Boss doesn't let you active effects or summon friends

>boss doesn't let you active effects or summon friends

Attached: yugioh NumberS0UtopicZEXALMACRENSRLE.png (479x700, 771K)

sounds like a weaker rhongobongo

Attached: 1531978682136.png (480x272, 91K)

>Boss' minion freezes you as the boss attacks you

Attached: LunalightKaleidoChick-CIBR-EN-C-1E.png (473x694, 814K)

What game is this?

Tag Force

Attached: 1538509313040.png (480x272, 109K)

>chain literally anything to this effect
nice try

it's okay they work for the beast man, FLAME

Attached: BrotherhoodoftheFireFistBear-CT10-EN-SR-LE.png (386x565, 400K)

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>boss protects of all his minions

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These arent actual cards

*activates its effect in your draw phase*

How does one get started with modding Tag Force?


You would need a solemn card or traphole in your backrow.

Make way for the true Tag Force kino.

Attached: infernity_zero.jpg (740x1079, 139K)

Impermanence during draw phase?

How would the gods fare in modern Yugioh?

Attached: Gods.jpg (955x713, 252K)

they couldn't even fare when they were first released except Obelisk. Now that Sphere is shit nobody will use Ra teching either

Slifer is not very good, still fun in gimmick decks.
Obelisk used to actually be pretty good but he's fallen out of use.
Ra has always been terrible.

I summon Hero Kid, in attack mode!

Attached: HeroKid-LCGX-EN-C-1E.png (329x480, 297K)

Even with their full effects they would be pretty mid in modern Yugioh.

>3 tributes for shitty gimmick effects

I'm talking about anime Gods

>you don't get to bring friends

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Nice of you to specify at the start.

Phoenix form is a decent field nuke but it would still be way too much of a cost getting it out

Did i stutter?

Attached: 23C6AC2F-55BB-483E-B650-48DF02D7BAA0.png (481x700, 758K)

>Friend appears in the middle of your combo and makes it better

Attached: Wulf.jpg (458x669, 43K)

Only if they had all of their manga/anime mechanics. Which would make them quite powerful but we only are allowed to use nerfed versions of them.

Honestly a Link-1 or 2 that searched a god would be enough to make Obelisk and Slifer playable. It may even make Ra a bit playable.

That's fine, I don't have any friends to begin with.

I'd honestly say Obelisk would still be the best
>devastate the field
>attack instantly afterwards with a guaranteed OTK

>the most hyped up god card
>it's the worst one
What the fuck

Attached: Ra.jpg (1200x1600, 927K)

it's abilities worked to bullshit Battle City rules. That is about all it had

I see utopic Zexal in Six samurai builds with Shi-en as protection.

Can't wait to use that combo in Duel Links