Games ruined by furries with money to burn

>games ruined by furries with money to burn

Attached: Duncan.jpg (700x725, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We could have had a game with shit like this badass fucker

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I loved Monster House


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Can I get a rundown on this?

fucking furry mafia hijacked this game

I worked at a packaging plant for a while about 8 years ago. I think we ran some trading cards for this before it all went to shit.

If their warehouse area is still as disorganized as I remember, there's probably some still in there.

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>not maining prospector Pete

Attached: Prospector_Pete.jpg (385x479, 82K)

This is why you never go full greed with furries
yes, they have seemingly infinite money. And yes, they will give you bullshit amounts of money for commissions
But don't fall for the money trap. Just take the cash, do the thing, and run. Don't look back. It's a sign of weakness

I never thought furries could even ruin such old treasures

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What was it?

Getting a Metal Slug vibe from that

Hope this image holds up. Phoneposting.

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*blocks your path*

Attached: someone paid 1000 shekles to put this in the game.png (1280x720, 443K)

post shitty ideas for kaiju
>A mech from an alien planet made of flesh and blood that fires out parasites that act as missiles and shit

Attached: organic mech.jpg (1920x1341, 436K)

based toby for telling him to fuck off

A haunted pagoda.

based Toby for making this fat nerd waste money

cool eva

Didn't it just make him more famous cause of the controversy? Furries thrive on attention and fame

Very little Undertale fans (your average one, anyway) won't even know what the hell you're talking about when you bring it up.

>Anomalocaris inside of a spider body made of water
I never saw this one. Now I'm sad about this game all over again.

Should have added among furries. They don't care about anyone outside their social circles. If they know then that's just an extra for him

>Moth that has a body design similar to a theropod dinosaur
>Deals low damage, but puts dust on its target
>Dust increases damage done to the opponent, stacks infinitely
>Dust falls off as the enemy moves around, including when it's knocked into the air or onto the ground

Wow. What a fag.

These would have been so cool.
Fuck the furry mafia.

How the fuck do furfags manage to gain so much power and still be unnoticed unless they decide to?

Because idiots enable them to do so. They would not have ANY say if people said no to them.

An actor in a Showa era suit that's just been turned into a giant and he thinks destroying cities is all a part of the movie or some shit.

>Gets into an autistic rage when the devs want to change something about his character saying it's taking power away from the creator
>Forces his friends Fursona into the game as well, against their wishes, and refuses the person's want to change things about it

Because they didn't add this in the fine print
>The developers reserve the right to change submitted characters as necessary
It's what YC did with that Gray Stu shit in Shovel Knight and the the faggot who put the character in couldn't do anything about it.

OOTL here, Can someone give me a quick run down?


Wasn't the game fucked anyway regardless of the furry mafia
I remember seeing footage of early gameplay and it was TERRIBLE

This has been confirmed as a made-up story by the devs.

Unironically Furries are like Accountants and engineers without families or girlfriends so they have an ungodly large amounts of money to blow.

t. Duncan

>jerking off
>suddenly "Wrong Enemy!" starts playing

Attached: 0o0.png (302x171, 123K)

My name isn't Duncan. That's my fursona's name.

Game honestly had no chance even without the furries. Devs were WAY in over their heads considering what they promised and the demo they produced

Maybe the devs were just retarded and obeyed everything duncan said because they werent going to get stable money otherwise. the only competent person may very well have been the concept artist.

Giant howitzer cannon with legs, has to execute combos in order to eject shells, load new ones and fire, but each move also does something on its own, so ejecting spent shell makes a casing projectile that travels in an arc, ejecting one that hasn't been fired leaves one on the floor afterwards that can be detonated

So furries are degenerate jews?

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A humanoid bat whose head detaches and breathes fire.

That's a tautology, user.

How much must is suck to be a poorfag furry?

Not a furry but just as fucking insufferable and should be ITT

Attached: Reize.png (814x1319, 497K)

why always furries
there are lots of other degenerate subcultures but only furries overstep this boundary
i never see robotfuckers, monsterfucker or alienfuckers do this
is it because they feel safe behind their persona or something?

>furry backs a game so they can put their fursona in
>it's actually good

Attached: abomination.png (1200x872, 943K)

Was that actually a furry donator?

What happened here?


a sperg with too much money and too much time.

uh huh

That's because redhook reserved the right to fuck with it and used that right. The furry wanted a werewolf character and devs talked him down to "turns into a kind of animal monster"

>muh furry mafia hoax

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>backer character is actually pretty fine but gets shafted at every possible moment

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not much , I think , there's a lot of porn of everything

Gay furry mafia internet defence force is here.

furries are infinitely larger
robot/monster/alienfuckers are usually furries too anyways

>Backer Character is a huge bitch

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They quickly become hated because autism+no money+a desire for autistically specific fetish porn leads them to constantly beg people for free art. Sometimes they'll even scam people.

Unironically wish he was a boss

A southern grandma in a motorized wheelchair turned giant after drinking a bad batch of moonshine

>Sometimes they'll even scam people.

Given the chance, what kind of character would you put in a game, Yea Forums?

How much is Duncan paying them

>mod is so good that it makes the real game look like shit and gets turned into official content

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How do furries have so much money? Is it cause they're autistic enough to be engineers or soemthing?

A spherical yellowish anteater that wields a dried up pole which looks strikingly similar to an enlarged hot pocket. They specialize in deleting fake kaijus and defending the people, except their perception of reality is twisted and they end up targeting real kaijus instead and banishing innocent people.
They don't require any payment for their services

A thematically appropriate one with my own customisations/personal appreciations

The most popular scam is to get art drawn and claim it's not up to standard, refuse to pay. Sometimes they'll even manually pull their paypal payments to fuck over the artist.

I like that concept. Could prove a sound strategy in multiple monster fights to get rid of one target quickly, could also be powerful in one on one fights, but the opponent has a way to counter it.

My waifu, tweaked to fit in the setting of the game slightly

depends on the setting

all furries must hang

Awesome. I'm glad they did that. It's such a cool fucking design.

Giant oak tree totally taken over by a huge sentient worm colony that can coordinate large parts of the colony to function like limbs.

I wrote short stories as a teenager and in college and they followed a guy named Howard Digsby as he went around doing oddjobs in space. He was a coward with a heart of gold but was otherwise just a normal dude. People kept hyping him up to be a great hero even though everything just kind of works out for him and he takes credit for solving the problems that erupt in his wake. I don't really know how you could include a guy like that into a game.

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Some anons idea from old dragon's dogma general for a new enemy type, the painbringer. Has a helmet, gets mad when he loses his helmet. Please keep a similar aesthetic, its important.

Attached: Painbringer.jpg (1493x655, 81K)

Lack of family, friends, and/or any social life.
Basically all their money is used on living expenses and their fetishes.

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It was a scam to start with, at least furries got burned.

Just Merkava, but giant

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If I were to donate to Kaiju Combat I would put a extraterrestrial football player kaiju

A shitty robot. Doesn't matter what the setting is. And by shitty robot I mean a boxy looking fuck with a digitized voice that's always breaking down.

>but then the creator gets butthurt that the fan music was better than his shitty friend's and cuts it from the game
i cant believe Eggman McMuffin thinks this isnt good but this is
jesus just take this away from him, he doesnt know what to do with it anymore

I've always loved the old man that gives his life to save the group, usually by doing something badass like 1v1 a boss and damage them, but is mortally wounded in the process. They can make them look anyway they like to fit the game, they can tweak everything about the story, everything. Doesn't even have to be a main character, can be a side character. I just love that kind of guy in games.


Basically a big, feathery raptor with legs that WON'T FUCKING QUIT and a REAL SET O JAWS. First he kicks the shit out of you, then he eats you, and he looks like A PRIDE PARADE IN RIO-DE-JANEIRO while he does it

Then how come weebs don't have as much money?

based galuf user

what is this autism

God you can just fucking tell what anime trope each of them are just by those portraits

weebs don't pass the autism threshold required to be doctors and engineers

>Being a furry makes people seethe

having this power is great.

you have no idea. i was going to post his "List of Demands" of every artist that he commissions, but I don't have it.

>Furries are rich but degenerate shameless people who always find ways to make people pissed off at them
>Weebs are too autistic and anxious to get jobs so they live on NEETbux and are basically non existent
I can't tell which is worse sometimes

Unless you're a furry with money and influence nobody gives a shit about you

What the fuck?

Some also put their autism to something productive, iirc the macro Falco guy is a nuerosurgeon, and a pretty good one at that

are the bottom-right boys

>people are disgusted by degenerates
Wow who fucking knew

>has extreme brain problems

That's just an urban legend

>Learn to draw well and suck money from both groups
Truly wrinklybrained.

Space salamander

>Being a furry alienates you socially and makes you strange to others

not having this power is fucking amazing.

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As someone who wants to fuck a robot, I take offense to that.

degeneracy related? why would i want to expose people to my pathetic autism
otherwise? just some large shithead bird who is doesn't even want to fight, but is totally destructive for the sake of it, a big cockatiel

Depends on the setting, I reckon.

But in general, a goofy-ass, friendly shopkeeper who also has the absolute highest stats in the game, but is only agitated when you steal from him.

This thing

Attached: fuckyouup bot.png (945x509, 15K)

There isn't enough Toku in vidya, so I'd put a Kamen Rider in there adjusted to the setting

Attached: Heisei Era Kamen Riders.jpg (1200x1800, 292K)

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t. poorfag

aliens/monsters can fit under furfaggotry if the artists tastes are shit enough
robots usually don't unless the artists taste is REALLY shit though

It's every-fucking-where in vidya, even in places where it doesn't make sense, autismo.

>catgirls, tomboys, and cute actual boys

decent taste

I was thinking Kecleon but that works too.

I just love the idea of making someone THINK they can just casually steal shit, only for it to completely and embarrassingly bite them in the ass later.

Is it really furries when they loathe the guy?

Reminds me of a robot turantula with different torture weapons on each leg I put in a story a while back named "Torturantula"

A green kangaroo without a penis.

All I can think of is
>Astral Chain
>Wonderful 101
>Veiwtiful Joe
>No More Heroes

What am I missing user

>Not Torturachnid

Wow thats cool as fuck

I'm not a very good furry then, I lack all of those things but I don't have that much money to waste.

>just heisei

I love the character archetype of "small person wearing robes and floppy hat/hood so you can only see their eyes", I would put one in every piece of media if I could.

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I'm a Heiseishitter, sorry user
I liked Black, Stronger, and Amazon, though

>defecating in public makes people seethe
having this power is great.

>i took money, but didn't want to do what i took the money to do!
the furry is guilty of shit taste but legitimately the person running the game deserves concrete shoes

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>spend hundreds on my furry oc
>never masturbate to them

It's a curse

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how did a furry really destroy this game?

H-Hey user, remember me? S-sorry!

Attached: Sosorrybattle.gif (228x195, 181K)

Paying to put their character into the game caused the lead programmer to die and the entire project to fall about through delays and mismanagement.

Tokusatsu is a form of medium, not a genre.


a muscle monster based off the one from Akira
but not a blob

That's actually found in every "Fandom"

One, that's more than they deserve. Two:

>Shin Megami Tensei
>Every fucking Kamen Rider game and SD Great Battle
>Any game Skullomania is in, mostly Fighting Layer and Street Fighter EX

Shit, you're right

I meant shit like Kamen Rider, Space Sheriff, Sentai, and Ultraman

I'm kinda new to this


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It's one faggot and he is also loathed by furries.

The term is transforming hero.

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>companies see you as a wallet
>people see you as a degenerate

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>he is also loathed by furries
Yet they do nothing to get rid of him.

>games ruined by furries with money to burn
all of them

Overwatch, one of the most normalfag games out there, has a skin based on Kamen Riders. Don't act like you're special

>I really like harry potter xD here is my wizard scarf isn't that neat
>I really like dragon ball xD here is my goku robe isn't that neat
>I really want to fuck dogs xD here is my cum-stained fursuit I wear to pretend I am a rainbow wolf isn't that neat
One of these things is not like the others

Covering myself in shit would also make people "seethe", its disgusting

Why? This isn't some society shit. Might as well complain about "anime community" not doing shit against stuff like school shooting.

Reminds me of the furry who paid for that hidden boss to get into Undertale (speak of the devil, is right underneath your post)
Toby convinced him to make his fursona a hidden boss and replaced it with the spider

They have lots of money

>he didn't know water's ports osomatsusan among other things

Poor naive summer zoomer.

Thank god. Muffler is infinitely better than that faggot.

Here's the autistic backstory

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that's why you use Bitcoin, especially when dealing with content like that
can you imagine sending furry porn as evidence to Paypal? they already hate virtual goods, let alone fucking furry porn

>Don't act like you're special
I just want more riders jesus man

Imagine having to work with this guy or interact with him in real life

Star fox.
worst part is it's just one guy

And I want more godzilla games, but you don't see me whining

We're in this together

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what the fuck is wrong with this guy, how is it possible to lack this much self awareness
i doubt this guy has a job if he acts this way so is it all trust fund shit?

The lesson is never use "insert your character here!" as an offering. It was also shit in Bloodstained.

Holy shit I feel so bad for these devs

Attached: Kc-macrosaurus-hero-colored-small.jpg (864x833, 118K)

I can respect and even support this
Thank you monsterbro
We'll get ours someday


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Furries ruin everything.

Such as my dick with all of their porn.

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>wants Godzilla games
>supported this indie garbage

Anything that has antropomorphized animals will be ruined by furries.

Oh good lord this actually looks like a fetish drawing

Many RPGs would benefit from having at least one instance of a girl in a witch hat. Preferably a big titty one.

Attached: D_JCxKYXoAIkZPA.jpg large.jpg (720x718, 59K)

Their autism works in such a way that they get highly successful in fields like engineering.

Absolutely none of this sounds like a reason that the cuck devs were forced to quit.

>Another thread of people whining about the furry boogeyman as they once again prove that anti-furries are far more obnoxious

I didn't. I knew the furries would ruin it the second OC pledge was announced

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Just a gigantic anteater. Think about it. Most kaiju are things like dinosaurs and insects that generally would care less about something much smaller than them. An anteater is something that has evolved specifically fuck up things much smaller than it. So much that it's in its fucking name.

>yell at someone on the internet


Good lord why?

he's based

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No surprise to me that furry retards are the ones perpetuating the seethe meme.

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Nah, it is shit because indies can't do kaijus properly. It's why I am laughing at people thinking theres something salvageable about the game.

I drew something like this when I was in kindergarten. This thing is literally on par with a preschool child's design at best.

>t. furry

B-but he wanted his kangaroo character. Don't you see? He forced them to quit!

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Robot or alien, I guess it depends which game. Seems to be the most sensible for something custom.

>good artist draws porn of something degenerate you like
>person who commissioned it also sticks their retarded rainbow sparkledog with a neon cock in it

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Stop fucking animals.

a fat dino isn't that bad, it'll pass under most people's radar

Don't call your mom an animal.

>blames him even though he only commissions pron

Don't blame him on Miyamoto inadequacy.

Literally autism man. Dont underestimate autism.

Imagine being this obsessed with one group of people. Y'all a bunch of bitch-ass whiny babies.

>another furry whining that the people who mock him and his shit fetish are just as bad- nay, WORSE than furfags in the first place
Lmao, yiff in hell furfag

>autist has an endless amount of money to keep commissioning his ugly as sin OC in everything imaginable

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Worse the characters usual suck and are boring to look at

Now this is u18 tier whining.

oh god

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>uhhh ur mom
I see you furries have mental capabilities of toddlers. I guess that explains why you guys like to torture animals so much.

What the fuck was this guys back story?

>Thread about people hating furries
>Meanwhile Yea Forums are always the ones to demand furry porn at the slightest relation to it and talk about how much they want a furry gf

Hoes mad

You know what bothers me? When furries pretend an animal with a human voice is anthropomorohic enough to count as not being animal fucking.

I looked up the guy who did Spyro remake character designs and he retweeted art of a dog in bondage gear. Like m8 that's animal fucking. Stick to your daddy issue dragons that's even better than straight up being a 9.

Attached: Furrychart.jpg (680x529, 68K)

>Dislikes: Girls(they are icky)

Attached: It's beautiful.gif (853x480, 743K)

That's not actually terrible. Looks just like stock fat dino. Would play

So now your mom wants to fuck toddlers too?

>Find some really good art but it has an OC sparkledog
>The sparkledog can be completely removed with some basic photoshop skills and content aware trickery
I'm not gonna lie I get some sort of sadistic pleasure in removing an OC from clearly very expensive commissioned art

Attached: I have already won.gif (298x150, 3.86M)

>things that never happen
fuck off to /trash/, freak

He's hot tho?

Imagine thinking you know what people are obsessed with judging by one thread on Yea Forums.

Imagine being such a newfaggot you idnt realize your furry ass was fursecuted on Yea Forums since its inception.


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I'd argue actually fucking animals is less degenerate than being a furry who doesn't fuck animals.

I still don't get what the big deal with this character was. The creator basically had a female version with the nerdy scientist and everyone loves her.

>he's also a pedophile


fuck furries
fuck weebs
and fuck nerds

Now your mom is a he?

>calls himself not a newfag
>doesn't now 4chans secret shit


>the furry actually can't follow the conversation anymore

Might be time to check out of this one and go beat off to animals, muchacho.

>tfw fetish is even worse than furfaggotry but is niche enough that no one cares

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Is "ur mom" really the smartest thing a brainlet furry like you can come up with? That's kinda pathetic, try again please.

>be into muscle bears
>furries draw the best bodies
>crop out the heads if furry porn to jerk to it

Something like 1 in 6 furfags full-on identify as zoophiles according to surveys the furries themselves put together at their conventions, and those are only the ones that lacked the self-awareness to not reveal that information. Furries are truly cursed creatures

>I looked up the guy who did Spyro remake character designs and he retweeted art of a dog in bondage gear. Like m8 that's animal fucking. Stick to your daddy issue dragons that's even better than straight up being a 9.

fucking source, no fucking way

>Furries ruined this game
You could tell from the alpha gameplay the team had no idea how to make the game fun.

>acting as if furries are the only ones to do it
in b4 butthurt, I never said they didn't do that shit, it's just easier for people to notice and bitch about

It's a given.
Furries aren't just people who dress up like animals and imagine being animals and fuck each other's asses wearing animal costumes.
They're like some caricatured evil society who legitimately delight themselves in objectively evil things.

He showed up in a Godzilla Creepypasta.

What is it, the great one?

Okay, then well you were calling me a pedophile for fucking your mom, which isn't much better. Way to go.

Is brainlet furry the worst you can do?

Shut the fuck up and seek Jesus

I would take in 100 fujos for every furry in any given fanbase, no questions asked.
That's how bad furries are.