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Can't you see Yea Forums?

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escapism isn't inherently unhealthy.
everything in moderation.

Reminder Marche is the villain and only redditors try to justify his actions.

If Ivalice was just a fantasy world that was made up by the cripple kid, where the fuck did FF12 take place?

>Leaving the bullies and likely countless other people trapped as monsters against their will
Nah, Marche did the right thing.

>Implying they didn't want to be those things
The bullies even showed up as different monsters later which proved they have the ability to change form if they desired to, which they did.
Marche did everything wrong.

The real Ivalice like TA2

Maybe it was a fantasy book written about a real place.

>which proved they have the ability to change form if they desired to
Or that every time they’re slain they get reincarnated in an endless cycle of hell where they get treated like mindless enemies for all of eternity. But, you know, it’s clearly what they want, right?

>Implying this isn't the wish for the Bullies to all die manifesting in a twisted fashion
They're being forced to suffer over and over again for the other character's desires. It was escapism. It wasn't healthy.

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i think at the very least he should've let everybody who did not want to be there leave

Can you prove your theory, or will it just be a theory?

it's funny because he sent mewt away and stayed in ivalice to bro it up with his dad

I got spoiled on the interface for A2 by playing it first.
Playing Advance feels like a chore in comparison.

Bright side, you don't have to do random battles for loot to get mediocre weapons.

more like bright side races other than viera and humes are usable

I always hated that retarded judge system they added in the advanced games.

Attached: mfw_lawfags.jpg (620x620, 147K)

>but laws
Thanks for posting this picture based user


>not posting the real version

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