>worshipped as a Goddess for her looks alone
>Powerful sorceress with thousands of years of experience
>rules and controls ocean which covers most of the planet and contains all sorts of monsters
How did she lose to 25 adventurers again?
Worshipped as a Goddess for her looks alone
Sounds like Kuroinu
Same way Deathwing, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and Argus did, Azshara is far from the top of the "you shouldn't be able to kill that" pile
don't you know that in Fantasy every Titan/God/Primal being hides in a cave until the adventurers become strong enough and/or obtain a artifact mguffin that allows them to defeat said beings.
that is the only way these people know how to tell stories.
Oh boy another tranny shilling with sexual posts. Game is dead retail tranny, cope.
I stopped giving a fuck after legion
BfA was and is a piss take
it happens in every story whether its WoW or Dragonball fucking Z, if Deathwing awoke during classic no one would be able to stop him, if Majjin Buu had been resurrected during the android saga everyone would have been fucked etc.
>playing retail
They're not "adventurers" you retard. The PCs are literally described as "Azeroth's greatest heroes" and so 25 of the greatest heroes Azeroth has ever known teamed up to kill her.
I haven't even played WoW since WotLK but I never understood how people just completely missed that element of the game. You're not just random shmucks, you're basically super heroes in Azeroth. Tirion Fording I think, even verbatim, calls you "Azeroth's greatest champions"
>25 "champions" with powerful artifacts
>jaina the mary sue, thalyssra and that one blood elf who served under sylvanas
wasn't she also draining power from the artifacts at the same time as well
Wrong, most gods in FFXIV are summoned as a direct or indirect result of either the Empire's or the Warrior of Light's actions and canonically none of them "just wait in a cave" unless they're nonaggressive, like Ramuh, or honorable, like Ravana.
Azshara gets got after everyone got explicitly weaker at the end of Legion, and she was said to be second in power only to Sargeras
Because blizz writers are retarded and so end up writing retarded villains. 10k years into her reign, and when she makes her move, she has TWO resistance factions operating in her fucking capital city, right under her nose. Get outta town. At least Arthas had some bullshit meta plot where he pretty much allowed the adventurers to steamroll all of Northrend with the intention of just one-shotting the strongest of them and making his own 25-man raid.
Yeha but you would think multiple thousands of years worth experience and power and the ocean alone>25 heroes.
You were random adventurers in classic, then they ditched that with TBC.
>giving a shit about WoW
>Get outta town.
Dad please stop posting.
everyone also got stronger with the HoA
She intentionally let them score one on her since it'd free N'zoth, who then promptly resurrected her and pulled her out of the fight.
Artifact weapons were way more busted in-lore than the necklace
>How did she lose to 25 adventurers again?
Losing was her plan all along. That's how she got N'zoth free. Everything she promised N'zoth she did. That's why N'zoth took his waifu with him.
*timegates every piece of content in the whole game*
>They timegated a new raid and a new dungeon so that they would open on the same day and literally nobody would give a shit about the dungeon
How are they this oblivious?
Legion was actually pretty fun imo, the artifact weapons just petered out as the expac went into later patches
BFA is just another WOD experience to me except my Arms warrior is even more gimped now then he was then
I'm just waiting for a new expac in 2020-2021 and maybe they will get it right or take some time to reevaluate their shitty decisions
Hopefully we get a full blown level squish at some point, something down to like 70 or 80 would be nice
Maajin Buu walks into Saiyan Saga and slaps Nappa's ass, what do.
Watch as Nappa gets an absurd zenkai boost and goes SSJ4.
any good doujins of subordinates attending to their queen
Are you retarded?
You were more of a task force i TBC
i am more worryed bout my murloc bois than fish tits here
>How did she lose to 25 adventurers again?
how many stupidly powerful being have we killed so far?
the aswer: a lot
buu only awoke because of the high power levels caused by ssj2 goku and vejobber fight
so he could have only shown up when they became strong, not earlier
checkmante, WoWfag