What are some things you look for when choosing a video game to play?

What are some things you look for when choosing a video game to play?

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Other urls found in this thread:


a reason to continue my miserable existence

fuckability of the male characters,
im not going to sink my time into a game if the guys are not worth looking at

No movies
No sjw shit
No pretentious story
No edgy tryhard mechanics

Cute underage anime girls

Does it have sex mods
If yes, then:
In order of precedence

Character creation

I have a fetish for business wear

If the character creator lets me make a loli.

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I always play the ones with the cutest girls, of course

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That's a nice thinly veiled OL thread you got there.

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What type of guys are you into?

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OL's in suit pants are my thing

Cross-eyed niggers

Full immersion in the ASSets.

Kuudere waifus, compelling story, good gameplay.

post the pic of the 3d OL's bending over at the top of the steps

Apart from Japan, where does one find OL cakes? Are they even prevalent enough there to be worth a travel to begin with?

Is this the OL thread?

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Stop confusing anime with real life

she looks like she fucks old rich bosses

Offices? You know Japan is not the only country with those.

>Kuudere waifus
Absolutely based

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God I want some ripe Christmas cake so bad

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mmmmm yes

Any games I can play as Judy Hopps in??

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Excluding the fetishistic stuff, OLs are a pretty common thing across the world. Assistants, public officials/servants, secretaries, clerks etc etc. Stop being a constipated bitter cunt.

Something I can sink hundreds of hours into. I only play one game at a time and I don't want to have to switch constantly.

and 0.000001% of them are what you imagine them to be

back to /trash/ with you

Games with lots of collectibles and side quests.
Also cute girls with long dark hair, better if they are playable.

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the game has to let me manhandle women

long ways from home /trash/man

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OL thread? OL thread

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High skill ceiling, friendly skill floor, replayability. That's about it.

this pls

>you imagine them to be
What? Women in their early/late 30s with slight self-esteem issues, that dress and look consistently pretty, working in office jobs? Fuck yeah ring me up!

Is this a new trend I'm missing out on?

She's on the crossing but not even walking. Walk, bitch, walk!

>new trend
It's not.

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I'm no genius or anything, but I think OL just stands for Office Lady.

Office ladies are one of the central fetishes in Jap porn and have always been.

What is OL? Is that a new way of saying Christmas Cake?

Please help

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Old Lady?

Don't fed the spoon, you dumb fucks.

Office Lady. Just another flavor of Japanese uniform fetishism. We don't really have the fetish here because our office women don't have uniforms like men do.

office lady


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Lolis. They make me at least twice as likely to buy a game.

Office lady

is this anime good?
i follow the artist who inspired the anime but i can't tell if its worth watching in motion for some dip in quality of legging.

It's only 4 minutes, I watch it on the shitter. Has quality scenes.

Is this a videogame thread or an OL thread? because I'm already rubbing my dick.

Holy god damn what is THIS and why havent i seen it

Yes, it's short and delivers exactly what you would expect.

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>Lady in a black business suit
>Short skirt
>See through panties
>Wear glasses
yes please

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Don't fucking spoonfeed the newfaggots!

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Cyberpunk 2077 willl allow you to romance corpo-mommies right?

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She's living rent free in your head, user.

Focus on videogames, its what your parents' genes have set you up for.

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lurk more

What's with this anime stereotype that only women like cakes and sweet things.

My dick can't take this.

>substance over style
>literally style over substance

Braindead NTR cuck

convince me too with more crops

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porn board with no games

I really don't have anything specific. I love all genres of games. Often it just depends on my mood and what I feel like playing. Some nights I just want to chill, so I'll play Fishing Barents Sea... no guns, no swords, no waifus, no bosses... just chill. Other nights I want a challenge... etc.

I don't have a favorite genre or "theme." I play whatever I find interesting.

what games have scat mods user?


this isnt hot because it isnt real

Good character design, a wonderful soundtrack, replayability, sometimes an online community though not always

good lord THAT is delicious, that's amazing for only 4 minutes.
i can't wait to watch the rest of the 3 and 59 seconds.

>Does it look fun to me(gameplay footage, fuck off with prerendered cutscenes for advertising)
>Is there no ea/ubisoft/activision etc tag somewhere on it
Thats about it

It's all right

I look for smooth controls, big levels that don't overstay their welcome, and a story that keeps the pace up but doesn't override the gameplay.
Good voice acting and writing are important too, if the game features either of those in the first place.
Really, I just like an adventure.

>no real girl will ever approach any situation with this sort of earnest enthusiasm
Especially now that (((ironic))), (((suicidal))) (((indifference))) is the normalcunt meme.

>you will never be this much of an incel

Thanks man.

Reaching true enlightenment is OL Cakes.

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Gimme your best OL doujins

You're both missing the point on why 2D is what it is and why it fulfills that unreachable desire of someone who has perpetual enthusiasm for the mundane.

I think you'll find true enlightenment is OL cupcakes.

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Old... Leftovers?

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What are games you can make people prostrate?

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please be laxatives in the coffee

>this is what salarymen read instead of trying to get gfs and lose their virginity

what a sad existence they lead

This thread is like gleaming silver-blue, highest possible quality and taste

I've dreamt of similar situations before

I fucking hate you, kid.

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>ikuhana niro

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>visible pantyline on the left
god my cock aches so hard

Presentation and gameplay

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There are more women than men below 50-60 yo anyways.

any OL doujins where it's mother x son? asking for a friend of course

I'm retarded and tired, I meant it the other way around. More men than women.

best book I own lol

>new trend
i fucking hate newfags

>What are some things you look for when choosing a video game to play?
Cuhrayzeeness,how fun the multiplayer is and also couch multi, 3deep5me plots (Suda 51 games for example),

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Officu rady

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titty ladies

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Kyouko a cute.

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Replayability, does the game last more than one playthrough? Can I randomly come back to it/restart it and have fun? Can I have my own fun with it, even if I've already seen most of what it has to offer/watched someone play it? Is it worth playing over just watching a video?
Charm, is the setting/story interesting? Does it compliment the gameplay? Does it resonate on a personal level enough to reel me in?

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fuck this is it chief

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Sweats a lot too

hot gilfs



Now I'm sad.
>you will never turn sexual harassment into a loving relationship, built entirely on sex but it doesn't really matter

Low difficulty, but not low in the sense "if i spam items, use best possible gear and abuse mechanics it's easy"


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>thread about milfs in tight office wear and pantyhose

jokes on you OP I already fapped an hour ago to literally this

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my man

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'sup. right here, baby

you have good taste

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Depends on the voice actors, story, weather or not the cover art looks good, music and most importantly controls.

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jesus this image makes me feel like im at work except the lady yelling at me isnt hot

>glasses off
delete this post immediately. An insult to life itself.

depth is it something ill be playing 500 hours from now and still be playing/learning new things about it. only game thats done this is tf2 and space station 13


unironically if it has nude mods

Replayability is a big one to me

But mostly what ever looks "fun" to me

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business bayo would be a great costume for 3

Kill yourself faggot.

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how do u get passed the panda?

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God Hand.

>bayonetta in office attire

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>hot women
>character creator
>good music and sound atmosphere
>fucking GAMEPLAY

Do you have a non-Fakku link to this?

I can't find it on panda

Office Attire for ants?

well japanese office workers are already drone-like


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Nichijou is the only seasonal moeshit i can stand
Its so pure and happy

Where's my new season and not a damn dub?

She's a bit nervous, sometimes.

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/h/ has several torrents up for a lot of fakku rips
but here hentaiDOTcafe/ikuhana-niro-color-rendering/

That's how it is for a lot of people. It's just the right amount of cute before it gets weird for western audiences.

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I mainly appreciate it because it has literally zero fanservice or adult shit, its just cute happy fun for everybody.

Much obliged

Oh and its legitimately funny, Yukko is such a relatable autist

I like Mai. She fucks with people and I can relate to that.

That one was too fucking good.

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She's almost always nervous. It's pretty cute.


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Be it sleeping or awake

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Theres that one Anri Okita video where this happens and then 2 minutes later she has her pants off. It sucks.

I wish there was any story whatsoever of a highschool girl being cucked by an office lady.

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Why are pencil skirts so great, bros?

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>OL video
>she takes off all her clothes

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Frame the hips nicely

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Because the girls wearing them think they're being modest. They don't realise how sexy it is, which makes it sexier.


I like how form fitting they are. Any slight movement and you have another idea at what the girl looks like underneath. Plus you get to see what kind of panties they have on without seeing them.

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source pleeease
i can't find reverse image
aslo ol cake results nothing
pleasdse soucr
source ple



Working Overtime Together. It's not on the panda.

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thank you kind soul
i hope you die happy and fulfilled and old

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Any gyaru OL?
I swear I had a pic but can't find it.

I like my OL a little older, slightly chubby, big boobs and a little armpit hair.
Pic semi related.

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Horey shet

Wait, wrong pic.

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Imagine being a loving mom worried that your son is late then some nice OL brings him home to you except he looks a little flushed and sweaty, he also smells funny.

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pass the sauce mane

This woman's center of mass is ahead of her fulcrum. She should be falling over.

No OL based game
Fuck this shit

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hey nice thread

Fuck, does anyone here know of one where the OL is a milf with stretchmarks that she's insecure about? I've been searching for days. I remember the whole thing being very vanilla.

has there ever been a more perfect ol?

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Last time I checked it wasn't on panda

Pretty good but it's bugging me that I can't find the one I'm thinking of. I remember her having blond hair and maybe even elf ears.

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thanks vro

>you get to see what kind of panties they have on without seeing them
Best fucking part imo

I prefer this one.


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