You just know

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why are pvp class designs so much better than pve

I don't know nothin.

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Belongs to below average white cock.



okay which one of you faggots is this

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What are the least mindless jobs? Something approaching actual decision making and not just mindlessly following a rotation.

standard or legacy?

white mage and old astrologian

can someone post that tataru taru thing where it talks about her suitors.

you don't have to follow a rotation if you don't want to

he sounds pretty based

it could be argued that Red Mage is pure decision making and no actual rotation really but ironically that's what makes the job so simple


any healer

Anyone that thinks healers don't have to take decisions during fights never played healer at all.

Healing is literally the easiest role in the game. lmao

How is GNB compared to other tanks?

Pretty good, it does decent damage, decent utility and has pretty strong CDs.
It's also the only tank with an ounce of depth in its gameplay.

can someone tell me the BiS favoured aetherytes in ShB

See the post above yours.

Just be yourself.

You did go with dark hair to fight back against the light haired Scion conspiracy, right?

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are AST and scholar actually ruined or are the crybabies just upset they have to adjust to the changes?

>the price of modern aesthetics - form and function even a week after sb
this will hit at least 10mil+ in less than a year at this rate

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Scholar is fine, AST is fairly bad. None are ruined its just that WHM is the best and Scholar is the best Partner.

AST is fucked in performance and enjoyment
SCH just has a lot of moments where you're spent doing nothing and the fairies have become a purely cosmetic choice

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>want the hairstyle
>returned right before Shadowbringers
There's no point in trying to do Eureka for it, is there?

AST is fucked.
SCH mostly has small annoyances.

Darkest possible shade of green, yeah. Looks like Black in pretty much any kind of non bright light.

That's HW MCH.

Is there an updated one?

they will eventually shove it somewhere else down the line so people dont have to do eureka. glad i got mine already though

god i wish that were me

Should I fantasia my au ra into a viera?

Is it bad if I'm liking Lyse so far because of how dumb she is?

Sure, but I wanted to post the most complicated chart

Is it just me or is DNC really dull. Maybe I've just been spoiled on MCH. But I feel like there's so much downtime especially outside the opener.

You have 3 dps abilities as scholar now, 1 dot, 1 nuker and 1 aoe, using your stacks of aetherflow is very hard now since you don't have any dps spell to dump them.

AST actually sucks duck right now. The entire leveling process has become painful for it and even at 80 it's not great. Divination either needs increased numbers or a lower cooldown and its healing needs to be increased.

yes please, and if you could convince your tranny friends to also do the same I would appreciate it


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Use sacred soil you mong.

I main healer. Whm is pretty fucking brainless.

Please use your AF gear for Amarout. Please.


wtf ARR is fucking kino
why does everybody shit on it

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t. brainlet

her being dumb is cute and a big part of what made Yda enjoyable in contrast to the other supposedly hypercompetent scions. The problem in Stormblood is that her retardation is not being played for laughs anymore and she in fact gets rewarded as the most prominent character of the expansion for doing absolutely nothing

Me unga
Me dance for you

don't tell me how to play!

>geared all 3 roles to ilvl444
>feel like helping out some pratice / kill parties
>they're all french and enforce double melee comp
Is Light any better than this shit?

That wasn't even the topic, just because you're a brainlet it doesn't mean the role is.

is eureka dead

How does a girl with bunny ears wear headphones?

SCH feels really good to play, actually. The condensing of its dps kit doesn't hurt as much as everyone said it would.
The only problem is with aetherflow stacks, you have nothing to dump them into when it's about to come off cd. You don't want to hold onto it for too long because it's tied to your mp regain, but you also don't want to waste stacks and potential fey gauge.
Honestly, they could fix this by giving you 10 fey gauge for each overwritten stack.

People shit on 2.X filler quests, not actual good MSQ

I hope so

Yes. Plus you get a lot of choice. There was something like 40-50 ex trials pf parties one hour ago.

Because lv1 to 35 quests are boring and then the 7th astral shit before 3.0 is also boring.

I only have DRG maxed for DPS and want a ranged one, should I go BRD or BLM?

SCH offensive is completely gutted but it can pump out heals like a motherfucker. It’s boring.

AST cards are completely fucking ruined and the job is bad on heal potency that is very much needed for this expansion on top of that. It’s also boring.

WHM is mostly unchanged which makes it the least cucked. It has both good damage, great heal potency and it’s as fun as it’s always been.

I used to play AST, SCH and DRK primarily. I quickly jumped ship to WHM and PLD. AST is so fucking garbage and the fun of cards + minmaxing with time dilation/celestial opposition is gone so the job is dead to me. I’ll still play SCH and it’s kit is totally usable but it isn’t very fun.

>he doesn't know

SCH is better off than AST but it’s absolutely not fine.

Moon. Home.

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Yda was just an airhead, Lyse is full-on retard

I’m a brainlet because holy spam with tetra/benediction/asize inbetween is sleeper tier?


Please do. As many of you people need to fanta away as possible so Xaela can recover.

Decide on aesthetic. Do you want to be a selfish explodey-mage or a support archer?

the brainlet is getting defensive now lmao

Least it was, 'fore I fucked everythang up

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you know what the best feature of the moon is?

no swords.

Bit clunky because no aether dump but otherwise it's perfectly fine.


Is tenacity still shit?

I think you replied to the wrong person. I didn't mention SCH at all.

duh, it doesn't increase your dps. only strive to increase your dps

The insult doesn’t even make sense. You could only be a brainlet is you actually have trouble healing.

i wouldnt be so sure about that, theres lots of stuff locked behind dead content.

Say what you will about sch, but I'll take ground slap and analytics over every fucking disease themed dot that's been the exact same since ARR.

But it does increase your dps, just not as much as every other stat.

>Xaela ever recovering
Even if the trannies go away the edgelords will remain


>it's a dungeon hero pretending he knows everything about each job

bros bros bros bros
when is overmelding, i'm losing my fucking mind, i'm going craazy

AST is garbage, SCH performs great, it's just really fucking boring.

I did, meant to reply to

>I’ll take my 1 1 1 1 1 rotation over miasma aoe and spreading dots with bane

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I bet it'll be in the lootcrates from the deeper floors of the new Deep Dungeon
Or they'll add some "incentive" for people to do eureka again

So, question for fellow scholars. I notice most defensive cooldowns say reduce damage by X%. However, Sacred Soil states that you receive only 90% damage, instead of reducing damage taken by 10%. Is there a function difference between these two at all, or just an odd wording?

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At least the edgelords are amusing with their macros and glamours. Trannies are a fucking disease.

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Got CUL to 80 really really quicky.
What's next to get to 80 that's also easy to grab?

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I'd rather be known as an edgelord than be forceably associated with trannies.

People shit on the 2.x quests between Gaius and Heavensward. Nobody dislikes Gaius and his arc, Gaius is great


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Hot Elezen prostate-massage

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>that one lucky fuck that bought the indigo shirt for just 1 mil

>ground slap
>implying you can use it more than once without being out of mana forever

>has the strongest healer aoe in the game right now
>still bitches about muh bane

The only trannies left are the people who willingly play female highlander or roe when Viera now exist making both obsolete

All of them?
Leves xp is just stupidly high past lvl 70.

>ascians face a calamity
>they voluntarily sacrifice themselves to save the world from complete destruction

>eorzeans face a calamity
>they start raping and murdering each other en masse to the point where the only decent people left decide to erase the timeline

hmm this really says a lot about our society...

AST is literally stuck with worse than Stormblood potencies and a gutted uninteresting card system
SCH just lost the ACN parts of their kit but got an actual AOE skill instead of Mia 2

WHM actually has the strongest healer AOE, since they have Presence and Holy also mitigates more damage than any cooldown in the entire game.

last expansion fishing and culinarian went hand in hand. Not sure about this expansion since I haven't touched cul yet. been working on the main armor crafters.

>healing isn’t easy
>yes it is
>you’re a brainlet
>you’re a dungeon hero

so many non-arguments

An actual AOE skill that's weaker than Miasma 2

is she ok

Why are rabbits so ugly in game?

>he wants the indigo shirt

Don't watch Asura's Wrath.

cure III spam and medica II is still king

and yeah, I’m mad that sch is no extremely boring to play

Bout to jump into 5.0. Did they actually fuck up all classes?

Can someone show me video of a full GNB rotation?

No, only AST, SCH, DRK, MNK, and to a lesser extent SAM.

Is fists of wind actually better than fire now?

>Ascian invents the jack in the box
>Scares someone with it
>Cue entire world getting nuked

I guess. It's just the other ones need more items that I'll need to craft before hand while CUL was just gather and go.

>tfw your Bard/White Mage friend wears the sluttiest transmogs
She just knows, bros

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>Healer Balance, WHM is now a DPS job?
>AOE Focused Content

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and yet you participate in society, curious!

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When you've done the same rotation for six. Fucking. Years. It does get a little old, yes.
Especially considering outside of bane, art of war is literally miasma 2 without the dot.

the ones they radically changed they changed for the worse with the exception of mch

the ones they hardly touched and instead just built upon are more fun than ever like blm


After the opener yes. You open with FoFRoF because building GL4 without wasting PB takes too long and switching mid-RoF is worthless since it doesn't net you an extra GCD. It's worth noting that you want ~1300+ skill speed so that you can get 10 GCDs in GL4 RoF and 6 GCDs in GL4 PB.

>he still thinks it's purely an ascian creation magic chain reaction that caused the apocalypse

I kinda agree. AOEing down trash is one of the most boring things about this game.


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Healers are brainless when everyone plays perfectly because you can just follow the script.

Healers are 90000 IQ when people are bad but you are good enough to keep the fight going. Everyone will suck your dick over a good rescue.

Is there any music rip from the expansion files yet?

What did we do to deserve a fairy waifu(male)?

I fucking love Vierra and I decided not to change because I can’t make a cute one.

You do have a point but at the same time art of war hits harder to compensate the fact you no longer have bane for aoe.

Miasma II was 125 potency, aow is 150.

*dps aoe.

You're basing your healer experience on the easiest tier of content this game has to offer, that's why you're a brainlet.

Nigga, DRK plays WAY better than in Stormblood, and SAM only got nice things on top of their kit.

You can use it as often as you could miasma 2. Calm down.

Yeah, what a great improvement. Let’s just gut the whole kit and replace it with one button. It’s so much better now!

Hey, got extra aetherflow stacks because you’re doing your job well? Well fuck you we took energy drain too. Overheal you stupid faggot.

its easier to make a cute snow bunny just fyi
face 2 jaw 1 eyes 3 nose 2 I think is what I went with

MNK but it's shit right now for other reasons.

The best feeling as a healer is leaving your party at 30-40% HP because you know they ain't going ot take damage till at least 15 more seconds.

Thanks bro

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Why did they even add this spell?

>Gentlemen, I would like to take the time today to commemorate this momentous occasion. The Garlean space program has reached heights before thought impossible!

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DRK plays exactly the same as in Stormblood except now TBN is even riskier to use and instead of pressing Dark Arts 50 times per minute you press Edge of Shadow 10 times per minute, Blood Weapon is now the least exciting cooldown in the entire game instead of being one of the most fun tank DPS buffs, and Delirium is just a bad clone of IR.

t. Ascian shill

if the WoL fucked off to the moon, would Zenos's autism be strong enough for him to invent space travel to chase him down?

If they’re bad enough to need you to carry them, they’re too bad to realize you did.

The whole reason whispering dawn exists.

Been a WoWfag for over a decade and just bought this plus all expansions. What am i in for boys

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Is it better to do a main story duty roulette or highest level dungeon if I need to gain a level and I'm nearing the end of SB?

go back wowfugee

Has to make up for pvp being dogshit in general somehow

>Discussing a videogame on MY board?!

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>spend half an hour in login queue to do roulettes
>hackervoice I'M IN
>suddenly decide roulettes are too boring and log off without doing a fucking thing
eden canNOT come soon enough

>Eden Leaks

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>You can use it as often as you could miasma 2.
You can actually use AoW 2 more times than miasma II, miasma II was heavier on mp cost.

>tfw doing Amaurot final boss
>rescue a guy who stands in the first big aoe and it works fine taking him to the small platform
>he gets mad saying he can just soak the damage despite almost dying
>rescue him again during the 3rd one but this time it sends him into the abyss
>he gets furious at me killing him
Joys of healing.

Bajillion hours of story, a lot of it filler. Heavensward is good though if you actually manage to suffer through ARR

Half-valid complaints, half-whining. Anyone who claims AST can't heal well is simply incapable of playing the class. MP stops being any issue around 2600 piety, which you don't even need to use materia for. But, obviously, if you hate the new card system, no number tweaks are going to help you enjoy it. I'm ambivalent about it. Cards, Divination, and personal DPS could use a buff in some form or another. Judging by the number of parses, people have pretty much fled the class en masse because a mediocre AST like me is parsing at 85%+ now. I'm expecting some nice overcorrecting buffs from SE.

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No problem, also worth noting is that you should be using PB on cooldown for DPS. the ideal time to use it is immediately after a Twin Snakes, so that you don't have to refresh Twin Snakes during PB. However, unless you're running the server tick addon, you do need to refresh GL during PB at some point. Ideally you should do this by refreshing Demolish as it wears off, but if PB happens to come off CD just after you applied Demo, then you'll have to either use snap punch to refresh GL during PB, or use Anatman between GCDs using the server tick timer addon to make sure you get a tick before the GCD ends.

The same game.

WoW but slower and even more painful leveling.

as if even the exs are difficult

and savage will be even easier than SB, healing only gets easier in harder content anyway because coordination is perfect so you have to do virtually nothing

wow, uhh well when I played it it was all about grinding. they had stupid locks on progression, that got changed when they released a new update as far as I know
i.e. getting your ultimate weapon took farming dungeons over and over but you could only bank so many runs a day. it was stupid, though this was after 2.0 release

Which track has the better crowd dps? WAR or GNB?


Actually no since SCH has to spend a lot more mana on healing now, and doesn't have energy drain.


Well, yeah maybe now scholars won't be melting dungeon mobs as consistently and they can design content around balanced experiences.
Go beg yoshi-p to make 2.0 classic servers if you want your dps kit back.

Finally got my titania clear, joined a farm party that forgot to lock that you need a clear. This game is actually fun if you don't play with retards

>MP stops being any issue around 2600 piety, which you don't even need to use materia for.
I didn't even notice I had that much piety at i444

AST is bad at healing though, it's literally the worst healer in the game in terms of healing and all of its healing skills are just shit versions of WHM skills.

I don't see why not.

Does DNC get anymore entertaining past 70? Reading abilities the opener seems interesting but the second opener is done it seems some how even more dull then BRD.

WAR has better burst, GNB has better sustain.

Ah, so you were carried. Congratulations, I guess.

>MP stops being any issue around 2600 piety
You do realize both SCH and WHM completely avoid piety because they don't even need it, right?

>he didn't turn his hair white after the light contamination and went back to black before fighting Hades

I meant tank.

>SAM only got nice things on top of their kit
SAM lost Hagakure and with it lost any flexibility. It now plays like DRG with full on rail rotation and strict gcd brackets so your rails can allign

>2.0 content: padded content full of filler because they salvaged a dying game. mostly only good for worldbuilding and setting the stage for what's to come
>Heavensward, 3.0 content: previously record holder for best the game's ever been story-wise; gets you access to three classes previously locked to you
>Stormblood, 4.0 content: the worst villains, but gameplay-wise the dungeons are far better than HW's, and the trials blow it out of the water easily
>Shadowbringers: K I N O

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New lucid dream covers the lack of energy drain in terms of mp.

Why would you avoid piety? It's the best stat for healing. I hope you're not some cuck who actually DPSes.

That's tricky to figure out, considering aetherflow was 15s faster in SB under optimal circumstances, alongside the potential mp regain from energy drain and emergency dissipation drains.
I'd just chalk it up to similar.

I don’t give a fuck if sch do good damage or not. I want the job to be fun. Pressing one button is not fun. If you just cut sch potency in half the result would be the same without making the job boring as fuck.


No, enjoy being bottom DPS but still wanted cause utility even though yoshi-p wanted to change that

Thanks yoshi for nothing

What's the RDM of Melee DPS
With maybe a bit more going on.

they did it bros
MCH is actually FUN

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How do you manage to make one character so fucking unbearable?

>spending mp on healing
Bitch that ain't how you play scholar

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I'm black and I don't understand why I'm attracted to butts. I like breast too but I like butts more. Why? Doodoo comes out of it, and that's worse than any urine you might get on your dick, at least when it's fresh, it's sterile. Help me.

what are you, gay?

The only good trials in SB were Susano and Shinryu. The rest were just decent or bad.
Every trial was great in HW except Bismarck

I don't think corpsesuyu is going to be stepping on anyone anytime soon.


See the problem is that AST can be fixed with potency buffs, the horrible SCH gameplay isn't going to be addressed until 6.0.
They never change job gameplay mid-expansion.

how often do i use edge of shadow? only to refresh darkside? or as long as i have mp?

Only once you get the skill that lets you stack 3 charges so you don't have to weave between heat blasts.

Clearly you haven't played SCH since 5.0.

Get in line, bub.

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Try harder.

you take something nice (lord fortemps' narration at the start of each HW zone) and hand it over to an insipid character
more overtly, she does nothing to deserve being made leader of the rebellion, m'naago should've been that. lyse is LITERALLY only good at punching people, just like the WoL.

Pet actions

I don’t care if I get my 4.X rotation back I just want a job where the optimal strategy at certain points isn’t literally “stand there doing nothing”


What do you mean? Because none of the melees really play like RDM, with MNK being the closest after a stretch. SAM is the "easy melee" if that's what you're asking. NIN is the "does less damage on the role but brings utility" one.

>looks at a village raped, tortured, systematically slaughtered, and oppressed for a decade
>"lol just fight back pussies"
and she ended up being right and made queen of the mhiggers so good job I guess

if yoshi follows through with that garlemald expansion, I hope sex rats are the next player race

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You should use Edge:
>To refresh Darkside *before* it falls off
>if you're going to overcap your MP as to not waste MP
>spam it during any buff windows (EG Trick, Litany) to maximise DPS
Just like Dark Arts

>the dungeons are far better than HW's, and the trials blow it out of the water easily

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GNB, WAR's damage is pathetic outside of Infuriates and Inner Release and on top of that, WAR is the only tank that doesnt generate any resources with aoe combo

What's the current opener?

So your definition of 'fun' is pressing one button to not have to dot up additional enemies? That's what you take out of the entire scholar kit?

I like the rotational flow and mobility of RDM with some utility.

New lucid dreaming is actually worse than the old one in terms of efficiency, it's just more forgiving.


i miss blonde minfilia bros

red heads are disgusting irl and in games

Yotsuyu alone was better than anything in HW except Nidhogg

I kind of figured. I was hoping it might've got better by telling my static "oops didn't have time to level dnc, guess you'll have to take my mch tehee"

I'll do it once I hit level 80, only 3 more levels to go.

Any that's not GSM. Make sure you always go for the leve with the elf lady sewing the blue sheet, that one is broken atm and will likely get nerfed soon. GSM sucks because it depends heavily on 2 star gems and you can't go after those any time you want for obvious reasons.

I’m constantly out of mana in dungeons as sch

>Make her the main character that gets rewarded for her retardation
>Make her way less likable than the autistic villain
>Make her a Mhigger
>Make her expansion take place in Mhigger country
>*Clench fist*
Any of the above really

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>Not sure if I want to play RDM or SMN

I like RDM visuals more but SMN seems better gameplaywise, it's hard to choose

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Did i fuck up by making my first character a gladiator?

>80 potency every 2 mins is better than 50 potency every min
Nigger, go back to school.

Probably a retarded question but do you use TK with GL4?

It's not bad at healing. It's pretty much where it was in Stormblood. I mean, it was always the weakest healer, and now it has shit like Horoscope and Neutral Sect to fill in the gaps if you absolutely must GCD heal when shit is hitting the fan. But no one is GCD healing anyway, just like in Stormblood. Indom and Earthly Star take care of everything, just like in Stormblood. Overhealing for the sake of overhealing isn't impressive to me.

Now, WHM DPS is so insane that, yeah, AST is lagging behind in comparison. Hopefully they'll buff personal damage and/or cards.

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She isn't

they can add energy drain and instantly make it at least tolerable

jobs can get a few skills here and there, like WAR having Shake it Off reworked into an actual skill.

Any particular setting in this game that reduces the effects in general? Already have it disabled for anyone but me but during the fight with Alphinaud in Heavsnward it just crashed my pc.

>ounce of depth
>i hit twice as many buttons for the same effect with no variation



>every new race is furry
By Hydaelyn I will hit you with my shoe

In your dreams, Plague.

No. Even if you're having immediate regrets you can just pick up another class.

She was though

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I just said you don't need to use piety materia. The healing gear is overloaded on it, and Titania's weapon naturally has 400+ piety for AST and SCH. It should be impossible to have mana problems even when you're chain-rezzing people during Innocence Ex. If you are, you need to reevaluate what you're doing as an AST.

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did you miss the part where they completely changed how MP works

>Better than Thordan
Not a chance

Ravana, Thordan, Nidhogg, Sephirot, Sophia, Zurvan > Tsukuyomi

I'm level 77, I haven't gone below 50% mp since the expansion dropped. You'd have to be really bad at resource management, spamming succor or forgetting to aetherflow/lucid to even come close to running out of mp.

Well if failing no mechanics and dealing good damage is being carried to you then yes. Every other party I got were paint huffers who couldn't pass tethers for shit and then wiped at the vine push

user you can't just say the B word like that!

fuck off we're full

SMN has cool visuals with the baphomet stuff, I’d pick that over red mage. Plus you can switch to scholar if you feel like.

Your pic reminded me that I’m kind of regretting fantasiaing to a vierra. The race itself is 10/10, but the no hats KILLS it since I play black mage. The giant goofy hat is part of the damn class to me.

I honestly don't get that complaint. Is using an ogcd instead of a separate actions really that game changing? "But you can use pet actions while you cast" you'll tell me but the actual difference is frankly neglectable as you have constant ogcd windows between every cast.

Yotsuyu was worse than Nidhogg, Sephirot, Thordan, and Ravana
Only after SSS right before downtime that lasts at least 15 seconds and that you can stand still channeling Anatman for the duration of.

I’m a brainlet sprout, what is parsing and should I care about it

Having her literally do nothing but also be the focus of 90% of the expac.

>next player race
Viera and Hroth were the last though.