Is gaming ever going to reach the levels of complex and nuanced storytelling anime has?
Is gaming ever going to reach the levels of complex and nuanced storytelling anime has?
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Jannie please delete this nonsense
keep up the shitpost user
I'm glad Araragi isn't a lolicon.
shaft is style over substance but the style is terrible
This animes ''story'' is trash though and a mumbled mess. People only watch this junk cause it's full of pedo fanservice and similar, kinda a shame.
Hachikuji was the very image of healthy.
My hands have confirmed it.
Perfectly Healthy.
Monogatari is shit.
Man I wish Monogatari didn't have so much pedo shit because everything else is great
Japs gonna Jap.
Probably not
I'm not saying it should be illegal you mong
What are you saying? That you're a spineless, socially conforming retard? I can even see you double-conforming to this situation
Video games are for children and are incapable of mature layered storytelling.
Are you really so retarded you can't see the difference between wishing somebody had chosen differently and wanting the government to make the choice for them
I quit watching after her death but then I learned later that she comes back
What's wrong in seeking knowledge? What's wrong in wanting perfection?
>posters of trains
>books about trains
>jackin it to a girl getting raped on a train
This kids goin places.
Spoilers shut the fuck up
I wish your mother had chosen differently and aborted you. The world has enough 95 IQ retail workers with media-prescribed opinions.
Araburu Kisetsu
The scene is better with sound
You killed a shitload of people, dude. And ate God.
great argument
this was one of the most stupid and intelligent anime I've ever seen. I can't tell if it's a pretentious trainwreck or the ultimate plebfilter.
Good anime:
>Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
>Welcome To The NHK
I might put MHA on the list if it doesn't turn to shit before the end of its run
"God" never in even seemed to care about that. From his perspective equivalent exchange was still obeyed and the amount of energy in the world remained the same.
He only got pissy when Dwarf tried to eat him.
>that fucking radio
my sides are obliterated holy shit
>that running scene
Alright picked the fuck up
someone edited this scene but she's in a diaper and shits in it.
What are some good animes for forgetting about the ugliness of reality?
I liked oriemo and nitchijou
Diaperfags truly are the lowest of the low.
>tfw too intelligent for video games
Also the only anime you've ever watched
Wait what is this shit, I swear I've seen the characters somewhere.
its pretty sexy.
>monogatari garbage
holy fuck user, please gas yourself on your sleep
It's actually particularly out of place here since none of the writer's other stuff has pedo shit in it
i wish the main character of this anime/manga would die a horrible death
not appealing even in the slightest
Dunno, are you ever going to stop sucking dick, OP?
>shitty madoka clone with nichijou's artstyle
>Madoka clone
>Nichijou artstyle
Dude Alien 9's from 1998
>shitty madoka clone with nichijou's artstyle
>When the anime came out way before all of that
off yourself
He angered humans by killing them
He angered god by trying to eat him
He made enemies with everyone
ロリコン literally means pedophile in nip you faggot. You probably think fapping to traps is straight too. Cope.
The most interesting anime I've seen is from the new world.
Most Anime is trash though.
Anime is made by pedo for pedos normalfags should fuck off
He put is heart in It thats why.
If I knew a little ghost girl I would molest it all the time 24/7 everywhere I go
why is it okay for anime man to do this but not me? it's not fair bros
>post sexualized underage girls
this board needs to be deleted off the face of the earth
There is nothing Wrong with touching little Girls if they are dead
>wojakposter complaining about anything
what's wrong with being a pedophile?
The filter worked