>singleplayer card game
Sounds genius right? Cards without the rage of cheesy multiplayer assholes. But at the same time
>rng roguelike card game
Which outweighs the other?
>singleplayer card game
Sounds genius right? Cards without the rage of cheesy multiplayer assholes. But at the same time
>rng roguelike card game
Which outweighs the other?
the game is very well designed, only the highest difficulties really ramp up the RNG aspect to the point where the game is unwinnable sometimes
i would recommend trying a few runs before ruling it out for RNG mechanics, the evolving nature of your deck in this game is very satisfying
It's highly satisfying and it's why I come back to it for hours on end every day. No matter how many runs I do, even trying to play the same archetype, the game never goes exactly the same way. Sometimes you die on the first floor, other times your playing 10 minute turn 1's doing Exhaust synergies that burn for 3 damage near infinitely.
>rng card game
Uh, all card games are RNG, dood.
If you don't like RNG you shouldn't be playing fucking card games
It's more card game than roguelike. RNG is fairly predictable throughout the climb to the top and per Act. Monster encounters aren't surprising when they happen and you'll never get btfo by a monster from the next Acts.
>Complaining about RNG in card games
really now? that aside the roguelike aspect of it is really well implemented and very enjoyable, sometimes it will be impossible to win if you get fucked on RNG but that comes with the package of any card game anyway.
> highest difficulties really ramp up the RNG aspect to the point where the game is unwinnable sometimes
i like sps, but lets not lie.
The win ate at a20 is maybe 20% for the best
I don't really play card games, how do you win in this game ? I get so fucked on my silent
it's not so much a game of putting together intricate synergies as understanding the challenges you face ahead and building towards them
the enemy pool is very limited, so take note of what causes you trouble and try to understand what your deck needs more of
That's with the optional heart fight, and that's more like 30-35% from the best players. Just dual bosses isn't too much of a problem, you can do that just fine on A20 and have a solid winrate. I've lost so many fucking runs to bad draw on Act 4 on A20, but I'm also not one of the best players.
A15 is pretty manageable for winrates.
I love slay the spire. I've gotten way more playtime out of it than I ever expected I would.
Slay the spire probably has some of the only good devs left in the industry. Everyone else is just a greedy asshole or bogged down by corporate bureaucracy.
Anyone played that Sailor Moon mod that the dev shilled?
Too many people complain about RNG in these types of games as if randomness is the sole dictator of whether you win or lose. The reality is (along as the game is designed properly) that the randomness can be mitigated heavily and a type of skill that involves playing through the randomness properly is introduced. I'm tired of people saying that randomness in games removes skill. It's just ignorant and straight up wrong.
normal mode too easy
ascension fun until it gets too hard
7/10 it's okay
It's fun though. But after playing through with the 3 characters and getting all the cards, it just makes me want more new characters/cards to the point where I went out to try other games like it.
I wish it was easier to clean into certain types of build and that you could customize a starting deck at least a little.
Yea, the first act is so awful, every character feels the same for so long.
I'm stuck at the Heart's first big hit. How am I supposed to defend against it?
Play block cards.
Still haven't gotten to the heart. I'm at around ascension 3/4 for each character.
How often do you get a deck that can reach the heart?
is the switch version worth it
I'm on ascension 3 or 4 but only for 1 character but I've been to the heart a few times. I think the difference in having a good run is knowing when to take important risks. Make good use of the powerful items like the shovel. Don't be scared to give up healing now and then for something else.
I legit stopped playing because of it