is having its first LAN tournament in over a decade today
say something nice about it
everyone ive talked to in person likes aoe3 better than aoe2
i still shout unit voice lines in the car when i drive to work
Can someone explain what made AoE II better than 3? I only played 3 but I thought that game was perfect
i'd go
2 didnt have any of the stupid card bullshit where you start missions with armies and whatnot
also didnt have the janky "early 3d" cancer that most games of its era did, had glorious 2d sprites
anyway basically game balance was a lot better.
AoE II is such a classic and always -75% on Steam sales, just buy it next time and see for yourself
>say something nice about it
Interesting plot.
streamed on escapeaoe's twitch
I'm sorry but your mom doesn't count
>play 20 hours of AOE3
>head to multiplayer
>join a lobby
>1v3 and no one else is joining
>we start the game like that anyway
>we get fucking destroyed in 30 minutes by that 1 guy
>leave and never play it again
that was me btw, get pwned kiddo ;)
i used to rush faggots like you with aztecs
AoE2fag here
Stop having this weakling mentality, instead of crying and running to momma after someone beat you on a RTS multiplayer game, harden the fuck and get good
You got the privilege to get your shit pushed by someone who knows the game, stop being a pussy and challenge yourself
I agree that grinding homecities is bullshit and hope they remove it for the DE. For the current game at least there's a really easy mod to instantly level an Asian home city to 100 after which all HCs will be created automatically at 100.
I think that deck/card system adds some pretty cool customisation though.
2 has a nice balance of strategies available and the maps have more going on. Armies are bigger too.
The plot is basically assassins creed.
I didn't like it in an RPG I sure as hell am not going to like it in an RTS
card and home town mechanic is pretty rad
AOE3 was an interesting game. Never got into multiplayer, just played the campaign and private matches back then.
Today game companies don't do anything risky or ambitious like they did back then. AOE3 sold over a million copies, you'd think that was enough for Microsoft back then, but nope, they got shafted and thrown to make stupid garbage like Halo wars.
The campaigns were kino
Agree desu. I treated AOE3 like a counterpart to AOE2 instead a "sequel". It presented a different set of gameplay mechanics and scope of play. I wish it'd get a remaster to remove that weird ass look 3D games had from that period, like C&C Generals.
Nostalgia. Not saying that 2 is a bad game, but 3 is also great but unfortunately gets overshadowed by the popularity of 2.
yeah completely new players are easy as fuck to 1v3 because they don't even know that you need to keep training vills to stay competitive
getting to about pr20-25 is really easy if you just follow a basic guide though
The historical campaigns were more fun in 2.The 3 family fantasy campaign was trash.
tbqh though there are quite a few fair issues brought up, a lot of complaints I see here sound like complete bullshit from people who have barely played the game
like last thread about aoe3 I remember people complaining that cannons were overpowered when they're actually quite situational and will rarely be trained at high-level play
fun game, could've been even better today with proper support but sadly microsoft basically dumped it because of the GFC
Who else here segregates their villagers in AoE3 so that the blacks pick the cotton?
>black villagers
these don't exist though? closest you can get is native vills
it's better than aoe 2...which is not saying a lot
>not having a pimped out home town
i had this and played the fuck outta it when released
then many many years later got the dlc
and damn, they actually added so much shit and made the game even better
like a real DLC
refreshing even though its old as fuck
Yes they do some of the normal villagers you build are black, scroll in and have a look.
bullshit, what civ?
>very nice isometric graphic style
>no home city/card stuff
I'm not good enough at either to care about optimal meta game so it's irrelevant to me.
Uk at least
Def more fun than 2. Really great mods out there too.
you must be playing a mod or something, I've played aoe3 for hundreds of hours and I can say definitely that there are no black villagers
I've never played with mods, maybe kiwi CD release was different than Burger release for some reason
i bought mine at EB games in australia
>english voices use early 16th-century pronunciation
>by the imperial age, you have American-accented cowboys fighting alongside musketmen who sound like fucking Henry VIII
>No expansion where you create your own company, build your own deck, choose your royal units, etc
Could have been great.
>dutch units saying "Okay"
took me right out of it desu
Where can I watch it?