Why are there hardly any Japanese first person shooters?

Why are there hardly any Japanese first person shooters?

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the highest rated fps game of all time is metroid prime from nintendo japanese

Holy shit, this better be fucking bait.

you already know the answer to that question, OP.

its a first person adventure game

>tfw too smart to play fps'

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their cloacas or whatever it's called around their eyes keep them from seeing at anything above 30fps.

Japanese got squinty eyes so its gard to see

FOS games make it even harder to see

It’s true

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I don't which is why I made this thread to ask the experts at Yea Forums - video games

Gooks are too stupid for mouse+keyboard.

8/10 bait nice work

Prime was made by the Texans.

Because they don't make shit games

The only good FPS games are CS1.6 and CS:S

Asian spatial cognition

Japs get motion sickness

Japanese supposedly get motion sickness from them. That's why they prefer third person if at all.

This may be 100% biological. I'm not certain. Some Japanese are totally immune to this, and actually like Western games. They are the minority though.

>no shooter from pre 2000s
what the fuck?

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Only america makes good shooters because only americans can buy ar 15s at the age 18 no questions ask, and thats a good thing

Cope more

>Because they don't make shit games

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Asians weren't really into PC games. FPS were primarily on PC. There you go.

>Japanese people don't make shit games
The hordes of low effort JRPGs and now gachashit say you're wrong.

>Neptunia is good!
Neck yourself

most japs are consolefags and even they know that playing an FPS with a controller is generally a shitty experience


> Boomers getting BTFO’d this badly

It's review score bullshit, what did you expect? And also back then reviews for console exclusives were inflated because the major reviewers were the magazines specific to the companies (eg, nintendo power)

Lack of gun culture maybe? Then again airsoft is pretty big over there iirc.

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i blame soi. motion sickness is as soi as it gets aside from full-on cuckoldry.

BF and CoD are popular enough among the people who can play them though. The answer is they simply don't need to make the games if the games already exist from elsewhere.


> Gamefaqs, which has been a active internet forum since 1996
You have no excuses faggot

lol look at the fag getting filter-cucked. mad that you're not allowed to say your favorite word?

Japanese Community Project for Doom 2 is good enough

It's made by a american studio

They ranked Doom last on their best FPS game list so clearly Japan doesn’t give a shit about it


What was ranked #1?

Japs don’t like guns
Most of them are into airsoft

Splatoon 1 & 2, followed by Overwatch at #3

Different emphais on culture and story telling over time.

America was built and defined by the gun and what that means to the individual, along with its ties to nationalism
Japan was built and defined by the societal structure, stories and culture they developed over time


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>Splatoon 1 & 2
>best FPS list
two nukes wasn't enough

It's a shame there are barely any Japanese FPS games because if they existed they would be radically different than what the west makes, and even if that doesn't necessarily mean good it at least would be interesting.

thats more in recent years
Compared to 240+ years of the 2nd amendment, wild west, NRA, Hunting culture, Gun based action movies and stories, and an entire military history where guns were the main weapon used.

>23 years to make 32 maps
>only 13 mappers

It was about shooters in general because they could only get 300 people to vote on the list

I want something call of duty or rainbow siege tier but with anime girls

>Some Japanese are totally immune to this, and actually like Western games. They are the minority though.
I always find it weird when a new CoD games out usually it's near the top of sales charts for Japan. Didn't think they knew that franchise even existed but yeah the people who play western FPS like that are basically like people in the west who play obscure VNs.

It's not cope it's fact your mentally retarded. Retro Studios is from Texas.

from nintendo usa

Japs are too low IQ

Basically this. I have an image saved with some neat information about this subject, but can't find it.
To add to it, the Japanese see your weapon as an extension of you, whereas Americans see weapons as tools.

It sounds great on paper but really it's damned if you do damned if you don't.

If America makes it the anime girls will be bad.
If Japan makes it the FPS part will be bad.
Collaborations have a very poor success rate.

I don't remember if it was an interview or what, but before Halo 3 came out Bungie demoed it in Japan. Afterward, they were asked if the camera could be third person by default, since it pulled you out of first person when using them. They just prefer to see the story as opposed to taking part of it themselves.

>To add to it, the Japanese see your weapon as an extension of you, whereas Americans see weapons as tools.
See this is why I want to see Japanese devs take a shot at FPS games more often, because this mindset would lead to games where the weapon itself is the main character and would have a ton of detail put into it.

So we need some sort of middleground country to make the game. Let's make the game in Australia, that way the girls will be bad, and the gameplay will be bad. The whole thing will be censored, and cost twice as much as it should. Everybody wins!

Because consoles and FPS are an aids inducing combination

Metroid Prime is literally Turok 2 with shittier controls. It's an FPS game.

Consoles don't need help from FPS to be aids.

What's interesting is that the gooks have made plenty of good THIRD person shooters (RE4, Vanquish, for example). So it's not like they're averse to rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty gameplay. But just for some reason they have this huge aversion to placing the camera behind the eyes of the character.

Maybe it's for the same reason that WRPGs (traditionally) have been blank slates that let YOU be the character, whereas JRPGs usually have the main character be set in stone as someone independent of the player. They don't seem to ever do characters that are just a faceless avatar for you, in the way many western devs do. The character always needs to be some actual defined person in japanese games. Not sure if there's more to this.

>rating Galaxy 2 higher than 1
what the FUCK

Some of the best FPS games are from the UK and Sweden and shit.

the tool aspect is definitely true, but so is to a point the extension aspect


You might like the game Hard Reset. You just have your one gun, but you can upgrade and modify the fuck out of it. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a character, but it's an FPS where you just have your one gun.
I think Dredd vs Death also just has the lawbringer as your only weapon, but I could be wrong.

Once I watched this Asian guy from Korea or some shit try to play Quake. Man it was brutal, like watching my pa play

>japs don't play on PC
>FPSs are always better on PC

It all adds up

>They just prefer to see the story as opposed to taking part of it themselves.
Actually a really interesting point that I guess also explains the huge differences between WRPGs and JRPGs.
WRPGs are all about role play and to a certain extent self-insertion. Very different from the traditional JRPG where the protagonist typically has a more clearly defined background and there is often much less player choice as far as the direction of the narrative goes.

Why do gooks have such a phobia to playing on PC as well? At least nowadays jap devs are willing to bring multiplats to PC, but even that really didn't start happening until midway through last generation. For the longest time you'd NEVER see the japanese devs/publishers bringing games to PC.

>Japs actually make a great game with cute girls
>commiefornia censors the fuck out of all the outfits

>Yea Forums

Pick one.

They don't really own computers. Everything is done on their phone, and has been for like 20 years.

Asians apparently really like Overwatch though.

They don't like FPS much

I can pretty much guarantee you're awful at life.

Dredd vs Death has multiple weapons, but none of them are as versatile as the lawbringer, for sure.

Overwatch is an FPS designed for people who aren't good at FPS games. Which is why so many women clung to it early on.

Barring mobile phone use, Japan is actually pretty tech-illiterate.

Because they aren't catering to the american audience

Japanese people are biologically incapable of properly playing FPS games due to their slanted eyes.

even with all the details removed, i can tell this is the long hallway in office

Because by majority they literally can't play them without wanting to hurl


Yeah but thats a hero "shooter" not a good and proper first person blaster

They're simply hiding their true power from Amerifats.

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Yeah, even RE7's MC had a face and personality even if it is mostly dry.

Name them so i can laugh and remind you of wolftenstien doom quake half life counter strike and halo. Americans invented fps.

>half life

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Why are gooks so good at FPS then? Seems like Nips just make up excuses.

Maybe they just lack the ability to roleplay by imaginging themselves in a certain situation or character's shoes. For whatever reason.

Smart phones are a relatively recent phenomenon though. The japs aversion to gaming on PCs goes back before that. So it can't just be phones, and they're like the 2nd most tech-minded place after the west, so I refuse to believe literally none of them had computers or ever used them.

Gooks are technically koreans and they fucking love pc games

That's because Overwatch was designed to be a MOBA ASSFAGGOTS game but set in first person. The entire thing was basically designed to get the korean fanbase

>muh edgy contrarianism trumps reality
sorry, sweetheart. They're both good games.

Big cope euroqueer

I'm specifically talking about japs though. No clue what the deal is with koreans though and why they're so uniquely obsessed with computers, and specifically blizzshit gookclick

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>so I refuse to believe literally none of them had computers or ever used them.
The majority of the Japanese populace are baby boomers and their most recent chief of cyber security had never used a computer in his life.

>Maybe they just lack the ability to roleplay by imaginging themselves in a certain situation or character's shoes. For whatever reason.

I wouldn't be so sure about that otherwise so many japanese series wouldn't have self-insert protags like Persona, that faggot Rean in Trails or any of those VN's/eroges where the MC is some faceless guy.

and chinks

The average Nip lives in a house the size of my sock drawer. No room for a computer.

pretty much this

they play fps , theres some YouTube channel with japanese playing black ops 4

you dont see them online often because they play on asian servers

counterstrike was made by a vietnamese person, they use secret telepathic gook commands to get an unfair advantage on God's people

Because they mostly play on consoles

FPS require an insane budget compared to other genres, usually. Jap devs work on a much tighter budget

Because the Japanese were far more heavily console based than PC based from the 90's onwards. FPS were born and raised on PC and only moved to consoles in the 2000's. Additionally, some people say they're generally more genetically inclined to motion-sickness, and FPS will cause that far more than most other genres.
Neither of the two statements you made are even vaguely true. FPS tend to get massive budgets because they're the big AAA games, not because they need them. There are a lot of mid-budget FPS games that get made even today. Hell, a lot of the reason the genre grew large in the 90's and early 2000's was that they were relatively cheap to pump out. Plus nips have only really started having smaller budgets in the past decade at most, and it was clear before then that they didn't play FPS.

Japs can make half-decent shooters if they try, it's just anime licensing and a lack of knowing how to properly approach the genre tend to shit on things. People like Vanquish even for its faults, for example. Anime-licensed games are genuinely expected to have a low bar all around usually, though, because most of that budget probably goes to the voice actors and license than it does the game.

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Motion sickness is caused by having bad FOV compared to your screen size and distance from the screen. Japs just don't know how to set up their battlestation.

Does that include American service members stationed over there, though?

Motion sickness varies massively from person to person, dude. I can handle pretty much any FOV and screen distance but plenty of other people sure as fuck can't. I know people who regardless of FOV, even sitting miles back playing a slow console FPS get motion sick.

>the people who play western FPS like that are basically like people in the west who play obscure VNs.
More like the people that play mainline JRPGs. There are on occasion nips that wind up playing obscure indie PC shit, and they are that sort of rarity.

This is IMO the more accurate answer. An even more accurate one is that Japanese-made FPS would need to compete with AAA FPS that have a lot of history behind them. The Japanese would need to come up with a "revolutionary" FPS in order to outsell western FPS games. Even the Metroid Prime series aren't FPS but first-person action-adventures, and they had the Metroid AND Nintendo brands slapped on them.

Do you guys just want an FPS made by japs so you can take a break from the western made ones?

Not really, I haven't played any new FPS games in ages regardless. I'm just curious why they don't do certain genres at all.

I wanna see what it would look like

A little, but at the end of the day I think the entire genre is totally lost on them. They just don't get the appeal and never will for the myriad of reasons listed in this thread.

Last time they pointed a gun at someone, they got nuked.