What's their dialog? Also Bloodstained thread.
Why are familiars so useless?
They're not. Bloodbringer is without a doubt. Carbossa is cute but doesn't really do anything beyond being cute and pointing out breakable walls.
But the Book, Buer, the Dullaheads are all splendid. And the Silver Knight can block projectiles which can be useful.
I was confused when i was reading it from left to right
It's from a manga page. So naturally right to left.
let's speed this thread up
That was crazy.
How much does map percentage relate to how far into the game/story I am. For example I just beat Alfred and have almost 70% of the map. Am I really about 70% done with the game? Or am I closer or further to the ending than that? Just trying to gauge how much game I have left.
The first 80% of the map is about 90% of the game. The last 20% goes by fast.
So you're like 63% done.
How do I kill the spooky dude on the train? it kills me in seconds.