Why do Nintendo games have the sexiest girls?

Why do Nintendo games have the sexiest girls?

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Other urls found in this thread:


cause no one else is even trying

they're literal children.


Theyre 16.


They're not, pedo.

So? Why do you care?

They are, faggot.

They are ink and pixels, not children.

Because unlike you I do not feel attracted to little children.

16 isn't pedo, it's hebe.

Just come out of the closet already.

The Unovan trainers were designed to be "16-18 years old" according to the character designer in two different interviews. This can also mean that Hilda in B2W2 was 19-20 at the time she's putzing around on the subway.

They're not, you kiddie diddlers.
>its just drawiiings dude its totally not that I fantasize about raping underage girls and use this excuse as a cope!!

Too old.

Then dont fucking post.


16 year olds are legal faggot.

unbounded retardation would be required to conflate 3D and 2D here. I mean you must not have spatial awareness if you actually think this

If trapfags don't have to call themselves gay, then I dont have to call myself a pedo.

Are you fucking retarded or just a pedophile?

That's right
Dont let regards define you

Are you fucking retarded or just gay?

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Stay out of my board, pedophiles.

Eat shit.

Go dilate retardera

Being attracted to 16 year-old girls is perfectly normal you retards.

>shooting someone in a videogame makes you a murderer
Why aren't you in jail yet for mass murder?

>cause no one else is even trying
>they're literal children

^These responses seem pretty accurate to me.

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He's right though, consent is 16 in about half the states and every state has their own form of the Romeo and Juliet Law

>its totally not that I fantasize about raping underage girls
The only one talking about that shit is you.


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It's Sugimori. For a time his twitter just had him drawing cute girls. He was probably sick of pokemon which is why he's not the art lead anymore for SwSh.

Because I do not derive sexual pleasure from it. Fapping daily to lolicon WILL make you a kiddie diddler. I hope someone arrests you before you ruin an innocent kid's life you fucking waste of oxygen.

Gamefreak should just make a game where all the pokemon are little girls already. It's obvious that this is where their design teams true passion lies.

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Aren't you hunting trainers in Masters? Can make a team out of cute girls.

Actual moémons would be pretty cool.

Even more so if they were born from their pregnant and most female trainers are constantly pregnant.

>n-n-no u
Classic pedo ""rebuttal"".


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Because you’re a pedo weeb

>Fapping daily to lolicon WILL make you a kiddie diddler.

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>unironically calling anons pedophiles over drawn images
When did Yea Forums die?

This isn't Yea Forums so who the fuck cares.

>For a time his twitter just had him drawing cute girls.
>He was probably sick of pokemon
Sounds pretty based

So uh...when are we getting more Pokemon Masters info?

>A study from [somewhere] by [someone]
>proving anything
Show me the study and give arguments that sustain your claim or get the fuck out kiddie diddler.

>dude, I totally know better than the Danish government

The study is in the article he posted, you can read it yourself.

Why even give him the (you)? Back in my day we called that "feeding the troll".


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u mad?

Because much like with review scores and criticisms Yea ForumsintenGAF gives bonus points to anything Nintendo-related.

Kill yourself cunt

>puritans thinking that sexualizing anime teenagers is exactly as bad as sexualizing pre-pubescent children

it's just the actual child molester that scream on the internet that loli is obscene.
They have to cover for themselves so nobody thinks they're the real child didlers

Children dont have breasts

and that's a good thing

Hilda was already not appreciated enough and now they went and made her a womanlet

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Why'd they draw her boobs like they're gravitating towards her face?

that explains it

womanlets are peak female

Everyone has breasts nibba, just that women are the mostly the ones that develop them larger

Well given pokemon trainers leave home at 10... You tell me?

Because cute teens are better than slutty adults

>tit man
>favorite is Hilda
>majority internet fanart is in consensus hilda id dfc and the subject of breast envy

its not fair


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Thats only a thing in the anime. Which isn't canon to the games at all. In fact all the player characters in the games are older than 10. So to summarize you're a faggot.

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>In fact all the player characters in the games are older than 10
Chicken-chan is explicitly stated to be 11 at Aether HQ

Yes, but constantly killing people in video games makes you become violent and you will have murder dreams and fantasies. Please go give yourself into the police before you actually kill someone, you psychopath.

We're all faggots here user, you speak like you don't belong here... Weird that.

You'll have to forgive me for not being brushed up on trash tier plot.

>user answers OP
>These defensive replies of people projecting their insecurities because they can't interpret the post in any other way than an attack on their desire to fuck a drawing

Oof. And look at this faggot seething already. That didn't take long.

>user says something retarded
>gets bullied over it
and everything is right in the world

I'd love to put my dingus between them.

I like how bashful the one on the right is, like she knows she's the bottom but is shy about admitting so.

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Because they focus more on cute rather than sexy, not saying they don't make sexy at all, but they focus MORE on cute.
Cute>sexy when it comes to amassing a fanbase online

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Cute girlfriends.

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Womanlets, when will they learn?

She's the perfect size for Rosa's breasts.

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post them in bikini

John Nintendo here.
We have an entire sub-division dedicated to creating appealing and marketable female characters.

>I never played the BW games
Hi, newfag

Attached: rosa 553522434232342432.jpg (640x800, 322K)

Do you pay extra attention to females that are visibly pleasing yet at the same time amusing?

It literally is, dipshit.

No they are not. You cant have sex with a Pokémon girl at Epstein's private island.

Fun over Ethics

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>16y old movie star
>has canon boyfriend

so Rosa is the one main character guaranteed not to be a virgin

>>has canon boyfriend

in one of the mangas probably, I guess Special

Pokegirl yuri is the fucking best

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He's a model at that

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Can't wait for the new Chorimokki doujins

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You just know she receives sexual pleasure from destroying boys in pokemon battles.

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rosa is for roxie

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So how exactly?

Who gives a fuck. If she has big tits and a nice ass with a pretty face, and for all intents and purposes can be either 14 or 24, just let the people wank their dicks off.

I need more Pokegirl yuri sandwiches.

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BW2 basically had a dating minigame in it, he's the female mc result
this is for the male

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>basically had a dating minigame in it
Basically had or had?

And that right there is the landmark reaction of someone who got called on their bullshit and has no better comeback than to project their own rage.

Good god you reddit lot are predictable.


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I bet you're a pedo irl, almost all people against drawings want the real thing for some reason.

you find their phone, chat during the course of the game then eventually have a date in the ferris wheel
it's as close to dating as pokemon is likely to get

Roxie is my wife!!!

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To say the least, that is a fucking stretch of a canon.

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>explaining why someone is retarded is defensiveness
based retard

for any other game, sure
but by pokemon's standards that's practically getting married
besides 16y old movie star dates super model is about as common as they get

Because they see what actual children wear

Nothing in pokemon that they wear is any less clothing than actual 10 year olds girls.

They were here long before you were, normalfag.

Got recommended this on Mahojg threads, I wish this series got another season, fun watch.

Good thread

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I can't get far in either the anime or the manga, because I'm mahjong inept. But if you're good with following the anime, I'd suggest picking up the manga.

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fuck yeah

I've never once saw a 10 year old dress like this. Maybe 12+, but never young than that.

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cut the suspenders and it's a common tank top + shorts combination

Why are Hilda and Rosa the sexiest Pokemon female protags

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good stuff

Just waiting for artists to start updating their Hilda's to the portable version.

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Just are.

Attached: White's adventure.jpg (847x1200, 468K)

And maybe a longer shirt, that thing she usually wore was almost like a sports bra in some cases.

She looks like she fucks pokémon

Attached: rosa hilda 34433242243.png (999x1294, 1003K)

Sauce on artist?

That's true of every Pokégirl

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>Jasmine and Magnemite.jpg

Yes and?

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Fucking pokemon can end badly though

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Hilda breeds with Houndoom on a daily basis

>he doesn't know

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poor girl

Emboar, you dipshit

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Damn, just makes me feel sorry for her.

Attached: Bianca's starters.png (1157x1637, 119K)

How do you even define a drawing as underage? How small do the tits have to be, how tall does she need to be?

can she even walk?

Fuck never mind, this is unironically sad

Says on the pedo website

>lewd images don't lead to kiddie rape
And? There is a big difference between a lewd image and an explicitly pornographic image. You are delusional if you honestly think pedo's only fap to images like in the OP. Have sex with an actual women for once incel.

Is that Punky Brewster?

the best choice

Attached: Bianca ass grope.png (768x1024, 459K)

You're the only delusional one, newfag. If you really think loli images will inevitably lead to actual CP, you're likely projecting your own issues onto others.

Attached: White's pokemon.png (400x400, 27K)

she died because of that breast tumor, so not anymore

they're canonically around 10 (and that's a good thing!)

That was only in Gen 1. Gen 2 and on have had ages 11-17, with the BW games largely being in the latter range.

Attached: Bianca Adventures.png (118x476, 33K)

Pokelolis are teens, teens have smol budding breasts

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holy fucking BASED

At last I truly see

she looks like that one actress from maladolescenza

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Which is odd given she's got some boob, at least when compared to a few other Pokémon girls who legitimately had not even a little bump on their chest.

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Is 8 and a half inches and chunky good enough?

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because sony won't let the world hear about lammy lamb

Depends on if she's been stuffing her ass with Pokéballs that day

Attached: White loves attention.png (700x700, 214K)

She has small tits. She's not a pettanko.

>Average length
Hope it will do.

Yea, but then you have some people who do draw her as being totally flat like Maylene and the few other flatties out there. Not that I ever minded much, given the love they've shown Hilda's ass.

Attached: Maylene.jpg (345x426, 18K)

Pokemon White was 9 years ago.

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If she has? And it's hard too, forgot to mention.

Learn to reverse image search. pixiv.net/member.php?id=1854020

>Why do Nintendo games have the sexiest girls?
>cause no one else is even trying
>they're literal children.

100% correct on both parts. fpbp, spbp, pack it up, we're done.

How time flies

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I want to experience the trick..

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Funny to think it all began with this animation.

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I want the trick to happen to me

The only good thing about gen 5 which is one more good thing than gen 4 had

do you know what the word "literal" means user?


This is odd, I remember when B/W came out Hilda was considered to be one of the older and more mature looking protagonists the game has and Rosa seemed like they took a step back to a younger looking one. But it seems this is actually canon and Rosa is notably taller than Hilda in Pokemon Masters? I certainly don't mind all the art that was spawned from this but I wonder what led them to this decision.

Consensual sex isn't rape, dumbass.

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Hilda had a fairly risque outfit, so the fandom latched onto the idea that she was older. By contrast, Rosa was far more reserved so she looks more like a Dawn in age range. At least ignoring the pantyhose. I'll note that "official" ages aren't usually given, at least on game release.

However, if you look at the story, B2W2 is a direct sequel to BW, taking place a number of years afterwards. Rosa being the older of the two is probably a representation of that. Hilda might only be around 12 years old while Rosa is 16, but the two are probably around the same age. Pokemon Masters is just showing Hilda as she showed up in her game, and Rosa as she shows up in her (4-5 years later) game. So Rosa will be older in Pokemon Masters because her appearance takes place later in the "canon timeline" so to speak.

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It's obvious that Masters is working on the idea of "what if they all came straight from their respective games?" rather than being a meetup of characters in some canon event at the present-most point of the series. Hilda and Hilbert never had designs for BW2 (or at least ones shown to the public), and so we don't know how they changed, if at all between the games. One can assume Hilda may have had some growth, given Bianca got some major honkers after mostly being just wide-hipped in the first BW titles.

Attached: Bianca BW2.jpg (480x900, 89K)

Actually, Hilda is 16 in BW1, and probably about 18-19 in the time of BW2, which is said to be two years after. However, Masters is just going with everyone's debut form, hence why the likes of Leaf or Sabrina aren't Christmas cake mode.

The hair. The hair. The hair.

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I think is canon that both the BW and B2W2 protagonists were 15-16 during the events of their respective games, but as you said Hilda and Hilbert were never given a redesign for the sequel unlike Cheren and Bianca who had an actual role.

We can see how GF was attempting to give players an older character in order to have a better connection with them and make the actions of the MC being able to take over dangerous threats more believable, especially for the older fanbase considering Calem and Serena (and the friends) were apparently 17 years old in XY. Shame SM had to give us yet another 11 year old and the fact they almost had no facial animations didn't help at all.

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I honestly cannot see Hilda as 16 in her appearance here. I mean, sure, I could see flat Hilda as 16. Teenagers are not hugely busty and so flat Hilda is quite believable. But she's as short as the Let's Go PikaEveee protagonist, and looks incredibly tiny. Either she's a lot more japanese than I thought or she's a lot younger, but Hilda at 16 is hard to swallow.

I mean, I'll still take her, but I'm not buying that she's a teenager.

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but it WILL hold up in most courts because you DON'T HAVE ANY REAL EVIDENCE TO PRESENT!

>But she's as short as the Let's Go PikaEveee protagonist
Only because her BW1 appearance is being placed beside Rosa, who while about the same as Hilda was in the first 2 games, would probably have grown some in the timeskip between games if GF hadn't decided to leave out the PCs from the first game despite BW2 being direct sequels.

>I mean, I'll still take her, but I'm not buying that she's a teenager.

But you can buy that her friends, Bianca and Cheren, were the same age as her and by B2W2 they were already adults, so by logic Hilda should be an adult too. Her Masters appearance doesn't help much considering her and Rosa's designs are separated by 2-3 years in-universe and since we never got a post-timeskip Hilda design, we only have her BW appearance, but she's totally a 15-16 year old when her game happens.

Also the LGPE protags are actual kids, not older than 10, is impossible to look at them and Hilda/Hilbert and say they're the same age.

Certainly interesting they didn't go with all the characters in their oldest canonical forms, but I suppose that's the fanservice for you, not wanting to make players have to look at nearly everyone from the Gen 1-3 era as 20 somethings or whatever, and everyone from 4-6 as late-teens.

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There a version without the text?

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Why was Hilda given such a supple and shapely ass?

Don't think so.

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Eh, in the actual game it wasn't anything truly outstanding, just a cute little bum in deliciously tight shorts. However, that was more than enough to ignite a decade's worth of art all around her rear. It's pretty much the same thing with Garnet from FF9; her in-game isn't all that big, but it's such an iconic feature of her design that there's always some new piece of art depicting it.

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Thank you based Kimishima for putting Treehouse on a leash.

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It just stuck out during her toss animation. Given that it was one of the first Pokemon games to animate its trainers, that was pretty noteworthy. And while it was a fairly normal pose, Hilda being in super short shorts while sticking her butt out every fight tended to draw a lot of attention, clearly.

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I still want to see official artwork with her hair down.

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They are children

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Pretty sure only Lana is. Mallow and Lillie are both teens.

I wish we could see an older Hilda/White, if only to see what kind of crazy new outfit she would have rocked. Bianca was somewhat more dressed up in BW2, though it worked with her new and improved curves, so one has to wonder if Hilda would have still rocked shorts or gone for something else.

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Actually, Lana and Mallow are already mid-teens, around 14-16 years old, Lillie might be 11 or 12, almost the same age as the MC.

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Perfect age to get fucked and impregnated

Lana is so cool and cute

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>Lillie might be 11 or 12
Really? She seemed pretty tall. And I thought it was only gen 1 that did the 10-12 range, with everything being teens thereafter.

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I like these ones

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Imagine the smell.

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Attached: Rosa stretch.webm (720x540, 2.68M)

How is she so perfect?

>only 16 with that body
>already a movie star
>won the world championship pokemon tournament, beating every other elite four, gym leader, and almost every protagonist in the series

Attached: 1539514115467.jpg (566x800, 332K)

Stoutland was a true bro in Gen 5.
>with you from the beginning
>far stronger than the local rats
>completely fucked over the common ghosts in the region

Attached: White's big butt.jpg (850x850, 92K)

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why is she so hot?

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That better not be cropped.

Thinking is not your strong suit is it?

Tropical heat.

Attached: Angie's ass.png (715x1000, 774K)

How about you post any evidence to support your opinion, any at all, but you won't because it doesn't exist.
Your position was completely pulled out of the air and based on nothing but emotional reaction.

>Pokemon, a game for literal children
>Full of some of the most fuckable sexy girls in all of video games
What the fuck?

Trying to stop kids for wanting to fuck the pokemon instead. Unfortunately it's not 100 percent effective.

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Attached: Maylene's butt.jpg (1536x1842, 223K)

Better to have a 50/50 effect than no effect at all.

Attached: Bianca butt.png (600x900, 467K)

The obvious answer to this dilemma is to double down on the sexy girls.

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It helps, but it would require a miracle to end the furry/beast menace for good.

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Makes sense, she needs to be careful when staying under the sun

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>he thinks there's a massive difference between 17 and 18 year olds

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Yea, I've never gotten that shit either. It's one thing to say there's a difference with 16 and 18 year olds, but it's obvious to anyone that 2+ years is of course going to see a person experiencing all kinds of changes compared to just one fucking year.

Ass shorts and pantyhose.

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>260 posts in
>thread not deleted
makes you *hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*

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I want eat her ass

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Shield is CUTE!

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So she date british men

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yes they are

Should i play Pokemon Black 1 to understand Pokemon Black 2? It's a dumb question, but this is Pokemon so whatever.

hypnosis is a pretty fun thing to use on cute girls

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Bad news for u

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I've taken your pokegirls picard, let's see how your *ship* fares without them.

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Always makes me happy when new pokegirls get the hypnotreatment.

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>this thing pops up
>mfw a wojak genuinely spooked me
I need sleep

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Sleep tight user

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No, you weren't, otherwise you wouldn't be in a pokegirl thread in the first place.

Attached: D-dpfjxU8AElv3J.png (617x884, 964K)

i like pixel lewds

Attached: IMG_20190626_131554.png (382x619, 31K)

Attached: Dat Misty.gif (500x281, 602K)

Which game is this?

I love me some ass tattoos, vines are kinda bad

Attached: 1560739838391.png (1433x2053, 2.34M)

Western devs under the gun of the "politically correct" types. Also since a lot of their ips have anime style a lot of those type's boyfriends probably don't play them so they don't care.


Attached: Nessed.png (821x689, 903K)

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Attached: Stupid sexy trainer.jpg (800x800, 386K)

Nah, you don’t have to

Why is Akechi there?

Those type of tattoos, black or white is pathetic

Attached: urehjj.webm (711x400, 2.78M)

Hmm yes I enjoy. This better not be something stupid like NTR though.

Nah, just need to know that N is autistic but good of heart and Ghetsis is scum personified

>literal children

Attached: 1562651089703.png (256x256, 26K)

Search for spatspats in sadpanda and have fun. I think all of them are translated so far.

Attached: D-isKWKUwAAp7xm.jpg (648x896, 130K)

I also need more gym leader /ss/

Sorry, only pure love allowed.

Attached: 1550163018108.jpg (500x625, 245K)

Some more Pokémoms would also be nice.

Attached: Pokemilfs.jpg (1705x1200, 457K)

whats the trick

>he doesn't know

Attached: Ash durr.jpg (470x353, 40K)

Maximum taste.

I miss when Ash actually had sass.

5 star thread.

Attached: file.png (1200x950, 1.28M)

Over 20 years will do a toll on any character's personality.

Attached: Watching Misty go.gif (480x360, 2.24M)


Ass Ketchum

Attached: Mallow bend.gif (540x304, 1.64M)

So cutest.

Attached: 1561720779-1.png (567x731, 77K)

Attached: Measuring up the trainers.jpg (1212x735, 244K)

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What does it mean?

Attached: 1562805555367.jpg (218x417, 22K)

She's dangerous.

Attached: __mao_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_sm_drawn_by_jikatarou__.png (2894x4093, 1.06M)

I want to live inside of Hildas panties.

I wanna be her pokemon!

Attached: 1522749559009.png (1200x950, 1.2M)

Attached: 1556630209902.jpg (752x1063, 92K)

Life isn't fun if there's no risk

Attached: Mallow behind.png (512x575, 403K)

are you sure?

Attached: touko_knead_by_pogojo-d3j76nm.jpg (1944x768, 411K)

Attached: lana mallow 3432423424323.jpg (800x1174, 156K)

Attached: Bianca sad.png (780x694, 697K)

Attached: 1553570215753.png (201x201, 24K)

Attached: Bianca cute stuff.jpg (800x1066, 1.01M)

>Have sex with an actual women for once incel.
No thanks, you carry disease.

Clair doesn't get enough love! She is my poke-waifu.

Attached: clairecuteasfug.jpg (992x700, 155K)

Yes, that's what makes them amazing!

Attached: Bakkie, Bell, Langley, Cabernet.png (1117x590, 399K)

Attached: 1533301178609.jpg (1200x800, 538K)

She's gay.

Attached: 1535999440257.jpg (829x710, 186K)

Has one of the nicest canon bodies

Attached: file.png (707x1000, 872K)

"You're a fucking pedo!" if you meant that that's the reason why they are the sexiest girls; "that's the reason why they are the sexiest girls" if you meant that people shouldn't find them sexy because they are children.

Attached: 1534366340842.jpg (411x418, 43K)

Attached: White's butt.jpg (850x708, 128K)

It's the Japanese way of assigning the value of individual value, for example, if a Japanese says "6v" when talking about pokemon, he meant that the IVs of particular pokemon are perfect (6=all the 6 of its individual value, V= 31), so U in this case meant IV of 30.
That picture you were replying to actually was a fanart listing the Individual value of the breast size of all pokegirl protagonist. So May has the biggest breast value (31), Rosa seconds to her (30), and Dawn has 逆V, which translates to reverse V, which simply means 0

Attached: Jackets off.png (1100x386, 338K)

How does Gloria rank on the pokegirl sexiness scale?

Attached: 1554403095219.jpg (1159x1481, 188K)

i like that lingerie. There seriously isn't enough Clair out there. I've tried finding some, but its slim pickins.

Attached: White surprise.jpg (969x1500, 453K)

Hey, you guys aren't talking about video games!

Attached: .jpg (2048x1229, 273K)

Attached: D_KaE0pU0AALjWH.png (760x900, 708K)

Attached: White sit.png (659x999, 662K)

She loves Black, but not that Black.

Attached: x8.png (846x1200, 667K)

No shit, it's Yea Forums.

Attached: 650bb1ceac2934837f544481c30f9ce3.png (534x1200, 193K)

But they're characters from video games, that's the same as talking about the games!

Attached: Flannery.png (409x530, 60K)

That's because clair is too old, honestly. The best fanartists are of course the japanese and they love the lolis.

>so obsessed with eating you forgot to finish getting dressed

Attached: 1541763007578.jpg (724x1023, 200K)

Why did you delete the previous post, white boy?

Attached: 500_F_112563227_t0Ce5RJiQ97FXW0SnkUbx9m5MdeOpKLZ.jpg (334x500, 67K)

i wanna lick her donut hole

My Hilda, loves me

Attached: White and Pignite.png (600x581, 283K)

happy to see Hilda is Yea Forums's girl

Attached: 24 2.png (640x916, 242K)

Attached: White point.png (1952x2783, 1.01M)

Because Yea Forums ate my pic.

Ive always preferred a woman with a good strong set of legs and a nice butt.

I just can't imagine Hilda being shorter. Rosa looks like she would be the petite one. I doubt they even thought of the time gap between releases of their respective games for the height discrepancy.

Attached: 1543263141883.jpg (1000x1000, 744K)

Attached: 75660575_p0.png (2150x2800, 2.8M)

All it just means if Rosa actually met Hilda by somehow going back to the time of BW1, Hilda would be shorter since she was only 16 at the time. If they actually gave her a canon older form, as she's at least 3 years older, she'd probably be the same height.

I never watched Gen 5 anime but did Ash battle her?

Attached: Unova butts.jpg (725x1024, 115K)

Luckily, none of the gen 5 protags appeared in that turd of a season.

They are both literally MADE for BBC.

Attached: 24.png (1280x515, 399K)

Neither of the PC characters appeared in the Best Wishes series. For whatever reason, they had Ash buddy up with Iris, who wasn't a gym leader/champion like she was in the games. And while Bianca did appear a fair bit, Cheren only got like one episode, and was oddly depicted in his BW2 form while Bianca was always in her BW1 outfit.

Attached: Iris drop.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

>Rosa looks like she would be the petite one.
That is precisely why it is better this way.

Attached: D-eckD3VAAE8sWj.jpg (1200x858, 187K)

Would have been nice if only for the potential ass shots of both girls, but the anime hasn't ever been all that interesting since the Kanto days.

Attached: Bianca thick.png (640x360, 430K)

Attached: Nuvema Town Girls.jpg (1200x1037, 963K)

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>Ash such a fucking manlet that even Iris is taller than him

Attached: 1531717813669.jpg (540x670, 55K)

I wish Iris would tower over me too

Attached: White jean clothes.png (841x1200, 1.39M)

Such is the nature of his eternal youth, he either resets or gets a bit younger, but never older.

Attached: Alexa's ass.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

I never get why the main characters and others don't age. Ash has to be at least in his 20s by Gen 7 and 8.

Anime directors being stupid. I think the main reason is that they don't want to actually lose that particular Pikachu as the co-star and they don't want to break him and Ash up.

Why did gen 5 have so many semen demons?

Attached: White's shorts.png (600x710, 306K)

Artist was thirsty as fuck. After Cynthia and Dawn, he just couldn't control himself. Gotta let it out, gotta let it out.

You think they could have just made his aging really slow. Like, have it be a year across the first series and the Gen 2 one, then maybe a few months for each one thereafter. Doing that, at most he'd only grow about 3-4 years and thus still have the shonen appeal of being a brat

Attached: Ash butch.jpg (1036x729, 182K)

Attached: White curvy.jpg (850x1114, 137K)

many images were saved

thank you my fellow degenerates

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Attached: Mallow baseball sexy.png (680x937, 296K)

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ok guys do we have any more of this

Here user i.imgur.com/nRVrTJ5.jpg

Attached: 1562723694620.png (1720x2366, 1.9M)

Do you have to be that athletic to throw a pokeball?

Attached: White sexy.jpg (1024x900, 166K)

You do if you plan on popping them out of your ass and pussy with great speed