Whats with all the saltiness surrounding the Switch Lite announcement? I just got off work...

Whats with all the saltiness surrounding the Switch Lite announcement? I just got off work, and its like a billion friggin' Anti-Switch Threads. Like more so than the usual fair

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The Switch lives rent-free in the local peanut gallery's heads. They were crossing their fingers hoping the darned thing would be another failure, and it's not.

I think the machine itself is on the underwhelming side personally, but this on a wholly different level.

>Whats with all the saltiness surrounding the Switch Lite announcement?
People just need something new to shitpost and be dramatic about. Its just another day.

Let's not pretend that nintendo doesn't make its money off handhelds. The switch was a hybrid and the switch lite being exclusively handheld seems like a natural evolution. Anyone saying otherwise is shit posting or salty about childrens toys.

snoygros are mad because they don't have new games to play, so they must shitpost here.

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Pissing off the nintendo cult is more fun than any video game I could play, I must admit.

this is what happens when you don't have real games, man.
Stop watching your shitty sony movies and maybe you will enjoy vidya a lot more.

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I have a switch too dingus, though it was a regretfully poor decision.

why dont u fags play smash instead of trashing up the board 24/7 rosterfagging fucking stinkies

Have you considered gaming may not be for you?

Pretty sure its not Ninty's that have made 80% of the Switch Lite threads today

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but i play smash every single day and other games too, amigo.

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im not your amigo spic

I'm not your spic, boyo

stay mad, mentally ill amerilard.

im not your boyo spic

seething taco

kids games and bing bing wahoo is not for me, I need some challenges in my video games

pressing x to win is not a challenge.

Being too underage to get the reference or do the response right

I am disappoint son

But you dont play PS4 games either clearly, so maybe gaming isnt for you. Have you tried sports maybe?

I disagree, pissing off nintendies is effortless but I still get entertainment out of it, challenge is not the be all and end all.

People want a new product to get excited about and spend their money on. A switch lite doesn't offer anything new for them, so it's anti-hype.

Yea, but its literally the Switch equivalent of the 2DS, and that didnt get nearly as much shitposting

Or the Vita 2000, which didnt get any more shitposting than the normal Vita shitposting