Why was he so rude?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because he was a straw man.

Somebody shoop a banana in his mouth.

That episode was so goddamn bad I can't believe someone signed off on that, man. I'm so glad it exists.

He tried to stop degeneracy, degradation and downfall of civilization.
People kinda get worked up when fighting for important things.

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he leveled up.

The real redpill is realizing that the downfall of our civilization begun already generations before either of us were born, and our chances to avert the coming catastrophy were lost decades ago.


check my 2

Heard it's better than Civ V with the Brave New World expansion pack


Shut the fuck up and check this 7

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lol Co Producer Sneed

2013 was 6 years ago.

Guys I just leveled up, where do I spend my rape exp

he needed sex

He sneeded sex

How is that even a fucking name

This dude saw the future of what "gamer girls" are now. We didn't listen...

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>muh blackpill, you can't do shit goy
Fuck off kike
Based muslims will stop womyn's rights and bring back loli marriage from pre-leftist times.

Submitting to Islam is hardly saving western civilization is it now?
Our chance died with the death of Fascism.

Get gasses kike
Muslims are our allies when they want to put women in their place and kikes in the chambers

Muslims want to put your daughters into their harems and you to the sword you delusional moron. Islam is implicitly arab supremacism.

Unironically this, remember that the majority of western europe was at one time pagan. I think the time has come for our civilization to cast off christianity and embrace something new. Christianity has become weak and has not stuck to its ideals and purposes, I think a reformation is too late because more and more people become irreligious.

He needed to have sex.

The only salvation that can come to Europe comes in the form of some sort of revival of racialist fascism. The idea that just anybody who comes to Europe can become "european" has to be violently rejected along with the fucking shitskins that are already here.

So heil fucking Hitler.

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We also need to drop the whole idea of "Europeans" being anyone living in Europe.
A fucking polack is nothing like a White European such as a German or French.

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this predicted titty streamers

In real life she'd have had atleast 5 beta orbitors telling the dude to back off.

Germans ain't white you mong. Only Scandinavians and Brits are.

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man, remember when ice t killed killed logan paul?

The (((teeth)))

His real name is Richard Wolf but that guy has to be self aware how ridiculous Dick Wolf sounds.

They levelled up.

Kobs sounds like a fun game.

>Ah yes... I will be the savior of western civilization...

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Check it out folks. An entire generation of kids who's brains have been melted by the internet. Mental illness in its purest form.

That's so "slut with more lifetime sexual partners than trusted family members"

She didn't discount her bathwater

I heard there is an incel episode. They literally want us dead, don't they? And they'll send people to murder other people until they convince the whole lot of us.

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Because he was literally a paid actor.

No, Brits are the only true white people descended from the ancient Aryans, though the Indo-Europeans, traveling all the way to the British Isles where they came to reside over the course of millennia. Scandinavians are mixed with the Sami people native to that area. so they're not truly white.

Boomergate was the only SVU episode worth watching imo.



>He doesn't know about Baca Bazi
Muslims will make NAMBLA large enough to become and official PAC and lobby group.



women control this world

I always thought that rooftop was the exact same one as the one in the beginning of F.E.A.R. Fittingly someone did make a F.E.A.R edit of that scene too.

Nice try schlomo.
Muslims will fix women and thus save the West.

Gamergate through the eyes of Baby Boomers.

>Literally dress young boys as girls and sell them to rich old fucks.
No really, they're ahead of Desmond is Amazing by 200 years.

Will they EVER learn?

formerly chucked sex

I read on Kotaku that it's better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.

God has already won.

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He didn't have $10,000

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So he’s a robot, right?

I remember watching this shit with Yea Forums. Good times.

I'm more surprised people were surprised by this episode SVU is a guilty pleasure of mine and they will make episodes about anything they had an incel episode in 2018

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I use to love Law & Order, and especially SVU. Over time I started seeing the narrative television was going. I stopped watching it altogether.

It's not to late, wake up, remove jew, save country. fixed.

It went downhill after Elliot left


Literally my favorite character. A family man in that line of work the way he acts. It is believable when he snaps or bends the law he himself enforces.

I really can't stand these crime shows, they have like 5000 seasons and every episode feels very samey with no continuity

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>Confederate flag

not even a strawman in 2019

Wasnt fucking Aaron Paul in this episode?

Also where is the link to the redchannit thread

It's "based" because it "triggers leftists", just like heil hitler gesture.
Don't think too much about it, rightards think entirely in emotions. Logic is irrelevant to them.

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I think you meant jake paul, and yes

Okay im curious, where can I watch the full episode?, is it that bad?

>Female dev admits they won and she'll give up making games
>Then this fucking name
It couldn't have ended more hilariously

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Y'know, that does sound pretty based. Thanks, user!