You can only play as a male

>you can only play as a male

Attached: 1562707546174.png (705x705, 212K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>game has character customization

Attached: 20190710_145715.jpg (967x1508, 653K)

wojane is cute


Rent free! Rent free!
“Fuck responsibility!”, I approve this message
Said the jannie
Fuck Yea Forums

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why did he do it bros?

Wrong image.

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Or it could be like Unknown Worlds where they were bullied by Neogaf faggots into forcing you to play as a female in that shitty Subnautica standalone expansion, instead of letting you choose. Video game devs can be so spineless.

>main character is a woman

Attached: Scaredward.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Take your meds user. Jesus christ

dilate tranny. you wish you could look like that, but one female hormone too late.

manlet rage

Name one game.

That's a literal child

>you can't play as an Ampharos

Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)


>you can only play as a human

Attached: 231212512132131.jpg (705x821, 76K)

have sex

>main character looks and sounds female
>jack off to main character multiple times
>somewhere halfway through the game a new character refers to main character as "he" or "him"
>realise you've been jacking it to a guy this whole time
>stop playing the game and bury it somewhere in your backyard so no one will ever find out

So you won’t play it because of that factor?

That’s kinda sexist.

Buy my bath water you filthy whore!
I bet you look and smell like a boar!
If I unzip my pants, you will not get a choice in what is in store...

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>Yea Forumstards will angrily reply and bump OPs blatant bait just like he wants and then wonder why the board quality is so shit

Attached: Genuine disgust.jpg (480x480, 19K)

The only people complaining about board quality are either jannies in disguise or future jannies.

Imagine being told you shouldn't exist just because you're short


Attached: 2014FE46-C3CC-4435-BB67-FC27A9571050.jpg (720x576, 104K)

>open world zombie survival game
>no tranny drag zombie clowns

Attached: 3463634646.jpg (700x393, 131K)

damn it would be a shame if that happened to me haha what’s the game?

Also fuck that blue shirt betamale white nigger who thinks he's so cool protecting these women from the evil small person.
Kind of hoped he would try and do a suplex and break his own neck.

Women don't play video games. The only ones that do are more pathetic than the males who play video games.
Females belong in the KITCHEN making me a SANDWICH lol


>it's bait!!
>you can't reply to it newfig
>haha i'm so smard
Have you ever considered that it is just fun to reply to bait and that 70% of the threads on this board are bait?

I dunno, videogames are also fun

>Have you ever considered that it is just fun to reply to bait
Commit something painful

unironically BASED

>you only post redd*tmaymays

back to r/gaming

You want me to spill my milkshake on the floor?
That's a lie!

What is the name of this face only females who want to get punched in the face do because they are into it called?

massive cringe :(

>t. angry manlets
if you don't settle down, I'm going to hide your stuff on the top shelf


Attached: 1559606029295.png (604x630, 334K)

Damn honk honk you crazy

Please dilate

beyond based

This is what woman hating psychopaths make in their free time. They think it's okay to depict violence against women like this, so disgusting.

>beta orbiter spotted
I'm sure you can walk hand in hand with Stacy once she relearns how to walk after getting destroyed by Chad's cock.

what's that about?

What happen

Why is there no asian woman wojak?

don't project your perverse fantasies onto me, dwarf
I'm sorry you look like a balding small child, don't blame me though, your parents are at fault for that.

That frumpy jane has really no room to make fun of people's appearance

newfags don't know how to sage and its fucking 2019

They took er

The weakest person there is the giant retard who attacks the angry midget. How desperate can you be to look tough?

This. What a roasty.

makes no difference tb.h

oh look it's this thread again

kill yourself op

Woman are niggers

that's what I've been saying the whole time.
the small guy actually makes a lot of good points, and the women making fun of him should've been knocked the fuck out.


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Good to see that Yea Forums will side with literal beta orbiters and women over a based manlet.
No wonder this board is considered a joke.


suck my peepee

What game

Sorry user, but im over 6'.

*heavy breathing*

>this is the kind of people who were "discussing" about the male character in the new star wars game hours ago
good ol' cohorence

Attached: 1557798889836.png (613x613, 365K)

Shut up, you blacket whore

>over 6'
>not being specific
6'2 is the manlet cutoff point, so I'm going to assume you're either 6'0 or 6'1 because you don't want to say your actual height.

Got some shorties in the thread, now do we? And just so you know, short people can't be ""based"" they're fucking short. Like... lmao.


manlets are the lowest of the low and deserve to be made fun of
you simply exist for our amusement, accept your fate or kill yourself, don't go on tard rage mode

It's scientifically proven that if you're under 6'2 you physically can't pleasure women.


>It's scientifically proven that if you're under 6'5 you physically can't pleasure women.


Attached: Hey alright.jpg (1024x805, 31K)

>game lets you to play as a female

Attached: iu.png (2550x1650, 473K)

>don't treat me different because I'm short!
>why the fuck did you attack me? Look how big you are to me!

This guy is gonna kill himself isnt he

>game has animal companions

Attached: doggy dog world.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

It's not the bait that is shit.
It's the people replying to it.
The board has a lot of quality threads, but it's community decide to reply only to bait, while the quality threads only get 5 replies before they reach page 10 and are replaced with a smash thread.

Are you a nigger?

You know it just makes me want to bump right?

What the fuck lady

white women are so fucking gross.

Are you a whiny bitch?

you. just. know.

Yea Forums is for shitposting, bait, and spam. You'd have to be delusional to think otherwise.


white girls baka desu senpai

Yea Forums is /pol/'s breeding ground.

I'm not clicking that, nigger

Why are wh*Te "people" like this?

Attached: guaranteed.jpg (552x413, 19K)

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That's what i'm implying my man
People really need to know when to stop feeding trolls

Attached: troll.jpg (304x320, 9K)

I feed the trolls because I know it makes someone else mad.

ya naut gaud or my fautha

You're a babi if you don't know what is, that user is just showing that whoever OP is has been doing the same posts multiple times.

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In all seriousness why are “men” under 5’8 allowed to draw breath

That was sad, he didn't stand a chance.

Hey guys let’s not fight, can’t we all just get along?

This is why people shoot you first

Sad and funny at the same time

So it's Sunny?

It's always sunny

But what happened to set him off?

shut up bitch and thanks

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They way he pointed over the counter when he mentioned smirks, I'm guessing the workers were laughing at him out back

say it with me: YOU JUST KNOW

Incels on suicide watch

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I wanna fuck that wojak

I want to share lewds with a girl from Yea Forums
I don't care about the looks
should I kill myself already?

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I fucking hate male portags in my porn games unless they are either a trap or a shota.

ok, it's time for actual Yea Forums gurlz!!!
>29 years old
>fugly as shit and kissless virgin
>no friends nor family
>no high school diploma
>never go outside
>don't wash my teeth since ten years ago
>don't take a bath since 10 years ago as well
let's unite sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're just asking for 40% spam

Why would you do that to yourself?

it just happens, user.

>don't wash teeth
>don't bathe
any reasons for this or you just are okay with it?

i just don't care
it's not as bas as you would imagine though

Or my baus

that's nice
can you post boobs?

Attached: 1556744353299.jpg (612x612, 92K)



reminder that you're apparently meant to let wolves lick the inside of your mouth otherwise they'll find it offensive or someshit

my favorite thing about female wojak memes is that all the lines are purposefully smoothed out and all the little lumps and wrinkles are removed. females are so narcissistic and image-obsessed they can't even stand looking less than perfect in memes


A manlet learned a valuable lesson

Why doesnt she have ears?

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>Thinks he made a comeback but just confirmed his niggerdom

>tackle a mad little manlet
>I'm supposed to be impressed or cheer
How can you even be intimidated by him? That's like beating up the weakest looking guy in the building and acting like your the toughest for it. Go beat up Stelio Kontos then brag to me.

>ists not as bad as you imagine
Fucking horse shit. Gurantee your teeth are FUCKED if you actually havent brushed them in 10 years. Or at least your gums are swollen as fuck. Furthermore you have to bathe everyonce in a while. Otherwise youd be absolutely filthy.

yeah, who cares

but you are a man, tranny.

can somebody please tackle me in a bagel store? I wouldn't mind suing you for all you're worth and not having to work for a year or so

>he's white

Attached: 1551909752441.png (379x379, 269K)

Seriously post a picture. At least a close up of your teeth

Don't give her (You)s and just let her lurk

>go on social media for two seconds following this link
>find this
women were a mistake

Why attack anyone because he's making a scene? The employees should have told him to leave. He was yelling and being belligerent, but he wasn't attacking anyone. He didn't need to be tackled by some white knight who yells "YOU DO NOT TALK TO PEOPLE LIKE THAT!" like he's some kind of arbiter of who decides what.

user can you send me your boobs so I can jack off? I don't mind if you're fugly as you said
[email protected]

Attached: 1557687769091.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

Please clean your teeth. Take care of the bone you have. I'm saying this as someone who recently had to have 6 teeth taken out because they were rotted, and will have to do thousands of dollars worth of crown and bridge work. And I'm actually thankful that I still have bone left to salvage. Having my teeth taken out was the wake up call I needed. Please brush your teeth, take care of them.

Probably a tranny


short people have souls and emotions like you and me

stupid boomer wanted to act hard, now is seen as the person who swung first. hello lawsuit town

The best kind.

Attached: not me.jpg (1996x2015, 497K)

>clean my teeth every day
>a tumor starts growing in my gum
>try to go to the doctor
>can't get an appointment until two months from that day
>the tumor grows fast
>it's so big it covers the premolar
>starts growing even above it
>some nights starts bleeding a lot
>starts hurting
>finally get it removed
>have to take out the premolar too
>they didn't remove the tumor entirely so they have to carve my mouth again
>the wound hurts so much I can't even lie down to sleep, talk or eat
>the wound heals and looks good, thinking on putting a new teeth which would be expensive as fuck
>the tumor grows again, and after a month they take it out again
>same wound
>heals again
>starts growing again
this is hell
if I didn't take care of my teeth it would have been even worse

Attached: 1556188797590.png (391x391, 162K)

>caring about a character's gender rather than how well written they are and their actual character

Self Insert/Escapismfags are a blight on video games.

this is just like the whole its MAAM shit, cept resetera tards would defend a tranny for constantly being harassed but not a manlet for the same thing

>Gurantee your teeth are FUCKED
That takes a long time, though. I skimped on brushing my teeth in my teens, and they're pretty fucked now. They've been fucked for years, according to the X-rays. They still work, and I only get debilitating pain once every couple years, when one of them reaches the final stages of fucked.
Even when that happens, it's like an hour of drilling and it's basically fine again.
>youd be absolutely filthy
You get used to it.

Attached: neet life.jpg (500x2623, 235K)

>The only female in the entire game is your pet bunny

Attached: images (11).jpg (225x225, 5K)

is that yours?

>you can only play as a female
>you later learn from the creator's art account that the character isn't female
>in fact, she has a magnum dong
>several chicks in the game canonically have magnum dongs

Attached: MENUPIC.png (1366x768, 1.25M)

>game has body sliders

Attached: david byrne suit.jpg (1157x771, 193K)

I fucking hate trannies so much

Look at the little lanklets going on the defensive. Why do lanklets feel so threatened by this video? He's just a short man, c-cope, right? There's no way you're still a virgin despite your obvious advantage, right virgi- I mean my fellow 6'6 120lb chad? There's no way his genetics will outlive yours, right? ...Right? Oh no, what's that lankcels? Y-you're going extinct?

Trannies hate you too.

nice doom clone

Jesus dude that sounds rough. I hope you can overcome that.

This mod is pure heresy.

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fuck americans

thanks user
it gave me a lot of anxiety since I had a rare illness when I was a kid related to the jaw, and supposedly I was going to lose every teeth and part of my jaw
I fully recovered
some doctors mentioned that it could be that illness again
luckily looks like it is not

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>You can only play as male
Well, sure.
>You can only play as female
Cool, okay.

Is this a woman problem?

I don't mind unless he's cute or I can make him cute.

Oh, god no.
I got more though.

Attached: neet life 2.jpg (900x9794, 1.88M)

>You can only play as female
I hate when this happens

He's really getting in there, isn't he?

of fucking course, women are gay!


glad to know my gut instinct about this and the people who made it was 100% correct so I didn't have to play it to find out.

>that pic
the absolute madman

Why the fuck does it matter. You could say the same about race.

Mirrors Edge, Remember me and Beyond Good and Evil are all alright. What's to hate?

>female character has a courage to fight
Whould be cool.

>forgetting portal 1&2

always makes me laugh when incels bring up suicide rates as if it fucking means anything when it can so easily be turned on them
same for just about anything they like to bring up stat wise

I played them and liked it, i just prefer playing as males but i am ok playing with a female


By many accounts it's a pretty good mod/game.

The creator's art account is Yuffa on HentaiFoundry, for the curious.

Literally the only reason you know you are female in Portal is how the portals "reflect" your player model. It's placeholder tier irrelevant.

>guy is manlet
>guy is tall
>makes no difference whatsoever unless you're a literal hobbit or a freak giraffe
is this an american thing? Legit question

Attached: 1560747466806 (29).jpg (720x534, 55K)

Games like witcher where the MC is a badass hot guy I don't mind but I tend to play as a girl when I can

>you play as an all-female group of mutant musclegirl sky pirates

Attached: xpiratez_inventory.png (685x440, 12K)

>this is how trannies actually think they look

Attached: 1378779789103.jpg (800x804, 42K)

>take dmg
i hate it

I wish more people openly vented like this.

>you can only play as a male
>you can still dress like a girl
I will now buy your game

Attached: c951e11caf0db8d416241b77231c0882.png (699x800, 415K)

I hate seeing the birth of a meme. It's so dumb. This face pisses me off. GOD NO STOP
STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!

Why was this post so funny

Its just a general meme online. I think it started on /fit/? Since so many manlets get muscle to make up for their shortcomings.
There are some versions of the it in which anything under 6'5 is manlet tier, but besides making fun of people online I doubt anyone seriously buys into it. You know unless you're literally midget tier

Attached: 301.png (2000x550, 133K)


>You have to go on driving missions

Hi Yuffa

>besides making fun of people online I doubt anyone seriously buys into it
A colleague of mine went on vacation in NY and mentioned that upon using Tinder 99% of women had shit like "no under 6'2" or "under 6'0'' will be ignored" and I think that's kinda fucked up unless he was bullshitting me and is secretly into /fit/ memes

Attached: 1560747466806 (2).jpg (720x708, 30K)

White women only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

I resent that. My subtle fetish fulfillment old-school FPS will be in full 3d.

What's it like being a girl tho?
Do you girls really have to sit down to pee?

women ruined video games.
Now every game has niggers, dykes, trannies, or just sjw propaganda littered throughout.
I have gone back to playing The original doom and starcraft broodwars and fucking unreal tournament (real gaming).
You zoomer faggots destroyed video games permanently. There is literally nothing left worth playing.
Even now the best you can hope for is cyberpunk 2077, yet another tranny infested transhumanist game littered with your fat latino best friends and nigger druglords you get to work for against the evil white fascist state.
Oooo how fun, anarchy is da bomb yo!
you rap listening, dildo sucking, hentai watching, anime loving, little girl lolicon avatar having, DYEL(s), skinny underdeveloped no personality having, ugly fucking soiboy lanklet, donut eating pop drinking mouth breathing subhuman zoomer meat bags really need to be fucking slaughtered en masse.

>tfw manlet
I'm not insecure about my height, but things like this make me not want to leave the house sometimes.

Attached: 7r6hwixupt511.jpg (633x758, 31K)

Women are able to get away with having unfair standards because degenerate men keep rewarding and defending thottery.

Jesus that woman is ugly, her legs look like cased sausages that have been sitting out festering in the sun

thats not a chart about incels you mental midget slut.
Married men makeup literally 94% of suicides you utter fucking retard.
We should really kill all white girls

>Baiting this hard.
Please cease exsistance, the tranny option is not open for you.

That sucks, man. I have a rare medical condition that makes it impossible for me to eat sometimes. My teeth are perfect, my skin is great, I'm (relatively intelligent), my hair is nice, shiny and smooth and not receding, and I have an easy time building muscle, but I'd trade it all away to not have to suffer from this shit.

Imagine the sphincter to your stomach staying shut, no matter what. Sometimes for multiple days. If you try to eat or drink something, the esophagus swells to bursting like a fucking balloon, and the pain is worse than that of any bone I've broken. It's pretty analogous to a hard kick to the balls, but in your chest. And the worst part is trying to get that stuff out of there. I have to hover over a sink for hours on end, sticking a finger down my throat to force myself to vomit up whatever I ate. Anything slightly acidic comes up tasting/feeling like vomit as it mixes with whatever I ate, even though no actual vomit comes up because my esophageal sphincter is closed. And the burn of the acid against the sphincter just doubles my pain.

Those of you that eat with no concern, cherish it.

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Man this thread is really fucked up. I feel bad for lots of you but Jesus calm it down

What a terrible thread

Vanilla loli is great, though.

Attached: 1555795184179.png (400x400, 4K)

i.e. lanklets.
All lanklets are degenerate druggies who talk like niggers (senpai, lit, senpai, hella, fire, gucci). Lanklets are literal subhumans, all of them drink monster energy, use or have used gay ass vape pens, all if them smoke weed, all of them play ps4 (the gayest games like overwatch, rainbow siege, for honor, fortnite).

Lanklets are unironically all soiboys and are the problem with the world.
pic related, the lanklet subhumans who made battlefield 1

Attached: Knapnok-Games.jpg (640x380, 110K)

I'm not opposed to a female main character in concept, but in reality it's almost NEVER done well.

It can easily be used to justify game mechanics, like focusing on stealth because a woman doesn't really stand any chance in a stand up fight against a man, or to use political marriages to influence game story, or so on.

But in almost EVERY single case there is none of that, and is done solely to either appease SJWs, or get fanservice money from suckers and weebs.

Attached: 1559202060837.jpg (925x901, 145K)

>mfw im 5'9"
curse my shit genese

>manlet stepping out of place
deserved everything he got, and he deserved more worse still

>more worse

Attached: fad.jpg (1920x1541, 126K)

the fact is theyre just pandering to the majority.
Look how much money marvels end game made.
Look how much money battlefield 1 made. Look at these sjw faggot games for queers, and how popular they are.
Theres an ever growing surplus of subhumans (weeaboos, chinks, niggers, spics, women) all the scum of the earth gathering to influence the gaming market and to shit all over it with their cancerous filth.
Yes, women have literally permanently ruined gaming forever, it will never be undone in our lifetimes.
Just go back to fucking playing tetris on nintendo 64. Theres nothing left for you here.

when will they learn?

Not him but what is it, then? Tumors growing even after being removed sounds like cancer

Attached: 15493666732.jpg (1150x911, 521K)

doctors are talentless know-nothings, and 99% of their advice is actually harmful.
Its most likely not even a tumor, a quick fucking wikipedia search could tell you what most doctors cant.
College is a joke, its just a place where zoomer and millenial subhumans go to feel smart but learn actually nothing.

America is fucking doomed

sorry none of those things were successful because of the sjw shit they threw in it, they just hijacked classic properties and ips that were already successful and could not fail anyway


nice non-argument, tranny

what is that face thing called?

>googling illnesses
absolute lmao

a kind of non threatening tumour which if you don't remove everything it grows back
also it grows back after some years

Attached: the left can not meme.jpg (480x272, 20K)

A tranny dilates.
Axe wound leaks yellow pus and
flies smell rotting crotch.

- a haiku

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god i wish that were me

Is the creator's porn account really canon? That just seems silly.
You can tell immediately from the sprites. Still some good fun.

who the fuck is on the left?

wanna fuck


There's nothing left wing about the image, but good job revealing your persecution complex

Hahaha always funny to a watch a big mouthed midget with small man complex get reminded about reality.

How the fuck can a human live like this? That destroys your mental health living in a death chamber, let alone you cant bring home a sexual partner to that fucking grime. Clean up your house ajd i guarantee youll feel better about youtself and your outlook on life guy. Cause that house is straight grime

The official stance is that the game is SFW, but every NSFW drawing of the character, including those done first-hand by the creator, feature her being rather well-hung.

The Day of the "You Must Be This Tall to Ride" is coming

How will manlets EVER recover?

Attached: 1555382426333.png (362x259, 156K)

>a phone recording video footage?
>an easy target that everyone has labelled bad?
>oh boy, white knight points here I come!
"STOP BEING ANGRY AND MEAN!! FUCK TRUMP!!!" *dives on guy half his size* "d-did you get that on camera??"

because fucks like you keep falling for bait. you will flip absolute shit whenever the slightest amount of worm is on the hook. grow a pair, shortie.


>not me.jpg
what file is saved as me.jpg

Of course there is.




Attached: 495.jpg (2896x2896, 414K)

>anime avatar
It's a tranny.
Actual women will NEVER put an anime pic instead of a pic of themselves.

leftards overexplain to appear intellectual as your post tries to belittle another with a diagnosis

That’s not even fixeable. At that point just burn the place down and start over this time actually cleanly

>woman is a consolefag
>man is a PCfag
>original pic implies this relationship would be possible

Attached: 1549480779433.gif (300x167, 981K)

>american mindset


Excuse me sir, you dropped your soi latte. Here, I made you another, with extra estrogen!

hihi he farted :D

shut up niggere

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>unironic use of "incel"

Attached: legasov have sex.png (1280x574, 573K)

Attached: have_sex2.jpg (1250x849, 39K)

So video game devs are psychopaths?


It is funny how many retards now think any criticism of pathetic incels could only be a left wing attack on the right. What does that tell you about how these people see themselves?

Remember when Yea Forums called themselves Yea Forumsirgins? Now that would be considered the SJW agenda.

anything mocking any man is seen as an attack
we can't even laugh at the angry manlet video without people crying about women
the culture war made everyone a retard

>Its most likely not even a tumor, a quick fucking wikipedia search could tell you what most doctors cant.

I would be mad, but I take pleasure in knowing you are definitely going to die in a retarded way

I don't understand. They made fun of his height and tried to stand up for himself. But for some reason all of the comments are making fun of him. I feel like I'm missing something. Because this just seems cruel to me

He is short. There is not much more to the equation.

Attached: halo effect - normalfag's mantra.png (797x237, 31K)

>Can't play as dog.

Attached: Screenshot (1167).png (890x865, 950K)

Yeah, I was laughing at first. But with more context it's kind of fucked up.
Comments talking about how the short guy needs to be involuntarily institutionalized, that he needs to be monitored by the FBI and be forbidden to own a firearm; talking about what a misogynist he is in the same breath as mocking his height as a man. Like, what? The guy tiny guy that got tackled for yelling by a guy twice his size? Yelling because people public mocked him for something completely out of his control?
Why are short men just shit on so hard I this supposed age of tolerance? I'm average height and it still feels shitty sometimes.

>t. thinks 5'9 is """"average""""" height

This stuff doesn't come from a rational place or place of greater awareness, kinda like seeing a bunch of chimps ganging up on the perceived weaker other and then flaunting vulnerability when he reacts like if he was a threat or something, its so primal and raw.

Attached: Munching.png (371x353, 148K)

Pretty sure it's 5'11" in my country.

>all the insecure manlets itt
Lmao. Some day you will also learn

the only way they will learn is when it's finally made legal to hunt manlets for sport
and the world will be a better place for it

Why are Americans so obsessed with being tall?

>you can't date male party members unless you pick the female MC

Attached: 1477882030227.gif (408x303, 708K)

Because they're niggers and the only non-crime shit niggers do is basketball.

Hiya, pal! /pol/ & Yea Forums are that-a-way, faggot!

Only acceptable if I get to also date pretty ladies as the male protag

>calls people "faggot"
>redirects to /pol/

>only the races with similar builds to humans have playable females because the devs didn't want to model an ogre or dwarf female


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>replying to low quality bait thread

>Not realising that Yea Forums has low quality posters, barely above Yea Forums.

why is he bringing up dating sites in a bagel shop

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How did this start?
Jesus christ I hate this herd mentality shit on the internet. As far as I can tell people were laughing at him and he got justifiably upset. I know social issues can be complex but I swear some people just lose sight of basic right and wrong, wrong being, "don't make fun of people for shit they can't change". Like they need a gradeschool teacher to sit them down and ask "how would you feel if it was you?".

I crave more.

yeah kill yourself
anything is better than fucking a tranny

>He doesn't like ganghand-holding

I think I know what you're feeling user, except this only happens if I eat onions. It feels like it got glued to the walls of my stomach and is burning a hole into it, i'm basically stuck in my bed sweating in pain for the next 24 hours, also do you get that disgusting thing where the smell of the food keeps coming out of your mouth?

imagine being an INCEL and a MANLET

>you can't date female party members unless you pick the male MC
if japan would come around before I die of old age or the collapse of civilization

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They cut out the part of the video where they were shitting on him for his height

That's embarrassing. I couldn't even imagine being such an insecure shrimp.

Play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate available for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite.

Welcome to reality. Life for men is not as easymode as it is for females.

i am 5'9 and could fuck you up easily

He verbally abused the women on that place. Fuck off incel

stupid fucking manlets AHAHAHAHA

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This kind of mob-hate is honestly kind of disturbing and I've been seeing it more and more in recent years. It's like people forget how to act like human beings for 5 minutes and revert to just using their lizard brains

The world is worse in other places, but there are bad things all around, and human beings are definitely not as good as some think. We're not as far from the jungle as we think. Be strong out there my friend.

Femjak porn when?

It's so you autists don't shit talk him lol

Fake until I see a picture of teeth

Dude, as long as you're not visibly nervous and insecure about your height in public, no one will care

meanwhile Yea Forums loves to rag on the tranny but flies to the defense of the manlet who got mad at a random group of people because nobody ever loved him.

Really telling about their respective demographics isn't it?

>are a newfag


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>tfw no qt manlet bf

Salty /pol/ nonwhite


My lil sis would browse Yea Forums on her apple laptop.

Girls > lgbt

manlets aren’t people
only fellow manlets would ever defend a manlet
go fucking kill your self you pathetic waste of time and flesh

there is literally no legitimate reason to use tinder unless you are using it to stage serial killings against the userbase.

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Exhibit A

Yeah until I place my hand on your forehead and extend my arm

What kind of games are you into? I'm still able to find lots of fast paced execution based games, you just need to get away from mainstream shit

Didn't someone actually do this?
I recall this happening, but can't remember any details.
Or maybe the tinder sluts were only the motivation or something.

>mfw literally 5'1 and never got into a fight in my life

Honestly, just don't be a fucking dick to people and you won't be bothered like that. Honestly, the worst thing about height is that sometimes it's hard to be taken seriously in a discussion, but most of the stuff about being completely ignored by women and being made fun of constantly is pretty bullshit. It's true to an extent, but it's not but it's not an excuse to get assblasted mad like this guy. You can make up for it by having a little bit of charisma and being able to take a joke should someone throw one out.

>t. extreme manlet

t. extreme manlet with

>act tough
>start the scattershot because you're unhinged
>tell a motherfucker to shut up or fight
>he fights
>you lose
>play the victim
dude is a faggot.

Defending himself when getting poked at isn't the same as becoming 51-50 and screaming at everyone in the fucking bagel shop.

Sorry, meant to post
>t. extreme manlet with an okay social life despite spending at least 4 hours a day in this godforsaken place [spoilers]cause I genuinely enjoy it[/spoilers]

Forgive my retardation.

Why is a customer yelling in a store making news? Is it that much of a slow news day? Shit used to happen all the time when I worked in retail, it's a common occurrence.

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You've never gotten into a fight because you're a spineless sycophant who doesn't stand up for yourself. That's exactly what you're doing in this thread, with this post: selling yourself out in hopes that you will be patted on the head as a reward.

>you will be patted on the head
You get headpats for this shit?
Maybe I should do what he does

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Not that user, but I do get the smell of the food I eat coming out of my mouth occasionally. I think it's normal

>not a single mention of gameplay
maybe reddit or /pol/ is more your speed

white women need to be purged

>creator's art account

I should clarify, it's not that I haven't stood up for myself before. People can be really annoying with that shit, but going full Napoleon Complex isn't going to help. It's just going to reinforce the stereotype further. All there is to it is just politely point out they're mocking something I can't change, and ask them to stop. 95% of the time it works, and the remaining 5% just look even more like an asshole (and just to clarify, this isn't something I do every time someone makes a short joke, I get that shit everyday. I mean when someone is doing it constantly and excessively)

I don't want headpats, just the same amount of respect you'd give any other person, and I try to return that same respect in kind, and guess what? Shit like hasn't ever happened.

Besides, as a manlet, picking a fight with a dude twice your size is a fast track to getting fucked up real quick. I get he wants to vent and being short is frustrating at times, but that isn't the way to go about it.


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Holy shit, you are not only a midget physically but also mentally.

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Face >>>>>> height.

I can help with that

only applies if you're average height or taller. us manlets are disqualified.

Book of grudges is probably taller than you are.

Its amazing no one seems to realized that the tackler will be charged with assault and battery. Maybe even discrimination charges. Midget is gonna get a nice payout from court over some public chimpout.

Wrong unless you're like under 5'6.
Face is king and proven by scientific studies.
Height(as in be 6ft or its over) is a tinder/Twitter meme.

Yes, but only because it's also taller than you are.

Trannies choose their path
If they didnt their parents choose it for them before they even had a chance in which case it's normally the parents that are the object of criticism
Most of the time it's more bitching about how the everyone wants to treat cutting your dick off is normal and healthy
>Yea Forums is one person

Pic related is 5'9.
He's not getting laid right lmao?

You easily destroy height obsessed fags with any good looking manlet. They don't live in reality.

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I defend trannies too, though.
If they're mentally ill, it's wrong to shit on them for that.

I've "cleaned" places like these. I say "cleaned" because nothing short of stripping it to the studs and sealing it would ever contain the smell.

How is this thread still up

Were they actually laughing at him though or is he just so insecure he assumes they were? Dude chimp'd out for no reason

>you can play a little girl with a huge hat
Name me 3 games Yea Forums

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I live in an asian country so everyone is short, people usually hate americans in general but its interesting how the dehumanization agenda in america is going.

Honestly this would be better bait if the wojak was clearly crossdressing like a flaming fucking twink faggot.

I mean that seriously: everyone knows if they put on their programming/gaming stockings they get that much better.

You inherently have little value in the eyes of society as a male.

>tfw 5'3"
It's hilarious when anons complain about being 5'10"

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I'll give you four
>berserk musou (as Schierke)
>FFXIV (or any asian MMO)
>a hat in time

what did i win?

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How the fuck hasn’t anyone notice how freakishly big her feet are, that’s probably the whole joke of this picture

I'm like 5'1 because of a disability. That is true incel suffering you people can't even imagine