Did you give a fuck about the Switch Lite Announcement today?


Lackluster for me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just took away the interesting part of the switch. Battery life also isnt good enough to justify an always undocked version.


Nowhere near small or cheap enough to justify the loss of the features. I was worried Nintendo would go the 2DS route.

yeah I dig it

No because I'm quite happy with mine.

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I thought it was fake since I'd seen many similar pictures of a dockless switch before on Yea Forums

If I were 12 again and stuck on long family road trips I'd want it.

I am sick and tired of the Nintendo Bias the mods and the board has.

Nintendo is a trash and jewish company. Fuck off.

if they ever go to 150$ or get a refresh with a screen without bezels then I'll get one as a hack machine like my vita

>I am sick and tired of the Nintendo Bias the mods and the board has.
Try Japanese bias. I see threads all day stay up where people shit on western company and white people. The polar opposite gets you banned fast

I would only care about a switch pro with better things, not downgrades

I'm personally not buying it but I think it's a pretty good deal and it's going to do really well.
I also like how it's not fucking 5 year olds in the ads.

I dont play handhelds that aren't phones anymore. Even then, if I have free time on my phone, it's either Tetris, solitaire, or Yea Forums.

I think it's cool but im really just wanting a switch pro

Didn't even know it had happened until I jumped on Yea Forums to shitpost

Doesn't replace mine, but it's serviceable I suppose?
Outside of a few first party games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing and FE Three Houses, I don't see what else really isn't affected by the overall performance drop.

So whats the difference between the switch and swithc lite?

Switch lite is a version that is "more" portable (because brainlets couldn't put the Switch in their bag). Smaller, better battery life, upgraded screen, lost the joycons, doesn't have video out through USB C, is cheaper at 200 dollars.

Doesn’t affect me in the slightest as I’m an adult and don’t use it in portable and my daughter already has one too so I’m sure as shit not dropping another $200 on a smaller switch with less features. An upgraded version with better specs and the same features as switch minus the scratching itself in the fucking dock feature and they would’ve had my preorder though. Likely 2 of them.

No because Nintendo filed a request with the FCC today about changes to the Switch's CPU, which likely means something is coming.

Not today whoops, last week

How is the screen upgraded? It's just smaller with the same resolution. It's probably plastic too although the specs sheet didn't seem to specify.

I’d be willing to bet they backdoor us with a switch “pro” in time for Christmas or 1st quarter next year. They’d be idiots not to.

DPI is supposed to be higher.

where the switch hevy at?

Don't care. $80 joycons at retail means the $300 Switch is the better buy at the end of the day. No HDMI is marketing move to make the $300 look much better, not a design flaw. Switch Lite is a 2DS, no biggie.

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Why would there be video out for a version intended for portable use?

I fucking love it. Definitely did not like the original switch but the Switch lite seems top tier.

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Isn't that automatically true since the screen is smaller and the resolution is the same?

Basically this

Yes I use handheld enough to justify it and wanted a second Switch anyway. I wish it could connect to a tv but in terms of the handheld experience it honestly seems like a better experience overall and I really like how it looks too.

Nah, they'll let the Switch Lite + Pokemon carry the brand for a while, then they'll market Switch Pro on the premise of better Bayo/Metroid/Zelda performance for next year's holidays.

i get the built in controllers but why no docked playing?
just make it dock capable but don't sell a dock or a pro controller with it
that way you get people that buy the lite+dock+pro controller or have that as a bundle and you get more sales and it's still cheaper than a normal switch
basically just cut out the extravagance of detachable joycons that have 3d vibration

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Whatever engineer at Nintendo argued for and got the d-pad on this thing is based as shit.
Other than that no, fuck this stupid pointless device. Pop the extra bill and get a Switch proper.

yes, it was hilarious seeing nintendies defend yet another stupid decision made by their god

>why no docked playing?
I'd wager it's to keep the price down.

You call every decision by nintendo stupid and yet you're still probably in every BOTW crying about it three years later ;)

A cheap Switch in time for Pokemon mainline and the holidays is going to sell, user, I'm not sure how that's a stupid decision by any definition.

Oh it has a glass screen? Instantly more interested, seems like the perfect switch to buy and hack.

Because now one of the "joycons" is inside the dock.

My wife was holding out on getting herself a Switch because of the price, and she only really plays Tetris 99 (and is waiting for Animal Crossing).

This will make a great Birthday gift for her.

The only thing I'm jelly about with this thing is the D-pad.

I honestly would've considered upgrading if I could still use it with the dock. I find the switch to be really uncomfortable in handheld because of its size but I prefer to play on the tv 80% of the time. wasted potential

>rip the front part off the dock
>switch suddenly fits inside

Not seeing the problem here

Have fun literally butchering your dock.

>5.5inch screen size
It bothers me that a gaming device has the screen size of a cellphone but only does 720p

shills are on full damage control today

It's also a video game company and we're talking about video game products.

No, that's a mockup someone made weeks ago. The real fact sheet doesn't mention if the screen is glass or plastic and it also has a shorter battery life (3-7 hours).

>No argument

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That's because Yea Forums wanted one so badly. Everyone did. And now it's here. And we're happy.

Are the colors supposed to be awful? What happened to black or white?

>gorilla glass 6
That's a fucking lie.


it doesnt actually have a gorilla glass screen, does it? did you just make this shit up?

anyway, yeah, switch lite is basically what ive wanted since switch's launch. its great. 30% more battery, 30% lighter. i only play my switch handheld and its heavy as fuck. 275g vs 400g is crazy. higher ppi as well so it'll look sharper.

>I prefer to play on the tv 80% of the time
Then it's literally not for you. It's for kids, casual players and all the other folks that wanted a handheld only Switch.

This is just the 2DS all over again. The only thing it has over the original Switch is the lower price. They clearly made it for the surge of Pokemon kids.

This. The switch is too uncomfortable and the lack of a d-pad makes playing lots of games a pain. Would have got this if it was still dockable.

I doubt it. It's just a software lockout

My friend refused to get a Switch until they made a cheaper model like this, so kinda.

>Higher ppi

That's not true.

I think they're intentionally trying to keep away from any of the normal Switch colors to avoid confusion.

Here's the real info.

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Yes, this is an autistic work of fiction.
More like wishful thinking, most likely

Seems like a niche market but what do I know.
The only thing that bugs me is the god awful designs.

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why are you so mad?
nintendo doesn't need you to defend their bad decisions

selling mine and buying a lite, then later buying a pro
the switch gimmick fucking sucks

Okay, maybe I'm an idiot and don't understand (so explain to me), but since the screen is still going to be be 720p like the OG switch, but physically smaller, how is that not higher ppi?

See the real

The d-pad is too low to really use. It's just like 3DS where it's there, but you can't use it for more than few minutes without cramping unless you've got small hands.

He's a retard. It does have higher ppi

It's not for me. I already have a Switch and I play it docked 99% of the time. The only thing I'm jealous of is the D-pad. After having got Mario Maker I'm fucking aching for a half-decent D-pad.

> Less features
> For only a 30 minute to 1 hour battery life increase on average.

It does have a higher dpi, but that's not necessarily an upgrade because some devs insist on using micro text in handheld.

Same, this is exactly what I need. While I’m not excited for it, due to it being just a non dockable switch. I only play in handheld mode anyway.

Finally a true successor to the PSP, Glad I waited before buying a switch

Removal of the TV connectivity is just a baffling decision, business-wise. They could have sold an optional mini dock (or adapter for the existing dock), which would have also encouraged sales of extra joy cons or pro controllers. They're genuinely leaving money on the table here.

>Take the defining feature of the system
>Remove it
>Still call it a switch

Dumb marketing 101

Nintendo is being greedy af. They cut all that shit and yet it costs $200? There will 100% be a price drop.

It's basically the same market as for their previous handheld systems. They can say they aren't replacing the 3DS all they like, but that's exactly what this is.

>Finally a true successor to the PSP

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Yes because there was literally never any point to the TV mode.

The Switch is a handheld. It has handheld hardware. Why do you want to plug a handheld game into your 50 inch 4k TV and play sub-720p games?

Switch Lite is perfect because it:
>Focuses on the one thing that makes the Switch cool, (Playing Witcher and Doom in bed or on the toilet) by getting rid of the useless features I would never use, like joycons and TV out, and it's smaller/lighter.
>It's cheaper. Save money by skimping out on all those features I don't want anyway, and I can use that money I save to buy more actual games.
>New CPU + Smaller screen = Games are gonna look a lot better, smaller screen will hide the low res better, new clockspeeds will probably boost performance slightly.
>Better battery life.

The entire appeal of the console is being portable. Anyone plugging their Switch into a TV so they can play DOOM at 30fps and sub-480p is a fucking retard. The Switch is a really powerful HANDHELD, it's garbage as a home console.

But it's called a Switch LITE

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I agree it has an awkward placement and I have to contort and strain my thumb to use it. I didn't have a problem with the d-pad on the 3DSXL though.

>why doesn't this cater to me specifically!?!
>it's shitty then!

It’s likely straight up incompatible. Apparently there is a component the Switch needs to function with the dock that this likely doesn’t have.

>people on Yea Forums have been complaining all day that the switch is too heavy for them to play with in bed
Jesus fucking christ you guys.

This will sell ridiculously well during Christmas. Even if you don't like the idea, lots of parents will for their kids.

And it will sell just as well if not better since the original switch looks clunky as fuck.

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Also, Pokemon and Animal Crossing are both out soon and plenty of folks just want to play those.

Design a new fucking dock

I'm waiting until better colors come out. Give me something darker instead of this pastel shit with white buttons

>buy Shitch Lite
>want to play it on TV
>jewtendo FORCES me to buy another switch just to play on TV
>Yea Forumsintendogaf defends
what the FUCK nintendo

Why not call it the Nintendo LITE?

I think calling it something different would be stupid if it plays the same games. Just lowering the number in "3DS" made them start putting an ugly badge on new 3DS games that said "compatible with 2DS"

>Why not call it the Wii U?


>replacing the 3DS
lol yeah

Considering there's gonna be tons of special editions of this thing, you probably won't have to wait long.

It's more about it being thin and having no grip on back.

I couldn't be happier since they're not going to split their fucking games between two systems any more.

Then just buy the OG Switch, it's not going out of production or anything.

I mean, if you take the switch out of Switch, then shouldn't you just call it LITE?

Maybe if it was $150 I'd be interested. But, I already have a hacked Switch.

You would make a great marketer for the Wii U era.


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Yes, because it plays the same software as the Switch. If they changed the name, the casual consumer is just going to get confused just like they did when the Wii U game out.

>spend $100 more just to play on tv
Yea Forums defends everything

That's the one thing I like about the Wii-U over the Switch, that tablet controller was so damn comfy. I own a grip for my Switch, but it isn't as comfy as the Wii-U tablet.

>tfw no geno in smash

Sorry, you need to buy the REAL switch to switch!

Because that doesn't tell uniformed parents that it plays Switch games.

currently own a switch

>can't dock
I have no clue why you'd buy a switch and dock it for anything except maybe Smash Bros. This was a good gimmick when the console first launched but let's face it: there is another generation coming next year that will be so much more powerful than the Switch. Nintendo knows that laser focusing on an inexpensive handheld that plays everything relevant is the way to go for the future.
>no HD rumble
Does stuck to not have vibration for some people I guess, but I've considered that to be a shit gimmick for the last 15 years and just turn it off anyways.
>No motion controls
Doesn't mean shit, as long as gyro is in tact (it is). Unless you want to play 1-2 Switch, I guess? Weird seeing people complain about buying $80 joycons when they have always been garbage, I'm not sure why you'd feel the need to buy another set. Almost every single switch game doesnt use motion. They even got rid of the atrocious dpad. I also imagine they've made the analog stick more robust since this is going to marketed towards younger audiences.

As far as I'm concerned this is the system I want over my original switch. I'll probably be selling it and picking this up, unless reviews show it's an actual pile of shit.

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i like that its more portable but has almost the same features as normal switch. the yellow and turquoise colors look stupid tho, i want red

>Nintendo bias
>when you're not allowed to like Nintendo here on Sonygaf
Keep seething

Telling you that the budget model is in fact, the budget model is "defending" it?

I nice gift for someone who travels a lot or for kids who often lose or break shit.
I'd like a XL version.

4000 hours in windows paint.

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>When you're so retarded that you cannot understand the LITE connotation

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Why did they choose piss yellow of all colors?

it'll make a nice gift for one of my siblings but other than that I'd much rather have gotten a more powerful version of the Switch first.

>mfw i remembered i own a switch

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Yea Forums gives all the fucks, have you see all the threads today? Its worse than Smashfags.

you're a faggot too

>dock it for anything
I play my Switch 99% in dock. I have my Switch wired to my 2.1 speaker setup and an HDMI cable running to a Dell IPS monitor off to the side. Fits snugly behind my main monitor.

It's clearly a mistranslation.

What they meant by ライト was actually "right," as in "correct."

This is the definitive way to enjoy the console.

>This was a good gimmick when the console first launched
The gimmick for me is handheld mode, not docked mode. I bought it as a home console, the portability is just for taking a shit.

>Implying Yea Forums is a single entity.

If I didn't have a switch already I'd buy a lite. The only game I play docked is Taiko no tatsujin and that's because the drum needs an usb port

I just have no clue why you'd do that instead of any other console on the market

Okay well done.

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Lite Switch would sound a lot better.

Big mad

I thought they were going to do a more powerful one as well.

Nintendo exclusives. PC is for everything else.

I think it's neat and I'm glad it's finally announced and out of the way, but I'm not the target demographic and I already have a normal Switch.

I'll consider upgrading though if a Switch Pro is announced.

Its for children, poorfags and japs with no television sets. Dgaf. Not for me and thats fine

the switch cartridges don't work in my ps4

>Any other console
I don't care about movies and I have no interest in buying an Xbox for Halo. Meanwhile I've already put hundreds of hours into this thing when I'm not playing PC games.

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I think it's inferior, but you're absolutely retardedly underage (not to mention seething) if you don't think this will sell insanely well this Christmas

own a switch and it sits there, no real games for it. 0 point buying another

Basically anybody who cares knew it was coming. I wouldn't say I've been looking forward to it but I'm planning on buying one since the joycons on my Switch are drifting and it'd be nice to always keep it docked

What's a fake game, namefag?

I wish it was like the 3DS system where I could have a system variant while still having all of my saved data to be freely exchangeable on both of them at any given time, but since the Switch doesn't offer that option I need a revision good enough to completely replace my older system for me to get it. The extra portability is nice, but since there's no option to play on the tv I'll be sticking to my old Switch.

Why bitch about no games instead of throwing it on eBay then? I don't understand retards who keep consoles they don't like.

I'd rather play in passable quality rather than to be stuck forever in 480p

Why would you want a dockless switch? Thats just taking away 1 thing it can do. Its just inferior in every way. Jesus christ nintendo has you guys hooked.

Fuck off, I like it. It's truly suffering when your favorite colors are orange and yellow, nothing comes in those. At least not one without a Pikachu slapped on it.

Poll is missing the "OP is a faggot" option. Voted "No" anyway.

it's cool that the switch can accommodate two different styles of play like this, then. I think the Lite is more geared to what I want from it, the inevitable pro (that I'll be picking up too) will be yours.

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Pokemon one looks pretty dope.


Because the Switch is a shitty ass home console, but considered solely as a handheld, it's pretty gud.

Lmao that's PS4


It's not made for neets who never leave their beds.

>tfw still have $220 leftover from a gift card i got due to a campaign and having to replace my tablet plus almost another $200 in birthday money I had since last year
>considering buying a switch for fe and some of the other games for it like Zelda, XB2, etc
>still can't justify buying a switch because there's a high chance of me getting bored with it especially since I'm not that much of a smashfag
I really wish I could care enough to buy but the last ninty system I bought and had fun with was the wii

I'm referring to gimmick as being able to "switch", not just docked play

>this is the reason they added the zoom feature

Have sex

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user please. Now whether you'll actually want to play of them is a separate issue, but as far as number of exclusives go, Nintendo wins.

Okay, but if you have the normal switch, then at least you have the option to dock it for slightly better graphics.
This version is taking away the biggest draw of it.
Why would you clamor for this, when you already have it with the switch, but with more features?

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PS4 exclusives are shit and there's a reason they're abandoned every generation, with the exception of Uncharted and God of War which seem to only get one fucking game this gen. Most people buy a PS4 for multiplats, something my PC does much better.

I want a lite with a translucent shell.

What PS4 exclusives are coming out this year?

>bing bing kiddie shit
Yeah nice games you got there

It's a usable home console and a good handheld, this could be a better handheld and an equally usable home console.

So, is the 3DS just gonna be totally dead without a forthcoming successor once this thing comes out?

Could I mod the T.V output back into the Lite one?

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Death Stranding
Ghost of Tsushima

They don't abandon it, they do something different because they're not as creatively deprived as nintendo.

I'm personally not getting one of these, but there's people out there that don't see docked mode as something they'll use at all, let alone the biggest draw of the system.

Almost all PS4 exclusives have good enough PC alternatives. As much as I love Wipeout, it's not worth it just for that one game.

I want a switch but I won't be buying this. I'll get the "Pro" version if the rumors were true. I won't be getting this though.

Not at all.

My Switch collects dust, having been only out of the dock once when a friend wanted to see it. Otherwise it's been fully docked mode since I got it. I have zero interest in portable gameplay. I bought the original Switch to play on my TV.

Your mother said that's enough for tonight.

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What do you mean "gonna"? The 3DS is already dead. The DS family has gone the way of the Gameboy.

>cant dock
>smaller screen
>cant table top
>cant detach joycons to play on other peoples switch
So no local multiplayer at all? I bet kids will love that
>only way to play with people is online
So this is the switch for "mobile" NEETs?

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>5-8 hours
The Lite doesn’t go above 7. It’s max is 6 compared to OG’s 5 and it gets 4 in Zelda compared to OG’s 3.
>Gorilla Glass 6
Yeah, sure dude. In a device built for kids at $200.
This shit cannot fit into your average person’s pocket. It just can’t.

>they do something different
>3rd person over the shoulder punch enemies #49682
They haven't had a new game since Uncharted 1 lmao

FF7 is 2020

Multiple controllers is still supported. All you lose is the one joycon for each player multiplayer

>called Switch
>doesnt switch anything
Why is it ok when Nintie does such things?

the 3rd person shooter meme is so over done it's quite pathetic, nintendies are as deprived of creativity as their bing bing god it seems

Too little too late. I have a hacked Switch now, they will never get another Switch-related cent out of me.

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Unless the second and third player play with split joycons. Of course player one might run with an adventage there.

are you saying the lite connects to other original switch's as a controller? Or joycons connect to the lite?

Who said anything about 3rd person shooter? Are you talking about splatoon? Are you even replying to the right post?

I mean, if it's anything more than a spur of the moment deal the one joycon each thing kinda sucks. If they're really planning on playing together regularly, it's probably better if they each have their own system anyway.

Because it's still in the Switch family of systems and plays Switch games and they don't want to confuse retarded parents any more than they have to.

oops, your post was so boring i didn't even finish it lol, proceed to replace "shooter" with "puncher" please

you can connect any controller to the lite just as you would on the original switch

You can connect controllers to the Lite.

>3rd person shooters is an overdone meme but bing bing is a valid critique

>not using an adapter & plugging it into a CRT TV

a mediocre insult deserves one of the same quality

It's not overdone because it is true. There are only five worthwhile PS4 exclusives, three of which are ports (Wipeout, Project Diva and Gravity Rush), one is a sequel (GR2) and one is Spiderman.

Americans love to play on their shitters evaquating a Big Mac with extra onion sauce

Coming to PC after launch
Game of the month tier
Bamham dogshit, BTFO by Sekiro and Nioh 2

>only way to play with people is online
that, and also playing over LAN, which is basically the only way people play switch multiplayer if theyre not on the tv. playing split screen on the tablet is awful.
>doesnt switch anything
lol omg rite lol its like coke zero lol its not even coke i mean youre buying it for the sugar but theres no sugar so why call it that lol why is it okay when coca cola amatil does this baka cringe edge yikes

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Again, you are still only talking about sony games

It's not overdone that a genre has similar camera angles? How old are you, bing bing boy?

Can we get a first party d-pad right joycon now?

Xenoblade 2 is a 3rd person puncher, so no I'm not actually.

VII Remake is coming out ob everything & the kitchen sink yes I'm including the switch here as well count on it

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I now know I just want to get the regular version instead of waiting

Thats the issue though. Theres no dock mode or stand and the screen is smaller. So we're gonna play mulitplayer on an even smaller screen that the original?

>open world JRPG is third person action game
You might actually be retarded

Barely any battery life gains and isn't dockable. If it was still dockable still it might've been a good buy.

>He bought a Switch Lite?

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No, because it perfectly describes most of PS4's exclusives. You are right in that most of them also happen to be in the same genre.

Okay, but why would you still clamor for a version of it that can't dock, when the version that can dock, is the exact same as the one that can't?
I haven't seen anyone say "Man, I wish I could buy another version of the switch that was identical, but it wasn't able to dock."

>I bought it as a home console
Why wouldn't you just buy a real home console? Home consoles don't come with docks.

I didn't give a fuck until I found out that you can link your Nintendo account to a second Switch and play all your downloaded games on it. The catch is that one Switch must be "primary" and the other must be "secondary." The primary Switch can be played offline and the secondary Switch can be played only while connected to the internet (to prevent them from being played simultaneously). So I figure I could get a Switch Lite and assign it as my primary console so it can play offline, throw that in my bag to take with me anywhere, and leave my OG Switch permanently docked at home as the secondary console (it's always connected to the internet at home anyway). Now that I know I can do this, I'm kind of tempted to get a Switch Lite because it'll be more portable than my current Switch.

I have a PC, I don't need another one in my house.

why is everyone acting like the original joycons are massive piles of shit and the rails that hold them are also trash? Being attached to the system is so much better. Wish they let it dock, but I doubt the new processor in the lite would be very good for docked play anyway

Switch+PC is the patrician gaming setup, user.

the battery gain is like 30%. that's huge.
how much were you expecting? do you really think you could play a fully 3d modern game for 10 hours? my $2,000 phone couldn't do that.

It's not the same though, it's smaller and cheaper.

I am happy with my current switch the only thing that would make me want to upgrade is a pro model with much better specs and next gen ports. This will do great though just not for me

>Barely any battery life
What is this compared to? 3-4 hours has been the benchmark for a decade, and Lite goes beyond that

It literally adds nothing for me. I really can't figure out why I would want my switch to have fewer features

We knew about it a month ago.

I literally couldn't give less of a fuck. It doesn't affect me in anyway and the regular switch is still available. This seems to be for people who are not my demographic, so I shall just blissfully ignore it instead of having such SUPREME autism that I cannot accept that something isn't made for me.

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I would trade my switch in a heartbeat for one that could actually be powered up by the dock. That would be an amazing upgrade, since it would allow the console to be a handheld and keep up with its competitors in power

Why not just use a single switch outside and indoors? What a waste of $200.

>sure love all these unique cinematic single player 3rd person over the shoulder action games

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Can you play your digital games on both with the same Nintendo account?

I'm probably going to regret going all digital this gen.

>jewish company
But it's Japanese, user.

Let's just say you're a kid that only plays Pokemon and Mommy refuses to drop 300 dollars for you to do that. It might be possible to talk her into 200 dollars for this year's Christmas gift.

>Playing videogames outside your home

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If I didn't just get one like a month ago I might have cared more.

Sorry the vita died

Yes, Nintendo hasn't made a good console in yes, the Gamecube was their last real console, handhelds is where it's at with Nintendo so I'm happy about this, now I can get one, I wish they stop making home consoles though.

I already own a Switch that I play docked 99% of the time and the few times I play handheld, it doesn't leave my house anyway. The Lite does absolutely nothing for me.

>It's not the same though, it's smaller and cheaper.
So, its inferior in every way? Still not seeing the reason to get this than the actual switch.
Obviously its going to be cheaper, if they charged the same price for it, that would be absolutely retarded.

im sold, nobody makes D-pads like nintendo

>Make a new system call it new home system
>It's main feature is being portable like a handheld
>Make a revision
>It's cheapened as fuck
>Now it's only handheld

SAD, what was the point at all?

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I would've been more interested if it was either $50 cheaper or had TV out/detachable Joy-Cons. As it stands, the only way I'm ever getting one is if a LE in a nice color scheme drops since I can't think of a realistic usage case where I'd prefer it to my current Switch.

To come out before Pokemon Sword and Shield drops and get people that otherwise would have skipped the generation to buy. Also, to come out before Christmas and lure in parents.

Nintendo is smart, they know their fanbase will buy anything they put out.

Whatever gets me next gen games without needing a ps5 or xbox I am 100% down for but your idea would mean I could only play those games docked and then at that point I'd rather use my PC. My nintendo games already look good I'd want the pro model to get ps5 tier games in my backpack

>they know their fanbase will buy anything they put out.
>what is launch 3DS
>what is WiiU
>what is gamecube
>what is N64
its funny the cult maymay is always pinned on nintendo

That's what I do currently, but the Switch is a bit bulky and awkward for carrying around all the time and I don't like the idea of taking my only console out in public where it could get lost or broken. I'd feel better with a smaller, cheaper, dedicated portable while the better Switch sits at home.

>nintendo announced they are selling cardboard
>fans eat it up
You're right, nintendo consumers are totally rational.


>>Make a cheaper revision
>>It's cheapened as fuck

isnt that the point?

Labo wasn't really a big seller

Might as well be said of any brand this century user.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I find handheld mode on the current Switch to be a bit uncomfortable as it's just slightly too tall and slightly too wide, so it would be nice for it to be slightly smaller for playability reasons as well.

>Can you play your digital games on both with the same Nintendo account?
Yes, you can have a primary Switch and a secondary Switch. The primary Switch can be played offline, but the secondary must be online at all times while playing. So just make the one you plan on taking out of the house the primary and leave the secondary at home where it'll be online all the time anyway.

>switch is announced
>people hail it as an amazing handheld
>say its so great to take their games on the go
>now people say it isn't that great for handheld, it was too big and bulky and there were scared of breaking it
>now they want to buy another seperate switch that is unable to dock, just so they can leave their actual switch at home docked

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But wonderbook and toio are totally fine. Hmmmm

and how many of you fuckers defended the p u, even when nintendo abandoned it. the cult is real.

>handheld only
>can't detach controllers
Why would anyone buy this?

Nope as I already own a Switch. The news was more exciting for my little sister who has been saving for one to play Animal Crossing next year. The only news I wish we got was something in regards to a Joycons revision as the current iterations suck ass with loads of drifting issues regardless of how many times you replace the sticks.

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considering selling my legit launch Switch and nabbing a lite.

Have a second CFW Switch I use for 95% of my switch gaming needs (except Smash and Mario Maker...and eventually Animal Crossing).

If the lite's battery was like 50-70% better than OG Switch, I'd do it in a heartbeat for a travel system. I'll just wait until I can get a used Switch Lite for under 150 USD and when it can be hacked.

>everybody is one person
>animu pic
Can you guys ever make a good post?

Because they dont want to take the controller off

I had to google those things to even know what they are. I believe that tells you the two aren't even comparable.

I never thought the Switch was an ideal handheld. I play it in docked mode like 95% of the time and its size has always deterred me from taking it on the go as much as I'd like to. Not every person is the same, user.

People who don't care about the gimmick and would have used the Switch primarily/only in handheld mode anyway?

Oh shit, based.

I might get one if they release an animal crossing edition and if its compact enough, otherwise my current switch is fine

It was kind of cool, but all this shitposting that has taken over is rather annoying.
>b-but I wanted a Switch Pro!
Cry to Nintendo, not fucking Yea Forums.

Keep flip flopping nintendo fans

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it's nice for people that don't already own one
Otherwise I agree - meh

>can't dock it
What's their excuse for not letting you dock it? All it needs is a port to connect to the dock

I haven't flip flopped a single time. One of my primary complaints with the Switch has ALWAYS been that the handheld mode is a bit unwieldy and it's too big to be truly portable.

You're talking to multiple people with multiple opinions. That's not "flip flopping".

Roughly the same asthe amount that defends saturn, dreamcast, and vita. Are you ok snoy?

yes. this is the portable system I wanted

Glad Nintendo finally dropped the kiddy shit and made the real Game Boy successor.

Shut up you little bitch. I will kick your ass if you don't shut up, kid.

not even close lmao, another nintendie living in his la la land fantasy

It's cheaper because there are less components on the motherboard since they don't need to facilitate the video output and no HDMI out means they don't have to pay HDMI licensing.
In addition, the console is smaller and while it can handle handheld mode it wouldn't be able to support the docked power profile because it wouldn't be able to dissipate heat fast enough and it would run like shit in the dock as a result.

nintendo will put out a new consol by this time next year anyway. they did this same shit with the wiiu.

also no port for controllers so fuck it.

It's for poorfags who can't afford a real switch

>I had to google those things to even know what they are
And why exactly are you so obsessed with knowing exactly what Labo is?

Why don't they just fix this issues the current switch has? A Switch 2.0 if you will.

to replace their 3ds

This, I was pissed when they announced that the Switch was a hybrid instead of a separate home console and handheld. Took them long enough to follow Iwata's last dying wish.

It would cost like 5 bucks per switch to give it the ability to dock. Nobody is forcing them to overclock it or up the resolution when it's docked

To play a real handheld console, a real 3DS successor over that garbage that came out in 2017.

People is retarded somehow since last decade it seems.

>saturn, dreamcase, vita, and WiiU don't have a cult following here
Lmao. they all flopped in the 10-15 million range and all have fans who love them here. Maybe nintendo just lives in your head rent free. Is it jealousy?

But if the resolution wasn't increased in docked mode people would complain it looks bad on their TV and Nintendo would rather remove the feature than allow it to generate any amount of bad word of mouth. Not saying I agree with their decision or that their priorities are straight, but there it is.

A layperson buying this for their kid is going to run into myriad headaches because they don't fully understand what they're buying. Especially when it comes to what games are playable out of the box and which might require additional joycons. I expect some negative buzz about 2-4 months after it launches (It doesn't connect to my tv? I had to spend $90 more to properly play this game I bought?) but it'll sell shitloads.

Nintendo fag spreading fake news lmao

I can't think of a single game other than shitty 1-2 Switch that can't be played in handheld mode.

There are very few games that actually require (not just utilize, but actually require) motion controls.

And the Switch Lite HAS motion controls anyway. there are even fewer games which require unattached joycons.

That doesn't make it better retard, it's still a shit handheld

>battery life 5 - 8 hours
Just wish they made it dock compatible.

I kinda like it.
I'm gonna wait for the first shipment issues to appear and be fixed, but the idea is sound, and I was just thinking about how much I'd like a Switch that didn't have wobbly joycons attached to the side.

I play my switch primarily in handheld mode anyway. I see no problem with this

>what games are playable out of the box
do you even have the slightest idea what you're talking about?

>make a lite handheld
>uses less power
>instead of having longer battery life they make the battery smaller
What a great idea

Why is that a positive? Genuine question because it's less durable.

If it had TV out I'd probably get one. I mostly play in handheld mode, and if I'm going to connect it to my monitor I'll use my pro controller, not the Joy-Cons. That being said, I'm all for getting the Switch into more people's hands. More hardware sales means more incentive to develop for the platform.

can you stream the screen to your smart tv?

Attached: apustaja.png (612x491, 72K)

That Woomy is more Interested in the Veemo then the Console.


Not really

He's just concern trolling

The battery life is better though

I think it's a shitty home console and it's battery holds it back from being a great handheld.

The battery life IS improved. It's almost like 2 years have gone by and technology is continuously improving.

No. We all knew it was coming and it's an actual downgrade. Pro will come next year.

>Pro will come next year.
Nintendo has literally never created a "pro" version of any console and there's no reason to think they will this time.

>sticks go to shit again
>have to buy a whole new Switch

Are you retarded? My point is that cardboard stuff has been pushed so hard, and so well received, while the two comparisons you tried to make were completely obscure.

No the battery hasn't improved at all, phone companies lie about battery improvement all the time and yet they all die after 5.5 hr of on screen time, its bs.

I already own a switch and is plenty portable.

So no.

You said the same thing about lite version

so you won't take any claims of better battery life and will just assume it's the same? Then just wait till it's out to make that complaint

>Are you retarded? My point is that cardboard stuff has been pushed so hard, and so well received
Lmao no

The website says it will play BotW 1 hour longer than the original. That's a 30% improvement.

>You said the same thing about lite version
I have never said that about the lite version. Nintendo has made a lite version of every successful console they've ever created. The N64, Gamecube, and Wii U are notable exceptions to this rule due to their relative lack of success. I've been expecting a Switch Lite for a while now.

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How would you feel if the releases for the Switch and Switch Lite had been reversed?

I'm the demographic for the Switch Lite because

1. I don't play on the TV with my current Switch
2. The current switch as a garbage battery life (Usually last about 3 hours for me, MAYBE four but that's stretching it.) A 5-8 hour battery life is already instantly better than the OG Switch.
3. I hate the detachable joycons so this one not having joycons is a plus for me.
4. A TRUE D-PAD and not the sorry excuse for a d-pad on the OG Switch that was trying to replicate the C buttons on an Nintendo 64.
5. Smaller for better storage
6. Not as heavy or bulky
7. $100 cheaper

Honestly I think the Lite beats the OG by a mile, but that's just for people like me who didn't like a lot of the OG Switch's design, and if you don't even use the dock feature. I only play my Switch in bed and in handheld mode, so the fact that the Switch Lite is exclusively handheld only is fine for me.

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Would have made a lot more sense. This is Nintendos MO though, downgrade and sell.

>lmao implying I'd ever buy a shitch

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Yes, but only because it mean we're that much closer to getting a pro switch that was rumored alongside the lite version.

What performance drop? Its the same Switch, just can't dock, and docking only ups the resolution of games, not the FPS. Sceen will actually be better than the OQ Switch as the smaller screen fits the 720p resolution better.

Not nearly as many people would have been interested in the Switch Lite and it would not have been successful enough to upgrade into a more expensive dockable version.

30 minutes longer battery life than the Switch actually.

>shorter battery life (3-7 hours)

Sell a Switch without a dock for 210$, immediately more value than the 200$ Lite.

>Its the same Switch, just can't dock
Why does it have the little holes and notch for the dock though?

Charging stand, duh.

>Would have made a lot more sense.
Idiot. Nintendo was still milking 3DS for 2 entire years.
>This is Nintendos MO though, downgrade and sell
>Gameboy to GB Pocket
>GBA to SP
>DS to DS Lite
>3DS to 3DS XL

If you don't think there is a Switch XL arriving sometime 2020 or beyond you are retarded

I would consider buying a home console only version before I would opt for an inferior portable only

Hello retard

Switch Lite upgrades the battery life and the portability, exactly like the DS Lite did for the DS.

Oh boy I can't wait to get a drifting stick again but this time it's stuck to the system. Wake me when pro is announced.

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My 100 phone has a better screen that can actually do 1080p and games

The -$100 price meme isn't gonna work in 6 months when the OG Switch is gonna have the inevitable price drop.

Meanwhile N3DSXL is still at the $200+ tag with no new games or support on existing titles.

I was excited until I realized it has no rumble.

I've never experienced stick drift on my joycons and I've owned the Switch since day 1. Take better care of your shit, man.

I'm going to try to make my 3ds last for the next 10 - 15 years. I barely play games so it seems possible. I'll buy the Nintendo holodeck in 2035

If it doesn't fit in my pants there's no fucking point

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>an even-more-söyful model of their home console replaces an actual dedicated handheld system
What the fuck user.

as someone who only wants to play animal crossing, zelda, and metroid it's perfect

>If you don't think there is a Switch XL arriving sometime 2020 or beyond you are retarded
Unless it uses the same joycons and accessories its not

god the PSP is still sexy as fuck all these years later. Easily one of the best looking handhelds of all time.

I want one with american SNES colors

Try having green as a favorite.

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When did sushi ghosts get a release date?

There will never be a "pro" Switch with significantly better hardware.

It would be pointless and counter-productive for several reasons:

>Would require new joycons/dock./accessories/etc., which shits on existing owners and gives them less incentive to buy the new model if they also have to buy all-new controllers and whatnot

>Developers have to either develop two builds of every game, ignore the base model or ignore the new model, which defeats the purpose of it even existing, which just increases dev time and costs

>Customer base is splintered, they now have to either buy the new console or possibly be left unable to play new games

It wouldn't be a good idea.


This is a widespread issue, and I treat my joycons the same way I treat all my other controllers that have worked for years.

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Yeah, 30 minutes. If it was the same battery it would probably be a couple hours

I still use my PSPgo. My literal favorite portable, handheld design.

don’t have a switch, was mildly interested in getting one but was willing to wait for the inevitable upgraded version

not sold on this because i have a nice tv with a good pair of stereo speakers so not being able play it on that kinda sucks

i would be more interested in a portable only version if it had a nicer screen like OLED instead of tn

the price is great, that’s about the only plus

>No green 3DS
Pissed me off too.

Had an extreme green Gameboy Pocket, lime green GB Color, lime green GBA SP, lime green DS Lite, and the 3DS had the fucking balls to break that streak.

Better than the shitty home console in every way.

I'm with you, user. Green is my favorite color and no one ever releases nice green colors of things. On a related note, that 3DS is so sexy it makes my dick hard.

Smash is half the reason to own the damned thing, and without video out, what's the point? I'm not gonna buy a second switch just to play Animal Crossing slightly more comfortably. Presumably children are the target demographic of this thing, but don't kids, you know, play video games together? Locally? How are they going to Mario Kart, or Mario Party? The portable games were designed to be played with multiple devices, but none of the Switch games are. And being forced to play online when you're in wireless range is just dumb.

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Yes, "widespread" as in it affects maybe 1-2% of owners, not just five people who hamhanded their controllers.

It's a 30% improvement on average. They list the OG as playing BotW for 3 hours but the Lite can play it for 4 hours.

I can't play the switch light with my girlfriend, so no.

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The quotation marks make your post sound sarcastic, but the statement after the comma makes it sound like you agree with him.

>Would require new joycons/dock./accessories/etc
Not true

>Developers have to either develop two builds of every game
They do it just fine on PS4 and xbox

>Customer base is splintered

Yeah and I remember people saying the OG couldn't even do Zelda for 3 hours

>>Would require new joycons/dock./accessories/etc., which shits on existing owners and gives them less incentive to buy the new model if they also have to buy all-new controllers and whatnot
It wouldn't require any of those. It wouldn't even include joycons. It would be a larger more powerful Switch Lite
>>Developers have to either develop two builds of every game, ignore the base model or ignore the new model, which defeats the purpose of it even existing, which just increases dev time and costs
Worked fine for PS4 Pro and Xbox1X
>>Customer base is splintered, they now have to either buy the new console or possibly be left unable to play new games
Sounds like lots of switch sales for nintendo

>well receive
That shit was half off only a month after it came out. All three pack barely sold a mil together worldwide. Nintendo lost so much trying to push cardboard

Why would they want to add to development time and cost though? That just makes the Switch less attractive to develop for especially for developers who don't expect their game to sell huge numbers in the first place. Just one more reason to say "fuck it" and skip the platform.

No, PS and XB do not handle it well, tons of games run like absolute shit on the base models and most games don't run any better on the new models. Because the developers/publishers don't want to to spend the time and money necessary to properly optimize for five hardware builds (PS4/PS4pro/Xbone/XboneX/PC) six if they're also porting to Switch.

We don't need incremental upgrades every 2-3 years, fuck that shit. Just focus on making the games, we don't need fewer and poorly optimized games because it has to be ported to SEVEN different platforms. Just optimize it for the one build and make it work on that.

It's nice they made a small model but I wanted a Pro model before SMT V. I guess the nice thing is the longer they hold off on it the better it can be.
Either way still not buying it. A 2nd hand model costs around the same price.

This. Nintendo knows they aren't gonna win a graphical arms race against Sony and Microsoft, so they made a console that portable.

And need I remind you all that Nintendo have been dominant in that market for the past 20+ years and I'd say it's working out pretty damn well for them.

> A Handheld mode only Switch

Yeah no thanks, I already have bad eyesight so stuff like BoTW does NOT look good on portable mode to me. I'll stick with the regular switch.

>That just makes the Switch less attractive to develop for
The developer is Nintendo. Nobody gives a fuck for 3rd party developers. They can fuck off already

>We don't need incremental upgrades every 2-3 years, fuck that shit. Just focus on making the games, we don't need fewer and poorly optimized games because it has to be ported to SEVEN different platforms.
There will be an XL. Thanks for beta testing

It doesn't work well on PS4/Xbone, lots of games run like shit on the old models, the new models just push more GRAFFIX the hardware still can't handle and they're not even 4K or 60fps most of the time, let alone both. We don't need games developed for seven total hardware builds (let's bump that up to fucking NINE when PS5/Xbone2 launch) its just going to lead to more games with shit optimization and cut corners, on every platform.

Sony was ahead of its time with the Go. I absolutely loved it though my friends thought I was stupid for buying one. All it needed was phone functionality and it would be the greatest Sony device ever made, topping the Walkman.

>There will be an XL
Then it'll need all-new accessories and controllers, which will just piss existing customers off, which I already pointed out.

There's no reason for Nintendo do release a bigger or more powerful Switch.

>my friends thought I was stupid for buying one
I mean you were if you already had a PSP, it couldn't even play physical games and the sliding mechanism broke easily.

>Then it'll need all-new accessories and controllers
Nope. It will use existing joycons and pro controllers.

It takes fuck all work to turn up some graphic options. You just sound like you know mommy won't buy you a pro so you don't want it to exist

>baby cries about the colour of his toddler toys

its still to big considered truely portable
and you also lose well over $100 worth of features
a pair of joycons alone cost $80

you don't really gain much unless you like the novelty while already owning a switch

i asked my brother what he thought of the switch lite and he got mad at me because he didn't give a fuck

that tells you enough

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They're not going to make one for the reasons I've already stated. It would not benefit them in any way.

It tells me your brother doesn't like you

Oh those reasons that I already told you were retarded and not true?

>hah you just hamhanded your controller bro

My DS4 is fine, my pro controller is fine, all my gamecube controllers are fine 15+ years later, etc. Kill yourself my man.

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then go hang out with him and stop being a fucking weirdo

>a more powerful switch with better 3rd party support wont benefits nintendo in anyway
I guess for Yea Forums it wont help cuz yall nigga never play any game but most people by game system to play games
More games means more money for nintendo

I've been needing a Switch just to play a few games and the price drop here makes it worth getting even if it can't dock. I mostly played my Wii U with just the gamepad so I can probably get by here. It actually having a fucking D-Pad helps a lot too.

i share a room with him

imagine sharing a room with your brother and not being so close to the point the only thing that could further this relationship is gay inbred sex

Ok. I'll remember this opinion when I'm buying my XL in 2021. Thanks for beta testing

>Awesome goldenrod and teal
>These will never be joycon colors now because they'll want exclusivity for the lite

Fuck everything.

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>I remember people saying the OG couldn't even do Zelda for 3 hours
Only retards who cranked up their brightness. I run my Switch at 50% brightness or less and I can easily run BotW for 3 hours.

> and the price drop here makes it worth getting

Literally a $50 difference for a gimped version. You cannot be serious.

Switch Pro will be docked mode only. The console itself will look like the dock but with buttons. It will come with a Pro Controller. You will need to buy Joy-Cons seperately. Higher resolution but not 4K because Nintendo.

I like the idea of a yellow switch especially with white buttons. But I wonder if it'll look terrible in person

Its nothing but a novelty. Just like the Dslite, 2DS, new3DS and new2DS. Its still a fucking DS. it does the exact same things and offers nothing new, other then being a shiny new model with less content. Remember when OG DS lost the GBA slot? and for what, a brighter back lit screen? Then instead of bringing it back they gave you the worlds shittiest internet and a camera as compensation with the DSi. Any 2-bit phone in that era did that and better.

Why on earth would you buy this? ITs like buying those mini snes console classic things for $80 when you can emulate all of it for 0$.

Not to mention if you're so tight on money, A normal switch sells for $150 on ebay, it will undersell this thing due to the influx of retards reselling their switches now to buy this stupid thing. Cheaper price is an invalid argument.

Because some of us don't want the shitty dock or joycons and just want to play on the go because the home console is a weak piece of shit compared to the Xbox One and PS4 and even more so compared to the Xbox Scarlett and PS5.

Lets be honest, this has nothing to do with the outcry for a handheld only switch. The only reason they're doing this is because kids fucking break the joycons all the time and parents are sick of it. Just like the wii remotes.

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>handheld only model
Gimme the TV only model

Then get a phone or a tablet? This tech has existed for nearly a decade my dude. You don't will console made games into a shitty underpowered handheld mode just because you can't entertain yourself for 5 minutes when outside and actually talk to people.

>all early promotional material for the 3ds has the circle pad matching the color of the console
>on the final one it's just shitty gray

Sorry user but I'm not made of money, and I also don't trust buying used consoles (had too many problems with them in the past) so it's a $100 difference.

if $100 is a difference to you, you need a proper job. that's not even half of a paycheck for fucks sake.

Low res isn't an problem on screen that small

>that's not even half of a paycheck
It's like a tenth of a paycheck.

I would much rather have had a PSTV equivalent
>Only works on TV
>Better controller
>Better hardware

Instead they give you a fucking downgrade and you lap it up. You don't even leave your homes. portability is nothing but toilet time to you.

I like Nintendo handhelds, maybe you should stop sucking dick and tell Nintendo to start trying again with their home consoles like they did with the Gamecube and stop making shitty gimmick controllers. Until then, I'm sticking with handhelds since it's the only place old classic Nintendo still exist in.

My phone's screen is that size and 720p and it's more than serviceable.

>Buys the dual screen system
>Buys the 3D AR reader system
>Buys the Detachable motion control tablet


>Be Nintendo
>Everyone complains your sweet home console/handheld hybrid is underpowered
>Decide to release only handheld version
>People complain the handheld version can't be a home console as well

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The last handheld of Nintendo I brought was the GBA. The last home console of Nintendo that I brought was the Gamecube.


>but considered solely as a shitty handheld it's pretty good

>pepe in 2019

The handheld only version is still underpowered.

You guys really don't get it d you? This is for KIDS. KIDs break their shit all the time. They broke DS and 3DS's all the fucking time because of the floppy hinge. What was their answer? The unbreakable brick leapster pad, 2DS. Now kids are breaking joycons and losing them, whats the solution? The undetachable unbreakable nintendium brick switch lite

Its a safety play for nintendo. they dont give a shit about your whining for portability.

Are you even gonna be able to pirate it?

>lime green DS Lite

Objectively the best system ever, I bought three of them when they were getting rid of the DS for cheap.

Apparently you "Brought" your English to.

why are french people so hot

>I bought three of the same thing to sate my autism tee hee

You’ll be waiting a while.

so how durable you think those joysticks are gonna be? iirc, didn't the joycons have problems?

I have to work an internship right now. It's a nice, paid internship at least, but I need to save up so I can afford my last year of university because I fucked up multiple times and maxed out my government loans. I can spend some money here and there but I really can't be gratuitous; remember that it's not just $200 for the console, but you also have to spend $60 per game, plus paid online if I can't convince a friend to put me on their family plan. I can splurge on nicer shit when I've actually graduated and have a well-paying job.

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>Heavy as fuck
I have a worse diet than anyone on this board, barely any muscle mass to speak of. I think the Switch feels just fine in handheld mode. Every time Nintendo releases a thing someone always says the previous one was heavy.

>Switch Lite
user I have some bad news for you.

Durability isnt the issue, its the calibration that's the issue. After a few months they start to drift off in one direction and callibrating them doesnt fix it.

Jesus, the fuck is Nintendo thinking

You think it would have been a slam dunk releasing a more powerful home-only version, but nope, the console they were saying, 'no really it's a console that's mobile, not a handheld you can dock' is basically admitting it IS a handheld.

Just don’t take it out of the dock if you hate the gimmick. If the console only version is the same specs just in a box, you’re buying the exact thing you already had.

>Reading comprehension
user I have some bad news for YOU.

>Gets rid of 3D
>Gets rid of the ability to switch

And so continues the downward spiral that is nintendo.

Why would I? This is just a worse model with a low price so kids can afford it, why would anyone interested on a Switch look at this for more than a minute and not see it for what it is?

>Didnt go for atomic purple to try to win the GBAkid audience

Calibration is done in software. Durability is done in hardware. If software alone can't fix the issue then it's because of shitty hardware going bad.

the switch's handheld mode isn't ideal
this fixes zero of its issues, so i think it's pretty bad

I'm convinced that it's just something for consumers who were waiting for a price drop to compare to the Switch and say to themselves "Well I guess the real thing isn't THAT much more expensive"

Don't worry, there will be chink case mods on Aliexpress weeks before release date.

>have 3D
>you make fun if it for having a "3D gimmick"
>don't have 3D
>you make fun of it for not having 3D
What a life being a nintendo obsessed loser

As someone who was thinking about getting a Switch I've been waiting for an improved, stronger version of Switch, not a poor man's lite version
I can wait.

Nope. Doesn't add anything for me feature-wise, it's too expensive to use as a burner unit for travel, and none of the color schemes really look good.

I'd rather use the money to get more /vr/ consoles or collect more PSP/3DS SKUs.

>he got mad at me because he didn't give a fuck
So he does care? How old is your brother 2?

Its fascinating how different sony and nintendo designs are and I think what you grew up with really shapes your tastes. Consolewarring aside I grew up on nintendo consoles and way prefer the design of the DS's over the psp. Also as much as I love my ps4 I still would much prefer a switch pro or xbox controller over the ds4. I'm not saying one brand is better than the other, its just really fascinating how different peoples tastes can be.

I will never understand the "Hurrr no gaems" argument.

Don't you have other consoles/hobbies? Why do you expect a game every month for the one system you own? Buy another system if you're that thirsty. emulate for god sakes, theirs a million timesinks on mobile to waste your time with.

I've had a switch since launch and I own 6 games for it. That's fine by me since I also own a PS4 with 18 games and aseveral previous consoles. The issue isn't no games, the issue is your lacking attention span and inability to find other outs. One decent game every 5 months is more than fair.

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>Makes fun of
You're talking to the one guy who wanted to push 3D more than anything. Ace Attorney never looked so good until the 3D dimensionalized courtrooms, and they completely got rid of that for SoJ.

Doesn't Snipperclips require both joycons?

Not a ton
It's a great move for Nintendo and will sell like hotcakes. I'm debating getting one for higher PPI and a dpad so I can just leave my normal switch in its dock eternally until the switch pro, where I can then just hack my normal switch and give away my switch lite.

50-50 on getting the lite since I already know the pro model will replace my normal switch for non hacked games since I have a launch switch which is easily modded

>where I can then just hack my normal switch and give away my switch lite.
Why not just skip the Switch Lite and buy yourself four retail games if you're not planning on keeping it for the long haul?

What am I supposed to be thinking here with this comic? Because all I am thinking about is how stupid it was.

>I hate the detachable joycons
Then just leave them on. People keep talking like you’re required to undock the Switch or remove the controllers.

Nice 200$, might consider buying it

I grew up with the PSP, I don't like the DS line design but we have guests with children I never give them my 3ds, unlike the PSP1000 which is like a fucking brick

*I do like

The psp was dogshit and I have no idea why it was popular besides cfw and piracy. The Vita was actually a god tier design and really solid hardware. It's a shame that
1. Sony tried to compete with the 3DS at $250 when consumers were so used to a $150-$200 standard for handhelds. I'm sure they were taking a loss even then, and the price was chosen because the awful 3DS launch price was the same thing, they just didn't anticipate the $70 price drop so soon
2. To make up for losses from hardware they made proprietary memory that was 3 times the cost of a basic sd card yet barely noticeable difference in load times.
3. They never dedicated good developers to it. Nintendo used several EAD developers and some of their most popular 3nd party devs to make games for the 3DS, and at the time half of Nintendo 1st and 2nd party devs were handheld only like IS after the failure of Wii FE. Sony used their questionable shovelware developers. Even the Vita Uncharted game was outsourced, and the only really high quality developer made game was Gravity Rush, which I'd argue is the only great 1st party developed game on the entire console which is just sad

>I have no clue why you'd buy a switch and dock it for anything
Because I don't like tiny little faggot screens for tiny little faggots like you.

I should say that I'm an idort but prefer Nintendo designs and games, though the Vita was god tier.
Switch lite is honestly a good successor to the Vita by proxy, minus an OLED screen (but fuck OLED since my Vita had burn in after like 4 months)

You forgot to mention
>3DS to 2DS

>hurrdurr im a retarded goy
cheaper = better

Xenoblade is only great when docked. I've played it handheld and while it's playable it's an enormous downgrade, so I only do it when docking isn't an option like at hotels.
Sometimes I just want to play with a pro controller, which I really like. Fuck scrunching over and playing on a displayed tiny screen, I'll go with TV mode for pro controller play

I already have the rest. The switch is for when Bayo 3 comes out.

The ghosting on PSP was so awful, I have no idea why everyone ignored it. I got the 3000 model which thankfully didn't have that, but it did have some weird "scanline" effect, because the pixels aren't normal
And the original model had the stick glued to the front plastic, which made the sticks go haywire if it wasn't perfectly screwed. Who the fuck came with this awful idea?

>less features
Okay retardo.

because if his switch is hacked he can literally just pirate the games

Coke zero isn't even coke. It tastes like ass, like all the fucking sugar substitutes.

Nintendo has the most exclusives period if you have a PC or PS4/Xbox.
It's not really the ultimate primary machine (unless you're only into Indies) but it's definitely the ultimate secondary machine

Yeah, it's actually good now.

Because once I hack my switch I can pirate every non online game I want and play shit like Morrowind on it

>Nintendo has literally never created a "pro" version of any console
No, but they DID release the "New" 3DS which had updated specs and did indeed play the same games better than the original.

If I do end up buying it I'm probably going to wait a couple months to make sure the analogue sticks don't have the drifting issue seen in every other fucking controller for the Switch.
Seriously, what the fuck Nintendo? This thing's got three controllers and all of them have drifting issues

I already have one. Why should I buy the new one?

But he's gonna buy a switch that can't be hacked with that money, which means he has bought games and most likely isn't a pirate. Buying a Lite if you pirate is on the same tier as "selling my TV to buy a home console", you're essentially buying a brick

>The primary Switch can be played offline and the secondary Switch can be played only while connected to the internet (to prevent them from being played simultaneously)
>to prevent them from being played simultaneously

lmao, how does that prevent them from being played simultaneously?

>not just buying a lite and keeping it in its box for 3 years until it can be hacked

Yes, wanted to have a switch but 300$ was to expensive for me, but 200$ is just fine.
Hope it will be release soon so i can finally play mario maker 2 and smash

Despite how much everybody hated it, it's kind of ironic how the PSP Go ended up being the best of the entire lineup

>Digital only makes it great for piracy
>Amazing portability with the sleep mode screen
>Screen isn't shit
>Bluetooth support for PS3 controllers
>If you had a TV with zoom support the video out was a fun feature

>barely 1 more hour of battery
>can't connect with the tv in any way, shape or form
>no usb port so bye bye ethernet adapter
>nintendon't switch

it's the most yikes revision they could possibly

Here's your same type of reply that adds nothing to the conversation by just asking the question

"why can't I seem to think outside of myself for a fucking second? If I think things this way, it's because there's no other logical way of thinking that makes sense"

here's the question:

> are you saying the new Switch is exactly the same but inferior? Because I jus can't see why anybody would think that

I never use handheld. Mine never leaves the fucking dock so this is a laugh for me.

He probably meant "simultaneously online", but even then there are workarounds for this, like on other consoles





I don't know why people are losing their shit over a product that wasn't marketed towards them. The switch lite is trying to get the 3ds market. OG switch isnt going anywhere. The only real concern that nobody's mentioned is how this will effect how games are developed for the Switch in the future.

it's the nintendont switch

thats the thing though. they feel flimsy. you can feel them flex as you hold the switch. I want a singe piece of ahrd plastic

not that other user btw. different user.

I love how most of these fanboys think the new Switch Lite is targeted to people that already have a Nintendo Switch

Man, Nintendo fans sure are fucking stupid. I mean, they bought a Switch in the first place holy fuck

Looks like it will be uncomfortable to hold in your hands.

there is a record heat wave in france right now so of course they would be hot

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>charge port still on the bottom
>has the indent as if it will one day get a dock but it wont because Nintendo wants you to buy both the lite and the original, even though the lite literally can do tv out
Charge port on the bottom is the worst fucking spot for a handheld. It's clunky as shit.

Attached: 502547031290544148.png (112x112, 8K)

But user, it's NEW, they HAVE to love it.
Also I own a Switch, best purchase I've made in years. I have negative interest in this model and seeing it getting posted over and over just makes me feel like I'm too old for this place

It'd be nice if it worked as a controller for the full Switch. Might give those that know someone with a Switch but don't have one of their own more incentive to buy it, being the guy with a spare controller handy is always welcome

>Also I own a Switch
Then you are not the target market for the Switch Lite

>ha ha what the fuck it's like snoyboys think the ps4 pro is targeted at them when they already own ps4s ha ha what the fuck they're so stupid

Attached: 1550532997077.jpg (540x496, 41K)

>PS4 Pro
>Upgraded model marketed as an upgrade to the PS4
>Switch Lite
>Scaled down model with limited features intended as a budget alternative to the Switch
Cool false equivalency

>That resulotion

Maybe there were a lot of threads with the same discussion when the ps4 pro was announced, but ultimately, what the fuck does that have to do with Nintendo fans? Everybody knows plenty of stupid people have a playstation and a playstation pro.

At least they were not complaining as much

>what is the ps4 slim

Attached: aOkdkKG.png (631x381, 247K)

where are the numbers and screenshots for proper comparison of who complained more beyond you not liking duh stinky nintendies?

Attached: wzowski.png (382x318, 198K)

No, it’s for the “t-thanks for beta testing!” fags to buy so they’ll feel superior and shit talk all the features they’re missing.

my biggest gripe is that it's ONLY 100$ cheaper when they cut off all the shit that made it expensive, it's a fucking tegra 1 it should be 150$ at worst, they are jews

the PS4 slim is identical to the original PS4, just smaller, and at a cheaper price point.
The switch lite is missing a key feature the switch has. Its not the same at all retard.

Because it's the handheld only version

All I want out of a Switch is a smaller bezel on a slightly better looking refresh. Gotta have that video out though.

Then stop squeezing so damn hard.

the psp was handheld only and it could still output a fucking signal to a tv with a cable if you wanted

there is literally nothing stopping the switch lite doing the same, I'm not talking "docked" style with more resolution and heating, I'm talking a straight up 1:1 video signal that doesn't use power at all, it's fucking horse shit because if the lite had this feature it would be a straight upgrade over the OG switch since it's a solid block with no useless meme features

>it should be 150$ at worst,
Because an angry user said so while citing no information. Based

You don’t need to use the “meme” features. It can be a block if you don’t disconnect anything.

As someone who already owns a Switch, I can't even begin to fathom why I should give one single shit.

>it would be a straight upgrade over the OG switch
which wouldn't be bad at all if they also released a better regular switch

the switch is a handheld first and foremost. It's not a fuckin home console even if thats the gimmick feature nintendo wanted to spin it with. the switch lite is the same fuckin hardware with higher PPI and oh no you cant use the shitty motion controls like it's a budget wii. you're a disingenuous faggot if you genuinely think they arent comparable.

Attached: wNH9Xmq.png (496x432, 376K)

Not even the same user, but it's pretty clear to everybody aside from you that you are being the disingenuous one here.
One cuts major functions, while the other doesn't. Just because you convninced yourself that function doesn't matter doesn't make it true.

Are you retarded? I think the answer is yes. You tried to compare this to the PS4 Slim, which, like this user said , doesn't cut any features at all, and just delivers the exact same product in a smaller package, for a much cheaper price.
This Switch lite is cutting features out of it. Its as simple as that.