Game allows you to be a father figure and mentor a inexperienced rookie into surpassing yourself

>game allows you to be a father figure and mentor a inexperienced rookie into surpassing yourself

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>mentor a inexperienced rookie into surpassing yourself
I'd like to see that little faggot try and surpass me.

>father figure
but I'm a girl?

post feet

Show feet

Show ass and feet

bring bobs and vageen

post leg

Post throat

Name 3 (three) games that do this

Post son

Post your horse dildo

God of War, The Last of Us, Telltale Walking Dead

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>game allows you to join forces with enemy
>ends up becoming a huge bro

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What does Rapunzel have to do with DOOM Slayer?
Was it autism?

I wish games did this more often.

Post dick

Rapunzel fags are cancer, that’s all.

Post L O N D O N

While they allow you to be the mentor, I don't think in any of these games does the rookie surpass you, so they don't exactly fit


Post mortem

In TWD Niglentine outlives Niglee and does more impressive feats later. TLOU2 shows that Ellie is on Joel's level(or above) at killing people. End of GoW Atreus beats the fuck out of Baldur in combo with Kratos + Atreus has more knowledge and access to shit cause he's half jotun-half god

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post socks

what games allow you to do this?

The waves of blood are rushing near, pounding at the walls of lies
Turning off my sanity, reaching back into my mind
Non-rising body from the grave showing new reality
What I am, what I want? I'm only after death

>Chrono Trigger
>Baldurs Gate

>game allows you to have animal companions

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Doomguy would absolutely hate Dante. Dante is half demon and Doomguy kills demons with extreme prejudice.

I wouldn’t underestimate Dante’s charisma, and how would doom guy even know untill Dante got a sword through the chest?

>three barrels in the gun

Post ur cloaca

Doomguy forgave that AI from DOOM for his demon shit and saved his life.

Who's cuter, Shinji or Kaworu?

Dante is a well renowned demon hunter who's known for his blood relation to Sparda. Dante is one of the "good ones" but convincing Doomguy of this would be like convincing a KKK Grand Wizard that some black people are ok.

That's precisely the point. Doomguy's brand of forgiveness in that situation was to completely destroy the AI.


Sounds about right to me

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>game's party is a bunch of angry and rugged bitter man
>they all have genuine respect and affection to each other

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post dilation station

>tfw this is you and your high school friends
closest i've ever known to love

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