Smash thread

>Be me
>Attend my local college's Smash club regularly
>A new guy shows up
>He's shy/introverted as fuck
>He wants to main Lucina and Joker
>Stand behind him during all of his matches yelling at him and making fun of him every time he loses
>I finally get to play him myself
>Pick low tiers on purpose and meme on him until he's too frustrated to concentrate
>Taunt, tbag and pop off on him every time just to rub it in further
>He never comes back
Fuck weebs and fuck swordfags. Post mains r8/h8.

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This story is probably bullshit, but either way you are a sad pathetic person. Kys

>Being this thin skinned
>On Yea Forums of all places

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Based user, the world doesnt need another scummy Lucina or joker player

why were you so mean to him

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>The frustrated look on his face when I buried him with downthrow, tbagged him, buried him again with dtilt and tbagged him again

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you pushed him away instead of converting him. we dont need you

Fuck you you extroverted piece of trash


You messed up. You could've showed him the ascended ways of being a heavyfag but now there's no chance.