This or some fightan gaem. I can't deny I'm a rager with those kinda games.
Levi Moore
i hope you know how pathetic you are. stop getting upset over things that dont matter
Isaiah Cruz
Splatoon 2. I do that same shit
Aiden Brown
>"fuck this game" and "you gotta be kidding me" Literally my brother. He plays shit like League of Legends, PUBG, Overwatch, and For Honor.
Ethan Nelson
If he yelling about Blueberries it's Destiny 2. And probably me
Lucas Jones
Not him but have you actually ever played a DOTA match in your life? It's like being forced to put up with dumb niggers for the greater part of an hour and if you dare think about leaving you get punished and thrown into queues full of griefers. That gets to you, unless you're one of the dumb niggers of course.
Nathaniel Thomas
He's probably just watching someone on twitch.
Kayden Green
Definitely some terrible shit like 2K, Madden, or fifa
Nolan Martinez
The only thing that inspires rage about it are the thousands of mentally ill players that are too inept to play a team game and don't take ownership of their own shit play because their egos are too fragile.
Aaron Harris
This describes literally every team game out there. They're not worth playing as much as I love team work. The simple fact is that the internets full of uncooperative egotistical hyper faggots now that grief at the drop of a hat because they've got mental issues.
Benjamin Martinez
>MFW I heard PS4 menu noises from my across the hall neighbor What kind of pleb leaves that shit on?
This 100%. Dota is the only game where I will be notably angry when WINNING because potato teammates are fighting over some inane shit while we're about to win the game.
David Myers
my hong kong friend tried to get me into mobas a couple years ago. i tried them all. dota, lol, hots. they're the worst genre of computer games. i'd rather stick needles in my eyes than play a moba. either way, it's just a computer game. if you are playing a game for fun but are instead turning beet red and swearing out loud, you are doing something very wrong. video games are not srs bzness. grow up.
I've given it up a few weeks ago. Dead serious about quitting it this time. Not even the game itself is fun anymore. Stupid fucking balance.
Christopher Torres
>srs bzness You type like some autistic 15 year old so I'll take it you have no real experience on the matter.
Jordan Long
Same but with League.
I feel like it's worse on League cause it attracts more kids than Dota. People just can't let go of their fucking egos and will throw a game where someone is hardcarrying the whole team over the smallest discretion.
Parker Stewart
I like them on desu
Unless you mean the music, I turn that off
Jeremiah Bennett
i thought it was pretty obvious that i typed it like that to mock people who DO take computer games seriously. did you seriosuly not get that? are you honestly that fucking dim? >moba player ah
Hudson Ramirez
I quit years ago basically when Techies got added. I figured i'm not going to deal with the chance of retards playing Techies on my team and fucking up horribly as it becomes evident as they really don't know how to play Techies.
Aaron Cruz
It's worse in League because they're just worse players in general who couldn't cut it in Dota or even fucking HoN so they've got serious complexes.
>upstairs neighbor I would never accept this, hearing fat burger steps at the dead of night as they get their bi hourly midnight snack, or just generally dropping shit. Also animal piss seeping through your ceiling cause even though pets aren't allowed poor people will poor.
Dominic Phillips
Not him but have you ever considered that you're pathetic and don't know how to control your temper? I've played thousands of moba matches and dealt with thousands of non-english speaking retards. Never once did I shout or strike anything over it.
William Lewis
I don't think anyone I know has even played HoN to be fair.
Luke Price
He has no pets and is generally quiet when he's not raging at vidya autistically.
Connor Sanchez
The one thing that game did that was great was restrict Brazillians and Russians to their own regional servers.
David Peterson
It was also the more hardcore moba that rewarded skill the most. There's a reason most shitters who tried HoN got placed in the 1300s and ended up switching to LoL.