*is more important than your GPU in your path*

>*is more important than your GPU in your path*

Attached: intel_bx80684i78700k_core_i7_8700k_3_7_ghz_1356634.jpg (2500x2500, 700K)

Other urls found in this thread:


AMD > Intel

how much do they pay you to shill this shit?

>he plays at 1080p
>he bought a 8700K to play at 1080p
hahahaha Yea Forumstards never cease to amaze me

More like AMDon’t

>inb4 muh 5% difference in 1080 gaming
AMD is now cheaper, draws less powers, has no security flaws and obliterates Intel in everything besides 1080p gaming (which is VERY marginal). You'd have to be an absolute retard to buy Intel in the current year.

Attached: zen.png (1274x599, 250K)

based and fpbp
fuck israel and fuck intel

But I have that exact CPU in my rig.

Attached: pc.jpg (656x523, 78K)

>GTX 1080
1080p 60Hz
LOL the ride never ends!

yeah AMD is what Poor people buy the best i9 is still better than the best AMD has got

I don't really care for a higher res.

Not true in any capacity. Unless you're using a 10 year old CPU, you won't notice it in games.

Different user here. What's wrong with any of that? Speak slowly.

t. intel-aviv

Attached: intel merchant.png (719x720, 255K)

>buying a 9990K to only play video games.
You're retarded. At 1440p your CPU makes just about no difference. Like the graph shows, 3900X demolishes 9990K is every single regard.

MAD ≈ incel

the point is your rig is stupidly overpowered for that resolution/framerate
at least get a 120hz 1080p monitor


Attached: 66B5B66B-6D4F-4506-B2A9-A46C36B99614.jpg (640x480, 23K)

I may down the line, I just want it to last enough to play a couple games.

Those are high end parts yet absolute poverty tier monitor resolution and refresh rate. user should have a 1080p 144Hz or 1440p 144Hz. it juts goes to show your average Yea Forums user knows nothing about computer hardware and buys whatever YouTube e-celebs shill them.

reminder that if you don't buy intel you're a filthy anti-semite

sounds like your a poor fag. imagine not having the most powerful parts for your computer

*blocks ur path*

Attached: Matisse_6.jpg (1000x552, 102K)

>recommending resolutions higher than 1440p for gaming in 2019
Get out of here mr. Schekelberg

I recommend 1080p or 1440p you dunce

>AMD even destroy Intel in games that have always been known to favor Intel

Attached: Untitled.png (767x463, 346K)

>not having the most powerful parts for your computer
but I have AMD

Attached: siege.png (1174x597, 273K)

>obliterates Intel in everything besides 1080p gaming
so it still loses hahahahaha

I respect this user. Are you able to run most modern games on ultra?

>he plays 1080p in 2019
You are literally poor. The PC standard is 1440p 144Hz.

Is 2600 more than enough for anything in 1080p?
It's coming on the mail to replace my 1400

>i5 2500k

Still the king 8 years and counting

Attached: 1360793440446.jpg (389x260, 41K)

>You are literally poor
coming from a literal AMD user you cant make this shit up
1080p 144hz is the standard you faggot

I probably won't be upgrading shit until next year when Cyberpunk comes out and the specs for the next-gen consoles get released. I like to make sure when upgrading that I match or surpass what the consoles have to ensure I'm going to be solid for the next whole generation.

That said, my CPU is getting fairly old now so IDK, maybe I'll upgrade sooner, seeing as the new ryzens look pretty good. How are they in terms of overclockability and temps?

Yes, depends on optimization and sometimes requires some minor tweaks. Kingdom Cum for example runs at around 70-90 fps (with ultra-high) but can dip to as low as 40 fps at night, I didn't autistically play around with the settings though.

The few games I wanted to play the most when I had this rig in mind were Resident Evil 2 (pretty much never dipped below a hundred, I think, but the original is better so I dunno), Pathologic 2 (worked amazing but had some stutters because the game is badly optimized) and Ace Combat 7 (120).

>1080p 144hz is the standard
hahahah fucking cope. You can't call others poor when you can't afford a 1440p 144Hz monitor with a GPU to drive it. How fucking pathetic, theses are the dumb hardware oblivious retards I argue with on this board.

I'd rather be a servant to Israel than those Chicom dog eating bastards.

Same here. Literally no reason to upgrade yet.
I have to think that releasing the 2500k was a mistake on Incel's part. They made it too good, especially for the price, thus preventing them from jewing customers out of upgrades for quite a long time.

>1080p 144hz is the standard
Are we in 2012?

>Intel i5-8400 6 core 2.8Ghz
>gtx 1650
>8gb ram
Would this shit be able to run Cyberpunk in at least high settings?

Attached: download.jpg (185x273, 10K)

>people still have brand loyalty
Currently AMD is the best choice if you have to buy a new CPU
Might change in a year if Intel actually does something
Fucking retards defending Intel because they bought it when it was the best choice at the time

Attached: 1560095464160.png (2000x1543, 133K)

>I bought something therefore it is the standard

Can I run windows 7 on ryzen 3000? Can't decide if I should get a new CPU or just buy some extra RAM for my current old ass CPU. I currently only have 8GB and I can get another 8GB for just 40 bucks or so.

Good goyim

Attached: 1501685446886.jpg (1845x1923, 1.25M)

no goy, don't you want to get the Geforce RTX 2080 ti super turbo edition HD remix? You won't be able to experience Ray-Tracing™, eheheh

Attached: starry kike.jpg (207x243, 16K)

Learn to read dumbass.

Imagine someone in 2013 saying 720p is the standard. That's what you sound like. You're both poor and literally retarded.

I've never understood brand loyalty for PC parts. It's not like there's a sunk cost with any of them where getting an AMD CPU now means you can't get an intel next time, or getting a nvidia GPU now means you can't get an AMD next time. Just pick whatever has the best value at the time. Last time I bought I CPU was when sandy bridge was king. Now ryzen looks better, so I'm getting that.

>buy an amazing rig that can play most new shit at around 80-120 fps 1080p
>do nothing but emulate PS1 games and play shit like the SNES SMT1 through retroarch

Attached: 1509089071359.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Ironically AMD just gave the perfect argument to never run into any CPU limit because anti-lag only works if you are in a GPU limited scenario.

Attached: antilag.png (1175x785, 148K)

no dumbass, medium if you're lucky

Not helping our greatest ally by giving them your useful data is antisemitic, goy

i have only played one game that used my GPU more than CPU, and that game was Fallout 4

Very nice. I'm about to upgrade as well for some similar games. Tired of all the stutter with games like RE2 and Hitman.

actually based desu

This always happens to me as well
>have PC
>PC starts getting old
>newer games start chugging and/or need to start lowering the graphical quality
>still trudge through the games because I like them anyway
>finish all the games I'm currently interested in
>okay those ran like ass, time to upgrade
>get fancy new PC gear that can run anything flawlessly
>lol wait I already played all the modern games I care about and don't feel like replaying any of them
>okay time to go back to deus ex and new vegas again

Is this a shitpost or am I just dumb? Why is it good to have lots of vulnerabilities?


I assume you meant that backwards

t. antisemite

It's a shitpost, dummy

Attached: 1559056650985.jpg (1510x1593, 1.07M)

same dont think im upgrading for years and even if i do itll be mid tier buying expensive shit is a meme

>imagine not having the most powerful parts for your computer
3900X now and 3950X next autumn?

>tfw $1000+ PC yet cannot afford 144hz monitor

Attached: 1532471049572.jpg (429x410, 21K)

Fuck anti-semitics

I know that feel, hopefully that'll change here in a few months. I was thinking of one of those cheap VA 1440p 144hz panels or this one that's IPS 1440p 95Hz instead

>i5-8400 6 core 2.8Ghz

>Can run Dolphin, PS2 emulators and all of my Steam library without a hitch
>The only games that I can't run in high are bland FPS games and Ubisoft shit
Fuck them, I don't need an upgrade.

2.8Ghz? also isn't rtx 570 cheaper and more powerful than the 1650? wouldn't make sense buying it unless you're building a very small, quiet computer, that draw little power, but then why not wait for the 1650 ti.

>I assume you meant that backwards
don't put words in my mouth, b-b-b-bitch

>high settings
fuck no.

Please don't get an 8400. I would suggest an r5 3600, but even a 2600 would be a better price
/ performance value.

So what's the based+redpilled combo to go with these days? 1660ti+3600x?

>build a pc
>980 Ti
>play at 1080p 60fps
>4 years later still don't have any issues reaching 1080p 60fps for most games I play at max or high settings
>no desire to upgrade at all

I might upgrade to 4k eventually when there is a card that can play new games at 4k 60fps at max or high settings for 4+ years. Going to a higher resolution is not really a priority for me though.

It depends on what resolution and refresh rate you're aiming for retard

going to build my first pc soon. is this article a meme?

Attached: tomb raider - scary stalker.jpg (429x370, 41K)

yes see

4K is a meme anyway. There are serious diminishing returns, especially past 1440p. Unless you're playing with your eyeballs pressed up against the screen with posture looking like the hunchback of notre dame, you're not going to be able to tell the difference anyway, and all that extra processing power just ends up wasted.

Much more worth it to go for higher refresh rate instead. I'm hoping the standard ends up settling on 1440p/144hz.

yea like who cares