>Waaa! Castle super beast is just shitting on their audience! They were so mean at their panel!
Do Americans still not undersand what bants are? Shit man learn to take a joke.
>Waaa! Castle super beast is just shitting on their audience! They were so mean at their panel!
Do Americans still not undersand what bants are? Shit man learn to take a joke.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok, who's saying this, I can't believe anyone who knows their shtick would get butthurt
I literally never heard of this literally who.
I can't believe Woolie got divorced over Mario Party.
Doesn't this dude's gf have sex with Dick Masterson?
Canucks are genetically incapable of bants.
Is there a video?
Who is crying?
No one is saying this.
Everyone at that panel knew what they were going to.
Say that to my face motherfucker
based pat
If you give an american an opportunity to complain they will ALWAYS take it
pat is based, woolie is a whiny bitch ass nigga
>Drinks nothing but redbull
>GF getting dicked by Dick Masterson
>Has to wear a mask to push air down his throat when he sleeps
suicide stream when
>GF getting dicked by Dick Masterson
citation needed. Try hiding your tree in a bigger forest.
hi matt
So obsessed...
>is another cuck projecting his fantasy thread
Will they ever play games together again?
CSB would be way more enjoyable if Woolie had the balls to stand up to Pat.
eceleb board when
reminder Paige is actually braindamaged
Dick was boning Maddox's GF at the time, and Paige's last BF was Asterios before Pat.
I felt genuinely bad for starting the rumor that she was banging Bunty King.
She was called a whore on twitter and nearly cried on The Killstream when people thought she cucked Pat.
Im sorry Paige...
Nah. She cheats on him with other women, apparently Pat is all the dick she needs.
He didn't, but his Gf kept dragging him down making LittleV and his SO win.
>White Knighting this hard
The stench of red bull burned her brain
Dick doesn't do that, except to ultracucks like Maddox
Mfw just imagining liam seething over pat and woolies success.
Though their talk about epic game store is really just making them come of as valve shills. Really embarrassing arguments they made.
>Podcast in front of live audience
>people shouting memes.
I've never watched these fuckers but I think I know how to answer the question to if she cucked him or not.
How often does she talk about sex? If its often then its likely that its on her mind often, meaning being around other men might imply she's done something with them at some point. But if she rarely talks about it, maybe she doesn't care about that sort of thing so hanging out with other dudes really is just someone hanging out with her friends.
so basically if twitch chat was audible?
and you could not talk over it and ignore it, yes.
Yeah she's getting fucked
You guys are really worshipping this fat manlet cuck?
Never forget.
More hateful then the angry midget, ironic isn't it?
What a fag
twitter reveals Woolie is a dumbass who still believes the EGS is spyware
>"No Woolie.. Warframe is Free to Play.."
>"Yeah Pat, I kno-"
>"No Woolie, listen to me, it's.. Freeeee to Plaaaaay."
Every conversation on their podcast summed up. I'm off the boat.
Pfthahaha its funny that there was probably people in the audience THAT UNIRONICALLY look up to them.
how the FUCK pat managed to fuck paige?
look at him
look at her
I just wish they'd play some fucking video games together.
Warframe is also incredibly shit but you don't hear Pat talk about that aspect of the game.
Man, remember when slim Woolie was gonna be a thing?
How sad. He's got a absolute unit of a build.
The fact that pat sucks the cock and balls of an incompetent dev like digital extremes really brings up the questions of if they are just actual shills.
watch Paige's streams. Paige has actual brain damage and her health is super shit.
celebrity is a hell of a drug
are people really surprised that chewie and fuckface of all people were rude? seems pretty in character for them
She's retarded
Pat has been really letting himself go. Didnt he go to the gym a long time ago? He was losing weight and looking good. But he's blowing up now. All those energy drinks are going to kill him.
I'd fuck that villain.
Passive aggresive bant*
he's charismatic and has money
Some people have weird tastes. She also thinks Rich Evans is hot.
I like 90% sure she is a professional clout chaser.
>Though their talk about epic game store is really just making them come of as valve shills. Really embarrassing arguments they made.
Nah, they're not cucks who suck Tim's dick like you.
supposedly he has a huge dick
Pat hasn't gone to the gym in well over a year and is more than content sitting on his couch all day, streaming, while eating shitty food he orders to the house as he balloons up.
Pat is on a one way streak. It's time to come home Pat.
Holy shit this. The first American I met threatened me with a goddamn knife in my own country, cause he thought I stole his motorbike helmet lol you motherfuckers are brash
I thought he still went to his boxing gym?
>giving people their money back for shenmue is bad because that means no one will give any money to kikestarterz
Yea bro, sound argument.
>plays up her dumb shit on streams and on the podcast
.has to insert herself into every convo with bad jokes
>is associated with The Dick Show and SBF
>but makes it known she is "progressive" so she doesn't get any of the backlash and reaps the benefits of the exposure on both
>all she has to do is fuck a gremlin once a week and squeeze mustard in her mouth for tons of money and attention
Paige is totally a clout chaser. lol
Think she actually loves Pat? Pat doesn't even love himself.
Pat never skips using his cpap so he'll live a bit longer than Ryan.
They really need weekly guests or a third member. Them alone just isn't good
If anyone loved pat they would stop him from shoveling all that slop into his mouth on stream. Ive see what he orders on uber eats.
Chad woolz
>Having exclusive kickstarter games on Epic means all the backers gave a free loan while developers take the deal for a shitty store
>Consumers get wary of kickstarter games because unless a developer explicitly say they won't take any deals and will honor the agreements, it means not many will back games
I have barely listened to their podcast in a while, but EGS is shit and scummy and you are an idiot for not seeing that
>they still shill kike-starter as a whole.
>those baba is you streams
I want someone that doesn't continue their circle jerk. Basically another devil's avocodo but not an SJW
Mr. FFXIV meme man, I've been told that Pat's tutorials for the game are actually useless and fucking retarded, is this true? I am not gonna watch a Pat stream because it's beyond cancer.
>defending kikestarter
>but epic games is ebil doe
Clown world shit right there.
woolie has lost so much weight god damn look at the lad go
>YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT WAS SICK WAS THAT A STAND? OH HE POINTED UP THAT'S A GURREN LAGANN REFERENCE! *high pitched laugh* *coughs up enough phlegm to sculpt a person out of it*
What did Woolie "I'm not actually black" Madden mean by this?
>panel was literally laughing the entire time every time they got insulted
nobody was mad
>best friend simulator for trannies
haha yikes
>Still butthurt over MN.9
Not my fault a lot of good games came out of that platform.
He's looking better than his SBF days. No doubt the dissolution weighed in a bit. Pat has been turned in to a complete blob.
Doea Pat understand that he's not entertaining? Worst streamer I have ever fucking seen. Every single TBF person is fucking cancer.
It is true. You dont need a tutorial to set up your ui because you will personalize it to yourself. The game also makes things painfully simple as you go through 1-50.
The tutorials you actually need is how to rotate abilities which he does sloppy and outright saws he cant do moderate stuff like weave combos.
So unless you want to be spoon fed on ui its worthless.
Why is XJ-9 going to kill Steven
>Pat has to explain multiple times about "Baba doesn't matter" part
Paige is a literal retard
Steven looks way older
There is a landfill full of garbage that buries the handfull of good games kikestarter has shat out.
Someone's gotta
imagine the smell at the theaters...
Why does he wear the mask
I can see pat fucking dying cause of health issues, hope he loses weight and gets off the redbull for awhile. Drink coffee or some shit instead
>tfw I'm enjoying Matt's content more then either Pat or Woolie's
I used to love Woolie's video shitposts, but he makes too many godawful LPs and his co-hosts are fucking bad. Pat is annoying by himself and Matt at least edits his shit or has enough variety to be entertaining.
How long until Liam comes out as trans?
Paige is a dumb person who makes bad decisions
They are perfect for each other.
Pat isnt going to make it to his 50s if he keeps drinking cancerbull, staying up all night, and getting fat as shit
Rate he's going, I'm guessing 3 years tops. Keep shoveling that shit in your mouth your ginger goblin, make us laugh for those bits.
he recently came out as a College student.
sure you puck slapping maple sucker
His cohosts aren't really bad. They're usually paying more attention to the game than him. They're just not very good at speaking and projecting their voices.
Pat isn't useful for information in general, he's viewed because he's funny when riffing with other people.
The saddest part for me hearing him go on and on about how he played mmo and shooters. But looking at him play ff14 and warframe it makes it evident how hard he got carried. How you can play 100 days of a game and still fuck up drk rotation 30% of the time is embarrassing.
>Liam was born in America
>Matt was obsessed with America to the point where it was part of his logo
the fact they were such pussies finally makes sense
Considering we live in a world where AAA publishers release shitty games on the daily, it's not that bad in comparison. Most of my personal favorites have released because of it good thing I didn't back garbage like MN.9 like Pat and Woolie did. They backed fucking everything without rhyme or reason, just throwing money out like retards.
Goes to show how effective the group was, because boy are they way worse solo.
he knows, he just wants to follow Paige
Maybe they pay attention, they have awful personalities though. Only series I enjoyed a long time was his Goemon LP, but the last parts got really bad when he kept throwing a tantrum and being a salty bitch
they backed most of the stuff that came out in the first big kickstarter wave, after the amount of blunders that happened from that they've been a bit more skeptical.
too bad it's on a morbidly obese body, unless Paige is doing all the work Pat would probably pass out mid-sex
Im the same guy you are talking to i only ever backed pathologic and shovel knight. But ive seen and heard of so many kikestarters that shit the bed that i actually can not understand how people can still be cool with it.
>Goemon LP, but the last parts got really bad when he kept throwing a tantrum and being a salty bitch
Which parts? Got any timestamps?
No, they're not very good at enunciating properly past their third-world subhuman accents. You shouldn't be allowed to get behind a mic unless you sound white.
The entirety of the last two parts at least.
Why was this posted here?
sometimes i wonder if living in the usa actually shrinks your grey matter, or if it's just an inbuilt indoctrination thing
honestly a bit upset with you for posting this garbage, m8.
So, who is supposedly crying about the panel and why?
Because I really doubt actual fans are crying, since they know the kind of shit those two come out with.
Woolie should start lifting at this point instead of doing boxing and island-people dancing, he has a lot of potential right now
I wanted to follow his channel but I stopped enjoying watching LPs before the old channel broke up so it was hard to get into new dynamics. I like his one-off stuff though, and I think Gon In 60 Seconds is a fantastic concept, but I also just like Eyepatch Wolf in general.
He's growing to be the next boogie, since that one lost a lot of weight. There must always be at least one severely obese gaming eceleb.
It kept gradually building up but it bursts here
After that, he becomes so annoying that Jon calls him out since he was carrying him most of the time.
don't open this
>it impossible to go back to deus ex or older smt games.
How can you even say this with a straight face when you are 30+
Probably a bit of both, but sometimes slurring your English just sounds really bad. Certain people are simply not made to commentate on things. I've stuttered all my life, so I've accepted that I will never be appealing to listen to. I love Zone of the Enders, but I had to stop watching that LP around episode 4. That Min kid both cannot riff well, and has an average at best voice. He's probably a good person and I wish the best for whatever the hell he's doing now, but commentary is not his calling.
Fact: No one likes hearing your mangled accent, ESL-kun.
She basically said on another podcast (Celmps's if I recall) that she's really into short plump dudes and basically Pat is her ideal body type for men.
Also some rumors say that Pat is packing a huge dick as well.
I dont...understand
Is this Pat or Woolie? If it's Pat, then I don't care since all he does is reading up on the wiki.
It is impossible. I agree.
reminder that he includes nocturne in those older games
>Jesus and his trans bf
>he fell for the "video game degree" meme
Didn't Liam work as a tester already? Get a fucking MBA dude.
I'd like to hear someone say "it's impossible to go back to Street Fighter 2" and watch their heads explode.
I just listen to the podcast and I'm going to watch that "Eyepatch forces Woolie to watch HxH" thing because it's a minute per episode. I like podcasts to fill my commutes and trips to the store and such and CSB has enough enjoyable moments per episode and is usually 3+ hours which fills a lot of time.
Pat said it was because you couldn't choose the skills your newly fused demons inherited.
Minh is probably the worst person you could get for a LP. Not only his accent is thick and he can't communicate well, he also can't understand any bit of nuance or sarcasm, he's blunt as a rock.
The only one of the sbfp guys that ever had an actual job for longer than a month was pat, the rest of them think they're above real work
woolie and pat are now based in my book
Fused demons didn't even inherit skills in SMT1 and 2.
She also claimed some exes were fat midgets too, and that she wants to fuck Patton Oswalt really bad, didn't she?
Paige is a weird chick. Like, actually weird, not "omg guise I'm so weird ikr :3 but normal people are boring xP xD" fake weird. The fake that she drinks mustard straight legitimately speaks for itself, not even memeing.
Woolie's immense salt at life stealing not resetting the timer is hilarious.
I'm fine with going back to older games, but I can see how he finds stuff like AI-controlled party members in P3 irritating.
Pretty sure they would agree with you if you meant just the original World Warriors release.
>The fake that
The fact that*
It's Liam with mom...
Does the tranny still spend all his money on gacha shit?
Is mom even trans or just a guy with boobs? I've never really heard them address the subject and people always use "he" and they never make any attempt to sound female.
Going back to SF2 if you played it closer to release isn't impossible, but I could see many people that got into fighting games this millenium to not be able to handle SF2. It's the same principle as how people actually think DMC1 isn't something you can go back to in terms of 3D action games; they were innovators and hadn't worked out all the kinks yet. Even Super Turbo has wild inconsistencies that are unheard of in the genre today (or even a decade+ ago)
At a glance of their twitter, I spotted several GBF and FGO related things, so yes probably.
Those boots are genuinely horrible.
Everything else is fuckable, though.
there's no way that's Liam's mom
>video game degree
Literally set himself up to be a eternal shit scraper at the bottom of a studio ladder.
Which Stream Archive is this? Does anyone know? I wanna watch the exact moment and see his butthurt on camera
not Liam's mom, Truongasm aka 'mom'
If he is in chat i doubt he was actively streaming.
I wanna fucking know this too. I need to see the archive and see anyone defending this shit
Paige is not attractive visually but she is entertaining.
>Says he's a rough time financially
>Still spend money on gacha
next time he does this i'll just call him out
I'm lost, why would that affect him in any way?
Yeah, nothing attractive there... nope.
It doesn't, he's just jealous that Pat who he hates is getting more attention then him and it's making him feel bad that it's overriding his ability to be happy for Woolie
Basically he's a huge bitch
I agree with other user. She just has a man nice
Because he fucking hates Pat and hates that he's more successful, and popular, than he is.
I meant face
>She just has a man nice
She has Sarah Jessica Parker foot face due to her jaw, yeah, but I'd still put a baby in it behind a midget's back and not take responsibility.
I agree...the whole stream Format is fucking boring IMO,Matt at least pay up people to edit and make things in eintertaining Format....Why Pat dont do the same?I mean He gets more money than Matt anyway.
>Became a streamer before Pat
>Tried to make a shitty vita game before he cancelled it
>Turns out Pat is way more successful then him at streaming and now basically secured his financial future
Liam hates Pat with a passion
>their talk about epic game store is really just making them come of as valve shills. Really embarrassing arguments they made.
On the most recent podcast, or the archive of the panel?
If they did that now they'd be called out for following Matt's format. Say what you will but his stuff is made better and can be interesting.
what a fucking piss baby
Most recent, the one today.
>In the span of only 2 years I've had to abandon all of my video game podcasts.
Fuck this gay Earth.
Why does he hate him though? Pat has done nothing to Liam
The only cucks saying that are zoomie millennial parented baby dicks, and Tumblr-whales.
Liam was hitting on Paige at Hooters and brought the guys over to look like less of a creep and Paige hit it off with Pat.
No one knows the exact reason but it's probably a literal case of Liam being unable to handle the bants
>Get around to watching Gurren Lagann because they hyped it up nonstop
>It's overrated as fucking hell, and as a series it's just okay
>Feel like my experience was ruined because they made me go in with high expectations for it
>Woolie to this day is still pushing it as the best thing created by man
He takes Pat's jests literally
the headcanon is liam wanted to get with paige first but pat cucked him. far as I know there's zero proof of that.
Woolie does the thing all posers do, where they get overly passionate about some lukewarm take are accepted fact qbout something in order to overcompensate for their lack of deep knowledge of it.
Its really fucking annoying.
As an absolute newbie to MMOs in general some of the stuff he said about the settings and hotbar layout helped. I still had all the stuff like return and teleport on my hotbar and didn't even know about things like separate bars for sheathed/unsheathed weapons.
Crazy Talk is gonna kill us all one day.
Just do the same thingto him on Twitter seeing as he fucking hates it
Woolie poses as a mecha fag but has only seen a few gundams and gurren lagaan. So he never shuts up about it.
Go to sleep, Pat.
What do you listen to instead
It's probably just that time Pat prevented him from selecting his character in some shitty Marvel game and he smudged Pat's TV in response.
Like my NTR doujins
He thinks Pat is an asshole.
But Pat is more popular.
Even though Liam is doing everything to be woke and say the right things, angry asshole Pat still has more friends.
He doesn't understand that people like Pat because he's genuine, while Liam says what he thinks will make him look the best.
Mighty No9 is the obvious tipping point, where Pat felt genuine remorse for being part of the hype, while Liam doubled down and got trashed by Pat's argument.
Why is Pat such a useless piece of shit?
I've been saying the same thing. My favoritism used to follow:
Pat > Woolie > Liam > Matt
>Pat's streams are awful, they're the lowest effort garbage possible where he just turns on a camera while he's in pajamas, groan about how tired he is, chug redbull, read off donations, fuck with option menus, and then bore me with either dead air when he's solo, or it becomes a 'Paige is sunsetting again and can't figure out how to order delivery quietly and on her own, so the stream is shit for the next 20-60 minutes' episode.
>Woolie continues to be cool an actually try, but he has a bone to pick about how people always want him to be doing shit with Pat, to where he snaps at people in comments who request that, because he wants them coming to his channel for him and him alone. Despite that he continues to LP with Reggie and Billy. They both seem nice but I'm sorry, I would never watch them LP anything solo, they're not fun. Even with Woolie I can't be bothered. I somehow skipped all of Wonderful 101 and have no intention of watching it due to his choice of boring-ass cohost, even though I would've killed for that LP with Woolie and literally any of the three other former Zaibatsu members.
>Liam still kind of tries but he's a backstabbing rat who killed the channel, and I resent him for it. Even still, he only really does sporadic streams. Still waiting for Bloodstained part 3 and it's been weeks, despite him claiming he "cried" he was so happy when the game's Kickstarter was announced.
>Matt somehow is by far the best channel still surviving. He does duo-LP's with a former member, unlike anyone else, and it kind of feels like some of the fun old LP's on the Best Friends channel from before Liam left. Edgelords is actually pretty fun, and so are some of his other occasional things, like Fighterpedia with Woolie and all that. His wife is obnoxious as shit, but I do kind of like listening to her goblina ass shitting on bad video game fashion.
You clappers get pissy at literally any fucking thing we say. We can't possibly be better at bants.
This is a man who holds a roll of toilet paper in his hand when he pees because "how else am I going to get the perfect amount of tp once I'm done?". Any advice should be taken not with salt, but the entire spice rack.
I heard that Paige has some sickness that is slowly killing her? Is that true?
Liam licks developer asshole constantly and will defend shitty devs to the fucking death, like with mighty no.9 and he couldn't handle pat calling it what it was
>Do Americans still not undersand what bants are
You sure as shit don't you illiterate fuck.
Pat probably gave Liam a hard time about all the loli porn he owns. He pretends not to be into it, but he's admitted to playing/owning plenty of games or books with loli in them, sometimes with photographic evidence of him holding them.
Yes, Lupus is quite life threatening.
She has lupus. Im no doctor so idk how bad that is
bitch I wish I was
I've people say she has lupus but fuck if I actually know what she has.
She has lupus as well as a fucked up carotid artery or something that can cause her to have a stroke if she moves her head the wrong way too fast
The fat guy in the left looks like tranny dad, and the black dude looks like an unholy combo of THE WALL and the drummer from gorillas.
Imagine pretending to have retroactive good taste while having bad taste currently
Lupus, but the faulty artery in her neck will probably kill her first.
>only 6'
It actually legitimately bothers me that both Pat and Woolie are the biggest goddamn fucking plebs ever, but they act like they're prophets or some shit on the shit they shill. They have such beginner, entry-level knowledge on just about everything, but act like they're super knowledgeable. It really feels like it's just become a circlejerk for their massive egos.
Liam constantly eating the shit directly out of developer assholes is one of the worst things about him. He can be such a stupid fucking apologist sometimes.
We'll probably never know for sure, but I think just looking at their personalities, you can draw a decent enough conclusion. Liam is this weird Mr. Sunshine, glass half full at all times perpetual optimist, meanwhile Pat is on the cusp of nihilism and his brand is centered around shitting on things and people. I remember one of the E3 streams where Pat completely fucking shut down Liam, and you could see Liam took it incredibly personal. Those two are just water and oil, they'll never be able to be friends.
>He does duo-LP's with a former member, unlike anyone else
Woolie has done a couple with pat since the split
How do I know if I have a faulty artery?
>Liam and post-op Mike Diva
what the fuck
GL is babby's first anime, it's solely for hypefags.
I 100% agree on wanting a W101 LP, but I wish it was either a Liam/Pat one. Post break-up Woolie really sucks his own podcast is amazing and hits too hard on a personal level though
>Really embarrassing arguments they made.
>They cap every single epic games rant by saying that they wouldn't complain if the store wasn't shit
How the fuck is that embarrassing? Do you actually think the epic store with it's terrible or missing features is okay? Does it even have a fucking cart yet?
It should be noted that she's in that terrible area of "could live until 90, could die tomorrow" due to the nature of the illnesses.
Honestly, Lupus us mostly understood and can be dealt with. Most lupus suffers can live a full life.
The neck thing is way more concerning to be honest and I'm amazed she can't get surgery for that.
The RE2 one doesn't count because it's a stream and Woolie keeps asking Pat for advice every goddamn minute. They really did DMC5 and that's it.
>he could understand what was being said in the panel
Fuck that audio quality, just upload a fucking video and make a real podcast you lazy fucks
Do you have a stroke if you turn your head to the left too quickly?
>his own podcast is amazing and hits too hard on a personal level though
This. It's actually really cool to hear him talk about the creative process with people, and both Eyepatch Wolf episodes are great listens.
It bothers me a lot that people pretend that the things either of them are into are popular whatsoever, woolie especially. Like, projecting what they do or don't know when you know for a fact that calling them entry level for not liking the thing you like is some cry baby shit right
Fuck, I hope she gets to live a long life.
Now I'm too scared to try.
I enjoyed Minh in his TTB playthrough, because Minh is the picture-perfect representation of what TheDarkId imagined Third Birthday fans to be like.
This, it doesn't even feel like an LP so much as watching someone hard-follow a guide, which isn't interesting at all.
Not a big problem for me because i only ever buy 1 game at a time. And ive only bought like 3 games.
They are acting like epic games is literally the most evil thing in the industry right now.
If Paige loves skeletons so much why did she pair herself with the round mound of cubebound?
>do this to Woolie about shit I know he'll get around to eventually
>not even out of malice, just bored one day and think it would be funny for him to get an idea of how he acts about the absolute pleb shit he watches
>got blocked instantly
I don't really care for it, feels like Woolie's trying to be some modern philosopher and it just comes off as tryhard fake-deep.
cause he's got the biggest skeleton in the inside
What you can't see is just as titillating as what you can.
You dont even really need more then 2 hot bars till youre like 50-60. Its really jumping the gun to show newbies how to set hotbars when they would literally have know way to know how they want them.
Great insight. Thanks for the (You).
How come Paige is so much more popular or tolerable for being an eceleb twitch thot compared to others on Yea Forums?
>act like they have advanced patrician taste in everything
>do multiple hour long highly invested and involved spoilercasts on game of thrones, attack on titan, and capeshit movies, the most normie pleb shit in their respective mediums
He's likely to become a skeley sooner rather than later
Pat and Woolie are the closest thing to friends I have. So, EXCUSE ME, If I take their personal opinions seriously.
I would've even fucking taken Matt, they were fun together at times.
Yo bro, the giant robot is crossing its arms or pointing to the sky. Thats a gurren lagaan reference.
Woolie should workout harder and become huge, become BIG NIGGA STRONG MAN, he has the body for it. Weirdly enough, Pat could totally be a strongman but he's too much of a lazy bald cunt to do anything and all the rebull he drinks probably already caused permanent damage.
>Woolie getting mad at people for wanting him to do LPs with Pat
Why the fuck are these guys so fucking far up their own asses about this kind of shit? It's almost like the both of them mesh really well with each other, it's something people are familiar with, and the fact that none of them are good on their own. Woolie keeps bringing on the absolute worst people possible to play games with and somehow doesn't understand that people find listening to accents grating as fuck. He's seriously so goddamn unprofessional. They all are. They've been doing this shit for years and somehow they don't even have halfway decent equipment for it.
>That podcast a few weeks ago where Woolie said something about how he loves a good story when referring to Attack on Titan and Pat immediately said afterward making fun of people for saying the manga/anime was actually trash but then trying to act like every other anime is just little girl shit
This coming from the plebs that hated Space Dandy and didn't bother with it after the first episode.
Me but with no irony.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a paigefag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are donating to, tweeting at, defending and supporting pats gf solely so she can go and get ravaged by a legal midget who deposits his cum and sleeps in a different room. All the hard work you put into your ugly sick waifu - listening to her reading her fanfics stories at bedtime, listening to her guest spots on dickshow, pretending she's good at singing, watching her boring streams with Pat while she pretends to be retarded. All of it has one simple result: So some fat bald ginger who has a long hair fetish can fuck her anyway he wants without getting an actual job.
As a man who is a paigefag, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours a month of your life simply to obsess over and defend and financially support a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
she has cute feet
>This coming from the plebs that hated Space Dandy and didn't bother with it after the first episode.
Fuck Gon in 60 Seconds, tell me what you actually think about shit like the stupid multi-hour jog when you hit that, Woolie. Stupid joke format.
Matt>Woolie>>Pat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Faggot liam
I literally didn't even understand the cross hotbar/switching hotbars stuff until I watched that video. And stuff like the settings, filtering names, all that stuff I probably would have ignored.
I understand fate/ fags are annoying with their shit. But pat flying i to autistic indignation over it just invites people to fuck with him, and makes him look retarded.
>Woolie being salty about people wanting the shit they liked for years.
Haven't kept up with his stuff, but this sounds disappointing, though not terribly surprising. Any specific examples?
>Kickstarter has resulted is some good games, and it's been way better more recently about the bullshit.
>Kickstarting Shenmue 3 if you weren't interested in the epic games store was upgraded from a waste of money to a waste of time oh boy
People are going to be less interested in kickstarting PC games now because epic might pull this shit and waste their time, which means the next shunmue might not succeed, it's an easy causation to see happen man.
>They are acting like epic games is literally the most evil thing in the industry right now.
Really doesn't sound that way to me compared to how they talk about Randy. They've said they understand why Epic would want to future proof their profits with the fortnight funbucks and any dev offered the deal would be stupid to turn it down because it's fucking great for them. They just fucking hate that out of ALL THAT MONEY, pennies are being spent to make the actual store they're MAKING YOU USE not a pain in the dick.
Idk if i like pat and woolie combo. Their bloodborne lp comes to mind
I'd fuck Mom only in the ass.
Well, at least you didnt easte your time and got something out of it.
>you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours a month of your life simply to obsess over and defend and financially support a girl for another man to enjoy
He has to actually listen to her after he nuts. I wouldn't have the patience with Paige's bullshit. More power to him, I wouldn't stick my dick in that crazy in the first place, chick's a basket case.
Are you one of these people that assume adult male and female relations are ALWAYS ruled by sex, and that platonic enjoyment of the opposite sex's company is impossible for straight people? Really?
>an eceleb twitch thot
She tries to be funny rather than sexual and even succeeds some times.
I wouldn't even describe her as a THOT considering she's always in baggy clothes and has the camera zoomed out and in the bottom corner rather than milking betabux with a pushup bra.
DID THEY FUK???????????????
It can happen to pretty much anyone, so it's not unreasonable to be a little worried. My father was one of those creepy assholes who enjoyed doing 5k marathons and shit even when he turned 50. Guy was healthier than I was at half his age, he still suffered an ischemic stroke a couple years back because blood pressure to his brain randomly decided as he got older to shit the bed. Only thing you can do is get at least yearly checkups for these sorts of things. If you're American, hope you have health insurance, otherwise I guess in the """""land of the free""""" you have the choice to pay large amounts out of pocket to be sure you're healthy, or suffer.
Remember paige went on the killstream(a far right show) when it was one of the biggest non vidya streams around. She is a hyper clout chaser.
>Pat, a man who spends his life and hundreds of dollars playing FF14 and other shirty MMOs, had the gall to make fun of AnCro fans on Twitter
>everyone tells him to calm the fuck down and to chill his "lol I'm so jaded dude, everything sucks and I'm an asshole" shtick for once in his life
>starts arguing with everyone responding to him
>"dude we all are stupid, we play dumb babygames lol"
>changes his pinned tweet to a RedditLetterMedia gif of Jay making fun of mass consumers
I don't even like Animal Crossing because it's a game made for women but I fucking hate Pat so much, his asshole persona that he used to exaggerate has now enraptured him and he's borderline insufferable
Paige had her BARE FEET on display on stream a couple of times. That sleazy slut needs to cover up.
Nah I think Pat and Paige have been working to get in on Suzi's butthole
>dude it's the BEST it's ever been
>Dude it's the WORST it's ever been
>*opinion* for FREE
>Dude, it's a STAND!
>Dude I love *flavor of the season shounen anime* so much! Read it? Fuck that and don't you dare spoil it for me. It's an anime first
>dude it's BIG *noun* BIG *adjective*
I'm getting tired of their annoying verbal tics
Hell, I'll admit that I only got into FFXIV after watching Pat stream the fucking shitshow that was the Shadowbringers announcement thing. That and his talking about it constantly on the podcast got me interested (I've never played MMOs before) and now I'm about 150hrs in with a level 50 DRG and in an FC and having fun.
It was the best combo whenever they weren't playing a souls game, pat's know it all backseat driving and obnoxiously trying to guess everything before it happens combined with woolie being terrified of doing a single thing wrong and his inability to understand 3d space is absolutely fucking insufferable in those types of games
As a dedicate Fatefag, I couldn't be more happy that Pat isn't interested in it. Look at how badly he mangles lore and plots of shit he considers himself a fan of, trying to get him to understand the world of Fate would be a goddamn nightmare. Listening to his analysis of FFVII was fucking miserable. I like Pat better when he's talking about things I'm only tangentially aware of, because I don't spot all the wrong bullshit he spouts.
>They are acting like epic games is literally the most evil thing in the industry right now.
They are Evil, never underestimate how evil corporations actually are.
When is Pan Pizza going to be on the Podcast and just redpill them on why Canada is the worst place on Earth and why the original Xbox is the only console you'll ever need
Yeah, he thinks we're all still laughing at the joke because he only sees the mindless drones that still donate to him. I haven't paid attention to his content in months outside of the podcast, so okay, I hope that goes well for him when others get tired of it like I did.
I love Animal Crossing and I wasn't even particularly bothered by his stupid comments, but boy, it's real pathetic watching him think he's some epic master troll clownman when everyone is just deadpan staring at his comments like pic related, utterly tired of how full of himself he is and how funny he thinks he is.
Glad your enjoying bro. Make sure to watch you poetics so you dont cap out.
I would blast 50 gallons of my cum down suzi's throat
>It's not Bebop xd
>Ew, this anime is really creepy...
Also, going back to Pat suggesting that every other non-mainstream anime is little girl shit, years ago I tried suggesting Ping Pong the Animation to them (to Pat specifically after he tweeted about liking the sport), but never even heard anything back from them.
It (sorta) helps when Pat is acting as an instructor when Woolie is playing a game Pat has played before.
The fact that his entire argument comes down to "dude I don't get it lmao" is such fucking trash. I'm sick of how up his own ass he is about everything.
>"dude banjo-kazooie sucks and is terrible and my entire basis and experience of the series has been from watching someone play nuts and bolts xd"
Could you even imagine the salt that would come from him if you dared to insult a franchise he genuinely loved? His face would turn extremely red.
Not a doctor but a researcher. It's pretty bad, but her problems seem to be more than just that. 5 year prognosis is around 90%. I'm like 90% sure she'll be deado in 5 years tho. She already went into comas before and she just had one recently
Would watch a Porntube vid of "her" and Paige.
I don't get why they quote that RLM bit so much.
They're unironically and unapologetically what that bit is making fun of.
Pat literally spent probably thousands of dollars on Warframe, FF14, and Lootbox trash alone.
And they shill other people's Kickstarters.
Yet they spin it like they're above that mindset.
>watching mario maker 2 video
>woolie: Cats know when you're calling them they just don't care, scientists say
>woolie and reggie:......
I really fucking hate this guy
Pat/Matt is what got me into the channel, they were good
>Never played DMC.
>Wonder why they go "DUDE THERE'S YOUR VIRGIL" whenever a rival shows up.
>They play the DMC games.
>Watch the LPs, curious to see why this rivalry is the one by which all others must be judged.
>Pic related.
>Pan Pizza
a reminder that if you seriously quote and parrot Red Letter Media you're no better than the Nerd Crew "Characters"
When he was in an actual group, he got away with all this shit constantly because people thought he was just putting on a character, but when it turned out that he actually is a genuinely stupid person with shitty pleb taste, all it did was take away from the fun of it. I fucking wish that someone had the balls to confront him IRL about it, because it's a situation that would be impossible to avoid. They're all so block happy too whenever someone offends them.
Thanks for the advice man, have a good day.
Everyone seems to have forgotten about Pat calling out "rape culture" in games and that he unironically calls things toxic now
I'm sorry if your IQ isn't big enough for abortion lore and early 2000s blind nostalgia.
>even mom got fat
and I thought the wall only came for roasties...
he's too busy jacking off and falling asleep in his own cum
Yeah nah
>Wha Happun
>Pat's fake Rich Evans laugh at things that aren't even that funny
>gully gully
>no shut up, tho
>everytime Pat paraphrases someone or tries to personify a big company he puts on a silly voice and over-simplifies his speech in an attempt to sound cute and funny
reminds me of the very first panel they ever did when they were super best friends. There was this fucking child screaming every 5 seconds stupid ass quotes from it. Everyone wanted that kid dead. I think it's still on youtube, it's unwatchable
It's copypasta you retard
Plot twist: it was never an act or a gimmick, Pat has always been a neurotic fucking asshole that loves his own opinions far too much. This is why he is at his best with others, not by himself.
Kek, I don't even need to see the reply chain to know exactly what type of autistic semantic playing retard you are.
I almost recommended you try the Palace of the Dead to speed up your leveling process. I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry user.
Same, but things weren't like this for a long, long time. youtube.com
Didn't know about this. This makes that cat facts segment on the podcast kind of funny.
>Only ever saw pictures
>Finally watch a video
>That man voice
Wasn't expecting that shit.
you see your fucked now, once you start to notice things like this its over, pretty much why i cant listen to giant bomb anymore was noticing all the reacurring flaws
no seriously they were really fucking mean and dishonest
fuck off
the dante / vergil dynamic in 3 is fantastic though
Please be patient, he has autism.
This is the same man that grinds to max level in the starting zone.
I honestly think that the only video games I came to like from watching them has been Wonderful 101 and Monster Hunter. Everything else has been so goddamn fucking overhyped by them that it becomes unenjoyable, and the same goes twice for the anime they shill. Woolie needs to shut the fuck up about Gurren Lagann.
>dude let's hype up everything made by Platinum and then ignore how much of a genuine piece of shit Kamiya is
Didn't he post on /m/ once and got called out for his absolute horrid taste? None of them can stray too far from their hugboxes nowadays though.
This, it was amusing when I thought it was a bit. Now that I know it's either not a bit, or he's done it for so long that he's simply become the bit, I'm over his spiel. He can easily pivot to the talking point that things are shitty and dumb, including things he himself likes, but he seems incapable of making that leap. FFXIV is complete trash that is only appreciated because the MMO market is so fucking soulless and dead in this current era, but he doesn't seem to comprehend this. He talks about how much he thinks gachas are stupid, which they are, but then he spends exorbitant amounts on lootboxes in shitty western games. It's baffling.
Ironically it's probably the best tranny voice I've ever heard
But, that's Matt?
hey woolie check this out
dang, y'all take watching others play vidya and talk about shit on camera really seriously
He's got some sweet titties.
>I'm supposed to be so deep into an LP channel's lore that I know about the copypastas about one of their girlfriends, apparently.
user you need to stop, you're in too deep if that's your expectation of others.
I'm going to try it one of these days, I keep hearing about it and I saw all the people in Quarrymill when I went there for the MSQ, so I'm interested to know what it entails. I'm tempted to try learning THM for BLM, is palace a good leveling tool in general?
what is EGS?
>Listen to vg music podcast for a month or two.
>Listen through all the episodes of game soundtracks I like.
>Suddenly starts noticing every little annoying thing they do.
>Drop podcast forever.
I legit wanted to see Matt react to the scam that was the Simpson's E3. In where all they did was talk about the mobile game
>and then ignore how much of a genuine piece of shit Kamiya is
Sounds like someone asked a dumb question and got blocked.
It is, but it's the most mind-numbing grind in XIV
Sure thing baby dick.
I legit want to see Matt get rolled down a hill like the fat barrel he is.
user, it's a copypasta edited to be about Paige, it didn't originate from her.
One million percent agree with you. After years of listening to Pat/Woolie drone on about shit while getting most of it wrong, I think I'd actually have a stroke listening to them get things wrong about something I actually care about like Fate. Someone tweet at the midget and white guy with dreads to stay the fuck away from it forever.
I swear that was one of their Machinima sketches in where Matt and Pat sled down a hill and started rolling off.
Is it as bad as stacking Levequests? I swear to god, the grind from 10 to 15 when you're leveling alternate classes is the worst.
calm down, he knows. He's a donator so he's playing coy
Quick rundown? I haven't listened to the panel part of the podcast?
All of Woolie's friends other than Pat suck. They're stuffy-nosed ESL cunts who make everything they're in unwatchable.
The list of shit he has seen is a bit more than that. But completing/watching them is a different story. He stated he really likes the design of Demonbane but I seriously doubt he played it.
>0079, zeta, zz (dropped?), cca, turn a, 0083, 08ms, gbf s1, thunderbolt, seed, destiny, g gundam
>sdf macross, plus,
>Big 0
>DROPPED- GunXSword, Franxx, IBO, never gonna start code geass because lol big eyes
>Gunbuster, Diebuster, Eva, Gurren
>Mentions Getter and Mazinger never stated which ones.
>tekkaman blade
And if I don't share the opinions of RLM I just become a mindless consumer the nerd crew parodies. Nothing wrong with parroting opinions you agree with. You're just contrarian enough to be bothered about being in the favored majority because you've always been contrarian in real life. Get some perspective nigger.
>You should know every copypasta on Yea Forums.
This more accurate then? Still stupid either way. But congrats on the inside joke or whatever if that's what you're looking for.
You ever play a mystery dungeon game? It's like that, but worse.
Pat sucks too tho. Minh too. Only decent regular is Reggie
>watching Woolie's content
Fucking lol. Unless you're ESL yourself I don't understand how anyone can stomach his shit nowadays
Reggie just never seems to have anything to really say, just very bland conversation with Woolie about completely off-topic shit. I really don't care for it.
>Pat streaming FF14
>post "I hope you've been eating a lot of fiber!"
>mod bans me
>"dude lootboxes are ruining this industry, how the fuck did it get this bad?? fucking EA man"
>Proceeds to spend literal thousands of dollars on not-gambling
The only episodes of Wonderful 101 I bothered watch from him were the last two episodes, and Reggie is the actual worst. There's nothing interesting about him in the slightest and he brings nothing to the table.
I'm sure he did, that fucking ham.
Liam did nothing wrong.
>seriously quote and parrot Red Letter Media
Some of RLM's zingers are quotable but most of their stuff is only funny in the context of their videos.
Also Mike and Jay have such different tastes in movies you're bound to overlap with one of them somewhat.
>Ah yes, me. A super neurotic casual with endless amounts of biases is the perfect ambassador for FFXIV.
>Now let me spend an hour going through my System and Character configuration options which are extremely subjective and spout them as fact.
>Now to show off some jobs but only the jobs I like while actively ignoring people requesting to see the jobs I don't care about out of pure spite.
>Now to use my fans to get instant queues while teaching all of my viewers extremely bad habits like not caring about positionals on dps jobs.
Pat sucks but he's fun with Woolie because they're friends who have known each other for a long time. I'm actually surprised the podcasts are as bad as they are since it's just those two shooting the shit, but maybe they just end up talking about things they don't care about. Hearing Woolie talk about the Granblue fighting game was fun, but Pat was all in on sandbagging it.
everything is falling apart live
It's not even being contrarian, it's just that I'm tired of the "fans" quoting the same 3 memes and thinking that Mike and Rich are gods of comedy and commentary. Even I quote "I clapped when I saw that" when it's appropriate. But I'm talking about the fans who think they're superior because they listen to a roundtable discussion about popcorn flicks and little to nothing else.
>Pat's a shitter that thinks that Mario Kart is better than CTR only because it's easier
>This is the same guy that said they should remove bunnyhopping from Titanfall 2.
Those boots will never stop being atrocious
Why are these threads not purged on sight when they are obviously not fucking video games
>lol seethe harder we run this board teenage girl gossip gang xd
As a gundam fag and also pretty much all round mecha fag. /m/ gate keeped the fuck out of woolie years ago and i thank god every day. Still wont shut the fuck up about gurren lagaan tho.
>dropping gun x sword
Real sign he is a shitter. As for that list, most of it is just toonami shit everyone has seen, or ova that are a few episodes.
Also if he has seen getter or mazinger then he would shut the fuck up about how blank is a gurren lagaan reference.
He's a psycho bitch.
The kind of cunt who'll passive aggressively attack people for ages, try to dogpile them on twitter and then say they're being attacked and have a breakdown when said person says hi to a friend of theirs.
Genuine contrarian unlike what most of Yea Forums thinks is contrarian too. The others could say "God this pile of feces smells, maybe you should flush after you go to the toilet" and he'd be the cunt going "AKSHUALLY" and seething that no one would agree.
Because mods and jannies have never done their "job." Stop whining, newfag.
Seeing all the shitter salt about CTR has been fun.
Same shit people complain about every thread.
No, you see if he moved one meter to the right for the positional he would totally pull that pack of mobs over there.
But the man has CHARISMA
I was there when a Boondocks and My Horse Show reached the bump limit in 2013, don't act like the mods magically disappeared all of a sudden
Just be glad it's tangentially related, and not another fucking political culture war thread. I'll take baby steps towards on topic.
If you're a film buff or movie nut maybe that is what your hobbies or interests are about. "This is big BIG discussions for big BIG boys."
I wonder when Woolie will realize 90% of SBF and CSB fans watch it for him?
Pat, Liam, and Matt were always just the extras
>woolie: Bro, I box, I do haKAH, I eat keto
>meanwhile woolie is clearly 300lbs
I see. The retarded commentary he made while ignoring the positionals and not using True North was a distraction for his self-less sacrifice. Truly a hero.
user, you're not supposed to actually take in for real anything pat says
Go to bed, Pat. Otherwise you're gonna die in 3 years.
>Now to use my fans to get instant queues while teaching all of my viewers extremely bad habits like not caring about positionals on dps jobs.
Wait what? I don't play any Final Fantasy at all, but wasn't Pat a super smug douche just a week or two ago on the podcast about how bad boosted players are, and seasonal returning assholes like one healer he got who refused to do anything but DPS because "some people (like him) are just trying to enjoy the new content so you can go be toxic somewhere else" while his group wiped over and over. And Pat's teaching hundreds of viewers how to piss off healers now?
fight him and you'll find out it paid off
>>Pat's fake Rich Evans laugh at things that aren't even that funny
This was the beginning and the end for me. I kinda got into SBF late (2016) but one thing that always bugged me is how forced his laugh. He's literally a clown that plays it up for money.
When was the last time he ever brought this up?
He used to 470 so say what you want
Not in audio form he doesn't, otherwise I might like his LP's with Woolie.
I'm a ESL and I dropped that shit inmediately
why the fuck would I want to listen to some nigger who sounds like me
Keto itself is pretty retarded. Why not just eat less and work out more? Is it so fucking hard to just keep track of what you're eating and just stop stuffing your fat face with shit? Out>in and you'd be fine.
I've come around to the fact that Woolie is the best of the best friends. He actually has a modicum of skill at gaming when it comes to fighting games, even if he still ends up being a pleb elsewhere. But he's the King of Plebs, and that's what really matters.
Oy vey goys betta not read dat dere Haich Pee Lovecraft cuz he's a WRAYCIST
The fake laugh is insufferable but he does genuinely lose his shit at some things, mostly during paige streams
That bit of their undertale stream where paige couldn't figure out how to use the dimensional box was the funniest shit I think I've ever seen from either of them
2 or 3 podcasts ago he was bragging about working out and sparring in a gym when he was at combocon.
He brings it up often, lad.
Ah the classic excuse Pat uses whenever someone calls him out on being extremely wrong on something he spouted as fact.
I hate it when Woolie tries to act like he's black on the pod
When did the haka thing come about?
It's too bad Pat will never be a father, because he's the picture perfect stereotype of the "Do as I say, not as I do" sort of parent. The ones that will smoke while telling you to never smoke.
>that nose
How to ruin a decent design with no effort
>I will watch Pat again if he stops reading donations
>Turn on Castle Superbeast
>push [Skip 30 seconds]
Why even have a theme if you're going to make it so obnoxiously in-your-face that people skip it every single time?
is that a...
Don't forget to check out Pat's friend TheSphereHunter and HER channel guys!!
outside of The Shadow over Innsmouth he hasn't written anything good. So you're not missing much by not reading his chicken scratch
It's actually amazing how little he knows about other games at times and the wild assumptions he makes.
>Bro, I thought getting back to the main hall in RE2 would give you a full heal like a bonfire in souls
the fuck is wong with you retard
i haven't heard or seen anything about this so i'm going to assume you're making shit up for the sake of drama.
learn how to make a thread without shitposting.
Lol I feel bad for him, especially when he drops hip hop references
Where does he get that from anyway? He's very clearly not black. Everyone can see that. Why bother pretending?
Legitimately a better content creator.
Dude's got a serious case of narcissism. Hope Paige dies or something so he snaps out of it
I unironically enjoy suzi's videos, they're comfy and informative
I'd like to hunt his spheres. Titties. Maybe also balls. Also SH's videos are decent.
Dunwich Horror was good.
For me it'll take him editing his streams into watchable LP's. That'll never happen and I know it so he's dead to me outside of the podcast and these threads.
>Both Pat and Woolie have still yet to learn the importance of editing and cutting shit down
Has Pat said anything in relation to CTR as of late?
>implying that won't cause him to double down and chug even more redbull in an attempt to follow her to the grave
Pat knows that he has literally nothing going in his life and that no one else will ever love him. When she bites it, expect him to follow very shortly.
Even fucking Liam edits his VODs
I always preferred Matt over Liam.
I actually do like Sphere Hunter. Some people on here are genuinely weird about the tranny-hate, considering they clearly put a lot of thought and effort into their content to make it into something actually helpful and informative. Their Resident Evil 2 video was a lot of fun for me in particular.
But The Colour Out of Space is his best work. People need to separate the art from the artist, he had some good horror stories, even if a lot of it was stoked by his fear of brown people and those who don't have weird ass long faces like he had.
>start watching sbfp from their early Machinima days
>they keep referring to some friend they have
>they call him Woolie
>thought it was a stupid nickname but shrugged it off
>start watching their main channel, the sw1tcher
>"Woolie" starts appearing in episodes and LPs more frequently
>they keep calling him Woolie
>get pissed off and go online to find out what his real name is
>tfw it's actually fucking Woolie
Once you get your first girlfriend, you will realize that every single woman on earth says their boyfriend has a big dick to make him feel confident, and to look good in front of people.
Imagine telling people "yeah my boyfriend has a 4 inch dick and I can barely feel it during sex"
Did he actually try to analyze VII? I only remember him listing off the silly shit he wants to see in the remake.
Good for them then. That'd be a nice ending for their subplot.
This fandom is fucking awful. Although any fandom about tumblr garbage is shit.
It's actually Darlington.
It's a guy. This isn't reddit, you don't have to pretend to not want to gas that thing.
I want you to apologize, Yea Forums.
>woolie runs for public office
>So, you see, um um um to combat the *hack* homeless problem you need to treat it like a cross up into a happy birthday on wakeup. Can't let them abuse neutral so rushdown and pop your special
>Mr. Madden, who are the homeless in this scenario?
>*woolie starts sweating*
What are the best SBFP egg on face moments? My favorite was Pat pretending he didn't know about the hidden path to Ebrietas in the Bloodborne lp
>Fuck you, Pat
>No, fuck you Pat
>I just mean fuck you, the viewers can decide for themselves what it means
I'm sorry
>Pat and Woolie are now constantly talking about Pokemon shit and acting like it's the only monster collecting game in existence
Pat has very deliberately lowered his audience's standards again and again ever since his personal channel was introduced. He doesn't want to put a single iota of effort into anything and it shows in every possible way. He deserves to crash and burn more than anyone else from the channel, since they all put more effort into their content, including Liam while he's both working a normal job and going back to school to better himself.
fuck I forgot about that one, okay he's written a couple of good stories. But the instant someone defends his "Air Conditions are scary" story I'm disregarding
I'm sorry I never got the chance to throw a rock at your fat fucking face.
Doesn't she prefer feminine pronouns?
Fuck, that's never going to happen.
Pat is such an impatient manbabby. Can't he not spoil something for himself even one?
I'm sorry that you hate things so much that you assume everyone else shares your bitterness. Sounds like a bleak life.
I agree with that, the vast majority of his stories are horse shit. "I was so scared I went crazy." What a fucking dork.
I still don't like his personality for the most part, but I appreciate that he's clearly trying way harder than Pat. I value genuine effort over being a lazy cunt. Plus the Sonic 06 LP is fun.
I'm sorry your parents allowed your degeneracy to take the form of a babyfur
I wanna like Minh but it's hard
For every snippet of humorous cringe or sandbagging, there's 45 minutes of him just being awkward and uncharismatic in a boring kind of way
Yes, and I desperately want to fill her with my cum
Didn't he lie about not having played MGR when they were doing the LP?
I'm sorry you were a shit boss to your employess and a thin skinned faggot
Never really tried DQ. Do you actually collect monsters?
What does he look like with no hat/beanie on?
This. I don't like Matt very much and I really don't like Liam as a person, but the Sonic 06 LP has been the best thing any of the 4 have produced since the DMC V LP.
Based Liamchad
shut up faggot
Despite Liam's shortcomings, I still like him. I dunno what it is, it just seems like despite his bitch boy attitude he really is trying.
The entirety of MGR was scripted actually. Pat already played through it once. That's why he could beat all the bosses in one try usually.
>watch it for him
nah i love woolie but hes only as strong as his cohost which becomes really obvious where you compare his current LPs to the sbfp stuff
Yes, he had already beaten MGR on his own but was pretending that he hadn't on the LP
This. Even if he can be an asshole he at least has some pride in his work and attempts to put something with some effort in front of his fan, instead of
>Hey senpai it's pat again, boy I'm so fucking tired *cracks redbull*, alright who's ready for me to fuck with a menu for two hours and declare it the the objectively best setup and everyone but me has autism if they don't follow my layout tips
He also very obviously read ahead about Dark Souls 3 during that lp, he kept conveniently guessing everything right before it happened
Who the fuck is Dick Masterson
Who is Maddox.
>mfw those Salty Bet episodes
This. And I still like him as the background 'Billy' character. But boy is that guy awful on mic/ camera.
you know how people will exclude,boycott and call for the failure of someone's career life if they are a pedophile,right-wingers or a molester?
trannies belongs in that category, they are pieces of shit.
zoom zoom
I wish I could remember the few videos where his beanie is off, but it has been a while. I think on some of his vacation photos you can see the barren landscape of his skull as well. He's basically on the Tim Pool thing of being incredibly insecure over his bald ass head at a comparatively young age.
What are you, his mother? He's a faggotty d-fur and deserves scorn
He spoils himself on every game, its pretty evident
i feel like he'd be great as a third wheel to woolie and someone else but yeah as part of a 2 man group he cant carry his weight
>Calling working QA on video games "the trenches"
That unedited mailbag video that accidentally got uploaded where they talk shit about all the swords people keep sending them, which is actually understandable, but it's still funny.
To be honest, it's probably better to not know who they are. Would probably save you a few billion neurons.
what are you talking about?
where did people complain about the panel
why is Woolie so stubborn?
I like Woolie a lot, but he's pretty dull on his own and needs someone to bounce off of. It's why I can't stand watching anything with him and Minh in it- I don't have a problem with either of them, but put them together and you get a fucking black hole of charisma that just isn't entertaining at all.
Liam seems fine to get along with as long as you are a really positive person as well. It's why he works well with Matt.
All of them deserve to fail in life because they are flaming sjw pc apologists. But I hate Pat specifically and want to see him fail. His "har har I'm bad, mean man, gimme money tho" attitude is downright disgusting. The fact that people find it amusing and keep giving him money is beyond retarded.
No, I just appreciate more editing and effort than the void of it that Pat provides. Pat's modern shit is unwatchable to me, Matt's isn't.
That's the mindset you develop when you've never worked a real job in your life
But baba is you..Well this shit right here is the proof.
As a consumer of content, he has a right to ask for more than the bare minimum Pat is providing. Like it or not, Matt is working way harder than Pat.
yep just your average whore nothing special here
How long until Matt sues Pat? These podcast fags are becoming all too cringy even for me.
Figured it had something to do with balding. Hiding it all the time isn't the way to go about it though
I just want to know what the fight was about and if they're ever going to atleast be neutral like Jontron and Egoraptor
It's kinda funny that two members of SBFP left because of Pat. It's almost like he's the problem or something? Hmm.
Was the unedited version ever uploaded anywhere? I remember listening to it in the background and didn't even realize what I heard before everyone made a big stink about it
No one forces you to do shit in the production of video games. You can either leave to find a new job or stay and take the punishment. I hate that they called it "the trenches". Like its some fucking Great War horror experience.
Reminder that Smash Bros Ultimate is so powerful that it broke them up.
After years of being pushed around, now he will not stand for it. He is strong black man now
Maddentown pride
How have they avoided talking about it for so long?
He is BLACK!
I'm pretty sure someone has posted a reupload of it on Yea Forums a few times but I can't remember what it was titled.
>you arent allowed to exaggerate things because it hurts my wagie feelings
Will Matt and Pat ever be friends again?
And a bing bing wahoo to you too, nintendtard!
To this day I hope one of them divulges what happened that night. They were talking about future content in earlier videos, so it was definitely an impulsive breakup, so there is without question juicy drama to be known.
Trying really hard with that "Better Woolie" shtick.
Same, I started balding and 23 and just said fuck it and went chrome dome because there's more dignity in that than being some wispy-haired combover fag or Matt with his obvious as fuck reason for wearing a hat.
Dick is a gay furfag and probably a jewish """alt-right""" personality
>the two members who had become hated by a large portion of the fanbase for being thin skinned pussy faggots that couldn't take a joke ended up leaving because they couldn't handle the banter
>it's Pat's fault
>Couldn't help but end every sentence with "I'm going to get fucking creamed in my Sparring match"
shuddup bitch
At least Pat, as much of an annoying cynical jackass that he is, actually worked at a grocery store and knows how fucking horrible that shit is.
>playing vidya is hard bruh xd
I hope he does it soon. It'd would be so fucking great to see Pat suffer. Woolie's cool I guess. Dude doesn't really have a strong opinion on anything and just emulates the strong personality in the room.
have sex, incel
I want it to be so fucking retarded that we all get heart attacks from the sheer force of it. Like they were arguing if Queso is cheese or if fish are wet when in the ocean
I still beat off to /her/
I want to fuck this cartoon avatar version of BallSeeker
I don't want to know the reason, even though I do.
>Matt suing Pat for hurting his feelings
Considering they live in Canada, it'd probably happen.
Probably no. I hope Pat dies alone and miserable. He's basically there tho with Paige dying any day now.
He looks fine with it off. Its not like he has a weird head shape. Guess he is just very insecure about it
>The absolute majesty of his long con against woolie that he actually liked 3rd birthday's story when in fact he despised it but wanted Woolie to experience it raw
You'd be gay if you didn't
He still has Woolie.
He won't be here after her for long if the redbull guzzling and his gut are anything to go by.
Having that dichotomy was what made the content interesting though. If they were smarter, they would have just kept their distance from one another outside of their job like a lot of bands do, but it seems like they tried to hang out often, and that was a shitty idea.
Anyone else like Matt x Liam? I don't care for either separately but their Life is Strange playthroughs were/are very comfy.
Woolie hasn't been the same ever since Xavier Woods thought he was white.
E celeb thread
500 posts
Yeah, the LiS LPs have been alright. The Sonic 06 one has actually been really fun.
Life is Strange is kino, too bad the audio sucks because they haven't ripped out the laptop mics or because every track is either Gorillaz or Indie shit
Something something hulk doll
He's just earnestly trying to cosplay Rufus from SF.
Lmao that was amazing.
A quick google search, fuck if I know if this is the one though
>Pat considers himself a Monster Hunter veteran
>Lets everyone else do the work for him and carry his old ass
NEVER fucking forget
>Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games
what a shocker, truly a budding problem on 4channel in current year + 16
Dunwich Horror - patrician taste
Pat's probably just a cash cow for him. He'd willingly put up with his crap if not for they money he pulls in. Woolie knows that people are there for Pat and if Pat stops raking in the cash, he'd just leave him to rot.
So... what does them signing on with RTX actually mean? Will they promote their content more or something? Woolie is only getting like 3k views on his vids currently and they sorta axed Sugar Pine 7 for sub 100k views.
When is a group of people going to make a channel and become the successor to the Best Friends?
The thing that bums me out is that Pat x Liam was my favorite duo. Pat's hot, Liam's cold. Pat shits on things, Liam defends it (normally a game or developer.)
Early Liam had a lot of good moments.
Woolie gets to pick the next Death Battle and Pat is on Cow Chop
Maybe I want him to die. Maybe a lot of us do... Would it really be so bad?
Yeah, you got it to a T.
I feel like there's probably not much to it. Pat is, while not malicious, an asshole who likes to annoy and upset people for no other reason than that he likes watching people get annoyed and upset. After years of working with someone like that, it gets to them; Liam left first since he had fewer strings attached, meanwhile Matt left later because he knew it would be the end of the channel.
Woolie and Pat seem to have no issue mentioning Matt and Liam, but Matt and Liam seem to want no mention of Pat and Woolie. I would assume they're just annoyed that the guy they left the channel over is not only completely unfazed by them leaving, but continues to enjoy more success than them with minimal effort, not just in spite of his dickish behavior but because of it.
Super beard bros seem like a blatant rip off of these guys
Wait, where did they say that?
He's got plenty of good stuff. The Temple, Dream Cycle stuff, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward etc.
>Xavier "Hates FF13" Woods
Nah thanks
>Plague/Pat Dark Souls 1 lp
>Pat has a nervous breakdown from Plague telling him how wrong he is about literally everything
>Back when Liam could actually make and take banter
Although considering that Pat is really just a piece of shit irl, I'm not surprised he turned thin-skinned. Pat is very much the type of person to shit on everyone around him, but unable to handle it when it's in his direction.
Lmao it's REALLY funny how Pat is GENUINELY killing himself slowly on stream and his twitch subs are just encouraging it.
What? I don't even know what those are.
He still has a few sometimes on his stream.
Pat worked in the service industry. So, of course, I can take his word for dealing with shitty people, but he was also part of a union. Whereas most people in the states who work in the service industry are not unionized. Pat's privilege of being in a union while also throwing away any of his college teachings he never seems to want to go back on. Now he lives the life of being a couch potato for our amusement.
Remember everyone, in Pat's eyes you're a fucking moron if you don't do things the way he does them.
Plague's a bandwagoning faggot just like the rest of him. His "I'm not a furry" and pretending to be superior than everyone shit has gotten old.
I watch the podcast live every week because I have nothing better to do on Monday mornings, but man it really does suck now
>A door in Omikron almost destroyed the channel
That would've been David Cage's greatest accomplishment.
Okay, remember The Creatures feat Kootra? Okay no? Alright, LP group that's funny for people who are addicted to the internet since 2011 and Death Battle is Deadliest Warrior but with more autism
The old Pat would be glad to see his future self die. He'd want it that way.
He's super up his own ass but I genuinely find his personality and mannerisms entertaining
We doing another thread before this 404's?
>at least has some pride in his work
Fuck off Matt shills.
He spent ages phoning it in, often literally on his fucking phone, when Woolie & Pat were still trying to make it work before the split.
>The Kingdom Hearts 1 LP with Matt on the controls was so bad that it killed the channel
It's probably considered gay as fuck here, but I did enjoy how Liam fell into joyful sobbing at the end of Nier Automata.
He's basically "Pat" done right.
If you do I will summon Barneyfag to make sure that doesn't happen
fucking WHO
Yeah, no argument there, but it doesn't change the reality of the quality disparity between modern Matt content and modern Pat content.
This desu
You just reminded me of how Liam completely fucking ruined Nier Automata for Woolie
>Be Farmer
>Like Dragonball
How the hell does that work?
He's having someone else research and edit his videos. He's just reading the information.
Yeah, that was a good one. But fuck that asshole for spoiling it for him in the chat
>Plague doesn't watch Naruto and has little to no interest in it
>"I will proceed to talk about it for an hour acting like I know everything about it."