Looks like Yea Forums got conned out of $4k...

Looks like Yea Forums got conned out of $4k, the creator of Anonymous Agony is a lazy piece of shit who's constantly looking for a quick buck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop shilling your video faggot


>The creator is actually a child abuser
faggots have been saying this shit for YEARS but all you dicksuckers kept denying it saying it was someone else with a similar name

He had those Ryan Gosling eyes and the way his eyelids don't close at the same time is super distracting.

Well the new part of the game sucks ass anyway so this guy turning into a full on lolcow is probably all the entertainment you're gonna get.

What new part? Does the steam version actually change anything?

Yeah, it replaces the old bugs with new ones

Never gave him a cent but got quite a few laughs out of the game

>I actually donated the patreon
no yeye for us I guess... At least I have a "rare steam game" now.

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Part 2 got released?
And is it very bad compared to part 1?

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No, part 1 got released on steam and part 2 is coming soonfucking never

>kino game made by a complete retard by mistake
We didn't deserved that.

>The leakers were telling the truth
We should've fucking listened

Well shit, wish I had bought it when I had the chance.

Was there any new content in the steam release though? They said there was. Not that I care because I still have the leaked documents that pretty much spoil the entirety of this shit.

Judging by his posts, RealFaction comes across as a real winner himself
>this is triggering
>i'm so sorry you had to go through this
>i almost killed myself over it

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There was. New sign for Inner Paradise, a new scene with flowers replacing that weird Garden of Dreams dream Haze had, and they took out some functions like the cellphone ringtone change feature. Other than that, most bugs were fixed, but still has some bugs that will never be fixed according to Johnny steamcommunity.com/app/1081840/discussions/0/1640916564830651944/

It had a new intro I think.
>leaked document.
Leak it again or I curse you of eternal diarrhea.

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You've never dealt with suicidal thoughts dude. As someone who has, I know where he's coming from. It's not easy to come in front of a camera to talk about it, it's not surprising how awkward he's being, but I don't think anyone should bash him for that. And things seem to check out, he's not making any of it up. Apparently MANY people he's worked with has had problems with him he's taken money from and been aggressive to: twitter.com/MelynnRose/status/1149018234030559232

>tfw he said haze voice actor didn't returned because he was "too popular now"... When in reality it's just he didn't wanted to pay him.

>part 2 and beyond never fucking ever

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He's taking the time to apologize to the fans and give us the truth, don't think that kind of criticism does him justice. I read the google doc with the evidence...and holy shit, Jake really fucked this guy up. I'm not surprised one bit.

>Matt went from being an exploited VA for a shitty rpgmaker game to lead roles in anime dubs

Is anonymous agony the tgt of vidya?

What happened to TGT?

Pretty much. I read over the document, this confirms what I suspected. It's a damn shame too, Matt didn't deserve this. Now we're probably never going to see the rest of AA, it was admittedly a great game, but after reading all this, I feel guilty playing it now. I don't want to support someone like Jake.

Kudos to this guy telling us the truth, I doubt Jake was ever going to.

>the universe ensures we'll never see part 2 AGAIN
Damn, what kind of secrets does it hold? Can we handle the truth?

It was never going to live up to our expectations anyway.
I hope a rough draft or something eventually gets leaked. Least to know if Milly was going to survive or not.

>there are people here who backed the kickstarter
>there are people here who backed the patreon
It was known early on Jake was a fucking idiot, right after the AA kickstarter he started ANOTHER RPG Maker game directly after it. I remember during the original streams, people were contacting all of the VA's and every single one of them said they had not heard a thing from Jake in ages. You guys should have known after all those years since File 1, that there would never be a continuation.

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Tbh it didn't seem all that interesting, you just play as Dr. Samson taking care of Clara, and who knows what else you end up doing. Probably some hospital simulator. Apparently you don't play as Haze in that either, so if he's even in it, who knows. It's supposed to be a "parallel story" while the events of File #1 are happening, supposedly.


Here's some of the few documents I got from many threads ago. A lot of them are incomplete, but you can piece together the general story beats Jacob wanted.

Is it that surprising? After reading the evidence in the doc, I get where he's coming from. Jake really fucked this guy. Guy's dad gave him $400 for the project, who knows what Jake ended up using that for after tricking him and his pops. And that's not even touching all the other things he's done to take money from the guy. Jake really is a piece of shit, he conned us.

Think the steam key is worth anything on the grey markets?

I did the second kickstarter but not the patreon. Feel free to laugh at me.

Highly doubt he's the guy in the video. Not everyone posting about AA is a shill, it's big on Yea Forums. Probably wants nothing to do with AA after all this, but at least he told us what's going on. Can't say I'm surprised, but shit.

Give it a few years. I've been offered absurd amounts of money for giftable copies of games no longer on steam.
Like 500+ for the copy of Ride to Hell I still have.

fucking crazy

How much did you give? It's just a matter of people should have known better, I mean the original kickstarter got $1500 dollars, but was planned to have like 14+ files planned, each going to be 2-3 hours long, with all those voice actors used? There's no way in hell they could have done that with a budget like that and all those hours of dialogue. That's not even counting paying the other people at Codedemotion.

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why would anyone want to play this game knowing what trash made it

Not him, but I paid $10. I knew he wasn't going to finish the game, but I at least expected the fuck to finish the second file so we know how the Gabe shit ends.

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I think it was around $40. Whatever the cost for the physical copy was. I was just nostalgic for the old Yea Forums AA threads and backed it blindly, I definitely should have done my research.

What do you think Jake's going to do now that the whole world knows he don goofed? Doubt he can show his face and finish the second file now, and even if he does, who's really going to support it after this? That sucks.

$40??? Someone needs to throw down a lawsuit against this guy, he's scammed us. Jake the Snake.

At least you've learned an important lesson through this. Never pay for an unfinished product.

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And to think, if Jake didn't bring in that new guy to move things along, it wouldn't have even gotten this far. Props to Johnny for trying to make it happen, but fuck....i kinda feel sorry for him. The fact he has to post the truth for Jake and come out in a video says it all really, seems to care more for us than Jake ever did.

Don't know if he'll read this, but thank you Johnny, from everyone at Yea Forums. Also from Yea Forums: Fuck you Jake.

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Yep, that was (one of) the first games I backed and now the last.

This is why I don't buy early access games, and AA wasn't even early access. But it felt like one.

>Leaked version had less bugs than the 'official" release

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Jake didn't check his exoskeloteen

More people need to see this.

Nobody I hope, I know I won't be putting anymore money torwards this.

>trying to deny people the only thing of value this game has

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>project exploded (again) within weeks of the steam release and renewed stream activity
God fucking damn it.

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>oh he's very persuasive he'll make you think you're wrong!
What kind of bullshit is this?

Depending on whether you believe TGT is an elaborate joke or genuine autism, either the autism wrapped around all the way to outright insanity, or the guy ran out of ideas/motivation and exited the charade while maintaining kayfabe.

>In closing, I urge everyone reading this to not attack Jake
What did he mean by this

too long didn't read

Jake is a deranged, meth-head sponge, and the last Kickstarter and subsequently releasing File #1 on Steam was little more than another way to wring cash out of both friends and strangers to fuel his addictions.

>tfw donated a dollar to the kickstarter assuming it would fail
Fucking god dammit.

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>one user paid 1000 dollars for this shit
Please dont an hero user

wait, he fucking did it again?

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The guy is almost homeless and need some time. But he said it's not the end yet.
He's also a little autistic for real.

>Looks like Yea Forums got conned out of $4k
Why would anyone here give him money? You'd have to be braindead to do so. Then again, I do see people who willingly buy AAA games.

If Jake somehow manage to get files 2 this month ,i will have it because I already paid this month patreon like the faggot I am.
And I will stream it for Yea Forums of course.

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>tfw he get ptsd over the word yeye

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So Yea Forums basically convinced some rich user to piss away 1k for a nutcase's rent?

he was drunk and did for the lulz
rip in peace

I guess this agony isn't so anonymous anymore.

>Yea Forums got YEYE'd

>this fact bomb will kill all aa threads as collateral because people will shit on jake in every future thread
>Yea Forums will never again be able to kick back and enjoy how much genuine soul aa has while dumping memes along with the rare stream
It was nice while it lasted.

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I hope Nieve never finds out, he would hate to know his music was used for this shit

The only reason why AA is popular is because we like to shit on it and Jake.

I don't think that's what you should be concerned with. I get where he's coming from, he wants to detach himself from it. He's not trying to deny anyone, just wants people to leave him alone about the game. After reading the evidence, holy shit, I would be triggered too.

Let's be honest. Jake probably didn't made aa kino on purpose. Files 2 probably will be shit. I will stream it for you all but it's going to get painful.

Tbh, i don't think anyone should support him after this.

>game about hunting child abusers
Projection: the game developer

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Alright, who's gonna throw a lawsuit against Jake? Any takers? Any of the backers? He didn't deliver the rewards and now I see he's not going to. I'd report that shit to Kickstarter.

Jesus Christ. No fucking wonder. With the new guy getting the game on steam because he kicked Jake's ass about it, what would happen if Johnny took over Anonymous Agony? Maybe even made his own game series. Isn't like Jake at least. Eh, on second thought, let the game die. New game.

Not just that, the second kickstarter was almost completely funded by Yea Forums. Jake scammed Yea Forums out of about $4000.

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$5 says he makes a side file about Jake being one of the predators, and Haze kills him off. I would pay to play that lol

Seriously, someone mod the game and put that shit out it'll be funny as fuck

Serves you retards right, honestly.

I still say someone should slap a lawsuit on him.

Well that's a fucking ride

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Why waste even more money on him? He has nothing and has already been publicly embarrassed. Litigation wouldn't do anything.

>Dumb memes became his green and purple
That's pretty funny.

This. Guy is a deadbeat he has to grift to stay afloat and he just ruined the biggest grift he had.

Wait, he has a fucking daughter?

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>people actually giving money to a meme game
If you weren't scammed by him it just would have been someone else. These kind of people will spend their entire lives being taken advantage of because they are n-i-eve.

Anybody can do this as it's super easy to decrypt VX and VX Ace games.

>Open it with a decrypter
>Copy decrypted files to a new VX project
>Copy the rest of the files from the game's folder
>Open project and dick about with it as you please

Pretty sure I've still got it as a project file somewhere from trying to help see how to progress and get past the bugs.

I donated 500 to the kickstarter. I fucking trusted this nigger

Legit question. What do I do? file a lawsuit?

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Remember when Yea Forums funded an actual retard's concept for a console? I remember.

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Fuck this is sad to look at. I wish I had given this guy the money instead. I thought that's where it was going, but nobody got paid. He seems to care about the fans, Jake doesn't give a shit. He's even connected more with us. He should have been the one in charge.

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Absolutely. Apparently he lives in Pensacola, so I guess you would call the police and file a report. But you might want to talk to a lawyer first, but given it's $500, I'm not sure if that's enough for a lawyer, or if it'll be a small claims case. I'd research first.

He was probably the one making the threads throughout that month too, knowing how well loved AA was on Yea Forums in hopes for that quick buck.

Man the early days of kickstarter were wild. Remember that girl who kickstarted a board game only to stop because she said the sun was sending her evil messages, and her profile pic was a cropped nude of herself?

this did not age well

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What's Jake discord account? I'm on the AA discord.

I don't, because I stayed the fuck away from it.
I've only backed a couple of things and I literally haven't been disappointed once.
More like "remember when the rubes on Yea Forums were an easy mark and got conned" because some of us were just shaking our heads from afar.
Still feel kinda bad for anyone who did it for this one, just on account of all the fun shit that went down prior.

Florida? Will have to check the google evidence doc


I can't even laugh at you guys about this. This is some fucked up shit and hurts my soul

Don't let the retard get away with this

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So glad I didn't give a shit.

In the doc in the screenshots in certain areas, it shows him as Parallel_Echoes, but apparently they don't want us going after him. If he's still in there you can click his name and on Discord that'll show the user's full username#0000

Yooka Laylee taught me that one.

>tfw paid for unfinished product Republique
>got everything I asked for and expected, down to pre-perceived negatives, and they indeed worked out stable PC versions lightning fast once they were done with mobile and even made the engine better to compensate for the wait
Aside from a weird fucking ending I enjoyed myself thoroughly with it.

I asked him if files 2 is at least coming this month even after his fuck up.

Why didn't you just read Japanese Anonymous Agony

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He has this thing where for years he's said "it's coming out soon in the next month!" Don't believe him. Another thing I don't know if it was mentioned, but I remember Johnny coming on the YouTube live stream when AA first came out last month on Steam, and said Jake was trying to release a game every 2 to 3 months or something, and Johnny was trying to tell people that wasn't right and it was a bad idea.

That right there would've made me leave the project if it was me. Apparently Johnny was "taken off PR" for that stunt lolol. I highly doubt it's coming out at all. I've been following the twitter thread on @MelynnRose's post about him. The fact the voice actors are sharing it and in their posts saying they regret working with him, with this coming out, there's no way File 2 will see the light of day.

it doesn't have Fat Agent 47 and Smoothie Time.

An autistic user on Yea Forums should just make a true continuation for aa. I doubt the game even is copyrighted.

>The fact the voice actors are sharing it and in their posts saying they regret working with him, with this coming out, there's no way File 2 will see the light of day.
Even if Jake did make file 2, it wouldn't be the same if the original VAs aren't involved.

lol what is he saying? Does he know about this? I would love to see his reaction. I hope he fucking crumbles after seeing the truth just got dropped about him. He deserves it after having so many people getting ripped off, fans and people who worked hard for him.

I think everyone would love to see this. Hope he replies before this thread gets archived and we get the screenshots.

He said "don't listen to the slander it's coming" told him he better release it this month and asked him a question about how he feel for shit and giggles.

Maybe someone will leak File 2 like how File 1 was leaked back then. That'd probably be the best thing to happen. We'd get more AA without giving Jake the Snake more money.

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>game about an asshole computer criminal is made by an asshole computer criminal
the real anonymous agony is the friends we made along the way.

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Jake's new nickname ftw.

That's sort of disappointing, he's probably hiding the fact he's shaking in his ghetto computer chair. If he even has one. If he says anything interesting, screenshot it and send it to us yeah?

>those chatlogs
As someone who has been taken advantage of by a friend it's genuinely painful to read.
Glad I didn't buy Anonymous Agony while it was up.

Wow, you saved the gif I made years ago. I lost it too.

I still don't know why Yea Forums fell for this kickscam.

Feel bad for blondie, he seems like a genuine bro

You had to be there. I was there for the first thread when some user posted a crappy kickstarter game. And then it grew from there... Good times man.

Seriously, look at all the shit Jake put him through too...all that evidence in there...he gave Jake a LOT of money, and his parents too, rip. There's so much Jake did to him, holy fuck. He said he was working on a game, I wonder what that's going to be like.

Right, cause pictures of evidence is "slander" LOL. Did his mom fucking drop him when he was a baby or something? Jfc.

In the past they kept mentioning they were going to work on a game after file 2 called "Venturescape", that it's some adaptation based on something. Maybe that's it? Does anyone have anymore info on this?

Yea Forums, what should I ask next?

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Ask him what isn't true, for starters.

>Anonymous Agony
Ask him why he abused children and decided to make a game about child abuse


I'm surprised this document never mentioned the leak from the two Yea Forumsirgins that infiltrated the dev time.

>129 posts
>47 posters


>I googled it up thinking it was an actual thing but he just misspelled creativity

Do we get to play "Jake the Snake" VN now? Holy shit this is going to be fun!

Say, "You wish him well, but given the screenshot evidence of you putting out an allegation you still haven't provided evidence for isn't looking good on your part. He kept it professional and left it at that at first, but you seemed to pull that allegation out of the blue."

Never even heard of this game lol

Remember kids, don't forget to brush your teeth so you can flex your Crestovity....

and yo exoskeloteen

"Johnny just wanted things his way. And when denied acted out."

*doc has proof of saying otherwise*

Not buying it lol

In the google doc there's public arrest records and the crime charge code apparently references "Knowingly or willfully abuses a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child."

You know what they say about creative writing - "write what you know".

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Very interesting.

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It's painful to see the downward spiral. Reminds me of my sister. Same thing with falling into drugs and other shit. She's doing okay but I can't speak to her anymore since she basically still tries to manipulate people. Some people are just pieces of shit sober or fucked up.

Post yfw you didn't fall for yet another Kickstarter scam.

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Ducks bite

Holy shit.
I remember her being kind of into it, but I don't remember it being this blatant

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25. Honestly wanted to see it get finished.

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>45 pages

I skimmed through the google doc, the "bad guy" seems incredibly based tbqh. Just takes people's money, calls out people faking suicides, pretty much gets off scot-free. How is this guy not /ourguy/? You can tell he has a very Yea Forums personality.

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That's a lot of evidence. On the left though thankfully they outlined the stuff so if you click those it goes to each section.

Anyone have a link for part 1? Can only find Part 0.

I kind of like him to be honest, there must be more to the story

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Yeah, you have to remember that the entire dialogue you're reading is from one person, most likely with heavy biases, as well.

Well of course it's biased, I'm not going to blindly believe somebody over the internet. This is Breeding Season all over again

How can anyone like this shit lol he's warped.

Yeah, aside from making a million "fake" stories, this guy reacted pretty much how I would if I was running a business or project of some sort. The "manager" seemed like a mega supreme bitch who couldn't handle shit and got swindled hard.

I mean idk it all seems true about Jake doing this bad shit to people, I've read through the evidence. Admittedly, a lot of this and what people are saying on the twitter shares seem to check out. Also, given how Jake has treated the fanbase, it kinda makes sense.

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Hi Jake.

Both Kickstarters were almost completely funded by Yea Forums.

Right, cause after calling someone a bitch and laughing at them for suicide attempt, anyone would be fine after that. Gtfo. The manager was handling things way better than Jake did with us. All Jake did was lie to us and delay the game, and shit didn't really get done till new guy came along. Can't say I agree with this.

I mean that's sort of the fun part. Besides, how is it his fault if someone else CHOSE to do a bunch of work for free? I'm just not buying the whole "He manipulated me I'm an innocent victim who can't make my own decisions" sob story, how stupid would you have to be to waste 10 years of your life on someone?
Listen I'm not saying he's an angel, but I feel like there's a strong lack of personal accountability here regarding the people involved and we haven't gotten the full story assuming we ever will. It just feels off to me somehow man.

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>suicide attempt

He made a spectacle out of it, and rightfully said that was immature and fucked up. The fuck?

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Why is he focusing on Johnny when the artist girl is backing Johnny up?

I somewhat agree. There seems to be no personal accountability. If you get tricked for 10 years to work for free, I don't know what to tell ya. You must have been fine financially irregardless, it was 10 fucking years.

It's easy to fool dumb teenagers desperate to work on a video game. Why do you think the codemonkeys in the video game industry put up with their shitty working conditions just to say they made the algorithm for horse cocks in rdr2?

I feel like we should message her and ask her questions regarding all this to get more answers. Jake too. @MelynnRose is her twitter handle, she posted about this whole ordeal.

What more answers do you even need?

Especially considering the game's popularity. Before the game came down, apparently it made over $500 in sales and 400+ people wishlisted it.

Why they worked for him so long, but im guessing it's along the lines of the game being so popular and showing promise, guessing he promised them money from game sales. It's not too out there, especially after seeing the game gain momentum on and off and on again.

To be honest with you, I don't find this country bumpkin pabst blue ribbon drinking ass all that charismatic. Dude looks sketchy as hell, I'm just not buying the master manipulator angle considering he barely knows how to type on a fucking computer so how in the hell could he spearhead a game's development? It just feels like this was a dumb fever dream at best that was never going to work out. It's just stupid messy drama that could've been avoided by not being such a fucking idiot. I mean yeah the dude isn't honest at all but come on, I need real answers here, like. Why did they stick it out knowing he'd failed to deliver and repeat that same behavior over and over? I mean how dense can you be.

do whatever you want I'd like to see Jake honestly weigh in on the document without all the manipulation tactics.

I'm confused, is the person who made the video Johnny or Jay, and was it the same person who wrote the doc? The document makes it sound like Johnny is someone else.

Same. Let's ask Jake and @MelynnRose

Johnny is the guy in the video (Real Faction), Jay is Melody (@MelynnRose) who wrote the document and gathered evidence from multiple people on Jake.

Where are you idiots getting this 10 years shit from?

So he tried to kill his own daughter, what a piece of shit of person, I don't even understand how nobody bothered to check his criminal record before funding his project.

>open video
>extreme close up of ugly faggot for no reason
>dislike video and close

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the doc? some dumbass knew jakey boy for a decade

if he spent time in jail and then is out now then he's paid his debt to society
no need to punish him further by preventing him from earning and honest living

>h-he's a child abuser! here's the proof! look!
>look it up and find out it's completely wrong
Maybe the dude is just retarded but I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt. They deliberately misconstrued this in the worst way possible.

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Fuck off.

But they didn't work with him for a decade.

>cant even make fun of the game because its triggering
Truly agonizing

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Yea that part felt shady to me too. I've seen enough hit pieces in my time to be cautious, again I feel like we're not getting the entire truth.

You literally just answered your own question, it's in the image you posted, you dumbass. They didn't misconstrue anything from the looks of it, but then again I don't know the case.

I'm sorry, I had to. That was fucking hilarious. Crestovity lulz

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I don't know man this chick on twitter said it was going on for 10 fucking years lmfao
right. he's a bit of a snowflake.

Look again. It says the opposite.

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It says he was charged with child neglect. I don't know why you're standing up for Jake, the evidence for most of the shit they're talking about is in that doc. I can't say there's evidence against that specifically, but I believe he did it. Neglect could mean a lot of things though not hitting the child specifically but maybe not taking care of the kid. Who knows what he did.

People have known he abused his child since file 1 leaked. A lot of people just ignored it because they assumed it was someone with a similar name at the time.

In your first image, some of those said without causing bodily harm, so neglect can be a number of things.

The shitshow ain't over yet.

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Considering he's a schizo druggie I wouldn't rule out him beating his daughter.

What do you think when you hear neglect.

What do you think when you hear abuse.

It might not be intentional but you understand why he came to that conclusion now.

This seems to be a more accurate representation here what i uploaded. I'm guessing it had to do with not taking care of the child but people are claiming he beat the kid. Maybe else someone knows the mom.

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The problem is that the google doc says he did cause great bodily harm and yada yada yada. It brings focus on it while ignoring everything else and gives the opposite impression of the real accusations.
I don't know where this retard even grabbed their info since nothing I've found is formatted that way.

>get swindled for 10 years
>finally smarten up and quit
I'd write a hitpiece too if I was that dumb to get swindled for that long.

Oh boy, he really thinks he can worm his way out of the truth? Lol this is going to be hilarious. The evidence is all right there.

Either Jay's quote was taken from a source that gave them the wrong definition (which would be a significant fuckup for a legal document) or they deliberately altered and misconstrued it.

Punish him and Trusting him are two different things.

Hey! I wasn't going to chime in, I was just going to have fun watching. I just want to clear up the child abuse thing. This is how I took it. The highlighted it the 1, 2, 3, 4 sections. The 1. and 2. you guys are references for neglect I think is part of 3. a). I linked my source in the document now.

His charge does say "cruelty towards child". I'm not amazing at this stuff so I could be wrong, but I wanted to let you know why I came to this conclusion. Thanks!

Attached: [2019-07-10 - 22;36].png (1386x877, 182K)

Given the evidence, I don't think they're misconstruing it, honestly he comes off as a dick even without the evidence given how he's treated his fans and been shady about things. With the evidence, it's even worse than I thought. Look through everything. Would multiple people who he's screwed over really take all this time to organize this just to frame him? These people don't strike me as malicious, and even the last part of the doc has a "dear jake i hope you get better" letter.

It's a bit weird, but shit the whole thing is. More and more people on the twitter thread have been sharing it who worked for him and more people are saying this stuff is true.

Calling bs. The intent of the article is extremely malicious and slanderous in nature, I don't believe this is out of the goodness of their fuckin hearts lmfao

The universe keeps conspiring against us to not let us see the end of this ride.
I really feel bad for those rich anons who spent their money to fund the second kickstarter. I'm really sorry for you, bros. This wasn't supposed to be like this...

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According to the mother he bruised her, and was blowing on her face preventing her from breathing when she was 1 month.

Yeah, from looking through the whole thing, the guy is a massive asshole even whether he directly abused his kid or not. I don't use Twitter but someone should probably message Jay about that part since I wouldn't want Jake pointing to one error as a way to throw it all out.

yeah, manipulative people tend not to come across as manipulative because that'd kinda ruin the point. This whole situation is a mess and something's not right here, I'm going to wait for the podcast.

Have you even read it? Look at what the dude said and did. He basically lied to his fans and people who worked for him to get money. He was addicted to meth and heroine for years. Has a criminal record. Mocked someone for suicide attempt because he tore them down mentally apparently, kept asking him for money when he was supposedly broke, the dude got Jake off the streets. Do you really trust Jake?

Read everything, everything. If he did that to me I would be pissed too, and it seems like he keeps screwing over everyone he works with. So that's why Anonymous Agony took so many years to make....

the real question is why did they participate in stealing money from kickstarter funders twice. like how is it jakes fault someone is suicidal and wants to leave lol

Yeah, and I find it weird some people are defending him and the massive amount of posts opposed to posters. How much do you want to bet that's Jake trying to save face? Wouldn't be the first time he's been on Yea Forums.


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read the whole thing

Why would they use outdated information from 2011 (which happens to be the most recent date the statues use that specific wording)?
It's deliberately misconstrued as fuck. An idiot would just use the most up to date stuff instead of the year of incident. It takes a special scumbag to go back through a few years to find something to make things seem significantly worse than they actually are.

What purpose does it serve making all this public? Again, hit piece. That's all this is. Not even going to bring up how they stole money from donators twice and fucked off.

Too long.

see: Really fucking shady you use terms like "Save face" when the intention is supposedly to help other creators, not bring one person down and tear him to shreds online.

I did, I been through worse and didn't want to die lmfao. Stop being a bitch. More importantly a dumb bitch. Like just walk away nigga close your eyes lmfao

Seriously, are any of the leakers from back then here? I'd love to here their opinions on this. We already know that AA's creator was lazy and in over his head from what they said.

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>What purpose does it serve making all this public?
It's explicitly making his actions known so that people won't work with him in the future and be manipulated like these two were because they've had enough of him.
>Not even going to bring up how they stole money from donators twice and fucked off.
Except all the money went to Jake and no one else ever got shit, which they were criticising him for?

I suggest you both read the whole thing. It's not just 2011, it's recent information too. Discord wasn't really a thing in 2011. Now I'm even more suspicious this is Jake posting here.

They weren't aware of Jake manipulating his own fans, he just needed more money than he thought. They were still planning to deliver the rewards and Johnny made sure that the game got delivered. He even came out and apologized on Steam, the video, Patreon, he took time for us. Jake hardly did.

More like, it takes a special scumbag to do all the shit Jake did if you all read the document. You can't make this shit up, he said it all himself. He did meth, heroine, someone just posted the screenshot from that.

Jake/Jacob just make one tl;dr post with your side of the story and stop pretending to be more than one person to make it seem as if you have support.

Oh yeah that's why it brings up personal shit like a criminal record that has nothing to do with taking advantage of some suckers. Totally not malicious at all. Promise!

I guess we were just too... N-A-ĂŹVE.

He said he had no choice, he was clearing his name because Jake threw out a sexual harassment allegation because Johnny left the company and I understand why. Given how you're being defensive, would not surprise me if you're Jake or a friend of his.

Read the document, if you're not Jake. It answers everything. The evidence is there. It's like you haven't even been paying attention. They just don't want this to happen to anyone else, he's screwed a lot of people over.

Ha-ha, holy fuck. Why would they work for free? Dude I get Jake's a dumb inbred hick who can't be relied on, but why would anyone devote so much time for him and not just wash their hands clean.
Yes kiddo this is totally Jake who can't even type a fucking sentence lmfao. At some point you have to hold yourself respsonsible for being idiots because I would've walked away a hell of a lot faster.
I don't think everything leaked is pertinent to his mismanagement of his ... volunteers, technically, since he didn't pay them lmfao!

We don't know if it's true or not. Like, there's a lot of information here not related to defending himself against sexual harassment charges for one. I read it and I'm dumbfounded you could be such a fucking idiot to work and not get paid to take someone's shit. At some point I gotta stop feeling sorry for you cause you're just letting him do it, cmon.

Well that's definitely 2c there. Where did come from? Did this guy just compare a different state's law without realising it?

Its just suspicious how defensive you are like you know him. And either way contact of his or not, you don't know him. Again, read the document, all the info is there. The reason for his criminal record being included is to show how questionable he is and how he lied about it. It just doesn't look good on his part, and this isn't the first time someone's posted about his criminal record to warn people about him because he's malicious himself.

There's no defending going back through the Florida statues looking for specific wording that makes Jake seem worse than he is.
Because again, an idiot or normal person that knows nothing about law would use the most recent statues available. Only someone with an axe to grind would use outdated shit.

Literally fucking who?

>Main point of the doc is that Jake (you) is a lying thief
>Bring up your criminal record to show that you were literally a thief and couldn't even be trusted to take care of your own child

"T-that doesn't mean anything!"

That's outdated you fucking moron. Look at the big 2011 in the top left.

>mfw reading it

At last I truly see.
It's called like that because we all anons will forever be in agony, eternally blueballed.

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Lol. Either the guy defending him is Jake or another poor sucker who he's fooled and will have to find out the hard way like they did.

I just checked myself on google in case the older ones came up as an earlier search result but nope, the first result on google for "florida statute 827.03.2c" is the updated 2018 version.

That's not suicidal thoughts, that's attention-seeking behavior.

Hi sorry. You guys are right. I didn't realize that statute was from 2011, I just searched it in Google and that's what came up. These two are both out of date, I didn't realize cause I'm dumb lol.

I found the correct one for 2018 and am updating the doc. Thank you!

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Idk man I don't think it's that suspicious. desu I just want to see the game released. I still don't think him lying about it's related to the game or his treatment of his volunteers whatsoever lol

>DON'T attack this developer
>but btw here's his prison record, his private dialogues, his history of substance abuse out in the open

t. Jake

Ofc I am. Are you doing commissions?

Him lying isn't related to the game or treatment of "volunteers" (who were promised money, btw if you read the document), friends who bent over for this guy?

He lied to his fans and owes a lot of kickstarter backers a lot of money for unfulfilled promises regarding rewards not sent out yet and look at the screenshots. The dude is clearly fucked in the head.

I don't think Jake should be defended here.

Boo hoo someone was mean on the internet better commit sudoku

Top kek what a faggot

>trying to pull the "n-no it was an accident!" stunt when anyone can check this themselves
Nah, too late now faggot. You fucked up big time and lost all your credibility.

>Like, there's a lot of information here not related to defending himself against sexual harassment charges for one.
It's amazing how often I see people look at a bevy of information and then cry about it being irrelevant. No one piece of information is definitive, it's all there to build a case, in this case establishing history, circumstances, and character. Which helps when they then at the end show the sexual harassment claims where Jake said he'd gotten multiple claims and then revised it to "one claim but it's shaky so I won't post it".
When all you have to argue against is a person's word, establishing that person's character is important.

Shit I remember a few of the kickstarter updates where he said it felt like people were following him.

What would Jake do if we had thread IDs on Yea Forums?

You talk like Jake. This is definitely Jake. Here's a screenshot from one of the voice actresses who voiced Mili actually.

Get out of here Jake lol

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I just like calling them volunteers cause that's what they are haha. It's their fault for choosing to do work for free without covering their asses. Who's to say you're telling the whole truth man, this Jake guy said he's going to "clear things up" which I doubt but you see where I'm coming from.
Yeah I think it's been established he's a liar lmfao. You're prolly right tho man I just like to bust balls.


Right. Jake has yet to show any real evidence, any proof of the allegations made against Johnny. Meanwhile, lots of evidence has appeared against him.

Yeah beyond anything else it's weird that people (read: jake) are defending him when he's had two Kickstarters and still failed to deliver after what, six years?

Can anyone explain to me why personal accountability is just thrown out the window in this case? Seems very un-Yea Forums like to pick a side like this. Is it because we want le game or some shit? Are people just pissed they were burned? Seems like all the more reason for this to be more divided, but it's not

Okay, let me just ask you one thing. Can big bad Jake type a grammatically correct and cohesive sentence? That screenshot just shows me she's a snowflake and makes me lose a little respect for her lol same with Johnny
I don't see what's so unreasonable about asking for both sides. Even if Jake's a scumbag I want to see him try to answer for it. I just think it's odd they all went along with it for so long and suddenly all turn on him now.

Not to mention the piles of history of things he's said and done, actual proof in the document. I'm still waiting for said proof from Jake, after his revising of the story. I don't believe a word out of his mouth lmao. He's a liar, he took our money and ran. Same with the people who worked for him.

Kimberly sounds like a bitch, what a vapid thing to add to a discussion.
No, I'm not defending Jake.

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>still trying to save face
It's over bud. We know you're retarded but you can't use that every time you get caught in a lie.


I want to see him try to answer for it too but given the evidence provided, he seems to bend the truth and make up stories, like with the sexual harassment allegation. Once was multiple emails, now just one? He totally made that up out of spite just because Johnny left.

Notice the Skype convos with Jay/Melody, how he talks, he's a manipulator and a sociopath, that's just how they do. We'll see what he says, but I bet it's going to be something ridiculous. Jake can type just fine in his Kickstarter posts.

Same. Say your piece and be done with it. They're just bitter and want to drag a guy through the mud which is pretty gay

>personal accountability
You mean the thing Jake doesn't have?

Considering AA only exists because Yea Forums funded it twice, I'm guessing a lot of people itt are pissed it turned out the creator was a druggie who never cared. Which they should've fucking known since file 1 leaked and all the VAs were saying Jake went AWOL

II don't think Kimberly is bitter and dragging him through the mud, I just scoff at her thinking "he's a white guy who said nigga" was a worthwhile addition to the conversation.

Why did you guys believe him for so long though? I can tell in 1/10th of a second dude's a straight up piece of shit lol. Tbh Jonny's a good guy, a little autistic but a good guy. I don't think he's a sociopath, I think he just wants the world to feel sorry for him and give him things, he'll probably go on some retarded rant about how it wasn't his fault lol.

I think they have every right to be pissed if you got conned for money you were promised and all the stuff he's done on record in the document, if you're a creative, you'd be fuming. Granted, she was a bit extra, but this was more so to prove how Jake talks to out he's posting here.

The man who conned them for 10 years doesn't have personal accountability for a lot of other things, sure, but why does that excuse the literal retards that fell for it?

Pretty much this. From what I've seen about Johnny, yeah Autism is probably a factor, I have it myself. We believed Jake because he kept pumping out updates and I guess we really wanted to see the game get finished, it's just this strange history. It's like following a mystery case.

And yes to everything else you said.

>Hey kid, want to make a game? Check these assets, they're totally legit I promise!

Johnny does have autism, right...? Legit the only way this makes sense to me.

Word of advice, if someone's argument against damning allegations is that it's painting them in a bad light rather than debunk the points made: then they're full of shit.

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So, updates kept coming out, progress was being made, what was the problem? Not enough money? Why didn't everyone just get real jobs and do this shit in their free time like everyone else? I get Jake cause he's a faggy meth addict, but I don't get why they'd all bend over backwards and cripple themselves financially like, that's a recipe for disaster

Reminds me of one time I was working on a game with a few other people and a guy offered to join our team as an artist and provided an example of his work which was a CG from Beat Angel Escalayer with a horribly drawn head over it. He said he drew the body first and was tired when he got to the head which was why it looked different. I wish I still had it saved because it was so ridiculous I don't know how he ever thought we would buy it.

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I don't give a fuck about any of this drama. Is File 2 happening or not?

>actually edits the Google Doc
>still gets it wrong
Remember kids: don't publicly dabble in law if you don't know what you're doing. Avoid the embarrassment and hire a lawyer.
The only relevant statue are the ones in play when the charges were filed. That one's for free.

I think he does want to make the game, just that he's also incompetent, self-absorbed, and has no sense of responsibility or accountability.

No dipshit the motherfucker blew the money on his drug addiction and rent

>He said he drew the body first and was tired when he got to the head which was why it looked different.

That's pretty faggy man. Imagine producing a work for someone with the precedent of "Yeah the body's good, but I got tired so the head's going to look like shit".

So are any games happening ?

>Just went through all the AA stuff yesterday
>Lots of laughs at the edge, enjoyed it a lot
>Planned to draw a couple fanart first thing in the morning
>Woke up and came across this thread

Now I don't feel like it's such a good idea to do anything anymore, feelssobadman

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I've been a fan of Johnny for a bit, followed his videos. Sometimes in vids he's mentioned he has autism, but he's really smart, and overcome a lot of the quirks, kind of impressive desu. But granted, he wasn't the only one Jake fooled either, the guy seems like a genius (as terrible as he's acted and screwed over fans).

One big thing for me is, the game was STILL having bugs and Jake has yet to fix them after all that time, RPGMaker fixes are not that hard to do. He seems to be procrastinating a lot, and given what I saw about the story of when they were about to live together, how he procrastinated on the application of the apartment and then blamed Johnny for reacting the way he did because he "wasn't serious", he seems to shift the blame on other people a lot.

Looking through the evidence, it's clear as day. He seems to be good at being persuasive, Johnny said Jake was "homeless" and he got him off the streets, gave him $200. This seems to check out in the money records section. Jake probably lied to him, and given he used to be addicted to Meth and Heroine (how do we know he still isn't?) he might be using everyone's money for drug money.

Hard to say he's still on drugs or not, but he certainly acts like a druggie I used to know.


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Why can't you make it in your free time? Like all get jobs. Leave Jake out of it. If Jonny's not too busy cutting himself lol

>I read it and I'm dumbfounded you could be such a fucking idiot to work and not get paid to take someone's shit

Not that user (or Jake, for that matter), but I owe 5k to some friends since 2008, and they keep helping me, even when they know for a fact I'm probably never gonna pay them back.
Not gonna lie, I sometimes don't sleep well because I keep abusing the trust of nice people, but I do what I must to survive. I know I'm a parasite, and I can fucking tell from afar another parasite as well.
I believe everything written here because of personal reasons, but I can see why you remain skeptic about it. After all, because of people like you I'm still alive.
My post is a personal opinion, though. Take it with a grain of salt.

Nah, this was like 11 years ago and it never got that far in. But at least I wasn't working with people I hated on it.

Wow....that's pretty fucked up to joke about dude. I have friends who had almost kiilled themselves because of abusive ex's who are akin to Jake, kindly gtfo and don't talk about what you don't understand if you're going to laugh at that shit.

draw haze with an ass face.

Honestly surprised that inbred hick could fool anyone. I just think you're a bit dumb. Never trust a druggo

But Jay did say they had their own day job and were working on the games in their free time and how that was causing problems because Jake thought they weren't committed. See page 8.

Now I see from where all the dialogs came from. Damn...

Also, we need HazeEdgemeister in here, or whoever met the leaker first to know what the fuck is going on.

We can still meme about the game. Just don't be retarded and give Jake any money thinking he'll deliver.

If we really aren't getting File 2, will we at least get some answers?
Who the fuck is Juno? Who are the Patriots?

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Maybe deep down Jakey feels bad doubt it LOL cause he's a stupid druggie.
Fuck off moralfaggot.

AA is Jake's story, the others were working on it with him because it was meant to be a side game to their other two projects. Why would they want to take over AA from Jake to complete it instead of doing their own thing?

Pic related.

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That's pretty biased and doesn't seem like an educated opinion but seems more like a hateful one, you keep using hick and country labels to insult him, you say it's easy not to trust a druggie, but when you care enough about the person to think they've changed when you know them for so long, I've been there.

You don't get it until you live it.

Do you even know where you are fag?

I'm thankful I'll never "get" your special kind of stupidity.

Draw Haze punishing Jake.

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You're in da jungle babaayyy. You gonna dieeeee

This is Part 2, we are living it now as we speak

nigga how the fuck is cyberbullying real nigga
just close your eyes nigga
just walk away from the screen

You have to be stupid to defend Jake after everything he's done to the fans in Yea Forums who backed the stupid game lol. Jake kept delaying it, kept saying "oh it'll be done soon" for like, 7 years or more? Since like 2012, maybe longer?

Just evidence of the history him slacking off and the drug abuse, honestly, the fact you're defending him with everything known, you seem like a friend of his, or Jake himself. Get outta here lol

LMFAO. You guys are so fucking pathetic and this game looks like absolute shit. Fucking disgrace.


Why are people still defending Jake lol

And he ran off with people's money. Does kinda baffle me people followed him and the game this long.

see for the leaked story stuff from a while ago

>juggling 3 projects without even releasing one
>hey guys instead of working on our game let's start two new ones

Makes sense.
Yea if you trust someone on meth who lies repeatedly and beats their kid who obviously isn't mentally stable you're a bit dumb. I get why Jonny would fall for it but the odds of me being in your situation is 0 because I'm not an autistic retard. So did he find out about the abuse before or after being accused of sexual misconduct? Was he going to just keep people in the dark about it otherwise?

Probably going to be a constant back and forth. Jake's turn to talk, Johnny will probably answer. We should probably be asking Johnny questions too, to fill in some gaps of the story.

They aren't, they're just criticizing you (rightfully) for walking into an obvious sham. It's like walking in the middle of detroit at midnight and complaining about getting mugged.

I had a friend who started taking drugs, I tried supporting him for a while until he one day had an episode and bashed a hole in our fence and I called the cops on him, next time I saw him he came by asking me for a lift and offering me several hundred bucks as an apology, I told him to go away and it turned out he'd just robbed a store. Some time after that he came to apologise again and I told him I didn't want to hear it and to never come here again.
It's pretty easy to not trust a druggie, you just have to realise that they want their fix and they'll do anything to get it, and you can't help them.

Come on now, Jake. We both know how it is. We both know we act like we regret doing the things we do, but you and me know damn well we would do it again and again and again if given the chance, because that's our nature and it's too late to change. We literally live for this.
Now, if you want some real advice, get the fuck out of the internet. Lay low as much as you can. It's gonna be easy, because only Yea Forums knows you. 2 years will pass and you'll be able to get another kickstarter going to keep on living.

Now, I'm gonna be out to scam some of the guys I remember from high school in order to pay my rent for the month. Sounds familiar, Jake?

they should all go on his fruity podcast or use a mediator. get the full story. the REAL story

I'm making fun of you idiots for being so stupid, not defending anyone.

He told Johnny he wasn't on drugs anymore though, he probably believed it. Probably didn't even know most of the time. Jake seems to stretch the truth a lot and make up stories. We don't know everything that was said.

As interesting as that would be, doubt it'll happen given the extreme circumstances. Will be interesting to see what happens on both sides though.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

Jake's probably not even browsing this thread you're all just paranoid mentally ill fucks lmfao

>He told Johnny he wasn't on drugs anymore though, he probably believed it.
Yeah, Johnny and Jay were obvious too naive for this shit which is why Jake could exploit them like that. Now they'll know better.


It was a really stupid but charming game. Nobody here knew it was drawing things from real life to write it.
Then I heard him talk in a podcast and started suspecting he was a drug addict of some kind, but I assumed he was just a stoner.
Now I know it was something worse than that.

Jake has admitted to seeing Yea Forums posts in the past, claims he doesn't post, yet some of the past Yea Forums posts are very much shilling. I'm willing to bet that was him too. He's very aware of the Yea Forums posts, he searches the database for threads that talk about the game, looks up "anonymous agony" sometimes.

All these Js can't be a coincidence. What does it mean?

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Yea Forums is literally the only place where this fuck has any chance at getting funded, and given he's a conning junkie it would be dumb as shit for him to not shill his broken game on the only place where he can cash in for his next supply of coke and heroin.


Remember the time Johnny had a tripcode and came on here to talk with us but Jake gave him shit about it in one of their dev podcasts? Jake was pissed, sort of lol. Oh yeah, he KNOWS about us. Would not surprise me that he already chimed in and is watching with a bag of popcorn as we speak.

Gimme the quick rundown

John, Jacob, Jay-ngleheimer, Schmit? His name is my name too? That is pretty funny though.

That's the old stuff, I've seen that. Even there there's no concrete information on exactly what the hell is going on, past Juno talking in a way very reminiscent of MGS2 about some strange stuff that's nonsense without actual context

JJ&E remember?

Just let him keep playing dumb, user. AA is done for, anyway, and that's the only thing we wanted him for. He was a nobody for the world before, and now he's a nobody for us, too.

RIP Anonymous Agony. It was shit, but goddamit, it was soulful shit. At the very least, I'm gonna remember it fondly with all the OC we had. I choose to remember it this way and forget whatever comes next.

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tl;dr Jake is a sociopath who mismanaged his projects and avoided responsibility which is why the game has never come out, on top of that he hasn't paid any of the people who helped work on the game and treated them like shit, and on top of that he's also a drug addict with a criminal record for burglary, selling stolen goods, and neglect of his daughter.

Truth. This is the best statement I've seen in the whole thread. Gotta admit it was fun, but damn shame the creator is a con.

>mentally ill drug addict spends all day obsessively browsing 4chin

You're right lol it does sound plausible hahaha.

You guys wanted to make a game right? Why don't you start a real crowd funder? I'm sure Jonny would make a groovy project lead.
I was young once too but I wasn't fucking retarded. How in the fuck did they seriously fall for this shit lol
No. I just heard about this game to day no one really gives a shit lol

And he's trying to defend himself in this thread and failing lol. Also, apparently in an earlier screenshot claims he's going to clear things up in a podcast soon, haha let's see what he lies about next.

dont forget the autist on suicide watch lmfao


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Johnny, Jay, and Ekaj

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Pretty sure you're the only one laughing about that newfag. The dude has been genuine with the fanbase and he did have a tripcode to talk to us once and Jake pulled him out. I think Jake told him not to do a lot of things. Said Jake wouldnt even let him touch the kickstarter much which is why a lot of people's messages went unanswered for MONTHS, and duplicate steam keys were sent, betting that was Jake.

>I was young once too but I wasn't fucking retarded. How in the fuck did they seriously fall for this shit lol
Manipulative people are difficult to understand and avoid unless you're familiar with how they act and what they do to manipulate you. These guys obviously weren't, and were too trusting of him and wanting to see the good in him, which is exactly what he wanted as he made up sob stories for them to garner sympathy.

Creator of Anonymous Agony, a game made with sticks, glue and fake loading screens, is being accused of scamming Yea Forums 2 times on Kikestarter, which is pretty much true because we're never gonna see the full game and he already wasted the money on heroin and meth.
He also got all of the voice actors out of the game by now, including the guy who did Haze's voice and now he does AAA anime dubbing, so this shit's completely dead on the water.

You know what's funny? I clearly remember Haze's VA saying somewhere that he would gladly come back to end the job if they contacted him, but when I heard they saying he wouldn't come back because of "schedule problems", I knew something was up.
I don't have sauce for my claim because I forgot where it was written, so you can dissmiss it until I find where that shit was said.

This is the best explanation yet.

I don't give a fuck. Fuck off moralfag

plus it says in the video it was jake, are you even paying attention to the side you're defending retard? looks like I have to do your job for you.

doing your job for you, huh... kind of what like jake did with you guys. Makes you think.
Yea they were too trusting. Keep your personal and professional life separate buddy.

Yep, Matt Shipman (voice of Haze) didn't get paid either, he left because of that.

Without anonymous agony, what is there left? The new game Johnny's working on?

Anyone that falls for the "oh you'll get paid later" line is retarded and deserves everything they get. Only idiots work for free with the promise of money later down the line.

>being a Jake Caro apologist
I shiggy diggy my niggies.

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Anyone who backed this is a fucking retard and I'm glad they got scammed.

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>Jacob Caro wants to make a game
>Manages to convince naive teenagers to help him work on some ambitious rpg
>Steals art, music, and doesn't pay anyone
>When development on the rpg begins to stall he comes up with Anonymous Agony as an "in between" game they can make for cash
>Cue first kickstarter and indiegogo that Yea Forums funded
>Jacob vastly underestimates how much it would cost for Anonymous Agony to be made (he claimed it'd be a small project but wanted it to be 14+ hour long episodes) can't develop the game or afford to do kickstarter rewards
>Development on AA stalls, he decides to start development on another "small" game called Astatine
>In general, Jake wants to be very controlling of the projects while wanting to do no actual work, literally a fucking idea guy who gets asshurt when things don't go his way
>Person who wrote the doc eventually gets fed up and quits
>Has two burglary charges, 1 for child abuse
>Fast forward to recent years with 2nd kickstarter asking for $4k
>Jacob got some guy off newgrounds to replace the last manager
>Still not enough money despite the supposed revised scope
>Newgrounds guy gets fed up with Jacob's laziness; Jacob goes textbook manipulator
>Newgrounds guy and Jacob are currently in a dispute over who "owns" the game or whatever

>crestovity. lulz


I remember when the developer of this came to the moddb forums looking for help making it. Man, the scene has totally changed since like 2008.

I agree with this. I looked at the document, and the chat log read like typical #MeToo nonsense, a lot of emotive responses, but no definitive statement or proof. Just a lot of "I FEEL SO TRIGGERED AND YOU NEED TO BELIEVE!"

>scumbags are justified because idiots exist
Is that what you tell to yourself?
Besides the guy from the video that was the co owner was clearly unironically autistic, making him an extremely easy mark.


I mean, from reading the document I thought it was pretty obvious. But maybe that's just because I had experience with a person who did the same "anything you say I'll twist so that it hurts me and you should feel bad for me even if you were trying to talk about yourself being upset" trick you can see him do at several points.

Scumbags and idiots should be mocked in equal measure.

>AAA anime dubbing

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 35K)


Uncommon Time remains the ultimate so bad it's good rpgmaker game because the creator at least had a work ethic to finish it.

Attached: e5ee713c0622d1358684bcf536cf38e28be6438ca19e308a975fc5de6ac197e4.png (937x712, 346K)

I would agree with you any other time of the day, but given the fact this nigger scammed us not once, but twice on kikestarter to keep on fueling his heroin addiction, I can't really sympathize with the guy anymore.

I just wanted to know what the La Li Lu Le Lo's plan was all about...

Attached: 1553880670575.jpg (704x480, 191K)

Remember LORE?


>Fool me once

>chatlogs of the guy admitting his guilt and acting exactly as much of a scumbag as described by multiple people
>official arrest records
And let's not forget the fact that we all knew this game was never happening and that it was only ever "popular" here due to just how embarrassingly awful everything about it was.
Any more cool videos to share?

>>Manages to convince naive teenagers to help him work on some ambitious rpg
>>Steals art, music, and doesn't pay anyone
I had a chuckle when the image she showed had art that I recognised from Megami Quest.

Attached: MegamiQuest2.png (100x100, 6K)

We shouldn't let bogus accusations ride just because it fucks over someone we hate. It just leads to that accusation carrying more weight in the future when someone wants to abuse it.

Alright; he's dubbing for anime studios now instead of RPGMaker games.
I don't actually know about anime industry or anime dubbing industry, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Shut the fuck up lol nobody gives a shit


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>>Newgrounds guy and Jacob are currently in a dispute over who "owns" the game or whatever
Newgrounds guy is happy to hand everything over and get out and is demonstrated doing all he can to facilitate this, but Jacob is claiming otherwise and being difficult for some reason.

>that druid
Every fucking time

Attached: 1553275555475.png (360x333, 184K)

What bogus accusations are there? No one is saying he raped anyone. There was the child abuse fuckup, but they've already corrected that if you refresh the document.

I know. That's what pisses me the most. I was blinded by nostalgia when the second kikestarted went up, so I gave my money away like a fucking retard. I deserve to be mocked, but I also deserve to be pissed.
I don't really give a fuck if this faggot goes to jail or keeps our money and waltz out. Whatever, the deeds are done. But I wanted to see at least another part of the game, goddamit. Something to see if the charm was still there. I just wanted a taste of the good old days back...

>bogus accusations
Clearly not the case here. How would you dispute an actual arrest record that was in fact known about long before today?

This. Also something to note, in the document, there's been multiple occasions (like the sexual harassment claim) where Jake has tried to twist conversations to make Johnny look like the bad guy, and notice how quickly Jake switched topics after that allegation (in the second screenshot about a podcast)?

Who knows how long he has been doing this to Johnny to make him look bad when all he was doing was co-operating and being professional. Johnny said he was just going to walk away and leave it at leaving the company but then Jake did that.

Jake's the type of scum that throws a good friend under the bus, that's not cool.

Dubbing anime is for acting school dropouts who can't get jobs in actual voice work and it pays so little they usually need a second job. This is why anime dubs are invariably shit, anyone with the talent to work on something that pays better won't bother with them.

If they fucked up the most serious accusation I'm not going to take anything else they say at face value, even other "evidence." Snippets and cherry picking doesn't do it for me. Unedited and complete logs or bust.

That's only one thing out of many. There's actual facts, evidence, proving the other stuff. The reason they outed him like this is to show patterns of his behavior to show he has lied to multiple people, stretched the truth, and is aggressive, and was (or still is) on drugs.

It's very relative. It's not bogus, it's there.


There's proof of him saying he did drugs, and probably still is, and most likely used our money (and his friends') for drugs. What more evidence do you need than that? He's fucked up.

>I don't actually have any examples of bogus accusations but there probably are some

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Guess he can go to cons if he really needs the money.

Their "fuck up" wasn't even really a fuck up. What child abuse they thought he was convicted for in the outdated version is literally the same for the year he was arrested.

I know, I read the doc. Just wanted to see someone try to dispute the most damning evidence. God this board has some truly demented people frequenting it.
How pathetic must a person be to immediately defend even the most blatant offender simply because the people presenting the evidence are acting emotional about it?

If you're trying to argue against something like "post all the logs so people can form their own opinions" you're both stupid and dishonest.
And you'd have to be as naive as these stupid fucks were years ago to believe the "n-no it was an accident i swear!" nonsense.
>statues from 2011
>arrest from 2017
An arrest and charge is not the same as a conviction moron.


I really want to hear the podcast.

The updated state is from 2018 though. Ergo the 2011 statute applied until the 2018 one replaced it.

Because Jake hasn't provided any evidence of his claims, they have. Plenty. He went from "oh many people emailed me about johnny being sexual" to just "one, but it's shaky".

That itself says it all, on top of the emails of him stretching the truth a bit, including the latest kickstarter post Johnny highlighted in the video. He's a manipulator, Jake is.

The updated statue is the same as the 2011 one moron.

Nigger what? No it isn't, that's why all those posts earlier about it being different happened.

"A lot of information from 10 years ago" lol...right. Discord wasn't even around then. And the drug history, that was pretty recent too. So is the child abuse charge. Another example of his truth-stretching.

It was changed in 2012 faggot.

I got u senpai

Attached: oc.png (1901x735, 224K)


Also the argument that one guy had was that the statute from 2011 could be different from the one from when Jake was arrested. And lo and behold people look up the one from that year and it says the same fucking thing for what he was arrested for. Imagine unironically trying to defend a deadbeat drug addict who makes a living off kikestarters.

From your link, 2c
>(c)A person who knowingly or willfully abuses a child without causing great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
The fuck are you on?

Honestly, this is a bit dickish to be bashing blondie like that. He was genuine to the fans actually reached out to us, and actually he does have a podcast. I'm a fan of his, so this pisses me off a bit.

But at least you got the Jake part right so not like it's one-sided. Coming out with the facts probably wasn't either, I wouldn't call blondie weak. He in the past has done everything to get AA in motion and if it wasn't for him, Jake would've never released it.

It's because of him it's on Steam. He actually did work, made Jake work stop slacking off. He came to Yea Forums for the fans to interact with us when Jake didn't (well, claiming he didn't).

Bashing blondie isn't justified imo. At least he took the time to be transparent with us, meanwhile Jake left us wondering for years, and months between posts, no real communication for long periods of time.

I commend Johnny for trying to help us, Jake was kicking him around, like you are. Sorry but, gotta stick up for the guy.

That is completely different from the initial 2011 source.

>God this board has some truly demented people frequenting it.

Welcome to Yea Forums

Literally everything on the left is true though.

No, he does have a podcast, and it's just making him look like a weak crybaby when in actuality he's defending himself because he had no choice to since Jake was the first to throw out a false allegation.

So far I'm seeing Johnny's claims to be true, regardless of how manipulated he was. Given how many peopel Jake manipulated and the stuff he's saying, I'd like to say he's crafty, i don't think Johnny was so easily manipulated.

It feels like something is missing here. Maybe Johnny just wanted a game career that bad and they made some sort of agreement since Jake is admittedly a good programmer, and Johnny probably sucks at it. There's still stuff we don't know, we gotta get to the bottom of this.

Doesn't change the fact that he's an ugly manlet that's crying about suicidal.

I think you faggots arguing about law definitions are missing the point here. The dude was arrested and charged for the crime, either subsection of the definition is damning enough, wouldn't you agree?
I mean is this about holding out hope that the specifics of the crime were or weren't severe enough to win the internet argument or are you still trying to discredit the whole document over what is possibly a mistake in its creation?
Just stop.

No he's right I fixed it :/

Attached: oc2.png (1901x735, 264K)

Jacob has already breached our bank accounts, you've seen what he's done to RealFaction, and worst of all, Jacob could be any one of us.

Jake could be in this very thread, Jake could be (YOU), Jake could be ME, Jake could even be...

Attached: meet the jake.png (1280x720, 505K)

Laughed even funnier.

Top kek

Suicide is pretty serious, you realize that right? You know a few years ago or whenever, the suicide hotline had their second biggest callrate in history? People suffer from this shit, it doesn't make them weak.

I lost a friend to suicide, you don't joke about that shit. I'm sorry, but this is douchey. Johnny has been good to the fanbase, he doesn't deserve that. And given the doc, and what jake is making up over and over, it seems to all be true what he's saying about Jake, well and Jay.

I'm sorry but Johnny doesn't deserve the shade. We should be thanking him for getting the game out there and working for us, even if he wasn't aware and manipulated. He cares about us, Jake couldn't give a flying fuck.

Holy shit I'm sorry I need sleep.

The difference between the two is so great you'd have to be psychotic to brush it off so easily. Not surprising when the initial reaction to such a heinous crime is nothing more than a "yikes."

How many weeks have you been using the internet for, laddie?

Attached: do not feed the trolls.jpg (1280x1024, 188K)

Stop being such a fuck up and actually kill yourself.

>all these scammers getting away with murder
>I'm over here dying to create and put in a honest day's work but no one will give me the time of day

This is truly kafkaesque

You are being wayy too genuine in response to some random Yea Forumstard that can only express themselves in memes.

A couple of decades. I know. I'm still expressing my opinion though. He doesn't deserve this. He's worked hard just for these people to kick him in the dick? I'm sorry, but what the fuck thats shitty.

That's y it's funny lole :^)))

The difference between the two is not the point though. What the fuck is the point of your arguing here?

Watch your friend die, then you all can talk to me about how funny suicide is. This guy cares, and you people are giving him shit for helping us get the game and going through shit.

Everyone has bad days, and many people suffer from shit, he has every right to feel the way he does after the way Jake manipulated him, my friends have dealt with a bunch of "jakes" before. It doesn't surprise me everyone was fooled. They're smooth talking douchebags who are the nicest motherfuckers until you see their bad side slip out.

In case you hadn't noticed this project only got popular because we liked making fun of it and everyone associated with it.

Left a dislike :^)

...why were people giving money to a kickstarter for a fucking RPG maker game? Using the built in graphics of all fucking things?

Attached: ik5G18P.png.jpg (991x573, 58K)

It's important for all the information presented to be as factually correct as possible. So in that sense the original document was presenting incorrect information and should have been amended. Beyond that there's nothing to be said.

Is Jake literally the Nickelback of game dev's?
they did it twice lol

>Everyone has bad days
Tell me about it.

Attached: an hero.jpg (260x308, 11K)

What? Was that meant as a reply to me? I didn't even disagree with anything you're saying, just letting you know that you're barking up the wrong tree dude.

The point is that whoever put together the document deliberately used outdated information to make an accusation appear worse than it is. The disparity between nearly killing your kid and everything else is huge. You don't try to pass that off with simple "lol my bad" but fortunately for us it's obvious the "mistake" was intentional.


Anonymous Agony

now that was a con job

Attached: when you addicted to meth.png (250x229, 48K)

Yeah, Jake deserved that, but Johnny actually cared to answer questions and squash Jake's ridiculous expectations like games every 2 to 3 months, like...that's unrealistic. He probably wasn't listening to Johnny (screenshots show he hasn't multiple cases) and Johnny probably kept trying to give them more time, instead of being overworked and making more empty promises. Jake has a history of those.

Also, let's not make another Etika please? I understand the hate for Etika, but the guy didn't deserve to die, and he was pushed there. This is someone I'd like to see not die, because he is trying to save us and other people from being manipulated by Jake like they were.

So "doesn't know how to be a hero" is bs trash of a statement. He probably saved a lot of people from working with him and saved us the time of pouring more money into the project, when admittedly, we shouldn't have.

>people wanted meme game
>can't even get that

Attached: 1560714947862.gif (600x338, 2.11M)

>a hero
Keep digging that hole deeper newfag.

>Post YFW you didn't get scammed

Attached: gril.png (800x720, 249K)

I find it very unlikely a random Yea Forums user would be so invested in defending a known kickstarter scammer to the point they'll cry foul play due to a minor mistake that was corrected. Wonder who's really behind this post...

>So "doesn't know how to be a hero" is bs trash of a statement. He probably saved a lot of people from working with him and saved us the time of pouring more money into the project, when admittedly, we shouldn't have.

Oh my lord this is too precious.

Go fuck yourself :^)

>The point is that whoever put together the document deliberately used outdated information to make an accusation appear worse than it is
Not necessarily and in fact highly unlikely. Look at how much confusion it has caused to the people itt.

Can't blame a person with no professional background in writing up such reports for the tiniest fucking thing and then discrediting the otherwise overwhelming evidence.

>So "doesn't know how to be a hero"

Yo, nigga, you ain't from here, are you? The phrase "an hero" doesn't mean what you think it means.
For your mental health's sake, I advice you to stop replying to random people on the internet with personal issues. I ain't even being condescending. You gotta know when to take a deep breath and stop feeding the troll, dude.

Evidence? What evidence?

>and then discrediting the otherwise overwhelming evidence.
I didn't say that though.

Attached: a mood.jpg (1280x637, 178K)


>look at how much i samefagged anyone can be as dumb as me

Attached: Capture.png (1089x706, 91K)

Check out the second post ITT.

True you're probably right, but still, my friend did kill themselves and I don't really take this shit lightly. Mostly I came on here to defend RF as a fan. I've followed him a while he puts out advice videos and genuinely helps his fans on the server when they need to talk about stuff.

But thank you for not being condescending at least. Also, fuck trolls, I had trolls spread lies about me years ago and I lost friends because of them, just wastes people's time and should get a life. Then again I'm the one wasting my time arguing with thick-headed pricks like that.

Evidence you evil doers are trying to slander the GOOD name of Jake?

>noooo u can't call me out for being wrong u have to be with the opposing side AAAAAA US VS. THEM
Typical pussy faggot mentality.

Please do point out my samefags and I'll prepare a screencap for ya mister Jake sir.
Like go OD on some meth or something if you're feeling this desperate.

user please stop, at this point I'm just embarrassed for you.

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>Don't tell someone to kill themselves !
>Btw I hope you overdose on meth :^)

Absolutely disgusting.

That was such a fucking weird situation. Like, she actually did get some copies of the game out and if I recall correctly, the handful of people who got them did like it mostly.

I've actually spent a lot of money on KS at this point and nearly all of it actually has been board games because funny enough, they often are some of the most trustworthy ones. I tend to stay away from video game projects though because 9/10 of them do crash and burn.

Well, gotta give him credit though, he did put up a good fight with credible arguments. At least it's for a good cause and seems to mean well, even if misplaced lol

You're melding every single person in this thread together now?
You should absolutely kill yourself, stream it even.

No you fucking didn't.

>this is the attitude of SocJus warriors everyone

finally showing ur true colors... I knew jonny couldnt be trusted...

Why the fuck did he keep paying him? Was this Johnny guy into findom?

Attached: symphony_no_5_1st_movement__burn_by_kimi_the_sioux_d7exb8r-fullview.jpg (600x600, 60K)

Right. Well I'm off.

Fun thread overall, I'd normally report and hide this type of thing but AA is pretty much a Yea Forums exclusive subject.

Supposedly how the story goes, 2012, or around then, they recruited Johnny to make music for Divided Infinity, that came before Anonymous Agony, but left that project alone for "later" (meaning, never). Johnny became the lead beta tester for a long time, and got hooked on the game

As far as being in the fandom like Yea Forums, seems unlikely. He doesn't strike me as the Yea Forums type at all, even if he did use a tripcode to do Q & A from what I heard. I bet it was weird.

>donating to a meme
Only got yourself to blame

Yeah whatever suck my balls you retarded faggot

>As far as being in the fandom like Yea Forums
Dude you get more retarded by the minute. It's findom. Google it.

That's a new one for me. Doubt it.

imagine getting scammed by stupid shitty memes on Yea Forums
anonymous agony faggots on suicide watch
someone dig up those old Yea Forums leaks

Did the dev just entered the thread or something? sudden mass defense and the discord channel is riling up

Attached: 1453524106804.jpg (255x200, 7K)

We funded the game as a joke. All I wanted out of the game was some laughs. This new drama is a fucking riot and well worth the $1 I spent years ago. Seeing all these suckers conned into working for free and finally wising up and sperging out is comedy gold.

From the looks of earlier posts, Jake most definitely did, trying to cover his tracks and make himself look innocent. Johnny? Hard to say, but it's not impossible. Johnny are you out there? Lol

$1 goes a long way eh? These days thats the only thing $1 will go a long way with in murica. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Attached: 1507522550011.jpg (209x211, 25K)

someone fucking donated 500 and all you got is "lol its a joke"?

the google doc was edited so it's obvious the dude behind it made this thread and has been here all along. as if the rampent newfaggotry wasn't enough.


Don't you have a discord raid to shake up? think people won't know?

never make your shill group channel public. It's all bare

Attached: 1554184001843.png (499x525, 196K)

>the google doc was edited so it's obvious the dude behind it made this thread and has been here all along.
She(?) was literally namefagging here earlier sherlock.


dude you already hit asphalt with that hole you dug. Don't go any deeper with your bullshit

and then took the name off to samefag to hell and back.

Johnny, the guy in the video the OP posted a link to. The co-owner of AA's dev company, well, was. Was Jake's right-hand man until he got fucked over by Jake.

Is this one of those things like "search loli on imgfap"?

Well you're the detective here so I'll trust your authority sir.

Well at least he can now get the support he needs.

No I did it earlier because I almost made fun of him for misspelling femdom. Turns out its something different and really stupid. Getting off on giving someone else control of your finances.

you'd bring people on promising royalties, never release anything, set up invoices and payments but never actually pay them, try to get the "employees" to pay for putting the game on Steam, and constantly ask the "employees" or people on your project for Lyft/Uber fares, rent money and to buy kratom for you?
Don't run a business then. Psychopaths supposedly do well at it but it'd be better if you killed yourself instead.


The fuck is tgt


A masterpiece.

lmao do you give this retard money too?

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Same user here. Got to talk with my lawyer, he gave me the options, and now I gotta decide. It's definitely a slam dunk case considering the state of the scammer and the whole situation. The problem are the costs and I dunno if its gonna be worth turning a miserable person even more miserable. I'll think it over.

But after reading this thread, I am 100% fucking baffled that he's actually defending his own actions and samefagging replies to himself (I can fucking see it, ever heard of Yea Forums X you dick) now I'm motivated enough to do what it needs to be done. There's also 2 richfags on the 8ch thread that also feel the same, and I just sent this thread to them.

Now you're gonna experience Anonymous Agony you literal fucking faggot

Attached: 1496174342114.jpg (166x231, 6K)

You're even more of a sucker than the retards that worked for free.

>Now you're gonna experience Anonymous Agony you literal fucking faggot

Attached: 1378512362425.gif (250x250, 993K)

He's milking the game even more and he's going to sucker more people into his drama and scams. He should be stopped. Lawyer up, I say. Wouldn't it be funny if the case against him was funded by Yea Forums when we're the ones who paid him for the game?

Richfags ftw. Keep us posted! Don't forget to use anonymous agony in the posts, we'll be watching.

I'm up way past my bedtime and I can no longer discern irony from newfaggotry. Help me someone.

>Now you're gonna experience Anonymous Agony you literal fucking faggot


Attached: 1561799491097.jpg (956x960, 57K)

>Wouldn't it be funny if the case against him was funded by Yea Forums when we're the ones who paid him for the game?
This is a great scam just waiting to happen.

Reminds me of the Men vs Tropes in Video Games crowdfunding project that Yea Forums paid for and then they just took the money and ran.

That's why it would be funny but also supporting something against the creator we funded, irony. But it shouldn't go down that way. Let the richfags sort this out. I'm excited to see where this goes, he had this coming.

>yfw he starts the kickstarter to sue himself and steals moar money

>. There's also 2 richfags on the 8ch thread


Well he was a "portrait artist" so he's automatically a giant fucking loser. Doesn't discredit what he says though.

>Now you're gonna experience Anonymous Agony you literal fucking faggot

Jesus Christ, this thread was worth just for this.

We're definitively being raided by some outer entities here, because no AA thread was as stupid as this one was. 3 hours of newfaggotry everywhere, not enough smoothie times, Jake typing lol and lmao like the butthurt druggie he is... Man, this whole place seems alien to me, and with good reason: it was full of aliens posing as anons the whole time just to throw shit between them with the (thin) veil of anonymity.
Also, I'm sorry you and the other richfags who donated last second so we could feel the dream was alive again have to come back and instead of seeing a stream and a bunch of new OC, get into this fucking idiotic ordeal. Thanks for letting this old man feel a spark again, but to be sincere, I always knew we were never seeing the end of the game.


Attached: 1553874492366.png (281x288, 206K)

No he wasn't. He was co-owner and did editing work for the game and videos, something about the podcasts they did organizing those, ran the patreon, did a lot of beta testing for the game to help jake identify the bugs, did extra funding for the game (including lyft rides for jake and keeping him alive i guess), posting it on Steam and getting the game that far, and who knows what else.

He also apparently used to make music for Jake and theres a lot of unreleased tracks.

lmao yes. And this is only starting to get interesting but by far one of the best AA theads. I can't wait to see the AA lawsuit threads yet to come. This is a perfect note to end the thread on, if it's over yet anytime soon.

More importantly he's a little drama queen that cries about being suicidal.


No one's going to waste time and money trying to sue a broke ass junkie.

Get out of here Jake you samefag lmao. If he really was i'd agree, but nah. Jake deserves what was said.

Epic. I pressed some buttons in RPG Maker today too.

Ha ha holy shit that was out of nowhere.

So when are you lazy fucks going to finish the game?

Knew it'd trigger you babies.
Goddamn these threads are going to be fun in the future.

And ladies and gentlemen, we have reached past 500 posts. This shit's about to get legendary.

>Barkley 2 falls through
>Now this

Tumblin down

He did that as well as art. In the first page it says he redid art that was "stolen" for free to do Jake a favor.

Attached: 2019-07-11 01_00_31-Warning_ Coded Emotion and Jacob Caro - Google Docs - Vivaldi.png (709x120, 10K)

Better than being a drama queen who cries about needing cab fare and help getting off the street because of being a junkie child abusing burglar to scam money from his """friends""".

Attached: 1544066520396.png (600x636, 448K)

The author is not the guy from the video in the OP. He's the one the author refers to as Johnny and his chat logs are a huge part of the document but he's not the one who put it all together.

Game. When? Fucking mongoloid can't even grasp basic english it must be jake

well after this thread, he's gonna pull the trigger. Either a gun ends his life or a lawsuit

It's not worth it in any way, shape or form, really. There's no money to get back from him, there's not enough hatred to feel for him and it's more like pity, so I don't think anyone actually wants to prosecute this sad excuse of a man either.
And most importantly: no matter what happens next, AA is dead and is never coming back. Nothing anyone does will bring it back at this point. This was a horrible day for every single person in this thread and there's only one thing that can be said before this thread dissapears... like tears in the rain...


Attached: 1556121568990.jpg (1024x898, 126K)

He started wanting to prove he was a real story maker and artist so he started redoing early chapters of the comic while suffering writers block or whatever. It comes by EXTREMELY slowly and he has a lot of financial issues in real life. I remember seeing somewhere that he wanted to try remaking TGT without any of the copyright characters (imagine TGT with only shitty OCs) but source was some Youtube video that went through all the posts on all his accounts.

I didn't watch the video I'm reading the doc which is in first person.

There won't be a lawsuit. Only a complete fucking moron would go after someone with no money.

That's Jay, not Johnny. Johnny didn't make the doc, thats Jay one of the artists. Johnny made music for DI and did a lot of work for AA in terms of bug testing, editing videos, podcasts, patreaon, the discord server, and being Jake's butler lapdog online i guess lmao

>This was a horrible day for every single person in this thread
Wrong. I actually enjoyed seeing the mystery behind the demented mind that's responsible for the trainwreck that is AA. It's arguably better than any kind of follow up to the leak.

Goddamit, why did you reminded me that.

Come, sweet death...


Attached: 1561874735851.gif (400x300, 2.13M)

>it's 3 different people (Jay, Melody, Johnny) all using first person narration, all of them co-owners, who all did side art work
I'll just take your word for it. Too tired for this shit.

Just make sure you actually pull the trigger unlike Johnny boy.

At least now we know from where all that edgyness came from. What a shame it had to end this way. What a rotten way to die.

Too tired to read apparently. It's really simple dude.

>Guy who abused his child makes a game about an edgelord who kills pedophiles after his sister's raped with mgs2 themes and a persona 3/4/5 tone

You're the one putting multiple names in a first person document written by some fucking chick named Melody. It's not the chatlogs, and you just watched the video you dipshit.

Jay and Melody are the same person. It's her talking in first person. Johnny is the guy in the screenshots with username Real Faction talking to Jake, and he's the one in the video posted here.

First Barkley 2, now this?

Is this the cost of Bloodstained being a successful Kickstarter game?

Attached: 1545102466159.png (317x296, 134K)

Why even defend yourself? You're just some user who failed at reading comprehension. Not a big deal.

100% worth it.

We already had the gems, but we wanted more like the greedy animals we are.
This is just divine punishment.

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