>wanna play some TF2 >hit casual play since I'm not some tryhard autist doing comp (but still want to actually play the fucking game, this is important) >get put into 2fort >decently fun for a few minutes >someone goes "friendly" >ends up dragging half the server along with them >if I tell them to fuck off they start screeching and telling me to go back to comp or something
Am I seriously going to have to blacklist 2fort of all maps just to be able to play this goddamn game wouldn't even bug me so much if that wasn't what I got sent to half the time, so I have to assume those are by far the most populated servers
goddamn I only came back to this game after dropping it for years last week and I'm already fed up with seeing these kinds of faggots. Just get a 24/7 2fort server set up and be autists in there like I did in high school. least them I don't have to deal with your shit.
Kill them until they kill you back, then kill everyone else who kills you back, and repeat this until eventually new people join and get caught in the crossfire / don't see what's going on and kill too. In time, the whole server will be back to killing.
You could let faggots rule, or you could restore order. What will it be?
Anthony Ross
>play casual >people are playing casually
Play comp you stupid shit.
Robert Nelson
Find your own community server. With blackjack. And hookers.
John Carter
just dont go to 2fort, those servers are always just friendlies with the occasional autist screeching about not being able to play the game. CTF kinda sucks anyway, and 2fort was always like that
Angel Cooper
kill them and say nothing
Cooper Martin
join a party server cockbreath, i'm not bound to your faggotry
Ryan Rodriguez
That happens literally 90% of games. The other 10% are games with a script kiddy.