Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in

For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1562793833670.png (1335x1840, 465K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1527484158875.png (1500x2250, 3.28M)

Requesting Princess Remedy healing the sun
Or if you are a weeb, her pursuing Junko from Touhou while carrying a first aid kit or a giant syringe

Attached: Princess Remedy.jpg (1408x960, 204K)


Requesting Yu Narukami (middle) in same pose as Funny Valentine (left), still shirtless but with no gloves and Yu's pants, with Izanagi-no-Okami (right) behind him

Attached: temp.png (900x600, 625K)


Futa on male. Make it happen.

Attached: 1527809719143.png (1212x1130, 922K)

New thread, good timing.
Here to deliver more Yumi.

I'm also open to more Yumi requests so give me more ideas.

Attached: Yumi 5cen.png (836x1359, 1.49M)

Requesting grea shedding her tanned skin at the beach

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040179000_01.png (960x800, 85K)

Requesting Shygal as a Pokemon trainer

Attached: Allister.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Requesting goro akechi dressed as goro majima preferably yakuza 1

Attached: Akechi.Goro.full.2056913.jpg (957x1332, 315K)

Requesting Wu-Ruixiang wearing her hair in big poofy fancy decorated hairbun covers instead of that hairloops thing she has going on right now.

Attached: Wu-ruixiang_request.jpg (2564x2292, 1.3M)

Requesting Carlos from Rune Factory 3 making the face on the left

Attached: ConfusedCarlos.png (600x349, 436K)

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie, cuddling!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 5CEA4C62-F7EE-4D19-B913-36058B09F87F.jpg (803x997, 89K)

More /fit/-Youmu!

requesting fusions of Misty, Patra and ankha

Attached: 2019-07-10.png (824x640, 164K)

Requesting HK416 giving a grumpy looking G11 a short and neat haircut and maybe getting her to straighten up her appearance in general.

Attached: Gun girls ref.png (1790x1024, 617K)


Do one of her in her kung-fu outfit; that one's cute with the covered hairbuns


requesting a replica of this unit's tattoo

Attached: 7864876.png (1252x1197, 1.49M)

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY, all completely nude, at the beach playing with each other in the ocean please. If four characters is too much, then drawing any two of them is fine.

Attached: 1562497486154.png (1384x516, 1017K)

This but traps.

felt like 4th panel unnecessary

Attached: mom.png (888x1706, 801K)

Good to see you back, T-Rex man


Someone requested Bea removing her sports bra to reveal a gigantic pair of tits a couple of threads ago so check em

Attached: bea 1a.gif (599x540, 83K)

Drew this.

I quite like that one so sure, I'll think of something to draw with it.

very very nice
micro bikini plus randoseru

>my requests keep getting deleted for off-topic
>my posts where I pretend I'm a mod keep getting deleted
>maybe I should stop?
>no let's just circumvent the rules and do this
You already have to imgur all your stupid OC pics anyway cause you kept getting banned any now this? Pathetic.

Poke-Youmu is amazing.

Requesting Bea trapping Maylene with a leg hold/lock

Attached: beamaylene.png (1006x760, 405K)

requesting equal treatment

Attached: boy-girl.png (600x400, 186K)

Missing Miriam's horns but cute.
Please stay around and draw more

i hate it
pic related

Attached: 1431366173398.jpg (914x634, 449K)

Requesting a futa Villager getting fucked in the butt while she lifts her dress.

Attached: 2464E187-898E-4F68-945F-C15A69980AAA.jpg (512x512, 56K)

Requesting Tifa hugging concept art Cloud

Attached: Concept Art Cloud Tifa.jpg (1392x905, 161K)

nice caskett


Requesting Honolulu in a cheongsam, akin to St.Louis' skin

Attached: Honolulu.png (732x1024, 570K)

Hey nice tiddy witches Scas, good to see you drawing here again.

ur gay

Requesting Ilsa with a big and fluffy tail, hugging it close like the bottom pic

Attached: DjseiOhVsAAlclE-orig.jpg (1024x1660, 336K)

Requesting a Milf/big sister May with a younger Johnny. He can be a teen or shota, just as long as he's shorter than May.

Attached: johnny and may.jpg (480x684, 74K)

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

Requesting this view with FemRobin without her coat.
Robin reference:

Attached: 1562732982681.jpg (703x816, 81K)

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

Requesting Kyoko from River City Girls disco dancing outrageously with her funky 90's self.

Attached: request.jpg (1129x480, 172K)

Give me something cute to draw!

Attached: seraphina_bikini.jpg (1340x1635, 292K)


Requesting this ex-Princess being fucked silly from behind while laying down. Or the aftermath with cum dripping out of her with her hips sticking up.

Attached: Dumbass Princess.jpg (810x1200, 54K)

Draw Io Haborym from HEARTBEAT, she's cute.

Attached: IoHaborym.png (722x555, 295K)

Beetle Kirby playing with beetles

Attached: KTD_Beetle.png (1470x2929, 3.11M)

Your art style looks familiar... I believe I know you.

Requesting an outfit swap with Isabelle from Animal Crossing and Sakura from Fire Emblem.

Attached: Request.jpg (3800x2152, 690K)

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Kirby is shit


hope you draw more good stuff like that
Sera is good

Requesting Allister giving a footjob

Attached: Pokemon-Sword-Shield-Gym-Leader-Exclusive-Allister.jpg (738x369, 52K)

all me btw

Requesting Synergrace from Enter the Gungeon wearing a Dragon Quest 8 witch/siren's dress, preferably with the dress being orange and the diamond patterns blue, sort of matching her original outfit.

Attached: Synerwitch.png (1800x1950, 1.55M)

silly but cute

Draw a goat but they are doing something humany

Blackrose giving Kite a love letter and being super embarrassed about it.

Attached: Fucking.jpg (1210x1598, 324K)

Requesting thicc and busty Gambier Bay from Kantai Collection in a tight American flag swimsuit.
For lewd: make the swimsuit wet and transparent. Her whole body, especially her thick blonde bush and nipples are visible.

Attached: Gambier_Bay_Full.png (620x997, 150K)

Arisu creeped out about being given a figure of herself.

Attached: 71wrcwlLiML._SY741_.jpg (432x741, 39K)


Attached: cake boss.jpg (960x1440, 132K)



Sirius with her sword out in front of her, hands on the bottom of the handle, wearing a set of full maid-armour
Think the Famicom cover of Soul Blader

Attached: Sirius.png (906x1026, 904K)

Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She have cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.

Attached: Primm_ref.png (1514x518, 924K)


Attached: 1533131733983.jpg (859x839, 212K)


Requesting a pikachu wearing a scribblenauts hat

Attached: Pika_ref.png (1182x629, 423K)

Draw Hat Kid, but wearing a raincoat and wellingtons. Also, have her not wear pants, since she doesn't want to get them wet

Reposted due to typos

Attached: hatto kiddu.png (628x682, 355K)

Requesting a humaned Marina (basically wearing an outfit similar to the right)

Attached: Marina humaned.png (2940x2040, 3.14M)


Requesting Sirius themed smug drill-haired Bombergirl

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

Wakisacks in a one piece swimsuit

Attached: Th14Wakasagihime.png (372x471, 123K)

Requesting Shygal looking at Allister when she got the manlet of Shyguy next to her

Attached: damngina.jpg (800x450, 68K)

Requesting Shinon in a fancy suit standing triumphantly on top of the dead bodies of Lethe, Devdan, and Anna while screaming "Fuck subhumans!"

Can also be portrayed as him dreaming.

Attached: Sicker than your average subhuman slayer, skin's white as snow and I dress like a player.jpg (2720x800, 236K)

The Nooklings from Animal Crossing running a lemonade stand or trying to stand on each other's shoulders while wearing a trenchcoat to make them seem older.

Attached: 8cda660b742429498212002d7991ac45--animal-crossing-funny-animal-crossing-city-folk.jpg (474x474, 47K)

Taking shitty Yea Forumsidya reaction images edits requests (like pic related).

Attached: cirnoconcernedaboutyourfolders.jpg (280x280, 65K)

Lancelot wearing nothing but a fundoshi(loincloth)

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040023000_01.png (960x800, 106K)

Requesting Aqua ass

Attached: aqua.png (2632x1252, 1.21M)

requesting bridal Mym

Attached: mym.png (400x400, 150K)

requesting aiai dabbing

Attached: aiai_render_by_nibroc_rock-daoip62.png (2500x2500, 2.3M)

do you do commissions?

Requesting a hypnotized/tranced Jinako

Attached: Karigiri.Jinako.full.1616316.jpg (4273x5197, 3.36M)

Refia as a catgirl (like a cute/sexy Cait Sith inspired) outfit/class or dresses as nu-Tifa

Maybe it'll help if I put these for an idea, since I just looked on the booru and saw them

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Can someone do Sion from Melty Blood (pic related) playing chess with an Alakazam, with their inner monologue being “All according to my calculations...”?

Attached: 85EC7F04-C4F7-4113-BBDC-4782C46CDFE0.jpg (993x1249, 117K)

more roll


weird ears

Gimme obscure girls

Here, posted your request in the proper board
No need to thank me. Here's hoping you get your delivery there.

this but wario

Attached: rich.jpg (816x640, 55K)


Give suggestions, don't just shout

so? She's perfect for me?

Attached: comfybedMare.jpg (262x206, 25K)

Draw a Charizard version of this.

Attached: 4A899DC7-AD21-4FE7-BF78-AC23AFBB1A77.jpg (639x484, 130K)

Alright, gonna try these 2

Mae relaxing under two umbrellas on the beach.

Attached: Mae.(Shining.Force).full.1212538.jpg (571x800, 171K)

This but with Cirno

Attached: 1495077153902.jpg (1500x1295, 320K)

This with Princess Peach.

Attached: IMG_1835.png (1136x640, 547K)

tried to retouch my astolfo after watching youtube tutorial
how to improve myself other than keep drawing?

Attached: astolfo.jpg (2139x4050, 1022K)

This spy

Attached: assault.jpg (1909x1330, 303K)

I'll start with this one.

Viola Gyune. I prefer Ken, but she's not nearly as obscure.

Attached: Viola ZOE.jpg (640x882, 37K)

Requesting Shatae as an SMT Mermaid

Attached: 70443C6A-BED3-42F9-A4B0-DEF51ABB5FA8.jpg (750x1120, 290K)

Please don't touch roll with that sameface of yours again

Eleonora wearing ear mufflers to sleep.

Attached: __eleonora_dragalia_lost__ea5281bdab0c790ee1666899d141143a.png (1024x1024, 885K)

fuck off crab

just be aware of where you can improve, and yeah
keep drawing

Wooloo the sheep asking us
Do you are have stupid?

Attached: BA9D1C1D-F484-419C-B7D7-7A7AAF616CEE.png (1088x442, 740K)

Requesting a female AoE Priest.

Attached: 0.jpg (600x600, 27K)


Attached: 1561669499661m.jpg (756x1024, 75K)

good boy

real nice work (hard degen?)

great work too, which drawfriend are you?

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Can I please get a version of "Me and the boys" with the Regis from Pokemon?

Attached: Untitled-3.jpg (880x480, 78K)

>No tanlines

These two

Attached: D9h6pusUYAA-1Kd.jpg (1200x1054, 244K)

Fucking trannies.

Requesting Marija from Muse Dash in her magical girl outfit giving a buttjob.

Attached: Marija Magical Girl.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Requesting sachiko turning into a gorgon after being bitten by a venomous snek.

Attached: RinSachi_012.jpg (1280x1841, 444K)

I wish you luck with all the muse dash requests

Are you the one that requested that “Quark” character?

Vidya girls as cute traps.

Doing what

Requesting this thing as boss enemy. Which game is up to you.

Attached: 1562316540823.png (1280x1154, 877K)

Mirai revealing her personal gun

Attached: skb-screenshot-7.jpg (400x240, 16K)

Requesting Claire from RE2 reading a magazine while she's on the toilet and not noticing a Licker's tongue coming down from the ceiling behind her.

Attached: Claire-Redfield-Resident-Evil-2-Red-Leather-Jacket.jpg (510x644, 22K)

Nora from My Time At Portia in a morning gown brushing her hair.

Attached: Nora-concept.png (526x794, 210K)

Enjoying a campfire.

Attached: Bridget.png (761x899, 671K)

are you still taking requests?

Requesting tan tomboys in frilly swimsuits

Attached: 1562585688938m.jpg (1024x1018, 108K)

i see thanks

Attached: JustWAAAAme.jpg (816x640, 192K)

Requesting a tied-up Young Nina from BOF3

Attached: youngninabof3.jpg (284x320, 18K)

excellent but why's his Wumbo set to Mini

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Attached: endless-space-2-horatio-update-horatio-leader (1).jpg (890x501, 119K)

>Mae (Shining Force)
It's nice to see someone request something from this series but it's May from Shining Force 2, the Mae in Shining Force (1) is a different character. I'd take this request if I was good at anything furry though.

Attached: May.jpg (246x276, 27K)

Appreciate it mate, thanks, im jerome (Seraphina guy)

this is some pure good content, you did well random guy

Requesting wadanohara surrounded by ducks.

Attached: 1556218024784m.jpg (1024x705, 170K)

Stop calling things that don't have snouts furry.

Attached: 1470200302119.jpg (720x480, 33K)

Yeah I forget the spelling sometimes since it's been so long. I just followed what the pic said when I got it.

Requesting Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo dressed as the Phantom of the Opera.

Attached: Shizune and Phantom.jpg (695x508, 76K)

Requesting Wadanohara being BULLIED by a group of ducks

Attached: 0035.gif (173x175, 45K)

He probably means the fur on her horse half if she were on the beach.

Not him, but what's your tag in the booru?

And Bridget holding hands with Astolfo would be super cute.

Draw poison being stood up on a date.

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

I wasn't sure if saying I'm not the best at animals was the right thing to say, sorry.
Understandable, I just didn't want an user to get confused if they tried to look up more references of her.

Requesting the blacked meme with thicc horny gerudos around an innocent hylian boy

Attached: urbosareference.png (1212x960, 1.53M)

Who drew this?

Attached: ac2942c54136d818dad62cbf439d4dfe07531a60.png (620x877, 339K)

I don't know. I guess I wasn't pay much attention.

Attached: JustWAAAAmyshitup(W).jpg (816x640, 194K)

>game e ninja neptunia
Requesting Blanc, Noire, or Vert or their CPU versions White Heart, Black Heart, and Green Heart, as ninjas or Taimanin-style ninjas. Or either with Iris Heart.

Attached: D24rjHCUcAIRga0.jpg (1200x675, 131K)


Attached: 5b0317e5-1b00-487d-9e1b-0a1e0778aaa4.jpg (1098x1111, 91K)

Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes, or working out in a sports bra and spats. Also, her dressed as Tifa from FFVIIR, same breast size too

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

Requesting a catgirl version of the Starvling Cat from Fallen London.

Makes me wonder what the Masters would look like as cute batgirls?

Attached: starveling.jpg (800x600, 66K)

Requesting Shiki in Samus' zero suit

Attached: 1562640632795.jpg (640x800, 102K)

maybe you feel like wario in that image. nice work still

Requesting a smol airy with baby wings still unable to fly yet.
Running around a model aircraft, making airplane arms and noises.
She could also take a ride inside a mini toy airplane guided by a giant hand.

Attached: Airy-sized Reference.jpg (2000x2000, 1.3M)

Requestiing Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa dressed as Eleanor Gloria from Shadovwerse, or vice versa.

Attached: Himiko and Eleanor.png (2425x1200, 2.46M)

Requesting Suzy from Magician’s Quest Mysterious Times doing it in missionary position


Attached: F9113087-7B81-4BD7-9C10-D7C2B4A8B9DF.jpg (150x214, 10K)

Requesting Ariana from Pokemon Soul Silver having accidentally fallen over Ethan who had just wrapped up his first day as a team rocket grunt


Attached: tre akward fall.jpg (2000x1280, 1.06M)


Requesting Saria as a yandere Great Fairy, holding Link in a jar, lustfully staring at her trapped prey

Attached: Great Fairy Saria gonna molest Link Alpha Omega.jpg (3322x1334, 677K)

This but with ochinchin

I'm trying

But this dude always comes along

Anything but this

Requesting this but with Monika
Or all DDLC girls in this way.

Attached: 1561769274989.jpg (420x413, 16K)

Requesting Monkia and Sayroi in the same poses as pic related, wearing thoes same outfits, Sayori being the one sitting down, with a super upset/frustrated look on her face, blushing on the brink of tears, but still cute. While Monika looks to Sayori with a smug face saying "Gonna cry?"

Attached: stock image.jpg (1024x545, 60K)


Requesting the right image but with Sherlock Holmes from Ace Attorney

Attached: Holmes and Tokyo Dark.jpg (1744x785, 275K)

Tsumugi drinking all the shampoo

Attached: Danganronpa_V3_Tsumugi_Shirogane_Halfbody_Sprite_(Mastermind)_(4).png (1024x1024, 799K)

This with Chevalier d'Eon

Requesting Shantae dressed as Trigger-chan/Luluco

Attached: trigger_chan_by_zwimmy_dbrfbq8.png (900x1200, 383K)

kawaii snek

Attached: senkong.png (725x1286, 74K)

Requesting Summer Lilina getting fucked by huge bandit dick/dicks

Attached: S_LilinaAttack.png (1684x1920, 253K)

I'm not sure what I was supposed to do with it.

Attached: EyelashZard.jpg (639x484, 84K)

I dont have a tag yet

The idea was a distressed possum, but I like it regardless.

Okay, I take it upon myself to christen you as “Taggy”

Good shit m8


Requesting lewd Trap Re-Class

Attached: BBV_Battleship_Re-Class_561_Full.png (530x668, 367K)

Threads too slow, I want to start a debate:
>When was the absolute best period of the Yea Forums and /vg/ drawthreads ; when was it the worst

Attached: 1555073091874.jpg (400x400, 26K)

here u go nya

Attached: nut.jpg (1000x1000, 299K)

Fucin rip


I'm sure the OR will love it!

holy shit his nipples


theres no best or worst period its always the same
right now it could be bad to some people it could be good to some people

i never played this game but i love this

Requesting Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney dressed as Magilou from Tales of Berseria, or vice versa.

Attached: Kay and Magilou.png (680x625, 343K)

Spider sachiko issue#1

>the fucking wingspan on that boy
Thy Lord has a strong arm

Yui and/or Mishiro from Trap Shrine

Attached: ev115_2.png (1280x720, 1.13M)

OR here thanks a bunch for snechiko.

Attached: 1530043232666.jpg (793x600, 52K)

Mecha Eli-chan eating a golden apple

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

Stupid, ugly.... thing!

Attached: 1542653487754.jpg (500x514, 23K)

This but the Golden Axe from the game Golden Axe.

Foxhound Kai wearing a Canada-flag bikini

Attached: FoxhoundKai.png (912x1024, 1.15M)

Kill it! Now! Please!

You second

>just taking a bite out of an axe like it was normal food
That might be funny, just make your own request.

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Amelia using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

Attached: WhenyourdumbbutthenMarielmakesapostonvdrawthreads.jpg (1500x1295, 294K)

Those lolis are so small and fuckable

Why does this look sexual

Perfect user

Attached: 1487658065854.png (283x390, 246K)

Requesting a futa Fi inserting her massive sword into Link's boy sheath. Preferably in his Gerudo outfit.

Attached: image.jpg (500x446, 47K)

Yeah, I know, but I'm asking for the other way around.

Hey user the drawfag here and im working on it now. should have the line art done in a while and then ill color it, thanks for being patient.

Requesting Lightning Farron taking a rose petal bath

Attached: Light.png (1768x1872, 2.69M)

based request

color version.

Attached: CIRNO HAS A GUN.jpg (1500x1295, 486K)

mascara, artist probably draws a lot of porm

Time to see this in every single Castlevania thread for the next three years.

Any good drawfag taking commissions?

I wanted to request shulk looking like an engineer/researcher doing engineer/researcher things

Attached: Shulk.png (374x600, 251K)

Depends on your definition of good...

Attached: 1493090650727.jpg (1040x974, 264K)

Requesting Hoppo dressed as Island Link and hoppo (sister) as Aryll.

Attached: 1562743168380.png (1220x1108, 1.12M)

There you go. I'm still trying to figure out how to do things in this style
I'm feeling a bit better now, fever is not fun
got my first kofi thing, i'm happy
Don't bully the witch

Attached: witch_wo_class.png (800x764, 453K)

why she so big and giant

Cute watch.

Idk I just tried to kept about the same proportions as the guy from the original image.

fair enough


No worries! I'll wait as long as it's necessary

Oh finally
Give Mina a little upgrade

Attached: 78800A8D-86AD-456F-90D8-95A2F5606271.png (712x1500, 436K)

Alex from yokai watch with average breasts for a girl her age.

Attached: __yamaguchi_mika_youkai_watch_drawn_by_om_nk2007__0fdde14c425904b3f467a4cc030a62d9.jpg (741x1000, 85K)

Requesting Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2 post-masturbation.

She is looking at her juicy wet fingers, panting and sweating.

make it lewd af but no actual nudity.

She is saying: “I went boom...”

Attached: Tiny_Tina.jpg (1920x1080, 166K)


Attached: Th17Marisa.png (1038x1061, 632K)

Requesting this with Lili from Tekken, and with Asuka at the back

Attached: 501.jpg (400x335, 100K)

No you're not. Literally just baiting


Attached: JANNYGOTAGUN.png (600x603, 116K)

trust me bro I'll at least do one

Draw Gene wearing an American Flag bikini, to celebrate PSO2's official english release

Attached: CARD-00006339.jpg (437x600, 95K)

Requesting a Yea Forums waifu (Aigis, Lucina, Reisen, Tharja, Dark Queen, etc) fused with The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt from Earthworm Jim

Attached: QueenSlugForAButt.jpg (600x350, 86K)

Wonderful witch.

Witches exist to be bullied

Talos wearing a baseball top (maybe with 33 on it for a number) with a baseball bat and i guess hitting a ball and yelling HOMERUN, since thats one of her battle yells in-game when attacking.

Attached: Talos-i_087.jpg (1280x1810, 394K)

Wow, stop being gay anytime


Requesting user getting bullied by a mean witch.

Attached: file.png (296x363, 115K)

Hey everyone! Summer is nearly upon us, and the Summer Collab is underway! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!

Here are all of the entries currently:

The current deadline is July 31st; Can't wait to see what everyone submits and hope this is a cool Summer project for everyone!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.76M)

Requesting Nia as a sad cat

Attached: cat.jpg (1788x572, 201K)

Requesting more girls in heart-window thongs

Attached: 1550253352825m.jpg (539x1024, 75K)

Taking silly pene edit requests.

Attached: penep.jpg (504x651, 124K)

Sorry about the delay in responding (I was in a DnD session,) thank you for picking it up!

seaside summer Aradia please


Attached: 1439115249481.jpg (285x281, 34K)

Its time for a Miriam anchor picture. Like using it on a chain like a whip.
And, Miriam accidentally wrapping herself up with her own whip

Attached: miriwhip.png (222x318, 141K)

Requesting a drawing of Atalanta from Last Origin having *accidental* wardrobe malfunctions. Both nipple slip and pussy slip if possible.

* There are currently two drawings tagged "Atlanta" on the booru, but the artist behind insisted that this incomplete drawing must not be considered to be a delivery, while in Atlanta *deliverately* exposes lower half of her body.

* Look. I'm tired of all those teasing images like this where the female character(s) wear(s) much-revealing clothes but won't officially show us important body parts undressed. That's why I'm requesting a nude of her. I don't care if the game is trash or not. (In fact, I haven't played that game before.)

Attached: Atlanta.png (1000x1000, 426K)

Camilla pls

Attached: Camilla_art.png (250x440, 142K)


Reminder to laugh at this nerd

Attached: ezgif-2-cdedc5240169.gif (352x240, 469K)

Goddamn you pokefags work fast

Haven't been following draw threads lately, but his posts are being deleted? If so then MODS = GODS

Posting an update for the Alexstrasza drawing i started last thread

Attached: alexstrasza mermaid update.png (2000x2000, 614K)

requesting this but with aigis

Attached: 75233272_p0.jpg (764x1080, 420K)

Did they finally ban Mexico from posting images?

I'd like to request this with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

Hm, I don't remember drawing that.

Do you have a different angle?

What? No, its just the hunter coming after me again.

>got new event item
>its sexy
Im starting to dislike mabi event outfits.

what? like not even close bro, what are you smoking?

>What? No, its just the hunter coming after me again.
What's a hunter in this regard, you loser?

Tell the tagger he's an useless idiot

Only hopeless losers with no friends still play mabi
Move on from your kmmo garbage, spic

>complaining about moderation
>deluded into thinking it's just one guy


>starting to dislike
Oh, honey, it's been bad

Attached: baaAAAAAAAAA.gif (243x367, 831K)

Aren't you equally as useless though since you can't figure it out?

If your posts are getting deleted you're doing something you're not supposed to. Cease your faggotry.

Requesting Bayonetta trying to seduce a completely oblivious Captain Falcon

Attached: 1554487147167.jpg (540x304, 74K)

post the item

Astolfo please


Requesting the Hudson protagonists standing together

Attached: Hudson characters.png (2084x2420, 1.34M)

Is that sheep sucking it’s own dick?


Requesting Noire with a big sweaty butt

Attached: 1007008810.png (881x1200, 1.52M)

Attached: araarapene.png (504x651, 112K)

Here it is, user. I hope you like it!

Attached: normal adult.png (590x690, 187K)

13 inch pene

Requesting Makoto Nijima from Persona 5 dressed as Eleanor Hume from Tales of Berseria, or vice versa.

Attached: Makoto and Eleanor.jpg (1923x1962, 337K) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

I want to play battletoads with it

Now all we need is art of your OC with this cleavage, complete with nipple slip

Wedding dress Myrrh please

Attached: myrrh.png (1288x1676, 846K)

Taken mecha musume request.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

looks fine to me, oscar

shantae benis

Attached: snek.png (181x178, 68K)

Its the cleavage. Anything that hints at sexiness is a turn-off for Mariel. He's an outright prude and, considering his atheism, most likely an SJW.

Anila looking like the weresheep
Or if you want, bondage, which can be still SFW too

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040027000_01.png (960x800, 206K)

Attached: NEXT_Schematic_ACFA_Merrygate.jpg (1596x809, 150K)

I require a briefing, he's been in every thread

Attached: 1545219693321.gif (600x313, 860K)

Requesting Blaster Master Zero Eve with tits as big as Kanna's, and the two symmetrical docking

Requesting draws of Ryza's perfect ass and thighs, like bending over, climbing a ladder, doing

Attached: D8ShY4PU0AAw4b1.png (800x800, 1.15M)


He is dead user, let him go

Requesting badass art of Ru from Kantai Collection like in a combat or menacing pose, looking scary is also cool for this request but different ideas are also appreciated.

Attached: ru battleship.png (1520x676, 1.67M)

Requesting a mecha musume Samus, like

Attached: Samus.jpg (3832x3013, 2.71M)

Requesting Melia bathing, nude, in the Shimmering Pool (Makna Forest, Xenoblade) please

Attached: melia shimmering pool makna.jpg (1962x1302, 825K)

Her wearing a mecha musume combat armor inspired by her weapons or maybe as a badass robot girl.

Counter-requesting Samus as a proper robot girl with fully mechanical features instead of just generic anime girl with vaguely mecha themed stockings. That style of mecha musume is so dull.

Attached: 1494675570140.jpg (700x990, 121K)

Requesting this but with Bea.

>used to be really new to the draw thread in december
>notice I'm still seeing the same requests posted every day

Attached: 1562562691039.jpg (560x560, 319K)

There's a lot of info on Marel, but I just feel like posting this particular snapshot. I'm pretty convinced that Mariel is a SJW at this point.

Attached: mariel the sjw.png (1405x155, 11K)


Requesting fire claymore Kirby dressed up as Guts from Berserk

Attached: d1f2gzx-3137f159-7426-445b-b0ad-c4864affbcb5.jpg (673x436, 54K)

90% of the drawthread are people who think that if they just keep posting somebody will do their request, which doesn't happen. The remaining ten percent is people who give up after somewhere between one and five threads.

Hifumi cosplaying Jack Frost, like a gijinka
And Hifumi wearing a full chuuni outfit

Attached: hifumi.jpg (800x1750, 84K)

Mishafag shut the FUCK up

Pretty darn cute work with this and the skeptical look on your villager's face was a nice touch. Thank you very much!

Haven't you seen the imgurs?

Are you just picking completely random posts to accuse of being mishafag now?

Requesting this but she gets destroyed by Aigis.

Welcome to Yea Forums drawthreads. Unironically, without exaggeration, over half the requests in every thread are by three different people.

Attached: b3d82085b4b9363dd9f5b4aa91dc1e666e0b88a9.gif (370x501, 384K)

He's just one of those "enlightened by my own intelligence" guys who looks down on and thinks he's superior to all the knuckle-dragging neanderthals who still experience such immature and illogical emotions as sexual attraction.

Attached: riderofpene.png (504x651, 145K)

Considering how much of a hypocritical waifufag he is lurking in a fucking drawthread for literal years pretending that people like and respect him he might have actual brain damage.

don't use drugs

nice and cute

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

Attached: face.png (1875x1275, 1.16M)

Goseb what happened to becoming better

I told him to change up his brush but it seems he really wants ugly lines for some reason.

I see

Attached: 1546141532418.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Attached: grumpest.png (256x256, 157K)

Requesting Kotal Kahn in his jaguar form from Mortal Kombat with wheels like the cat on the right

Attached: Handicat.jpg (2376x1348, 776K)

>mariel the sjw

I can tell it's him from that ugly ass brush too. Now he's doing sillyfag doodles

requesting an actual MILF, appearance wise, Mistral wearing a "super rare bikini" armor

Attached: Mistral.jpg (1200x1200, 852K)

Requesting a silly image of the Blind Prince walking the Liar Princess on a leash+collar as if she was a seeing-eye dog.

Attached: 1562767576183.png (1552x1178, 2.54M)

Glad you liked! It was a fun one.

Requesting satisfied post-sex afterglow cumdrip with some on her fingers

Attached: The-Legend-of-Heroes-Trails-of-Cold-Steel-IV-The-End-of-Saga_2018_07-12-18_001.jpg (806x894, 194K)

Looking for drawfags who will draw as simple 4/5-panel comic for bibeogames off their steam wishlist (pic isnt really relevant but I do have these).

Not furry, can be or not be lewd depending if you draw lewd, mostly humans and human-liek creatures from Bloodstained

Attached: 1541853380970.png (1152x771, 479K)

Nice Astolfo!

Requesting this two Ghost Pokemon Trainers swapping outfits with each other. Bonus Point if you draw Allister adorably trying to cover his face out of embarrassment at not wearing his mask while Shauntal moves the mask to the side to reveal her face underneath.

Attached: ShauntAllister.jpg (800x600, 52K)

Macula Marius blowjob, leaving blue smears, rings, and kiss marks behind

Attached: macula.jpg (550x519, 73K)

Requesting anzu with ropey strings of cum on her sleeves

Attached: Anzu_SSR4.jpg (3000x1334, 275K)

>That one request you really liked but the requester stopped posting after a single day
>Can't use fileden to find it since shit memory

Attached: 1534887705481.gif (400x225, 2.07M)

Men aren't ACTUALLY capable of thick ropes of cum.

Sayatia with big boobs please

Attached: Monster-Monpiece-Sayatia.jpg (500x1176, 113K)

Sorry for not responding, but it ended up really cute!
Thank you~

draw mechamusume Jeanne d'Arc, Tamamo-no-mae, or Mash Kyrielight, like this

Attached: CE0683.png (512x875, 546K)

Projecting pretty hard there. Who said it was a man.

Requesting a mechamusume Astolfo. like this

any summer requests?

Did Lunatic come back?

The hell that means?

Thicc edea booty as she adjusts her swimsuit from digging too far into her buttcrack.

Attached: BS_Edea_Black_Mage.png (278x456, 138K)

t. Lunatic
Fuck off and stop asking for yourself

Kagerou shedding because of the heat.

Attached: Th14Kagerou.png (279x440, 88K)


Attached: 75527161_p0.jpg (3000x4033, 1.35M)

Any sample?

Fio from Metal Slug in a cammo sling bikini

Attached: fio_metal_slug_by_driylima-d62nkcf.jpg (488x799, 56K)

Requesting you work on the collab

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

Sachiko being annihilated by the summer heat

Attached: 1562524692681.jpg (650x576, 60K)


Strange idea but sounds pretty hot too.

I don't know how to. Even with practice and occasionally doing drawing exercises. It hasn't helped me drawing better lines. I tried Fun with pencil but I only read how to draw fat balding Jews and nothing else from it.

This but with Eri.

>5 amazing deliveries in a row
what do the drawthread gods mean by this


Ayasaki dressed like Mario or a racequeen girl

Attached: ayasaki you.png (1700x720, 1.43M)

Attached: anzucome.png (632x711, 41K)

tryhard hivemind

Attached: 12524524125.gif (500x280, 728K)

Seraphina is perfect


But she is silly.

That's the best part

Are silly girls good to fuck?

I guess

Attached: 1560644684086.png (334x512, 187K)

she sucks


She better get good cash for that.


Hajime's cock?

how does she put on the bottom?

Sorlag sunbathing on the beach.

Attached: 1529532702070.png (1022x800, 654K)

Ibuki's cock

Attached: ....png (2212x1687, 2.26M)

But why?

Attached: HyperDimensionNeptunia-OVA-NepunoNatsuyasumi-11.jpg (493x536, 64K)

Than who?

She ran out of tissues

Attached: 1546589584580.gif (620x412, 471K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

It's the most basic idol work

Attached: 1466531573785.jpg (1024x743, 95K)

Any naked apron requests?

tf2 heavy

Ash Crimson cooking at home

Attached: 1524102289933.png (720x1110, 773K)

That's it, I quit!

Raspberyl tripping because it's so long.

Attached: Raspberyl_Sketch_d3.jpg (1025x650, 137K)

Wait till it gets ported over user, you'll probably have a better chance of it then.

Attached: sad.jpg (1013x1037, 103K)

Snek Alice

Attached: 002_-_Panicking.jpg (344x341, 50K)

Ugly worm

What are some purple characters I could draw? For sellout reasons.

Attached: tharja.png (896x1088, 426K)


Takane from Im@s, puyopuyo has many purple characters, Disgaea has several classes and characters who's primary colors are purple and pinks that could be darkened.

Attached: Shijou.Takane.full.1262001.jpg (2809x4000, 1.21M)

not him but have a quick dumb doodle

Attached: hoovy cook.png (2000x2000, 390K)

Hex Maniac

based drawfag


poko poko 2hu

Attached: 123453131.webm (650x709, 702K)

I don't like the Pokemon.

Risky Boots?

Patchouli from Touhou or Ridley (on occasion)

The kong

Attached: 800px-Sachiko_SSR.png (800x515, 754K)

Thats a human not a Pokemon

Nepu nepu

Attached: 51iwPw2FcAL._SX425_.jpg (425x486, 50K)

Bullying fodder: the 2hu

Insomni , damona, and several other yokai.

Attached: 7b992e7286ab752fe7799f249883ce54.jpg (548x698, 173K)


Attached: 12346315631234.png (750x600, 498K)

Maggie from Runescape

Attached: Maggie_.png (314x700, 189K)

Seconding Purple Heart, wearing sexy purple clothing

Attached: 1445708509529.jpg (855x900, 398K)

Okay, this one looks based, I'll do that.
The newer games left a sour taste in my mouth.

Attached: finnish autism lion40.png (560x640, 13K)

No way, you nerd.

Attached: 1562227794356.gif (600x600, 1.16M)

Just saying, good luck with whatever you take No need to mention Allister I guess

>slut oni hermit
Should have known you had shit taste.

not what you asked for but i drew raspberyl anyway

Attached: raspberyl nake apron.png (2000x2000, 361K)

Based, fuck his request

Cute succubus. Thanks iggy

Could be worse, at least she's not a dorky dweeb with faulty vision that thought she could take on Gensokyo

Stop replying to him
>Picking the human from every single one
You are only getting yourself dirty

Shouldn't that kill her?

Go ask Spiderman

Love how she looks as a traditional witch, also your style is really neat. Thanks a lot for drawing best boat and the cat friend.

Attached: 1537166997209.jpg (728x906, 300K)

raspberyl is always a good girl to draw like pretty much any disgaea girl so glad you like it

user... cartoons aren't real. I had that reality broken to me years ago.

Requesting cute lewds of that girl in that style.

Then the fuck are you doing by asking if that would kill her

How do i do lineart that doesn't look like shit, all your linearts look amazing compared to mine.


I didn't ask that dumb question.

here's an old shitty delivery

Attached: file.png (352x737, 111K)

Draw sexy robots.

theres more than just lineart

Requesting Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria fighting Suzuha Amane from Steins Gate.

Attached: Velvet and Suzuha.jpg (734x596, 94K)

Requesting Serene drinking Ramune after a swim

Attached: C9D8F4B6-3C96-46E7-BF74-986264CA6EAB.png (1941x838, 1.15M)

This Get anatomy and proportions right then even chicken scratches would look good.

stealan this request

Attached: ash bake.png (1519x1635, 799K)

Thank you so much, you absolute mad man


Damn shit is dead

I like how you draw once per thread
I always look forwards to your deliveries

what does he cook for today?

the heavy update

Which Leisure Suit Larry is this?


literally just zack

The thread is dying, what do

its comfy so i dont mind

Well, I got bored and went to check anyways for you even though you're an ass. You're not getting a name or blog based on the guy's delivery prior to that one since he doesn't have one

We can always laugh at iggy

It's done

Attached: _juice.jpg (1607x915, 190K)

Requesting Tera in some overalls repairing her magitek.

Attached: legend_21.png (1130x774, 906K)

whats up with him forcing his deliveries in the op anyways? i dont mind him drawing here its just he keeps spamming his shit as op.

Its probably the "this will make him draw my request" meme?
Also, does he claps or hon hons?

Impossible! I was told she never could.

Kill yourselves, the futa is to always be on the receiving end, their useless dicks used as just another means for the man to toy with them, preferably by tying it off with some ribbon and pinning their hands above their heads whilst plowing them

Attached: terry pulls the trigger.jpg (990x682, 49K)

garret from thief being robbed by by Arkane studios as they did with a lot of fucking shit for dishonored

Attached: garret.jpg (465x350, 54K)

your art is so shit man
its so shit it makes the people here retarded by looking at it

Not him you retard

What's up with this delivery? How come it has this many yous, are people making fun of the artist? It just looks like an average sfw delivery, I don't get it.

I like the Iggy Bomb

Lmao look at this insecure little faggot who is afraid taking futa cock will make him less of a man. Protip- you can't be any less of a man, maggot.

Attached: image_2019_03_07T14_55_59_314Z.png (366x339, 137K)

Maldraw samefags a lot, no joke.

lots of people have respect for that guy. he delivers on drawthreads at least once per thread. he motivates artists to draw more.
if you dont like his work dont reply to his deliveries


The artist himself? That's kind of sad.
I usually only see some super well drawn or memey sfw stuff get this many (you)s.

Attached: mr_sun.png (738x567, 26K)

He's been on and off doing this kind of stuff in these threads for a while, I believe he does it in the other boards also but I never went to check. He's really desperate for attention.


At least let her die with dignity instead of naked.

why do crab retards like these exist in these threads?


Happiness of others evokes the anger in the sad.

OR here. This image gives me joy.

You're either new or you're him, probably the latter.

New thread

I highly doubt that, it takes months for these threads to notice artists.
Looking at the booru, he's been around for less than a month, made 16 deliveries and twitter account linked in source there was made this month. That's not enough time to become respected here by any means.

>Linking the thread before posting the anchor
BAD user

yeah youre right dude fuck him.
now learn to ignore him. he doesnt deserve your attention. stay in your fucking pit.

Stop samefagging your deliveries and shilling your shit.
Let me guess, next thing you'll do is call me a retard or Mishafag or Mike or whoever your current boogeyman is.

You sure are quick to respond to this kind of reply.

The people who rush the new thread are usually that incompetent.

why is it so hard for sad retards to ignore the things they hate?

Favorite Deliveries Time!

Thankfully, this was not an early thread

Any thread made before 500 is a early thread, just because people are used to 480-490 doesn't make it not a early thread.

I don't hate anyone here, I was just confused what's going on. I don't visit these threads often so I can't know everything that goes on in here.
I'll know better next time

480 onwards is fine - there is usually not much discussion or deliveries going on. I think any thread made before 480, though, is made early for shitpost reasons

No it's not, literally every other board can do it at 500 like it should be. The reason we go at 480-490 nowa days is due to shitposting as well but it happened so much people treat it as normal now.

Attached: 1562688648717.png (1000x763, 572K)

try again limpy, you'll always be the bottom

Attached: this is what we do with futas.png (724x1024, 961K)