1022, 1.04M)

course not found?

thanks for the feadback some user just cleared the airship gj

i try to make it more obvious where to go maybe the red coin extra parts are confunsing

Attached: 1552783058544.jpg (480x480, 36K)

Nevermind, I'm retarded.

Chrono is my only "real" level so far (but even then it can be kinda short if your stars align) I have another similar to it that's been developed for 15 hours total so far. For reference Chrono was 12 however I could finish code name Cave today if I wanted finally but I like to play easy endless and get ideas before a final publish of a big level. (I have three total like these being made for 30 (?) hours total development) Honestly I'm scared to publish it before I get like first on courses played because I put in so many of those hours playtesting to make sure that whIle being "avent garde" it still plays like a mario. I really want to get a formula down where I can consistently and easily make castlevania esque levels so it doesn't take so gosh darn long. Thank you for listening to my rant user and playing my memes

levels, not sure if great.
2R6-6M3-J8G Speedrun level. Experimenting with some things.

82J-TCV-72G golden sun tribute, needs some adjustment.

BCQ-46G-Y6G escape from piranha castle. Nice scroller.

46R-H3T-5KG troll level. Just frustrating

213-B5Q-DFG haunted challenge, collect the coins from the challenges and beat the boss.

Good first level. Easy, but not a bad start.

>tfw someone hijacked all world records on your level in like half an hour

Attached: 1520558121304.jpg (306x331, 69K)

Blue toad bros unite

Attached: 1561595071845-1.gif (280x280, 1.69M)

what it do baybeeeeeeee

Yeah chrono took me like 5 minutes of being lost and going in circles until I found a way.
It's pretty good. I can tell you put a lot of time into it. It's not really my style but I did play it a second time so I could have wr in every level.

I understand how you feel though. My level isn't as pretty as yours but I spent an incredible amount of time playtesting. I wanted there to be multiple ways to do each part. A lot of kaizo levels force you into doing it exactly as intended with no wiggle room and I didn't want that.

I followed you as a creator so I'll probably see your new level sometime.

Reporting in


I'll give it a shot. Play mine too

I can't tell if she's just happy or if she's thirsty as hell.

Thank you for your words. I tried playing your level but I'm too slow right now to be able to do levels like that but I liked it if I don't remember to play it and respond to you. Hopefully you'll like my new levels, did you find Chrono easy or hard? I feel like if it had the ghost house theme people would play it differently and not get lost

>Squid Waltz
new underwater level, severely needs plays

>Ahoy, mateyz !
pirate themed level

>Strike Switches
switch level with a spooky section

Attached: sample-4c2e78542e4f521f3f3149f1c79e9ff5.jpg (1400x787, 122K)


>underwater level
>it's not a nightmare
Still not my favorite, but at the very least it's decent.

I didn't think chrono was hard, I was just searching for the end. It's kind of a maze. The only reason I spent so long is because every path I took in the subworld took me to the beginning.
I didn't start with the green pipe. I think the first pipe I went in was the red(bottom one at the top) and then the blue above it. After messing around in the subworld for quite a while I finally came out at the very start.

I think I would have been less confused if I understood the door came after. There were a whole punch of p doors by the goal I have no idea how you're supposed to get to. It's a huge level and it works.

I try and not shill my level too much, there's a very small amount of people who are interested in that kind of difficulty. I appreciate the like, I have a very hard time getting them.

Your stuff is fun, if it wasn't I wouldn't have played it.

One last thought that I forgot, I like chrono's ice theme, it's very well done visually. Fuck making it a ghost house.

is there any way to make an airship level without the sway?

an spurdo sparde or edgy swastika levels?

You have to just stay away from the borders. Unfortunately .

finally got the game today and wanted to try out an idea i've had in my head for the past couple weeks. doodled a fun thing to go with it because i always did this for my wii u mario maker maps. lemme know what any of you think

Attached: doyoufeellikeahero.png (1142x850, 220K)

Thank you feedback like that I appreciate a lot. The thing is too I tried to go down as many pathways and "player mindsets" as I could to make the level as QA as possible and I still missed stuff it sounds like, either that or you were just thinking about the level incorrectly at first. Something cool I think you'd appreciate knowing is that at the combat section I have powerups only worse players will find but I have them in places that look hidden so it doesn't feel like a crutch. Stuff like that imo is how you do a good level.

Now if you want to take my boo idea and make an entire kaizo level that moves around you I'd play that til I beat it cause I love the concept just be sure to use 64 or sunshine music

Oh yeah I'm just saying I would never do that as Chrono was just the spark of brilliance that came to me midway through story mode it was just a thought as to how people approach levels differently depending on the tileset

Holy shit have you guys seen the gay turtles level?!?

hey so it's me again. Not sure if you're awake, but on the off chance you are, here are my thoughts. I heard people say your level is really hard, so I feel like going in with the right mindset helped prepare me for your level. I had fun, I enjoyes it. I do think that it wouldn't have killed you to add a mushroom here and there, or at least make the level a bit shorter. You were nice to add checkpoints. Ultimately though, Yea Forums Mario Maker threads are full of whiny casual fags. Your course was certainly challenging, but not unfair (save for that section right before the final checkpoint. Not gonna lie, that was some bullshit). You get a like and a download from me. Keep up the good work and keep some of my feedback in mind for the future.

>Americans are asleep
>shilling down a to a minimum
>actual discussion again

Attached: Mission begins in 60 seconds....webm (720x1276, 2.83M)

I kind of cheesed the start by just hopping up to the checkpoint.

Me and the other guy having discussion are both American.

>level sharing in a level sharing thread

>can't tell the difference between sharing and shilling
Mondo's jizz is going straight to your brain, user


Oh shit nigger Americans are starting to wake up .... Fuck man I feel the need to shill some shit

gonna play yours. Will comment on Squid Waltz shortly. Play mine.

>playing Endless on each of the difficulties
>expected to see levels full of the multi-coins everywhere
>so far people have used them sparingly and appropriately
>haven't seen enemy spam
>no lakitu spam either
>no corridor-filled-with-starmen-and-8-Bowsers levels
>not a single DON'T MOVE level
Did Nintendo develop an algorithm to kill these or has the player base matured

Attached: 1559587258303.jpg (1829x2049, 467K)

>Not a single brap level in sight

why do you do this

Attached: 1562364033733.png (231x194, 22K)

sorrry, linked to the wrong post. So yeah, I think the level is a bit too basic and needs more variety. I realize it's called squid waltz, but some diversity of enemies couldn't have heard. Also, the coin objective was too long. Maybe I'm just not in to collectathons though. Gonna play your other levels next

Seek help

I'm about to go to sleep so if you want to talk more sometime post your discord or something.

Play my janky space level

Attached: space lvl.jpg (558x228, 11K)

I'll play yours if you play mine

I'm just going to repost my levels, please give them a go if you're interested.
>The Ever Evolving Manor: J2X-2D4-JFG
A ghost level where the level changes around you as you go back and forth. This is the one I'm currently the most proud of.

>Cloudy Bonesaw Heights: LYH-92P-SYF
An athletic level all about the dry bone shell and jumping off saws. Not my best, to be honest.

>Tick-Tock Temple: 27X-KMV-MPF
A puzzle level about timed on-off switches. No, it's not about bouncing a shell between two of them.

>The Undead Raid: F1X-285-09G
An autoscrolling tank/airship/boat level with a Dry Bone boss at the end.

>Ridge of the Bonefish: 3D2-PS5-KNF
A level where you dodge bonefish flying out of cannons.

>Coastal Ascension: 3V3-N36-61G
My most popular level by far. An autoscrolling beach level.

>Beetle Ice Palace: C00-8GD-RWG
My first level about Buzzy Beetles. A night-mode snow level, so if you hate slipping everywhere you may want to skip this one.

Attached: 1541439324355.gif (500x281, 523K)


Mario gets a call about a broken furnace. Go see what you can do.

Attached: more like funace.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

ahoy mateyz was good

>neat tricks in slow motion
>i still cant do them

Where's the leaf? - KFP GYH 8KG
>Don't greed.

The Jungle Gauntlet - 7QL YTC K1H
>Downclimb stage with a few secrets.

Swings, spinys and switches - GF0 P4S KFG
>tfw booed within 5 minutes by some japanesde dude who couldn't clear the first swing jump properly

Attached: worried dog.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Lads I started my prison level a week ago and have yet to complete it. I always second guess myself and I'll never make it.

im your level was really fun to play and pretty creative. i felt like i really did all in a day’s work after climbing out of those pipes

>second guessing yourself in a game where 90% of the levels made have no thought put into them at all
i wanna play your level faggot, get to it

Don't give up. Doesn't matter if it's great as long as it's not shit.

Also I will draw a nice pair of boobies on a level of the first user to reply to this post with a level code. GO GO GO

Please answer.

Eventually you just have to give in and say "it's as good as it can be for now and I'm sick of working on it."
That was me with my Smash Bros level here
Plus you can ask for feedback which can help give you another perspective.

starting with Jungle Gauntlet, love me them SECRETS

>can't like comments
I appreciate all your funny comments and drawings bros but Nintendo won't let me show it

Attached: 0q1N2f8F.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Make it so that somehow when you throw little Goomba up, a big Goomba comes down for revenge, recklessly killing his own kind to try and destroy you. Big Goomba can press P Switches, so you could do it by throwing little Goomba at a music block with a p switch in it, which is then pressed by big Goomba, releasing him from his cage and unleashing his wrath on the world.
You can play my stuff if you want to as well.

That was intentional

Oh nice, I already played your stuff. Good shit user.

>can't write the word "dude"

Netsa that's a sick fucking level.
I recognize your name from some other levels. I think it was some janky ice claw one, I liked that too. You had a fake troll ending and a real troll shell.

I fucking love that level. It was so fun. Good luck with the foxen level creation league.

based nintendo keeping all you faggots from making your "dude w33d" levels

Appreciate it! If you do upload your level I hope I see it. What's your maker name, I'll follow you or something.

>blind drops into death
For what purpose?

I feel like helping some anons out. Reply to this post if your level has less than 20 plays. Just don't take it personally if I don't leave a like. If it wasn't for me, it wasn't for me. I will do my best to complete your level, but keep in mind that I am a casual so no Kaizo/tech shit please.

It's 3:30am here so I'll probably get to playing them tomorrow. Just leave a reply and I'll check it out.

Attached: 1526169613289.webm (720x720, 1.19M)

>it's a puzzle/don't jump/auto level
instant boo
inb4 brainlet, scrub, casual, discord, brainlet wojak or some other cope-like responses

hell yeah user. you should post your own levels too, though


Seething discord tranny go be casual somewhere else
No scrubs allowed

Attached: This+meme+is+called+brainlet+wojak+_73c052b7ce6b031a7963b29e865681eb[1].jpg (644x500, 39K)

>inb4ing your own post
confirmed brainlet who should dial 8

Try mine, and post yours

there is no rule about inb4ing your own post dummy. Only /threading is not allowed.

>you cannot die (tried to make a level where you cannot die)
>Thwompswitches (hard level)

How can you make respawning enemies? Any way?


inb4 was always a response someone made to predicts others, i want summer to end already

You mean other than warp pipes? Moving off the screen sometimes works, though mostly for banzais

And cannons

>>you cannot die
I found a way.
Stay still, let the bully jump over you.
Run past them to the left.
Jump on top of the sideways trampoline.
Wait for time to run out.
Boom, I just died, what now faggot?

Which is not really taboo. I want summer to end as well. Been wanting it to end since 2008, but unfortunately it's eternal summer here

You can take an enemy and put it into a pipe, that way it spawns this enemy
And that's why I wanted people to play it, thanks kid

They need to add a separate Favorite button and category. I think more people would be willing to give likes and we wouldn't see the same trendy shit dominate the Popular section so hard.

Attached: clockwork kazooie.png (1236x1292, 287K)

yeah, that's what I saying.

>Jungle Gauntlet
Made it to the checkpoint. Then it got dumb. I'll keep trying to beat it but we'll see. Love the aesthetic though.


New attempt at level where you cannot die, this time I put the time to 10 seconds so if someone finds a way he doesn't have to wait

Guess what faggot, I've done it again. Literally just walk left.

Thanks again kid

I talked to someone who had trouble around that part, specifically the last part of that section where you have to drop down between the spikes to the p-switch section ended up dying even though they didn't move after the chocolate blocks(or whatever the term is) aligned them.

Do you feel like the spike drop right before the checkpoint was sufficiently telegraphed with the spikes above the door?

||The stage wasn't initially meant to break people's balls, that just sort of happened organically||

That was exactly my thought and more the reason I stopped playing than the P section (which I thought was fine). No idea why single gap spike drops are the way they are, but it's more annoying than any challenge it really represents. As for the drop to the checkpoint, unless I missed a coin or something from the drop I wouldn't exactly say it's telegraphed, but it's not a slog to get back and try again.

>He deleted his level out of shame
I died by ground pounding

Not out of shame, I delete so I can reupload another attempt
Here we go again
And thanks for the input, even if you're tryin to be edgy with it


Some stupid bullshit with a low timer.

Walk right a little then jump on the bullies, boom, dead.

play my short and sweet basic level


Attached: 32055e7705eb93503e2ce1d7f84141dd.jpg (874x1242, 217K)

>that pic

I can literally hear the painstate sound

I'll make notes to adjust those sections somewhat if I end up reworking the stage, thanks man.

Shilling my levels again, thanks for the feedback so far. I’m working on another Banjo Kazooie level and might upload later this day.

Based on stephen kings IT. It takes place in the last chapter of the novel where you confront pennywise in the sewers. It has some platforming and an abstract kind of boss.

This one is a comfy snow level based on the Banjo Kazooie world Freezeezy Peak. The jiggies are big coins and you have to find all ten to finish the level.

This level is manly vertical and you get chased by rising lava. It contains fast platforming, some puzzle segments and a bone boat ride.

Attached: 7EA4B801-7900-42D6-95AA-6F686827690C.jpg (638x469, 74K)

What's wrong with posting your levels once per thread?

Yeah of course, I'd definitely give it another shot.

How about this one?
Also, tell me which one is your profile, I'll put your creator code in description if I'll succeed

Roll under them fags to the left.

Thanks. Dunno why, it has 1 clear with 10 players and its not that hard

Seriously, can it really be true that you can't get the giga mushroom unless you buy some amiibo? ffs it ruined the end section for a level I wanted to complete

giga mushroom is only in smb

Dry Bones Desert

>falling for the snake meme

I think we're gonna see the first patch for the game soon.
What do you guys think they'll do, change or fix?

Frustrating while also being uninteresting. Boo'd.

genuinely believe it needs fixing
>fix whatever algorithm figures shit out for everything
im bad and i dont like them
>muncher/spike hitbox

Shilling some of my courses
>The One Jump Quest: LWG-1S4-4RF
A relatively short stage with based on the no landing requirement, starts of normal and ends with a falling section with the cape power-up.
>The Falling Colosseum: MDL-1PY-8TG
A boss battle stage where you have to defeat boss after boss as the floor under you collapses and if you're not quick enough the boss from the previous floor falls down with you making the next floor harder to beat.
>Spooky Switch Speedrun: 5PG-PJC-9XF
A very short speedrun course where you have to hit the on/off blocks and dodge a few boos to keep on running.

Attached: 1550679912741.jpg (900x1580, 205K)

I can see you didn’t make it far at all. I will make a baby level for you later.

I was going to try your level but now I won't bother


I didn't make it far cause it SUX
I will now go and boo all your other levels!

Hard but not totally bullshit
Precision jumps

>Intimidated by marginally difficult levels
I love being able to see how early in the stage people bitch out. Like the last casual who couldn’t control his momentum and ran directly into an enemy and ragequit like a toddler. I expect random 7 year olds to have trouble with it, not Yea Forums, but then I guess that makes sense.

If you make a level that is literally flat ground and the only enemy is a single goomba it'll have less than 100% clear rate
Probably not even 80%

>can't bounce or spin jump on it either
excuse me what

you're a fucking idiot user, I ain't trying your level as your attitude fucking sucks and you already sound like you're clueless on good level design. You can make extremely challenging levels that are still actually fun, yours sounds like shit and your shit attitude cements the fact it isn't worth checking out.

You can jump on them though?

So far it has 0%. It is a slightly technical level, it is barely a notch higher than “hold right to win.” You can even skip half of the actual difficult things in it if you’re a baby.

New thread when

>just beat my high score in expert endless

Attached: 1561104575725.gif (480x336, 1.47M)

If I went out of my way to make the most annoying level possible without resorting to unfair deaths, would people like it because it's so annoying and drawn out it's good again or would I just get boo'd?

I am replying to the immediate negative feedback I got which is based on memes and an inability to git gud. No one has even made an honest attempt at the level, which again, is not hard. Being trash at Mario does not make non-baby mode levels bad.

i thought the same thing, but
>it'll just get boo'd
>making annoying shit but no unfair deaths might not be annoying at all

probably boo'd if it's troll-tier

blaming the player is a telltale sign that you're a butthurt shitty level designer. Watch the maker tutorials then come back without the butthurt attitude

I dunno I just had this thought of making a level that's like a compilation of the most annoying shit you could do.
You know, running against full speed conveyor belts, waiting for this or that, trying to jump from moving claw to moving claw while bumpers bounce the fuck out of you, a room full of springs etc.


>Mario receives a panicked call for help from the Mushroom Kingdom Mining Corporation, a cave-in has blocked the entrance to the mine. No-one is sure how many Toads are trapped inside, or how the cave-in happened. The workers on the surface don't seem to want to talk much about their work. Just what do they mine here anyway, and could it be linked to the Mushroom Kingdom's other Government-owned corporation, Regal Fungal Protein Products?

This is a reupload of a course I finished yesterday. I've fine-tuned the puzzle aspects at the beginning, removed several soft-locks. If you can clear the surface-level, the subterranean section is fairly straight-forward by comparison. Features a mini-boss PUZZLE FIGHT of sorts, and a boss-fight at the bottom of the mine too.
Can you solve the mystery of the mine and find out what they're really digging up down there?
I really need some feedback on this level. I've had a blast designing it, I've spent more than 8 hours fine-tuning the puzzle-mechanics, and I plan to expand on them in future levels, so any feedback on parts you enjoyed and parts you hated will be gratefully appreciated.

Anyone who gives it a try, (You) this post with your fondest level you've designed and I'll try it out.

I'm hanging around for a while whilst I work on a new castle-themed level, (You) this post with a level you want played

I assume he was talking about the wrench they throw, not them

Reminder to play and give feedback to other user's levels if you shill yours!

Attached: file.png (1024x576, 749K)

>play level
>clusterfuck visual design
>snake blocks
>puzzles you can only attempt once
and dropped

Based loremaster

I did that and nobody bothered with playing it for more than 2 seconds. And I got like a million boos.

It’s well-designed and full of things anyone capable of actually finishing a Mario game without cheats can appreciate. All of the attempts at the level have been early rage quits at simple obstacles. If you aren’t going to play it, shut the fuck up.

>hurr durr snake block bad, automatic boo
>doesn’t know you can reset puzzles with doors
Holy fuck expecting Yea Forums to be better than a bunch of incompetent drooling retards was a mistake.

Amazing level. Great premise and design.

>It’s well-designed
it's fucking trash user, it's an absolute clusterfuck to look at and you can softlock yourself in several locations. Not even exaggerating when I say this might be the worst level I've played in these threads

Oh, didn't even know you could roll in sm3d
New try

>it is barely a notch higher than “hold right to win.”
No it's not faggot this is filled with autism and claustrophobic platforming.
Don't worry though, I have the decency to clear it before I boo it.

Here's a batch of 3 brand new levels for you all

3D Weird
>A short level showing off some of the glitchiness or just quirkiness of 3D World

Wintersport 2: Slippery Boogaloo
>The sequel to the very unpopular Wintersport level, this time you have to avoid taking damage instead of having a mandatory damage boost
>Run a couple steps then duck and never unduck while letting momentum and nighttime ice physics carry you to the goal

Molehara desert
>A normal level in SMB3 desert with a lot of moles and some flying koopas, rather short and easy for a normal level

>when you realise why a nation of TOADS is called the MUSHROOM Kingdom


You can jump on the sideways trampolines just after they fall, afterwards you can die.

Just jump on the spring and you can die.

>you can softlock yourself in several locations
You can’t, but thanks for proving what a fucking moron you are.
>clusterfuck to look at
It’s a SMB1 level with a theme, I am sorry you are offended by all desert levels.

>claustrophobic platforming
I will do my best to ensure all future levels incorporate thoughtless obstacles you have seen a million times before so that you are not pushed out of your comfort zone.

That pipe that gives out mushrooms underneath the starting point... should that be bombs instead of mushrooms? It's quite easy to fall down and have to restart.

Damn, I'm running out of ideas for the day, gonna make a post on Yea Forums next day for new tries tho, still gonna include your code inside description in case I'll succeed

Also, no one in here that is up for a challenge?


>I will do my best to ensure all future levels incorporate thoughtless obstacles you have seen a million times before so that you are not pushed out of your comfort zone.
You're completely retarded
Just because your level is difficult doesn't mean it isn't poorly designed or doesn't suck absolute ass
All the challenges are asinine bullshit
The fact that you're getting so butthurt and doing nothing but parroting "git gud" over and over again makes it painfully obvious that you got your feelings hurt by your shitpile of a level being rightfully criticized. Go scream into your pillow or something and then have another try at making a level that isn't ass.

I made that mushrooms in case the player hurt themselves a few times with bob-ombs.. this other softlock pointed out to me ITT is really bothering me, will be fixing once I finish my current level

You can also get stuck if you jump up to join the Goomba in the under ground section, at the top left of the level.
Otherwise great level!!

3D weird is a cool level. That stuff is interesting