Try to play a VN

>try to play a VN
>it goes on fucking forever
>mfw I stopped caring after the sex scene

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EOP shitters like you will never play any good VNs

choose one you pathetic weebtard

Every VN worth reading gets translated.
>Jap readers hype up X VN as the greatest shit ever and gloat how EOPs will NEVER, EVER get it.
>it gets translated
>it's shit.
This has been going on for years now. I'm sorry you wasted so much time learning a useless language that you feel the need to validate your poor decisions in such a way.

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but good visual novels don't exist, so they aren't missing anything.

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The censored version is hotter than the uncensored, and I can't wait for the fucking Hotaru route in the fandisk that will hopefully be translated before I die of old age.

Are you me? It took WAY too long for anything, sexual or not, to pay off.

I am not you, I'm usually bored when h scenes happen because the writing makes them way too long

>it goes on from middle school to adulthood

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Play a nukige then.

this every time
even when I do play through a full route, I regret wasting my time on it

>after 3 months of NHK EASY/vocab anki/tae kim, play VN per advice of /djt/
>end up mining so many words I forget to fap entirely
>vocabulary expands by at least triple in a matter of months
>associate VNs and eroge with learning so much my dong refuses to expand while playing

VNs are really fucking padded out for sales. You have scenario writers shitting out these massive script sizes and a practically non-existent editing process. Not like this matters, though - people just want to date anime girls and jack off to them.

>Ever 17
>Cross Channel
>Little Busters
>Symphonic Rain
>Not good

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>doesn't end in NTR


wow, she went from 10/10 to 3/10

Kotori is cute

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To each their own.

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this is literally how i met your mother ending

you see... there are VN where the story is so shitty that all you care about are the sex scenes...

and then there's VN where the story is so good that you don't give a fuck about the sex scenes, you just want to continue the story.

I read Taimanin Asagi for the plot

Computer, fire vndb, let's see what's on the menu tonight...
Childhood_friend tsundere long_hair tsurime

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why do her boobs explode in just the one picture

perspective I guess

>computer doesn't have VNDB with the maids theme

Name some good VN to play on PS Vita RIGHT NOW.

He's objectively right, though.

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Muv luv trilogy
Utawarerumono 2+3, plus the remake of 1 early next year
Maybe Steins;Gate and 0

If you can you should still aim for the PC versions though because they're at a higher resolution instead of subnative resolution they are on Vita, they have higher quality audio on PC, and you'll also have access to the 18+ versions.

True, but I prefer Hotaru and the twin sandwich. The world is here to be shared

>Every VN worth reading gets translated.

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Everyone still loves Dies Irae though