Comfy Doom thread
Zoomers and Boomers welcome.
>Are you looking forward to Doom Eternal?
>Do you prefer vertical aim or horizontal lock?
Comfy Doom thread
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There's already a 24/7 comfy Doom thread
Got nothing to do with my life so i've just been watching Joel's mapping contest shit
Nothing past 1999 in /vr/
I just wanted to talk about any doom.
Yes, Doom Eternal looks like Doom 2016 with borderline arcade game inspiration, I'm excited for it. I prefer horizontal lock for wads designed with it in mind. For wads that are designed with free look in mind, or for TC's like Blade of Agony, veritcal aim is the only way to go.
>Implying we shoudn't have more than one comfy Doom thread
I was meaning to send my wad into it but so far I'm only satisfied with two levels in it, I keept scrapping whole levels to make something better each time, but it's time consuming.
Do it without the stupid wojak next time.
Then enjoy your dead threads
>Doom Eternal
It sure looks better in a lot of ways but i hope they don't fuck up the enemy variation or story focus.
Hope there's an arcade mode in the game in case.
>Second question
Depends whether i'm in a mood for vanilla play or mods.
>still can't turn off glory kills in NuDoom
i'll give it a pirate, I guess.