No hype at all

No hype at all


Attached: Astral-Chain_2019_05-15-19_Artwork.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

Other urls found in this thread:

because its not even close to release.

No r34 at all


there's still over 49 days to go and I don't want to learn everything about the game before release

>Nintendo Switch exclusive
>Not Mario or Zelda

That's why

One of the upcoming games I'm most interested in. Not all that much to talk about, though.

PlatinumGames' games are pretty hit-or-miss with me.

Looks really generic and some sort of super sentai-y, not really apealing to many people but nips

>planning on buying a Switch Lite
>because of this I won't be buying AC during its opening week
>AC will bomb because of me
Platinum bros... forgive me.......

It has Stands though which is popular in the west right now

Because it looks boring

generic and boring are the last words i would use to describe Astral Chain

Tree Houses is right around the corner. Like a few months ago I was way more hyped for Astral Chain, but now I'm even MORE hyped for Astral Chain but also excited for TH because E3 and recent updates have redeemed it and actually made me excited for it.

So I'll get excited and play TH then get hyped for AC when it's closer to release. Nintendo will also probably (should) dedicate the entire month of August to shilling the game.

Maybe it's the alien creature's designs they aren't visually interesting whatsoever.

How in the fuck?
>some sort of super sentai-y
How is that a bad thing?

because it's a Platinum game that isn't Bayonetta 3 or MGR2

Attached: Astral Chain - notVergil.webm (896x504, 2.92M)

No thanks. I don't want to play as a bad guy.

Some of them seem like Bayonetta enemies.

Attached: AC_Aello.jpg (1920x1080, 456K)

>Power rangers atheistic is bad

Probably had the code for them laying around and they thought
“Why not?”
Companies reuse assets all the time

I just want to play it.

This pretty much explains why there is no hype. It looks awful.

Not a normalfag so I'm not a good barometer; but, I'm not a le cuhrayhzee pizzamanfag and I'm hyped for it.

Attached: 1560292172159.jpg (3312x4095, 734K)

There's just not much left to talk about until a new trailer/the game comes out. It'll probably be great/Platinum's best original game since Bayo 1.

Wrong answer
the game is fucking uninspired shit, that's nobody is shilling it like most Platinum games are

I already pre-ordered, so if/when it probably flops, I can at least say that I did my part in trying to prevent it

Attached: Astral Chain - trash.webm (896x504, 1.41M)


>Game doesn't have constant threads
>Game has constant threads
Make your fucking minds up, people.

I'm interested but a little nervous. I don't really care for RPG elements in action games

weeb shit

Best part

Its the same character designer as Tiger & Bunny, so there's some similarities there too.

Attached: MV5BNTI3MWNjZWYtNWI4ZS00Mjg1LWJiNWUtOGFiM2Y3YzhiZGM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_SX709_CR0,0,709 (709x999, 199K)

le mashy ugly celshaded action game

>v is one person
if a game has multiple threads that's probably a good sign for it, unless it's trannieshit


why not just buy the game at launch to support it then wait for the switch lite?

lol wrong

Back to candy crush with you

Not as much press as something like Mario Maker was getting and still an entire month away.

>complaining about outlines

Attached: AstralChain_scrn_MovieCut_04.jpg (1920x1080, 423K)

Imagine being a thisposter, slaving away on this fucking site and all 2 of your chromosomes can muster is a simple “this”. You may as well just upvote my post because it means the same thing.

This this this. This this this this this this THIS this-this.
See now only a thisposter could translate this. If we run the contents of my message through the good ol’ Tumblr “THIS!!!” translator it translates to this:
If you don’t reply to THIS post, your mother dies tonight

Attached: Switch_ASTRALCHAIN_E3_screen_03.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

I agree. It looks like it has 0 depth in combat and also doesn't look really good visually, no wonder people really aren't that hype.

Attached: Switch_ASTRALCHAIN_E3_screen_06.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

Man are you people for real

What the fuck happened to this board

I've bought three switch games this month so I'm not in a rush to preorder this

Ok, that's it, I had enough with all you fags saying "it looks generic". Is an artstyle used by one single mangaka which most popular works are from the 90s, only he draws this way, how the fuck is generic?!

3 0 F P S

Didn't stop GoW, according to Yea Forums

Not that user but if the game turns out to be good this is what I'm going to do.

You can play Astral Chain with a pro controller right?
They're not that fucking dumb to force you into using joycons right?


Pretty sure they used a pro controller in the treehouse.

Attached: 1508128657079.jpg (741x920, 348K)

this is honestly more concerning

Platinum games are always niche and never get marketing

Also I'm not fully on board with the idea of a twinstick character action game

The characters are all hideously over-designed, a recurring issue from some of Platinum's other games. It would look much better if they toned down the relentless amounts of unnecessary detail on the models, it doesn't mesh well with the anime face styles and it looks messy in motion, making things tricky to identify when the screen gets busy. They could get exactly the same visual information across in a much more appealing way if they fucking calmed down with trying to fill every bit of blank space on the characters.

Nintendo fans are overhyping the hell out of it because it's the only action game they're getting this year; meanwhile all the other releases were / are / will be available on PC / PS4 XO.

They only know how to make one type of game and they reuse assets a lot.


New dev blog:

Attached: AC_iwagami_q2d8g5ta_03.png (800x255, 375K)

Attached: AC_iwagami_q2d8g5ta_01.jpg (1800x918, 390K)

I fucking adore devblogs like that, it really should become an industry standard

Attached: AC_iwagami_q2d8g5ta_05.jpg (800x463, 130K)

Would be funny if they released astral chain on July 27 when JoJo part5 ends instead of august 31.

Nani?! Is this HENSHIN?!

One month isn't close?

the action game fanbase is majorily on ps4.
A new IP of this genre will never catch on when stuck solely on nintendo platforms.

It's such a fucked up situation, only nintendo is willing to fund platinum but for their games to be succesfull they need a multiplat release.

Defend this

yeah, this is how things are now
it keeps getting worse, I came back after a 2 year break and it's just pure zoomzoom cancer now

I'm hype for it. I'm in every AC thread i see and I'm gonna buy the game when it comes out.

Remember how bayonetta both flop on WiiU AND the switch.
Remember that the first bayonetta sold a ton on PC.

Attached: gQMqO267_400x400.jpg (399x399, 23K)

I'd rather stable 30fps on the switch than unstable 60. Stability in frames matters more than anything else. More FPS would be nice but it's a switch exclusive.

I’ve bought so many Platinum/CUHRAZY games with the promise that I’d love them to realize I don’t give a shit about them. I’ve finally learned my lesson

i'm not hyped because i'm more excited for Daemon X Machina and i'm pissed that they come out within two weeks of each other especially since i doubt i'll have beaten EDF5 by then
will still day 1

They're still doing Babylon's Fall with Square Enix for PS4/Steam. It's probably going to be a while before we here more about the game though. Astral Chain is the game I'm the most hype for right now and is releasing soon. Platform doesn't matter to me.

babylons fall feels super cancelled to me.
Platinum has way too many projects going on at the same time

Have you seen the treehouse demo? That wasn't the case unfortunenately

>too many projects
They just have Bayonetta 3 and Babylon's Fall now. Astral Chain work is done.

Last 'news' we got of BF was earlier last month. Inaba says they're still in full production but that it's ultimately up to Square Enix to show anything. For sure though, no way it's hitting its 2019 target.

I already played Megaman ZX, what are you talking about with hype?

>That wasn't the case unfortunenately
Name an instance where it was unstable.